Getting Back Together

Story by Eric_S on SoFurry

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#5 of Eric's Schooldays

The updates for this story will be sporadic form now on depending on how much time I get t...

The updates for this story will be sporadic form now on depending on how much time I get to write it. There are at least another three more chapters planned but I don't know what to write after that so hopefully you can give me some ideas. Also I have had someone tell me that some of my earlier works have a somewhat rushed yiff. I will need some pointers on how to prolong the scenes so any tips and pointers you guys can give will be of a great help.

Ok disclaimer... must be 18+ to read or have a suitable lock on the door... yada, yada, yada etcetera etcetera... enjoy.


After having gotten back on good terms with the girls again Eric now had the problem of trying to get Adriana and Alex back together again. Alex had already admitted to him that he still liked Adriana and it was the suddenness of him knowing that she was a herm that had shocked him quite a bit. The damage had already been done though as he had said that he never wanted to see her again. Adriana was almost on the same terms as she wasn't sure what to say to Alex anymore. Should she be mad at him or not? She also knew that Alex still had feelings for her but that failed to encourage her to do anything. The tension was starting to get to Eric and he couldn't concentrate in class because of them being apart. It wasn't really his business but after what had happened between him and Adriana he felt it was his duty to settle the score for good. It was too big a dispute to settle by himself though and he had been forced to enlist some help at a rather high price.

"Okay, okay, three free yiff sessions whenever you want and for those sessions you can treat me like whatever you want!" Eric begged.

"Make it five and throw in some of your mom's delectable choc chip cookies and you got a deal," Carla replied, looking at her nails.

"Five?!? What? What do you think I am? A yiffing machine?" Eric cried, the thought almost made him get an erection almost instantly but he managed to suppressed the deep desire.

"Well that is unless you'd rather do my homework for the next fortnight and have to be my personal helper at the same time," Carla told him. She had stopped inspecting her nails and instead looked at the wolf with an interested expression on her face.

"Okay five then! It'll be hard to get a hold of those cookies but I'll see what I can rummage up,"

"Very good then. But to make sure you won't go back on your deal I'll need your signature here, here and here and initials here and here," the tigress quickly said, holding out a pen and a piece of paper. Eric wondered how she had managed to come up with a contract so quickly but he was desperate for this help and he quickly scribbled his initials and signature in the spots indicated.

"Good now to prove that you aren't faking that grovel in front of me,"

"You aren't going to be easy on me are you?" Eric asked as he quickly looked around, making sure nobody from school was nearby before getting down on his knees and groveling like a peasant. Carla bent over and gingerly petted the wolf on the head as he started to kiss her foot. After a minute or so of this she allowed him to go, making him feel little more than a pet to her.

At school on Wednesday during recess Eric finally caught sight of Alex. The arctic fox looked like he had just crawled out of the dryer. His fur was sticking up all over the place in almost seemingly random directions. His tail seemed to be the worst affected of all and it made him look like he had a massive dandelion attached to his backside. Eric and Chris tried their best to avoid laughing out aloud at the fox but they couldn't help but let out a muffled snicker. The agitated arctic fox took his place next to the other two and proceeded to explain himself.

"Before you ask this happened in physics class, we had one of those Van de Graff machines and the teacher somehow managed to get me to touch it. She must still be mad at me about that half-completed report I handed in. So in retaliation she had turned me into a puffball much to her and everyone else's delight. What's worse it that I don't happen to have a comb to smooth my fur down with,"

Eric happened to have a comb with him that day but he decided against lending it to the fox. This would be the perfect chance to see what his reaction would be when he recommended that he go to Adriana.

"Why don't you ask one of the girls? I'm sure they would happen to be willing to comb your fur out properly," Eric told him. Alex just gave him a disgusted look.

"Adriana is the only one of them in my physics class and she was laughing her head off at me. What makes you think that she would be willing to help me?"

"Just try... I'm sure it was because everyone else was laughing that she had to as well. Go on I'll come with you if you feel uncomfortable going alone,"

"Would you? I get the feeling that one of the upper school jerks will be taunting me any minute now,"

Carla was idly chatting away about how arrogant some of the males were when she managed to spot Eric and a massive fur ball approaching them. It took her a good minute to recognize the big white ball of fluff to be Alex. She put her paw over her mouth to avoid a laugh to come out. When asked what she was doing Carla only pointed at the two approaching males. The rest of the girls turned around and burst into a fit of laughter.

