Things you shouldn't write in your friends yearbook, but did anyway.

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So I decided to post this story exactly how I wrote it in my friends yearbook. I decided to keep the mistakes in it since this is how it was written in the 15 minutes after our final exams were over. So onto the disclaimer. This story contains graphic scenes between three underage boys, two of them brothers. If you will be offended then stop reading and leave. If you continue reading and are offended, you have been warned. So no whining, crying or mad nerd rage. If there is enough interest then I will post the sequel. As always comments and ideas are welcome.

Cassie, you asked for a short story and said "go for it" so don't blame me for this.

With a soft sigh Alex rolled over on the bed and opened one eye groggily. The clock on the stand read 12:41 a.m. muttering a curse under his breath the lapin crawled out of bed and into the hallway. Turning left he headed towards the bathroom next to his brothers room. The sound of video games could be heard though the wooden door. The sounds stopped shortly after Alex had finished using the bathroom. To the young rabbit it sounded like the house was suddenly empty. A loud thump came from behind the closed door. His curiosity getting the better of him, the 12 year old crept to his brother's door and slowly opened it. The sight that greeted him made him gasp quietly. His brother was kneeling at the foot of his bed with his head bobbing in his friends lap. A soft wet slurping sound came from his brother as he sucked the fox off. Gary had his head back and his eyes closed as Tommy swallowed his cock again and again. Looking up Tommy noticed his brother standing naked in the doorway, proudly showing off his young erection. With a wave he was beckoned to join in. In a matter of seconds he had switched places with tommy, much to the fox's surprise. The older fox's moans grew in volume as the young rabbit skillfully brought him closer and closer to his orgasm. The young lapin let out a gasp as his brother suddenly hilted himself in the young boy. Soon he was moaning loudly around the cock in his mouth as his brother humped him furiously. Letting out a contented murr the older rabbit came inside of his little brother. Seconds after, Gary let out aloud howl as he came hard in Alex's mouth. A brotherly reach around brought Alex off at the same time. Gasping and panting for breath the boys smiled to one another. A soft cough from the open doorway drew their attention. Their father stood in the doorway with a length of rope and 3 large, vibrating dildos. In short order the boys were seated back to back to back with all of their paws tied behind their back and the vibrators sitting snugly up their backsides. Their punishment for being too loud meant a long night with no release. But none of the boys minded, it would just make what they had in mind for the morning all the more fun.