A Step or Two Further

Story by K.M. Hirosaki on SoFurry

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It's been a long time since I've written, I know. Still, your screen is not lying to you. I actually do have another story up!

This is another story about Halsey, the 'star,' as it were, of Sake of Argument. I was iffy when actually writing this, but by the time I finished, I was more happy with it. I'll let you readers make the final judgment, though.

"A Step or Two Further"

by K.M. Hirosaki ([email protected])

AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story follows along with characters who appeared in 'Sake of Argument' and in 'A Certain Degree of Intimacy.'

Feedback and criticism are welcome at

[email protected]

[email protected]-

"Aw, it'll be okay," Linford said to Halsey as he kissed him on the cheek. "It doesn't look like it's that bad, really."

That simple kiss on the cheek made Halsey blush more than he'd like to have. He'd taken quite a liking to the fox, and it was getting more and more difficult to hide. To Halsey's benefit, though, the only one of their other friends who was around was Derek, and he wasn't about to see anything untoward about it, given the circumstances.

"He's right, you know," Derek said. "I mean, I still wouldn't walk on it, if I were you, but it should probably heal pretty fast, is my guess."

Halsey looked down at his ankle, afraid to move it. "I told you guys I wasn't any good at skiing," he said.

"I hope you're not suggesting that we made you come here," Derek said. The cougar was right. Halsey hadn't put up much of a fight in coming along on the weekend ski trip. He'd warned them about his lack of real skiing experience, sure, but he had been more concerned about looking bad than about getting hurt.

In the end, it turned out that he should have been worrying about both of those. He'd looked none too graceful when he'd clotheslined himself on a low-hanging branch, and subsequently tumbled head over tail until his foot jarred right up against a snow-covered rock. Halsey had put up a fight when his two friends tried to help him out of his skis, and getting him back to their lodge room had been an ordeal and a half.

Now, though, Halsey had traded the bulky discomfort of his ski suit for a much nicer sweatshirt and pair of sweatpants. The latter were very loose-fitting, on account that they belonged to Derek; the cougar was a good deal taller than he was. The cuff had been carefully rolled up so that all three of them could check out the damage up close. Halsey had to admit that his friends were right. It didn't look that bad.

"Nah, it's nobody's fault, really," the canid crossbreed said. "Accidents happen, is all."

Derek chuckled. "Particularly when snow and ice are involved," he said. "Unless you're me. I don't have accidents."

"See, Hal?" Linford said, using the little nickname that Halsey had gotten much more used to hearing from the fox. "For normal people, this is nothing to be ashamed of." He fired a teasing glance back at Derek and waggled his eyebrows.

Halsey smiled back at the fox, wishing that he was still close enough to kiss back. "Yeah, but I'm still sort of fucked as far as skiing goes, for the rest of the weekend. That kind of blows."

"But you'll have a story," Linford noted, holding up a finger as if to single out the point.

"Yeah, but it's not exactly a story that I'm gonna want to share with anyone!" Halsey responded, rolling his eyes theatrically to set the counterpoint.

Picking up Halsey's discarded ski suit, Derek walked it over to the closet, and just hung it sloppily over the doorknob. "How much is it worth to you to have me not tell Toby when we get home?" the big cat asked, not even looking.

"This bigmouth here will just blab it anyway," Halsey said, poking Linford in the stomach with his hand. The fox's slender, toned belly didn't give much. With an almost silent whish, his tail flipped up and swatted Halsey in the side of the face.

Halsey sputtered and blinked a few times. When he was able to focus again, he saw that Linford had knelt back down beside his chair. "You watch your mouth," the fox said. "Don't want to have you hurting my feelings along with your foot."

Sure, Linford may have been a smartass, but Halsey turned his head to return the earlier kiss to him anyway. The fox allowed himself a moment's worth of preening. "Aw, see? That's much nicer," he said, ruffling Halsey's hair.

"Ooh, should I leave you two lovebirds alone for a little bit?" Derek asked, whistling his voice, flaming it up a bit as he turned around and rests his shoulders back against the wall.