"You see I told you this was a bad idea," Alex muttered.

"Oh stop complaining! Do you want to look like a puffball for the rest of the day?" Eric

hissed. Alex grunted before proceeding to speak to the girls.

"Hey uh do any of you happen to have a comb or something?" the fox asked. There was a short silence as the girls decided whether or not they should lend him one of their combs to him. His gaze darkened as he got no response.

"You see Eric it won't work! I'll just go to the nurse. I'm sure she's got a comb," Alex snarled.

"Here Alex," Adriana answered finally, holding a comb in her paw.

Alex graciously accepted the comb and set about smoothing his fur out properly. It soon became apparent to him that the machine had loosened a large batch of fur as he was soon standing in a small pile of it, all of combed off his arms and legs only. The fur inside of his own clothes was still puffed up though so he would have to smooth those parts down in private if he wanted to look normal again. He was in the process of giving back the comb when Carla came up with the idea that Adriana should help him comb down his more personal' areas. The two arctic foxes just looked at each other before looking back at Carla.

"You must be kidding," the pair said in unison. The white tigress just shrugged her shoulders. Eric sighed before starting to push Alex towards the male toilets.

"Fine if it bothers you that much I'll do it!" he hissed.

After school Eric found Carla and pulled her aside for a minute. It was definitely apparent that their plan was failing and they had to rethink their ideas.

"We need to change tack. Alex and Adriana are still as distant as ever,"

"Well no shit Sherlock!" Carla hissed, "Give me more time and I'll work Adriana over. It's up to you to make Alex see sense!"

"I wish it were that damn easy! Alex is a stubborn one at best! It's like talking to a brick wall!"

Carla's brow twitched. She balled her paws into fists and shoved Eric against a wall.

"Look you CAN and WILL get Alex to like Adriana again! You know it and I know it that the pair likes each other and it is up to us to bring them back together... but more correctly it's up to YOU understand?"

Eric just stood completely stunned as Carla walked off. He had never seen her so angry before... and he did not want to see her so angry ever again.

Arriving back at home he slumped into a chair, worn out from the day's proceedings. He was unaware of his sister getting up on the sofa next to him. He let out a screech of surprise as a face appeared in front of his. Eric's sister let out a giggle as he recovered from the shock.

"Where's mom? I need her advice on something," Eric asked her, nuzzling Alice affectionately.

"Uh I think she had to go out for milk or something," Alice answered.

"That'd be right... I'll be having my shower so just yell if you need anything,"

Eric took some clothes out of his closet and placed them onto the bathroom table. Closing the door he undressed and stepped into the shower. As the water ran over his body he gave some thought to what Carla had told him that day. But how could he make Alex see that Adriana isn't as bad as he thought she was? He started to rub some shampoo into his fur. He would have to come up with something before the week was up.

"Hey Eric mom is home if you want her!" a voice called up. Eric couldn't help but smile. Sure his sister was annoying but she was a good person... even though she did happen to have the ability to barge in at the most inopportune moments. As he stepped out of the shower he threw his towel aside after drying himself off when he heard the door open.

"Sorry Eric but I need the toilet ba... ahhh!!!"

Eric blushed hard as he saw his sister staring at him.

"I... I'm sorry!" Alice screamed as she ran downstairs. Eric quickly dressed himself and skulked to his room. He would have to lay low for a while because any moment now...


"There it is," he muttered.

After a short row about who saw whom naked and for what reason Eric returned to his room and to his computer. Signing into his instant message program he noticed that Alex also happened to be online. Eric personally thought that instant messaging was too impersonal but it was significantly cheaper than using the phone. At least Eric thought it was cheaper.

Hey man'

"Alex it's a good thing I saw you," Eric typed.


"Well it concerns Adriana,"

There was a short pause as Alex thought about what he was going to say next.

Look it's over between us... we agreed to ending it,'

"What do you mean by ending it'? You dumped her without reason! Now you know that's wrong. Come on man... at least try and make it up to her. We both know that you still like her,"

Eric smirked to himself. He had caught Alex in a trap. The fox was actually quite naive when it came to girls and Eric found it weird that he was actually giving advice for once.

Fine I'll talk to her when I get a chance over the net,'

"NO! You will do it face-to-face... oh and uh by the way. Do you happen to be free next Saturday?"

I think so... why?'

