Trapped and trained chapter 2: meet the crew

Story by saintkoopa on SoFurry

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#2 of Trapped and Trained

Second story in my Seven stories in Seven days challenge. this site will have to wait though since the next story is not ready to be released here. Enjoy.

Chapter two

Alex was reeling in pain as just a few moments ago he watched his father take his best friend away to be executed. He was not going to stand by and let that happen. The feline wiped his tears away and struggled to get up. He suddenly felt something inside his body a healing sensation that started working at the points where he had been feeling pain. He felt something else, his paws was encased in a clear fire. He then felt like he could use this flame to accomplish what he needed to do.

He focused hard and brought the flames out of his body and encased himself in them he then turned to see that his reflection on all reflective surfaces in the room was gone. He was invisible to the naked Eye. That was something he was glad for. He could sneak in and break out Rin then get back here without too much trouble. He ran to the basement door and amazingly his father did not lock it this time. He managed to open it and after fifteen years in the house he finally saw what the basement was like.

It was pretty bare except that the wall had these swirling colors on it. That was the teleporter his dad always said was down here. He had to investigate it to find out how to operate it. He realized it reacted to his flames when he got close to it. As soon as he placed one paw on it, it activated and then finally he was on his way to save Rin.

After he was teleported in a different room he started looking around. He was still invisible so he was glad that things were looking good for him. He was in a room from what could only be described as star trek like. The wall behind him had ten portals like the one he came through on them and adjacent to each was a control station. The room was pretty bright too.

Alex carefully snuck out the room and looked around. The hallways seemed endless and all basically the same so he had no idea where to go to find Rin. That was until he heard someone say something about a new prisoner on floor five. Alex started to search the floors carefully looking for a way to get down and he found an elevator. He knew this would raise some suspicions but he had to take this chance.

He went in and hit the button for the fifth floor. He wondered how this building had fifty floors to it when he could not even see any windows or anything. Where was his father teleporting to all this time?

He just waited a while and then he found himself on the fifth floor where he could find Rin hopefully. He walked out of the elevator and was greeting with a stunning sight. A white Dragon was staring right at him. This white dragon was around seven feet tall and he was shirtless, showing off his scaly abdomen and toned figure. He had some soothing blue eyes and some light blue wings that were tucked away neatly behind him. Alex just gulped and slowly moved away from the dragon. Alex noticed one thing; the dragon was staring at him as he passed but said nothing or did anything. The dragon just went into the elevator and went on his way.

Alex breathe a sigh of relief as the Dragon was no longer a problem but he then saw this floor was totally like a jail. The halls were lined with jail cells after jail cells and some held prisoners with one thing in common. They all wore collars and the males were all naked. He was looking through cell by cell until he found Rin's cell. The black wolf was curled up in a corner of the room just crying while holding that box his mother gave him before his parents were killed.

"Rin!" Alex whispered in a soft voice but loud enough for Rin to hear. Rin looked up away from the box tears still flowing from his eyes and looked for Alex. Alex let his flames go so he could reappear. Rin gasped a bit and then rushed forward. Rin was so happy to see Alex it was not funny.

"Alex! Your dad is scary man! He said he wanted to put under! But he meant he was going to brain wash me! All these furs here were brainwashed. Most cannot even speak. They are just mindless zombies! You have to get me out of this place and fast!"

Alex nodded and then looked around and noticed the bars were open by a keypad that had the same pattern as the teleporter he used to get here. He gathered some flames into his paw and pressed on the jail cell.

The bars drew upwards as the jail cell finally opened and Rin was let free. Rin gave Alex a big hug and they enjoyed each other's embrace for a few seconds before Alex started looking around to leave.

Elsewhere in the building the white dragon who Alex has passed on his way to rescue Rin was Entering his office on the tenth floor. In his office resided two white felines. One with flaming red hair one with wavy blue hair. The red haired one was on his knees being scolded by the blue hair one. They both looked the same age but the blue haired looked older.

The dragon smiled and went to sit at his desk. "Marcus, do not be so hard on Dan! What did he do that deserves such treatment?" The dragon said interrupting the two felines. Marcus the older feline responded.

"Remember when I said him living on his own and raising his kids out of my sight was a bad idea? He finally proved me right today." Marcus said acting very smug.

