Diana's tale of a day off gone wrong.

Story by Lacrimosa Fox on SoFurry

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This is my first attempt at writing a story. I could use tips and comments to help me along. I see a lot of bad spelling in stories, so I'll try to keep the typos low for easier reading. Email me at [email protected] Story copyright to Lacrimosa Fox.

~Not for those under 18, yadda yadda yadda. Same ole stuff.~

It was a rainy day, and Diana, a wolf, was laying in bed. Her thoughts traveled to the weekend, having it planned out. A soft sigh came to her as she rolled over and looked out the french style doors that led to the patio of the second story three bedroom house she lived in by herself. She pulled the covers away from her black fur covered frame, as her two dark grey ears flickered, listening to the rain. "Well, looks like I'm not going to be heading to the beach today." Soon enough she fell asleep, mesmerized with the sound of the rain hitting the roof.

Slowly Diana awoke to a pillow being pushed over her face, and when she tried to move to push the pillow away, she found that her hands had been tied to the top bedposts of her bed, a hand clasp over her slender muzzle as she panicked, fighting whatever had subdued her. Slowly the pillow raised off her face and she blinked as few times, glancing up at the face of a male fox. His voice was deep and raspy as he spoke to her. "Do anything to raise the neighbor's suspicions and I will kill you. Do what I say and I may let you live, got it?" SLowly she nodded her head, tears starting to well up in the corner of her eyes.

He slowly removed his black furred hand from her muzzle, stradding her stomach. His dark red fur was darker than she had seen before on a fox, and most of all the musky scent that crossed her nose made her want to puke. She sniffled softly, wondering what was going to happen next. Her muscles shivered as she spoke. "Wha.... what do you plan on doing with me??..."

A soft laugh escaped his muzzle, a grin comming fast to his lips. "You'll see..." He got off of her, and when she looked down she saw that her feet were tied too, her legs spread apart, giving him a nice view of her pleasure center. She watched in horror as he slowly stripped his clothes, revealing his massive member already partially released from his sheath, ready to abuse her.

She whimpered and cried softly. "Please!..... No!!..... I haven't been taken yet!" She kept begging for him not to, but upon hearing she was a virgin, it seemed to drive him on more. His hands wrapped around his member, pumping slowly to drive him to his full length. He then got back on the bed, rubbing the tip of his member around her entrance, tracing back from her tail hole to her untaken sex.

"You will be nice and tight, I can already smell you as I take you. I can already hear your lost cries as I pound into you, causing you pain and suffering..." He fadded off, lowering his muzzle to suck on her left breast, his right hand gently massaging her right one, gently squeezing the nipple as he did. He could feel her tighten up, trying to pull away from his marauding hand and muzzle, but only driving him to do more to her, he momentariry pulled away and started massaging her left breast with his left hand. "Ohhhh.... that makes me wild. Do it more my sweet bitch, you know you want to have more. I can feel it." He started to lick between both of her breasts.

Shivers ran through her as he fondled her breasts, sobbing. When she move he moved with her, and his words imprinted in her mind. Her body began to betray her as her nipples hardened underneath his rough touch. *No! I can't do this! I can't let him have me like this!* This thought ran through her mind constantly, afraid to move, fearing that he would hurt her more if she did.

His hands traveled down between her legs, index finger trailing around the entrance to her womanhood, watching as her body betrayed her mind, lost in the quivering of her muscles and the scent that started to rise from between her legs. He pushes his finger in slowly, pumping a few times before taking it out and bringing it up to her nose and deeply inhaling.

She watched him draw his hands down to her treasure, and whimpered softly when he pushed his finger inside of her, muscles clamping down before he removed it, and watched in disgust as he smelled her inscence. The look of disgust soon turned to horror as he moved between her...

He positioned himself between her thighs, making sure her tail was well away. He teased her more, tracing his member again around her womanhood, murring in excitement at taking a virgin. He stopped moving and positioned himself before he jammed hard into her, feeling her cherry pop as he violently pushed past. He wasted no time as started pumping into her, leaning forward and biting onto her neck, his chest brushing against her chest, making her nipples hard again.

Diana shrieked in pain as he pushed hard into her, her muscles tightening as he immedietely start to take her. SHe could feel the blood dripping from her inside onto her white sheets, screaming loudly as the pain kept on going. She pulled hard against the restraints, trying to get away from his large and hot member. She could feel her inside being pumped raw, the pain in her neck intensifying as he took her.

Her body was going against her mind. Soon enough she started to pump back against him, moaning softly as her eyes closed, taking the abuse he put upon her body. Her body wanted him, but her mind was telling her it was wrong. The heat in her loins intensified as he sped up. Soon enough she could feel him bite down harder as he gave one final push, putting his full length into her and expelling his scalding hot seed into her, moaning comming from him as sweat now dripped from his fur. Soon enough she screamed as her first orgasm hit, her body twitching and thrashing around underneath him, slowly stopping as her breathing was hard and fast.

Her body responses drove him closer as he pumped harder, intent on making her his bitch. "Mmmmmm, ohhhh... yeah I know you like this. Come on babe...... YES!!!" He moaned loudly as he came inside of her, giving one last push to put his knot inside of her. Her screaming filled his ears and to him was a piece of heaven. He have a last few thrusts before he collapsed ontop of her, releasing his bite upon her neck. He weakly licked the blood comming from her wounds before he spoke. "Now didn't that feel good my sweet little whore? I knew you wanted it."

She sobbed quietly as he lay ontop of her, and the licking caused her to try and pull away. When she did he only pulled her closer. He got up and got dressed again before he put a pillow over her head again. Diana could head the fox moving a few things around in her room before she could hear his voice against the pillow. "Do not move until this clock goes off.... understood? Tell anyone, even the police and you will be dead in less that twelve hours." She felt the bindings loosing.

A muffled yes came from underneath the pillow, after what seemed like days the alarm clock went off and she slowly sat up glancing around. His scent still lingered from the air, but she knew he was gone, the french doors were open.