Pretty Toy. Chapter 3: What shadows lie in the void of the wolf's mind?

Story by Necrowolf on SoFurry

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#3 of Pretty Toy.

If you are not 18-21 then please go away. I really would rather not be thrown in jail, thank you.

Yes, it is short and yes there maybe a few errors that all is a given. I am an amateur writer so there is going to be fowl ups. If you would like to proof read my further stories feel free to say, I would be glad to return the favor some how. The same goes if any one would like to do a drawing of the wolf.

Well enjoy and I hope this one gets better than a bloody 2......


The wolf rose from his debauchery tossing the dead wolf bitch to the floor and walked out of the cellar. Sore from the brutal fucking and all the insane rage, he stammered into his house. As he entered the dark house a scream rose from his throat as he fell to the ground. His head flooded with memories and his senses over flowed as if he was hooked up to an electric current. He withered on the floor crying in pain grabbing his head fur and ripping bits out.

"Stop! For the love of all that is unholy, stop!" He cried in the darkness.

Visions of the cries of his toys, the animals he had killed and their screams of pain as he tortured them to death, and of his parents filled his sick mind as he tossed around on the floor.

"Oh god my parents! Why did I have to see my parents!" He cried in his head.

The screaming in his mind soon turned into inaudible voices of fathom less low tones and high pitched whines all in cased in his twisted mind. All screaming for more blood but they screamed for his blood.

"Fine! Ok!" He screamed as he grabbed his knife from his belt.

He threw his coat and shirt to the floor and began mutilating him self. The voices reached a new height and fervor of intensity as his blood flowed freely to the dirty floor under him. He slashed him self over and over, covering his abdomen in deep cuts that spewed copious amounts of blood claming the screams in his head. Soon a black vale slowly came over his eyes as the blood flowed faster staining his fur and matting it. His head became light and his breath weak and soon he passed into the void of the shadows to be tortured like his toys. Nightmares filled his mind of unspeakable creatures not fur or animal but fleshless creatures ever screaming in pain and torture in cased in walls of stone. Ever to walk endless stone corridors to only reach the apex of the void and then to be cast back down into a further nothingness of eternity. Amidst this he flowed, ripped and torn his flesh as he was tortured into perfection only to be returned to his weak state to be tortured again for the entertainment of the faceless beings. Cast down was he into green waters of putrid death to be consumed by aeonic fires as the skulls of ancestors burned and laughed at his pain. His limbs ripped from him and his body eaten by unnamable insects with glowing green eyes as the void watched on and smiled. His screams adding to the chorus of the abysmal void bringing joy to the faceless beings and pleasing the creatures covered in shadow and time.

A sudden bang of his head and a new rush of pain brought the wolf back. His eyes blurry only seeing a large shadow picking him up again.

"Wake the fuck up you twit!" The being roared as he slapped the wolf.

With a scream the wolf fully awakened and saw there before him his partner. The horse had been in the back room, asleep when he heard the wolf's screams and found him convulsing on the floor bleeding and screaming.

"About time you fucking faggot!" He yelled as he brought the wolf into a deep and forceful kiss.

The horse rammed his tongue past the wolf's teeth and began to gag him as he used his hand to squeeze the wolf's throat. The wolf choked and sputtered as the invading tongue hit the back of his tongue and the hand gripped his throat.

"How dare you start the fun with out me, bitch!" The horse yelled as he threw the wolf to the ground and tore off his pants. The wolf landed with a thud that knock him senseless as he watched in a mild daze as the horse tore off his own pants, shirt, and boxers.

"We know what happens when you are a bad pup, don't we?" The horse growled in a deep voice.

The horse, his cock throbbing from beating on his stupid weak lover placed his dry cock at the wolf's tail hole as he jerked the wolfs tail up and over. He rammed his self in only to able to go half way.

"Loosen up you fucking worthless prat!" He screamed.

