Meeting Innocense

Story by Hawke on SoFurry

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A new writing style. This was an RP with a friend of mine, who would rather remain anonymous, hopefully He can recognize it.

It is heavily adapted, and rewritten from His POV, something I haven't done before.


I could swear that she was doing it to tease me. Prancing around like that. That tight 15 year old ass in those shorts. But it couldn't be true, I was her coach after all, and almost twice her age. Something told me that the soccer-playing-chick had a crush on me though, at least that was what I dreamt. The way she was always swaying those hips, with each step, the way that even in the oversize soccer-jersey her budding teen tits were winking at me, the way I would swear her ass was flirting with me. I could swear, that whenever she would bend over to pick something up, which seemed to be unusually often, she would make sure to turn her back on me, giving me a full view of her perfect, round, tight teenage ass, making it more than obvious that she was wearing very skimpy underwear under those all too short athletics shorts. But it couldn't be true, and I shouldn't think about it, afterall, I was a person of trust, it would be wrong, it would be more than wrong to have those thoughts, it would be illegal. And yet, I couldn't get them out of my head, I couldn't get her out of my head. The way she always smiled at me when she showed up for practice, the way her bubbly voice filled my canine ears, the way her furconditioner filled my snout with her scents, and oh, she would just have to know what the scent of her sweat after practice did to me, the way she practically brushed up against me after each practice.

And here she was, at the team-camp, everybody in bed, except for the two of us, sitting at the fire, and she had somehow managed to discreetly slip into my lap. I could feel her warmth, I could smell her scents. She hadn't taken a shower for a couple of days, and there had been plenty of soccer in the heat. And most of all, I could feel her ass wrap around my lap, like a paw in a glove. I wasn't sure if I should consider myself really lucky or royally screwed as she was seated in my lap like that, feeling the way her ass was rubbing against my cock. And if that wasn't hard enough to deal with, there was that powerful musky scent permeating the air around her. I had seen some of the others wrinkle their noses at her, and yet she didn't seem to care about them. I had tried to tell myself that she couldn't possibly know how those scents were affecting me, how they where driving my crazy. Yet, here she was, in my lap, every sign pointing to her desiring me. I squirmed a bit under her, before wrapping my arms around her somewhat cautioiusly. "Are you getting cold, Hawke? The cold seems to have begun penetrating the warmth of the fire." I breathed another deep whiff of her scents, being less subtle than I'd intended, my cock throbbing between the cheeks of her rump. My doubts weren't relaxed as she didn't resist when my arms wrapped around her, I could swear she actually snuggled closer. She even smiled a bit as she wiggled her tight teen ass a bit in my lap. She could definitely feel my cock, of that I was sure. "But wouldn't that mean?" No, I still couldn't believe it, even as she rested her back against my chest, her rump against me as well, and with her strong young legs slightly spread. She smiled at me again, answering in that happy voice: "Yes, Mr. B. But it would be even colder to get back in the tent." she finished with a giggle, that bubbly teen giggle, sending shivers through her body, and down into mine. She didn't comment on the throbbing piece of malehood between my, and thus her, legs. As far as I could tell, there were only two possibilities. Either she really wanted it, or she was so naive, she didn't know what it was, what she was doing to me. "Yes, yes that must be it, she doesn't realize," I tried to tell myself, even as I watched the nipples on her perky teen breasts harden through her shirt, "she isn't doing it on purpose."

Then she wiggled again, forcing me to breathe in somewhat sharply, trying to keep it quiet and actually suppressing a soft moan, barely. I was intoxicated, I couldn't resist, knew I should, but suddenly my paws started caressing her tummy, as I tried to decide what to do next. I could play it safe, savor the moment, but stopping it here, keep her innocent and perfect. "But, " I told myself, "what if she wants me to do something? What if she is just waiting for me to make a move? What if she sending all those signals on purpose?" I knew I would regret it for the rest of my life if I ever found out I had turned down that perfect little piece of ass. On the other hand, I could take a chance and go further, see her reaction. "But that could cost me my job, my family, my life." All depending on how far her parents were willing to take it. That of course was only if she didn't want it, and if I acted on those growing instincts. As she wiggled in my lap one more time, my mind was made up for me, at least any doubts fell away as my lower brain took over long enough for me to act.

