After School Activities: The Way Home

Story by Lynkini on SoFurry

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Dislaimer: Ok, first of all, this is my story, so don't rip me off.

After School Activities: The way home (part 1)



"Yes!!! Schools out!!! Finally..." I said, "...time to get out of here..."

I headed for my locker to retreive my bag. "Piece of shit..." I griped, pounding my fist against it. The lock never would open. I tried my combo again, still didn't work. "Come on, come on...I'm gonna miss my bus..." I always hated school. I always will. I wanted out, now. Last try before I abandon it. "Yes...wait...why am I excited about being able to get my homework...?" Well, its open. I rummaged through my locker. Such a mess.I was 'kinda lazy' about cleaning. I finally found my math book, and thats all I took. Like I was gonna do my homework. I glanced into my mirror had in my locker, one of those cheap-ass, so-tiny-you-cant-even-see-anything ones. I looked pretty messed up. I slammed shut my locker and headed to the bathroom. Thankfully, this bathroom mirror was huge. I fixed up my headfur, and tightened up the purple ribbon tied around my neck. I looked myself over. "Hmmm..." I'm just a normal fox. Red fur, 'cept for my muzzle, belly, and the tip of my tail. I'm not very tall, maybe 5 ' 3 ", 5 ' 4 "I'm quite thin, actually quite femminine looking. I blame the ribbons I wear on neck and tail. "...Maybe I shouldn't have gotten purple..." I thought aloud. I adjusted my t-shirt, and made sure my shorts were on straight. They always find a way to get twisted. "I look good enough." I walked out and headed for the bus, but..."Fuck, my CD player!" I headed back to my locker, and fumbled with the lock abit, getting it open on the fourth try. I snatched up my CD player and 'phones, shut my locker, and ran off twards the bus. "Oh, no...." It was leaving...gone. "Gotta walk home...great...Why in hell does school have to be so far away from home?! And in the middle of no-where! FUCK!!!"

I stomped off, heading for home. Damn busted sneakers, aching my feet. I decided to take a short cut: a wooded area. It'd cut my time in half. Why not take it? I put on my headphones and set off. At least I have good music. I've always been a big Linkin Park fanatic. "It's kind creepy in here..." I thought to myself, after a while. I just kinda shrugged it off, turning my CD player up. I really liked this song. I actually started singing...eesh...

The further in I went, it seemed to get more and more, well, scary. "..Oh!Damn..." I said, falling. I tripped on something. A tree root I believe, I'm not too sure. All I knew was that there someone standing over me.

"Well, well. What have we here?" The person said in a gruff voice. I glanced over my shoulder at him. A wolf. Kinda cute, too...He sat down upon my back, and leaned foreward, to whisper in my ear. "Hey, cutie. What 'cha doin' down here?"

"Would you get off of me?!" I shouted. "God, damn...what in the hell do you want...?"

"I think you know, foxy." The wolf say, grinning.

"...Fuck, no. Dood, what would give you the idea that I would even consider letting you...!"

"Because," the wolf cut in, "if you don't...lets just say it won't be very good..." He snarled at me, baring his fangs. Goddamn, how scared I was. He pulled out a pair of handcuffs, and cuffed me, hands behind back. ", lets begin, shall we...?" All I could do was whimper as he pulled down my shorts and underwear. He grabbed my tail and yanked on it, getting a moan out of me. "Oh, does the little fox like that? Like it rough, foxie?" He continued to tease me, yanking harder and harder on my tail, "Yeah, you like to get fucked hard, don't ya? Just like a sissy little bitch...Well, then, foxie, get ready, 'cause here I come!" And with that, he placed his cock against my hole and shoved it all in, in one quick swoop.

"Oh, god!!!!!!!" I shouted. My ass could hardly take such treatment. "No...please, come on...let me go!!!"

"Begging isn't gonna help any!!!" The wolf said with a slight chuckle, stopping, hilted in me, to let my ass adjust. At least he went abit easy on me. After a little bit, he resumed the rough fucking, pounding me as hard as he can.

My ass was on fire...the pain...In and out, in and out, over and over, with such a large cock...The wolf was loving every miniute of it, and I can't say I wasn't either. "Your pretty tight, foxie..." the wolf panted, " are soooooooooo good..."

"Ahhhhh...well, thanks...ahhh, ahhhhhhhh...." I whimpered, getting my ass pounded hard. The wolf kept grunting and groaning, pounding my ass hard. I couldn't help but press back, in time with the trusts, increasing out pleasure. "Uuuuunnnnnnghhhhhh..." I whined. Oh, the pain, and yet, all the pleasure. The wolf was getting close, I could tell. He became more frenzied, hurried, lust-ridden, and desperatly needing release. He threw his head back and howled loudly... filling my ass with seed.

"Good boy, foxie...Good boy..." Praising me, like I was something. He laid atop me a while, petting me. I can't say I didn't like it, hell...I loved it, really! I love being petted. "So, foxie...what's your name?"

"I'm...Lynkini..." I said, timidly.

"Such a cute name, for such a cute fox..." The wolf praised me, causing me to blush. "I'm Lupei."

"Well, nice to meet you...." a said, bashfully. Not really a condition you wanna meet someone in.

He just laughed...

"T-t-t-thanks...for...this...fucking..." I stammered. He just laughed, got up, patted my head affectionately, unlocked me, and left, walking back, the way I had came. I watched him untill he was out of sight, then got up, pulled up my underwear and shorts, put my headphones back on, and walked off, like nothing ever happened.

"Oh, shit...I think I left my mathbook there...Maybe I'll see the wolf again there..? I'll go tomorrow, I'm late...gotta get home..."

-pause diary entry-