His Beautiful Boys

Story by Kendo Kawabata on SoFurry

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#7 of The Dark Saga

His beautiful boys

By Kendo Kawabata

Wasn't really sure if I wanted to add another chapter to the 'Dark' saga, but I saw some very cute images on Fchan and I guess I got inspired. That, and people kept poking me with a jalapeno on a stick.

Warm, and snuggly. Those were the two words he could describe where he was that morning as he was secure in a wonderfully warm cocoon. Well, where he had been for the last few nights, and even during the days too. Under the covers on an extra large bed in a new bedroom in a new home, with two wonderful digimon at his sides.

What could possibly be better then that?

Kaiden woke up slowly, as he did every morning. He took his time to wake up, not wanting to break away from the illusions of his dreams and dive in head first into reality. The sun was already filling the room, a feature he was still getting used to. The extra large windows were positioned so the sunlight covered the bed every morning. Still, it was better than an alarm clock blaring the horrid buzzing noise every morning.

The teenage boy sat himself up slowly, the blanket lifting up a bit as he stretched his arms up over his head. It felt good to stretch his body first thing in the morning, particularly with so much nightly 'exercise' he got. He felt his shoulders pop slightly and his muscles stretched a bit as he sighed in relief. Mm, it was a good morning to wake up.

He looked to his right and smiled as he saw his Darkflamedramon Flame lying under the covers, lying on his stomach with his arms under the pillows. The dark coloured digimon was hugging the pillow to his head, his dark black and red tipped hair covering his eyes.

Kaiden smiled and gently brushed the hair from his lovers eyes and leant down to kiss him on the forehead. Flame smiled softly in his sleep and nuzzled into the pillow, looking content as he seemed to purr softly. He let out a soft and very content sigh as his long wavy tail rubbed up against Kaidens side.

Kaiden smiled and whispered 'I love you' to him, against his ear as he gazed down at him. He brought his hand up to his face and gently stroked the digimon's cheek with his finger, deciding not to wake him up as he looked too adorable to disturb. He smiled, wondering once more as he did every morning how he could be so lucky to have someone like Flame in his life.

Turning to look on his left, he saw the other reason to get out of bed every morning. Blue, the flamedramon that he and Flame had rescued from Scott, lay beside him in the fetal position, his long blue tail resting between Kaiden's legs. Lighter in colour than Flame, Kaiden considered him no less in looks. The digimon was hugging a pillow tight to his chest and held it rather securely against him.

Kaiden gently stroked one of Blues long soft ears, watching him shift a bit from the contact. Kaiden smiled and leant over him, giving him a soft kiss on the cheek. Blue shifted a bit and smiled softly in his sleep for a moment or two.

"And I love you too" Kaiden said with a soft whisper to him as he slowly sat back up. Although Blue hadn't been with them long and Kaiden loved Flame first and foremost, he couldn't help but bring Blue into his heart and care for him as well.

He saw that both boys had their collars on. Flame wore a red fire print one, and Blue had a blue fire print one. He managed to get them special order for both of them. All three of them though wore the same red stone nipple rings in their right nipples. It may have been stupid and something not to write home about, but to him, it connected them all together.

Slowly, Kaiden began to ease himself out of bed. He had to shift the blanket off the bed so he could get out without disturbing the two males who were still asleep. Once he had pushed the blankets all the way down to the end of the bed, he gingerly made his way down the bed.

Crawling as slowly as he was able to, he pushed his body backwards until his feet touched the floor. Smiling in triumph Kaiden stood himself up and stretched out, lifting his arms above his head as he felt the sun up close through the window on his bare skin.

Turning around, he smiled as he saw his two digimon exposed to him. Without the blankets on them, Kaiden was able to see them in all their beautiful glory. Kaiden had to admit himself that no matter how many times he saw them in various states of undress, he couldn't deny that they took his breathe away all the time.

Flame was wearing a pair of red flame patterned boxers that were slightly too small for him. They rode up his large round cheeks and exposed almost half of the meaty muscled butt that Kaiden loved so much on his lover. He wished he could take a picture, if he wasn't afraid of the pictures going viral.

Blue had on an oversized pink toned shirt that his mother had been looking to throw out, which Blue, while blushing fiercely, had decided to wear. Although Kaiden had to admit the shirt only came down to about halfway to cover his rear. Lying in bed, the shirt had ridden up and the flamedramon's tight muscled cheeks were fully exposed. He was wearing nothing under them.

"My beautiful boys" Kaiden said with a smile as he grabbed the blankets and pulled them back over the sleeping males. He didn't want them to wake up from the cold. They deserved a morning when they could just lie in bed for however long they could manage. Making sure the two of them were both safe and snug under the blankets, he kissed them one last time before he headed to his bathroom.

A week ago or so, his parents had decided to move house. It seemed they had been discussing it behind his back for a while, and it kind of surprised him when they seemed to spring it on him. They had made the decision the day after Kaiden had brought Blue home, which surprisingly they didn't seem to mind. Although they insisted it wasn't because of Kaiden bringing in another lover to the house. They explained that they had been considering it for a while and they had found a good house. He was still suspicious though.

The house they had picked out, without his input, turned out to be almost twice the size of his previous home. The third floor his parents claimed, as it was practically one full room with a bathroom attached, and his bedroom covered the entire garage underneath it. And it came with an attached bathroom. And three single beds to replace his old double. He had to ask his parents why they did that.

"Your father and I sleep in single beds pushed together" his mother had explained while unpacking. "It just makes things easier if there comes a night when you don't want to sleep with the other. Especially on a hot night" she pointed out.

It was strange advice to hear from his mother, on a situation like that. But then again, he couldn't deny it was good advice. And it did make sense, since there were three people he got to share the bed with.

And he couldn't really complain. His door locked, quite securely he found out, there was a mini fridge installed in the room, air-conditioning worked well, and he had his privacy. This was convenient because he liked his boys naked as often as possible.

It had been a whirlwind of a week with everyone packing and moving rather constantly. Apparently his parents really had been considering it for a while as everything moved far too efficiently to be a spur of the moment kind of thing.

Stepping into the shower, he got the water running to a good temperature and stripped himself of his briefs. He tossed them into the laundry hamper against the opposite wall, which was starting to get rather full and he stepped into the running water. The water felt good that morning, as it did every morning he got to enjoy it. It was a good size, but it wasn't big enough for three people. He had already tried.

He chuckled a bit to that, as he began to wash himself up with one of the strawberry scented bars of soap. He had tried to fit the three of them in the shower, but only two were able to fit at a time. So he had to wash Flame first, and then take a second shower with Blue. He was as wrinkled as a prune by the time he was finished, but it had been a fun night regardless.

Kaiden ran the soap over his neck as he considered wether or not he was overly spoiling his two digimon lovers. Truth be told, he did spoil them. A lot. But he wouldn't be considered a very good digimon tamer if he didn't. He had seen the standards set by the others during his time in the digital world, and he always vowed he'd do better then them.

But so what if he spoilt his loved ones? Both his digimon had not lead easy lives at some point in their existence, that was for sure. And they deserved to be loved and treated like they deserved to exist. And he loved spoiling them. They were his boys.

"My beautiful boys" he said with a smile to himself as he shut the water off in the shower. He finished washing himself and stepped out to dry off. Three towels hung on the railing, one red, one blue and one white. One for each of them. He picked up the white one and began to dry himself off, rubbing the fluffy material over his wet body.

Once dried, he picked up the brush and tidied up his hair a bit, checking his reflection in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom. He saw that Flame and Blue were both still asleep in the bed, neither of them seemed to have moved. But when he got closer, he saw that they had gotten a little closer to snuggle up to the warm spot he had left in the bed.

Smiling to himself at how adorably innocent his boys looked in their sleep, he decided to dress silently. Putting on a white shirt with a blank splotch print across the front and the back, and a pair of black tight fitting jeans before leaving the room. Giving his boys one last look where they lay on the bed, he smiled and shut the door behind him.

With his parents once again out of town on business, he had the house to himself and his boys for two days again. He figured he could get a start on his homework later on and get it out of the way. As he walked into the kitchen he took a look out the window and saw the clear skies outside with only a few clouds on the horizon. A good day to try out the pool in the backyard.

"Or, I can forget the homework and just lie on the couch with a couple of naked digimon at my side and a lot of good movies" he said to himself, the idea sounding a lot more enjoyable then spending his day with his head stuck in a boring book.

