The Adventures of Stevo-Chapter 8-Pokemon,2012,Part 4

Story by Steven Dalma on SoFurry

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Everyone gasped to see Stevo in a different form.

"Wh-what happened to you, Stevo?" Kyo asked nervously.

"Um, it's hard to explain in such a big crowd from here. Got an empty seat?" he asked.

"Yeah, here's one beside me." Ashito said as he patted the seat beside him.

"Okay." Stevo calmly walked to the seat near where Ashito was.

"Um, I know this seems odd to say, but... I am Stevo Lambert. I'm an American boy from the year, 2013." Everyone gasped.

"That's next year!" Donal exclaimed.

"Exactly. I was sent on a mission by a figure to visit different parts in time, including this one."

"But how did you become a dog like Ashito?" John asked. Ashito's ears rose a little.

"Well, I know this doesn't seem right for Ashito, but I'm not an "experiment gone wrong" creature. You see, I wear this ring that can change me into a dog like I am now. See?" he showed them the ring, which everyone seemed curious to see a unique ring like his.

"But why did you wait for so long to tell us?" Ashito looked beside him.

"It's because I never tell someone about it unless they see me in this & want to know what happened." Lucario raised his hand.

"Yes, Lucario?"

"Stevo, what kind of missions did you go on?" Everyone chattered a little, & then went quiet.

"Well, although I went on a lot of them, there IS one that I really liked after I was sent on my next one. But first, does anyone have some dumplings I could eat?" Siegfried gave him his bowl & he began telling the story of when he was in Africa.

After finishing his story & with everyone heading back to their rooms after supper, Stevo was walking back to his when Combusken pulled on his pants.

"What is it, Combusken?"

"Um, Master, I've forgot to ask you: Was that why you fell out of that tree a few days ago?" he stopped & looked at him for a moment.

"Yes, yes that was." Stevo softly spoke, then they both continued their way back to their room.

In their room, when everyone else was asleep, the figure appeared again, walking towards him & waking him again.

"Stevo. Stevo."

"Hmph, what is it now?" Stevo said in a tired voice.

"Stevo, I know this is hard to say to you, but... you have to leave tomorrow." Stevo's eyes widened more than ever when he said that.

"But sir, I just became good friends with everyone here, I can't just leave them, especially Combusken."

"I'm sorry, but that's an order." Stevo frowned, but the figure interrupted again.

"And Stevo... this is my last time with you. You've done a fine job on this mission." Stevo got up from his mat, ran towards him, hugged, & started to sniffle.

"But you can't go, there must be more I must do." He started to cry.

"Stevo, after this, there won't be anymore for you to do." The figure said while patting him on the back to calm him down.

"Sir, I'll miss ya." Stevo hugged him more as the figure started fading.

"Goodbye, and farewell." The figure left in a big ball of flash, which caused Stevo to fall forward & hit the mat. Combusken woke up to see his master looking unconscious.

"Master, are you okay?"

"Yea, just go to sleep."

The next morning, Stevo woke to hear the sound of the wind outside the window & to see the sun beaming the wooden floor. He looked to see his door open & Combusken not in the room; he got up, got dressed to head back home, & walked out to see where everybody else was at.

At the garden, Ashito & John were having a conversation when they saw Stevo walking towards them with a tired & sad look on his face.

"Good morning, Stevo! Did you sleep well last night?" Ashito called to him. Stevo started to have tears.

"What's wrong? Something got you down?" John asked.

"Guys... I have to leave today." He started to cry & both of them gasped.

"Why do you have to leave today?" Ashito looked.

"Remember the figure I told you about? Well, last night, he showed up & told me that I must leave today because all my missions are complete." John & Ashito looked at each other & then at him.

"Does Combusken know about this?" John looked at him. Stevo started to stop crying.

"No, *sniffles* I've been trying to find him all morning. Do you know where he is?"

"I think he's training with the other Pokemon, but I think now's not the time to tell him."

