Nightly Bond

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#1 of Nightly Bond

The television churned out the nightly news. Stories of a bizarre murder, the leading cause of teen pregnancies, what actually goes on at raves, the fact that the weather will be a little stormy tomorrow, the Jets still suck. As do the Cubs.

The door opened.

The boy's long ears swiveled to the door before his face had, but just as soon, his face followed. His face brightened; his lips spread apart and lifted in a smile. He swiftly jumped off the couch, and stood up straight. "Dad!" he cried out before quickly scurrying toward his father.

His father's eyes furrowed as he gazed at his son dashing toward him. He chuckled happily, dropping his suitcase, which fell to the ground like a brick, making an equally concrete sound (though somewhat muted), and scooped his child up into his arms the minute he hopped into them. "Mmmm. Hey boy," he said lovingly, giving the rabbit-boy a slow kiss to his lips.

They were both albino rabbits, though sans the bizarre pink eyes that most of them shared. This was due to the anthropomorphic quality that they shared, too. The boy's father was a stout six-foot-five. He was dressed in three-piece suit--power-tie included--the shade of black, his jacket donned with stripes. It offset his white fur, and made him look that much brighter in the physical sense. He looked rather dapper.

His son was roughly five-feet tall--five-foot five if you included his ears when they stood up straight. He was thirteen. At the time of meeting his father, he was dressed in what many would consider "easy" attire. He wore a tight, black, logo-less shirt--a pair of short-shorts of equal color that clung to his thighs. It was hard to tell, as his fur camouflaged the strands, but they were clearly cut-offs from the strings of fabric that hung from the ends of his short shorts.

They kissed for a few moments longer, then slowly split apart, both with lidded eyes and churring chests.

"How's my favorite son?" the father asked rather huskily.

The bunny-boy giggled and grinned at his father, wiggling in his arms. "Good. Tired, though," he said meekly, yawning a little, giving his father's neck a nuzzle and a lick.

The adult rabbit churred out again, closing his eyes momentarily while his son lapped at his neck like that. It caused him to shiver. His dress-pants began to tighten. "Well, then, get to bed." He dropped his son from his arms and smirked, rubbing gently at the boy's lower back. "But don't you dare take off those clothes until I get up there."

The boy giggled and nodded, quickly dashing across the soft, green carpet, his bare footpads being rubbed and caressed by the fabric, as he made his way to the bedroom. His feet thumped away, the volume of his footsteps dying more and more as he made his way further and further up the stairs, until they were finally gone.

The father licked his lips.

The adult bunny unbuttoned his jacket slowly, shrugging it off and placing it on a hook next to him. It was just as tall as he was. He then brought his right-paw to his tie and tugged it off, throwing it over his jacket. He wiggled his body a little, still grinning, his tear-drop tail twitching behind him in anticipation. (While sitting in the master bedroom, his son's was doing the same.) He hummed to himself, padding across the carpet, and flopping onto the couch for a second to watch the television for a moment or so, which had turned to the local late-night talk show. The host made a crack about Fox being "fair and balanced." The rabbit chuckled to himself and turned off the TV, slowly lifting himself, and padding up the stairs, toward the master bedroom.

The bedroom was dark, the lights dimmed a bit. The son's idea, obviously. The bed was large, enough to accommodate two to three people, covered with dark, silk sheets. The rabbit boy was sitting on it, leaning on his elbows, gazing at the door, waiting for his loving father to come in.

And he did.

The door slowly creaked open, his father's bright blue eyes contrasting the darkness of the room. That smile returned to his father's lips. He slowly stepped in, and just as quickly closed the door behind him, which made a silent locking sound. He unbuttoned his t-shirt and slid it off his body, letting it fall to the floor, exposing his not-so-muscled, yet not-in-the-least-flabby figure. It was enough, at least, to make his son sigh softly, to wiggle against the bed. He chuckled to himself and then worked at his pants--moving much slower than he did to his shirt, knowing this would drive his child mad. And it did. Before his pants were even off his thighs, the boy was wriggling a bit more consistently against the bed.

"Shush," the elder rabbit said deeply, but softly. He stepped out of his pants, then made his way toward the bed. The rabbit was now solely in his loose boxer-shorts. He crawled up onto the silken bed and curled up beside his son, who quickly turned to him with a bright smile. The elder rabbit sighed contently, reaching out to caress his son's cheek. He gave him a kiss to the forehead, to the cheek, to the chin, and finally, to the lips. They both closed their eyes tight, the son moaning softly as he leaned fully back against the bed, his father slowly crawling over him, paws finding the boy's shoulders. He tilted his head a little, letting his tongue sneak into his child's mouth, who easily accepted that intruder, who moaned louder from the invasion. His lips curled contently around his father's tongue, his own sliding lazily, lovingly against it. He slowly wrapped his arms around his semi-nude, strong back, rubbing his claws gently over them, his body melting against his father's seduction.

