Just another client

Story by Timrahil on SoFurry

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A fox meets up with one of his "clients".

Howdy! This is just a little something I've been doing tonight while also working on the next MDWA chapter. It's a smut story and maybe a bit different from my other works. I had fun writing it though, and hopefully so will you! Remember to comment, vote and fav if you enjoyed it! Especially comments are always welcome! Have fun!

I straightened my clothes out a bit and looked at myself through the mirror on the elevator wall as I patiently waited for the elevator to reach the right floor. I wanted to make sure my clothes looked alright and, more importantly, that I looked alright. I didn't wear any special clothes or anything, since my client didn't care much about that, but even though my tight fitting blue jeans and my white shirt looked simple enough I still wanted to appear somewhat professional and make sure my clothes did look proper enough.

I had made this procedure plenty of times before so it was all very familiar to me. The simple clothes, the long elevator ride, the slight nervous feeling that got to me as I watched the numbers on the little screen above the elevator doors telling you what floor you were on...

Yeah, it was all familiar. Especially with this particular client.

I was a male prostitute. Although, I'd rather prefer to be called "escort" or simply just "company". While the main "duty" in my job was indeed to have sex with my clients, that wasn't all I did and was of course not always the case. While most clients just wanted to stuff my nice looking little rear full with their dick, other clients just wanted nothing more but someone to talk with. I was always happy to do one or the other, or even both.

I had been doing this for a little more than two years now. I started when I was nineteen and ever since I started, I couldn't really bring myself to find a "real" job. Or rather, what was actually legally considered a job.

And it's not like I was only in it for the easy money. Like so many others, I love sex. And to me, getting paid to have sex is... well, it feels pretty damn good! I think I was a little bit unique like that, considering that most others who "sold their bodies" didn't much enjoy it and were only in it because they couldn't get money any other way.

I did feel a little bit sad about those that felt they had to do things they were really uncomfortable with in order to get food on the table.

But unlike those, I was completely happy with my choice of "career" even though it could get me into some trouble with the law.

And after having been doing this for two years I had also managed to establish a connection of regular clients, so I didn't have to offer my services to just any lonely gay guy anymore. Most of the time I could keep myself busy with my regular clients and I really only offered myself to new guys when I felt I wanted to spice my job up a little bit by being with someone new.

Tonight I was going to one of my most regular clients, a handsome looking tiger in his mid-thirties called Mr. Lancaster. He was a businessman and was becoming a fairly big name within his industry. He always had his own company's best interest in mind, and because of that he had chosen not to come out as a gay man. He knew that there were many out there who, even in today's modern society, hated gay people and he wanted to keep his homosexuality a secret to make sure he wouldn't scare off any potential future deals or collaborations. He didn't always like having to live like that, but it was something he was willing to do for the sake of his company.

And that's why he had also become one of my most common regulars.

I don't know how he had heard about me in the first place, considering he didn't hang out with gay people, but he had managed to find the number to my "work" phone and set a time for our first meeting. Right away he had proved to be a bit different from most of my clients, as he didn't just want me for the sex. He wanted me to come over and be someone he could share dinner and maybe a movie with or maybe just idly chat while sharing a few drinks and not do anything sexual before he felt it was time for it.

I guess he wanted someone that could pretend to be his mate for a night, since he didn't have one.

He wasn't one of those clients that would actually think something was really growing between us though. He was just a client, and he knew that well.

Well, maybe not JUST a client. He was a special one, that's for sure. He was the only one I had allowed to hire me for a longer time than an all-nighter. I felt safe around him, and when he had once asked if it was possible for me to maybe stay a whole weekend I had said yes. Had any other client asked me that then I would've said no. But Mr. Lancaster I felt safe to spend a full weekend together with.

He probably would've made a pretty good man for someone if he didn't feel the need to hide his sexuality.

Even though he paid me to have sex with him he would never force himself on me if I didn't feel comfortable for one reason or another. I could've had a rough day and didn't really feel in the mood to actually "be of service" to him, but he'd be understanding and, rather than forcing me to do what he had paid me to do, he'd just cuddle up with me and talk and do whatever I felt comfortable doing. Sometimes he'd even do his best to cheer me up if had had a really rough day.

Had he been ten years younger I might've stopped accepting his money and rather tried to pursue a different kind of "relationship" with him since he was a very sweet man that probably just needed some love in his life. It's not that I discriminated against older guys, I just didn't feel comfortable about being together with someone much older than me.

I was perhaps just being a bit silly.