He grabbed the cereal and poured himself a bowl, leaning back against the kitchen counter to eat it up. His digivice in his jeans pocket went off, indicating that he had received a text. With the spoon in his mouth he fished the device out of his pocket and used his finger to bring up the message.

Kaiden read it quickly before he put the bowl down and typed in a reply. 'B THERE ASAP' he tpyed in before he pressed SEND. Seeing the little message icon fly away on his digice. He just started to resume his breakfast when he heard movement coming from upstairs. It sounded like his boys had finally woken up.

Resisting the sudden urge to run upstairs and greet his naked boys with a good morning snuggle that would most likely turn into a very nice little threesome, he wolfed down the rest of his cereal and dumped the bowl into the sink.

He grabbed his satchel bag from the counter and made sure he had his house keys in the front pocket and thrust his digivice back into his pocket. Acting quick before either Blue or Flame came down the stairs and found him, he left a note on the counter for whichever of the digimon came downstairs first and left it beside the fruit bowl on the counter.

With everything in tow, he quickly left the house, managing to shut the front door just as he heard footsteps on the stairs. Glad he got out in time, for good reasons of course, he made his way to the footpath and slowed down to a walk as he headed down the street in the direction of the bus stop.

"So tell me why you called me to stop Scott at the highschool" Kaiden asked as he leant against the tree in the park. He crossed his arms as he looked over at the other person he was with. It had taken him a while to get there, and although he agreed to meet up he wanted it over with as soon as possible.

"Because, I couldn't beat him myself" Mia said as she stood a few feet away from Kaiden. She looked the same as he last he had seen her, dressed in black in the Goth style he had known her for. Wearing a black top and miniskirt decorated with silver piercings with black and white striped stockings on her legs, she looked like she belonged in a Tim Burton movie.

"You actually tried?" Kaiden asked with some slight surprise in his voice. That part he hadn't expected. Although he had little contact with the other dig destined in his group, he didn't think they'd actually turn on each other like he had on them. Guess he was more out of the loop then he actually thought.

"Tried, and failed" Mia said, her eyes downcast as she spoke. Kaiden took a look up in the tree above him and saw her digimon Dorumon, a lean purple fox like digimon, sitting in the branches above him. Obviously he was keeping a lookout. For what, he didn't know. Then again, he didn't know him well enough to know what he was looking for.

He didn't want to meet up with her to begin with, but he wanted answers. Coming back from the digital world alienated from the group of other teenagers Kaiden had turned his back on them and didn't look back. He had maybe run into the others once or twice, accidently of course, and none of those times had been pleasant.

But Mia had called him out of the blue a couple of weeks ago to tell him that Scott, one of the group, had been kidnapping digimon from the digital world and forcing them to compete for their lives at his school in front of anyone he could invite. Kaiden had been so furious to find out how low Scott had sunk, he had raced there to stop him.

Blue had been the last victim, and weakened badly before the fight, he had stood little to no chance against the powerhouse of an Angemon. Kaiden and Flame managed to stop him in time from killing Blue out of nothing but sheer boredom and egotism, and made sure Scott knew he wasn't going to leave unpunished.

"OK, I have to know. Why did you try and stop him?" Kaiden asked. This wasn't the part she hadn't told him over the phone that day. He knew she had found out he was killing off digimon, but he hadn't known she tried to stop him herself. "You guys all acted like best friends and all that when we were in the digital world. And you treated me like an outcast."

"You may have thought yourself the leader, but you always treated Scott like he was a hero. If I had to guess" he said, as he watched her look away, "I could have sworn you liked him."

"Well, that was a mistake" Mia said as she didn't look at Kaiden as he ran a finger through her hair. He glanced at her face and he was somewhat surprised to see that she was blushing quite heavily. "Yeah, I did like him back then. I thought he was cute and handsome and brave and all that stupid shit" she said to him as she curled her hair around her finger.

"So what changed your mind" Kaiden asked her as he watched her. She looked very embarrassed to be put on the spot and having to admit that she liked such a jerk.

"Because, I realized I was wrong" she said to him as she regained her composure and looked up at him as she put her hands on her hips. "Look, I know we're not friends and I doubt we will be after what happened last time we met. And I know we don't agree on how to treat digimon, but even I didn't agree with what Scott was doing" she said.

"I mean, he was killing them, or deleting them. At least if you kill them in the digital world, they get reborn and given a second chance" She said. "But you kill them here, and it's the same as getting deleted" she said to him. "They just disappear. They really die, and.... I didn't want that to happen."

"They're no different than the enemies on world of warcraft" Kaiden said to her. "no different, that's what you said" he pointed out to her. But he didn't feel as angry as he was trying to be with her. He didn't know that part about deletion. It sent a shiver up his spine to think that if Blue had died that day in the fight, he would have really died.

"Yeah, but at least I didn't capture them and torture them to make myself look better" Mia said in a sudden outburst. "Look, I haven't even been back to the digital world since we left it after saving the world. I've been concentrating on my school life and looking after Dorumon. And if I did go back to the digital world, it wouldn't be to do kidnapping."

Kaiden said nothing for a moment or two as he looked at her. Truth be told, he had to admit that Mia was not capable of doing something like that. She might have been a bitch at times, but she wasn't that big of a bitch.

"She's focusing on school?" He thought to himself, having not expected that. He really was out of the loop with the others. He let her calm down as he had a sudden thought. With the digital world saved, what were they meant to do now? What was there for heroes to do when the world didn't need saving? So he and Mia were going on with their lives, and Scott...Scott just apparently decided to keep being a prick.

"So, how did you find out about it?" Kaiden asked.

"He showed up at my school a few weeks ago. Just appeared by my locker" she said as she curled her finger again. He was starting to see that she did that when she got nervous. "It was a surprise. I hadn't seen him in so long. He said he had something organized that he wanted to show me" she said as she sighed a bit. "I thought he meant a date" she admitted sadly.

"Then he took me to his school and I thought ... well I really thought he wanted to do the typical jock date, you know? Introduce me to his friends, show me around, let me watch him do foot ball practice...I didn't even think twice when he said Dorumon could come along. I don't think I was thinking straight at the time. It was just happening so fast and I honestly thought he liked me" she continued as she stopped curling her hair for a moment.

"And then he took me into the gym and it was like a pep rally was going. I didn't think twice about it. I thought it was part of the whole experience, you know, some football thing" Mia said as she looked to the ground, her finger now unwinding the hair around it. "And then he told me why he brought me."

"He said he had found a way for the digidestined to stay on top, and show everyone at the same time who was the best of the best. Said something about those unable to fight for their lives don't deserve their existence. Then he released a digimon he had captured."

"Kaiden, it was a Sunflowmon. And she was beaten up badly. She could barely move, and it shocked the absolute hell out of me when Scott forced her to fight. He made Angemon destroy her, and he didn't just do that Kaiden. He made Angemon pretty much torture her, slowly. Angemon could have finished her at any time, but ..it was like Scott wanted her to know how beneath him she was. He made it look easy and fun to the crowd there. And when he finally finished her off, he was laughing about it" Mia said as she looked to the ground.

Kaiden felt a bit sick to hear that, as he saw how upset she was getting over this. He had arrived in time to see Blue get beaten down like a ragdoll across the gym, and had managed to get Flame to step in before the killing blow was landed. He had seen the condition Blue had been in when he helped him out of the gym. He shuddered every time he thought about what could have happened should he not have arrived in time.

"So, what did you do then?" Kaiden asked. Mia said nothing for a few moments, almost like she was reluctant to say. She was definitely finding it hard to say something to him, and he had a feeling it was the reason she had called him in the first place. Something must have happened that day, because he felt in a way he was talking to a different person. Shge didn't seem like the arrogant girl he once knew. She looked like a girl who knew she had been wrong, which was so incredibly rare. She continued to look at the ground for a moment or two before she continued.

"I slapped him" she said finally, and Kaiden felt surprised to that. But not by much.

"I slapped him and told him that being a dig destined was about protecting the digital world, and destroying the dark digimon. We were chosen to fight the bad guys and beat them down. Not just go around and kill digimon just to make him feel big and feed his ego" she said. "Cause that's why he was doing it. Just to feed his ego" she said. Kaiden didn't need to know that, as he already did.

"He didn't like it. He got angry and told me I had no right to play the high and mighty act. I told him I was doing no such thing and then he said 'well who always dove in last to beat them down when they were vulnerable? This is no different than your tactics" he said to me. I ...didn't know what to say to that" she said quietly.