"Cos my parents are going away on work related business and my sister is going to a friends place for a sleepover so we'll have the house to ourselves from about noon onwards,"

Great... I'll give you an update when I can'

Eric terminated his conversation window and opened up another one, this one being Carla.

"The trap has been set... It's up to you now," Eric typed.

Perfect,' came the reply, Adriana has basically said yes to your offer so all we need to do now is wait... oh and one last thing... WHERE ARE MY COOKIES???'

The sudden outburst caught Eric by surprise. He had completely forgotten about the deal that he had made!

"The cookies will be at your house by Friday I promise! I'll deliver them myself after school personally!"

Eric had been lucky he could scrounge the cookies by Friday but he had been forced to do certain unsavoury chores around the house for at least a week, chores that caused him to shudder when he thought about them. Carrying the cookies in a container he made his way to Carla's house to drop them off. The sooner he could get things done the better. Ringing the doorbell he carefully looked at his surroundings. A neat garden filled with flowers caught his eye and he marveled at the design that they had been put into. Having his back turned to the door had caused him to be suddenly pulled inside without warning.

"Yay Dennis! I knew you'd come this morning!"

Eric tried twisting his head to discover who the unknown person was and was rewarded with a punch to his stomach.

"Hey sis this looks like one of yours,"

Eric tried to regain his sense of balance as he tried to stand up using a wall as support. He secretly wondered if Carla's immediate family happened to practice martial arts as a pastime. Carla gasped as she saw Eric slide back down a wall. She dashed down to him, shoving her sister aside as she did so.

"Here are... your... cookies," Eric muttered, handing her a box filled to the brim of the sweet cookies.

"Thanks... oh and as a rule of thumb, never have you back turned to the door like that. You'll almost always have something like that happen,"

"Yeah I noticed," Eric said as he tried to stand up again but failed.

"Hmm... need a ride to school?"

"That would be appreciated,"

Saturday couldn't come any quicker for Eric. His long awaited plan was now starting to come together. Well it wasn't really much of a plan when one actually thought about it. Locking the pair into the master bedroom together was a dangerous gambit but if it worked then maybe the pair would start liking each other again. Making sure everyone had left the house first Eric gave Carla a call saying that now was a safe time to come over. Heading into the kitchen the wolf took what he had bought beforehand out of the cupboard. Two bags of potato crisps, chocolate biscuits and various candies were part of the assortment and that wasn't counting the soft drinks in the fridge. Eric usually went a little overboard when having guests over but it was his way of thanking those who had come over. Going up to his bedroom he changed his clothes. Eric hadn't told his parents that he was having friends over although he thought that they might already know what he was planning given the fact that several things had turned up in the fridge and cupboard mysteriously. He stretched his body and padded over to his window. Looking out at the back garden he suddenly remembered that they had a swimming pool. Shaking his head he closed the window and came back downstairs when the doorbell rang. Opening the door he quickly hustled Carla inside, before closing the door. He had never felt so anxious before in his life. Despite Carla's calming nature he couldn't help but run over the things that could go wrong that day. He looked at the clock and winced discovering that it was only1 pm. He had half an hour left before the other two would be coming over. While Eric was fretting about his plans this afternoon Carla went about exploring the house. She was promptly disappointed when she discovered the pool in the back garden. Today was a hot day as usual and she had been dragged away from her air conditioner only to discover that her friend had a swimming pool. She quickly discovered Eric's room and let out a loud screech which brought Eric running up the stairs.

"What is this?!?" she asked him in a quiet voice, gesturing to the image currently on his computer screen. Eric looked at the screen and blushed deeply. The image was one of the few gay pictures he used to paw himself off to. He started to babble incoherently as he tried to come up with some sort of excuse. The doorbell rang and Eric ran downstairs to answer it.

"Whew... saved by the bell," Eric thought to himself as he let Alex inside of the house.

"ERIC!!! WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS?" Carla yelled at the top of her voice.

"What going on up there?" Alex asked.

"Uh Carla's pouring through my porn collection," Eric quietly responded before getting shoved aside as the arctic fox as he ran up the stairs, wanting to see what the wolf had in his collection.

When Alex had reached Eric's open door he was surprised to see the photo that Chris had taken of Eric after his cum bath. Seeing the look of shock and horror on Carla's face Alex quickly spun around and tried to stop Eric from entering the room. His efforts were in vain though as Eric soon returned holding a knife in his right paw and threatening to slice Alex open if he didn't move aside. The fox carefully backed away as the wolf entered. Eric just gaped as he saw the image of himself covered in the cum of three different males.