Part of Halsey just wanted to say "Yes" right then and there. It might have been rude, but getting alone time amidst this group of friends proved to be difficult. He and Linford weren't exactly dating, but that prospect was something that Halsey was finding more and more appealing, and so the chance for an even and hour or two alone was something he'd like.

He'd never be crass enough to actually ask for it, though--at least, not by asking poor Derek to just up and leave when his friend had gone through the trouble to help haul him back to the cabin. "No, it's okay," Halsey replied, shaking his head. "I don't think I'd be a good lay right now, anyway," he said, nodding to his foot.

"Oh, don't say that," Linford said, rubbing his hand over Halsey's chest. "I'm sure you'd be a perfectly respectable lay."

Both Halsey and Derek snorted at the same time. "Thanks for the vote of confidence, 'dear,'" Halsey said, giving the fox one of those chastising looks normally reserved for couples who actually were dating.

"See, I think this is why Mitch isn't here," Derek said, continuing to rest against the wall. "I bet he's got a sixth sense to know when you two are gonna have either a lovers' quarrel our a makeout session."

It was Linford's turn to snort with amusement. "Please. If it were the latter, you know he'd want to be here, watching," he said. That got a chuckle out of the other two. It was true, really, and it was even more fun to imagine what the look on Mitch's face would have been at that moment.

"For a straight feller, he's got good taste in men, you've got to admit," the cougar said as he bent down to snap the buckles of his boots open. His tail twisted about to help him keep balance, betraying his efforts to look 'cool' and nonchalant.

"How would you know?" Halsey teased, grinning. "It's not like he's sucked your dick."

Before he could lose balance completely, Derek caught his hand back against the wall and looked back at Halsey, returning the smirk with an even toothier grin. "No, but he was having a good time watching you suck mine." The retort made the canid's ears and cheeks burn almost instantly. He'd been so proud of his little attack that he hadn't expected the need for a defense.

Rising back up to his feet, and stepping out of his ski boots, Derek held his tongue in between his teeth and smiled back at Halsey. "You're too easy, Halsey," he said, shaking his head.

Halsey's intense blush got even hotter, and he growled to himself in embarrassed dismay. Beside himself, he heard Linford start to chuckle wildly before the fox leaned in to kiss him on the cheek.

"He means 'easy to tease,' Hal," Linford said, patting his pal on the shoulder. Derek started to burst out laughing, and Halsey just laid his ears back. "And you don't need to be so embarrassed about it, anyway. You're not the one who was trying to pretend that he didn't like watching."

Derek took off his ski jacket and hung it on the back of a chair. He walked back over to Halsey and ruffled the canid's hair and rubbed one of his ears. "He's cute when he's embarrassed, though," he said to Linford, as if Halsey wasn't even there.

Smiling, Linford looked back up at the feline, while rubbing Halsey's other ear. "Yeah, I'll give you that," the fox agreed. Their little trap was working, and the put-upon crossbreed could feel himself shrinking in upon himself, as two pairs of eyes and two sets of grinning teeth focused in on him.

"You guys suck," Halsey mumbled in retort, turning his head from side to side, trying in vain to escape the playful patronizing petting. "If I could stand up right now, I'd kick both of your asses." Both of his friends oohed and whistled, and yanked their hands back away from his head almost in unison.

"I think he's serious," Derek said to Linford in a grave tone of voice. "He'd probably start with you, too, you know."

Linford rubbed a few fingers down the front of Halsey's throat, smoothing down some of the ruffled-up fur there. "That's because he knows I know more of his special weaknesses," the fox said. "He'd need to take me out first, or he wouldn't stand a chance." It was a cute little admission of affection, and Halsey was sure that it was intentional. Maybe it hadn't been subtle enough for Derek not to notice, too, but he seemed to have already pieced two and two together, anyway.

"I guess we'd better make the best of the situation while we can, then," the cougar said, clicking his tongue as he stepped a bit to the side, apprizing Halsey as he sat there in his chair with one leg extended.