"I looked at him and said that this was different. We were fighting the bad guys. That digimon he beat up, didn't deserve it. He smirked at me and told me I was just a stupid little girl playing with the big boys and I didn't know anything. So I went for it and told him the only reason he was doing this was because he had a dick the size of a garden gnomes. He went red faced and then challenged me. Told me if I was so adamant in defending the good guys, then I should fight for them" she said.

"You actually fought him?" Kaiden asked as he looked at her. That part he wanted to find out. He knew she didn't win, because he had to stop Scott himself. But he wanted to know what happened during that fight to make her be such a different person. "Tell me what happened. How did the fight do down?" he asked as he slid his arms behind his back and watched her carefully.

"I made Dorumon digivolve to Anubismon" she said. "And I told him not to hold back. Scott needed to be stopped and I wanted him stopped." Kaiden knew what Anubismon was, Dorumons Ultimate level. Anubismon, a very tall egyption looking jackal with very long arms and immense golden wings, was highly powerful.

Kaiden had rarely seen the digimon lose a battle, even when vastly outnumbered. He didn't know if Dorumon had a mega form beyond that, but Anubismon should have been able to give Angemon a run for his money.

But with the way Mia was looking at the ground, Kaiden had a feeling in his gut that it may not have been enough.

"You didn't win did you?" Kaiden asked. He looked up as he heard something move in the branches above him, but he saw nothing. Dorumon had moved so fast that Kaiden hadn't seen it. Kaiden looked back down and saw that the fox like digimon had already appeared behind Mia and was holding her hand.

"I wasn't strong enough" he said quietly as he held onto her hand rather tightly.

"Scott made Angemon evolve to Lordangemon, Angemon's mega form" Mia said as she looked at the ground. "And told him not to hold back either."

"His words were actually "Fuck him up"" Dorumon said as he looked to the side slightly. Kaiden nodded a little, but he didn't say anything. Changing straight to mega to fight an ultimate, it wasn't an uncommen strategy. But was it still somewhat unfair

"He threw Anubismon around like a ragdoll, like they weren't even in the same league. Anubismon was trying to beat him, but LordAngemon was trying to outright kill him. He wouldn't let up, and he just kept attacking and hitting him. And Scott wouldn't let him stop till...."

"He only stopped when I returned to my rookie state" Dorumon said in a small voice. Kaiden saw Mia squeeze Dorumons hand tightly to that remark. She looked like she was about to cry, and she had to wipe her eyes a few times.

"When he did stop, Dorumon couldn't move. I think he had broken ribs and he was coughing up blood. Scott turned to me and said that if Dorumon couldn't fight back, he didn't deserve his existence. The way he said that...it scared me" Mia admitted as looked like she was about to burst out crying. "Like he honestly didn't care that Dorumon was mine."

Kaiden saw the way Dorumon was holding her hand, and the way Mia was drying her eyes. Now he knew what had changed her. She cared more for her partner then he had first thought. And it had taken her almost losing him to realize where she had been wrong.

He did feel sorry for her now. Despite what she had once been to him, he now came to the conclusion that after spending a year with her in the digital world, he really knew nothing about her. Maybe he had her wrong after all.

"So why did you call me? What made you think I could beat Scott?" Kaiden asked when she managed to get herself back under control enough that she was no longer crying. Mia wiped her eyes and looked up at him as she regained herself.

"Kaiden, none of us have seen your partner before. Not once. We've only heard the rumors on how strong he is. Although most of the rumours were not good" she said. "And I know you got him back, because you kept insisting you did" she admitted.

"What about Kyle?" Kaiden asked. Kyle was the fourth and last member of the digidestined. He was the youngest, at eleven years old, and was a goody two shoes through and through. The kind of kid who believed there was goodness in everyone. He had arrived in the digital world with his digimon, a Terriermon. The little dark brown haired boy had been a complete wuss, trying to avoid all fighting and telling all the digimon to be friends and that fighting wasn't supposed to happen. Kaiden was glad to be rid of the little jerk when they finally parted ways.

"Kyle, you know him. He wouldn't be able to do it, He'd just stand there and cry about everyone being friends. Yet strangely the moment Terriermon gets hurt he turns into a revenge seeking brat" Mia said. Kaiden snorted. That was true too, he had almost forgotten about that part. "Besides....I...kind of thought your partner had the advantage" she said quietly.

Kaiden stood up slowly and moved away from the tree he was leaning against. Something about the way she had said that didn't quite sit right with him as he put his hands on his hips and looked at her.

"Um, what advantage? You mean the fact he's as strong as an ultimate while being champion?" he asked. That was the only advantage he could think of. The only advantage Flame had as far as he knew.

"Well..."Mia began, but she looked unsure of how to continue.

"The advantage we thought of, was that he remembered Geo's training" Dorumon said as he looked at Kaiden as he spoke. Kaiden stared at them for a moment, not sure about what he was talking about, before he 'oh'ed in realization. He wanted to be angry at them both for even suggesting such a thing. He actually felt his hands ball up into fists at the mere thought.

It had taken Flame weeks to forget what Geoweregarurumon, the leader of the digimon driving to rid the world of dark digimon, be they good or evil, had done to his partner. Geo had kidnapped Flame from Kaidens bedroom and taken him prisoner back to the digital world. Seven years in the digital world under Geo's torturous and sexually brutal training had turned Flame into Dark, a merciless and unhesitant killer who could even take down megas.

Only recently had Flame stopped crying at night over the nightmarish memories of those times. It had taken him a long time to separate dreams from reality, and it tore Kaiden to see him suffer like that. He had to wake up to Flame crying in his sleep almost every night, and it hadn't been easy to make him stop some nights. It had been a relief when Flame had managed to stop at last.

But he couldn't get angry at them for making the assumption that Flame would still be as strong as Dark was at that time. Mia was right, she had never met Flame or Dark before. And after watching Scott almost kill her partner.... Well, why wouldn't she want someone strong to take him down?

"Ok, so you chose him because Flame is strong, based on what I was saying to you" he said quickly as she looked like she wanted to interrupt. "Ok, that I can get. And I can understand how you' think Flame would be strong after all he's been through. I'm willing not to get angry over this, but, I gotta ask. Why did you ask me?" he said.

"I ...I just told you..." Mia said to him, looking a little confused and somewhat caught off guard. "Because your partner was strong enough..."

"Mia, Scott was torturing and killing digimon to make himself look good. And he tried to kill your partner. Which reason made you come to me?" he asked her. "Was it the digimon getting hurt, or because your partner was hurt" he said. When Mia didn't answer straight away, he shook his head a little. "I saved Blue, because I didn't want him to die, and I wanted Scott stopped. I didn't do it because of anything to do with you. Why did you call me?" he asked.

Mia looked at him for a moment as she registered what he was saying, and it was a few moments more before she realized what he was talking about. She held onto Dorumons hand and thought about it for a moment before she answered.

"I guess....it was a little of both" she admitted a little slowly. "Kaiden, I know he had to be stopped for doing what he did. I don'tk now how many digimon he would go through before he got bored with the whole thing. And .. that's not what we fought for. What was the whole point in fighting Geo like that, if Scott was just going to do the same thing he did? What if he got so bored he decided to turn on us?"

"But...seeing what he did to Dorumon, after fighting alongside him so much and being there when he needed it? Truthfully, I wanted payback . I wanted you to put him in his place and put a stop to it all" she said to him. "Dorumon couldn't do it, and I know Kyle would have ended up being smacked around. You were the only one I could talk to that would actually do it."

Kaiden nodded slowly as he got where she was coming from. Strangely, he didn't feel angry by her decision, or the reasons behind it. For whatever reason, she had gone to Kaiden for help. And in the end, Flame had beaten down Angemon harder than any digimon had before.

Maybe she did call him because she saw how much of a royal prick Scott had become and all he had put the digimon through. Or maybe she had called him because she knew how he felt when he lost his partner.

"Well, whatever reasons you had Mia, I'm glad you came to me" Kaiden said to her after a minute or two of silence between them. Mia sighed slightly and had a small but relieved smile. She looked glad that Kaiden wasn't about to yell at her over this.

"Thank you, for what you did" Mia said to him as she let go of Dorumons hand. "And Kaiden...I know we're not friends, and we probably won't ever be. But...do you think maybe...I could ...you know. Actually come and see Flame one day?" she asked.

"Sure" Kaiden said with a small smile to her. "Maybe then you'll finally believe me" he said and she laughed a little with a small smile at the jibe.

