School Pride II

Story by Apollo Wolf on SoFurry

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Here it is at long long long last. Then next edition of School Pride. Thank you so much for you patience for this overdue venture. I hope it was worth the wait.

If you haven't read it yet, you must read the first School Pride obviously, otherwise this story will make even less sense then it already does

School Pride II - Pride Goeth Before the Fall

By Apollo Wolf

[email protected]

Well let's see here. Yep, you guessed it; the following story has a bit of action. Between a bunch of high school aged males yet! I know, I know, you're too young or too encumbered by rules to read it. If that's the case then I'm sorry but I must insist you turn away now until you're a little older or are at least not at a public computer. Everybody else, just remember this is fiction and no real young men were involved in the writing of this story. Now, since that is said and done; go on read, enjoy, and let me know what you think.

The preceding week was mostly a blur for Eric. In fact it was now Friday morning and he could still hardly believe that any of it had actually been real at all. The whole experience of becoming the school's new mascot was close to overwhelming, the more so since it involved physically and mentally changing into an anthropomorphic lion named Lucas. The change itself was enough of a reward, and that it took sexual stimulation to transform was exhilarating, especially since it involved three of the hottest jocks in the school. Tuesday, Eric worked out as himself with Brian after school and then spent an hour with the pep squad and the marching band. Wednesday and Thursday both required him to become Lucas. Brian, Greg and Chad all helped him out again on Wednesday but only Greg was free on Thursday to initiate the change.

Today was his big debut though, a large pep rally during ninth period and then the football game tonight. He was supposed to meet up with the guys in eighth period to get ready. Eric briefly wondered if any of the staff had a clue what the three former and one current mascot were up to when they got together during school hours to "get into costume." Safely stowing the mane and combination tail and jock in his gym locker Eric set off for his first class. At first he was afraid he would have been made fun of for being the school mascot, but here at St. Luke's it was a little different. The position of Lucas seemed to be an honored one and instantly made Eric one of the most well known guys in his class. The all male academy excelled in most areas academic and athletic and having the best mascot in the form of a massive and realistic lion was a source of real pride.

Not everybody was quite so enchanted with Eric right now though. Last year's edition of Lucas, Chad, was more than a little depressed and rather resentful of having to give up both the spotlight and the joy of becoming Lucas. It had been so difficult for him to hand it off to Eric on Monday and the longing had not faded as the days passed on. Sure he had enjoyed being with the other guys and initiating the freshman and he was really impressed by Lucas' new appearance, but he had spent every night since lying in his bed looking through his yearbook and flipping through pages and pages of photo albums of his own Lucas.

Chad figured he knew what Eric was feeling right about now. He was in the same position a year ago. Previously a nobody himself, Chad quickly gained the fame and attention he so desperately craved when he became the mascot. Sure, he was still popular and his new physical stature assured he would become a star on the wrestling team but it just wasn't the same. He started practice with the other guys this week and he was easily the best on the team but he wanted more. He stood back against his locker as he watched Eric enter the hallway, the cheers and greetings he received from his classmates echoed dully in Chad's ears. Jealously burned in the back of his mind as he watched Eric stow the pieces of the costume in his locker.

Throughout the first several periods nagging thoughts ate away at Chad and by lunchtime he decided he was going to take matters into his own hands. Surely it wouldn't hurt anything; the old stories had to be exaggerated. Chad couldn't help himself; he wanted to become Lucas one last time. He had an open period after sixth bell, he would go and grab the costume then and he would still have enough time to change back before Eric, Greg, and Brian came by during eighth period to get ready for the pep rally. His insides squirmed as the plan formed in his mind and a mischievous smile crept across his face.

From that point on the day seemed to drag out unbelievably slow. Every class was spent staring up at the clock on the wall as the seconds ticked by. Since they were all in different years Chad didn't have to worry about sharing any classes with the other guys but he and Greg did have the same lunch period together and usually sat at the same table. Chad got to the lunchroom first and tried to wolf down his food fast enough that he could leave before Greg showed up. It was no use though and he chocked and slopped soda all down the front of his sweater when Greg sat down next to him.

"Looking forward to this afternoon?" Greg asked digging into his brown paper bag.

"No, I mean yes...err why?" Chad sputtered as he wiped himself up.

"The pep rally dingus. It's gonna be awesome introducing the new Lucas to the rest of the school. I think the guys are all going to absolutely flip when they see his new look!" he exclaimed as he took a big bite of his sandwich.

"Oh yeah, right. This afternoon will be great, I'm sure of it."