"How the hell did this get here?" Eric wondered as he approached the computer and looked at the date stamp, "Thursday? This Thursday? How did this... oh right the email"

The doorbell rang again and Eric locked the computer so Carla couldn't go looking at his computer's contents before going to see who it was. Looking through the small peephole in the door he quickly skulked back upstairs.

"Operative B is here. Commence Operation Lovestory as discussed," Eric hissed as Carla went downstairs to answer the door. Seeing the look of confusion on Alex's face he quickly asked if the fox wanted to know how to beat level five of Legions of the Undead'.

Carla greeted Adriana with a casual hello before letting the vixen inside.

"Did you bring the stuff'?" Carla asked, a sly look on her face.

"It's all in here," Adriana said, patting the bag on her back, "Why? Were you intending on giving me and the other person a show?"

"Um something like that... anyway let's see what you got in here...,"

Carla looked interestedly as Adriana walked over to a table and took out some of the various toys she had brought with her.

"I haven't tried this one before but given the fact that I'm a herm means that I would probably never use it. Maybe you should give it a try on Eric," Adriana said as she handed Carla a strap-on and a small liquid vial. Carla looked at the vial and liquid contained inside. She was a bit perplexed about why she had been handed the liquid and Adriana had let out a soft laugh before explaining.

"This isn't any ordinary strap-on I'll have you know," Adriana explained while holding up a squeeze bulb, "This model has the ability to squirt liquids from the tip making it seem like a real dick. So after putting in the liquid you screw Eric's ass hard. And when I say hard I mean REALLY hard, so hard that he'll be begging you to stop. So after he pleads with you to stop you then press this bulb and send the liquid sloshing into his ass. After you do that then explain to him that the liquid will make him want to take a shit really bad so make sure that you're near a toilet when you do this otherwise you'll have a nasty accident okay!"

Carla looked at the vixen as if she were crazy. Never in the tigress's life had she heard of something like this before.

"Are you sure that's safe?" Carla asked hesitantly.

"Sure it is... but if you don't want to do that then you always can use this,"

"And that's how you defeat the boss on Level 5. Are you trying to tell me that you've had that much difficulty defeating an army of skeleton archers?"

"Well yeah! Not everyone plays as a backstabbing rogue you know!"

Eric shook his head as he turned off the computer. He had to get the plan enforced now or they would lose too much time.

"Hey Alex I think I left something in my parent's room when I went to pick up some of my clothes. See if you can find some sort of mobile phone," Eric said as he pretended to look for something, "The room is the third one on the left"

Alex wandered around until he found the room described and promptly went around looking for the lost device.

Carla was starting to lose interest in all of the items that Adriana had brought over and her mind started to wander. She was brought back to the realm of reality when she was asked where the toilet was. Carla was unsure of this and told Adriana to go ask Eric. In reality she did know where the toilet was but she was worried that she wouldn't be able to coax Adriana to enter the adjoining master bedroom easily. She drummed her fingers on the table as she looked at all of the things on it. Never in her life had she seen so many sex toys and she personally hoped never to see as many ever in her life ever again.

Having just closed the master bedroom door Eric promptly stuck a chair underneath the knob so that Alex had no chance of opening the door.

"Uh Eric what on Earth are you doing?"

Eric jumped as Adriana asked him the question. As the colour returned to his face he mumbled some lame excuse which seemed to placate the vixen to some extent.

"Where's your toilet?" Adriana asked, blushing ever so lightly as she asked the somewhat crude question. Eric pointed in the general direction before standing aside. He was simply puzzled by the concept of the vixen having to urinate. Would the urine come out if she were a female or would it come out like a guy's? Or even worse both at the same time! Eric shuddered at the thought. No he shouldn't be having those kinds of thoughts in the first place! He was startled by Carla coming up from behind him as she wrapped her arms around his body.

"S...sorry about not spearheading this one Eric. I just couldn't bring myself to do it,"

"Well let's just hope that she goes into the bedroom after she's done," Eric answered.

Alex grumbled as he searched around the room. He had not found one trace of a mobile phone anywhere. Getting up he wondered if Eric even owned a mobile phone. Surely if he did own one then he'd give his number out to his friends right?

"Damn that Eric. Sending me on a search and rescue mission... well he can find the damn thing himself! It's not my fault he can't find something! It's his damn duty not mine," Alex muttered to himself as he placed some clothes he had removed from the closet back into its place.

