Operation A-Go

Story by Baron03 on SoFurry

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First story on SF, which means first time figuring out how to upload (from an iPod Touch)... Anyway, comment if you want, I'm a little new to writing; I had trouble thinking of a title so that why I added the John Tolland reference. It was all I could think of.

Edit: Dialogue and a few spelling mistakes fixed. It's definitely been a while since I finished this one.

John quietly sat on the couch, one foot paw sitting idly on the light beige carpet while the other laid across the red-orange fur of his leg just above his knee, reading through the local newspaper leisurely taking a sip of hot cocoa from a mug to his right on a small mahogany table every minute or so. John was a very successful stockbroker and had amassed a plethora of money for his small family to live comfortably yet modestly for as long as they wanted. This dream was snuffed out when one day at home he received a call that his mate, Nikki, a human, had been killed in a car accident. He was then alone with their six year old son, James, who was also a human, left to pick up the pieces and move on. John immediately retired and decided to move away from the crowded city to the sparser population around the eastern mountains so he could spend his time raising James with a fresh start. John chose not to seek a new mate the new way either and over the recent years he began helping around the lakeside community volunteering here and there to give James some independence and to not die from boredom at home.

He folded the paper and placed his mug on the table. Unfolding his legs he stood up and stretched ready to go to bed when the phone starting ringing.

'Who could be calling at this hour?' he thought to himself. Picking it up he answered, "Hello?"

"It's good to see that your still awake as late as it is." Replied a familiar feminine voice. It was Marie, a blue vixen who lived across the lake that John had often helped at her home whenever her mate was away on a business trip.

"Please don't tell me you need to move 'a few' boxes from your attic, it felt like carrying packaged cement!"

She laughed at this, "Oh c'mon there's no way I could've been able to carry them down myself, besides that's not what I want to talk to you about." James breathed an audible sigh of relief, having your entire upper body sore for days was by no means fun.

"Well then what are you calling so late for?"

"It's about Rebecca." she said with an oddly upbeat voice. Rebecca was her daughter that he used to babysit every now and then after he first moved to the lake. But now she is the same age as James, 18.

"Let me guess, she wants to catch him to be her mate?" he replied cooly. There was a pause on the other end. Finally she spoke up

"Sometimes I think you really can read my mind, anyway yes, and I approve of her decision. You know how it goes, both parents need to give their consent, so do you approve?" It was John's turn to think. The tradition went back who knows how long, as soon as two were at least sixteen and if both parents consented, the female would in essence "capture" her unknowing mate. Although in modern times, there were laws prohibiting any couple from starting a family until they were both nineteen to prevent early pregnancies. John only allowed four previous females to attempt and try in catching James only because he knew their parents very well. James never seemed to think highly of his choices anyhow. But none had succeeded and James just turned 18 only a week ago. Marie's voice broke the prolonged silence "You still there? They'll make a great pair John." He heaved a weary sigh.

'That is true.' he thought remembering Rebecca keenly watching James during the pool party last week. "All right, I approve."

"Thanks a ton! But I promise you that she'll only need one day to get him." Marie hung up before John could muster out a reply. He quickly prepared himself for bed, scuffling over the carpet floor to his bedroom. After changing, he flopped onto his bed. Thinking about what he agreed to, he wondered if James could out fox Rebecca. He chuckled at the irony of his joke.

James woke up with a loud yawn *Crack*

"Ow!" He sat up rubbing his jaw. 'At least I am awake now.' Giving a quick stretch, he opened his eyes only to be assaulted by a ray of sunshine peeking through his window. Rubbing his eyes, he refocused and sauntered over to the bathroom. Standing in front of a full body mirror, he looked over himself, young fair skinned human with a lightly toned body and disheveled reddish brown hair. Yawning again he went over and started up a hot shower to begin the day. After finishing the shower and getting dressed, he walked downstairs stomach growling for breakfast. 'Where's dad at?' he thought walking across the kitchen. The whole house seemed too quiet, even for him. Table was clear, clean coffee mug in the sink, not even the morning paper folded on the counter. Stomach growling, he ignored his dads unusual absence and searched the fridge to cook up a hearty breakfast of bacon, eggs and anything else in his sight. His first meal of the day resembled a few trips through a morning buffet line rather than a simple dish. James scoffed his meal with elegance only a professional speed eater would recognize. Getting up from the table, he checked his phone to see if Rebecca had returned any of his messages.