I looked up at the little screen telling me what floor I was one right now and gave my ears a little flick at the number. Floor number 22... three floors left. There were four apartments on the top floor and he lived in the one closest to the elevator. I took another look at myself through the mirror again, taking in the image of the simple looking twenty-one years old fox looking back at me.

My head twitched a bit when I realized that I had forgot something and I quickly looked down at a bag I had put down on the floor that held various stuff I usually brought with me when visiting clients. Condoms, lube, toys, a clean set of clothes and other various things I'd be asked to bring. I quickly reached down and rummaged through it before I found what I was looking for.

Mr. Lancaster had a thing for glasses and had gotten me a pair for me to wear when I visited him. I guess he thought they looked cute and I didn't mind wearing them at all. I quickly put them on and looked at myself through the mirror once more, giving myself a little smile. The glasses looked nothing special and I guess that's how he wanted me to look to. Like just any other ordinary guy you'd see every day, anywhere.

A slight beeping sound told me that I had reached my floor and I grabbed the bag and quickly stepped out of the elevator as the doors opened. I took a last look at my own clothes to make sure one final time that they looked alright before I stepped up to the door to his apartment and pressed the small button next to the door to ring the door bell. The familiar sound of the door bell could be heard from the other side of the door and a few seconds later I heard him unlocking and finally opening the door.

"Hi there, Adam! Come on in!"

The tall and handsome looking tiger smiled at me as he let me into his apartment, as he had done so many times before, and I returned his smile and stepped in. Adam wasn't my real name, just the name he knew me by, which he was aware of and understood. Using your real name when you did the kind of stuff that I did for a living was quite a risk, and even though I did feel safe around Mr. Lancaster I wouldn't give him my real name.

"Thanks, Mr. Lancaster" I told him as I got out of my shoes and then turned to face him as he closed and locked the door again.

He chuckled.

"I've told you, call me Richard!"

I blushed a little bit and gave him a nod. I usually addressed my clients by their last name or simply just called them "Sir", as that's what felt professional. Of course, with Mr. Lancaster things were a bit different.

"Right! Sorry, err, Richard."

I felt a bit unprofessional, and silly, for forgetting to just call him Richard after all these times I had been here.

He just chuckled again and gave my arm a quick squeeze.

"It's alright, you don't have to apologize!"

He kept smiling at me and he gave my arm another squeeze.

"Are you hungry?"

He started walking towards his kitchen and the smell of cooked salmon suddenly hit my nose as my mind no longer was fully concentrated on him. I inhaled the nice smell of cooked food and eagerly followed him. I had, after all, had no dinner tonight as he always wanted to make me dinner when I was going to spend a full night or a couple of days here.

"Yeah" I simply told him as I followed him.

His apartment was quite large (he was a successful businessman after all) and consisted of a large living room, his kitchen, two bedrooms and then a third room that he currently used as his own, personal little gym. The living room took up most of the apartment, basically being the main part of it with doors leading to all the rest of the rooms.

We stepped through the first door to our right.

Everything looked as neat as I remembered it in his kitchen despite there being ingredients and cooking utensils spread out. He had already prepared the dinner table with all the necessary stuff and it seemed he had just taken the salmon out of his oven to let it cool of a little bit before we were supposed to eat.

"Sit down, if you want."

He flashed me another smile and I sat down at the seat he had prepared for me. He came over to the table and undid a bottle of wine he had left standing on the table and poured some into both of our glasses.

"How was your day?" he asked me as he put the wine bottle down and reached for a small basket with bread that was standing by the window.

I took a quick sip of wine before I responded.

"It was a bit slow. Didn't have much to do today."

He put the basket down on the table and gave me a quick, curious look.

"Oh? No other clients today?"

I think, in some way, he saw my choice of "career" as a legitimate one and because of that he didn't mind talking with me about other clients I could've met during the day since to him it was just like talking about how a workday had been. To me it felt a bit weird to talk to him about it but I didn't mind it that much.

"No, you're the only one today."

I gave him a smile as I told him this and he smiled back at me. I could see his tail giving a few sways as he turned again to move the salmon over to the table and I figured he was happy to know I hadn't been with anyone else today.

"So I get you all for myself today, huh?"

He gave me a playful grin and a chuckle and I chuckled a little bit as well.

"I guess so!"

The smell of cooked salmon hit me even harder as he put the food down on the table. I gave a small, happy sigh at the smell and felt my hunger increase.

"So how was your day then, Richard?"