It was still a semi-innocent action, or could be seen as such, if she turned out to really be innocent, "You look really cold, Hawke. Is there anything I can do to help you get warm?" As I spoke I moved my paws up to her breasts, not exactly cupping them, but gently touching the nipples poking out of her shirt. I was about to withdraw the statement, stop the action, get cold feet, when another wave of her musk washed over me like a tidal wave. And was that? It couldn't be, yes, yes she definitely moaned when I brushed over her young tits. I grew more couragous, cubbing her young breasts more fully now, brushing a thumb over her nipple, eliciting another soft moan, the sweetest moan I had ever heard. And she still didn't move, she didn't remove my arms or scream, no she just snuggled closer, wiggling that tight butt against my lap once more. Then she turned her head, looking me right in the eyes, those deep brown eyes of hers looking deep into me as her sweet voice, her breath with a slight scent of strawberries and summer, would speak out: "Do you have any suggestions Mr. B? My tent, and sleeping bag is so far away, and the fire is dying." She would smile, that smile that that could melt even the toughest male, and, I would swear that was even a small suggestive wink. But no, I told myself, that couldn't be true, afterall, she was only 15, she didn't know what she was doing to me, she didn't know what I wanted to do with her, to her, in her. I didn't know what got into me as I leaned down, nosing into her scruff, breathing in her wonderful musky scents. I knew what I was risking with my next move, but I couldn't keep holding back, I couldn't control myself anymore, knowing full well that I would forever hate myself if I didn't at least take the chance, take her. I swallowed soundly and murred into her neckscruff and ear: "Well Hawke. As know, coaches sleep in cabins. And if a player has problems sleeping in a tent for whatever reason, we're allowed to let them sleep in the cabin with us..." I bit my tongue, pausing a bit before proceeding, knowing I was going out on a limb here, "Normally, I wouldn't be allowed to have you sleeping in there, because you're a girl and I'm a guy, but.. The other coaches are sleeping, and it wouldn't be fair to wake them up, would it?" I knew it was quite the cheesy reason, but I had to try and pull it off, afterall wasn't a 15 year old soccer girl hitting on her male coach kind of cheesy in the first place?

She smiled again in response, letting out a soft, cute, little murr, and instead of pushing me away, resisting, screaming or calling me an old pervert, she titlted her head to the side and let me nuzzle her scruff more openly. She seemed to think for a bit, giving me plenty of time to consider all the horrible answers she could give, how she could turn me down, how she could yell at me, how she could yell at the other coaches, at the police, how I would be humiliated, lose my job, lose my freedom, lose my life. And just as I was about ready to give up, throw her off and run into the woods never to return again, she smiled, got off my lap and turned to face me: "That would be nice Mr. B." I couldn't believe it, she was still smiling, still happy, and her breasts, oh god her breasts, they where so perky, so firm, so inviting, right before I couldn't constrain myself she turned around, giving me a full view, and this time I was sure it was on purpose, of her firm ass, running off towards the cabins, giggling as she yelled over her shoulder: "Coming then Mr. B?"

I sat there for a brief moment, enjoying the view of her round rear moving up and down with each step, the athletics shorts, doing nothing much to hide the cleft between them, to reduce my want and need for this innocent bubbly little thing. Then I sighed, murring deeply, I let out a soft chuckle, deciding to just let the fire die out by itself, as there was no immediate danger of it spreading. I followed her half-running to my cabin. It was a little off to the side from the rest of them, something I was suddenly very happy about. As I entered the cabin, shortly after her, she was bent over my table, looking at the pictures of my wife and kids, her tail flicking from side to side, if a bit high, giving a good view of her round tush, and the most perfect little cameltoe I had ever seen. Her tight young pussy framed perfectly in the tight shorts. And that was when I remembered, remembered the pair of her panties, underneath my pillow. They'd been used, at a practice match recently, but they also contained another fluid now, one they didn't contain when she took them off. As I discreetly checked under the pillow, they were nowhere to be seen. But she was so calm, she couldn't have found them, could she? As I looked over, she had risen back up and turned around, leaning against the table, holding out her paw. And in her paw, there they were. "Looking for these Mr B?" she giggled softly, no malice in her voice, no subtle tone of mocking or disgust, "You know, Mr. B, they look awfully familiar." She purred softly as she moved closer. I couldn't move, I knew she was in control, and I blushed, being so completely under the spell of someone so young. "However, there's something about the scent, that's a bit... off." She continued, taking a deep sniff, and then another as she got close to me. I tensed up, all the feelings of fear and doubt rising again. "I could swear they smell like..." she was so close, "you..." With that last word she pounced, mid-word even, pushing me to the bed.

