Fox Fire 2 Son Of The Flame Chapter 4

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#12 of Fox Fire chronicles

"Marta I'm scared, why are you so calm about this?!" Blossom cried from her place at the table, the cup of tea she held in her hand trembled heavily and threatened to spill. "I'm sick almost ever morning and I'm craving strange things, how can you say nothings wrong?" Marta said nothing, only smiled and giggled a bit to her self "I'm even getting fat, it's not showing yet but some dresses aren't fitting anymore, there's something wrong with me Marta, I know you know what it is!"

The old dragoness sat down at the table and calmly sipped her tea, smiling warmly at Blossom "aye dear, I know what the matter, and there's nothing wrong with you..." Blossom was on the verge of tear and it seemed a good time to stop teasing her "you're pregnant darling, now... Blossom are you alright!" Blossom sat frozen with shock, the tea cup she had been holding slipped from her hands and smashed on the floor. Marta was at her side in an instant to comfort her "its ok dear, this is great-" she stopped, taking a look about her room, a room in a palace she wasn't aloud to leave.

"I...I'm pregnant." Blossom whispered in disbelief "but, how? We only, it was just one time and... I'm pregnant?" she sagged in her chair, her hands crossing over her belly. She looked up at her long time friend, the look of shock fading into one of joy. she through her arms around her friend and hug her tightly, jumping up and down with excitement "Oh Marta, I'm pregnant, I'm pregnant, oh I can't wait to tell Amber she'll be so-" she stopped where she was, suddenly very afraid "oh Marta, this is terrible."

"What, what do you mean dear, this is a wonderful event, the whole palace should-"

"You're to tell no one of this!" Blossom shouted, more harshly then she had meant. "I'm sorry Marta. You must tell no one of this, especially my sister." at the confused look she asks Marta to sit, taking her own seat as well "Marta, I... I don't want to raise a child like that, not here, not now, not to this kind of life. And what if it's a son, what would happen to him then?"

Marta sighed, nodding "your right child, I had forgotten. you might not know this, but many of the girls think the same as you, but what choice do they have, this place may be comfortable, but we are just as much prisoners as the males." she sniffled, her voice cracking "you know, I have a son in those dammed..." she trailed off, unable to continue thorough the tears that choked her.

"I'm so sorry Marta, I didn't know." she placed her hand over the thin, wrinkled one of her old friend "but its all the more reason we must do something about this, put a stop to my sister. I have tried to talk her out of this, but it seems a lost cause." she was silent for a moment, staring down at her clasped hands, when she looked up, she made no effort to hide the pain in her eyes, but she spoke with determination "my sister must be stopped, my sister... has to die."


"What do you want Blossom?" the guard at Alex's room asked, giving Blossom a lewd grin. "Your day isn't for three more days."

Looking away in an attempt to hide her blush Blossom said "I, um, wanted to..." she trailed off, not really having a good excuse. She was relive the guard didn't seem to care; she just grinned and opened the door. "thanks." she mumbled

"Heh, we all get an itch that needs scratching sometimes, kid." the guard said and she closed the door behind her.

Blossom sighed in relief, she had only come to talk but that wouldn't have gotten her in, luckily the guard had other things on the mind. She hated to admit it but in a way the guard was also right, for the past couple days her body had ached for attention, and more then once people had mentioned smelling a strong musk.

As she made her way down the stairs she could make out Alex in the distance, someone had left the torches lit and he was already looking up at her. "I take it you knew it was me, since you weren't pretending to sleep when I came in."

"Hehe, I could smell you, it's a wonderful smell." Alex said, once Blossom had removed the gag.

"Sh- shut up..." she mumbled, embarrassed. She kept her head down so he wouldn't see the deep blush that burned on her face.

"It's risky to come here when you're not expected, so why did you come?"

Blossom knelt down at his side, nuzzling his neck and murring softly "give me a second... I can't quite remember." she sigh heatedly. Now that she was here, near him, she found it hard to stop her body for aching for his touch. She pulled her self away from him with an effort "listen, some of the other women are planning to... planning to... oh damn it!" she grabbed the sides of Alex's head, kissing him deeply as she sat down in his lap. There tongs played with each other as they moved from one mouth to the other. Blossoms hands stroked Alex's head fur as she ground her hips against his, the burning in her loins too much for her to stand any longer.

Both were soon panting into each others kiss as Alex's member stood firm between her legs as she slid it between her lower lips. Alex gasped at the intense heat her sex was giving off, using his tail to encircle her body and massage her breasts. as Alex's cock sunk slowly into her soft fold he gently pulled her down on him, once she was full seated she rocked back and forth, moaning as she enjoyed being filled with him "god Alex, you don't know how bad I have needed this." she could feel Alex's tail pulling her up and forcing her back down on him, impaling her on his thick shaft again and again, and she was more then happy to surrender her body to his control. His hot lips trailed kisses from her temple down her neck. Chills reverberated down her spine as he excited the nerves in her neck, and then continued on his way until her reached her breasts. She gasped as he presses his cold, wet nose to her nipple, making her body quiver.

