The Lost Fur

Story by GatomonX69 on SoFurry

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This is a short story about my fursona and her past lfie.

The Lost Fur

By GatomonX69


Ok this is my first time doing a story so I truly don't know how to begin this. So be easy on me on how I do or type thing I'm going of my mind here, lol. Ok so without further delay I give you my story of my life and 3 personalities'.

It's dark outside, the moon high in the cold windy air. The feeling of my lungs full, Heart Racing as the night breeze blows through my fur. The feel of the dirt in my paws, as I run through the night. The female Wolf looks down from atop of the hill. She sees a UN known figure walking through her territory. As leader of her pack she must rid all those that aren't part of it. She runs down the hill dashing in and out the trees, and slowly creeping up on the suspicious figure. That dared to cross into the Frost Pack Territory; she steps in front of the creature's path blocking his destination as she glares at the beast. "What makes you think I'll let a low life animal walk through my territory?" she stands tall over the figure and wears a grin of pride only for it to be whipped away.... The dark figure laughs then opens its eyes to show its bright blue eyes and white fangs "you dare call me low life, learn you place Frost.....don't think Midnight would like you attacking the Alpha of the clans"

Thank you for reading this is a preview to my full story coming soon!!!!

Main Characters

Diamond Frost- A young female wolf with white fur and black paws also black muzzle and a black stipe across her back. She is very adventures and hyper. Frost was once a lone rogue wolf, till the first bite pack took her in as her own.

Grizzly Paw- A young male wolf with dark brown fur, with big fuzzy paws. He is very loving and kind, with a big heart towards diamond. Diamond and he been best friends since they was pups.

Mr. Grey Muzzle- Old male wolf with grey and white fur. He's strong and wise and one the oldest members of the frostbite pack.

Midnight-A grizzly bear with dark blue fur, with red scars across his muzzle and right eye, showing his past fights.

The Pack- The pack is a group of animals of their own kind forming alliance with each other, to feed, defend and help their own kind. There are four packs in one clan, lets meet them shall we:

Frostbite Pack- These guys are the hunters of the clan. They are the wolves there the fastest and most respected pack in the clan. The leader of the frostbite pack is midnight.

Swift Claws- These guys you don't want to go toe to toe with. They are the grizzly bears and trust me make them mad. There the muscle of the clan and pretty strong in numbers.

Sky Breakers-There the scavengers and scouts of the pack. They are the birds and will help the clan to their best potential.

The Rouges- There is no info on this pack...

Day 1

The Moring wasn't so bad it's the smell of the cave that gets to you; she awoke deep in the cave and crawls out. Her Fur all dirty and eyes droopy. Her name is Diamond Frost and she is an alpha female wolf with white fur and black streaks around her eyes and muzzle. She is a bit of a trouble maker always pulling pranks skipping pack hunts and pack lessons. But she just loves the freedom and danger of the world. She goes by frost around her pack mates and land. Frost slowly stretches lifting her fluffy rump in the air as she yawns. She's still sleepy and wants to just curls back into a ball and sleep still, but the call of wild! joking but there was something telling her not to go back to bed.

Diamond: "gawd.....why do we have to wake up in the late day break, like seriously the fucking birds still sleep and there the first to be up" she said in a annoyed tired tone

"Now now dear, we have to do our part of the pack" laughter from behind diamond surprises her as she turns around and sees her best buddy Grizzly Paw; known for his big furry paws.

Diamond: "oh shut up grizzly" she giggled and pounce her fuzzy friend biting his ear. "So what big project did Mr. Gray Muzzle give us?"

Grizzly: well he wants me to get water and giving you to go fetch some prey" he forces a smiles then looks down "as a punishment for last night behavior, you must do it alone"

Diamond: "wait! What?!....dude that's sooo unfair why can't that old..." she stops and see her mentor behind grizzly jaw dropped.

Grey Muzzle: *Ahem* what was you going to say frost hmmmm?" he glares at frost with a grin the strolls around her "guess some one wants to run 50 laps through the frostbite lake again" he chuckles and sits down in front both his students

Frost shakes her head and shudders remerging that cold night. She then bows and submits to her mentor before running of with grizzly to complete her task of the day.

Diamond: ok ok I'm going bye gray muzzle see you soon!

She grabs grizzly and runs into a sprint dash towards the hunting grounds.

Diamond: ok ok I'm going bye gray muzzle see you soon!

She grabs grizzly and runs into a sprint dash towards the hunting grounds.

Frost and Grizzly reaches the hunting grounds. Grizzly gives frost a lick and heads for the lake to gather water.

