Cheat: Chapter 4

Story by Azombie on SoFurry

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#4 of Cheat

Here is chapter 4 of cheat. I wanted to post it sooner, but I've been awfully sick the past couple days.

Here it is. Hope you guys like it. ^-^

Chapter Four Love

Adam was surprised that Nick, the man he had the biggest crush on, gave him his number. He could barely contain his excitement. He had led Megan to an empty classroom on the way to the gym. Some of the other basketball players thought he and Megan were a couple, and neither Megan nor Adam told anyone otherwise. As soon as he closed the door Megan turned on him, "What does it say! Let me see it!" Adam shakily handed it to her. It was just a number and Nick's handwriting that read: "Call me!" He was blushing hard. Megan had to tell him to relax or people would think they had a quicky in an unused class room. "When should I call him?" Spurted Adam. Megan shrugged, "I don't know. Maybe after practice?" Adam nodded excitedly, "Yeah. That's what I'll do. I should go before I'm late for practice." With that, Adam hugged her and added the number to his phone just in case he lost the paper. He had never been so happy, getting ready to play. The team noticed, assumed he did have that quicky and promptly poked fun at him for being so quick about it. He retorted with a shot at their moms and they laughed their way onto the court. Practice went well. Even with being unable to get Nick out of his mind, he was making most of his attempted shots. He felt he was doing better than he normally had. It was half way through the practice match when he noticed Nick was sitting in the bleachers. He began to feel nervous, with an urge to prove he was the best. He started making more risks. Each time he made a basket from half court, he hoped Nick was impressed. Though, each time he missed, it felt all the more worse. It took the coach calling him out for being a ball hog before he would stop his primal need to show off to Nick. It was an hour later before practice was over and he had showered. As it always was, Megan was waiting for him outside. Though, she was talking to Nick. Not a second after he got to her, Megan hugged Adam and whispered, "Don't say anything stupid" before she ran off. Adam stood there a moment before he said, "So um.. What are you doing here?" Nick shrugged in a casual way, "Class was canceled. Decided I'd watch you play." Before Adam could say anything, Nick cut in, "So, want to get some coffee or something to eat?" Adam was speechless. All he could think about was how not to say something stupid. Which was starting to feel like a task too big for him. He did his best to say that he would love to. But it came out more like, "I.. Well.. I mean.. Of course.. So.. Yeah.. Sure.. I would.. Yeah" He could feel his face burning with the amount he was blushing. Nick giggled and pulled him into a hug, "Alrighty! I know a good coffee place around here. Nick led Adam to his car, and they went off to a small pizza place near the campus. It was a small place Adam had eaten a few times with his team. There were only a couple seats left. The place was usually like this. Perpetually nearly full. The bouncy fox behind the counter told them to sit wherever there was a seat. This place was no stranger to friends just coming down for a bite to eat. Adam knew there would be no one here thinking he was gay. Nick ordered the pizza, and their drinks. The food was already made and sliced, so they didn't have to wait long, since they just got a large slice each. As they ate, Nick eventually started talking, "So, Adam, you dating anyone?" Adam blushed, nearly choking on a bite of pizza. He swallowed hard(he had to make sure he didn't talk with his muzzle full of food), "Yeah.. I mean, no. I'm not dating anyone." "Why did you say 'yeah' first?" Nick took a drink from his soda Adam looked away from Nick's gaze, "I usually just say I have a girlfriend so the guys in the team don't think I'm gay." Nick nodded "So, Megan is your cover?" Adam blushed hard, nodding slowly, "I know it's horrible, but she doesn't mind. She's a lesbian, her girlfriend knows me." Nick smiled, "Relax, I'm not interrogating you." "Oh, sorry." Adam replied, feeling himself blush again. Nick took a bite of pizza, "Don't worry about it." He paused for a moment, "Do you want to go out on a date?" Adam's eyes widened. He figured that's what was already going on. He looked at Nick and said, "Isn't that what this is?" Nick laughed, "This? This is just a quick lunch." "Oh.. Right." Adam suddenly felt a little silly. Before he could say anything else, Nick said, "I'll take you somewhere nice. I mean, if you want to." Adam nodded, "Yeah, I'd love to." "Alright. Well, call me when you get a free night. You have my number." Adam nodded happily. They both ate their food, chatting a bit before leaving. Nick walked Adam back to his car. Nick then gave Adam a ride home. It was later that week that Adam called Nick. It was that Thursday that they went to dinner. It was at a local steak place. Nick insisted on paying. They had such a good time that Nick invited Adam to his place afterwords for a movie. Nick gave Adam the tour of the place, ending it with his bedroom. Nick said, "And this is my room. It's kinda small, but it functions." He could sense Adam's nervousness about entering the room. As if that meant they were going to have a night of sex. Nick rolled his eyes and laughed, "Don't worry, I'm not that kinda guy. We can watch Fifth Element like I said. It wasn't really a decoy like on T.V." He lied well. Well enough to get Adam to sigh a bit relieved. He wanted nothing more than to spend the night under the sheets. Both of them did. Adam wasn't sure he was ready. He was still a virgin. He felt it was too soon. They watched the movie, cracking jokes the whole time. It was a good date overall. The sexual tension was overwhelming. At least for Adam. He ended up making up a lie about having to be at practice early. He panicked. They kissed each other on the cheeks at