MLP The Chronicles of Fierce Charge: The Grand Opening Ceremony Pt. 2

Story by Jeremiah_Nightwolf on SoFurry

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#4 of My Little Pony: Honor in Courage

Sorry to those who have shown love for this fanciful tale. Its been a long time since the previous upload. I hope I still have your attention. We're back with the conclusion of The Grand Opening Ceremony episode. Fierce Charge is feeling very welcome in his new home, and the ponies of Ponyville are giving him a very warm welcome. A villain returns to find ghosts of his past coming to haunt him. He learns the hard way to never leave a job half finished.

"I told you that I do not require any pampering!"

"Yes you do darling, you smell as if you have been galloping in muck. That is no way for an esteemed Captain to smell on such an important day!"

Fierce Charge was fighting tooth and hoof against the ponies pushing him closer and closer to a large bathtub full of steaming, bubbly water. The trip back to the tower had taken Fi and Twilight a little too close to Rarity and her stage preparations. When passing, Rarity leapt out in front of them like a bridge troll and demanded Fi submit to an hour at the spa for a "luxurious" bath. The stallion respectfully declined of course, but he was ambushed by two of the lovely spa ponies when he made to escape her. Ten minutes and several bruises later Fi was mere inches from the perfumed pony stew, and he was the last ingredient. With one last heave the two mares shoved our hero into the bubbling water, the scent of filthy stallion immediately overpowered by a mixture of lavender and something reminiscent of pumpkin pie spice.

"There now, that wasn't too bad was it dear?" Rarity said smugly from the edge of the bath, her mane wrapped in a towel and a robe draped over her shoulders.

Fi resurfaced once he gained his bearings then spat a mouthful of the soapy water from his lips before speaking in a slightly flustered voice, "What's that? Did you say something? I can't hear because of my swimmers ear I got thanks to your pushy pony partners."

"Oh stop being such a baby and enjoy the bath." Rarity replied with a wink before she slipped off the robe she wore.

Fi crept to the edge of the bath opposite where Rarity stood testing the water temperature. When she finally slid into the water she did so with such grace the surface was barely disturbed. Fi kept a close eye on the mare joining him in the bath. He watched the water saturate her coat and matt it down. He watched the off-white soap suds cling to her body as her chest heaved with each breath she drew. He noticed the gentle curves of her body now that the water kept her coat skin tight. He then noticed her eyes on him, half closed as before so they showed off her perfectly maintained eye lashes. Her muzzle was coated with a smug half smile that gave the impression that she had just seen through a pony's poker face.

"Ahem, Sir Fi, I do believe my eyes are up here." Rarity said with hints of seduction on her already charming voice.

"I am no 'Sir' Rarity, and I am sorry for staring. I don't believe there is supposed to be co-ed bathing in a spa." Fi pleaded before he made to climb out of the bath he had just been thrown into.

"Uh uh, no you don't Fierce Charge. You stay right where you are before I call the girls back in."

Fi shrunk back down and pouted in a very childish way, which elicited a small giggle from his bathing companion. He couldn't put his hoof on it, but he knew there was something about this bath that gave him a terrible feeling of vulnerability. He let his imagination run wild with visions of Rarity being a changeling or worse, but he dismissed them as wild fantasy. No, the vulnerability was coming from being alone, in a bath, with surprisingly attractive scents in the air, and being in close proximity to a very lovely mare. Speaking of the mare, Rarity was slowly moving through the water. At first Fi thought she was taking the chance to wet more of her body, but when she kept moving closer and closer he grew wary. Fi kept himself as calm as possible, but carnal instincts kept giving him certain... urges. For one he had the most definite desire to move closer to her. For another, once he was close enough, he knew his body was drawn to feel hers against it. He kept thinking of how unbecoming it would be for his desires to overtake his good sense.

Fi's contemplations had left him almost oblivious to Rarity's movements, so he had no idea that her body had just leaned into his until he felt the back of her head rest on his breast. He snapped out of his momentary stupor and looked down at her. She had taken her mane out of its towel wrap so that the moisture in the air caused her hair to lose its style. Most ponies never wore their mane down, so Fi had never seen any pony like that, but he found the plain look of it very pleasing. Before he could ask what she had planned or request that she move, Rarity took a deep breath and sighed heavily.

"This is so much more comfortable than bathing with one of my other friends. Sometimes a male's touch is what a girl needs." Rarity commented before she nuzzled the back of her head into his chest.

"Erm... Miss Rarity, are you sure about us bathing together like this?" Fi replied, still fighting to resist her feminine charms.

"Of course Captain, but does me being here bother you?" Rarity asked sounding less curious and more assured.

"Miss Rarity, of course I am not bothered by you being here. I am just... finding it difficult to resist certain... base... instincts." Fi admitted. He hoped that she would understand and possibly leave him to bath alone.

Much to Fi's distress Rarity made no move to leave him on his own. Quite to the contrary she pressed more of her slender body into his. He felt her flanks sliding between his hind legs. Her tail flicked, slowly thanks to the water resistance, against his more private anatomy causing him more unrest than before. Rarity was seducing Fi with all of her might. There was no subtlety, no tact, and no hesitation to her actions. As badly as Fi wished to resist it, his body felt compelled to rebel against him. His front legs, muscular and powerful, flexed around the pony before him and pulled her close. The resulting whinny from Rarity gave Fi the chills and he nearly let her go, but something told him to hold on tight.

"Oh Captain, this is certainly romantic. It reminds me of the romance novels I borrow from Twilight so often. A young mare and stallion sharing a moment of romance together just before... just before the stallion lets go of all his inhibitions and... has his way with the naïve, albeit willing, young mare..." Rarity said with her voice taking on a silken tone.

"I am... unfamiliar with such stories Miss Rarity." Fi replied, his breath warm from his temperature rising.

Rarity shifted in the embrace of his strong legs until her chest and belly were facing him and he could see into her beautiful blue eyes. Her front hooves moved to lie gently on his chest. Fi could feel her breaths waft gently over his face and neck; it sent slight shivers through his body. Rarity gave her head a quick flick so that her moist mane was flung out of her face, and then she looked deeply into Fi's eyes. Fi stared back into those deep, azure eyes as time began to slow down. They were so beautiful, and they sparkled with the light cascading in through the distant windows. With her eyes taking up his attention he barely noticed how close Rarity had inched her muzzle. Suddenly, as he peered into those two round pools, he was taken aback by her eyes suddenly closing. It was at that moment he noticed that his lips were under assault.