"Well, okay... I might as well start heading back to my room & begin packing."

"Um, okay, well we'll miss ya. Goodbye." John said back, then they all walked away from where they spoke.

In his room packing, Stevo was about to zip his suitcase when Combusken came in.

"Uh, Master, why are you packing?"

"Combusken... I have to leave today." Combusken gasped & ran to hug him & started crying.

"But Master you can't go! You still haven't taught me how to fight yet! And who's gonna take care of me when you're gone?!"

"I don't know, I have to find someone who is responsible enough to support you."

"But WHO?!"

"Calm down, Combusken! I'll ask Sensei & see if he can do something about it!" Combusken stopped crying.

"Okay. *sniffles*"

"Now, if you want to follow me, I'm go see & ask him if he could. Do you want to?" Combusken nodded, & they both walked out the room & headed towards the dojo.

At the dojo, Sensei was meditating when the two came in.

"Ah, Stevo, I've been wondering where you were this morning. And why are you holding your suitcase?"

"Sensei, I have to leave today." Sensei became curious & got up & walked over to him while scratching his beard.

"Hm, you can't be serious. Why must you?"

"It's because I have completed my mission." Sensei looked Confucius (I know, bad pun).

"What mission?"

"*sighs* Here, let me explain."

Meanwhile, while walking back to the room, Donal, Mankey, Kyo & Ninetales were speaking when John, Lucario & Ashito were standing by Stevo's door.

"John, what are you all doing standing near Stevo's room? Is there something wrong?" John looked at Kyo & spoke in a sad voice:

"Kyo, Donal, Mankey, & Ninetales, Stevo's leaving today." The four couldn't believe what he said.

"Don't tell me this a joke." Donal looked serious.

"No, this isn't a joke. He is." Then Kyo looked like he was about to blow a fuse.

"Well we can't just stand here, we need to at least give him a farewell before he goes. C'mon!" Then everyone started following Kyo to where he last saw Stevo.

At the dojo, the front doors opened & Stevo walked out to leave.

"Thank you Sensei for training me. And please take a good care of Combusken." Stevo said, then bowed at Sensei & Combusken, which they bowed back. Stevo was about to walk out the gates when the rest were running towards him.

"Stevo, WAIT!" Kyo yelled at him, then everyone else stopped in front of him.

"Please, don't go!" Donal begged.

"I'm sorry, but I have to go."

"But can you give us a goodbye before you go?" Lucario asked.

"Well, since I have a few minutes before I leave, I will." Then Stevo walked up to them, whom they were side by side when they arrived.

"John, Lucario, you 2 are the best friends I've ever met, even when we first met at that restaurant when I slipped on that coffee; Kyo, Ninetales, it was a pleasure talking to you 2; Donal, Mankey, I'll never forget your jokes; And Ashito, I would like to say I'm very proud of myself for saving your life." Then Stevo stuffed his face in Ashito's furry chest while hugging him.

"Now, it's time for me to go. Goodbye!" He was about to walk out when,

"Master, what about your ring?" Combusken came up to him & asked.

"Oh, yeah, I almost forgot about that. But it won't come off."

"Let me see it." Combusken grabbed the hand his ring was on, & carefully slid it off.

"Thank you, Combusken." He said when Combusken gave him the ring back & placed it in his pocket.

"You're welcome, Master." Combusken bowed to him, then everyone else bowed with him. Stevo bowed back.

"Goodbye! I hope we meet again!" Stevo waved back, then everyone else waved back. Stevo walked out the gate & down the path.

A while later, when Stevo continued to walk, the ground started to shake. Then the ground under him started to crack, which made a hole Stevo was on top of & he began to fall through. The sound of whirring as he fell grew louder & louder, until...

He was found in his bed. He looked around to see that everything in his room was still the same as it was when he left to go to Korea. He looked at the TV & saw that the M*A*S*H marathon was back on. He turned up to looked at the ceiling & said to an imaginary audience,

"Ah, it's good to be home, doesn't it? *winks*"