Nothing. Accidentally spilling a bucket of water on her during his pool party last week must have really upset her. Sure Rebecca wasn't even wet yet, but the vixen took the incident a bit too far. She had left afterwards as he tried to apologize between laughs but couldn't spit out any coherent words. They were good friends, so naturally he expected a quick "sorry" and "It's ok" then everything would be back to normal. After cleaning up the kitchen he went over and plopped down on the living room couch with a big sigh flipping through the channels. Just about all of his other friends had been caught or mated, depending how you look at it, which meant less free time to hang out and this Saturday was no different. So much on TV yet nothing to watch, John stood up and aimlessly wandered around the house in search of something to do. His eyes discerning the window, he saw his bike propped up against the brick wall outside.

'A nice ride around the lake always helps.' He loved to bike every week anyway. Leaving the house, he closed the front door and walked over to his sturdy mountain bike, hopped on and went down the gravel drive towards the lakeside road. Turning onto the road, he hurried up the steep hill overlooking a good portion of the lake that trees would normally be blocking. Seeing the sparkling water gave him a small thrill as he rode onward. He quickly came to a bridge that put a smile on his face thinking about what was on the other side. Going over the small bridge he came to one of his favorite spots, a small field turned into a private luxury garden of sorts. The creator of this garden of Eden lived on the other side of the road across the once barren field. James always paused to admire the serene beauty this garden seemed to solely possess; neat stone statues, flowers with names he would probably have difficulty pronouncing, and anything else that a zealous gardener would dream of having at their disposal. He begrudgingly continued his ride looking over his shoulder to snatch another fleeting view of the paradise garden.

After continuing for another minute or so, he recognized the French Maple in front of Mrs. Robinson's house. That meant Rebecca's house was only a few heartbeats away. He thought of going to the front door and asking if she was home, but that didn't feel like the best idea especially if she was angry at him. James slowed down as he continued away from Rebecca's house, but didn't stop, even failing to realize someone was watching him from one of the windows. He felt a little uneasy as he continued down the quiet road.

'I think I need to apologize to her in person eventually.' She did threaten getting even or something, he just couldn't remember from laughing so hard then. Returning his thoughts to the task at hand, he kept pedaling on noting a few birds chirping in the trees around him flying about without a care in the world. Going around this end of the lake was very peaceful, small cottage houses near the lake shore on left side of the road, and something that reminded him of a rainforest on the right side. After a few more minutes of riding on the road he noticed someone else jogging down their driveway with a bike in hand. He didn't know her very well but recognized it was Kelly, a grey wolf and grey fox hybrid, and one of Rebecca's closest friends. "Hey Kelly!" he shouted. 'Hopefully she has some answers regarding Rebecca's mysterious silence.' Kelly nearly jumped out of her fur, looked at him too stunned to move. After an awkward moment of silence staring at one another, she jumped on her bike and sped after him. If her reaction didn't scare James, then it was certainly the look in her eyes, and the fact that she had a good length of rope wrapped in one paw, as she headed towards him determined to do something.

"Your ass is mine James!" James stood there dumbfounded as to what he did to offend her. But nonetheless, he frantically turned around and headed back down the road not wanting to find out. Going down the road faster than he had ever gone before, James had a plethora of thoughts going through his head as to why she would chase him. After rounding a turn, one immediately stuck out, his dad almost never left home early without a note of some sort to tell him where he was. Then it hit him, he always disappeared when he was permitted to be mated with someone; most recently, about a year ago, it was no different when a leopard from school literally "appeared" and chased him around his house for nearly four hours. She only gave up after tiring herself out, and running into a closed door didn't help either. He later found out his dad was good friends with her parents mate aide the entire agreement behind his back. But none of that helped him sleep at all that night last year. She would have definitely been the over-dominant type.