The heat of there passion was intense, so intense that the small girl watching them could feel it. Tika hid behind a pillar behind where Alex's chair was, watching transfixed as the air around Alex and Blossom wavered in her vision. Not only could she feel there heat on her body, but in her loins as well, and it was a maddening heat. Already she could feel her self growing wet, her hands creeping its way between her lags of its own volition as her fingers stroked the silky folds of her cunt. She sighed as her eyes closed for a moment as the tension in her loins eased. Her mouth opened, and before she realized it she was suckling her juiced from her fingers. She had forgotten just how much she enjoyed the taste of herself. It was a sweet taste that melted in her mouth, and she savored it as she licked every drop from her fingers. this time when her hand returned to her nether regions she pushed two fingers deep into her cunny, stroking them back and forth inside her as she panted and moaned, growing more excited every passing second as she listened to the pants and moans of the two making love in front of her.

"Faster, Alex, faster, oh god I'm gonna cum!" Blossom cried. Alex pistoned her fasted and fasted on his cock as she screamed his name, primed to cum himself at any moment. The intoxicating smell of her musk filled his senses; her moans were the only sound that existed in the world to him, her heat the only warmth to him, her body the only object that mattered to him, and her love the only thing in the world worth living for. Her head whipped back as she cried out with passion, her body locking down over him as her walls trapped him insider her, greedily sucking seed from his body while she hugged him to her with all her strength. They held each other for long moments, enjoying the afterglow of there orgasms, but enjoying even more the love they shared for each other. For a long time they held each other and listened to the beating of the others heart, the pant of there lovers breath.

Once Blossom had her breath back, and she trusted her legs to hold her, she got up, albeit a bit reluctantly, and gathered her thoughts. "Alex, the other women and myself have made a decision. Its time this whole thing is stopped, we plan to overthrow my sister, and free those imprisoned here. In order to do this Amber must be stopped. Once she is, her soldiers' wont hold together and we should be able to overpower them."

"But how do you plan to keep Amber from stopping you..." it was then he was the pain in her eyes, and it became clear what so intended to do "oh god Blossom, you don't mean you're going to-"

"No, I could never do that." she said brokenly "that's why I'm asking you to do it. I doubt even I could get close enough to her to do it anyway, she never lets her guard down, even around me."

"but how could I do anything," Alex said, giving his bonds a tug "I'm in no better position to do anything then you."

"I... I think I can help with that." came Tika's breathless voice, echoing out from the darkness behind them. Tika's unexpected response caused Blossom to jump, giving a little scream as she covered her self with her arms. After a moment she realized she was naked most all of her day and lowered her arms, she could barley make Tika out in the dim light of the shadows. She was lying on her back, her legs bent so her knees were in the air. her hands here covering her crotch, and in the flickering fire light she could see a glistening pool under her, and now that she knew it was there Blossom found she could smell the girls arousal as well.

"How long have you been there?!" Blossom asked, embarrassed.

"Heh, the whole time." Alex answered "we were talking before you came in, I thought you were someone else so I told her to hide, I would have told you she was here but I was a bit... distracted." he finished, grinning at her.

Tika was walking over to them, brushing at the wet fur on her thighs. "As I said, I can help with that. If you tell me where Amber keeps the keys to the locks at I'm sure I could get them."

"But how, if I can't even get them from her what makes you think you can?" Blossom asked, giving Tika a disbelieving stare. Tika made no response other then a confidant grin and a wink to Alex.


Amber was in a foul mood as she sat around her bedroom. She had heard roomers going around that she didn't like, or told her self she didn't like, and she had seen proof of these with her own eyes as well. As she sat on her bed trying to sort through her feeling a knock at the door broke her thoughts "go away, I'm in no mood for visitors-"

"Amber, its me." Blossom's voice came through the door. The hint of concern in her voice wasn't lost on Amber and she immediately invited her in. the two sisters sat on Amber's bed.

they sat in silence for a long time, to Blossom's surprise it was Amber who broke the silence, she placed her arm over her sisters shoulder, bringing her closer to her as she spoke "I'm sorry sister, I know this must have be hard on you, I never meant to cause you undue stress. I'm happy for you, truly." Amber pulled her sister into a hug, tears welled in her eyes and rolled down her cheeks "you have found the two things I have wanted all me life, and at first I was angry, but at heart I'm really very happy for you... I hope everything works out for you in the end, and no matter what, know that I do and always will love you sister."

As tears fell upon Blossom's shoulder she found all words lost on her, and she could feel her own hot tears flowing down her cheeks. She griped her sister tightly, this would be there last meeting, and she wondered if her sister knew this as well. She tried to talk, but her words were choked off as she began to sob lightly. At length she choked out the words "I love you too sis."

Not long after, Blossom took her leave, and as she left Tika slipped in behind her. "Mistress, forgive my intrusion, but you look a bit down, I was wondering if I might be able to... cheer you up?"