Both Halsey and Linford looked back up into Derek's face, which was downright beaming with fiendish mischief. "Oh, don't even tell me you're thinking what I think you're thinking," Linford said, disbelief coloring the partial giggles in his voice. Halsey turned to look at the dumbstruck fox, and then back up at Derek. He knew that look in the cat's eyes far too well.

"Maybe I am," Derek teased, taking one step backward. "Besides, it's not fair to leave little Halsey here all by himself while we go back out on the slopes. Poor thing would have to sit here all bored by himself!"

Halsey felt uncomfortable as he watched the cougar's fingers teasing at the front of his ski pants. The cat wasn't actively trying to take them off yet, but the threat was there. "Oh, please, you cannot be serious!" Halsey said. He pointed down at his foot with both hands. "I'm injured here! Shit, I might have broken my foot or something and we wouldn't even know!"

"You'll be all right," the cougar insisted, beginning to shuffle out of his ski pants. "You can just, you know, lay back all comfy-like in your little chair and keep your foot resting." The insulating layer that was worn underneath the pants clung tightly, and so Halsey could already see the outline of Derek's crotch. The cat wasn't hard yet, which at least meant that Halsey was being teased on behalf that he was fun to tease, and not just because his friend was horny. That was something.

Linford must have seen the worry in his friend's eyes, because he murmured hesitatingly before saying, "Um, Derek? Hey, maybe we shouldn't. I mean, he is hurt, and all. Maybe we should just let him rest."

Getting the outer pants off of his legs, Derek stood back up, wearing nothing but his sweater and what basically amounted to underwear. "Check him," the cat said to the fox, pointing to Halsey. "Just real quick. Give him a check." His words weren't threatening; actually, they were kind of flat. If it weren't for that fact, Halsey might have started to chip in with some begging of his own for Derek to stop. The lack of teasing as well as insistence, to Halsey, indicated--as much as it could, for Derek--concern.

That moment's reassurance came to a quick and surprising end when he felt Linford's fingers grope around his half-hard dick through his sweatpants. Halsey let out a tiny, sharp yip, eyes wincing shut, and both of his friends just chuckled. The fox's hand didn't go away, either; he kept lightly folding his friend as he rested his head against the other canid's shoulder. "I think he's not objecting, actually," Linford said.

All right. So the whole tease might have been all just Derek's perverse little fantasy, but Halsey couldn't help that the idea of getting to sit lazily in that chair, sucking both of his friends off, got him a bit aroused.

"God damnit," Halsey mumbled to himself, as an entirely different sort of embarrassment welled up inside him. Linford was still playing with his growing hard-on, and he didn't exactly want to give that up. Adding to that the fact that this meant that the fox was just as eager to play as Derek was, Halsey's inclinations to resist were less than earnest. It didn't keep him from feeling and looking extremely dopey about the whole situation, though.

Derek started to work his way out of his clingy underdrawers, enticing Halsey's view, before he turned around to instead flash his tail and backside. While the cat's toned body certainly offered a pleasant enough view, Halsey knew that Derek was deliberately trying to tease him by not showing him what he really wanted to see. To make matters worse, the tightness of Derek's underwear was drawing out the process.

Unprompted, Linford's hand slipped in past the loose waistband of Halsey's sweatpants. Distracted by the cougars' half-assed 'striptease,' the sudden direct touch of fur-on-skin made the canid shiver along his backbone. As his mouth opened with a quick gasp, Linford's head darted in to steal a kiss--tongue and all--before pulling back just as suddenly. That second and a half's worth of stimulation on both fronts made his hips and neck jerk, and a gasp broke free of his mouth once Halsey found it empty again.

"Aw, it'll be okay," Linford said to Halsey as he kissed him on the cheek. "Just know that your friends are going to treat you with all of the tenderness and care that you deserve."

By then, Derek had gotten his legs free, and had turned around, already in the process of pulling his sweater off. With the cat's eyes blocked off, Halsey took a few seconds to leer at his package, using that short window where he wouldn't get further teased for his blatant cocklust.