Chad when back to finishing his lunch, the same mischievous grin back on his face as Greg chattered away about the pep rally. He could still remember the assembly they had when he was introduced last year and that made him all the more envious of Eric. However, Chad's mind burned with the thought of beating them to the punch and having Lucas all to himself one more time.

The bell for sixth period never sounded sweeter to Chad and he tore off down the hallway, but instead of taking a left and heading to study hall he kept going straight and soon found himself just outside the locker room. He waited for the commotion to die down inside then silently slipped through the doorway. It was a good thing the school never bothered to change the locks on the lockers since he had the same locker last year that Eric used now. He spun the combo into the dial and licked his lips as the door creaked open and the small box inside was revealed. The mane and tail/jock were quickly deposited in his own bag and he nearly sprinted the length of the locker-room and out the far end.

The small wrestling practice room was never used during the day and as such was the perfect place to hang out away from prying eyes. The softly padded floor and walls soundproofed the room inside and out and the large rolls of wrestling mats were comfortable to lie on. The distinctly male musk of sweat and muscle made the room an inviting cave to Chad that made him relish his time there, both alone and with the wrestling team. He and the other guys often used this room to set off Lucas' change and they were actually supposed to meet here in eighth period.

Normally it took at least one of the other guys of mascot lineage to help Lucas take form, but Chad knew that wouldn't be possible today. Eric didn't yet have the power to do it and neither Greg nor Brian would have ever agreed to help him break the rules like this. But this wasn't going to stop him. He was already semi-hard as he stripped off all of his clothes and stood naked in the center of the room. Chad took a deep quivering breath and he started to growl. It started deep in his throat but the rumbling noise soon grew in amplitude and was quickly sending vibrations through his entire body. His hands started to shake uncontrollably and suddenly started to swell. His fingers grew thicker, nails sharpening to claws, and the slightest of pads forming in his palms and finger tips. A short but dense layer of golden brown fur covered his hands just as a similar change started in his feet. In no time his feet had elongated and gained pointed claws and pads just as his hands did.

He was still growling as the hair on his head abruptly stood on end. The thick brown fur surrounded his head like a halo as it pushed out into a full mane, draping over his ears as they became larger and more pointed. His jaw throbbed as the slightest of muzzles became apparent. Finally and most gratifyingly the vibrations of his growling centered on his cock. Chad's dick was now hard to the point of bursting but instead it started to stretch and grow, adding several inches as the tip became slightly pointed and the color of the skin changed to a deep pink. Lastly his balls started to swell adding a thicker coat of brown fur that soon wrapped around his dick to become a pliable sheath. One last thrust of his hips and a short tail tufted with brown fur extended from the base of his spine and fell loosely along the crack of his ass.

Chad's growling had stopped and he stood there in his half-lion form. After about half a year as Lucas he was able to make this partial change on his own and did so quite often. He once spent an entire weekend in this form while camping. The hardest part was denying himself an orgasm even when he jerked off, because cumming would have changed him back to normal. But now he had no intention of stifling his urges. He reached into the bag at his feet and pulled out the dark black mane and the deep chocolate jockstrap with its attached tail. Again a smile of desire crept over his more animalistic features, his pulse quickened, and his breathing became slower and deeper. He stepped into the jock and slid it up along his legs, stretching the furry pouch over his own sac. He had to adjust things a little to get his larger sheathed cock to fit through the opening in the garment but when he finished the deep brown jock bulged obscenely over his own mustard colored fur, the deep red shaft of his prick standing out proudly. The waist band fit oddly around his hips especially in the back where his own tail prevented him from pulling it all the way up. It felt rather odd to have two tails brushing the backside of his legs, his own tail flicking back and forth gently and the lifeless one attached to the jock hanging limply by its side.

He had to matte down his own mane a bit to get the black Lucas wig to cover it sufficiently. In the end he stood there with the pieces in place, ready to make himself the school's mascot again. He sat down on the mat, mindful of his tails, and laid back. Being a wrestler had its advantages, and one of the best was flexibility. Chad stretched out on the mat before planting his feet, kicking off the ground hard and flipping his legs up over his head. His back curved easily and knees ended up resting on either side of his head. He stared up at his own drooling meaty hunk of flesh, the lion share of it hovering only inches above his nose. The scent of his own arousal filled his nostrils and several drops of pre dropped from its tip onto his lips. Licking at the salty tang, his tongue flashed out and lapped against his tool and without much preamble he craned his neck upward slightly and took his cock into his mouth.