"That was an Idea I approved mind you!" the dragon said causing Marcus to back off a bit. "But what happened?"

"His son impeded one of our operations and nearly got Marlon and himself killed! They were attacked by blue raven because his son had been leaving the house without him knowing about it!"

The dragon looked at the feline who still had his head down. "So how long was the son doing this?"

Marcus got angry then kicked his son in the shoulder when he hesitated to answer. "Answer him!"

"I suspect three years at most! That boy Rin knew way too much about Alex for it to be recent." Dan answered with his head still bowed.

"Well that is serious. When was his birthday anyway? I see he does have some control over his powers." The dragon said looking in his desk for something. Marcus looked at the dragon questioningly as Dan got to his feet.

"Boss. His birthday is two weeks away." Dan answered still acting sheepishly in front of his father Marcus.

"Then why did you bring him here if his birthday has not come yet?"

Both felines looked at the dragon like he was crazy before Dan answered back. "I never brought him. I knocked him out and left him at home. His brother should be looking after him right now."

The dragon rose up and looked at the two felines in surprise. "We have a problem then! I saw Alex on the fifth floor a few minutes ago! I thought you sent him to see this boy you brought in."

Both Felines jumped in Surprise and Dan flew from the room. Marcus went over to wall where an Intercom was located and typed in a code to speak to all floors. The sound of static resonated through every hall in the building as the loud speakers started up. "Attention! Attention! We are going into No transformation mode and issuing a level five security alert. The feline Shaman Alex has breached the facility. He needs to be subdued immediately. He was last seen on the fifth floor. All able personnel please proceed to cut him off. Use of excessive force is allowed however lethal force will not be tolerated. He may also have an un-turned prisoned with him. Please restrain them both."

The building flew into a flurry of movement as most furs in the building began to search for Alex.

Marcus turned back to the dragon. "Boss! How did he get to the fifth floor unnoticed? The guards should have radioed me!"

The dragon leaned on his desk and interlaced his claws. "He was wearing an Invisible cloak. He seems to have already gained a natural feel for his powers. The only way we could find him was if all you transformed and searched for him. Or we could send those three out looking. Where is Alfred?"

"Right here Boss!" answered a voice from the door. Alfred was a black wolf same height and age as Dan but he had a deep scar on his right which he could not open. His entire body showed signed of major injuries which he received many years ago. Behind him were his two sons, twins. Shadow and Crimson. Shadow was White wolf with black hair while crimson was a red wolf with white hair. They were the same height as Marlon and looked to be the same age too.

"What you need?" Alfred asked.

"We have a situation! Alex, Dan's youngest son has broken in! I fear he will be too much for the others since they cannot use their powers in front of him. He is also using a cloaking ability. You three should be able to flush him out!" The dragon ordered.

"Alright! Fifth floor it is then! Come on boys!" Alfred said rushing of the room with his two boys in tow.

The dragon decided that this was not to be chanced, so he headed out himself.

Back down on the fourth floor now, Alex and Rin were hiding as a pair of lions had just run past them. They were pretty lucky Alex's flames could cover Rin as well, only if he kept in contact with Alex though.

"Let's go! We have to find some more stairs up! The twelfth floor is where the teleporters are! If we can get there we can get you out of here!" Alex said squeezing Rin's paw to encourage him on. They both froze however when they heard a few voices approach them.

"Man can you believe Alex is causing trouble for us! He already made us wait forever for his birthday to arrive! Now he causes us to have to pause training and look for him! What a jerk!" Said a teenage voice. Alex peeped and saw three furs coming his way. A Blue lion with a white mane was the one who had just talked. He looked as if he just came from a workout. So did his companions. A green otter with lighter green hair and a pink and white fox.

"Yea! He must be good though! Breaking in like this when he has not awakened his powers? Must be something special about that kid" The otter added as they passed Alex and Rin. Alex sighed and started to move but froze when someone else entered the hallway.

Behind them cutting off the three teens that had just passed was a red wolf. One of Alfred's sons. He was looking at Alex and Rin as he talked to the group. The group all turned around and looked in Alex's direction. Both Rin and Alex gulped as they thought they might have been found. They started to inch away slowly.