Fi felt her hooves move up to his neck and then her forelegs wrap around it snugly. He let his eyes drift shut slowly as he was overwhelmed by the advances of the beautiful equine. Their lips pressed together in a heated embrace that soon escalated when Fi felt a warm, moist something pressing gently against his lips. Without missing his cue, Fi let his lips part, and soon he felt the flexible tongue of his bathing partner enter his maw. She tasted divine, and her moist pink muscled flexed and delved deeply into his welcoming mouth. He felt her tongue embrace his in a struggle for dominance, a playful ballet of passion. Fi wrapped his fore legs around her feminine form so that her body was pressed tightly to his. Her breaths came in shuddering gasps as her body quivered in anticipation. Fi could sense that she was ready, willing, and nearly on the brink of begging for whatever it was that her heart desired.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders: Family Planners!" Three young, albeit incredibly powerful, voices screamed in the once silent bathing room.

Rarity gave a loud shriek of mixed surprise and fear as she leapt nearly a foot above the water before falling back down and sending droplets of water every which way. Fi gave a grunt as he was forced back by her sudden leap; she had used him as a platform. When he had recovered he looked around the room for the source of the voices. His gaze soon fell on three of the most adorable little fillies he had ever seen. The closest filly, a white Unicorn with a pretty light purple mane and tail, was standing at the front of their three pony triangle formation. To her left was a sweet little yellow coated Earth pony with a bouncy, red mane and tail. The final filly was an orange coated Pegasus with flowing, untamed pink mane and tail hair. Each of them wore equally eager smiles, and stood proudly as if they had just accomplished a most incredible feat. He remembered when he was a tiny colt of their age, and he remembered how each adventure was the most important thing in his life. He noticed that none of them had acquired their cutie mark yet, which he knew was probably their primary concern at such a young age.

When Rarity had resurfaced her face bore a very unkind grimace. She peered slowly over to the group of fillies who smiled even wider. They clearly assumed their deed was going to receive a warm reception from the adult pony.

"Sweetie Belle, what in Equestria are you and your friends doing here?!" Rarity screamed in a rage that Fi would never have believed possible, considering her usual pleasant demeanor.

The eager smiles faded and were soon replaced with looks of regret, and what Fi interpreted as trepidation. The Unicorn filly was the pony to respond, which meant her name must be Sweetie Belle, "We were just trying to help you big sister..."

"Yeah Rarity, we were just tryin' ter help ye out... and try to discover our special talent for family planning..." The yellow filly chimed in.

"Family planning...?" Rarity asked with a look of disdain.

"Yeah, you know, helping ponies like you make good decisions about when to..." The orange filly replied, but drifted off as she received a stern look from Rarity.

"You have three seconds to Cutie Mark Crusade yourselves out of this spa before I sew your manes together with my special unbreakable thread!" Rarity yelled while her moist mane suddenly lit on fire for dramatic effect.

The three fillies ran behind Fi for safety as even he shrank back in fear, "Miss Rarity please calm down. They were only trying to help. They acted from the heart, even if they didn't use enough of their heads..."

Rarity looked at him and saw the three fillies behind him peek out with golden halos over each of their cute, smiling faces. She calmed down slowly before sighing heavily, "Fine, but they still need to get out of here."

"I think we all ought to get out of here. I feel much cleaner, and I can't tell you when I have smelled this good before." Fi replied while he climbed out of the bath slowly, water dripping from his body. Rarity watched with wide, wanting eyes as his muscles rippled with each movement; they were easily visible due to his matted down coat.

"Who is this guy anyway Rarity?" The orange filly asked while she eyed him with innocent curiosity.

"Ye come here ter find work on one of the farms?" The yellow filly added.

"This, Scootaloo... is Fierce Charge: Captain of the Imperial Guard." Rarity swooned.

The fillies gasped before swarming Fi like rabid dogs around a dangling piece of meat, "Guess that means he isn't here to work on a farm Apple Bloom." Sweetie Belle chimed as she scanned Fi with her curious eyes.

"Oh cool, look at his Cutie Mark!" Scootaloo exclaimed with excitement.

Instantly Fi had three fillies staring intently at his flanks and... it was uncomfortable, "Girls, girls... can you please let me dry off? All this attention is making me feel very vulnerable."

"Can you tell us how you got it?" Sweetie Belle asked, fully ignoring his request.

"M-maybe another time little ones..." Fi replied while he strode around them carefully.

"Oh I know, let's invite him to our class for our Show and Tell assignment!" Sweetie Belle said loudly with glee. Her fellows agreed whole heartedly.

"I don't think that's such a good idea girls..." Fi chimed in while he draped a towel across his back comfortably.

The little fillies let out a collective cry of despair before joining together in a three headed beast of guilt. Their eyes grew nearly three sizes while they glistened with tears that threatened to burst from their ducts like so many liquidized fireworks. Fi hesitated for only a moment before he let out a heavy sigh. He lowered his head and with an exasperated look on his long face he nodded his concession. The collective cheer from the little fillies nearly threw him back into the water again.

"Cutie Mark Crusaders: Show and Tell Extravaganza at school tomorrow!"

Before Fierce Charge could ask them anything about the Show and Tell event they had already run off to... he had no clue. He gave another heavy sigh before turning around to look at Rarity who wore a very coy grin.

"So the mighty Captain has a soft spot for children?" Rarity asked all too knowingly.

"I didn't want to make them cry..." Fi replied as he sat down on his haunches by the edge of the tub.

"Oh don't fret about it, my sister and her little friends have that effect on most every pony they meet. That's why they get away with so many of their destructive shenanigans." She said while she ran a hoof down her right fore leg.

Fi gave one last sigh before he dried his body with two warm towels, "I should be off. I have a few things to see to in the tower before the ceremony."

"Oh alright Captain, but we really must do this again some time. Perhaps when my sister is away with my parents..." Rarity said suggestively.

Fi merely laughed it off with a soft, nervous chuckle before parting with her. On his way out of the spa he made sure to give the two lovely ponies working the desk a piercing glare. They bowed their heads respectfully, but when his back was turned toward them he heard the softest hint of a giggle. When he was once more standing under the warm glare of the sun he took in a deep, unscented breath. He took a single step down the path he knew would lead him to the tower when he heard the distant call of his name. He cursed softly; he wasn't in the mood for another distraction. When he turned toward the direction the sound had come from, he was only slightly relieved to see it was Twilight. She was galloping possibly a bit faster than she should have been. On her back was a small mass of green and purple that he couldn't quite make out because of the distance between them. It wasn't until she was close enough to hear her panting breaths that he recognized it as a baby dragon. No doubt this was Spike, the dragon he had heard her mention, but it was odd to see him holding a scroll of parchment in his small paw.