That last thought alone made him strive harder, even though his legs were starting to feel the strain of his prolonged bike ride. Kelly wasn't far behind either, with that menacing rope slung across her shoulder. The wind cut through his hair feeling as if it would pry off his scalp. His heart pumping to meet the demands of his muscles seemed as if it wouldn't be enough to continue back towards home. She was getting closer, way too close. There's no doubt she had the stamina of a wolf, and that wasn't helping at all right now. James started slowing down.

'Looks like I'll have to make a run for it through the woods and-' His thought was cut short hearing rubber screech against pavement. He turned his head around and stopped his bike. Just as suddenly as she started after him, she whipped around and began riding back the way she came. Panting, he was confused. 'She could've caught me at that rate in no time.' He thought 'But I guess she makes failed attempt number five.' He grinned at the little personal victory, his breathing started to return to normal when he noticed he was right in front of Rebecca's driveway. The driveway went in a slight downward slope leading towards the moderate two story colonial house that she lived in. Nothing too fancy, but James always liked the design and appearance it gave on the surrounding property. Hearing a door open, he looked over to see someone leaving the garage with a bike heading towards the road. It was Rebecca! James couldn't help but stare at her beautiful figure, she was a spitting image of her mother in every way albeit her fur was a satiny red just like her dads, and her bright sapphire blue eyes were from her grandmother.

The vivaciously voluptuous vulpine, or V3 as he referred to his friends occasionally, was nothing short of gorgeous to him. Blinking a few times, he recomposed himself and yelled to her waving his hand. "Rebecca! We need to talk!" Slipping on slick concrete and accidentally dumping a bucket full of water on her, that was actually meant for someone else, needed to be settled. He was actually afraid of her being angry at him for misunderstanding it all. She looked up at him, only a small distance away, and stared at him unwaveringly. "Hey, um, sorry about the whole getting soaked thing, I didn't mean to-"

He was cut short with her boldly stating, "I'll give you a three second head start." James was a little shocked by her ultimatum.

"N-n-no, it was meant for Cody, not you, it was an accident!" He said frantically waving his hands in front of him. She sat on the seat and slowly began pedaling towards him. Scared of how fast his face may become a punching bag, he bolted back on the road to his house. The once beautiful scenery that was traversed a while ago resembled more of a quick blur as James frantically rode on. The road resembled a roller coaster of up and downs. Going up felt like a rock climb as he savored coasting down. James was tiring out faster, rounding a turn he looked back only to turn around biting his tongue to suppress a scream. She was right behind him going without difficulty. Swerving to the other side of the road still speeding he considered his options; there was the normal route back, then there was the shorter way over a big hill. Rebecca was to his right, only a few feet separating them, he looked at her smiling wickedly.

"I hope you figured out that I'm not chasing you over the whole water thing." she said cooly pedaling leisurely.

'Oh Duh!' he thought. "So Kelly was a distraction!" he said back.

She laughed at his response, "If she caught you, you would have been tied up back at my place."

"Then I prefer escaping." he retorted, seeing the road fork ahead. She seemed to have anticipated some resistance. Rebecca slowly closed the gap between them extending her arm towards his. He was already on the edge of the road, and going into a ditch was not an option. Just as she was in reach of him, they were at the split in the road, James hit the brakes creating a disgruntled noise from the bike tires. Rebecca went by him before composing herself and stopped. James wasted no time in bolting up the hill, not even bothering to consider if he was being followed closely by her. His muscles were screaming as he reached the to of the hill and coasted down with ease. Passing two house, he veered off the road and cut through a few yards and down a small path into the woods. He made one final turn before bumping onto the start of the driveway to his house. Still coasting he looked around 'Where could she be? She wasn't even tired following me.' Then again being chased twice within a couple of minutes of each other was no easy task. And James was never the endurance type of person, his legs felt like lead weights being carried on stilts, his lungs burned for more air, even his core and shoulders felt worn out.