"You can drop the field now Kitty cat!" Alex and Rin jumped as they heard that voice. Behind them stood a white wolf. He was aiming some kind of amulet at the pair. Alex watched the amulet glow and his Flame disappear into it as they were sucked away. The group down the hall was now heading their way. And the white wolf was restraining Alex by grabbing his wrists. Alex tried to struggle but the wolf was much stronger than he was and was easily over powering him.

"Rin! Run! Get out of here!" Alex screamed kicking the wolf but he was getting no response what so ever from the wolf.

Rin looked around in a Panic as he watched Alex being pushed up against a wall and restrained like there was no tomorrow and the group was coming to restrain him. He needed to get out of here quickly. He needed help. Then he remembered the box his mother gave him. He reached into his pocket and pulled it out and it began to glow. It shot a blast of light at the red and the white wolves knocking them away and freeing Alex in the process. Alex then clapped his paws together, gathered his flames and shot them at the trio heading towards them.

As everyone staggered back and tried to recover from Rin and Alex's outburst the two boys made their escape.

"Guess being invisible is not going to help us right now! Those guys took a lot of my flames away. I cannot cover myself right now. We better hurry." Alex said as he and Rin ran down a few hallways in this gigantic building. Alex noted that the width of the building was quite large. And it also had thirty floors to it. He knew this was no ordinary building they were in so why could he find no windows or anything like that?

Rin had taken notice too. "Alex do you know where this place is? We could try and Escape from here!"

"We can't! I have no found one exit to this place! All I know is that my dad uses a teleporter to get here! It must be some place hard to get too. We have to get to the teleporter." Alex said just before an alarm sounded as all doors started to become closed down and covered with steel. Alex and Rin looked around and saw that they were trapped in.

"What do we do now Alex?" Rin asked panic showing from him. Alex looked around and they ran down a four way cross path. When they got to the middle of it they saw furs coming at them from all three directions. In front was the group from before minus the wolves. To the right was that Dragon Alex met earlier and to their left was Alex's dad. That was the one person Alex did not want to get caught by. They went to turn around but a black wolf was now behind them. Alex Rin moved to the center as they were enclosed on from all sides.

"ALEX!" His father practically roared out. Alex had one chance; he gathered all the flames he could. Everyone stopped and hesitated approaching them, even his father. But his father changed from raging to worried.

Alex then felt weak. So weak he started to fall over. He was caught by his father before he hit the ground and Rin was retrained by Alfred.

"Dang it Alex. Are trying to kill yourself? That was dangerous." Alex's father screamed at him this time out of concern not rage.

"He is right Alex. You have broken many of my rules! And your father is getting the punishment for them!" The dragon said as everyone surrounded them. The dragon then looked at the black wolf being restrained. "And you must be worth a lot to this boy if he went through all this trouble for you! I must say you must be special!"

Alex struggled in the grip of the wolf. The scent of the wolf was oddly familiar to Rin but he could not place it. It mattered not at this point. His best friend was barely awake and nearly killed himself trying to get him out. Alex just slouched down in defeat. "Brain wash me now then! Just don't Alex." Rin begged the dragon.

"STOP!" The voice of crimson shouted. Everyone looked at the two wolves rushing towards the scene.

"What is going on? Are you two alright?" Their father asked.

"We are just fine" The red wolf said smiling. "Better than ever. Dad let him go!"

Alfred just looked at his boys curiously but obliged. The two wolves scooped Rin up into a tight hug as their father let him go.

"What! Hey! What's going on?" Alex said gasping for air being entrapped by the hug.

"Welcome back Little brother!" Both wolves said in unison. That statement got the attention of everyone in the room. The dragon looked on curiously as Dan stared at Alfred.

"Boys? Little Brother? What the hell are you two talking about?" Alfred asked his boys.

"Dad our memories came back! He had the key for the seal!" Shadow exclaimed as the hug was released and Rin stepped back awkwardly.

"He has the key?" Alfred was clearly flustered as he looked at Rin. Rin just retrieved the box from his pocket as it began to glow again. This time the burst of light hit Alfred.

"Huh? What is going on?" Alex asked he watched Alfred out wrought with pain.

"Rin! Didn't you mom said to ask my parents about Alfred?" Alex asked remembering something from earlier that day. He was still feeling weak so his father took him into his arms and let him rest his head on his shoulders.