The big cat's whiskers twitched for a second as he thought about his own day. He gave a shrug after a few seconds while he put some vegetables and other foodstuffs on the table.

"More or less the usual. Had a meeting with potential clients and just did some boring paperwork."

With all the food now on the table the tiger decided to sit down as well.

"Did the meeting go well?" I asked him to be polite.

He helped himself to some of the wine before answering and let out a soft purr. He loved wine.

"So-so. They'd think about what they were told and come back to us on Monday."

A low rumble escaped my stomach as I once again inhaled the smells of the food. I couldn't help but blush a little bit, but Richard just laughed softly and then motioned to the food with a paw.

"Help yourself to the food!"

I licked my lips for a second before I started filling my plate with all the different stuff he had prepared. He was a pretty good cook and I knew that this was gonna be a great dinner!

And from there on the dinner just kept going well. We did our usual small talk about this and that, had more wine, flirted a little bit just for fun. It was pretty much how things usually went when I were to stay the night at Mr. Lancaster's place.

Some time later we found ourselves in his living room, sitting next to each other in his large sofa while watching a movie together. We had done this many times before, like so many other things we had done together, and while I sat there and watched the movie with the big tiger keeping an arm around me I had to keep reminding myself that I was actually visiting a client and not visiting a boyfriend.

Because that's sort of how it felt. It was a lot like spending the evening with a boyfriend, with his arm holding you close to him and keeping you warm and secure. He'd even give me occasional kisses on my head or my muzzle, and I guess he did that just so that he could further the illusion for his own sake.

It did feel really nice though. He was so different from most, if not all my other clients.

About an hour into the movie things started getting a bit more heated. I imagine that the big cat must've been pent up, as it had been a bit longer than usual since our last meeting, and he couldn't help but to start feeling me up.

Of course, that's what I was here for so I was certainly not complaining!

It didn't take long before I found myself on top of the tiger's lap with my lips pressed against his and our tongues having their own little fun. His paws were rubbing and squeezing my rear through my pants while my own paws were busy rubbing his nice, strong chest and feeling up all the muscles I could reach. He wasn't overly buff but he kept himself in shape, and if it was one kind of client I really liked to service it were the ones with good bodies.

Now don't get me wrong, I'd service any client whether they were fat or skinny. It was my job after all. Naturally I had my preference though.

I don't really know how long I just sat there in his lap and made out with the handsome tiger, but what I do know is that the whole time I could feel his straining groin pressing up against my own. Every now and then I'd grind my crotch firmly against his own and I'd smile a bit to myself at the sound of his grunts. That was one thing I really liked about my choice of career, to hear the sounds the guys made when I'd pleasure them.

I don't know why, but there was just something... rewarding about hearing them grunt or moan or just really let out any sound of pleasure.

"Let's move into the bedroom..."

We'd spent quite a lot of time just kissing and grinding against each other before he spoke those words, and I was definitely eager to take it to his bedroom and take everything to the next level! He picked me up, making me let out a soft giggle, and carried me in his arms to the bedroom.

When finally in there he gently put me down on his large bed and started to quickly undress himself. I guess he must've really been eager to get things going since he was rather quick about it and didn't make a show out of it or anything like that. I decided to get out of my own clothes too to help him speed things up a little bit, and before we knew it we both were completely naked.

Well, with the exception of me still wearing those glasses.

"Damn, I never get tired of seeing you like this."

He stared down at me as I laid back on the bed and looked back up at him, and I couldn't help but to blush at his words. I had similar things said to me all the time, and had been for two years, but words like that still made me blush.

"You look pretty damn good yourself!"

He growled a bit at my words, more so playfully than anything else, and he then got onto the bed as well and got on top of me. He held himself up with those strong paws of his, making sure his weight wouldn't come crashing down on me.

And then, without a warning, he pressed his lips against my own again.

He was a pretty good kisser and I really enjoyed kissing him and let our tongues play once more. It just got even better when he wrapped an arm around me and kept me close so that he could turn over and get on his back with me on top of him so that his weight wouldn't suddenly come down on me. With me on top of him it was easier for everything to get a bit wilder and more heated.

And so, naturally, they did.

His paws started roaming all over my body, rubbing and squeezing everywhere he could reach. He would tease me every now and then by letting his fingers rub in-between my ass-crack and even brush against my tailhole. I'd return his teasing by grinding my hard shaft against his own and we would both let out a grunt or a moan of pleasure.

As things kept on going I could feel things getting pretty slick down by our groins. I was leaking pre and he was doing the same, probably even more so, and it almost got to the point of me thinking that we would both end up getting off just like this. It wouldn't have been the first time.