Amber lay back on her large bed, sighing to herself "sure, why not, I guess I could use some cheering up." she reached down beside the bed, lifting Tika up by the scruff of her neck and sat her down on her chest. Amber gently eased her onto her back, leaning forward and planting her muzzle between Tika's legs. Tika gasped as Amber's forked tongue flicked over her cunny, sliding easily through her softy, pink folds. For a while Amber played with Tika's clit, tickling it with the end of her tongue or running its full length over the sensitive button of flesh. Once the girl was moaning and panting she took it to the next level, gently easing her agile tong deep into her body, twisting and writhing along its way until she reached Tika's inner most depths.

Tika gasped in shock as she felt Amber's tongue sliding over the outside of her womb. Her head whipped back, her back arching as her eyes rolled into the back of her head. Amber's tongue ran over powerful nerves and sent intense sensations coursing through Tika's young body, setting her to twitch and spasm as Amber griped her waist and held her tightly to her face. Were anyone there to watch they would be able to see Amber's throat working as she swallowed Tika's nectar as quickly as Tika could make it. Once she had had her fill she pulled her tongue free, letting it hang front her mouth for a second, a glistening strand of cum connecting them. She pulled Tika up to her, kissing her deeply, letting some of the juice she held in her mouth flow into Tika's.

Reluctantly Tika broke their kiss, but moved onto something even sweeter. Climbing between Amber's legs she quickly went to work. Using her hands to rub and pinch Amber's clit she latched her mouth onto her sex, licking and sucking on Amber's pussy lips. Ever since there last night together Tika had dreamed of doing what she had the last time. She pressed her nose into Amber's cunt, the smell overwhelming but she loved it all the same. She pushed an arm up into her, sliding her nimble fingers over the sensitive walls. As she reached deeper and deeper her head slowly slipped into Amber's cunny. She did as she had last time, taking Ambers g-spot into her mouth and suckling it like a new born babe. Soon though she moved past it, licking and kissing her way along her inner walls. Slowly her belly disappeared into Amber's body.

Just as she had the last time, Amber twisted and writhed in the thralls of unimagined pleasure, this time however she had something planed and she waited for the right moment. When Tika was submerged up to her waist Amber felt it the right time. With practiced aim she curled her tail around and speared it into Tika's pussy. She could feel the girl squirm inside her from shock but she didn't relent. After about eight inches her tail became too thick to fit inside the small girl, but at the length it was still almost four inches thick. She drove it in and out of the girl, slamming it into her each time as she ruthlessly fucked Tika and her self at the same time. The force of each thrust caused Tika to slide back and forth within the tight confines of Amber's body.

Tika screamed as she was unexpectedly impaled on Amber's tail. She cried out again and again as the thick length forced itself into her, screaming and moaning in a mix of pain and pleasure. The thick length stretched her sex painfully wide while at the same time the rough scales slid across every inch of her love tunnel, the momentum ground her nipples along the silky walls of Amber's pussy. both women built to their orgasms quickly, Amber's tail was soaked in Tika's cum as it flowed from her tiny body and mixed with Amber's own as it pooled on the bed. Amber reached her peak and with one last strong ram of her tail she climaxed.

Intense waves of pleasure exploded as a much harder thrust from Amber's tail triggered Tika's climax, there was a gushing sound as her cum burst out from around Amber's tail. That last thrust was also enough to force her completely into Amber's body just as she came. As Amber's walls closed down around her she found herself pulled off the thick tail and pushed forward. For a moment she was aware of impacting something, no doubt Amber's cervix, then the pressure forced her past it, directly into her womb. By the time she could gather a coherent thought she found she was curled up into a ball. For some reason she felt extremely warm and safe, something in her didn't ever want to leave it. But soon she realized she couldn't breath, and though she hated to do it she had a mission to do and wouldn't let Alex down. Feeling around in the dark bubble she found what she thought was the exit and braced her legs against the opposite wall. Pushing off with her feet and forced her way form the comfortable home and back into Amber's love tunnel. As she gradually made her way out she started doing barrel rolls, spinning around and around to help free herself. Finally she burst free, gasping in a welcomed breath of air as she slid onto the bed just as Amber climaxed again.

What Amber had been expecting was the girl would probably be crushed inside her, but was happened shocked her. As she felt the small body moving further up into her, prolonging her orgasm, she felt a sting of pain as she hit her cervix, then a feeling unlike any she had ever felt. It felt like something in her opened up and swallowed the girl. She could still feel the girl moving inside her, and knew she was alive. She looked down at herself, at her swollen belly. She could feel the girl moving around inside her; feel her trying to break free. she touched her cheek, and found she was crying 'this is what its like to have a baby?' the next moment her head whipped back as she groaned loudly, Tika was breaking free, shooting out of her like a torpedo. The sensation of it sent her mind and body into fits, and a powerful orgasm griped her. Once it was over and she could breath again she found she was exhausted, before she fell into sleeps grip she marveled one last time 'a baby...'

Tika laid at the foot of the bed for some time, panting hard, her pupils contracted in shock and amazement. All she wanted to do was rest, her body wanted to sleep so bad. Just as her vision faded into dreams she forced herself up. "I... can't fail them." she crawled to the edge of the bed and off it, crashing onto the flood in a heap. After much effort she managed to stand, walking shakily to the desk drawer Blossom had told her about. Upon opening it she found what she sought, the small box of gold and silver. As she expected the key to Alex's bonds was inside.