"Maybe I will" she said to him. "And I can say sorry to him as well, and to you as well" she said as she stepped up and held her hand out to shake his. But Kaiden didn't take her hand, and for a moment she looked surprised he didn't accept. Yet, she pulled her hand away and decided not to push him for anything.

"Seriously though....Scott?" Kaiden had to ask her with a grin.

"Trust me, I won't be making that mistake again" she promised him with a slightly embarrassed smile."Anyway, I guess I'll see you around maybe. And we can actually say Hi in public" she said.

"Maybe" Kaiden said with a smile as he let her go. She turned and walked back to Dorumon, who slipped his arm around hers as they walked away together. Kaiden watched them walk off, seeing her rest her head against his shoulder as he moved his arm around her waist rather affectionately.

"I guess I was wrong about them" he thought to himself. He felt glad for that. Although it was somewhat sad it had taken Dorumons almost slaughter for them both to realize their feelings for one another.

Turning around and heading his own way out of the park, he felt better having put all of that behind him. He still didn't like Mia all that much, but he didn't feel like hating her anymore. As he strode through the park heading back to the bus stop that he had arrived at, he felt like the day was turning into a good one from start to finish.

He smiled as he hurried to the bus stop. He had two boys back at home waiting for him, and he wanted to be there with them.

"Hey guys, I'm back" he called out as he stepped into the house, closing the door behind him. He didn't register the silence that hung in the air as he dropped his satchel bag on the nightstand and stepped into the front room.

He looked over the very large open living room area for a moment, expecting to see them on the couch, where he usually found them at this time of day. Blue usually sat curled up with one of Kaiden's stuffed bears, sometimes seeming to take up as little space as possible. And Flame would be there munching on strawberry oreo cookies or whatever happened to be strawberry flavoured in the house.

But the tv was off and the couch deserted, which seemed a little odd as he was used to seeing them there. Hmming to himself he strode into the kitchen and found his note missing, so they had picked it up. Thinking they were upstairs in his bedroom, he took the stairs by the door to the garage and headed up.

"You guys up here?" he called out as he opened his bedroom door, thinking they were on the floor playing his Xbox again. They usually played naked while laying on their stomachs, and Kaiden would just sit there and admire their backsides in quiet admiration. He had to admit, they were getting good and they were capable of beating him from time to time. But his room was tidied and empty as well.

"Now where did they go?" he asked himself as he looked over the empty room a few times. They never left the house without him, and if they left with him, they went in his digivice. He wondered a bit longer before he headed to the window. He drew back the shades and let the light fill the room as he looked over the backyard.

"Ah, there they are" he said with a smile as he spotted them lounging by the pool. It looked like they were sunbathing with each other and had apparently set up camp on a few large towels. "Guess they had the same idea as me" he grinned as he undid his jeans and pulled his shirt over his head. No harm in joining them.

He stripped off and tossed his clothes over his sholder, hearing them thump somewhere as he dug in a drawer for his swimming gear. Finding something suitable he slipped on a pair of bathing shorts, a pair of black ones that were a little too small for him, but he didn't mind. He rummaged again and found his swimming goggles and some sunscreen. He then grabbed a towel from the bathroom and headed outside.

His two digimon lay on their towels on the grass beside the pool, and it looked like they had been there for a while. Flame lay out on his back with one leg lifted up slightly, his arm over his eyes. He was wearing just a bright red speedo that hugged at his hips and his crotch quite well. His hide glistened with the sunscreen he was wearing. Kaiden had to stop for a moment and just admire the view of his lover laid out for him.

Blue was laying on his front, wearing an oversized white shirt over his lean frame, his head resting in his arms. His tail was raised and slowly waving back and forth, the shirt ridden up over his plump backside. Kaiden saw he was wearing something akin to a bikini bottom, one that was bright yellow with red polka dots. Neither of them seemed to notice him and he took advantage to just admire them both, before he decided to make his presence known.

"Hey boys" Kaiden said with a smile as he stepped up between them both. Flame took his arm away from his face as Blue looked up and they both smiled to see him come back.

"Hey, welcome back' Flame said as he got up and wrapped his arms around the smaller human. Even though Flame and Blue were both the same height and both taller them Kaiden, it never bothered them in the slightest. Kaiden smiled and wrapped his arms around his dark colored lover and held him tightly. The digimons skin was very warm and he must have been outside for a good while to get that hot, figuratively speaking.

"Sorry I missed you guys getting up. But I had something to do this morning" Kaiden said as he gave Flame a kiss on the lips before he let go and knelt down to give Blue a hug. Just like Flame, Blues lovely blue skin was warm and it made the hug extremely pleasant..

"We missed you" Blue said softly as he got kissed. Kaiden smiled and kissed his cheek again as he sat down between them. He spread the towel between theirs and started to apply some sunscreen to himself.

"And I missed you boys" Kaiden said with a smile as Flame lay back down on his back. Kaiden rubbed the sunscreen over his arms as he looked down at Flames hard abs. He smiled to how gorgeous the muscles were as he started to rub over his chest. Not to say that Blues lean muscled back was nothing to admire either.

"So what did you do?" Flame asked as he brushed his hair from out of his eyes as he watched Kaiden lie down on his back between them. He slid his arm against Kaidens and looped his elbow into his, giving his arm a one sided hug.

"I had to go and see Mia" Kaiden said as he gave the dark colored hand a squeeze, linking his fingers between his own. "I needed to talk to her" he said as he took his other hand and ran it down Blues covered back a bit. He felt his fingers snag on something under the soft material for a moment.

"Why did you need to go and see her? Flame said you didn't like her" Blue said as he rested his head on one arm and used his other hand to rub Kaiden's chest. He found a patch of sunscreen on his chest and used his light blue coloured fingers to help rub it in gently.

"Well, she was the one who called me about Scott" Kaiden said to Blue. "And you're right. I'm not that fond of her" he admitted as he felt Blue rub his chest and he gave him a smile to that.

"Wait, Mia? Seriously?" Flame asked, as he let go of Kaidens hand and sat up, looking surprised. "You didn't want anything to do with her and the others" he pointed out.

"Well, I did" Kaiden said as he sat up as well. Blue did too as he sat up on his knees. The two digimon both looked interested in hearing this, but while Blue looked curious, Flame looked annoyed. "But, I had to know why she called me" he said.

"So what did she say?" Blue asked softly. He knew that Mia was the one who called Kaiden that day when he was saved, so he knew he owed her some thanks for him still being alive now. But like Kaiden, he didn't know why she had done it.

"She said that she tried to stop Scott herself, after he killed wounded digimon in front of her. She slapped him and called him on what he was doing, so he challenged her. They fought, and he almost killed Dorumon" Kaiden said. Both digimon looked surprised to hear that.

"Really? She tried to stop him by herself? What was she thinking?" Flame said.

"That she had to do something. Scott was already into one of his little contests and had beaten at least one by the time he brought Mia into it" Kaiden said as he looked at them both. "She got upset about it. I know she doesn't have the best views about digimon, but she couldn't believe Scott had turned into the very thing we had fought against."

"So, she fought him and lost?" Blue asked softly. Kaiden reached over and gave his hand a squeeze as he looked at him.

"Dorumons ultimate level is Anubismon, and he's very strong. But Scott made Angemon digivolve to Lordangemon from the start and made him beat the living tar out of Anubismon. He wouldn't stop till he was literally one step away from deletion" Kaiden said. He could almost feel both his digimon shiver from the very thought.

"So what, she wanted revenge on him?" flame asked.

"That as well" Kaiden said to him as he held both their hands in his. "If she didn't call me, blue wouldn't be here. And that's something she found out. If a digimon dies in the real world, they don't restored. They're deleted permanently. If she didn't call me, then Blue wouldn't be here. For that, I'm thankful and I can at least be nice to her' he said as he squeezed both their hands.

"We owe Blues life to her, and for that I'm willing to be on a better page with her. And without her, I wouldn't have a new wonderful and beautiful boy to share my heart and my bed with" Kaiden added with a smile.

Blue smiled softly to that as Kaiden smiled to him. Flame smiled as well to him, which made Blue blush a bit, his cheeks turning a soft purple color. Flame knew that since Blue had joined them, he was more quiet and easily embarrassed, often blushing from all the attention that they both gave him.

"Aww, come here" Kaiden said with a smile as he leant forward and wrapped his arms around Blue and held him against him. "No need to blush. You know we love you, and we're glad that we saved you. She helped me save you, and I'm glad I did"

It just made Blue blush all the more as he was hugged by Kaiden, but he did smile and hug him back. The two of them just sat there, hugging each other tightly as Flame smiled on to the tender moment. Blue closed his eyes and looked rather content as Kaiden kept his arms wrapped around him for several minutes before he let go of him.