Chad growled and grunted as he worked his tongue around his shaft. He was able to bob his hips up and down thrusting his lionhood in and out of his mouth. Every so often he would pull back slightly to allow himself to catch his breath but also to prolong the intense pleasure. After several minutes he started to feel the changes begin. His hands and feet began to shrink back to their normal size, his own tail slowly receded into his backside. While these parts of his body became smaller, his cock quickly grew larger, its length pushed further into his throat and it grew so thick his jaw strained to accept it all. The thrill of the experience kept him going and even spurred his pace onward. He was rocking back and forth on the floor, fucking his face with increasing force and speed, just waiting to let Lucas take over.

The orgasm actually surprised him, he had no idea he was so close to blowing. The roiling hot torrent of cum streamed down his gullet for what seemed like minutes. His cock shank back down to his normal size and he extracted it from his mouth before flopping limply on the floor. He only rested a second though before he jumped to his feet. It should happen any second now he thought. He waited breathlessly for what felt like hours, doubt beginning to seep into his mind. For a moment he thought it wasn't going to work. Then it hit him. He felt a pleasing vibration surge through his body again. But as quickly as it started he realized something was wrong. This wasn't what it usually felt like. His muscles quivered and bulged bulking up in size, his hands and feet once again swelling into paws. He could feel a flash of fur spreading over his body, covering him from head to toe. His head pounded as his muzzle pushed out. However his mane started to grown in, not with the wig he had placed on his head, but beneath it, growing out quickly and knocking the hair piece to the floor. His tail grew back as well but again not from the one attached to the jockstrap, pushing out from his own skin. The jock itself had actually slipped a bit falling around his thighs; however that didn't prevent a sheath from wrapping around his once again hard and expanding dick.

Kicking aside the jockstrap and its tail, they joined the black mane in a pile across the room. It felt like his body had stopped changing but there was something different about it. Most alarmingly Chad realized he couldn't feel Lucas' presence. Usually by this point the massive lion's dominant personality took over. Every time he became Lucas before it was something like an out of body experience. He would see, hear, and feel everything he did but Lucas was in control. This time it was just him, and he had no idea what that meant. He walked over to the scales the wrestling team used to weigh in on and where they also kept a full length mirror.

Stopping and staring at himself in shock and confusion, Chad couldn't believe his eyes. He was a lion alright but he certainly wasn't Lucas. His body was right, tall and muscular, sharp clawed paws and elongated feet, and an impressive coat of fur. But it was the fur that was all wrong; the color wasn't what it was supposed to be. His mane was mostly black just like Lucas' current coloring, but it was streaked through with golden yellowish-brown. The rest of his fur was the same way, splotches and stripes of jet black fur intermixed with chocolate brown and deep yellow. The tail flicking about behind him was similarly striped and even came to a blunt end without the requisite tuft of fur at the tip. He leaned in close to the mirror for a closer look and noticed that his eyes were also mixed; his left was bright sapphire blue, while the right was glistening emerald green. Of course then he looked down and realized that his straining member was just as oddly colored, his tender pink flesh had a smattering of irregular pitch black skin.

Just then the bell rang out signaling the end of sixth period. Chad jumped in surprise, he hadn't realized that forty-five minutes had already gone by. He only had one more period before the other guys showed up to get ready for the pep rally. He tiptoed over to the door to the locker room and pressed a large pointed ear to the door and listened as the bustle of one class leaving and the next coming in rose and fell. All the while he stood there slowly stroking his dick and rubbing a paw through his fur. When the noise completely died away he settled back against one of the rolled up wrestling mats and slowly pleasured himself. His paws moved deliberately over his lengthy shaft, every so often pausing at the tip to squeeze gently. Chad was a little concerned about not feeling Lucas' presence but not enough to deny himself the pleasure of his new form.

Reaching beneath himself he started to fondle his tail with one hand while still working his prick with the other. The tail had always been his favorite part of being Lucas. Feeling its length falling down against his ass, letting it gently slap against his thighs and calves whenever he ran or jumped, or just gently stroking it just as he was now. He pulled harder and had to stifle back a roar of pleasure. His clawed toes were digging into the mat a bit as they curled and tensed and Chad had to try and relax them a bit before he cut into the padding which would have pissed off his wrestling coach. His breathing became heavier as he worked his shaft harder and harder, his paw slapping down on the top of his sheath. Eventually the lion climaxed and a torrential flow of cum sprayed from his swollen member. Great globs of spunk splattered across his chest and muzzle and stringy ropes of his fluid splattered all over the nearby mats.