"Thank Celestia I caught you. I was worried that Rarity would keep you in there forever so I came to set my hoof down and demand you be set free." Twilight said while catching her breath.

"Yeah right, you just came here to see how he looked after a bath." Spike piped in from her back, an obvious look of disdain on his small, round face.

Fierce Charge saw the most outraged look spread across Twilight's face, which startled the small dragon enough to make him recoil. The two of them shared a soft, but heated argument while Fi looked on in confusion. He sighed and looked down at his hooves as he shuffled them a bit. He realized his silver coat had taken on a rather dazzling sheen thanks to the unknown soaps that had been in the bath water. He wondered how his coat would be affected if he'd had time to really scrub, but he left such thoughts in the back of his mind with other nonsense ideas. When he looked back up at Twilight and Spike he wasn't surprised to see them still bickering. He grew tired of their immature behavior so he cleared his throat a little louder than he normally would have. The two of them nearly leapt out of their skin before blushing and laughing nervously.

"Are we done debating our differences you two?" Fi asked with mock anger; he wasn't mad at them for bickering, but he wasn't very impressed by it either.

"Sorry Fi, we're done... for now." Twilight confessed while flashing one last glare back at her little dragon friend.

"Sorry Captain Sir, we didn't mean to act so childishly..." Spike said with a downturned face.

"Relax you two; I just wanted you two to stop arguing that's all. There's no need to apologize. So if you didn't come here to admire my clean sheen, what did you rush all the way here for?"

Twilight gave a small blush once more and Fi could tell she was thinking rather hard for some excuse, "I-I came to... to finish escorting you to the tower!"

Fi tilted his head to the side only enough to sneak a peek at Spike who was rolling his eyes. Fi smiled slightly before nodding his agreement. He turned to face the road that led in the direction of the tower before lifting a hoof in offering, "In that case... after you, milady Sparkle."

The embarrassed look that spread across Twilight's face, added with the deep flush in her purple cheeks, was priceless. Had he been a lesser stallion, he would have broken down in laughter. Fi was strong enough to endure the temptation to laugh. He merely smiled at Twilight as she passed him to take up position by his side. As they walked on down the road, Spike drew Fi's attention before offering his small paw up for a brohoof. Fi chuckled under his breath before conceding, and while Twilight's attention was focused on the road ahead they shared a brief brohoof. By the time they reached the edge of town the sun was well towards the western sky. Fi noticed Twilight admiring the sun with something much deeper than his or some other pony's perception.

"It's amazing..." Twilight said softly to no one in particular.

"The sun you mean?" Fi asked, curious if his assumptions had any footing.

"Well not the sun itself. It's amazing that the princess' magic raises the sun and regulates its path across the sky. She is not only my teacher, she is my inspiration." Twilight said while sporting a very wide, fan-mare grin.

"The sun raising spell is pretty impressive the first few times you see it." Fi agreed.

Twilight stopped dead mid step before turning on him, her expression fierce, "The first few times...? What exactly do you mean by that?"

"Well when you work in the castle and have to show up around the time the sun is summoned to the sky most every morning it gets old..." Fi confessed feeling sheepish.

"You should show a little more respect for the princess. You know, it's because of her that we have the sun to warm our coats and keep our plants growing healthy." Twilight implored while giving Fi a very threatening tone. It was clear he had stumbled into a thick patch of brambles.

"Please calm down Twi, he didn't mean anything by it." Spike pleaded from her back where he sat looking anxious.

"He's right Twilight, I meant no disrespect. I would never insult the princesses. Trust me, I swore an oath to protect them and die for them. I only meant to imply that I had seen the sun rising spell she weaves many times."

"And it's not that impressive in the first place, my little pony."

Twilight, Fi and Spike all leapt nearly a half foot into the air before turning to see the overwhelming form of Princess Celestia standing nearby. Her flowing hair shone brilliantly in the bright sun, and her golden adornments gave off a sheen that put Fi's freshly washed coat to shame. Her usual Royal Guard stood at attention both behind her and a short distance from her sides. Twilight immediately knelt down as well as Spike, but Fi stood straight as he put on a pleasant smile to greet his princess.

"Princess Celestia what are you doing here so early?" Fi asked while he strode over to her. He could feel Twilight's eyes on his back, but he knew he wasn't entirely out of line acting so casually.

"Hello Fi, I am here because my duties led me nearby and I thought I would just come straight here instead of go all the way back to Canterlot." Celestia replied with her usual warm smile, her eyes wandering over to Twilight who was still crouched low, "Twilight, you can stand up now my little pony, you aren't in any trouble."

Twilight stood back up straight and chuckled rather nervously. Her face told everyone she was fine, but Fi had a feeling she was still feeling a bit wary. She strode over and Celestia gave her a soft affectionate nuzzle which Twilight happily returned. Once the two of them had finished their pleasantries Fi got up the courage to sate his curiosity.

"Princess, you said something about duties nearby?" Fi asked as nonchalantly as possible.

"Yes, I was nearby investigating the recent weather problems. With recent events on my mind, it just didn't seem right. The weather workers in Cloudsdale have no idea what went wrong." Celestia replied with concern evident on her beautiful face; it was almost criminal to see such worry on her perfect face.

"My brother can't have been happy to hear you wanted to go out and check things out in person." Twilight mused.

"No little one, he wasn't. In fact, I may have angered him just a tad. You see, he was very adamant in his decision to place me under house arrest for my own protection..." Celestia confessed to them both with a look of utter delight on her face.

Twilight and Fi both exchanged a wary glance, but neither of them voiced their opinions on the subject, resigning to just laugh it off as if she had said nothing. Celestia lifted her head gracefully and scanned the area before she found the tower, "Shall we go inspect the craftsmanship of the tower?"

"I think that's a great idea princess." Twilight chirped merrily.

Fi looked at them both and sighed; he had hoped to visit the tower alone for the first time.

A short and quiet walk followed the brief meeting between Fi and his three companions. Fi kept his eyes on the road ahead despite the fact that, because of her height, Celestia's nether regions were almost visible. He thanked the pony deities above that her overlarge tail kept the treasure out of view. Twilight seemed tense in the princess' presence. She kept herself held up straight, and her strides were proud and graceful. Only her face betrayed the fact that inside was her inner filly that was dying to go wild and ask thousands of questions. Spike had decided that he wasn't interested in touring the guard tower, and had instead gone to visit the spa. Fi had assumed there were innocent intentions behind his decision, but he was slightly aware of the look Spike had received from Twilight. Due to Celestia and her guards presence no pony else had decided to bother them, and for that Fi was glad. They arrived at the path leading to the tower's massive front door within a few minutes.