"We'll make sure he's just fine, won't we?" Derek said to Linford, once more speaking over Halsey's head. "Kiddo's had a rough day, and all." The large feline took each step with slow deliberateness, cupping his scrotum in one hand as he walked, jiggling it. He kept on approaching until he was right against Halsey's chair. All he needed to do was just lean over, and his crotch was close enough to the canid's nose for his arousal to be smelt cleanly.

Halsey found his face moving forward, and was alarmed. At first, he thought it was his subconscious taking hold, and then felt incredibly stupid once he realized it was just Linford, pushing on the back of his head in order to make his muzzle poke into the cougar's groin. Even though he knew that neither of his friends could see it, Halsey rolled his eyes in spite of himself, and buried his nose into the fur next to Derek's cock.

For his 'obedience,' as it were, Halsey felt Linford beginning to stroke him again, making him mumble out a sigh as his lips pursed into the little crease between thigh and crotch. He took effortless, shallow breaths as he kissed and nibbled with his lips, never actually coming in contact with Derek's member except for when his chin or whiskers would brush against it. The noises that Derek made were some of the closest to 'giggling' that Halsey had ever heard him make. Before he could get much further, though, the cougar grabbed him by the cheek with one hand, and forcibly shoved his snout over.

Instinct made Halsey slip his tongue out as the stiffening flesh of Derek's cock brushed against his lips. The hand that was on his cheek slid around to the back of his head, pushing and steering him a bit, as he mouthed and licked around. It was only around then that Halsey noticed that Linford's hand was gone from the inside of his pants, but he wasn't about to turn around and look for him at the moment--the fox would show up soon enough, he knew. Leaving any concern for that aside, the cougar's more immediate predicament took priority.

Derek let out a satisfied sigh, and released his hold on Halsey's head to instead grip himself by the base of his shaft. As the canid tried to keep his lips and tongue in contact with the hard flesh, the cat played with him, moving his cock this way and that, trying to do his best to rub against the front corners of that hungry muzzle and the twitching, bristly whiskers. Halsey thought he heard Linford laughing, but couldn't be certain. His ears were laid a bit too far back in acquiescence to hear as well as he normally did, but it didn't particularly matter, anyway--and if the fox wanted to laugh at the situation, there was plenty that was more ridiculous than the way that Derek was baiting him with his dick.

After a few well-aimed lashes with his tongue, Halsey got the cocky feline to stop his game, so that he held still for the pleasure that the licking gave. Halsey giggled a bit, seizing Derek's shaft lengthwise between his lips as his tongue slurped back and forth. The cougar's hips shook, pushing forward enough that Halsey had to tighten the hold of his lips, getting a moan out of both of them. The chair rocked back a few inches, and Halsey reached out and grabbed onto Derek's thighs to hold himself still, keeping from falling backwards in the heat of the moment.

With his eyes closed, Halsey didn't see anything coming before he felt a small thump at the top of his snout. He knew what is was before he reopened his eyes, but he did so anyway--finding himself staring sideward at Linford's crotch, the fox's shaft sliding back and forth right in front of his eyes. It wasn't really possible for Halsey to smile, with the angle that he had Derek's shaft trapped in his mouth, but he did at least giggle through his nose. The whole situation really was just ridiculous, he mused again to himself. Still, for being silly, weird, or anything else, it was also just plain sexy.

"You're too predictable sometimes, you know," Linford said, pulling his hips back so that the tip of his penis brushed at the side of Halsey's muzzle, dribbling back and forth through the short, untrimmed fur.

"Not that any of us are complaining about that," Derek added, voice distant and hazy through a blur of pleasure. The tall cat lifted his weight up onto the tips of his toes, making Halsey lift his head up a little further in order to keep his lips and tongue where they were. Doing that, in turn, made him drag his face against Linford's leaking glans, which made the fox stumble back and accidentally kick the back leg of Halsey's chair.

The whole tangle that they made up ended up tottering for just a second, but it was a second too long for comfort. Linford placed both hands on Halsey's shoulders, making sure that both he and his chair were flat and stable on the floor, and Derek scooted back away. With some residual nervous breathing, Halsey looked back and forth between both of his friends, and murmured, "Maybe this isn't such a good idea, actually." Even saying it, though, he was still faced with two hard cocks and two willing friends (not to mention his own eagerness!), and so he didn't expect that anything would stop just on account of a wobbling chair.