Adriana finished washing her paws before peering into the bedroom. She knew that she shouldn't be snooping around another person's belongings but she just couldn't help herself. Quietly padding into the room she looked at a family portrait of Eric and his family. It must have been taken at least six to seven years ago given how young Eric looked in the photo. She chuckled to herself as she pictured him as a young kid instead of the teenager he was now.

"What the hell? What are you doing here?"

Adriana turned to see Alex leaning against a wall. She merely grunted before furrowing her brow in anger.

"Why should I answer your questions? You've no right to know anything from me," Adriana snarled.

Outside of the bathroom door both Carla and Eric had pressed their ears up against the door in an attempt to hear everything that was being said. So far their endeavour had proved futile as the two foxes argued with one another. Eric wasn't always a patient one and it took him a lot of self-restraint to prevent himself from barging into the room himself. Carla noticed this and did her best to calm the agitated wolf. Eric ran both of his paws through his hair, pulling most of it into a small bundle at the back of his head.

"Come on Eric you got to give them some time... give them an hour to argue with each other then maybe we'll start to see results," Carla hissed at him.

Sure enough one mere hour later the arguments had died down. The only problem now was that the two foxes were now speaking so softly neither Eric nor Carla could hear them.

"How did you know that they would stop arguing in an hour?" Eric asked.

"I'm a girl. I always know how those things turn out like," Carla responded.

"Yeah by watching so many teen dramas I bet," Eric smirked. The comment earned him a clout on the head because of it.

Inside the room both Alex and Adriana had resorted to glaring at each other. The both of them had exhausted all of their arguments and didn't actually know what to do now. Alex couldn't take the silence any more. He had to simply apologize for what he had done.

"Uh Adriana... about what I did... that was simply irresponsible of me. I overreacted to everything. I think it was probably because everything was going so fast and when you asked me for sex I just wasn't ready for it. I'm sorry," Alex told her while looking at the ground, not having the courage to look at her directly. Adriana saw the remorse in his eyes and softened her gaze almost immediately. She knew that it wasn't completely his fault. She was probably a bit overzealous after agreeing to go out with Alex and when she asked for

him to yiff her so early like that... well maybe it wasn't the wisest move she had ever made.

"Alex it isn't entirely your fault. I guess I wanted to take control of the relationship and forcing something onto you wasn't the most intelligent thing I've done. I'll leave it up to you to decide when your ready,"

Adriana moved towards Alex and placed his right paw in between her own paws, showing that she wanted to give the relationship a second go. Alex gave her paw a quick squeeze. He was just as eager as she was to try again only this time they would make it work.

"Well I guess we could always start out our relationship with a little fun first," Alex smirked.

"Really? What sort of fun?" Adriana asked sceptically.

"Oh I'm pretty sure you know," Alex whispered as he snaked a paw up underneath Adriana's skirt and started to rub her slit teasingly. Adriana moaned softly as she felt his paw rub along her slit before feeling him insert a finger inside of her, thrusting ever so slowly.

"Are you sure you're ready for this though?" she asked him as he inserted a second finger into her cunt.

"I feel ready now," Alex replied before starting to plant soft kisses along the vixen's neck.

"Do you hear anything?" Carla hissed as she sat on the bathroom floor next to Eric.

The wolf had gotten a hold of a stethoscope and after placing the ends in his ears he placed the other end up against the door. Moving it around he soon discovered that the sound quality was much worse then when they simply placed their ears against the door. He couldn't hear anything! Growling angrily he tore the instrument out of ears before folding his arms across his chest. This was going nowhere! He was so busy sulking he hadn't noticed Carla crawl across him and carefully inch the door open.

"Hey Eric we don't need to worry about them getting back together anymore," she whispered.

"What? Why?" Eric asked. His question was soon answered as two different sounding groans came from the open door. They had gone a step further than Eric had originally predicted. Not only were they enjoying each other's company but they were yiffing as well! He gestured for Carla to follow him out of the bathroom. When they were out of the hearing range of the two foxes the both of them gave each other a hug and a high-five.

"Mission accomplished!" Eric cried, giving a small victory dance. Carla just giggled at his display. She always found it comical whenever he did something like that. But she usually displayed her joy in a more literal sense.