The entrance of the tower was tall enough for three stallion ponies to enter when stacked one on top of the other. The width was roughly the same, giving the door the shape of a semicircle. The outline of the semicircle was comprised of thick iron engraved with prancing ponies and twirling vines. Glyphs and runes he had never seen before were interwoven among the small images. The iron led down the middle toward the bottom of the door revealing that the door was actually a set of double doors. Two thick iron rings were set into the frame near the base of the door so that they could be opened or closed easily. The bulk of the doors were made of thick wood with a dark finish that had a slight red hue to it. Fi was impressed with the look and knew that the door would be able to sustain heavy damage, especially if it were enchanted by the Unicorns of Canterlot.

Fi strode to the right door and gave it an experimental nudge with his muzzle. The door opened freely for him, so he pushed it the remainder of the way before he gave the guards the signal to enter. They saluted and their leader sent two of his ponies inside to inspect the tower's interior. Celestia waited patiently as a trained monarch would, but Twilight seemed to fidget restlessly. Fi walked in behind the two guards who had entered hastily to conduct what he assumed was a routine inspection. He was taken aback by the impressive interior of the tower. The walls were rounded, which was as expected from viewing the outside. The floor was crafted out of polished marble and sported a very fine crimson rug that led from the door to the foot of the spiral stair case located in the center of the grand entrance hall. The stairs were made of marble like the floor, and a finely carved railing wove about the stairwell until it blended with the ceiling.

Beautiful paintings decorated the walls; among them were several portraits of past guard captains in dazzling suits of custom armor. Lining the walls of the hall were wood tables with vases and potted plants placed on them. The back of the hall had a very fine door roughly the same size as the front entrance, but this was less adorned and bore markings that he could barely interpret from where he was. When he ventured further into the chamber he recognized the markings: a chest with a lock and key. That would be the armory, and no doubt the general goods storage rooms. He assumed that beyond them he would find the gate he had seen from the train platform, but he would find out sooner or later once the tour began. The final, most outstanding feature of the entrance hall was a set of two stone fountains. When facing the fountains from the front entrance, the left fountain sported a statue of Princess Celestia striking a graceful pose. She stood on a globe with the land mass of Equestria positioned directly at her feet. Out of respect for her form, the jets of water sprang from holes in the globe instead of her body. Her flanks were hollowed out so that her cutie mark had a golden glow emanating from within.

Positioned across from the fountain of Celestia was a fountain of Luna. Her form stood atop an identical globe to that of her sister. Her pose was much more aggressive. She was standing on her hind legs with her fore legs kicking violently. Fi sighed as he walked closer to the fountain. He'd seen many depictions of Luna in similar poses all around Canterlot, but he had harbored hope that here things would be different. Despite the violent nature of the statue, he could still see her beauty in it. He vowed he would have someone alter the statue, but he knew that there were plenty of more important matters to attend to. He noticed that her flank was hollowed out as well, but her cutie mark emanated with a blue glow. At first he had assumed that the cutie marks on the fountains housed candles, but now he knew there was Unicorn magic afoot.

"It's a simple beacon spell." Twilight said from behind him.

Fi turned and saw that she and the princess had entered, which meant the inspection had been completed. He faced the fountain once more and looked up into the eyes of the statue of Luna, "It's impressive. I had no idea the artisan ponies of Canterlot could make so much in so little time. I can't wait to see the rest of the tower's interior."

"There will be plenty of time to acquaint yourself with the tower later on. For now I think that you should retire to your room and rest. In an hour the celebrations will begin, and if you haven't then you'll wish you had." Celestia advised with a warm smile.

"What about you princess, where will you go until the festivities begin?" Fi asked.

"I'll be resting back at Twilight's home. I have many things I would like to discuss with my favorite student." She replied.

"Really princess?" Twilight asked with glee. When Celestia nodded the young mare let out a small squeal of joy before rushing off to no doubt organize her home.

"Oh dear, I fear I may have walked right into a mess..." Celestia observed with a small sigh of regret.

"Don't worry princess; I'm sure she isn't going to go too crazy." Fi assured her, though he didn't truly believe what he said.

"You don't know her like I do Fi, she is my biggest fan... it can sometimes be overbearing." Celestia confessed while she strode over to the side of the fountain to stand by his side.

"You could always hide in the tower. The imperial guard is charged with protecting ponies of all stations." Fi offered jokingly.

Celestia let out a soft, but hearty laugh before letting out a sigh, "I would have accepted that offer if I hadn't already let Twilight get it in her head that I would be spending personal time with her."

"Then I wish you all the luck in the world in hopes that you aren't smothered by her questions and comments." Fi said while stifling his laughter.

Princess Celestia bid Fi farewell before leaving with her guards. Once Fi was alone in the large entrance hall he suddenly felt cold and lonely. He wove his way around the fountain to the stair case and looked up at the spiraling single helix. He carefully treaded on the new stairs and found them solid and sturdy. The clip clop of his hooves on the cool stone echoed in the hall and up to the chambers above. He bypassed the second floor and went straight up to the third where he'd been told he would find his bed room. As soon as he had climbed the stairs of the second floor, which were built into the outer wall, he was struck by a warm breeze. He turned his head in both directions and found the two opposing balconies visible from the top of the stairwell. To his right was the northern balcony with its dazzling view of distant Canterlot. Fi walked slowly out onto the balcony and into the sunlight. 'Where had the day gone?' He thought to himself. He reared back and set his front hooves on the stone railing of the balcony softly.

So far from his old home, he longed for the scent of the busy city. He longed for the sound of the busy city streets. He didn't long for the snobbery and pompous behavior. That final thought brought a smile to his muzzle, and soon he forgot about his home sickness. Ponyville wasn't as hustle bustle as Canterlot, but the ponies there were all interesting, friendly, and welcoming. He pushed back from the rail and turned before stopping when he noticed a telescope standing a few feet away. It was a simple telescope, meant for ground observation rather than star gazing. He sauntered over slowly before looking the spy glass over with interest. He then placed a hoof on the eyepiece and aimed the scope in a random direction. When he looked through he saw the grass of the northern plains.