"Yes. My mom did tell me that right before the explosion! He said Rin's parents would know how to contact Alfred." Alex said looking at his older brothers.

"Ah yes. How are those two anyway?" Alfred said getting off the ground and wrapping Rin in a huge hug. "Welcome home my son!"

"Dad?" Alex asked as his nose was finally remembering that scent. The scent he remembered from the day he was born.

"Yes Rin it's me! I asked your mother and father to look after you while I lead the rebellion. I am glad they kept you safe."

"But they... were killed! My mom and dad died!"

Alfred held Rin tighter. "I am sorry. I wish I could have been there. But to protect you I sealed the memories of anyone who knew of you and sent you away. I left you with two of my most trusted servants and hoped you would not get dragged into but I guess they found you!"

Rin snuggled up closer and started to cry. His father and brothers joined him.

The dragon went over and put his hand on Alex. Alex felt his strength returning to him and his father placed him back on his feet smiling warmly. But when Alex smiled back his father turned back to the one of rage he had before. His father tugged on his ear. "Do not think for second you are off the hook. For the next two weeks I will be making your life hell!"

The dragon placed his paw on Dan's shoulder and Dan suddenly became afraid. "Dan, I will make the call on this one. But first Marlon who are those boys you brought back with you!" Everyone turned to see Marlon being followed by five boys.

The first was a brown bear with a guitar strapped over his shoulder wearing a shirt that said Gas attack Panic and some blue jeans. The next was a white mouse with glasses. He was dressed in a blue sweater vest and white dress pants. He also had headphones on his ear a phone in his hand and mp3 tucked on the side of his waist. The third was white otter quite tall and was dressed in a school sports jacket and had an alethic gear bag over his shoulders. Fourth was black and white panda bear wearing an overcoat and dressed like an 1800 detective. He had a book in his hand. Finally was Husky with light green fur and purple hair. He was wore an artist cap and sweats. He had bag that held a paint book over his shoulder and a knapsack full of paint supplies.

"Benjamin! Kyle! River! Patrick! Antonio!" Both Alex and Rin exclaimed at the same time.

"Wow! I never expected to see you here Rin! This is explains all those crazy stories about you being trapped in a house eh?" Benjamin the brown bear said.

"Quite interesting! We should have deduced that sometime ago. Rin you have my condolences we were unable to help your parents out because we arrived too late!" Patrick added in.

"Who are these boys?" The boss dragon asked

"Boys from my class we have known each other for a long time! They even hung out with me Alex from time to time" Rin replied.

Alex's father practically growled at him but let it go. Alex whimpered in fear as he knew his ass was in danger today.

River stepped up. "We are those who are called the Offspring of the rebellion. Many of those who rebelled against The Dark immortals all those years ago stashed their children together here in this town. All of us were born and raised here but most of us lost our parents during the rebellion. There are quite a few like us in the area but most do not know about their powers or who they are. We knew about Rin so we have been watching him until his powers came in but they were sealed away and only his father could unseal them. We could use some assistance. We believe that the immortals have figured out this town is filled with their offspring so they are going to recruit from here."

The dragon placed his hand under his chin and started to think. "Alright you boys. You will be working for me under Alfred! You will be under his orders. For now take Rin and continue to live in the town and observe what is going on." The dragon turned to Dan as Dan swallowed the massive butterfly in his throat. "Dan you will stay at home and watch over Alex. He will need more guidance over the next two weeks until his birthday arrives and the ceremony can be performed. Alfred and his sons will also go live with you until further notice." Dan and Alfred nodded in agreement. "And your father will be passing by to determine how good of a job you did with Alex. Remember if he finds you screwed up too much." The dragon pulled Dan in close. "Your ass is mine! Now go enjoy the two weeks I am giving you with your son and your boyfriend." Dan just nodded.

The dragon walked away leaving everyone there. Alfred soon gathered up his sons and Rin's friends and went to the teleporter. Alex was introduced to his grandfather for the first time and got a sound beating for all the trouble he caused and his father got one too. Marlon had to head home before everyone to prepare the different bedrooms. Dan and Alfred would be sharing a room and so would Shadow and crimson. He made sure Rin and Alex were sharing a bed to their dismay and embarrassment. Tomorrow would bring a whole new set of challenges for everyone.