So, there I was, lying on my back, on my bed, in my single-cabin, meters away from the other coaches, with the most gorgeous little thing straddling my, holding a pair of her own panties, and not at all looking disgusted by it, in fact only looking like she wanted more. "Do.. Do you have any idea what you're doing to me, cutie?" I moaned softly up at her, my paws softly caressing her sides. She smiled in response, grinning as she nodded, whispering softly: "Oh, I have every idea." sticking out her tongue slightly, teasing me. She rolled onto her back on the bed, picking up the remove for the TV and flicking it on, rolling onto her tummy and started watching. "Was that it? Was she just teasing? Really just looking for the warmth of the room and not the warmth of my fur? But then... What was that scent?" I hadn't been able to pick it up outside, but in here, with nothing to mask it, it was clear. The scent was somewhat musky, and distinctly female, seemlingly evaporating from the cute 15 year old soccer girl lying on my bed, watching TV, idly kicking her feet and giving me a nice clear view of that perfect round little perfect ass.

I watched her, showing off her perfect little body, those scents drifting off her, driving me crazy, over the edge, and more than ready to ignore right and reason, including my marriage, anything for 10 minutes with the perfect girl before me. That was it, I threw caution to the wind, and let my paws caress her rump through the shorts, soon after leaning into to sniff at her, trying to locate the origin of the scents, and the identity. As I caressed, no groped, her, she didn't resist, she didn't move away, didn't protest, no, to my surprise, and pleasure, she instead lifted her hips, almost invitingly, meeting my caresses instead, even, and I couldn't believe my luck, spreading her trained young legs slightly. As I neared her privates, the scents where getting stronger, overpowering. There were traces of sweat, yes. She smelled of training, and baking in the sun, but she also smelled distinctly womanly, distinctly as a woman who was more than a little interested in the much older person of trust.

And still, still she said nothing, continued to watch the TV, playing that little game with me.

I couldn't hold back any more, my breathing gradually turning into heavy panting as I found myself pushing my nose right up against her little mound, through her wonderfully small shorts, no longer holding back on my quest to have this little delight, this little prize giving itself to me, this little slut. I growled lustily, something about how it was wrong, how I was old enough to be her dad, and something about how my wife was waiting at home, driving me craze with lust for this tight little girl. I soon concluded that there was simply no way I could get through the night without at least having a taste of her.

So that was it, the decision had been made, I reached up, hooked my fingers underneath the elastic band of her shorts, and began to pull them down, exposing her to me.

She let out the most divine little gasp as I pulled her shorts from her body, raising her booty even more, and exposing her panties. Oh, and what panties they where, pink and lacy, obviously not meant for playing soccer, which could only mean one thing: She knew, she knew about my preferences, she knew about how I couldn't resist the scents of the teenage girl, and she had used it. She had used me, forced me into this situation, and all the while, as she was playing these mind games with me, all the while, she had been wearing these panties, which would only serve a purpose if exposed to someone. And that, that was when I noticed, that they where not only pink and lacy, oh no, they were bottomless, and there it was, the sex of the 15 year old female, exposed to the world, no, exposed to me, only me, hidden for the world, but given to me, for me to see, for me to enjoy, for me to use.

She shivered softly, bit her lip, still focusing on the TV, though I suspected she was only pretending by now, all the while her scents growing stronger, her folds glinsing in wetness, spreading a spot on the rest of the panties, even, was that, a small droplet of young female juices dripping onto my bed, marking it.

I couldn't hold back, couldn't stop as my fingers reached out, trailing the outer lips of her mound, getting a good feel of the young girl. It didn't take long though, didn't take long before I moved down and somehow coaxed her to get up and raise her rump some. Her front, flat against the mattress, but her rump high in the air, inviting, enticing. I pushed my nose against her exposed, wet mound, panting softly and moaning to myself, breathing in her wonderful, sweaty scents, mixed with the scents of her obvious need. The whole thing had me harder than Chinese algebra, and I knew I wouldn't be able to hold back much longer. I needed to fuck her, I needed to take her hard and fast.