Fi felt like a curious little colt as he changed the direction of the telescope several times. He spent a few moments focusing his attention on fields until he spied the three little fillies that had foiled Rarity's attempts to seduce him in the spa. Each of them wore helmets and what looked like capes. He watched as they positioned themselves on something hidden amongst the tall grass. Fi grew wary when each of them began to chant something he couldn't hear, but there was nothing he could do from so far away. Just when he assumed they weren't doing anything too bad, they were flung high into the air by what he then could see was a catapult. He watched their fall with bated breath, and when they crashed into the ground beside a previously unnoticed basin of water he let out a groan. They were alright, but he knew they would be feeling that in the morning. He began scanning the ground again for anything of interest when he saw the mare he had met earlier, Fluttershy, chasing after a red fox that was chasing after a bunny. The sight was truly priceless. Fluttershy was a Pegasus, but as he watched her fly he noticed how slowly she flew. The fox and bunny kept up their cat and mouse style antics for a little more than ten minutes before they were suddenly forced to stop. Fluttershy had cut the pair of them off and taken on a very... menacing look.

After the fox and bunny had settled their differences, albeit begrudgingly, Fluttershy flew off to no doubt see to other animal related chores. Try as he might, Fi couldn't spot any more ponies or animals in the empty fields. He decided to get a closer look at Canterlot before retiring to his room, so he aimed the spyglass northwest until the tall turrets of Canterlot Castle came into view. He couldn't see much detail at such a great distance, but he spotted a few glimpses of guards patrolling the walls. Forgetting that Celestia was there in Ponyville already, he aimed up at the observation tower to see if he could spot her. His heart gave a small spasm when he spotted Luna standing proudly on the tower balcony. He watched her for a short time, not truly sure why he couldn't remove himself from the telescope. It was then that he felt a rush when he saw her shift positions. He couldn't be sure, but he had an odd feeling that she had looked his way, and that made him regret his spying.

Fi left the balcony and his voyeuristic ways as he made his way back into the tower. He had searched for only a brief moment before seeing the door with the engraving of a winged round shield sporting his cutie mark. On closer inspection he noticed the door had been made of very fine oak finished to look very dark brown. He observed the swirls in the wood. They coiled and curved like the surface of oily water. After he was done admiring the craftsmanship for a few more minutes Fi finally pushed the door open to reveal his new room. The first thing to hit Fi was the scent of new furniture. He looked around and found he had entered a small sitting room. Two couches were set parallel to one another with a dark brown coffee table placed in between them. Beneath the couches and table was a very fine rug, rectangular in shape, with the flag of Equestria woven into it. The far wall of the sitting room area had a large hearth built into it with several of his knickknacks placed neatly on the mantel. A silver tea pot and white china set were visible in a cabinet in the corner, along with a cart for use when serving guests.

From the sitting room one would need to climb a set of three steps to enter the upper tier of his room. This tier was separated into two separate rooms with a set of two four panel room dividers. Fi was relieved to find the eastern half of the upper tier was not his bedroom space. That area was dedicated to his personal papers and documentation. He had been provided with a large desk and cabinet full of writing materials. A large bookshelf leaned against the back wall filled with numerous texts that he couldn't quite see from the door. On the other side of the wall dividers was his bed room. He spotted a new queen sized bed with fine light blue silk sheets, a rather comfy looking pillow, a heavy navy blue blanket, and a set of bed tables with candles resting on them. Not far from the bed set was a pony shaped mannequin made to fit a stallion's form. It was on that mannequin that Fi would be keeping his armor when he wasn't wearing it.

His armor...

Fierce Charge's armor...

"Holy mother of God!" Fi cried out in shock.

Fierce Charge remembered back to Canterlot. He'd been wearing his armor when he arrived at the train platform to meet Twilight. She warned the ride would be about an hour, so he removed his armor and placed it securely in his bunk on the train. In the morning he woke and was shocked by the amount of time that had passed. He'd questioned Twilight, been embarrassed a few times, then... Dear ponies above... he'd left the armor on the train! Be began pacing. What would he do then? He had lost the gift the princesses had given him! He'd be sent away for sure. He would be disgraced, dishonored... maybe even disassembled! He shuddered at the thought of what horrible punishment awaited him. He suddenly froze. A glimmer of hope touched his eyes. His heart burned with pride as he remembered one key thing: his badge!

How could he have been so stupid-so forgetful!? Fi swiftly removed his saddle bags from his back before he stuck his head right into them one after the other. When he had finally secured the neck guard with the badge upon it he flung it into the air and stuck his head straight up. With a swooshing sound like a ball entering a hoop, the neck guard fell neatly over his head and around his neck comfortably. The cool metal was slightly irritating to Fi at first, but he knew his body warmth would heat the ornament nicely with time. Once he was sure that it was on properly he struck the badge with his hoof as he had been instructed when he first received it. His body was briefly encompassed in a bright sparkling light before it faded and was replaced by his stunning new armor. He let out an audible sigh of relief when he was sure none of the pieces were missing, and none of the pieces were damaged. Fi then slowly removed the armor by hoof and teeth, making sure that he wasn't too rough with any of the straps or fasteners. Once each piece had been placed on the mannequin Fi admired the suit with awe as he did the first time he'd seen it.

Fi spent the next few minutes testing the badge's magic. He'd had no doubt the princesses would have placed a flawless spell on his equipment... but one had to be sure. Plus, he was so anxious to see the spell in action he felt as giddy as a colt on Hearth's Warming eve. Once he was good and sure that his armor was set to transport from the mannequin to his body and back again, he left the suit on its new perch and walked around the room dividers to his new study area. He secured a quill and inkwell along with a roll of parchment, and then trotted over to his desk to write. He had decided that he would document each significant event of each day so that his reports to the princesses would be detailed and accurate. His first entry would be a bit embarrassing, but he would not allow himself any slack because he knew it would reflect badly on him if it was ever found out he withheld anything. He spent nearly a half hour recounting each meeting, each location he visited, and his opinions of it all. He was so absorbed in his recollections that he barely heard the almost inaudible knocking of a hood on his chamber door. It was only when the second, harder set of knocks sounded that his ears acknowledged the sound.

"Who... who's there?" Fi called.

No one answered. Another set of knocks sounded. Fi reluctantly set aside his writing before trotting over to the door and opening it. He was taken aback when his eyes fell on none other than the princess of the night herself, Luna.

Fierce Charge was assaulted by a series of confusing and disheartening memories which sent his mood down dramatically. Normally he would have been thrilled to see her, he always had been. Now, after what had happened in Canterlot, he felt saddened by the sight of her. He felt no ill will toward her, but he no longer saw her as he did. With a heavy heart and a crowded mind, Fi knelt down before her as any subject of Equestria ought to.

"Your highness." Fi addressed her.

Luna took a step back when Fi suddenly knelt before her like that. He'd been so bold before, never falling or cowering in her presence. She knew why he had changed, and it was something that she had been regretting ever since it happened.

"You may rise, Captain." Luna replied gently.

"Thank you princess." Fi said while standing back on his hooves, "What brings you to the Imperial Guard Tower your highness?"