As he reached the end of his driveway, he went around the side of the house to quickly find a spot to place his bike. Seeing a blank spot along the wall, he hopped of the bike and wheeled it to the inviting brickwork. After setting the bike up against the wall, he dashed around to the front door with the last of his energy. He opened the door, then closed and locked it. 'There's no way she will give up that easy,' he thought. His chest was still heaving after the intense run. James staggered over to the stairs practically crawling up to get to his room. Pushing the slightly ajar door, he closed is eyes stepping into the room. "That was the closest anyone has gotten." he said breathlessly. His muscles felt like they were wrung out like a used rag. Eyes still closed, he pressed his back against the door, closing it shut, then slid down to the floor heaving a big sigh of relief. 'Safe at l-' his thought was interrupted from an unmistakable giggle.

"I thought you would get here a lot faster?" said an all too familiar voice. James looked up and opened his eyes, lo and behold, there on his bed was Rebecca sitting hands resting on her lap with a cute yet mischievous smile splayed across her muzzle. He could hear his heart thundering along in his chest.

"H-how... did... you?" he wheezed out between breaths while holding on to the wall trying to rise from the carpet floor. She slowly stood up from the edge of his bed and sashayed over to him with a look in her gleaming eyes that could only be described as salacious. James knew he was at the end of his rope, but in the back of his mind he couldn't help but feel lucky, a good friend of his had caught him instead of someone like that leopard-girl from a year ago. Rebecca wrapped her left arm around his upper back holding his shoulder trying to help steady him.

"Don't worry, I'll take care of you." She cooed into his ear. Her warm breath cascading onto his ear made him shiver, despite the fact that he was sweating. Leading him to his bed, she couldn't help but feel proud of outsmarting someone like James that smoothly. She helped set him down on the edge, he then promptly adjusted himself on the bed so that he was laying on his back with his head on an all too comforting pillow.

"I had a feeling Kelly was only a distraction of sorts," he said.

"You might say that," she smiled and shrugged her shoulders adding "but I have to give her credit for wearing you down."

"She scared me, honestly I've never heard her yell before." Rebecca laughed at that.

"Your probably the only one who has, I knew you wouldn't suspect anything." She looked around the room seeing it was safe to take her eyes off of him, picking up a book halfway under his bed. "The Rising Sun by John Toland? You have to be bored out of your mind to read this thing, it's over a thousand pages!"

"Hey," he retorted, "It's a good read if you have patience."

"Yeah, right," she said rolling her eyes, "It's probably like rubbing sandpaper over your eyes." Rebecca slid the book back under, and hopped onto the bed crawling up to James.

"What are you-" James was cut off by her finger lightly pressing against his lips.

"Nuh uh, you stay still and relax, I'll take care of everything." She said with a hint of playfulness and a wink. Not like James was in any position to argue, his breathing just about turned to normal but the rest of his body was exhausted from his ride around the lake. "I think scaring the hell out of you counts as payback for me, but as of now were mates." She consummated the last word by giving him a deep kiss, pushing her tongue through his lips feeling out the contours of his mouth. James was taken back at first, but quickly melted into the sensual kiss. He felt the short fur and black lips pressing against him aggressively. Her tongue wrestled around with his more innate one before slipping out with a quick lick on his lips. She pulled back never for breaking eye contact with him for a moment. Pausing for a moment to look at James beneath her, she pulled off her shirt slowly, first revealing her skinny tummy then her perky supple breasts all coated in the same snow white fur that ran from under her jaw to her throat. She stood up momentarily to slip off her shorts revealing the same beautiful fur around her nether lips.

Her outer labia was definitely aroused, he could see it glistening with her potent nectar, an invisible powerful scent coming from within. James was all too mesmerized by the sight before him to notice her pulling off his shorts with quick efficiency. He was left clad in only a sweat soaked t-shirt as she tossed the rest across the room. She used her claws to disrobe him of his shirt.