"Yeah, you're right," Linford said, surprising Halsey. He gave the fox a questioning look, and got a smirk in response. "First, let's get you out of that chair. Derek, help me out here."

One quick yip and some ticklish giggling later, Halsey found himself with Linford's arms tucked under his own, with Derek not far behind in reaching down to grab him by the hips and backside. "Now, be careful with him, there," Linford said. "Don't want to break the poor guy any more than he's already broken."

"Okay, guys, seriously--this doesn't seem like it's such a great--" His protest was cut short by another yip as his friends lifted him up out of the chair. Linford grunted in strained effort, and stepped in closer to Derek in order to support Halsey's weight more upright. It took a lot of effort on Halsey's part not to flail, but he knew that doing so would only increase his already-high chances of being dropped.

Linford then kissed one of Halsey's ears, before giggling into it. "Okay, mister--onto the bed with you!" The fox and cougar shuffled sideways, shaking poor Halsey a little, before buckling down and hefting the none-too-little canid onto the lower bunk one of the room's two beds. Derek was careful to make sure that Halsey's legs cleared the side post, and then rested his feet down on the pillows--which of course left his head to just fall back onto the mattress.

Looking over Halsey's body and then the bed frame surrounding it, the naked cougar tapped a claw at his chin. "Right, then. How do we go about doing this?" he mused aloud, looking like he was having trouble trying to visualize how things were supposed to work out.

"Don't think about it so much," Linford said, slipping up onto the bed, his knees to either side of Halsey's head. "Just do it." As if to make a point, the fox scooted forward, making his fuzzy scrotum rest against the top of Halsey's snout. Shifting his head around, Halsey pulled back and started to lick at it as it dangled there, easily in his reach. "Mmf," the fox huffed out. "See?"

Halsey heard Derek laugh, and then say, "Easy for you to say. Where am I supposed to fit in, here." The cat's claws rapped at the frame of the upper bunk. Quite probably, there wouldn't be enough clearance for him to get in someplace comfortable, especially with Linford taking up most of the 'quality' room.

"You could always be a nice friend and help him out," Linford said. Halsey then felt the fox's weight shift forward, followed by a grope through his sweatpants. He snorted at the suddenness of it, and pressed his nose firmly into Linford's perineum as his tongue licked again and again at the back of his balls.

The mattress shifted as new weight was put upon it, and two sets of fingers hooked into the waistband of Halsey's pants. "I am a nice friend!" Derek insisted, tugging the canid's pants down a few inches at a time with a series of sharp pulls. "I thought that was the whole point of this little exercise." The cougar's voice was so distinct that Halsey didn't need to even see his face to know exactly what it looked like right then. Linford gave an appreciative chuckle, too.

Derek's weight settled back some more, with the cougar kneeling astride Halsey's thighs. Fingers curled around the top of the panting canid's shaft, and pulled it into contact with the feline's own. Wet flesh slid against wet flesh as Derek rolled back and forth, using his hand to make sure that things stayed nice and close together, squeezing and stroking. Halsey took one of Linford's testicles into his mouth, tugging with his lips as he moaned out from around it. If he couldn't twist and arch in response to the pleasure, he had to vent the urge somehow.

Droplets of precum began to patter down onto the soft fur of Halsey's throat. By itself, the sensation would have been enough to drive him as wild as he'd already been, and now, combined with the scent of his vulpine friend's mounting arousal, it was plain intoxicating. His lips released their gentle hold on Linford's sack, and he started to lick further back, tilting his head so that he could slide his tongue over the fuzzy stretch between groin and tail. He was rewarded with a high-pitched gasp which made him feel particularly proud, and which made Derek laugh and lose his sense of rhythm for a couple of moments.

Halsey started to nibble up near the base of the fox's tail, which was doing just about everything except for standing still. Every few seconds, Derek would get a nice long cock-against-cock thrust in, and Halsey would press his lips down against the fox's furred rump and moan in order to distract himself to keep from being overstimulated so soon. He didn't even mind that the cougar was watching him get so deeply intimate with Linford, anymore--and the fact that the cat was participating in things only partially had anything to do with it.