"I came to fetch you for the ceremony, it's starting in twenty minutes and Twilight Sparkle was nearly having a nervous breakdown worrying if you would be ready by then." Luna said while keeping her voice down.

"I'm honored you would burden yourself with the task, but you ought to have sent one of your guards or Twilight to come get me. Running messages isn't something a princess is supposed to do. I will come down when it is time to begin the ceremony, please let everyone know not to worry."

"I... I will do that, thank you Captain." Luna replied and Fi could see it in her eyes that she wished to say something more, but she reluctantly turned away and walked off. He eventually heard the soft wing beats of the Alicorn princess as she flew back to her guards on the ground. There he stood, thinking about what he had done, and suddenly he felt empowered. He's inadvertently shielded himself from whatever pitying words she had prepared for him. He felt fantastic!


"Why on earth is this being made into such a nightmarishly huge deal?" Fierce Charge growled under his breath.

Celestia, who was standing just beside him, chuckled softly before speaking, "This is how the ponies of Ponyville are Fi. They hear I am coming anywhere near and they prepare a parade."

"I cannot wait for this to be over." Fi added hotly while he peered out through the flaps of the curtains that had been installed on the stage.

The entire town had come to celebrate the grand opening of the tower. He had no idea there were so many damned ponies living in Ponyville. As he searched the crowd slowly he found very few male ponies among the dozens of females. He found it odd there was such an imbalance, but he set those thoughts aside as he listened to the mare on stage. She was an older mare, but by no means as old as a granny. Her mane was a very nice grey sheen while her coat bore a light brown hue. Around her neck she wore a white collar with a fashionable blue tie. Upon her flank was a scroll tied loosely by royal blue ribbon. The most unique facet of her ensemble was a pair of spiffy gold framed glasses on her muzzle. She spoke with a warm and welcoming voice, but her demeanor and stance gave off a very authoritative aura. Dealing with her would no doubt be either a great pleasure, or a tremendous pain in the-

"And now without further ado, the moment every pony has been waiting for... here they are, Princesses Celestia and Luna!" The mare cried over thunderous hoof stomps and joyful cheers.

"That's our cue, be ready Fi." Celestia advised while she and her sister trotted out onto the stage. When Luna passed by him he let his eyes wander away, but he felt her gaze upon him.

"Hello my little ponies, it's so great to see all of you here to support us. I understand the past month has been a bit hectic here, and I apologize, but it was all very necessary. Recent events, of which I am sure you are all well aware of by now, demanded we see to the safety of all our ponies. So, in this time of need, we princesses have established a new order of guard ponies. These ponies are the best of the best, handpicked by us and our niece, Princess Mi Amore Cadenza. They will span the two countries and give aid to any pony in need, no matter how great or small the threat. They are... the Imperial Guard Forces of Equestria!" Celestia said and ended with a warm smile and a stomp of her hoof.

When she stomped her hoof a bright light appeared hovering over the tower in the distance. A large flock of doves sprang forth from behind the tower in a dazzling white plume above the light. The light grew larger and larger and took the shape of a rectangle. At first it had no other discerning features, but then the corners began to flap as if they were being beaten by wind. When the light finally faded it sprinkled away like snowflakes to reveal a large flag. It was much too large to be used as a flag, but it was large enough to see the design in the center of the rectangle with the help of the sun behind it. It was the Imperial Guard's coat of arms with two beautiful Alicorns encompassing it in an almost loving embrace. The colors of the Alicorn ponies were black and white, to represent the princesses, but they also resembled the ancient symbol for peace and balance: the Yin Yang. The doves then took hold of the flag and flew down over the cheering crowd making the flag resemble a giant magic carpet, and during the descent it shrunk down to a much more manageable size. The doves finally stopped when they had reached the stage and fastened the flag to a tall flag pole that has been pushed out on stage by one of the random denizens of Ponyville. The doves then dispersed and flew in a large cone back to the sky while many ponies cooed in awe.

"As many of you have heard, this new guard not only has a new base, but also a new leader. He was chosen from our own personal Royal Guard because of his selflessness, valor, and tenacity. He is the Captain you need, the Captain we trust, and the Captain we will all no doubt grow to love. Please welcome Captain of the Imperial Guard Forces: Fierce Charge!"

Fi heard his cue and gave a great sigh when he heard the crowd erupt once more in a near riotous frenzy. With a bit of encouragement from a pony on the opposite side of the stage waving eagerly to get him to realize it was his turn to go out, he heaved himself onto the stage with a great leap. When he landed his hooves slammed onto the wooden floor of the stage loudly, and the crowd nearby cheered excitedly. He flicked his head from side to side to show off his dazzling mane of fire hues. The bath he'd been more or less forced to take left his reds, oranges, yellows, and blues brighter and richer than ever. Rarity, who had been standing to the side of the stage out of the spotlight, smiled mischievously as she recalled the bath that had left him looking so good. To give the crowd a real show, he had been ordered, for lack of a better term, to demonstrate the unique magic of his armor by Celestia. So, without hesitation, he struck his badge and readied himself into a heroic pose. The light came and went in the blink of an eye, and then there he stood in his dazzling armor, flawless in shine and shape. Twilight stood near the center of the crowd smiling brightly as she remembered helping in the design of the suit.

"Speech!" Some pony cried.

"I don't know if I should..." Fi replied nervously.

"Show us something!" Some female pony cried out; she received plenty of chuckles from her fellows around her.

"No that's alright. I guess all I can say is that I will do what I can to ensure each and every pony is safe. You'll sleep well, eat well... live well. Bring anything to me and my guards and we will see that it's taken care of in a Rainbow Dash flash." Fi told the crowd while adding a salute to the blue flyer he'd referenced to whom he noticed lounging on a tree branch. The crowd of ponies gave a loud cheer of approval which bolstered Fi's confidence.


Sometime after the public display and a few shows put on by the local ponies in celebration of the tower's opening, Fierce Charge found himself seated at a long table beside Twilight. On her other side sat Princess Celestia, and on her right Princess Luna. Mayor Mare sat at the far end looking proud to be seated with such nobility. Fi gave a huff of exasperation as he looked around the party slowly. The party had been put together at the spacious Sweet Apple Acres farm. He'd been aware from the moment he met Pinkie Pie that he would be in for a hoofing good party. He had no idea how large the party would be however, so when he was showered in balloons and confetti the moment he arrived, and then greeted by nearly every pony in town, he'd been only slightly irritated. Fi wasn't a socialite, so being surrounded by so many ponies was disconcerting to say the least. And again he realized just how many bloody mares there were. He couldn't get them out of his view there were so many. And when he closed his eyes he heard them all gaggling about in their groups even louder.

