Moonlit Riverbank

Story by AethulWulf on SoFurry

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AethulWulf's continuing journey.

He was about two hours into his travels. AethulWulf was deciding whether or not to stop and rest for a moment and eat. Maybe rest for the night. Dawn was approaching soon. Lighting a fire at night would only attract predators. So, seeing a small river in the distance, he decided to stop there. Underneath the bows of a few trees. The landscape of this region wasn't as lush as he remembered. The armies from the old war and there war machines crushed and destroyed most of the woodland life here. There were still some areas of wood, small thickets. Mainly next to rivers and lakes like the one he found now. He sits down and fills a small canteen he retrieves from his satchel. Then he heads back underneath his newfound tree. Smiling to himself as he sits on a log and thinking of events past. He looked to the night sky. A full moon still hung over head. But he could see tinges of silver from the upcoming morning. It would be daylight in a few more hours, then would be the time to rest out in this wilderness. He wasn't sure where the nearest town or city was. So much of this area of the world had changed since last he was here. Being here only brought back memories, so many memories. His heart ached as he stared up at the moon, and then looked at the reflection of light dancing across the rivers surface. It had been very hard for him over the past 10 yrs., losing his Pack. Giving up his blades and taking up the path of a Rune Keeper. He didn't ask for it. He glanced down at the staff and then rubbed the markings on his arms and body reflectively. He pulled out some rations he had saved. Bits of cheese and jerky he had made from a hunt. It wasn't the greatest of meals, but it would do for now and keep his strength up. He was pretty sure there was a larger town not too much further away. Once along this riverbank, he would gather his thoughts at a tavern and inn there. AethulWulf wasn't even exactly sure why the Flow and Pattern had brought him here. Or why it was leading him this way. He just knew to follow it at this point. He also knew he had to keep moving. He was being hunted, and that never made things easy. He was one of the last of his kind and had an affinity for magic of all kinds, which was why the Path was thrust upon him. Once he lost his love. This was a way to honor him. Othis was always the more scholarly and magically inclined one. Now he's gone. As he had told him back at the Keep, AethulWulf was to live his life now and just as those spirits had moved on, he was to do the same. "Easier said than done...." He said low to himself in a gruff voice. He then glanced over the water again finishing his meal. Then looking down at himself and his clothing, he walked over to the river and looked at his reflection. "I should probably clean up a little before heading into town." He thought to himself. He removed his coat revealing a stocky, muscled build, a body of an old soldier and worker, his black fur now fully showing in the moonlight. His markings now uncovered and plainly visible in the light of the full moon. Runes marked his body along with lines of power and images of other wolves and creatures of power and myth covering his right arm and chest, and across his back. Streak of midnight blue showed in throughout his fur. A few scars from blades marked his grey underbelly and his grey bearded muzzle gave him the appearance of a wolf in his early 30's. He was no pup, and had seen his share of battles. He stood from where he had been crouching next to the water and began removing his worn pants. He stood a little more than five and a half feet tall, but stocky in build. Now fully naked, he squatted next to the water and began cleaning his garments as best he could. He lifted the tattered jeans and shook his head. *There's no helping these* he laughed at himself as he saw the various holes and wear and tear from his travels on his pants. But at least now they were clean. He walked back over to the tree and hung them to dry along with his sleeveless coat. He went back over to the water and slowly walked into the river, feeling the cold water rush into his ankles, his legs and slowly further up his body as he waded deeper into the water. He stayed close to shore. He simply wanted to clean off. He took the time to rinse himself off as best he could, then waded back into shallower water on the shore line and laid down in it. Soaking in the moonlight and letting the river water rush over him. His naked body resting on the riverbank, he relaxed, staring at the moon once again. Before AethulWulf realized it he was beginning to close his eyes, dozing off to sleep. Suddenly his eye started open and he was on his feet in an instant as he heard a rustle of something moving off in the distance. His staff instantly came to his hands in a blue and silver streak of momentary subtle light and he stood in a defensive staff, being an accomplished staff fighter. The staff wasn't just a focus. He looked across the river for any sign of what caused the noise. There was a faun across the river, drinking from it. He sighed, relieved. "Just local wildlife. You should know better" he told himself. Water dripped off his body and fur. He began to shake himself off and let himself dry in the warm summer night air. He packed up his things back into his satchel and kept his staff in hand. The sun was beginning to rise now. AethulWulf walked another hour before stopping to rest for a few hours of sleep. Still close to the river, he glanced about the rocky terrain and found a decent enough spot to lay down, somewhat hidden. He used his bag as a makeshift pillow and laid down to rest. But not before glancing about and laying down runic wards around his spot. The Runes lit up with a soft glow as he laid each down, merely to protect himself from any potential meetings with any Malik Spawn. He cringed at the thought and his fur on his back and neck stood on end thinking of the creatures. They were twisted forms of those who were once people like himself. Some were soldiers who craved to be the best; others were scholars who craved power. All made deals with Malik to become more. All made deals for power, in one form or another. Those are what hunted him, servants of the warlord Malik. Now he's known through the region as Malik the Eternal. He hunted down any potential threats to his power. Any schools of magic or psionics of any kind were under his control. The old traditions were practically nonexistent. And Rune Keepers were all on the run. Only a few left throughout the world. He relaxed; with the wards in place he would be fine for a rest. He laid his head down on his bag and within minutes was asleep. It was midafternoon when AethulWulf woke up from his slumber. It wasn't the most comfortable of rests. But it did what he needed. He awoke shaking off images of strange dreams and visions of random memories. He glanced around as he got up and slung his satchel across his chest, getting the unnerving feeling of being watched. It had stayed with him since the noise from the river last night. He shook it off and walked on, releasing the ward with a simple wave of a hand. He walked on. About another hour into his walk he could hear the sounds of the town in the distance. He was still a good half a mile away from the town, whatever town it was. He could feel the tug of the Pattern and Flow pulling him there. So he walked on, with plans to head straight into the closest inn and wait to feel things out.

Ashes to Ashes

Night falls on the ruins of Cerulean Keep. A single figure traveling through with a seemingly single purpose. He walked through what was left of the front gates. Walking past decaying door splinters. He moved with purpose. Knowing where he was going as...

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