The Love Story: Kaleb's Truth Ch. 2

Story by Kaiti on SoFurry

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#2 of The Love Story

The Love Story: Kaleb's Truth Kaleb was blushing hard through his black fur as he slowly slipped into his dad's truck. His thoughts running around the fun he hand with Kaiti. So much did he feel this feeling deep deep down in his chest. He sat in the car silent as can be as he smiled looking out at the window thinking hard about Kaiti. His heart racing and his mind racing. His mind was stopped by his father's words. "What did you and her do after I left?" He asked looking over at Kaleb. "Well, We play video games, until you got home."Kaleb quickly said looking at him. "Your not lieing to me now boy are you?" His father snapped at Kaleb. "No I'm not ,Sir." Kaleb said just a quickly. The rest of the ride was quiet with just the sound of the car on the road. Kaleb pressed his head aginst the window. His ears pinned back in a little anger in his mind now. The flash of the smile on Kaiti's face came into his mind making him smile himself. As soon as they got back to the apartment Kaleb said nothing to his mom just quickly going to his room and shutting the door. He was tired but not by much. Looking at the bed as he slowly slid his body down on the bed inhaling the smell of Kaiti and his earlier actions. The sweet smell of her body made his hair stand on end and made his heart race. Rubbing his snout into the bed breathing in deep her smell. A smile planted on his face not able to fade. He slowly sit up and looked around and down at the ground. Kaleb smiled deeply when he saw what was laying on his floor. Kaiti's black thong laid on the floor next to his bed. He chuckled bending down and picking them up and looked at them. Licking his lips and inhaling the sent on the black thong. A soft groan escaped his mouth as he smelt the thick scent from them. He felt his pants getting tighter. A chuckle came from him as he guessed he still had more in him. He would lay back on the be just having the thong draped over his face. Taking in deep whiffs of the scent. Another groan came from him as he let his right hand slip down his stomach on the top of his pants. Undoing them slowly slipping them down to his knees. Now the bugle was fighting to get out of his boxers now. Shivers going all over his body making him shake a bit. Pushing his boxers down a bit just to let out his hard shaft. He was stiffer then a pole, with the large rock hard knot at the base of his shaft. Oh, so many thoughts ran through his head. Kaleb could just imaged Kaiti on her knees bent over his large shaft. Her lips slipping over his hard pole. Kaleb let his paw hand slide over the head over his hot cock. Pumping his hips up into his hand a bit. A groan escaped from him as his thoughts ran into seeing Kaiti sucking hard his shaft. He took another deep whiff of the thong and kept his hips pumping up into his now tighten hand. Pre leaked from his shaft lubercating his hand. Kaleb now imaging Kaiti sliding up on top of him pushing him back on the bed. Placing her sex right over his now hard a ready cock. He slowed his pumping into his hand just imaging her over him rubbing her slit aginst the head of his shaft. He rubbed his finger on the head of his shaft before wrapping his hand back around it and thrusted up with his hips. He could see Kaiti thrusting her hips down on his as he thrusted up. Probably sending his shaft deep inside of her tight tunnel. These thoughts made him groan and thrust his hips up into his hand. Feeling his climax building up in him. Panting heavy making sure he was not to loud. Letting his thoughts run freely around Kaiti. Kaleb groaned pumping his hips driving him wild. As his thoughts ran about Kaiti thrusting her body down upon his. His hand tighten around his shaft making it seem like her tunnel was tighten around him. He could almost hear her moans echo out into the room. Imaging her large white round perfect breast bouncing up and down upon her. He felt his shaft squirm and as the knot grew then... "Kaiti!" Kaleb said kinda loudly flipping his head into a pillow muffling his groan as he came. Pushing his hand down tight around his knot. Making it seem like he tied. A stream of cum shot from his hard shaft falling upon his chest. Another shot came from his hard shaft and fell upon his sheets. Kaleb panted as he just laid there for awhile panting. Removing the thong from his face. Standing up and slipping it into his dresser. Also removing his shirt that had his chest covered in his own cum. Wrapping his shirt up and throwing it into a pile. Pulling his boxers back up and kicking off his pants. A large yawn came from him as he fell back on his bed. He was extreamly tired falling straight to sleep. Dreaming about spending time with Kaiti at school having there little moments of staring at each other. Falling deeper in love and holding hands. Doing all that boyfriend and girlfriend stuff. * * * Kaleb slowly awoke from his dream. Sliding up in his bed and siting up looking around his room. Wondering if everything was really true that happened last night. He looked around the room grabbing his cellphone off the ground next to he bed. Flipping through the numbers on his phone finding Kaiti to be the first one. A smile grew on his face. Pushing the send button calling her. "Hello?" A sweet and tender voice answered the phone. "Kaiti?" Asked Kaleb. " Yea, This is she." Kaiti said with a little chuckle. "Well, Hey its Kaleb, I was wanting to know if we are still on to hang out today?" He asked just siting on his bed talking to her. "Yea, What do you want to do? We can go to the mall." She suggested waiting for him to say something. "Yea, That sounds cool lets do that. Lets go somewhere around. I don't know 2 o'clock?" He asked. "Sure, That gives me awhile to look good for you. Later then." She said happily. "Okay till then Bye, Love you." Kaleb said sweetly. "Love you too, bye." She said right back to him. Kaleb hung up the phone and just set on the bed then slowly slide out. Standing up and stretching. He had something very interesting planed for today at the mall. Believing that Kaiti will enjoy it. * * *

Not my best I was kinda in a hurry ,but the next one will be very fun. I promise just give me sometime to write it. Thank for reading.