"Let's get some sun while we still have the chance" Kaiden said as he gave both his digimon a pat on their thighs before he lay down on his back. Flame and Blue both nodded and Flame resumed his earlier position on his back while Blue laid back down on his front.

Kaiden closed his eyes as he felt his body begin to warm up from the contact of the sun. He felt very comfortable to lie there between his two boys. It was almost like being back in bed, cept this bed was under a warm sun.

A few clouds began to come out, but it didn't diminish how good it was to lie there together on their towels. The sun was feeling good against Kaiden's naked skin as he felt himself warm up as he rested his arms behind his head. He shifted a bit as he got himself comfortable, feeling relaxed and at ease.

He wasn't sure how long he lay there, but he didn't really care. He was lying beside his pool with his two lovers at his side, in the warm sun and he had nothing he needed to do. Well, he had homework, but that didn't really count now did it?

A very warm hand slid over Kaidens chest and slowly rubbed down his stomach. Kaiden giggled a little as he felt the fingers tickle at him, and he had to bat Flames hand away before it slid into his shorts. Not that he would have minded, but they had all day for kind of thing.

He slowly opened his eyes and squinted a bit up at the bright blue sky above them. It was almost the same color as Blues skin. He smiled to that as he looked at Blue for a moment. The digimon looked like he had fallen asleep in the warm sun and his tail tip was tapping up and down slowly against his leg. Kaiden suddenly remembered that his fingers had snagged on something on Blues back, and he wondered what it had been.

Blue looked like he was asleep, his face nuzzled up into his arms rather cutely. Kaiden sat up slowly to make sure he didn't wake him up. Flame felt Kaiden move against him as he remove his arm from his face and saw the human boy sitting up.

"What are you..." he began, but Kaiden held up his hand and Flame shut his mouth quickly as he sat up as well. "What are you doing?" he asked again in a quiet voice.

"I want to see what he's wearing under his shirt" Kaiden said softly to Flame as he looked at the blue flamedramon's covered back. He couldn't see anything showing through the shirt and it made him all the more curious. That yellow and red polka dot bikini bottom had ridden up a little, showing off the base of the digimons lovely round rear end.

"I could tell you" Flame said with a roll of his eyes. "We did dress together" he reminded Kaiden. "You don't have to feel him up that way" he pointed out.

"Don't spoil it" Kaiden said over his shoulder with a small grin. "Besides, if you tell me everything you two do together then where's the fun in finding out what you get upto?" he said as he reached over Blue and placed his hand on the space between his shoulders.

Blue mmmed softly in his semi sleep and shrugged his shoulders lightly, but didn't wake up. Kaiden held his hand there for a moment, rubbing his fingers slowly back and forth as he relaxed his blue lover, before he began to run his fingers down the digimon's spine. Blue let out a soft moan and nuzzled into his arms a bit more.

"I think he likes that" Flame said against Kaiden's ear as he wrapped his arm around his humans waist, his hand coming to rest over Kaiden's crotch. He gave the bulge there a good and very open squeeze as he dragged his warm tongue over the boys exposed neck.

"You naughty boy" Kaiden said with a grin as he felt where Flames hand was groping. But he didn't pull away as he tilted his neck to Flames tongue, his fingers briefly halting against their rubbing.

He giggled a little as he pushed back against Flame to make him stop enough so he could concentrate and dragged his fingers down a bit more. A few inches down he felt his fingers hit something about halfway down the blue digimon's spine. "What in the heck is he wearing?" Kaiden said as he took the hem of Blues shirt and began to lift it up.

Yep, he was wearing a bikini brief, with little side ties on his hips. It hugged his hindquarters rather well, and showed a good amount of backside. Kaiden felt his crotch swell a bit against Flames probing fingers as he lifted the shirt up further.

"A full bikini?" Kaiden said with surprise as Flame began to giggle at the look on Kaiden's face. His eyes were rather comically wide open in the surprise that had hit him. What had snagged Kaiden's fingers had been the back strap of the top piece, and it was a matching yellow and red pattern.

"Huh, wha?" Blue said as he opened his eyes a bit and looked up. When he saw that Kaiden had his shift lifted up and was staring open mouthed at him, it took him a moment to realize just what Kaiden was looking at. He gave a yelp as he woke up fully and he scrambled upwards and wrenched the towel from under him and brought it up to his chest as his face blushed furiously.

"You're wearing a bikini?" Kaiden asked in disbelief at the embarrassed digimon, who blushed so severely his face was almost recolored purple.

"I could have told you that" Flame said with a grin as he removed his hand from Kaiden's crotch and leant back down on his towel. Blue just looked at the ground, feeling embarrassed and somewhat humiliated that Kaiden had found this out about him.

"Where did you even find one?" Kaiden asked as he sat up on his knees as he looked at the embarrassed digimon sitting in front of him. He wasn't quite sure how to really react to this. It was really quite a sudden surprise to him.

"I......found it.....in your moms washing basket" Blue mumbled, his cheeks seemed to turn an even deeper as he spoke to the grass at his knees. He whined in embaressment as he covered his face with the towel and his hands and tried to hide himself.

Kaiden heard Flame giggle behind him, and in a little flash of annoyance he reached back to give him a smack on the rear, which promptly shut him up. Kaiden looked back at Blue who was still hiding his face behind the towel.

"Why did you wear my mom's bikini?" Kaiden asked carefully, not wanting to scare Blue off. "Actually, I didn't even know she had one' he admitted. They hadn't been anywhere that was near water for a good while. Although now that they had a pool, it made sense if she went and bought one.

"It...feels nice...." Blue mumbled as he held the towel closer to his face as he spoke into it and his fingers. His cheeks were still deeply purple and he felt completely humiliated that he had been found out.

Kaiden looked down at Flame and nodded his head in Blues direction. Flame nodded and got up slowly and shuffled on his knees to move behind the embarrassed flamedramon. Gently he slid his aarms around the digimon and pulled him back. Blue didn't resist but he buried his face further into the towel.

Kaiden reached out and slowly unhooked Blue's fingers from the towel. Although he held onto the towel for dear life, he didn't resist as the towel was removed from his face and it was dropped onto the ground beside him. His shirt hung around his lean frame and came to a rest on his thighs.

Flame slowly hooked his fingers into the hem of Blue's shirt and began to lift upwards. Blue whimpered slightly as he felt the shirt rise up over his toned stomach. He went to clutch itto keep it down, but Kaiden removed his hands from his shirt and helped him to lift his arms up as Flame slid the garment from his body.

Kaiden saw Blue in his bikini for the first time. The triangular coverings managed to hide his nipples rather well, and he had to admit, with the flamedramon's lean and toned frame, the two piece did look good on him.

Blue however, was just embarrassed and he felt like hiding somewhere. He had felt it strange that in the digital world he had never considered wearing such things before, as most digimon wear whatever armor or clothes that their forms came with. But coming to live with Kaiden and Flame, wearing woman's clothing somehow felt good to him.

He had tried it a couple of times when Flame and Kaiden hadn't been around, the first time by accident when he couldn't find anything else to wear. But what he had worn felt good and he continued to try now and then.

But having Kaiden actually see him like this, the person who rescued him, made him feel somehow wrong. Flamedramon were meant to be tough fighters, not submissives who wore girly things. He was sure that Kaiden was going to hate him for this sort of thing. He brought his hands back up to his face and felt like he was about to cry.

He opened his eyes in surprise as he felt Kaiden's lips press against his own. He felt even more surprised when Kaidens hands started to run over his stomach. He felt Kaiden's tongue pry open his mouth and start to lick the inside of his maw, a move that made him quiver and moan in the soft pleasure.

'Blue, I still love you, no matter what you're wearing" Kaiden said as he pulled away gently. He reached up and touched the collar that was still secure around Blues neck and smiled at him. "I love you both. Wearing a bikini or whatever isn't going to change that" he insisted. "I didn't save you and bring you into my life to just throw you out because you wear something like this" he said with a soft smile.

Blue felt his embarrassment start to shift as Kaiden kissed him again, and he slowly wrapped his arms around his human lover and began to kiss him back. Their tongues started to dance around each others as they moaned, their lips mashed together.

Flame grinned as he watched the two of them make out, seeing Blue start to slowly relax and come down from his embaressment. He knew Kaiden would have found out eventually, and it hadn't bothered him much that Blue was that little bit more effeminate then other Flamedramon were. Besides, he liked Blue as he was, just like Kaiden did.