Chad collapsed into a heap on the floor as the heat from his orgasm dissipated and the rapidly cooling jizz started to soak into his fur. A quick glance at the clock showed him that a third of seventh period was gone and he still had two more chances to enjoy himself. Rolling back to a sitting position Chad collected himself and decided he needed to clean up a bit. His paw gently grasped his still rigid cock, feeling his sensitive skin slip beneath the pads on his fingers even as small spurts of cum continued to slide down its length. His already excellent flexibility now enhanced by his feline form allowed him to bend in close to his dick. With his longer and more dexterous tongue flicking out of his muzzle he tasted himself for the second time that afternoon. Even the salty tang of his own cum tasted different as a lion. Chad was able to wrap his tongue completely around his shaft, slurping up his spent fluids and actually stroking himself with his tongue before plunging his cock into his waiting muzzle.

Growling and sucking, Chad started to bob up and down on his meat at an ever increasing pace. The thick veins of his cock pulsed against his tongue and his panting became more strained as he attempted to swallow every inch of his swollen member. Lost in sensation, the minutes ticked by as he pleasured himself. His entire body seemed to tingle, from the increased bulk of his muscular form to the tips of his fuzzy coat of fur. Hot streams of saliva and pre dripped over his balls, pooling on the floor beneath him unable to be fully contained by his blunt muzzle. Chad's growling sent vibrations shooting out from his groin and rippling through his every muscle as he brought himself closer and closer to climax. Lucas had always found ways of delaying the inevitable eruption but without his presence Chad was not capable of slowing his greedy assault on his prick. His heavy nuts tensed up and he clenched his ass while his toes curled trying to hold back and prolong the enjoyment until he could no longer resist. Cool air rushed across his dick as he pulled away ready to blow and the sudden slamming of a door broke his concentration.


Eric had been unable to wait any longer. He had fidgeted through six periods of unfathomably dull classes as the second hand of the clock unmercifully tortured him. Finally after not listen to one word of his English teacher's discourse on Shakespearian sonnets he asked if he could leave early so he could go get ready for the pep rally. He had to resist breaking out into a full run on the way down to the locker room and settled for a quick trot. He wasn't exactly sure what he was more excited about, getting introduced as the new mascot in front of the school, or the fun he was about to have with his new friends.

Arriving at the gym though, there was something that was not quite right. His locker door stood slightly ajar. He walked over frowning and peered inside. Sure enough the box he kept the Lucas costume had the lid knocked aside and its contents were missing. Eric felt his stomach drop, if the Lucas costume turned up missing how would he make the transformation, what would the guys think of him? He was about to rush from locker to locker to try and pry every one of them open when he heard a slight noise from the adjacent wrestling room. He strained to listen and was sure he heard a muffled growling. His momentary panic subsided a bit as a glimmer of hope entered his thoughts. Maybe the others had arrived early too and were waiting for him. He walked over and pulled open the door to step inside and was greeted by a rather singular site. It looked like Lucas but the color was off and this large half-lion, half-man was hungrily sucking at his own cock. Eric watched in silent and slightly confused awe for several seconds when the door behind him finished closing with a slam. It startled him and he called out.


Just as he spoke the lion had withdrawn his prick from his muzzle and was suddenly shooting a massive load of spunk nearly three feet straight up into the air like some sort of incredibly erotic fountain. His pleasure filled growl was choked off as he realized he was no longer alone and his gaze snapped over to where Eric stood. The only sound was the gentle pitter pats of large droplets of cum splattering down like rain on the lion-man and the surrounding wrestling mat. Despite his bewilderment Eric felt his cock spring to full attention in his pants as the image before him sank in and the tangy musk of male fluids hit his nostrils. The lion grinned sheepishly at him.

"Hey Eric. You're early."

Eric recognized the voice but didn't believe his ears. "Chad?"

"Yeah it's me." Chad said getting to his feet, his cock still jutting out proudly in front of him and dripping steadily.

"What did... how... but..." Eric stammered.

"I'm sorry man I just couldn't resist. I had to try at least one more time. "Chad said looking down at his feet feeling ashamed.

"But I though you weren't supposed to after one year and how did you do it, the other guys aren't here are they."

"No they'd never go along with it; I had to do it myself."

Chad slowly explained the whole thing to Eric all the while feeling more and more embarrassed by his actions. Yet Eric didn't seem to be all that upset with him. Every time he looked up he could see the understanding in the young freshman's eyes. There was also no mistaking the way he kept massaging the obvious bulge in his pants as Chad described the way in which he sucked his own cock to make the change.

For his part Eric couldn't help but sympathize with Chad. Though he had just started his year he was already dreading having to give up Lucas to somebody else someday. Not only that but there was no denying how hot Chad looked like this, the patterns of color in his fur accent his much more muscular lion body. The powerful musk that now hung about the room like a fog was also driving him wild and he could feel his stiff prick slowly start to leak pre into his briefs. Then a though struck him that had him thoroughly confused.