Stumbling forward, and obviously trying to keep from panting too hard, Linford patted Halsey on the chest. "Okay, okay," he breathed out, lifting up off of his knees, pulling himself away from Halsey's reach, "Let's... let's switch here, hmm?" The sound of his voice was quite familiar, and so Halsey knew that he'd come very close to making the fox get off before he was ready.

Without responding, Derek got off of the bed and stood back up. Halsey looked straight upward, watching as the cat slid his fingertip along Linford's shaft, as he walked by to the other end of the bed. Linford, in turn, crawled forward into the corner, turning around once he was down by Halsey's legs.

"Roll over, Hal," Linford said, giving him a few quick strokes. Halsey propped himself onto elbows and smiled at the fox, feeling himself flush up again. His brain was addled with excitement, and putting two and two together wasn't the simplest task to do anymore. There was reassuring softness in Linford's voice, along with that cunning, playful sexuality that he'd been displaying all along.

Halsey nodded, and very carefully rolled over onto his stomach. When he looked up, he found his nose just inches away from Derek's dribbling tip. The cougar was stretched out along his back, arms hanging from the upper bunk as he rested against the bunk bed's frame. "Hi there," he said with a wink, reaching down to grab the base of his shaft, waggling it in front of Halsey's face. Keeping his eyes back on Derek's, Halsey got up onto his hands, pulled himself up onto his knees, and leaned his head forward. His tongue cradled the leaky underside of the cougar's glans, and scooped it upward in between his lips. He held it there, suckling with a soft hum as he just kept looking right on up at Derek, forcing his face to stay blank in order to maximize the tease.

It worked. The muscles in the cougar's arms visibly tightened, and he used his leverage on the top bunk to help thrust forward into Halsey's face. Having readied himself for just such a reaction, Halsey's neck eased back, so that the front of his snout took less force of impact from Derek's groin mashing up against it. With his mouth now snugly full of cock again, he sucked hard, twisting his head to one side as his forearms steadied themselves at the edge of the bed. Derek let out a quiet grunt, grinding his crotch up against Halsey's nose.

In the meantime, Linford had crawled up behind Halsey, and was caressing his rump with both hands, smoothing out the ruffled fur and petting along the top of his tail. Wanting very much to just start wagging that tail, Halsey instead stilled himself to curb his excitement so that he could focus and concentrate. Things were getting intense enough that he didn't want to lose sight of himself in the moment.

A jolt ran up along Halsey's spine as he felt a wet poke down underneath his tail, followed immediately thereafter by a slow, circular rubbing. The smooth fuzzy touch let him know that it was just one of Linford's saliva-wetted fingers, and so he breathed a quick sigh of relief through his nostrils. Derek was grinning more than ever, now (for no shortage of reasons, too, no doubt), and so Halsey just concentrated on using his tongue to make the feline's face contort in as many diverse and interesting was as possible. As that slender vulpine finger began to wiggle its way into his backside, Halsey swallowed hard, eyes pinching shut for a few seconds. Again, his mind focused on things in front in order to blur out things in back.

Once more, Halsey felt embarrassment coming back to him. If Linford was actually about to top him, then that was a full step or two further than they'd ever taken things before. And while Halsey was certainly more than willing to take that step, the moment was made more than just a tiny bit awkward by the presence of Derek. It had nothing to do with wanting things to be more 'special' or more 'romantic,' really--he actually couldn't really put his finger on what it was weird. It just was.

Weird or not, though, it wasn't going to stop Halsey, and it certainly didn't seem like it was going to stop either Linford or Derek.

With the limited space in which Derek had to work with, he started to thrust back and forth into Halsey's muzzle. It was only a few inches--half of the feline's length, at most--which for a change of pace made things smoother, and less rough. It also put less stimulation onto Derek's tip, a side-benefit that both he and Halsey were very much enjoying. Letting himself get lulled into a cocksucking daze, the hungry canid huffed out another squeak through his nostrils when he felt another of Linford's fingers pushing in to join the first.