The wolf, still quite dazed but coming back fast from the pain and pleasure of his ass being violated loosened his tail hole enough so that the horse could fully enter him.

"Fuck! That's better you worthless faggot!" The horse moaned in ecstasy as he pounded the wolf's dry ass.

Faster and faster he went ripping the wolf's hole bring blood up in small streams lubricating the invading cock. Muffled moans and cries came from the wolf as the horse pounded him bouncing his head against the floor. The horse's fourteen inch long black cock rammed faster and faster into the wolf's bleeding hole.

"What's your name you worthless fuck!" The horse moaned in increasing pleasure.

"Necrowolf." The wolf huffed as the pain of the invasion ran threw his body.

"That's right you fucking slut! Why did I give you that name?" The horse growled as he rammed him self to the hilt bringing a new cry of pain from the wolf.

"Because I enjoy fucking corpses! Because I was never meant to fucking live!" He cried.

"That's right, slut!" The horse moaned as he hilted him self again and grabbed the wolf's now blood engorged cock and began to jack him off. The horse squeezed tighter and tighter bringing cries of pain and pleasure from the wolf as his hand jacked off the wolf's dry rod. Friction bringing heat and pain but at the same time heightened pleasure as the horse gripped the wolf's now fully formed knot and squeezed it bringing a scream of pain and pleasure from the wolf.

"Don't cum yet you stupid fuck!" The horse huffed as he rammed the wolf's tail hole harder.

Faster and faster he rammed and tighter and tighter he gripped the wolf's knot and cock rubbing it. With a heavy grunt he rammed his cock fully into the wolf once again and grabbed the wolf's balls with his other hand and squeezed them tight bring another cry of pain and pleasure from the wolf. With another thrust the horse began to cum and gripped the wolf's cock and balls even tighter. Screams of ecstasy filled the air as the wolf began to unload his rotting load onto the dirty floor.

The horse let lose of the wolf's cock and balls and licked his hand clean leaving the wolf impaled on his cock.

"Not to bad whore." The horse said patting the wolf's ass.

With that the horse tore the wolf off from him self and threw him to the floor in the pool of his cum. The wolf's violated hole dripping blood and cum.

"Now clean that up." He said as he walked back to his room picking his close up off the floor.

"Oh and by the way you need to bring home a good faggot next time instead of those stupid fucking whores! You know I hate women and I want to partake of some of that fun." He said closing the door of the room.

The wolf only nodded to this and began to clean up the mess. When he had finished he slowly picked up his cloths and limped into the bathroom to clean his wounds and to clear his head. He threw his cloths to the side of the bathroom on a pile of dirty cloths and slowly walked to the old tub to run a shower. With a sputter and spurt and few moans and groans from the pipes hot water soon came rushing from the shower head as the wolf lifted his sore body into the shower. The water stung his wounds and his blood stained the water red as he washed his fur lathering it up slowly making sure to clean all the cuts. A small moan rose from his mouth as he began to get aroused from the pain. Slowly and softly he started to stroke his tender cock gaining in speed as his climax neared. With a quiet howl he shot his load on the side of the shower. He stepped out and walked to the old mirror that was hanging on the wall above the sink and looked at his muscular chest and black fur that was only hindered by the cuts.

"Fuck." He sighed as he looked down at his fur.

"Well there is only one way to cure this." He huffed as he grabbed a bottle of alcohol from the sink ledge and poured it over his wounds, his teeth clenched from the sting.

"Damn shit! And fuck I am not going to walk right for a few days after Trent's little hay day." He said feeling the ache his in his ass.

"But god how I love his cock!" He chuckled to him self.

He stood there staring at him self, contemplating all that he had seen and all that had happened. He shook his head and a fiery green gleam came to his eyes.

"That over grown bastard of a horse is right, I do need to catch me a nice male toy." He said as he grinned to him self.

©® Necrowolf aka James R. Corkle 1/30/08