"But if you didn't become Lucas, what happened to him? Do you think I'll still be able to change into him?" Eric asked with a note of fear in his voice.

Chad hadn't thought of that. He had been too invested in his own enjoyment of the transformation that he hadn't really spent much time on wondering what happened to Lucas and whether or not something was seriously wrong. Now that Eric had mentioned it though he felt his stomach do a flip as the dread hit him, what if he had done something to Lucas. He could never forgive himself for that and he was pretty sure the other guys would probably come close to killing him if he had.

"I guess there' sonly one way to find out. I've still got one more in me before I change back, we can try and see if we can make you change."

"Might as well, I suppose it's worth a shot. "

Chad retrieved the jockstrap, tail, and mane from the other side of the room while Eric doffed his clothes and set them aside. His small hairless body looking especially so as he stood next to Chad's altered form. Taking the jock, Eric stepped in one leg at a time sliding it up and nestling his balls gently into the warm fabric, making sure to line his dick up with the base of the sheath. The mane went on next, covering his scalp, its hair flopping gently over his ears and down to the nape of his neck. Eric stood there and took stock of the costume pieces making sure they were all in position. He looked up into Chad's large hungry eyes and realized this was a first for him. From his first initiation he had only done this with the other guys in their more human forms and while he experience everything that Lucas did when he was in his form this was the first time he stood in front of what was essentially the full lion.

While Chad's body looked slightly different from the Lucas reflection he had seen in the mirror, Eric was no less impressed. The odd stripes of dark and light fur seemed to accentuate his muscles and made him look even more ripped. It might have been a trick of the light but his mane looked a bit shorter as well. Everything else looked about the same though, his blunt handsome muzzle, powerful paws, long sensuous tail, and most importantly his thick meaty cock. The molted black and red coloration was oddly arousing and even more impressive up close as Eric went down to his knees in front of Chad. The thick masculine scents emanating from his pulsing and still dripping rod filtered into Eric's nose and clouded his mind with lust. He leaned in close and felt the searing heat from the massive tool burn across the side of his cheek as he nuzzled it leaving behind a thick smearing of fluid on his own skin. His tongue flashed out and lapped against the veined surface, sampling his musk as his lips teased at the tender flesh while he worked his way back up along the shaft. The pointed tip bobbed before Eric's eyes before he started to gently kiss it, each kiss became deeper and more penetrating as he gradually opened up to swallow Chad's lionhood.

For his part Chad was greatly enjoying Eric's talents for stimulating his cock. Yet again he felt a strange twinge at experiencing this as himself rather than an observer to Lucas' efforts. It wasn't long after Eric had taken his entire dick into his mouth that Chad began to feel the familiar growl building deep in his chest. He wanted to hold back as long as he could though because this orgasm would ultimately change him back and again he was unwilling to just go back to being himself. Eric was just too good though and Chad quickly found his ass clenching up as his hips started to buck forward into his friend's face. The swelling in his crotch began as the changes started to recede from the rest of his body. Chad felt his feet slowly shrink back to their normal shape and size as his bare heels made contact with the mats on the floor. His hands grew smaller even while his fingers continued to clutch at Eric's head, running through his increasingly substantial furry mane. His own fur began a steady retreat across his skin as his musculature diminished and his tail started to gradually pull upward into his body.

The transformative energies had fully focused on Chad's cock which had grown to twice its previous size and he could tell it would only be a matter of seconds before he lost the battle against his impending orgasm. It was with an odd mixture of sorrow and ecstasy that filled Chad's mind as he finally let go and felt the full power of his release. Jet after jet of thick cum erupted from his balls and shot through his prick as he unloaded into Eric's ravenous maw. Each throbbing pulse took with it a bit of the size he had gained in his member and transferred it to Eric. The freshman was still greedily slurping down the glutinous mass as his body began to distort and change, muscles popped and bulged stretching his skin taut. Rich chocolate brown fur filled in across his back and down his arms. Rough pads grew in on his finger tips as his paws clutched at Chad's now smooth thighs and ass. Eric's tail grew slightly and came alive as it twitched and swayed behind him and his enormous muzzle was quickly able to take in Chad's entire groin, balls and all.

After the last drop of nectar was sucked from Chad's equipment, Lucas pulled back and slowly got to his feet. His eyes were still closed as he gradually lifted his head. When his eyelids flickered open revealing his sparkling blue-green irises he looked down on Chad and heaved a slight sigh as a knowing grin spread across his face.

"Chad... I should have known," his deep voice rumbled. "I thought you were going to have trouble letting me go but I never figured you to be as weak as this."