Being seated beside Twilight was comforting to him because he'd already made a friend out of her. She did her best to alleviate his woes by distracting him with fun facts about this and that. At one point she told me about the many constellations visible in the night sky over Ponyville and how they differed from season to season. Another of her lectures involved the magic-free Winter Wrap-up of Ponyville, which he found exceedingly interesting having been raised in Canterlot like her. During the last of her lectures, one involving the proper use of levitation spells when weaving magic indoors, Fi was startled when a large apple pie was placed on the table in front of him. When he looked up from the pie he found the familiar face of Applejack smiling back at him. Her hair had been freshly combed; no doubt for the party, and her hat seemed to be much less well-worn. Fi smiled back and dipped his head in a greeting nod.

"Well met Applejack." Fi said warmly, despite the inner unrest he felt.

"Howdy again partner, how you likin' this here party?" Applejack asked.

"It's fantastic, better than I expected." Fi said while trying to sound convincing.

"You're mighty fine lookin', but you're a terrible liar there Captain." Applejack observed with a chuckle.

Applejack chuckled even hard at Twilight who had heard what she said and began coughing on a chunk of candied apple. Meanwhile, Fi had face hoofed lightly when he discovered his failure at deception, "Am I that obvious?"

"Partner, if you're puss were any sourer, you're head'd be a granny smith apple." Applejack said while laughing a bit more.

"You callin' me there young'un?!" An old, green mare sitting in a rocking chair called from across the party.

"Naw Granny, get back to eatin' you're apple sauce!" Applejack hollered back.

"What?!" The old mare screamed.

"I SAID NO GRANNY!" Applejack screamed back.

"Oh okay then." The old mare replied nearly inaudible from her spot in her chair.

"Granny Smith I presume?" Fi asked with a grin.

"Yeap, that'd be her. She's a bit batty, but a sweet old gal none the less. You oughta see her round these parts when time comes to harvest the Zapapples." Applejack replied.

"You mean the ones used to make that amazing Zapapple Jam?"

"Them's the ones. Avoid the farm round that time, 'less you want to get recruited to help out around here. There's a lot of old, magical stuff what needs to be done to prepare."

"Well if you do ever need an extra hoof around here for whatever reason, don't hesitate to ask. We owe your family a lot for the food you'll be providing the barracks, even if its paid for in bits. If I can't help, I am sure I will be able to get a couple of my recruits to stop by for a few hours of good labor." Fi replied with a serious, but warm face. He wanted it to be clear there were no buts to be had.

"Alright there partner, no need to get them ol' dog's eyes out on me. I'll be sure to send for help whenever we need it, deal?" Applejack conceded with what he thought might be a blush, but it was unexpected from the strong headed mare.

Twilight then took control of the conversation and began pestering Applejack with questions about the proper way to cook a quality apple crisp. Applejack was more than happy to indulge the ever curious mare, so Fi let them have their girl time together while he slipped away from the table with the pie he'd been given. It took him only a few minutes to find a nice quiet spot among the trees of the orchard away from the crowd and noise. He felt immediately relieved, and when he sat in the cool grass he knew he wouldn't be going back to the party without someone dragging him back. The sun had been given its time to rest, and Luna had brought the moon out to light the darkened sky. He was about to dig into his apple pie when he heard the soft hoof steps of a pony getting closer. He assumed that there was another pony escaping the party, so he kept himself quiet as the wind hoping to avoid meeting them.

It took Fi a few minutes to realize the hoof steps were coming from the opposite direction of the party. Thinking that he was about to meet another party pony that had been late, he hurried around behind one of the trees to hide. As he peered out around the trunk he felt his heart thud heavily. Standing nearly five feet from where he'd been sitting a moment before stood a tall, dark figure. He was a Minotaur, but he was not one at the same time. This monster was covered in fur that billowed with black flames, and his small crimson eyes pierced the night like illuminated rubies. In a small instant Fi remembered back to everything that had passed and everything that had happened that day...

"Malvagio..." Fi said angrily as he would a curse word.

Fi watched the menacing monstrosity sniff lightly at the air like a predator stalking prey. Fi was torn between rushing back to the party to warn his new friends and neighbors about the threat, and wanting to get his revenge right there and to hell with worrying about the others. He felt a tug on his heart and instantly knew that those thoughts were folly. He knew in every fiber of his being that the lives of everyone else were much more important than his selfish revenge. He waited a few moments until the beast had his back turned before he dashed off on light hooves. He hoped he hadn't made enough noise to attract unwanted attention from Malvagio. The lights from the party came into view soon along with the sounds of music and merry making. Just as he reentered the party he nearly ran head long into Princess Luna. She observed the look on his face for only a moment before she nodded and led him back behind the table and over to Celestia. The large white mare seemed already aware of something amiss and was undisturbed by his appearance at her side.

"What do you have for me Captain?" Celestia asked while retaining a pleasant demeanor.

"It's Malvagio princess, he is coming here now." Fi replied quietly, but with evident excitement in his voice.

"Son of a platypus, why would this have to happen now?" Celestia cursed without losing her pleasant voice and countenance.

"Princess, what do we do? Every pony in town is here." Twilight chimed in, showing she had been dropping eaves.

"Why are we whispering?"

Fi, Celestia, Luna and Twilight looked up to see Rainbow Dash, Fluttershy, Pinkie Pie and Rarity standing on the opposite side of the table in a huddle leaning over as far as their equine necks could manage. It was Twilight's turn to face hoof while Fi shook his head disapprovingly.

"Hey if something is up we have a right to know. This was our home before you came along, and it will be our home until we're long gone, so stifle that attitude brony." Rainbow Dash said while thrusting her hoof towards Fierce Charge.

Before he could rebuttal Celestia raised an elegant hoof to silence them all, "She is right Fi, and we could use their help."

Fi glared a bit at Rainbow dash who was wearing a very smug 'win' face while Rarity spoke, "So are you dears going to tell us what's going on or not?"

"It seems the happiness and love that we have been sharing here has drawn the attention to some very unsavory characters. Namely the evil... thing... that caused all that trouble in Everfree Forest a month ago." Twilight elaborated, and when she concluded Fluttershy let out an audible squeak of fear.

"We need to protect everyone without starting a panic. If we tell them all to go running home the stampede will do more damage than good." Fierce Charge said while he kept his eyes on the trees not too far away.

"We can hide them all in the barn, that there barn's seen more hard weather than anything built in the whole town. And there'll be plenty of room for them all and then some." Applejack said while doing a quick estimated head count.