"Hey Eric," she started, waiting for the wolf to turn around. When Eric did she immediately wrapped her arms around his body and pressed her lips against his. Eric was surprised by this but he soon accepted the kiss and started to return the embrace. He wrapped his arms around Carla's body and held her tight to him as they continued their passionate kiss, their tongues starting to explore each other's mouths. Eric was forced to break the kiss when he started to run out of air in his lungs, his mind in a daze from the lovemaking.

"Uh do you want to continue this in my room?" he asked, blushing a little as he said it. The tigress just giggled at him and nuzzled his cheek.

"Sure... go inside and strip off. I'll be back soon," Carla whispered as she went downstairs to make her personal selection of the things that Adriana had brought over.

"Oh god that was wonderful," Alex blissfully moaned as Adriana finished giving him one of the best blowjobs he had ever received.

"If you thought that was good then you're going to love what I'm going to do next," Adriana breathed as she positioned herself over Alex's cock. Alex was a little hesitant about this. In spite of his bisexuality he had never been with a girl before, only guys, so he was a little more than worried about what vaginal sex was supposed to be like. Adriana sensed his fear and bent over him, whispering into his ear.

"Don't worry, we'll take it nice and slow just so you can get used to it okay?"

Alex nodded his head. Adriana started to move downwards, Alex's cock prodded at her entrance and he let out a gasp as she pushed down onto him. Adriana didn't stop until he was hilted inside of her. She looked at him and he was mewing quietly because of the sensations that ran throughout his body. It was obvious that he was enjoying this treatment.

"Are you ready for the next part?" she asked him. She wanted to be sure that he didn't come too quickly while inside of her for she loved nothing better than a good yiff. Alex just nodded as he started to calm down a bit. Adriana murred happily as she started to slowly move up and down Alex's length, gasping every time she slid down the fox's cock. Alex let out a pleasured groan, never in his life had he experienced anything as good as this before and he didn't want it to stop.

"Ca... can you go a little faster?" he asked.

Eric personally wondered why Carla had to go downstairs but he paid it no more attention as he stripped off all of his clothes. Placing them on his study table he lay down on his bed in a suggestive pose. He resisted the urge to paw himself off right then and there but he gingerly played with his ballsack and managed to make a small spurt of pre come out of the end of his dick. He waited patiently for about five minutes and Carla still hadn't shown up. His cock was throbbing now, aching for attention. He couldn't take it anymore and after lying on his back started to paw himself off very slowly. However at that present moment Carla had just walked in the door, carrying a vast assortment of toys in her arms.

"So you've decided to start without me have you?" she snarled, "Well I'll show you to start without me!"

Placing all of the toys on the ground she found a small ring and after swatting Eric's right paw away form his cock she attached the ring and tightened it at the base of Eric's dick.

"Now start pawing yourself off now!" she commanded. Eric's groaned as he did what she told him to. The ring would prevent him from cumming but not from having an orgasm. Eric cursed himself for signing that contract with her so hastily. If only he hadn't said that she could whatever she liked to him! Eric arched his back as he orgasmed for the first time that day. His paw started to slow down but Carla just yelled at him to keep going until she told him to stop. Picking up the pace again he could feel himself get ready for a second orgasm when he felt something prod against his tailhole. He paused for long enough to discover that Carla was pushing a vibrator into his tailhole. Carla again snapped at Eric to continue pawing himself off and he reached his second orgasm as the vibrator was hilted inside of him. Smirking at his apparent discomfort Carla finally disrobed herself and thrust her cunt into Eric's face.

"I'll let your paw have a break when I feel like it... but in the meantime show me that skillful tongue of yours," she ordered.

"Oh... I'm gonna cum soon," Alex moaned as Adriana slid down his cock at an incredible speed. The vixen just shook her head and dismounted him. Alex let out a growl of anger as she stopped. He started to protest when she put a finger over his lips to silence him.

"Shh... I'm sure you know that the longer you can hold it the more powerful your orgasm gets right?" the vixen cooed softly. Alex just shook his head, never in his life had he heard something like that before but he was willing to give it a try.

"Just relax and don't think about what we're doing. Try focusing on say the latest sports results," Adriana suggested. Alex closed his eyes as he tried to remember the latest NBA score between Houston and Chicago. His mind calmed and blocked out any thoughts of his yiffing.

"Do you feel ready to go again?" Adriana asked him a short while later.

"Yeah I do... can I be on top this time though?" Alex answered.

"Ooh he wants being in charge... I like that!"