He had other plans though.

"Lay down on your stomach and put your ass up."

The kiss had broken after another minute or so and he had looked at me while panting a bit and with obvious lust in his eyes as he said those words. I had happily obliged and quickly crawled of from him and laid down on the bed while sticking my ass out a bit, just as he had asked me too. He reached for a drawer in a bedside table next to the bed and got out a bottle a lube, and I figured he was gonna help me get ready for the main event.

I lifted my tail for him to give him easier access and then waited eagerly for that familiar, slightly cool feeling of a lubed up finger being pressed against my entrance, but when I finally felt something press up against my rear I gasped out in both surprise and pleasure!

He had both of his paws pressed against each of my butt cheeks, spreading them apart and he had pressed his muzzle up against my entrance and started lapping at it! Rimming was certainly not something I'd object to, as it felt pretty damn good, but it was not something he did often. If anything, it was usually me rimming him as part of foreplay or as a little bit of extra fun while giving him a blowjob.

I couldn't help but to moan out like a little bitch in heat when I felt his tongue lap against my tailhole and my body squirmed and my paws gripped the bed sheaths as his tongue had its way with me. I pressed myself back against him, unable to help myself from doing it. I heard him let out a growl and the moment later it got more intense as I could feel him trying to push his tongue inside me.

A grunt escaped me when I felt my pucker give way for his tongue and there was little I could do but to just lay there and groan in pleasure.

"Ahhh... Richard...."

I called out his names a couple of times while he had his fun with me and every time I did so I could feel him lap a bit more eagerly. He seemed to enjoy this just as much as I did, and I thought for a moment that I would've had no objections if this was maybe all that he wanted to do tonight.

After a little while I decided to look back, as I had not yet done so due to being busy just enjoying myself, and the sight of him keeping himself pressed up against my rear while his tail was swishing around happily behind him was definitely a hot sight. Having the big, handsome tiger rimming me was not something that happened nearly often enough and I couldn't help but to think to myself that that was a little bit of a shame, as he was certainly skilled with his tongue.

I had managed to leak a good amount of pre, causing a big stain on the sheaths, before he finally withdrew his tongue and he licked his lips and gave me a grin as he looked up at me.

"Enjoyed that?"

He didn't even need to ask, of course I did!

"Uh-huh..." was all I said as a reply. He gave a little chuckle and then reached for the bottle of lube.

"Could you roll over on your back, please?"

I did as he asked and quickly rolled over. I then watched as he poured some of the lube onto a finger.

"Just a little bit more preparation..."

I think he mostly said that to himself, and to be honest I don't think I needed any more preparation. I was so used to taking cocks up my rear I wouldn't have much problem taking his right now, even with just his saliva keeping my ass lubed up. His shaft wasn't overly large anyway, not that I cared. Big cocks could just be a bit of a hassle, really.

I let out another gasp as I felt him press the finger against my entrance, and he pushed it inside almost immediately. I grit my teeth for just a second at the penetration.

"Just gonna make sure it's lubed up."

He pulled his finger out and then pushed it back in again a couple of times, adding more lube every time. He didn't keep it up for long, figuring that I was just as ready as he was. When he thought my rear was sufficiently lubed up he reached a paw out for one of the pillows on the bed and he lifted my lower half up for a second so that he could push it under my lower back to make this a bit more comfortable for me and a bit easier for him.

"Spread your legs."

Again I did as I was told and spread my legs for him so that he could, when he was ready, get in between them and lay down on top me. He poured some lube onto his cock and gave it a few strokes, making sure that it was lubed up and hard. He didn't have a condom on, but that was part of "the service".

I wouldn't just let anyone do me bareback though, mind you. If someone wanted to do me with no condom they would have to pay extra and show some recent proof that they didn't have any STD's. With Richard I felt safe letting him do me like this, as I was the only one he had sex with. He also made sure to test himself every month, just in case. Of course, I too made sure to get myself tested. I DID have a lot of sex with a lot of different men after all.

I could hear him give a growl as he thought he was ready, and soon he got between my legs and lowered himself down over me. He looked down at me and gave me a smile.

"You ready?"

I could feel his length poking at my entrance as he asked me if I was ready.


He took a hold of his shaft with a paw and held it in place, and I could see him close his eyes as his hips slowly moved forward. I grit my teeth again and breathed out in slight pain as I felt him start to penetrate me and I did my best to keep myself relaxed and as loose as possible to make it easy for him to slide in.