Adam's front door. Adam went to sleep in a generally good mood. Hoping he didn't ruin the first date for not putting out. Nick masturbated vigorously before. Adam was going to make his dick explode with teasing for a while. He knew the type. He had to be patient. Adam was sweet and caring. It would be worth it in the end. It would be a few weeks of this before the night Adam would finally make the first move. The two were at Nick's place. Adam still hadn't had Nick over at his place. They were watching a romantic comedy. Something cheesy. Adam was starting to really feel something for the feline. It was no longer just a crush. Just being around Nick made him feel complete. Like he had been living without something important his whole life, without ever realizing it. He was in love, now. He didn't care if it had only been a month since they really started talking. He felt like he knew Nick his whole life. Like they were made for each other. When it had ended, the credits started to roll, Adam leaned his head onto Nicks shoulder, nuzzling his snout lightly into Nick's neck, his paw was lightly squeezing the inside of the feline's thigh. He was determined to do this. His heart was a jackhammer in his chest. He could have sworn it skipped a beat as their lips met, as Nick's paw glided over his. He was in disbelief. They were actually making out. Nick had straddled Adam's lap in an instant, his confined privates throbbing, pressed against the husky's well formed gut. It was a lust filled moment they were sharing as their tongues collided, wrestling together much the way their bodies were. Adam blushed hard as he felt Nick's backside begin to grind against his covered member, aching for a release. In a matter of seconds the two were helping each other out of their shirts, grinding against one another. A brief thought of moving this to the bed was thought, but ignored as they kissed lustfully, unbuckling their belts, nearly tearing the pants they wore to get to what they collectively sought. Before long, they were naked. Their mouths still glued together, Nick didn't feel like getting any lube. He would risk the pain of just Adam's pre. His cock was a bit smaller than Roger's. Nick lifted his waist above Adam so that the canine member lined with his tail hole. He lowered himself on is slowly, the tip pressed longingly against the tight hole. Nick then lowered his backside slightly, sighed, breaking the kiss, "We're going to need some lube." He said with a giggle. He guided Adam into his bedroom, turning the T.V. And DVD player off on their way out. With a pounce, they were back in the throws of love. Kissing passionately, Nick grabbed the bottle of lube last used on the dog's father and smeared the stuff on Adam's meat. Adam wrestled his way on top of Nick, spreading the feline's legs, his member quickly finding it's target. Wish a gentle thrust, Nick had to slow the eager husky down before he got hurt, Adam was inside Nick for the first time. Nick moaned into their frantic kissing. Adam thrust in and out of Nick. It was intense, the way he was feeling, the way it felt inside Nick. Sooner than he would have liked, his first time was coming to an end. He broke the kiss, moaning out, "I'm gonna.. Cum.." Nick moaned, pressing Adam against himself as the canine filled him with his seed. Adam was panting hard, spilling his rather large load into the feline as the hole around it squeezed every drop, milking it for all it was worth. It felt like forever that the throbbing member was shooting into Nick before Adam sighed with relief, pulling out, cum pouring out of the hole. Nick giggled, "Jeeze, how much did you have in there?" Adam blushed, "I haven't pawwed in a month." Nick smiled as Adam started stroking the cougar's length, "That explains it." "Sorry I came too early." Adam lowered his head. Nick put a paw on Adam's head, "Don't worry, round two will be longer. As will round three.. and four." He could almost hear Adam's cock spring back to life. "But, for now.." He grinned, pulling Adam's head towards his crotch, "Care for a taste?" Adam grinned, moving his muzzle towards Nick's pulsating member, his nerves returning full force. Adam sniffed the throbbing meat, taking in the feline's musk, which was getting intoxicating. After hearing Nick giggle, Adam licked the tip, rewarding him with a soft moan. He licked off the bead or precum off the tip, reminding him to get used to that taste as he took a deep breath, carefully placing the member into his muzzle. The sensation was different than the way he imagined. It seemed to take more room in his muzzle than he thought. At some point he figured he was thinking too much and decidedly took as much of the length as he could, returning to the tip, giving it a quick suck before returning his gaze to Nick, as if to ask if he's doing it right. Nick looked down at him, grinning, stroking the husky's head, running claws through the fur, "Mmm.. Keep going, babe." Was all he needed to say before Adam began easing his maw down again. He worked up a rhythm, giving his first blowjob. The two were soon moaning, not the slightest care if they would be heard. Nick didn't last too long. Within a few minutes Nick was pulling Adam's head down, his salty seed spilling into the canine's muzzle. At first, Adam was shocked at what was going on, though, he swallowed it all, instinctively. He pulled off the spent member, looking up at the panting Nick, who said, "Sorry.. I didn't give you any warning." Adam laughed, "It's okay, you were lost in pleasure, right?" Nick nodded, "Yes, couldn't control myself." Adam smiled, crawled beside Nick, wrapping his arms around the feline, "Was I good?" Nick laughed, feeling comforted in the bigger man's arms, "Yes, you were very good." He turned to face Adam, kissing him on the mouth, pulling back to say, "Adam, I love you." Adam couldn't help but blush, he felt the same, it was weird how easily he felt he could say it now, "I love you, too, Nick." They kissed again, resting up before a night of passionate love making.