"Yes but do we get everyone... inside?" Fluttershy said softly.

"Let me handle that!" Pinkie pie said with glee before she leapt up onto the table, spilling numerous foods and drinks, "Hey every pony, time to play Extreme Musical Chairs!"

Fierce Charge wore a skeptical expression, but when he saw the ponies nearly run each other over trying to get into the barn he had to admit that it was impressive. He looked around the group once more after the last of the guests had vanished into the barn.

"Alright you all try to keep them inside, lock them in if you have to. I will do what I can to push him back. Forgive me princesses, but I will have to ask you both to go back to Canterlot using your teleportation magic. I know it will leave you weakened for a time, but it is the fastest and safest escape route." Fi said with a pleading tone.

"I understand Captain. Luna and I will go now and send help as soon as we can." Celestia conceded.

"But sister, I want to stay and help." Luna said demandingly to her older sister.

"We'll only be in the way if we stay. Now Luna, come." Celestia said with authority and her sister had no choice but to give in to her demands. Fi watched the two of them go to their guards to explain the situation.

"We'll be just inside the barn if you need help Fi." Twilight said from behind him where she and the other five were still gathered.

"Go now, before you are seen. And make sure the music is loud so no one panics." Fi ordered.

"Leave that to me, Pinkie!" Pinkie Pie said cheerfully as she quite literally bounced her way to the barn.

Fierce Charge gave each of the remaining five mares a last glance. Fluttershy wore the same fearful and teary expression she usually did, but worry was evident in her eyes. Rarity also seemed worried, but her eyes showed signs of confidence; a trait he knew was one of her strongest assets. Applejack seemed annoyed, but he knew it was only because she would be unable to do anything to defend her land. Twilight seemed unsure of how to react to the situation. Fi knew she was calculating methods in her head of how to help, but he wasn't about to accept anything less than her complete removal from the equation. The final mare, Rainbow Dash, wore a completely uncharacteristic expression. Her usual cocky, tomboyish attitude was gone. Her eyes showed worry, and her wing beats had slowed down forcing her to stand on the ground. They hesitated for a moment, but soon each of them left him until he stood along by the long table that had once been the head of the party.

"How noble of you, puny little pony." A familiar voice sounded from the edge of the tree line.

Fi turned swiftly toward the sound and found himself face to face with the newest bane of his existence, Malvagio. He bent his legs slowly to take a more defensive stance while his wings flared by his sides.

"I'd say it's been a while, but no time away from you would be too long." Fi replied defiantly.

"A joke yes? I would laugh, but I don't respect you enough in the slightest to humor you. I am here to collect the blood of these pathetic ponies to feed my army. Stand in my way, you loveless whelp, and I will make sure you do not walk away from this fight." Malvagio snarled while he dug the ground beneath his hooves violently, giving off the impression of an angry bull.

"You seem angry... could it be perhaps that you assumed I was a goner? The mighty and powerful Malvagio couldn't put down a, what was it you call me? Oh yes a puny pony." Fi goaded, hoping to put the monster into a blind rage.

Getting more than he bargained for, Fi had to leap to the side to avoid a very powerful blow that Malvagio had aimed for his side. He saw the fist collide with the ground and send grass and dirt and rocks flying in all directions. Fi winced when the crashing thunder of the blow echoed into the orchard around them, but he heard the music inside the barn grow in volume instantly. Not wishing to continue the fight unprotected as he did before, Fierce Charge struck his badge summoning his dazzling armor. Once he was armed he turned to face the slightly stunned Minotaur. Malvagio stood slowly while breathing in deep, rumbling breaths. When he faced Fi again his eyes seemed to burn with a desire that Fi was unfamiliar with. It was a look of pure hatred. It was a look of pure evil. It was a look of intent... the intent to kill.

"I hope you do not assume a wardrobe change will save you from my fury!" Malvagio screamed.

"If you are so confident then have at you, you oversized cow!" Fierce Charge taunted.

Malvagio knelt down onto his hands and feet like an enraged beast before he let out an angry bellow. Fi stood his ground even as the monster charged toward him. Time slowed as he analyzed his opponent as he had been taught. His mentors told him to see a battle as it will be, not as it is. Malvagio's stance favored his right side so Fi deduced that there would be more chance to counter by moving to his left. It was a desperate wager, a dangerous gamble, but he had to trust his instincts. Fi side stepped to the right at the last moment and caught Malvagio in the arm with his armored wing. The blade like armor sliced at the flesh beneath the flaming body hair of Malvagio and send black blood splashing to the ground like spilled ink. Fi leapt away from the blood when he noticed the substance began to churn like acid when it touched the ground. He checked his wing, but surprisingly there was no stain of acidic blood, or any sign of contact at all. Whatever magic had been placed on his armor before it'd been given to him was potent.

"What sorcery is this?! How can I, Malvagio, have been wounded by someone such as you, you no named piece of waste!?" The menacing beast growled between clenched teeth.

"Perhaps a wardrobe change has more of an affect than you, Malvagio, realize." Fi teased with a sly grin painted across his face.

"This was... unexpected... master will want to know... I shall return for your heart, pony, and I will feast on it as my minions devour this pathetic pony populace of yours!"

Fierce Charge let out a powerful neigh and surged toward Malvagio as fast as he could. The beast had only a moment to realize what was happening before he was slammed into by Fi. He was thrown backward into one of the large apple trees at the edge of the orchard. Fi ran to him as quickly as he could before slamming his hoof into the center of Malvagio's chest. The resounding crack of ribs sent shivers down Fi's back, but he didn't back down. He snarled furiously in Malvagio's face before speaking with authority.

"You flee, flee like the worm you are Malvagio, and when you are back where ever you come from, kneeling like a dog before your master, you tell him that Fierce Charge, Captain of the Imperial Guard Forces, will be waiting with sharpened blades and steadfast hooves!"

Malvagio snarled before dissolving slowly into black smoke, leaving behind only a few drops of his bizarre blood sizzling in the grass. Fi stumbled back from the tree when the beast beneath him was gone before he let out a sigh. He was then suddenly bombarded by a wall of thunderous cheers coming from the barn. He turned and found that the door had been opened and the ponies within were whooping, crying and smiling in joy. If he didn't know better, he'd swear that someone had just won the Tri-Pony Cup. The six mares who had known about the intruder were no doubt responsible for the town finding out what had transpired, but he felt no ill will toward them. As if on cue the six fore mentioned mares left the barn and led the procession of ponies that stampeded his direction. In seconds he'd been hoisted up onto the backs and shoulders of lord only knows which ponies.

Fi merely face hoofed.