Grizzly: ok frost I'm going to get the water, try not to die" he grins and teasingly sticks his tongue out

Frost: Heh all right and you try not to drown again, tired of fishing you fuzzy ass out that lake" she laughs and grins at her friend the runs off to the hunting grounds

Frost reaches the hunting grounds; she smiles and takes the moment to enjoy the view. Seeing the wide open area so expose, the bare land full of grass and animals. She looks up and soaks up some sun rays before trotting down to start her task.

Frost: ok stupid deer time for you to get owned" she grins and spy's her prey; a tall elk big enough to feed her pack then she sees it's with his family three other small deer's easy prey but not big enough to feed the pack and fill their belly's

Frost "hmm taking down the big elk will give me lots of respect and love in the pack and probably a day off my tasks, yet I can lose this one and should go for the small fry's?" she thinks then shrugs of the idea of going for small prey, yet again her self-pride got in the way as she dares take on a prey twice her size. "Ok big boy prepare to die!!!"

Frost stalks out slowly than once close enough breaks into a full sprint towards the elk. The smaller deer sees her and breaks of in a run. Frost attacks the big elk only to be knocked to side. Her visions turn black, her sides and body in sharp pain, her breathing shallow and heavy.

Frost: "What' dark....cant breath....."

She slowly opens her eyes the elk staring her in the face but only its head, she bends her head to see only it head remains and notices her ribs broken. She slowly cries and winches in pain. Her ears perk up as she hears something behind her, a voice.

Voice: *laughing* "aww what's wrong little wolf, did I hurt you. Do me a favor kid and tell the frostbites, oh Shadow came back to play"

The voice fades into the background and so does frost vision. She awoke in her cave shock and confused she tries to get up but a paw gently pushes her back down...a big fuzzy paw.

Frost: Damn it grizzly don't scare me like fucking insides on fire"

Grizzly: easy frost, you took a nasty hit to your ribs it'll be awhile before you can get up and roam about"

Frost lays back down and licks her friends paw comfortingly as she hears her mentor and surprisingly her leaders voice

Midnight: "well seems like that got you to stop talking and causing trouble for me" he mocks teasingly, he bends down and gently licks her muzzle "now tell me frost who did this to you? And why?"

Mr. Grey muzzle: "Yes exactly what I been thinking night> Frost is known for her pranks and troubles but this, is sort of a little too far for payback for that."

Frost: She thinks back and remembers the voice in her ear, the head of the elk "No it's not that I was hunting"

Midnight: "wait your telling me you did what grey asked you to do?!" he said almost laughing and disbelieving what he just heard

Frost: "Oh shut up, damn....the voice told me to tell you what was it oh yea....he said he came back to play.......and his name was Shadow"

Midnight and both grey muzzle gave each other worried looks Midnight: "we have to tell you two something"

Day 2

It's been three night falls since the incident and frost is able to move about again. But the incident that accrued her injuries remains a mystery.

Frost: *yawns* "man I never been that lazy in, well"

Grizzly "weeks" *chuckles and pokes his friend* "come on lazy ass we got some traveling to do remember"

Frost: Oh yea, man this going to be fun! *chuckles and grins at her friend* "all right heavy foot let's move out"

Frost and grizzly was assigned Border duty today. So both of them went to their edge of their border and separated grizzly took the south end and frost the north. Little does frost knows today will change her life completely.

Grizzly: "see ya frost butt don't get killed this time key" he says running off to the south

Frost: "yea, whatever"

It's dark outside, the moon high in the cold windy air. The feeling of my lungs full, Heart Racing as the night breeze blows through my fur. The feel of the dirt in my paws, as I run through the night. The female Wolf looks down from atop of the hill. She sees a UN known figure walking through her territory. As leader of her pack she must rid all those that aren't part of it. She runs down the hill dashing in and out the trees, and slowly creeping up on the suspicious figure. That dared to cross into the Frost Pack Territory; she steps in front of the creature's path blocking his destination as she glares at the beast.

Frost: "What makes you think I'll let a low life animal walk through my territory?"

She stands tall over the figure and wears a grin of pride only for it to be whipped away.... The dark figure laughs then opens its eyes to show its bright blue eyes and white fangs

Dark Figure: "you dare call me low life, learn you place Frost.....don't think Midnight would like you attacking the Alpha of the clans"

After she examines the figure closely her eyes widen as she backs up and submits down

Frost: "oh I mean sorry.....Dark Claw"

Dark Claw: "that's more like it; seem you have brain left in your head kid"

Frost looks up and gulps as she thinks in her head. "Why is Dark claw the alpha in the clan here? He's big for a wolf, one this big sure to have a nasty bite to him" Dark claw sits down his big heavy tail wrapped around him as he peers down at frost

Dark Claw: "so frost, is it, Se anything suspicious this night?"