I moved over her, positioned myself. I did have condoms in my bag, carrying some with me out of old habit, but I must admit, I didn't use one, instead I slid inside of her nice and slow. My cock gradually stretched her tight young pussy. It was so wonderfully tight, so wonderfully soft. Occasionally I paused to help her adjust, biting into her scruff to keep myself from moaning loudly as I took her. Took this young innocent thing, spoiled her.

She kept up her game, oh she kept it up, pretending not to notice, but her groaning and moans gave her away as I pushed deep into her, took her, claimed her as mine.

That was until she noticed the distinct lack of protection around my cock. "Mr.. Mr B... The condom... You need the condom..." this was the first time of the whole ordeal the girl had protested, and it sure wasn't against the actual act. And still, while she protested, while her mouth said no, her soaking pussy wrapped around my cock, her lips tight around the shaft, and her rump pushed back to meet my thrusts screamed yes.

She whined, and finally shut up her protests as I marked her by biting down on the scruff, somehow that ancient ritual triggering something in the girl, told her that I would take care of her, that I would care for her. That simple act apparently making her forget about my duties toward my family, toward my wife and children, not to mention forgetting about the fact that I would cum in her, that I would fill her with my seed, the seed that had provably been fertile before.

That's when I hit an obstacle, buried deep in her pussy, my cock could go no further, and as I pushed on, her moans turned slightly to moans of pain. I had obviously hit her hymen. Could it be true? Could the girl really be a virgin? I leaned in, and whispered softly in her ear: "This is going to hurt a bit, sweetie. But the pain will be replaced by even more pleasure." I was so far gone with lust that the only reason i told her was, that I wanted to keep her from screaming out with pain when I thrust inside of her. Something I did shortly after, growling deeply and lustily again as I tore through her hymen, forever marking her as an adult.

She screamed, oh yes she screamed, the pain of that throbbing manhood penetrating her last bastion of innocence was immense, but it soon faded. The pleasure soon took over as the girl moaned even louder, soaking the sheets and my crotch in her young juices.

I was suddenly happy about the other cabins being a fair bit away, and even happier that they were fairly sound proof, something I'd found out about during another stay at the camp, where two coaches had been having fun together. It was only because I'd walked right up to the front of the cabin that I'd been able to hear anything at all.

"Oh God, Mr. B... You're much bigger than I ever dreamt of." She admitted blushing, finally comin clean, admitting that I hadn't been the only one fantasizing. Her claws were digging into the sheets as the TV was soon forgotten, the teen fully enjoying focused on the feeling of the older man, the male of trust, her own trainer, fucking the eager young soccergirl, still wearing that proof, her jersey.

I growled lustily as I resumed my thrusts, pounding inside of the young thing, her words only serving to further fuel my passion, the fact that she had had fantasies was beyond mind-blowing. It turned me on far more than I would ever care to admit.

She accidentally hit the remote, switching the TV to a late-night x-rated channel, showing the image of a large stallion fucking the brains out of some wolfess with massive fake tits, their moans mixing with the moans of the room as the scents of sweat, female cum and my pre-cum mixed and filled the cabin, sure to linger for days to come.

I gave off a grunt of surprise as the TV suddenly started blaring out moans and grunts, bus as I looked over at the screen and saw the scene, I moaned deeply, then leaned down and moaned in her ear: "She doesn't even come close to being as sexy as you, Hawke. My sexy vixynx lover." I grunted and increased the pace and power of my thrusts, pounding inside of her harder and faster, my balls slapping against her cunt and clit by now.

She moans loudly as she gives in completely to the deep thrusts of her trainer, pounding away at her young pussy. Each deep stroke, each hard thrust, each slap of your balls sending shivers through her inexperienced body. She moaned and whimpered as a shot of electricity shot through her sensitive clit with each thrust.