And he didn't want to miss out on participating with the two and end up being the one left out. Letting Kaiden and Blue make out with each other, and seeing them get into it more, he reached down and carefully undid the bowtie ties on Blues hips. The tight cloth fell away and revealed the flamedramon's tight blue rear end to him.

Blue gasped a bit as he felt Flames strong hands on his rear, the fingers probing and squeezing against his mounds. He suddenly realized his lower piece was now untied and his crotch began to heat up a bit as his arousal grew. He whimpered slightly as he was exposed to the two of them, out in the open and in a pretty public area.

Kaiden began to kiss and lick at Blues neck, his lips pressing against the soft warm flesh of the quivering dragon digimon as he ran his hands over the toned stomach. He felt Blues arms hold onto him tightly as he wrapped his lips around a soft spot and suckled lightly.

Blue moaned and whimpered softly as he was stimulated by both of them from in front and from behind. He felt Flame rub his hands over his backside, the hands and fingers prying his cheeks apart and squeezing his mounds as he was stimulated.

"I think someone likes this" Flame whispered against Blues ear and the blue flamedramon whimpered softly as he felt his tail get lifted up. He tried to move, but Flames hands kept him in place as he was bent forward slightly. He gasped loudly as he felt his cheeks be pried apart and something warm slide between them. He felt Flames tongue begin to invade his rear as he felt one hand slide under him, fingers rubbing under him till they reached his moist genital slit.

"I think someone does" Kaiden whispered in agreement as he ran his hands up Blues sides and found the straps of the bikini bra. His fingers ran along the sides till they ran around the back and found the clasps. A few flicks and the bikini top fell to the side, leaving the flamedramon naked between them.

Blue felt Flames fingers slide into his genital slit and he moaned loudly, holding his arms around Kaiden as he shivered, his skin prickling with goosebumps. He gasped as Flames fingers found his hidden length, and he let out a soft squeal as Kaiden's mouth trailed down to his nipples.

The human boy wrapped his lips around the rapidly hardening nubs and suckled on them firmly, hearing the digimon moan and pant from the pleasure he was receiving. He smiled to himself, glad he was able to make his boys feel so good at every chance he had. And it didn't help that he could enjoy himself as well.

He smiled and switched from one black nipple to the other, giving the hard nubs a firm suckling as his hands rubbed the shivering digimons muscles. He heard his boy squeal softly as he was stimulated, and it made Kaiden become all the more aroused.

With a soft kissing noise he pulled off the hard nubs as he looked down and saw Blues hard and thick length bobbing between his legs It was already fully hard at its large size and starting to leak already. Kaiden looked up and gave Blue a kiss on the lips before he pulled away.

"I think we should take care of this" Kaiden said with a smile as he slowly dragged his fingers over Blues fat black cock, making the dragon whimper. He may have been bigger then both Kaiden and Flame combined, but there was something to say about holding such a big length in his hands. Kaiden stood up and removed his bathing shorts, standing naked in front of the dragon as Flame did the same, all three naked and hard for each other.

"Out...out here?" Blue said softly as he felt Flame lift his tail up. He felt Flames hands on his rump and he was lifted up onto his knees as his rear was left exposed. His eyes went wide as he felt his cheeks be spread and a hot moist tongue ran between his mounds once more.

"Ohh" he moaned loudly before he felt the warm lips of Kaiden around his fat shaft. He panted as his felt his arms and legs shake a bit as he tried to keep himself steady enough that he didn't fall over. The other two seemed to ignore him in a way as they serviced the quivering dragon from both ends.

Goosebumps ran up his back and along his limbs as he felt Kaiden slowly push his mouth down his shaft as Flame ran his tongue along his tight entrance. Being serviced by both ends at once was making him see brightly coloured stars behind his eyelids. He moaned loudly in a pleasured way as he kept his tail raised voluntarily as he shook slightly.

Flame let out a low murr as he ran his tongue along Blues firm backside and against his tight hole. He felt the pucker quiver and clench against his tongue as he danced the tip over it. He held the firm cheeks apart and felt the muscles move against his digits as he bathed the tight hole with saliva. Slowly it began to pool over the quivering orifice and drip slowly down the inside of the blue dragons thighs.

Kaiden held onto Blues thighs, laying on his back with his head wedged between the digimons legs. He could see Flame eagerly push his tongue around under Blues tail and he moved his mouth to wrap his lips around the thick head of his digimons cock. He smiled around the thick shaft as he heard Blue whimper and moan softly in the pleasure that he was receiving.

He began to bob his head back and forth on the fat cock in his mouth as best as he was able, hearing Blue moan and squeal softly every time he received a spike of pleasure. He ran his tongue over the thick head, tasting the leaking pre that drooled into his throat. It tasted sweet and every time he tasted it, he wanted more. Kaiden gulped it down, moaning softly from the wonderful taste as he rubbed the firm toned thighs against his hands.

Blue was moaning almost nonstop as he ran his sharp white claws into the ground, bent over fully on all fours. He found himself pushing backwards against the hot moist tongue and pressing forwards to sink more of his length into Kaiden's hot mouth. He could feel his embarrassment die down with each manipulation of the other two and it was replaced by a need to feel the pleasure they were giving him.

The flamedramon was definitely bigger than both Kaiden and Flame, but both seemed to enjoy the extra large length of the digimon. Kaiden had no problems anymore to sink almost half the length down his throat, his hand reaching up to stroke the rest of the thick length. And flame could feel the blue dragon push his rump back to meet his thrusts, the boy in the middle impaling himself back and forth with each movement.

Flame removed his tongue for a moment and stretched his jaw a little, feeling that it was a little cramped as he gave it a few open stretches. He reclenched his fingers on the blue and white cheeks before pushing his tongue back against the quivering hole. His hands dug into the meaty cheeks and kept them pried apart, the long thick blue tail above him wagging constantly over his head. Flame pushed his tongue harder against the hole, hearing Blue gasp loudly as his tight ring was penetrated.

Kaiden felt Blue tense up as several more inches buried itself in his mouth and down his throat. His nose was almost at the flamedramon's crotch as he held onto the toned blue thighs. He opened his mouth and throat a bit more and he succeeded in taking the entire length down his throat. His neck bulged outwards as he found himself moaning around the thick lengh.

Blue was whimpering as he felt his arms tremble as he tried to hold himself up. Flames tongue was dancing its way into his backside and he could feel it snake itself in deeper. He felt himself push back against that eager and warm tongue, only to be pulled back forward by Kaidens hands as his length was pulled into the humans mouth.

Flame snaked his tongue up the blue digimons tight hole as deep as he could, feeling him clench down as he slid his dark coloured hands over the round cheeks. He clenched and squeezed those mounds as he dug his tongue in, his nose pressed up against the base of the quivering males tail.

Blue let out a gasp as he felt Kaiden slide off of his thick length with a long and very loud slurping sound. He panted and moaned as he felt Kaidens tongue lap at the large head of his length and lick up the river of pre that was dripping out of it. He panted and swallowed a little as he managed to open his eyes to see the human pulling himself out from under him.

"What...why did you stop?" he whimpered as he felt Flame pull his tongue out of his ass as well. He felt strangely empty, and shivered as he felt the cool air hit his backside, making his saliva covered hole quiver and clench from the sudden freezing smack.

"Awww, you want us to keep going sweetie?" Kaiden said with a smile as he gave Blues face a gentle caress. He cupped the digimons face gently in his hands and leant down to give him a kiss on the forehead. "A minute ago you wanted us to stop."

Blue felt himself flushing deeply, his face turning an embarrassed shade of purple as Kaiden stood himself up and walked over to Flame. The other digimon stood himself up, taller then his human counterpart. Kaiden reached up and pulled the digimon close and started to kiss the bigger male. Flame wrapped his arms around his human lover and the two of them began to rather heatedly make out.

Kaidens pushed his tongue into Flames mouth and felt the dragons tongue meet his own, the two muscled dancing around in the warm connected caves. For what felt like an age they tongue wrestled and ground their bodies together, their passion and love slowly rising higher and higher.

Kaiden took his hand and snaked it down Flames tight abs to find his hard length between his muscles legs and gave it a squeeze. Flame moaned into the kiss as he wrapped his tongue around the humans and suckled on it firmly. He ground his hips in a gyration motion as Kaiden manhandled his length with an eager touch.