Frost: "well besides you no Dark Claw"

Dark Claw: "good, carry on then"

Dark claw gets up and bounds off back towards frostbites pack. Frost looks at him go and wonders, what does the alpha of the clans wants with Midnight at this time of hour?

Soon after frost counties to patrol her border as she spots her favorite rock. Its big smooth and you can see over the fields. She climbed upon the rock and sighed with a relief as she sat down and stared out into the fields.

Frost: "man this day can't get any better, cold night with guard duty" she looked up at the moon and let out a soft howl

Her ears perked as she instinctively picked up on the same scent and sound she heard. On that day she was knocked out, she closed her eyes and listened closer to the sound. Suddenly a black shadow jumped past her giving her kick to the face before it landed. Little dazed but not out just yet she growls and gets on her feet quick. She bares her teeth and unsheathes her claws as she faced the intruder. To her surprise it was him, Shadow the Lone wolf.

Shadow: *laughing* "we meet again little wolf, seem you can't stay on your feet" he chuckles and grins at frost

Frost "you son of a bitch, you'll regret kicking me in the face" she growls and lunges forward her claws digs deep into his fur, as shadow begins to yell and snaps at frost

Shadow: "aghh you bitch!!" he growls and rolls over crushing her under his weight then takes a nasty bite at her sides

Frost Ahhhh!~" she screams in pain and twirls around kicking him in the face as frost skids off she backs up a bit, taking deep breaths

Both wolf's glares and stares at each other stepping slowly around each other. Frost notices she's badly injured and high tails it out of there heading back to her home, but shadow is close on her tail.

Shadow: "aww what's wrong little wolf, scared" he chuckles and snarls at frost close on her heals

Frost ran right into her pack who was glaring at her, when she turn around shadow was gone and far from the right. She was unsure what happened but when she faced her pack they wasn't so pleased with her.

Midnight: "I gave you one thing to do, on have damn thing and you fucked it up!" he growls blood dripping off his muzzle and eyes wide.

Frost looked at her pack and realize they was in a fight their muzzle bloody sides and fur clamped down by blood and sweat some even beaten up badly showing open wounds from bite and claw marks. She soon realizes that her pack was attack, on her watch.

Frost "wait, no! I was doing my job I was at my post this whole time" she looks at her pack leader with begging eyes

Midnight: "that's enough of your lies we lost three pack mates today, I'm done with games frost. I'm sorry but I have no choice, you're no longer part of my pack" he growls at frost exiling her to the woods

Frost can't believe what she heard or seeing her own pack threw her away and is now prepared to fight her if she don't leave she whimpers and begs forgiveness to only receive a nasty bite in the leg.

Day 3

It's been six days since my ex pack mates exiled me. I'm not sure why they thought I was a traitor, or who attacked my family. But all I do know is who ever set me up is going to lose their balls.

Frost has been walking for six days straight now. Her fur a mess her paws aching, all she wanted to do is lie down and rest. But she has to find shelter, and a pack. She is now a lone wolf, pack less and without a home to call her own. She walked east past the fields and now is starting to wonder where she is. This is where her story began and the wild adventures will soon get little frost into a load of trouble. Sorry had to be a tease there =^.^= that was the prologue, hers the story, hehe.

Chapter 1

The Lone Snowflake

It's officially been 1 year 3 months and 2 days since I crossed into the city. At first I had no clue what a city is or what roads was, stupid me. So yea here I am lone wolf roaming the nights in a small rundown city. The city folks sure don't bother with a 125 pound female wolf, Come on who would. I spend day times sleeping in the alleys and night times hunting for food, pretty easy life I got going, till one day she came to my alley.

The day was still going as normal, sun going down the moon showing in the sky, people running in fear of me, heh love it when they run. Yet there was something off this day, something frost can't explain till, bam it hit her. She felled flat on her back growling and looked up to see a snow white wolf on her chest eyes wide and fur a mess.

Frost: "well that's a shity way to greet a wolf, you got some nerve kid bumping into me like that" she glares at the small wolf pushing it off her chest and glares down at it. "Well aren't you going to speak, runt"

The little small white wolf glared up at her "I'm no runt the names snowflake" as she glared up at frost

Snowflake: " and I have no time for a old rotten grey muzzle like you, old lady" the small cub stuck her tongue out and ran past frost

Frost: "Grey Muzzle? Old lady?!!, oh hell no you did not just call me that kid, get back here" frost ran after the snowflake and mangos to catch her in the alley only to find her pinned down crying with two dogs onto of her

Frost just stares UN able to believe what she are seeing the small wolf cub on her back with what après to be the males knot and cock deep in her. The male dog just laughed and grinned at frost as he pins snow flake down and moors. The dog looked up at frost and grin "names red, pleasure to meet you.