It was the sadness he heard in Lucas' voice that hurt the most. There was no anger, no accusation, just frustration. Chad dropped his gaze in shame; he couldn't bring himself to look Lucas in the face.

"I'm sorry, I couldn't help it. I just missed you so much. I didn't think one more time could hurt."

"Hurt? No. Disappointed, maybe. You've done yourself and your friends a great disservice and you'll have to live with the consequences of your selfishness."

Chad jerked his head up at this, an odd prickling sensation creeping up the back of his neck. "Consequences?"

Lucas just shrugged and gestured to the nearby mirror.

Chad leaned over and peered into his reflection with no small measure of trepidation. For a fraction of a second he didn't notice anything different but then he saw the differences. His hair was a little longer and slightly wilder prominent patches and stripes of black streaked throughout his customary dusty blond. Beneath these shaggy locks he could just make out the tips of ears which were obviously larger and much more pointed at the tips than before. He reached up and ran a hand through his thick hair and over his pointy ears, his touch wandered lower and ran along his jaw which also was much more square in appearance, his mouth and nose pushed outward slightly in the vaguest hint at a muzzle. He gaze dropped lower and he gasped in surprise, hanging behind him was the remnants of his tail. This furry brown appendage was much shorter than before maybe only a foot long, but it swished and curled slightly as he grew more aware of its presence.

Chad looked back up at Lucas pleadingly, "No, don't... come on Lucas you've got to do something. Can't you fix this? Change me back?"

"I'm sorry Chad but this was not my doing, it was yours."

"Buh, buh, but..."

"The way you chose to break the rules set before you was, shall I say, unique. Because of your egotism the two of us now share a connection that goes deeper than you can possibly know. For now I think you should go before the others arrive. You'll have to explain your actions to them soon enough but I wouldn't count on them being as understanding as Eric or I have been."

Chad stood there dumbstruck. He was stuck with pointy ears and a tail and Lucas was basically dismissing him. He had to admit he was right though, he didn't think he could face Brian and Greg right now. He grabbed his pile of clothes and headed towards the locker room looking back at Lucas with one last dejected glance, the large lion only responding with a wry grin and raised eyebrow.

Brian and Greg were more than a little disappointed when they arrived shortly after the bell for eighth period sounded only to find Lucas waiting for them in the locker room instead of Eric or Chad. He simply explained that the other two had arrived early and took the opportunity to get a head start on things. They were only slightly consoled when Lucas reminded them that they still had time after the pep rally to be together not to mention the run up just before the big game that night. To make it up to them though, since they had both already started to change to their enhanced forms Lucas was kind enough to bring them both to orgasm in unison by jerking them off with his massive paws. Together they got Lucas into a pair of football pants modified to fit his tail and an oversized jersey and in no time he was all set to make his debut.

The pep rally itself was a tremendous success. Following the marching band the football team made an enthusiastic entrance spearheaded by Brian. This was followed closely by Lucas' dramatic arrival. The student body went absolutely wild as he did a series of back flips into the gymnasium. Everybody present, student and teacher alike, roared their approval of the new appearance of the mascot. His vividly bright eyes flashed as he high fived or fist bumped each of the football players in turn. The principal, coach, and finally Brian each got up on stage and made a stirring speech promising a resounding victory that got the crowd screaming itself hoarse. Eventually the gathering broke up and every student and teacher sprinted for the exit since it was the end of the school week. Lucas hung back in the gymnasium however and was soon joined by Brian and Greg and the three of them proceeded instead to a seldom used lounge off the coach's office that had a large comfortable leather sofa in it.

Lucas fell back into the overstuffed couch grinning widely as Brian locked the door and Greg started to shed his clothes. Brian likewise ditched his pants but kept his football jersey on. Both guys took up position kneeling in front of Lucas' large foot paws before running their hands up along the slick blue spandex football pants that clung to his legs. Their massaging touch met with the large lion's approval, his head dropped back and he growled and moaned aloud as their hands slid their way up along his quads and the interior of his thickly muscled thighs. Slowly the laces over his large and still swelling bulge were undone; his cock clearing his sheath just as his fly was fully opened allowing the cool air of the room to play across his tender flesh. The heat from two pairs of hands helped warm him back up as they tightly grasped his pulsing shaft. Even though Lucas was used to this sort of treatment it still felt amazing as a rush of hot breath cascaded over his tool with Brian and Greg leaning in close to sandwich his swollen head between their lips. The two jocks kissed and suckled around his meat, making out with each other just as much as they were going down on him.