The fur of the fox's fingers was quite wet with spittle, and that helped make things easier, since there wasn't a lot else that any of them could do about it. Linford didn't come across as being altogether patient, either, however, and it had been a good while since Halsey had bottomed. That made things tight, but even if it was uncomfortable, it was a major turn-on regardless. Halsey's more heated panting made the fur of Derek's crotch move visibly.

"Don't... want to end things too quickly," Derek murmured, pulling out completely from Halsey's mouth. The cougar had a wonderful, dazed look in his eyes, the same old grin as before still plastered on his lips. Without any additional pretense, the cat reached back down, took his cock between two fingers, and went about tapping and slapping it against Halsey's snout. Getting fingered was proving to be too disorienting for Halsey to try to catch that bobbing shaft with his lips or tongue like before, and so he was helpless to Derek's teases as the cat started to slow down and thrust against the side of his face, through the fur.

The pair of fingers that had been pumping beneath Halsey's tail slid out, to be replaced not seconds later by what he knew to be the tip of Linford's wet and slender cock. He gasped at the touch, and while his mouth hung open, Derek slapped his lower lip with his own swollen glans. Halsey swore that Derek winked at him and mouthed the word 'lucky,' but with his brain racing a mile a minute, he was half-convinced that he'd imagined it.

Linford paused for a second, took a deep breath, and thrust forward.

Halsey arched along his back, and yelped in pain.

"Oh, shit, Hal, I'm sorry!" the fox started sputtering, urgent panic filling his voice. "I shouldn't have just--"

"No, you're on my foot!" Halsey yipped back, head dipping down between his arms as the pain from his ankle kept surging again and again.

Linford hopped backward on his knees without a moment's hesitation, babbling an even more garbled, more frenzied apology. Even Derek had backed away, by then, leaving Halsey to just cope with his spinning brain.

"Shit, Hal. Are you going to be all right?" Linford finally asked, gingerly stroking Halsey's lower back.

Taking a deep breathing, Halsey nodded, and lifted himself upright. "Yeah, I'll be okay," he replied. "I don't think you were on it that hard, actually. The pain is going down real quick, at least."

"Well, that's a relief," Linford responded with a sigh. "Guess we should probably quit while we're ahead, though, huh?"

Halsey shook his head. "No, it's okay," he said. "Let's keep going. I'll be fine." He really didn't want to stop at all. He and Linford had come this far, and he wanted to go through with it. It had taken a while for the closeness between them to reach this point, and he wasn't going to blow it all over a sore ankle injury.

"You're sure?" Linford asked. The poor fox sounded so confused, and so Halsey just grinned, and then got back down onto the bed. This time, though, he rolled over onto his back. Extricating his feet from the loose tangle of sweatpants around them, he lifted first his good foot, and then his bad one, prompting Linford to take each of his legs and sling them over his shoulders. The fox smiled down at him, a certain vulpine glimmer in his eyes that made it look like he appreciated his friend's craftiness and ingenuity.

"And you get back here, too," Halsey beckoned to Derek. His head was upside down, now, but still in reach at the end of the bed.

"I've got to hand it to you, Hal," Linford said, shaking his head with a chuckle as he got himself positioned back down Halsey's tight little hole. "You're a lot more fun when you lose the will to keep up your little shyness act."

Halsey laughed at that, and so did Derek. "Are you gonna fuck me or patronize me, fox?" the larger canid teased, shooting his friend a mocking look. That made Derek laugh again, louder, and Halsey allowed himself some pride at that.

Linford curled up his lips and chuckled. "Oh, you asked for it!" he snapped. "Just for that, you're getting it extra hard, now." After a youngish-sounding laugh, he clumsily added, "Bitch."

Unable to keep a straight face, Halsey just broke into giggles at Linford's little act. It was during that little fit of laughter that the fox pushed in, spreading him open around that straight, stiff member. Barely able to get a moan out, Halsey lolled his head back and forth atop the mattress as the rush of adrenaline filled him, and the pleasure of that somewhat-forgotten sensation came bleeding back to the forefront.