"Mm, you ready for me?" Kaiden asked as he felt how much pre was leaking from his lovers cock. Both his boys were steady pre-ers and they hardly ever had to use tradiontal lube. His hand was quickly coated in the warm slick pre and he wrapped his lubed up fingers around his lovers shaft. His fingers squelched slightly and he began to squeeze it.

"Mm, I want you both, master" flame said with a smile and a loud moan as he was felt up in such a way. "anyway you want" he said as he licked his human lovers warm lips.

"Good. Then get on your back and spread those legs" Kaiden ordered with a smile. Flame nodded obediently as he got down on his towel and laid himself out, his legs spreading as he revealed himself to his lover. He gave Kaiden a smile as he lifted his legs up enough to expose his hole to him. Kaiden smiled. He had to admit, Flame looked so inviting spread out like that.

"Blue, sit on his face" kaiden ordered as he knelt before his spread out digimon. He used his lubed up fingers to push against his digimons tight hole, hearing him moan out. The thick pre coating began to drool from his figners onto his lovers hole and he pushed his fingers firmly forward. Flame gasped loudly as he felt himself get invaded.

Blue blushed visibly at the order, but he didn't disobey. He slowly walkd over to the laid out digimon and swung his leg over him. Once his legs were on either side he slowly squatted himself down over the dark coloured male. Flame smiled and reached up and helped to pull the digimon in place. Blue felt his tail lift out of the way as that warm tongue was pushed back up inside him. He shivered and almost mewled as he was pulled forcibly down.

Kaiden smiled as he heard Blue moan out in pleasure as he pushed forward slowly. He moaned softly himself as he pushed his cockhead into his dark lovers' big muscled backside. Flame moaned between the blue flamedramons cheeks as he felt Kaiden slide into him. He shivered all over, feeling himself get stretched open and invaded in the best way.

No matter how many times Kaiden made love to or fucked his two boys, they were always so wonderfully tight. It go teasier to open them up and slide in each time, but it almost felt like breaking in a virgin over and over again. And he absolutely loved it. And he knew that they did as well.

His hips flush against Flames backside, the dark digimon wrapped his legs around his human tamers waist and squeezed as he slurped his tongue rather loudly up Blues backside. Kaiden heard Blue whimper from the contact as he looked forward and saw the digimons fat black cock bobbing needily just in front of his face. If possible, it looked like it had grown an inch from how hard it was throbbing.

Blue moaned and whimpered as he felt Kaiden rewrap his mouth back around his large black cockhead. He closed his eyes and whipmered as he felt the digimon underneath him start to rock. He looked down to see Kaiden pump his hips slowly up and down as he began to fuck one of his boys while sucking off the other.

Flame was enjoying himself immensely as he kept the blue cheeks spread open in front of his face as he delved his tongue upwards, slurping loudly. His moans were slightly muffeld between the cheeks surrounding his face as he felt Kaiden pump into him. He wiggled his tongue up and around the tight winking hole before him as he moaned and squeezed Kaidens hips with his legs.

Kaiden moaned around the mouthful of cock as he pushed his face down, sinking several inches into his throat as he pumped his hips up and down. His cock was enveloped in warmth and it felt like it was being massaged by a warm firm glove. The big muscled backside felt so good around him as he continued to hump his hips against those big meaty mounds.

Blue was whimpering as he held onto Kaidens head. He felt like he was going to fall over as his backside was explored by Flames warm tongue and he panted as he felt Kaiden slurp and suck around his cock. His fingers dug into the humans head as he panted and moaned, trying to hold on.

The three of them were all soon moaning loudly from the pleasure that they were receiving from each other. Each pump of Kaidens hips sent his cock into his lovers backside, making the bigger digimon moan loudly as he was humped into the towel and into the ground. He knew there would be grass stains on his back by the time they were done, but he didn't care.

Each slurp and wet slathering of his tongue made the submissive digimon above whimper and moan in a very delicious way. Blue was panting as he was bouncing slowly up and down on Flames hot tongue. Each bounce down pulled his big cock from Kaidens mouth and each bounce upwards sent it right back in. he held his hands on the side of Kaidens head as he whimpered and moaned loudly.

All Kaiden had to worry about was working his hips up and down and keeping a good steady rhythm as Blue was pretty much humping his face. It took most of the work out of what he was doing, but he did still have to make sure he could swallow the river of pre that was flooding into his mouth. The thick clear juice was starting to drool out of the corners of his mouth, even though he was swallowing as fast as eh could.

His own cock was throbbing hard in need as he felt it spurt pre deep into his dark lover. The tight ring was starting to squelch and slurp as his pre further lubed him up. He felt Blues pre drip down his chin and splatter onto Flames toned chest and abs. His mouth was being filled to the brim with each movement as his nose was banging against the digimons crotch, deepthroating his boy with ease.

Flame moaned loudly, his moaning muffled under the thick blue tail wagging furiously over his head. He panted as he drove his tongue up the loosened hole as he kept his legs securely around his humans waist.

"Oh god...Kaiden...I'm...I'm getting so close" Blue whimpered as he felt the familiar throbbing in his hefty cock and he knew he was going to blow soon. But if he thought that that would stop Kaiden, he was wrong, again, as the boy just continued to suck and swallow the thick load of pre that was going down his throat.

Both Flame and Kaiden knew that Blue was about to blow, and in truth so were they. There was something about dominating the much more submissive flamedramon that got them very hot about. Kaiden picked up the pace as he bounced his backside up and down, ramming his cock into Flames tight ass as his boy drove and swirled his tongue around in the digimons ass.

Kaiden sunk his mouth down on blues fat cock as the digimon above him whimpered and humped into his face, the thick throbbing black cock filling his throat as he reached between himself and Flame and gripped his lovers needy length. The squeeze on his shaft made Flame almost squeal in pleasure as he kept his legs wrapped around Kaidens waist.

"Oh god oh god oh god" Blue whimpered as he held Kaidens head in place, his eyes suddenly filling with wonderful multicolored stars that exploded like fireworks. He couldn't take the dual treatment any longer and he emptied his balls down Kaidens throat as he clenched his cheeks around Flames face.

Flame felt the digimon clench down on his tongue like it was caught in a vice, and it almost hurt. He heard the digimon above him moan and whimper as he heard Kaiden swallow and gulp down the thick load that sprayed into his throat. Flame felt something hot and thick splatter onto his already soaked abs.

Kaidens cheeks expanded as he fought to swallow the hefty load. One thing he could be proud about Blue was that he was a cummer, and he could recharge quite quickly, so no matter how many times they made him blow, it was always big. They had a lot of fun experimenting with that.

And it was definitely a big load as he felt his stomach start to fill up a the whimpering flamedramon gave him what he had. The human felt the thick seed leak from the corners of his mouth as he gulped and swallowed, eventually feeling the rush die down until he had sucked the last drop out of his balls. For now.

"Oh man you taste so good sweetie" Kaiden said after he pulled the big cock out of his mouth, letting it fall onto Flames chest. Blue panted and whimpered, his face flushed from his climax. He felt dizzy and a bit lightheaded as he couldn't support himself and he fell onto his side with an oomph.

Flame took a big gulp of fresh air as his face was finally uncovered, and he heard Blue thump to the side in a worn out and gasping pile of blue muscles. He giggled a little to see how worn out Blue was from jut one climax, considering some of the things they could put him through. But he was silenced as Kaiden leant over and kissed him hard.

With a moan and a smile Flame returned the kiss as he felt Kaiden resume his thrusting with a renewed eagerness. Now that there wasn't a blue digimon between them, Kaiden had no reason to hold back and be gentle. Flame wrapped his arms around Kaidens neck and held on as he was drilled into the ground underneath him.

Blue managed to open his eyes as he looked over to see the other two resume their fast paced love making, seeing Kaiden plant his cock over and over into his lovers big ass. He had to admit, there was no denying how much they enjoyed each other. Flame was moaning loudly and panting with each hard thrust, and Kaiden had him held down pretty possessively. The erotic sight quickly reflated his spent cock, his fat nine incher raising up over his abs.

"Oh fuck, you're so dam good boy" Kaiden growled into Flames lips as he mashed his tongue into the hot warm mouth. He pinned his digimon down by his shoulders as he thrust forward, sinking his cock in balls deep as he took him. He could have sworn that he was pushing a hole underneath them into the ground.

"Oh god master, don't stop" Flame moaned as he held on, feeling himself get pushed into the ground. He swore the ground was giving way as he was pounded and pumped into. "Please.. fuck me. Fill me. Take me" he cried out as he wanted more of his lover. He cried upwards into the bright blue sky, not caring if anyone nearby heard him.