Slowly, the kiss parted. They both churred loudly with immense delight. The father's eyes opened first, and the boy's followed. He gazed deeply into his son's wonderfully bright, amber eyes, a smile coming to his face.

"I love you, son," he said softly. The boy slowly lifted his head to kiss his father back.

"I love you too, daddy." The elder rabbit shuddered. Normally, once a child moves onto his teenage years--or younger, for some--he stops saying "daddy." But, of course, their relationship was different. And the elder-rabbit loved being called "daddy" by his son.

"You know how to drive an old-man wild," he said to his son, leaning down to nibble lovingly on his neck, causing the boy to moan out again.

The elder rabbit's paws slid along his son's sides, curling up under the boy's shirt. He nosed gently at his son's nose and began to lift the tight, dark shirt. Instinctively, the younger one lifted his arms over his head. And just as he did that, the shirt was up and off his body. Those large hands slid down the young body, caressing the boy's flanks, until they found the hips. The boy blushed, and his father kissed his lips gently. The hands made their way to the center of the boy's hips, expertly popping the button and undoing the zipper. The thick fingers slid under the boy's shorts and began to move them back. A bit of maneuvering on both their parts, and they were both devoid of top-clothing--the boy in a pair of tight underwear, and his father in a pair of loose boxers.

Both were fully erect.

The father rolled onto his back and chuckled a little, the tip of his massive member poking out from his boxers a little bit. The boy caught this and churred softly to himself, slowly crawling over his father and straddling his stomach. He smiled warmly, bent over, and nosed his father's nose.

"We're stilled clothed," he said deeply, in his childish voice, grinning broadly.

The elder rabbit chuckled. "Indeed. On your back, boy," he instructed, who quickly rolled off and onto his back. The elder just as swiftly followed, kneeling, hovering over his son.

"Take them off," he instructed again. The boy nodded and quickly pulled them off, kicking them aside. The elder rabbit churred loudly at the sight before him, and equally slid his own boxers off just as fast, wiggling a bit as he maneuvered them away from his knees.

The young rabbit was only four inches erect, about one-and-a-half across, but was at his full potential. His testicles dangled not too far from his groin, but gyrated slowly up and down. His father, however, was very well hung--ten inches long, and just slightly more than two inches thick. It was slightly curved upward. The head dribbled and drooled with a meager but steady amount of pre as he looked his son over with hungry eyes.

"On your belly." The boy quickly nodded, rolling over onto his belly, his legs spreading apart, tail twitching more and more with anticipation.

Slowly, the father crawled over behind his son, grinning from ear to ear as he gazed at that tight and perfectly round, creamy-white bottom. He sighed happily. Perfection. His son was absolutely sexy, and absolute perfection. (His son thought the exact same way about his father.)

He straddled the boy's legs and placed his paws on that taut rump, causing the boy to moan softly, to wiggle, to tail-twitch. His strong hands dug into the flesh of his child, causing small dimples to form in his fur. The father slowly slid those rump cheeks apart, and moved himself in, nosing at the underside of the boy's tail, giving it a soft lick. The young boy gasped and moaned out, melting into the bed.

The father chuckled darkly at his son's reactions, and went nuts. He shoved his snout under that tear-shaped tail and began fluttering like mad against it. The boy squealed and wiggled against the bed, his young length slightly drooling from the pleasure, his paws digging into the silky bed-sheets, squeezing them tightly. The long, slender tongue made its way under the boy's tail, moving about one or two inches within the tight, musky confines, swirling all around, licking every last inch of that well-trained wall, causing the boy to arch and moan out loudly, to start to pant louder. The child's anal ring tightened around his father's intruding tongue, flexing around it, causing the father to moan with delight. Eventually, that tongue began to thrust in an out of that tight hole. As it left, it swirled around the entrance, licking all over the star, and as it plunged, it flipped up and down, left and right, side to side, basking the entire passage in a sweet, warm saliva. The boy was in pure ecstasy, a puddle of teenage fur against his father's bed, his father's wonderful pink muscle.

This pattern kept up for a long time. His tongue continued to thrust faster and faster into his son's body, keeping up the same pattern, until eventually it began to mimic someone mounting the boy. The father's tongue now probed as deep as it possibly could--three inches. It moved all the way out, and pushed all the way in, taking as much of the boy's rump as possible. His tongue, however, eventually got tired. And he needed to get off.

"You taste wonderful as always, my boy," the father said as he lifted his muzzle, slowly beginning to crawl over his son's body.

"Ohh god, daddy, I need you so much now," was his only response.