The fox's athletic nature showed in the way that he just went right about pounding Halsey's tight little ass, quick and careful thrusts aimed downwards as he held his friend's legs up against either side of his head. Doubtless it would have been fun to watch, but Halsey couldn't quite lift his head up from where it was lying in order to do that. Luckily for Derek, this kept the canid's mouth just where he needed it.

"You just hold still, all right?" the cougar said, gripping himself firmly with one hand as he guided himself closer to Halsey's upside-down muzzle. Halsey nodded, and then parted his lips, letting Derek just slide right on into his mouth. He coughed and moaned every so often, whenever Linford pushed down into him at a particular angle, which encouraged the very on-edge cat to hurry himself up.

Derek started to shift his hips back and forth. It wasn't quite 'thrusting,' but more of a fluid sliding motion, using the hot suction of Halsey's muzzle to finish what had been started. The warmth and twitchiness let Halsey know that his friend was close, and so it was near effortless for him to just fade out, relaxing in bliss as his companions just took him from either end. All he needed to do was lie there, having fulfilled his part in getting his pals pleasured and worked up.

Now, Halsey just let himself be a lazy glutton, the three of them having reached the point where things were all worth it.

It was Derek who came first, pulling back too far one time, just as the first gush of semen fired against Halsey's lips and nose. The rest arced higher as the feline moaned in bliss, splattering the canid's chest, throat, and the underside of his muzzle. Warmth and stickiness soaked right on into the fur, and Halsey relished the way it felt.

There was yet more incoherent mumbling that came from Linford, which got louder and finally mounted a point where the fox's weight first pushed and then just fell forward. His hands caught him against the bed, to either side of Halsey's torso, as he stopped thrusting, and just panted frantically as he rested forward, buried deep. The pink tip of his tongue peeked out from between his lips, and he huffed in cute little breaths through his nose.

Halsey couldn't tell if he had gotten off during the whole ordeal or not. He wasn't hard anymore, and things were definitely damp all around, but there wasn't any 'verifiable' sign that he'd climaxed. He wasn't going to complain, though--he'd certainly been well pleasured, and any more excitation at this point would probably have only served to make him hyperventilate.

Looking up at Derek (still upside down), Halsey smiled an inward smile. He'd found a new level of comfort with his feline friend, too, to his surprise. True, Derek was well and involved with Toby, and so it wasn't likely to progress further than what it had just progressed to, but it was still a progression, and Halsey felt good about that. Most probably, Derek wouldn't ever notice that, but it wasn't important.

With Linford, things were a bit more obvious, both tangibly and emotionally. By the end of the trip, Halsey was going to have to suck it on up and just tell the fox that he really liked him. In the meantime, it wouldn't really do to be lovers if you didn't technically love someone. That would have to come with time, though, and nobody seemed to be in any kind of rush.

Nobody seemed to be in any kind of rush to do things like get up, get cleaned up, or put clothes back on, either. Minutes just drifted on by, without anyone saying anything. Still, it had been a long day, and with both Linford and Derek being more athletic than Halsey, they'd probably tired themselves out more on the skiing, besides.

It wasn't quite that late, yet. That meant that the adjoining rooms were probably empty, which was a good thing considering that, by the end, none of the three had been particularly quiet. It would've been quite a show, though, Halsey mused to himself.

Halsey then just lazily stared up at the door. Part of him was hoping that, in the time that the three of them were just staying as they were, maybe Mitch would open the door, if only because Halsey thought that the look on the tiger's face (even upside-down) would have been just plain priceless.

A Certain Degree of Intimacy

"A Certain Degree of Intimacy" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story, and all characters and situations within are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. I would like to dedicate this...

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Maerchentic Existence

"Maerchentic Existence" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters therein are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. This is the tenth and final installment of...

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Maerchentic Retribution

"Maerchentic Retribution" by K.M. Hirosaki ([[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection)) AUTHOR'S NOTES: This story and all characters within are copyright (c) 2004 K.M. Hirosaki. This is the ninth installment of 'Maerchentic.' It...

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