Greg was especially enthusiastic in his efforts to take in as much of Lucas' gargantuan cock as he could. He was still rather upset he wasn't able to help out with Lucas before the rally and was more than willing to try and make up for lost opportunities. His tongue lapped against the sides of the lion's dick as he collected large dollops of juicy pre that had started to flow down its length. All the while he was quite happy to reach out with a free hand to stroke at Brian's swollen member. Lucas growled his appreciation and one of his large paws gently caressed the back of Greg's head as he sucked the tip of his prick into his mouth. Inch after glorious inch of that meaty appendage slid into his throat as the mascot subtly thrust his hips into the swim star's face. Greg could feel his own body heat rise as copious amounts of fluid streamed into his gullet. In what felt like very little time at all Greg could feel the lion start to tense up, his body becoming more rigid and his paw grasping more tightly to Greg's shoulder as he fought back the urge to let loose. This only spurred Greg on, to suck harder and bob up and down faster on the cock in his mouth until it grew slightly and started to erupt with hot cum.

Chad meanwhile was still coming to terms with the new additions to his body. His hair color was easily explained as dye and fortunately it was shaggy enough that it covered the pointed tips of his ears. The stubby tail was another matter. While it was easy enough to conceal underneath his rather baggy pants, when he changed into his spandex compression shorts for wrestling practice or even a wrestling singlet that would be another matter entirely. He made sure to get into the locker room before all the other guys so he could change in solitude. Luckily the tail wasn't all that long and he found that if he pulled it down slightly and wedged it between his butt crack he could nuzzle the tip up underneath his balls. He pulled his spandex shorts on and fount that this adequately concealed his new appendage though it did give him the sensation of wearing a rather tight thong and his enhanced cock and balls gave him a bulge that bordered on obscene. The addition of a large tank top that hung down to about mid thigh completed his disguise efforts just in time as the rest of the team started to pour in.

Nobody took too much notice of Chad though a few of the guys did comment on his hair and how cool it looked now and Chad felt able to breathe a sigh of relief. Maybe the results of his last romp with Lucas wouldn't be so bad after all. He hung out with the other wrestler in his weight class for warm-ups, only having to stop himself short when Tommy asked if he wanted help with his leg stretches. He wasn't about to let Tommy get too close in case he could make out the outline of his tail beneath his tight shorts.

The team eventually paired off for drills and Chad found himself matched up with his usual partner, Austin. Austin wrestled several weigh classes over Chad so he usually flattened the smaller boy during practice but Chad liked it this way. It was a bigger challenge for him and made his opponents in his own weight class seem easy by comparison. Just like the rest of his teammates Austin didn't notice most of the changes that Chad had experienced however he was quick to point out the most obvious feature.

"Hey Chad, awesome hair. When did you get that done?

"Ummm just real recently, I'm thinking of keeping it this way." Chad said tentatively.

"You should, it looks great."

Austin reached a hand out and ran his fingers through Chad's hair, tousling it. Chad nearly jerked away when he felt his teammate's touch come awfully close to his new ears. Instead Chad just grinned playfully and stepped back to put on his headgear to cover up his pointed tips.

The rest of practice seemed to proceed as normal. In fact Chad felt he was wrestling at a higher level now and was consistently overpowering Austin despite his size advantage. He had taken down his partner for the fifth time in a row when something odd happened. They were practicing headlocks and Austin was riding Chad's back with his head and neck tucked in the crook of his arm when Chad suddenly felt a wave of heat come over him. With no warning what so ever Chad felt his cock rapidly go from flaccid to full hard on in an instant. Blood pounded into his organ, throbbing with increasing intensity and his breath caught in his throat. He could feel the stiffening shaft inch its way down the inside of his thigh trapped between his spandex shorts and his skin as it quickly engorged. Mere seconds later Chad was shooting a load of cum into his shorts. He tried to stifle his orgasmic moans as his face contorted with pleasure and a massive stream of thick, hot fluid started to ooze down his leg.

Chad barely had time to think of what had just occurred before he roughly pushed Austin off of him so he could get to his feet and dash out of the room. As he scurried out he glanced around and at least other that Austin nobody was paying any attention to him. Nobody but Tommy that is, and Chad felt a little uncomfortable with the way the other wrestler was smiling back at him as they locked eyes. Chad could only try and pull his shirt down a little further to cover his crotch as he fled. He eventually stopped, leaning against a wall in the showers as he panted heavily, a large white mass of cum was easily visible as it soaked through his black spandex shorts and slid down his leg. What the hell was that! he thought to himself. He had gotten hard in practice before, it was inevitable with all the close contact and occasional rubbing and grinding of his favorite body part against other guys, but never so fast and certainly he never came like that before. He wasn't even touching himself when it happened. He only hoped and prayed that nobody else witnessed that little display. He quickly stripped down and started to shower himself clean before anybody else could come in and see him. No sooner than he stepped under the rush of water when suddenly his cock was inflating again. Just as before, he barely had time to register his prick coming to full mast before he started shooting another massive load of spunk all over the shower wall. This time he couldn't hold back his cry as the intensely pleasurable sensation shot through him. He gripped his cock in his hands as it continued to jump and squirm pumping blast after blast of seed out on the tiles.