The father chuckled. "Mmmm. Daddy's here, sweety." He rubbed and caressed his son's cheek for a moment or so, before placing that strong paw on his shoulder. His opposite hand did the same, and he pinned the boy's shoulders down. The boy knew what to do. His knees slowly moved forward, putting his rump into the air. The elder churred and kissed the boy's cheek, until his own muzzle was right next to his son's.

"I love you," the father restated for the night.

"I love you too, daddy," the son responded."

The father shuddered again. "Daddy." That was enough for him to take his son. He pushed his hips forward, and force-fed three inches of his dick into his son all at once. The boy was well-trained by now, so instead of crying out in pain, he simply moaned his father's name as he was taken. They both eventually churred as the first penetration wore off, and slowly, his father pushed his hips forward. Inch by inch. Four inches, five, six, seven-eight-nine. Finally, the father's hefty, cum-filled balls met his son's. They moaned deeply, his father bottoming out in his son, hips grinding against that tight, perfect bottom. The perfect bottom squeezing down on that perfect-sized cock.

They both panted softly, groaning every once in a while.

"No matter how many times I take you," the father spoke, "you're always incredibly tight." He pulled about two inches out, then shoved them back in. They both moaned out in unison.

Moments passed, and the father knew that his son was ready. He slowly slid out to the tip, and then shoved back in. They moaned out in unison once more. He slid out to the tip, and shoved back in again. Another unified moan. The pattern began--the father's hips moved back as far as they could, then shoved right back into his son's bottom, the head flaring and drooling pre. However, the father was not doing all the work. His son's bottom tightened around him each time he slid out, milking the thick length as it moved itself away, causing the father to groan every other time he pulled out.

The boy's back arched as he began to press back against his father each time the elder pistoned into his boy, the thick cock thickening momentarily, the tight rump tightening the same. They were both very much enjoying this loving, close moment--in pleasure, in lust, in love and affection. The ten-inch, massive cock began to move a bit faster as the pleasure began to grow within both of them. The boy began to push back harder, to tighten more frequently. His young cock was throbbing underneath him, as all the pressure to his prostate did. They both panted heavily, both enjoying this wonderful pleasure.

Each time the older rabbit hilted into his son, throbbing and drooling more and more natural lubricant into the sweet, well-used tailhole, his testicles slapped against the boy's. They were full, rich with cum, waiting to fill every last hole in the boy's rump. The length eased itself out, and pushed back in, slick sounds filling the air each time he moved back and fourth. The thick vein of the dick's underside throbbing every once in a while, causing the boy's anus to expand further outward, and causing them both to moan out loudly.

The boy's rump was working more and more around his father's length, squeezing tightly with each swift plunge. He was cum-greedy, wanting every single last drop of his father's seed, wanting to be full of the exact same semen that made him. He squeezed the bed-sheets tighter, nuzzling his father, pushing back more and more against his lover and care-taker. They were both getting close. They both smiled.

They both turned their heads to each other and entranced themselves into another deep, loving kiss. The father went all out, slapping the boy's bottom harder with his own hips, his leg lifting and curling around the boy's thigh to get more leverage, to pound harder. They both moaned out loudly as this happened. Twice a second, the father's hips slammed deep and hard into his boy's body, drooling more and more pre. Equally, the son's length was throbbing harder and harder, his prostate causing his whole body to shiver and warm up as his orgasm was reaching nearer and nearer--as both their orgasms were reaching their tip.

The father couldn't stand it any more. Instead of moving from tip to base, he only used half his length, slapping his boy's butt more and faster, until he finally lost it and emptied his balls. With a loud roar of pleasure--muffled by his son's lips--he slammed inside one last time, pumping him full of semen. And just as this occurred, the boy's anus tightened like a vice, fluctuating around that thick cock, as he too orgasmed, painting the sheets with his still-young and somewhat fertile semen. They both shuddered and whined out, once more, in unison. They both quivered as one was filled and the other was filling. They both slowly tilted to their side, shuddering with delight, panting loudly.

"Gods," the father eventually said after five minutes of affectionate silence. He licked his son's ear. "Incredible as always, my son, my son." He kissed his boy's neck gently and smiled. The boy grabbed the sheets, and pulled them slowly toward him.

"And," the boy panted some more, "and you were amazing too, daddy." A shiver, a growl, and a bite to the neck--a moan, a whimper, and a shudder. "I love you so much, dad."

"I love you too." The father did the same with his share of blanket. They wiggled their way up to the pillows, and threw each other's share of blanket over the other, curling themselves up in soothing black silk.

They both rested on the pillows, churring happily. Every once in a while, the father would lazily grind against his son, causing the boy to moan. But the boy had his revenge, as he did the same to his father, causing the elder to moan. The end-product was the same, however--they fell asleep, glowing with love and lust, stuck together by a strong, loving bond, only to do it again the next night, and the next night, and the next.

And each time, the father would fall asleep while still inside his child.