Rex: "Got to say was pleasure meting this runt here as well, heh.

Frost: "you son of a bitch, you're going to regret doing that" She based her teeth then pounced on red whose unable to defend himself being knotted to snow flaked

Rex growled and whimpered in pain as frost bites and claws him. Unable to fight back he submits and unknots from snow flake to only feel the teeth of frost on his cock as he begins to cry

Rex: "wait no, don't please me are begging you" he whimpered and feels her teeth

Frost: "ill let you go on one condition, you must become my slave mutt" she grins evenly and lets go of him

Rex unknots from snow flake then licks her saying sorry then turns to frost and nods. Keeping to his part of the deal. Both rex and snowflake followed frost back to her alley under a secrete passage way to an abandon empty box; no ceilings walls covering each end and tall as the eyes can see.

Frost: "ok rex you come with me, and runt" frost looks at snow flake and smiles softly "you can crash with me, as long you can obey my rules and hang with me.

Snowflake eyes twinkled as she smiles happily and hugged frost. Rex on the other hand groaned and frost snapped at him sending him to the other part of the room. Frost hugged snowflake back taped her on the tail sending her to frost bed where she will sleep for the time being. Frost then turns and walked to the other room and called rex.

Frost: "all right mutt, your first task is to go find us food you're a resident of her longer then me so find something good, got it" she grins showing her canines at him and looks directly at his balls

Rex: "all right damn, stop going for my balls so much" frost growled at him and he ran off "ok, ok I'm going jezze"

Frost smiles and giggled watching her slave go fetch food. She lies down and closes her eyes drifting off into sleep. She awoke in the woods baffled and confused, she then realizes she's having IT again the dream. She doesn't quite ember what happened in the past yet she remembers this dream all too well. Screaming wolves, forest a blaze in fire a dark shadow standing over her dead body laughing loudly. She saw something different this time her dead body was still alive and showed a scar on her back. Frost awoke and pants for air, she turns around and sees her scar on her lower belly, same scar as he dream self had. "It wasn't a dream" frost sat there trebling repeating those words.

Chapter 2

It's a new day

Snowflakes Journey

Yay it's my time to shine hehe, ok you guys frost is out doing something, I don't know what but yea she said "don't you dare touch my stuff I'll be back in the next chapter" so yea sorry any who lets begin it was.....*screams and thumps*......Ok I'm sorry for that I'm back you guys forgive my little friend she's such a pain in my ass ok let's do this chapter 2 here we go!

Chapter 2

The Lost Memories

It was late in the afternoon when I notice that rex was gone and only me and snow flake was here. So I decided to pull the little fluff ball to me, she always seem to purr when I hold her asleep. I don't know why, but it feels relaxing to hold her close to me. She awoke and made the cutest of yawns then looked at me. It's been about 10 days and I already gotten attached to her. So has she, she closed her eyes then talked to me which surprised me in the subject she brought up.

Snowflake: "hey frost why you out are in the city anyway, aren't you a wolf?" she looked at me and I knew this day would come

Frost: "well snowflake, I truly don't remember I been out her so long I lost my memory" Frost sighed then lay back down to rest

A loud sound came from the entrance as rex was thrown into the open and two bigger dogs came in behind him. Rex was blood and half dead, looking up at frost crying. Frost growled and looked at the two big dogs and realizes this going to end in a fight as they stared at snow flake. Frost don't get why big dogs love to rape the small weak furry like snowflake. But frost isn't going to let that happened to her again, she steeped in front of snowflake and bared her teeth at the dogs.

Frost: "ok you mutts you have two choices get out, or face the alpha wolf of dogs"

The two doings just laughed out loud and one called frost "not alpha wolf more like alpha bitch, let's get her man" the other dog nodded and charged onto frost. Frost quickly pushes the first on to one side they got under the other dog took a bite on the leg then flipped him over. She then quickly clawed his underside killing him in an instant, too far in her prime dominant state. The other dog knocked her on side and pined her down. his heat strong and sheath and member so visible. She quickly threw him off and clamped her jaw over his neck before he even had a chance to say sorry, she ripped his throat out. Frost was shaken out her primal urges to howl victory as a bright light engulfed her vision. Frost saw a wolf standing next to her saying something, to quiet for her to hear. His paws were big as a bear and fuzzy like one too, yet he was a wolf. She snapped back to reality not sure what happened. Frost soon sees that her slave rex was dead and little snow flake was crying in a corner. Frost walked up to the little wolf cub and held her close.

Chapter 3

Lost of a friend

It was night out the moon high in sky, the room smelt of blood, lust and death. Frost home is ruined she needed a new place, a new home. She woke up snowflake and told her she taking them back to the forest.