She suddenly moanedl ouder, shivered and whimpered in that soft bobbly voice, filled with lust and passion as well: "He doesn't compare to you Mr. B." She let out a loud moan, "And I bet his cock doesn't either... GOD!" she whined loudly, the young girl, whom I had only yesterday been fantasizing about, been thinking I would never get to fuck, that she couldn't really MEAN her teasing, now on my bed, on all fours, taking me like some bitch in heat, and moaning loudly as she did just that. "Oh God, Mr. B.... that's sooo gooood...." she whined, "come on... give it to me, just like you do Mrs. B." she shivered and moaned. I don't know why she brought up my wife, but somehow, the thought that I was cheating on her with someone the age of our daughter turned me on even more, making me pound her even harder. "Come on Mr. B. I know you've wanted this for years." She admitted it. "Hell, You've wanted me since I first wiggled my butt at you that summer day."

I bit down again, grunting into her fur: "I'm already fucking you harder and deeper than I've ever fucked her! You're my little bitch now, and I'm never going to let you go!" I bit down, then growled again and slammed in hard, my cock pounding up against her cervix now, hard and relentlessly. My breathing grew quicker as I feels myself drawing nearer an explosive climax. I don't know why, but I didn't tell her this, perhaps so she wouldn't make me pull out before I came, before I filled this sexy tight little slut with my cum.

The girl, once so innocent, was lying there, below my body, moaning and panting as my much older cock pounded hard into her tight teenage cunt. As I fucked her harder than before, slamming into her roughtly, harshly and relentlessly, the girl moaned loudly, pushing back against me as I took her doggystyle. Her tongue lolling out, panting hard for air, as her body shivered, her fur drenched in sweat, her pussy soaked, soaking my crotch in the process as she moaned out: "Oh Mr. B... Yes... Thank You... Thank You... Thank You." There she was. The little slut, who had been teasing me for years, prancing around, shaking that tight little ass at me, showing it to me, bending over and giving me every view she could. And here she was, on her paws and knees, finally taking my cock balls-deep in her tight virgin pussy.

The thought of cumming in this sexy little bitch, without any protection, and against her will, pushed me over the edge. I grabbed hold of her firmly, slammed in harder than before, and groaned out loudly as I started to send cascades of cum up against her cervix. As my cock throbbed inside of her, she only pushed harder back, moaned louder, moaned even as the seed started filling her. The seed that had impregnated my wife more than once. She screamed, she screamed in pleasure as she was probably impregnated by her own coach, placing the young girl in more trouble than she ever imagined.

Then I felt it. I felt her pussy. It was tight before yes, but that was nothing compared to the feeling of her cumming around my cock. Her young tight pussy clenching down hard around her soccer-coach's cock, milking it, milking me, for my juices. Those strong muscles of the soccer girl draining the male, old enough to be her father.

That thought, I was old enough to be her father, it was true. Afterall one of my own daughters was a member of the same team, making her a friend of this girl, a fact turning me on even more, making me shoot another thick glob of cream deep into the young thing. Here I was, doing something so incredibly wrong. Fucking her into the mattress, a girl I, for so many reasons, shouldn't even be looking at sexually.

I shuddered and grunted as I held her in place, while I drizzled my cum inside of her in copious amounts. My hot breath panting against her neck, until finally, with a loud moan, I collapsed next to her, wrapping my arms around her, holding her close to me, kissing her neck, my cock still buried deep inside of the girl.

"Oh wow.. That was.. The best.. Ever!" I panted against her neck as I basked in the afterglow, murring softly to both her and myself. I blushed a bit as I reached out and switched the channel onto some cartoon. It was night, so the cartoons were meant for adults, but at least it wasn't X-rated. My paws did not seem to be able to stop caressing her tight little sexy body.

So, there I was, on my bed, in a cabin, with a cute teenage girl, on the same soccer team as my own daughter, as a matter of fact one of her close friends, snuggled against me, her fur warm and moist from our combined sweat, not to mention her pussy warm and wet around my cock. She snuggled close, her paw idly stroking my back, smiling as I switched to the cartoon. It might not have been X-rated, but it was certainly inappropriate for a 15 year old. Then again, so was taking her virginity at soccer camp.

"That was... better than expected." she purred and blushed softly, that red blush lighting up her face fur. "Thank you Mr. B" she added, "I think soccer practice is going to be a lot more fun from now on." the girl giggled, the young thing teasing me, still teasing me, even after I pumped her full of my cum.

"Indeed it is..." I thought to myself as I drifted off to sleep, my cock still throbbing, still buried deep inside the young girl.