With a grunt he bottomed out after a few seconds and I couldn't help but to let out a soft moan. I looked up at him as he opened his eyes and he looked back down at me and breathed a bit heavier.

"You ok?" he asked before doing anything else.

"Yeah, you can move if you want to" I told him and then waited for the familiar feeling of him pulling out of me again.

He gave a little nod before leaning his muzzle down and locking his lips with mine. I reached a paw up and placed it on the back of his head, fully returning the kiss. I moaned out softly as I felt him starting to pull out and I couldn't help but to gasp as I felt him thrust back inside a second later.

He went slow at first, as he always did, making sure he didn't hurt me or cause me any discomfort at all. Which I appreciated, since many other clients would just quickly go at it right away with no thought or regard to how it felt for me.

Mr. Lancaster was very different like that, in so many ways. He actually seemed to genuinely care and didn't just see me as a cumdump. He was a sweet man and it was a shame for him that he felt he had to hide who he truly was.

We kept on kissing each other as he kept going slowly for a while, gradually picking up the pace. His thrusts weren't hard or fast, not yet, as he would only start going harder if I told him I could take it.

Which, of course, I did after a little while.

I told him he could go at whatever pace he wanted, and he didn't take long before he started to pick up the pace. He really needed some release, I thought, as he seemed to pick up the pace a bit faster than usual.

We kept kissing each other while also letting our paws grope and feel at each other bodies. He would rub and squeeze and grope everywhere that he knew by now would make me let out another gasp or another moan, and I would do my best to do the same to him. I'd rub his back gently, give his muscles some nice squeezes and even play with his ass. He wasn't one to ever be "the bottom", but he didn't mind to have his ass played with. He especially liked to have me push a finger inside him and give his prostate a few rubs while he was thrusting into me. Sometimes that would even make him cum in a matter of seconds.

He growled a bit into the kiss when he could feel one of my fingers rubbing against his pucker and his thrusts started to get a bit more erratic. I could practically feel his dick oozing pre into me and I was sure he was already getting close. I couldn't help but to start pushing my finger slowly inside him, which only made him growl again. His shaft gave a twitch inside me and I moaned deeply and let my ass clamp down around his shaft for a moment as to, in a way, encourage him to shoot if he needed to.

He was never one to just think about his own orgasm though. Not unless you told him to. He was close to cumming and in order to get me close as well he wrapped a paw around my length and started to paw it off. I gasped out in pleasure and couldn't help but to part my lips for a second and call out his name, and that only spurred him on even more.

With a grunt and a growl he then finally hilted himself inside me and I could feel his shaft start twitching as it started shoot his seed into me. While I didn't let just anyone bareback me, I did love the feeling of someone cumming inside me and it was enough to push me over the edge as well. Even though he was in the middle of his own climax he kept pawing me off and it didn't take long for me to join him in his state of orgasm induced bliss.

And that was but one of many orgasms that night. I'd usually get him to cum at least three or four times every time we were together, as he was quick to recover and very energetic. And since I was pretty much the same as well as very eager when it came to having sex, it was never a surprise for either of us if we decided to go at it one more time.


My ears twitched a bit as I heard him say my name. We had just been lying here for a few minutes now, on our sides with my back pressed up against his chest and one of his arms holding on to me. We had both been ready to fall asleep before he had said my name.

"Hmm?" I asked him while cuddling myself up a bit closer against him.

"Would it be possible to extend this all-nighter to a full weekend?"

My ears twitched again and I opened my eyes slowly as I heard his question. That did sound like a nice idea since he was certainly nice company, but...

"I've got clients tomorrow, Richard."

He stayed silent for a few moments, probably feeling a bit defeated.

"I'll pay double what they're paying, a long with the price for a full weekend."

Well, that was certainly a proposition that would make me quite a lot of money. This was, after all, my job.

"I don't want to spend this weekend alone."

I felt a slight twinge in my belly as I heard him say those words. Richard was a nice guy but also, I thought, a very lonely guy and I... well, I would've felt really bad about denying his request. I turned around so that I would face him, and I looked into his eyes and smiled at him.

"Paying that much won't be necessary."

I watched him return my smile and I gave him a quick peck on his lips before I nuzzled my face into his warm chest. This would mean a loss of money for me, but it's not like I hadn't already made a lot of money on my career anyway. Maybe not legal money, but money nonetheless. Richard was a nice guy and definitely my favorite client, and for just this one time I think I could give him a freebie.

And there we are, hope you had fun! Toodles!