"Oh, someone is happy to see me." She proclaimed feasting her eyes on his engorged erection. She nestled down between his legs and gave the tip a quick lick. James sharply inhaled through clenched teeth tensing up for a second before relaxing, his muscles being too raw from earlier. She slowly bent down, giving him a quick wink, engulfing the tip of his member while holding the base with a paw. James was left a squirming mess in the wake of her tongue dancing all over the tip as her silky smooth paw pad stroked up and down agonizingly slow. She tasted the first drop of pre contemplating its texture, immediately deciding she desired more of the slightly salty treat probing it for more. Her constant teasing kept him moaning and fidgeting, yet he didn't want to finish off so quickly. But that deliciously soft leathery pad kept edging him onward towards climaxing. Feeling a pressure building down low, grunting, he tried scooting up to get away from her torturous tongue. She opened a blue eye at him and held a leg firmly in place with her other hand. He couldn't hold back any longer, with a loud cry he came seeing spots feeling each burst pump out in quick succession.

She suckled the tip like a bottle milking him for all his worth with her hand; gulping down all that came out. James felt dizzy for a few minutes watching her stroke his sensitive underside with a claw to keep him hard. He gave up squirming around and settled for panting feeling the claw tip lightly scratching him.

"Mmm, enough rest, its time for the real prize." She stood on her knees and lined herself up with him. She slowly impaled herself on him, moaning out as she took him to the hilt. Her walls quivered and contracted against the new full rod buried within her. To James, it felt like being enveloped in a warm furnace made of the softest satin constantly caressing him to new heights.

"Oh god this feels amazing Rebecca!" He happily said.

"The feeling is mutual." She moaned responding. They simply stayed still for a moment enjoying the closeness and feeling of one another. Rebecca made the first move raising up nearly drawing out his entire length before dropping down again causing them both to grunt in unison. She raised up again, an James quickly caught on matching her per thrust weakly with sore muscles. He reached up to cup her bouncing breasts reveling in the feel of the soft fluffy fur tweaking and flicking her diamond hard nipples with his fingers. This elicited a loud whine from Rebecca. "P-please don't s-stop!"

"But your doing... all the work." He retorted between pants rubbing the twin mounds of fur. They were both getting close, picking up their speed thrashing about more wantonly with primal instinct at hand. The heat between them increased with each movement, the lewd noises filled the room like a choir en masse. She gave one final thunderous yell before crashing back down trembling as she hit her first orgasm. This set James off the edge spurting thick ropes of his seed deep within her hot passage. She gave a final grunt before falling onto him, shaking in afterglow with her contractions milking him for all his worth.

'At least I'm not in heat... yet.' she thought. James was left panting in his own afterglow, running his hands up and down her back ruffling the soft red fur between his fingers. He felt his eyelids growing heavy as he became increasingly lightheaded. Rebecca yawned "Let's get some rest, especially from all you have been through," nuzzling his neck. James didn't need a second opinion. Wrapping his arms around her, he kissed her on the top of her head letting sleep overtake him.

John arrived home after spending the early hours going through town only to find the front door locked. He couldn't remember locking it before he left in the morning. After fumbling around for the key, he stepped inside only to find the house very silent.

'I bet he already found out his little surpris_e.' He thought sitting down on the couch. '_I should give him a heads up next time.' The older fox heard irregular footsteps trailing down the stairwell. Looking up he saw his son wearing a blue bathrobe. He smiled "Rebecca must have run you pretty good, how long did it take you to escape from her?" Waiting for an answer, he could smell a strong sense of arousal in the air. A pair of furry red arms with black-gloved hands wrapped around James's mid-section as a pair of furred lips pecked his cheek before resting a dainty chin on his shoulder.

"Well, you could say it was a good warmup, new father-in-law." Rebecca said giving him a warm smile. John laughed, astonished at the site before him. "I can't believe that you were finally caught! Well it will definitely do some good to have a lady around the house for James's sake." Getting up John also added "You two look hungry, I'll get something cooked up." He walked out of the living room leaving James and Rebecca looking at each other.

"You don't mind if I move in?" she whispered.

"I'd love it if you did." he responded turning, bringing her in for a deep kiss.