Eric's right paw was starting to get a little tired so he switched to his left paw as he started to lick at Carla's entrance. The white tigress let out a pleasured moan as he started to lick at her clit. She reached around and used a paw to gently massage his ballsack.

"Mmm... still as good as I remembered it," she murmured as Eric plunged his tongue into her cunt. She let out a shriek of pleasure as his tongue probed her insides. She swatted away Eric's left paw, signaling that he could stop. Doing this allowed Eric to totally focus on pleasuring Carla. Withdrawing his tongue from Carla's dripping pussy he started to lick furiously at her clit once more and was rewarded with a gush of liquid which he lapped up.

"Mmm... good boy, lick it all up," Carla whispered as she moved down his body, settling down at Eric's throbbing cock. She grabbed it one of her paws and ran her tongue along the underside of it, drawing out a long moan from the wolf. She gave it one more lick before wrapping her lips around the tip and started to gently suck on it. It took a great deal of self-restraint for Eric to not start thrusting into Carla's muzzle and the vibrator stuck in his tailhole wasn't helping. Strangely enough Carla still hadn't turned on the device yet and its presence was starting to bug Eric a bit. He let out a gasp as Carla took his entire length into her muzzle. Closing his eyes he helped managed to stave off his impending orgasm. All of a sudden his resistance was broken when the vibrator in his ass sprang into life. Pleasure flooded through his mind once more and he arched his back as a powerful orgasm wracked his body. A sweat developed all over his body as the consecutive orgasms started to take its toll. He now felt more tired than he had ever in his life. Even this year's athletics carnival hadn't left him as tired as this. But he wouldn't let the fatigue beat him. No he would fight it at all costs! Maybe it was Carla's plan all along to wear him out so that she could yiff him as much as she wanted without him complaining.

"Oh yeah! There! Right there!"

Alex grunted a little as he thrusted slowly into Adriana's cunt. Her pants and groans were the driving force behind his thrusts as he pounded into her dripping pussy from atop her. He had almost orgasmed into her a few minutes earlier but managed to pull out in time and calm himself down sufficiently before plunging back in. Alex started to lick at Adriana's breasts while she started to paw herself off. His tongue danced across her left nipple before going to the right, sending ripples of pleasure coursing throughout her body. Reaching down with his right paw he started to flick one of his fingers across Adriana's clit, sending a loud moan to come cascading out of her mouth. She orgasmed shortly after and her cunt tightened around Alex's cock.

"NO... must hold on for one more try!" Alex thought to himself as he stopped moving, waiting for Adriana's orgasm to subside before he pulled out of her. She almost pushed him over the edge right there and his balls ached for release. But he was enjoying himself so much that he had to have one last go. He finally managed to wrench his dick free of her and he fell onto the bed gasping for breath. He lazily reached his left paw over and plunged two fingers into her cunt before drawing them out and licking them.

"You taste as good as you look you know," he murmured as he plunged his fingers in again before sucking on them. Adriana just giggled at him before hugging the fox close to her. She had a weak spot for those that gave her compliments.

Carla smiled wickedly as she placed his cock tip at the entrance to her pussy. She intended on teasing him a little bit before she started on her routine. Her juices from her previous orgasm started to spill over Eric's cock and onto his groin, drawing out a low moan from the wolf. She turned around and used a paw to gently massage his balls.

"Oh please stop torturing me like this!" Eric mewed piteously, a tear escaping from the side of his eye.

"I'll let you have your fun after I've had mine!" Carla hissed as she switched the setting on the vibrator from low to high. Eric clenched his teeth tightly as the vibrator increased its pulsations, the gentle vibrations applied to his prostate soon becoming a torrent of pleasure. Eric arched his back as he felt himself starting to climax again. Carla must have some sort of deep knowledge of Eric or either she knew the male orgasm pattern by heart as she pressed down on Eric's cock just before he hit his climax, hilting him inside of her as the waves of pleasure threatened to cause him to black out.

"Oh god... I don't think I could go another round," Eric moaned as he tried to catch his breath. His tailhole was starting to hurt a little as the vibrator pulsed powerfully inside of him but his pleas fell on deaf ears. Carla was enjoying herself too much to care about his discomfort.

"Well you'll have to make me happy before you get a break my wolf," she laughed as she started to slowly move up and down along Eric's length.

Alex let out a quiet moan of enjoyment as he slowly pushed himself back into Adriana's cunt from behind her. He had always wanted to try taking a girl from behind as it was rumoured to allow for the deepest penetration possible... it certainly was the one that seemed to produce the most stimulation.