"Damn you boys get me so worked up" Kaiden growled as he shoved his cock in good and hard, getting a good gasping moan from his digimon. Flame moaned and panted as he felt Kaiden grind his hips against his big backside, sending spikes of pleasure through his body.

"Oh master, more" Flame begged as Kaiden slid his cock out till just the head remained, then shoved it straight back in, his hips hitting the digimon and going flush again. He repeated the motion again and again, hearing his lover moan and gasp with each sudden thrust.

Still pinned down by his shoulders, Flame took one hand and began to stroke his needy cock as he felt it pulse and throb. He whined and moaned as he started to stroke himself off, feeling his pleasure rise.

"Mm, you going to cum for me lover? You going to cum like a good boy?" Kaiden growled into Flames mouth as he heard him moan loud. "Huh? You going to show me how much you love me being in you lover?" Kaiden growled in a dominate way as he mashed his lips against Flames as he continued to thrust into him.

Flame moaned and cried out loudly as he was taken hard. He could feel Kaidens hips slap and smack against his ass as he was pounded into the ground. He squeezed his legs around Kaidens waist and kept his arms wrapped around his neck, crying out as he tried to speak through the forceful kissing.

"Oh god YES" Flame cried out as he worked his cock faster, feeling it pulse harder. He squeezed his ass down on Kaidens cock, tying to milk his master and lover as he felt his pleasure rise up higher. "Please, give it to me" he cried out loudly as he wanted it inside of him.

He couldn't take it any longer as he cried out in pleasure, feeling his cock spray its load over his chest and his abs. His cock went off like a small hose as ribbon after ribbon of pearly digi seed sprayed up into the air and came down like rain. He moaned and writhed through his orgasm as stars of pleasure blossomed through his eyes as he arched his back over the ground.

Kadien felt Flame clench his ass around his cock as he climaxed and got caught in the chest by the flood of hot thick seed that sprayed over him. Crying out as well, the extra tightness sent him over the edge. He thrust his cock in all the way, his balls going flush against the base of Flames ass as he erupted, a flood of his human seed spilling over and into his lovers tight ass.

The two of them fell against each other, Flames arms wrapped weakly around his lovers body as he held on as best he could. Kaiden lay over his digimon, panting and covered in a sheen of sweat as he smiled, giving his lover a kiss on the lips.

The two of them slowly came down off of their sexual high as their weariness began to settle in. slowly, they began to recover as they kissed tenderly against each other. Kaiden kept his cock in his lover, feeling his seed settle around his length as Flame moaned softly from the warm full feeling.

"I love you boys so much" Kaiden said with a smile as he gave Flames cheek a stroke with his hand, wiping some of the sweat from his face. With a light moan he slowly pulled himself out of Flames backside. The digmon moaned softly as he felt his ass empty, missing the feeling already.

"And I love you too" Flame said with a smile as he slowly sat up. He moved his body up slowly, feeling the aches in his joints that came from such good sex. He could feel Kaidens seed start to leak from his stretched open hole and pool onto the towel underneath him. Kaiden smiled and gave his lover a kiss on the lips as he rubbed is spent cock gently.

"Well, look who didn't get enough" Kaiden said with a smile as he looked over at Blue. Flame caught his gaze and looked over, and had to smile himself to see their other lover sitting on his knees and slowly stroking his very hard erection.

Blue blushed and looked like he was about to go and hide after getting caught pawing himself to the erotic fucking. He felt his cheeks heat up once again and he covered his hard cock with his hands, but he failed. Sadly, he had too much cock to cover with just two hands.

"I..." was all the got out before he felt two hot and eager tongues start to slide their way over his big cock. He looked down in surprise and saw that Kaiden and Flame were all on all fours, one on either side of him, and both of their faces were just above his stretched out thighs. Kaiden took one side and Flame took the other as they slid and slurped their tongues up and down the fat throbbing organ.

Blue whimpered as his cock was licked at again, and he found himself starting to pant. He had been pawing rather hard while watching the other go at it, slightly jealous of Flame being mated to by their tamer. But the jealousy was always short lived between all three of them, as Blue knew Kaiden loved them both equally.

And that pawing had brought him close to climax again as he had watched the two climax as well. But being caught pawing had caused him to loose what momentum he had built up. And now that both Kaiden and Flame were attacking his cock rather relentlessly with their tongues was causing him to gain the momentum back.

He couldn't help but hump slowly against their wandering tongues as he rested his fingers in their hair. It felt so good as they sucked and slurped, feeling their hands run up his thighs and stroke his legs and sides and anything else they could get their hands on.

"Oh god" he whimpered as Kaiden and Flame sucked their mouths on each side of his length, feeling them drag their lips up and down on his fat shaft. He felt his pre start to flow freely again and it dripped down the underside of his cock, only to be lapped up by the hungry lovers.

They moved their heads up and down on the fat shaft, smiling to the other as they brought pleasure to their blue lover. They held on to each other's hands as they slide their mouths up the sides of the fat cock to the leaking tip.

Blue had to bite his finger, wanting to cry out in the pleasure, as he felt the two start to make out on the fat head of his cock, their tongues swirling and licking and lapping both his cockhead and each other. The two were literally sucking face with a cock between them and he was whimpering from the pleasure constantly.

They could taste the increase in the pre that flowed into their mouths, the thick clear juice dripping down their chins and smearing over their faces as they swapped mouth fluids. They moaned and mmed together as they sucked cock and face. Neither of them seemed to care about the fact they were getting coated in sex juice, and they just kept going.

The dual action eventually took its toll on the sensitive black cock, and Blue could feel the boiling in his internal balls. He tried to warn them, but he was at a loss for words as they slurped and sucked and lapped and kissed on his cockhead. He felt one suck his cock into their mouth and then push it into the others mouth with his tongue. He felt his body shaking as he couldn't hold himself back.

With a whimpering cry Blue felt himself erupt for the second time that day. The thick load was just as impressive as earlier and it ended up spraying between and on top of the two that continued to make out during the eruption. They didn't stop making out as their mouthes and faces were shot with the thick digiseed that sprayed onto them.

Blue whimpered as he felt his orgasm die away, his cock starting to finally deflate and droop between his legs. The two lovers pulled themselves closer to the other and start to lick at each others faces. Cleaning the seed off the other, they smiled and lapped at each other, swallowing the seed and pre that coated one another.

Breathless and spent Blue fell onto his back, staring up at the bright blue sky as he slowly gained his breath back. His slender chest rose and fell as he breathed to regain himself. He barely moved when he felt movement beside him. Having cleaned up as best they could Flame and Kaiden laid themselves on either side of the spent digimon.

Wrapping their arms around each other they pulled themselves close to Blue, sandwiching him between them both. They nuzzled their faces into the crook of his neck and both smiled as they kept him close.

They laid like that for awhile, just letting the love they had for each other keep them close as they lay under the warm sunlight. They laid on in silence, no one saying anything as they basked in the afterglow of their love for each other. Kaiden could see that Blue was now at ease with himself, and it made him happy to know that he was happy now.

The clouds above them were the only thing that moved as they laid against each other, holding one another close in a warm and loving silence. Kaiden was the first one to break the silence as he found himself chuckling at an errant thought.

"What's so funny?" Flame asked as the two flamedramon looked at him. Kaiden caught the inquisitive looks on their face and he rubbed the back of his head a little.

"Oh, just a silly thought I had" Kaiden said. "It...it's nothing. Don't worry about it" he said as he put his arm back around Blues waist.

"What is it?" Blue asked him as he joined Flame in the inquiry. Kaiden could see that neither of them was willing to let him go on his one, so he just decided to tell them. "I was just thinking if there was a way to upload a pokemon game into the digital world and meet a pokemon there" he admitted.

"Why would you want to do that?" Blue asked, feeling confused at the strange sounding idea.

"Yeah, why?" Flame asked. He wasn't even sure it was possible. Sure, he knew that there were many strange things that could happen in the digital world, but somehow, he thought pokemon and digimon shouldn't mix.

"I was just wondering what it would be like to enjoy my two boys and have a charizard in the bedroom" Kaiden said with a grin spread over his face. "Silly, right?" he said with a bit of a chuckle.

The two digimon exchanged a look between them, and Kaiden looked from one to the other in the moment of silence that passed them both. Then the two boys looked straight at him, before they picked up their human lover and threw themselves into the pool with him, making sure he went in first.