Keston and his reprieve p2

Story by Jackthelycan on SoFurry

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Second part of the story of keston, forgive me if its not great, not really uploaded on this site before, so mistakes are liable.

Earlier that morning

Keston sighed softly as he looked in the mirror at the scrawny kitsune before him, being 15 most his age were 5'7 roughly, he stood at a measly 4'5 feet, he felt like a toddler.. Which, while being a babyfur he -liked-, for his everyday life, being short was not a good thing.. Keston rolled his eyes and returned to packing his bags for school, another issue he had, school was never easy for him, being a shy child (which, while normal for others) was not considered normal for a kitsune, being a mythical creature in society they are considered brave and stronger than others, but Keston really wasn't that, he wasn't strong or braver than others, he wasn't smarter or faster than others, he was in his opinion -painfully- below average.

Keston whimpered softly a little as a single tear rolled down his cheek, "You really need to stop putting yourself down, you know?" Keston jumped and yipped loudly, turning around to Morten sat on his dresser.. "Don't scare me like that!" Keston barked, "You're the one who's upsetting yourself, why do you think so lowly of yourself? You've so many great qualities!" Keston sighed softly, Morten was always trying to cheer him up, but depression doesn't exactly make people think clearly.. Plus, he had a habit of over thinking or giving himself a hard t- "I said stop it, your going to be late!" Morten snapped, Keston blinked, again he had lost himself in his head.. And lost track of time, he grabbed the last of his books and jacket before rushing downstairs.

Keston rushed into the kitchen, hoping to grab a quick snack before running to school, as he reached a paw across the kitchen table to grab a slice of toast his mother grabbed him by the wrist gently "And what do you think your doing?" she said with a smile, "Uh... breakfast?" Keston hastily replied, his mother shook her head, "Iv told you.. Sit down and have a proper breakfast, your going to make yourself sick if you stuff a piece of toast down your throat and run to school in a tizzy again.."

Keston sighed and lowered his ears, his mother was right.. AGAIN.. He hoped up onto a chair and took a plate before taking a few slices of toast and the jam jar, "Good boy" she said in a motherly tone as she turned back to preparing him and his fathers lunches. Keston chewed slowly on his toast as he looked at his mother, standing tall and proud, her three tails flicked softly behind her, his mother was roughly 300 though she never actually told him specifically her age.. His father was something like 500, apparently kitsune's gain a tail for every one hundred years they live, something Keston liked the idea of, having another tail every hundred years, but he also felt like a hundred years would be an eternity!.. How his people put up with it he had no idea- "Thinking again?"

Keston blinked and looked at his father, "I said, thinking again son?" he said with a grin, yup, he'd got lost in his head again!.. "You really should see a doctor about that.. Isn't normal.", his mother scowled at his father, she didn't like it when he made comments like that "Leave him be, its perfectly normal to think a lot!", his father shook his head, mumbling "No it isn't" under his breath, Keston sighed, oh joy, they were going to fight again.. He rolled his eyes and finished his breakfast before rushing up to his mothers side and hugging her "I'm going mom" his mother signed and handed him his lunch before cracking a smile and planting a kiss on his forehead "Have fun at school" she said as Keston scoffed at the notion of -fun- at -school- was going to be another day, like any other.. Right?

Back to the present..

"No no no!" Keston whimpered to himself, his parents were home and he was dressed in childish clothing and a -DIAPER- if they caught him like this, he'd probly die of embarrassment, then suddenly everything seemed to drop to slow motion, the single, booming footsteps of an approaching figure up the stairs, Keston did the only thing he could think to do, dive like some B-rate movie action hero for the closet, he landed roughly on the floor beside the closet and grabbed a dressing gown, slipping it over himself and using it to cover the obvious diaper bulge under his onesie, gasping for breath the door opened and his mother stood looking into the room, eyes set dead on Keston, the look of guilt in his eyes and the look of suspicion in hers.. Keston knew this wouldn't end well.

Keston and his reprieve p3

"Keston, what did you do?.." Keston blinked and blushed, "Uh.. Nothing?", "Then why the guilty look?" Keston shrugged half-heartedly trying to look non chalant, though the beads of sweat running down his forehead probably would give him away, "Come...

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Keston and his reprieve

Keston sighed as he entered his room, another long day of pointless school work had drained his energy before the afternoon was even upon him, as per his usual routine, he locked his bedroom door, closed the blinds and made double sure no one was...

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