"Ooh faster Alex! I know you can do it!" Adriana urged him as she started to rub her clit furiously. Alex picked up the pace a bit and started to ram himself into her, hilting himself inside of her with every thrust, panting hard because of his exertions. He wasn't going to spare her any cum this round. He was going to let it all flow into her even if it dripped out of her. He let out an excited squeal as he felt himself reach his orgasm. He gave a few quick thrusts before hilting his cock inside of her, his knot tying them together, as he orgasmed hard. His seed came out like a torrential flood and quickly coated her insides, which drove the vixen to her own orgasm. Her pussy clamped down on Alex's cock like a vice and refused to let go of the intruder inside of it. Alex's cum started to slowly drip from Adriana's pussy onto the bed as the two of them just laid next to each other, waiting for Alex's erection to go down so he could pull out of her.

"For a first timer you're pretty good," Adriana told him as she caught her breath.

"I aim to please milady," Alex cooed as he carefully fondled with Adriana's breath.

Eric could feel his mind and body being torn apart from each other as Carla continued to yiff him like there was no tomorrow. The sensations were starting to overwhelm his fatigued body. Using whatever energy he had left he rested his paws on Carla's legs and helped to push her down onto his throbbing cock. He needed to release himself so badly! Sensing his anguish the tigress smirked at him.

"You'll come after I orgasm first! So if you want to cum you have to work for it!"

Groaning Eric started to thrust lightly into her cunt. Starting slowly he started to speed up until he was thrusting hard and fast in a desperate attempt to push her towards orgasm.

"Mmm... we better air out the room before we leave huh?" Adriana asked Alex as he pulled out of her.

"Yeah we better... it would be best not to get Eric into any unnecessary trouble," Alex agreed as he put his clothes back on, "If only I knew where the window actually was it would be a lot easier!"

Adriana also quickly put on her clothes, making sure to stuff a couple of tissues down her panties to make sure that Alex's cum didn't leak out. She quickly wiped up some of the cum that had spilled out of her pussy with a tissue and hoped that it wouldn't leave a permanent mark. Shaking her head she flipped the bed sheets over so that one couldn't notice the stain. Alex had finally found the window after searching the entire room and managed to pry it open. A gust of fresh, cool air came in and refreshed the two foxes. Adriana padded over to Alex and wrapped her arms around his body.

"Oh that feels good," she whispered, referring to the incoming breeze.

"Yes...yes it does," Alex answered softly.

"Oh yes! YES! YES!"

Carla's screams of pleasure encouraged Eric to continue his thrusting. Her cunt quivered uncontrollably as reached her orgasm, spewing her juices all over Eric's cock and groin. After recovering from her powerful orgasm she loosened the ring around the base of Eric's cock.

"Now my little wolf, I'm going to let you have your fun... I know how badly you want to cum at the moment so prove how good you are to me by jetting as much of that hot, sticky cum into my body NOW!"

Eric groaned as he felt Carla's paws fiddle with the ring around his cock.

"NOW yiff me with all you got!" she commanded.

Eric's fatigue was starting to cause him to go in and out of bouts of consciousness. But he heard the last command well enough to make a couple of few quick thrusts before hilting himself inside of the tigress and released all of his stored up cum. Stream after stream of the hot, sticky liquid flowed into Carla's pussy, with some of it spurting out onto the bed sheets. His incredible orgasm caused the wolf to black out at this point, leaving Carla to carefully dismount the wolf after she was sure he had finished spurting his cum inside of her. After licking Eric's cock clean she quickly donned her clothing, making sure to stuff a few tissues down her panties so the cum wouldn't leak out and stain them. She turned off the vibrator and carefully pulled it free. Eric's tailhole wasn't making it easy to do so as it had clamped down on the device during his orgasm. She also slipped off the cock ring and carried the toys downstairs.

When she had come back up she noticed that Alex and Adriana were peering into Eric's room. They were completely astounded to find the wolf fast asleep.

"You guys looked like you had a lot of fun," Alex muttered.

"Yeah... I tortured him quite a bit though so I guess it makes sense that he's asleep now. I'm sure I would if I had as many orgasms as he did," Carla replied. She followed the gaze of the two foxes to Eric's cock, which was still erect for some reason.

"I wonder what he's dreaming of now..." Adriana whispered.