Just as quickly as before the intense rush subsided and Chad rapidly cleaned himself off as well as the wall, now more confused than before as to what was happening to him. He dried off and stepped in front of his locker and began to dress. Even as he managed to get his stubby tail situated in his briefs it happened again. His manhood swiftly became hard as a rock without any warning. Chad barely got his underwear pulled down in time as he blew another large wad of cum directly into his open locker. His dick was jerking like a fire hose at full pressure and he fell to his knees as the orgasm spread through him. This was unbelievable, three times he had gone from zero to full orgasm in a matter of seconds and he hadn't touched himself at all. Chad weakly got to his feet when it had ended and gently toweled off his crotch. Slowly he pulled his clothes back up, fearing that he would go off again at any second. He had just finished getting dressed as he heard the rest of the team coming down the hall and he decided to leave before he was asked any awkward questions. He slammed his locker shut leaving the sticky spray of spunk coating the inside before jogging out of the room. He could only hope he would make it home before he had another spontaneous eruption out in public.

On the other side of the athletic complex Eric found himself relaxing in the afterglow that followed his change back from Lucas. He lay back on the couch nuzzled gently against Brian's broad muscular chest and could feel it rise and fall as he tried to catch his breath from his own exertion. Eric could detect the individual beads of sweat as they trickled down his own chest and back beneath the now positively over-sized football jersey he was still wearing. As soon as Brian, Greg and Lucas had finished their post pep-rally celebration, Greg had to dash off to make it to swim practice but that left just Brian and Eric alone together. He wasn't sure exactly how long they lay there on the couch but neither guy seemed to make a move to get up. Eric found that he really enjoyed just being so close to Brian and feeling the heat radiating from his body while Brian ran his hand gently through the freshman's thick black hair. Eventually they had to get up though and Brian took Eric by the hand and led him on to the showers where they took turns soaping each other up and cleaning off. Now toweled dry and dressed in their street clothes Eric and Brian stood outside by the football bleachers and Eric found himself staring deeply into the senior's handsome masculine face, trying to etch every detail into his memory.

"So I'll see you later tonight?" Brian said again reaching out and taking Eric by the hand.

"What? Later?" Eric sputtered.

"Yeah, I've got to be dressed and with the team by six for pregame so we can meet up with the other guys around five thirty to get Lucas ready."

"Oh right the game." Eric laughed nervously, the other possibilities for 'tonight' flashing quickly through his mind.

He wasn't sure what exactly made him do it, maybe it was some of Lucas' confidence and influence starting to sink into him, but Eric suddenly found himself standing incredibly close to Brian, their groins gently bumping. Eric had to rise up on his toes to reach but he managed to move in close and kiss Brian full on the lips. It was deep and passionate, yet soft and tender and more than that, Brian didn't back away or even try to break it off. Instead he leaned right back into Eric and returned the kiss. When it finally ended Eric felt his eyes flutter back open and he looked into Brian's face and only saw his twinkling eyes and a goofy lopsided grin.

"See you in a little while," he said as he backed away and headed towards the parking lot.

"See you." Eric muttered with no choice but to turn and take the suddenly lonely sidewalk back home.

That evening the guys met up again, this time out in the field house well before anybody else was to show up before the game. The field house made for a nice private setting, all be it a warm one, with plenty of large pads that the track team used for the pole vault and high jump to lay on. As expected, Greg and Brian reacted rather poorly to Chad's appearance and subsequent confession. Fortunately, Chad had not had any more instances of sudden an unexpected ejaculation that afternoon so he conveniently left those details out when he recounted his story. When he finished Greg nearly lost his voice after yelling so loudly that people in the next county probably could have heard his swears. Brian just glared at Chad, the anger and hurt just burning behind his dark eyes. In a way Brian's silence was almost worse than all of Greg's shouts. Eric mostly kept quiet occasionally he looked like he was about to open his mouth to come to Chad's defense but Chad just shook his head slightly and Eric shrank back, there was no point in both of them getting yelled at.

"I can't believe you could be so damn stupid Chad! You know what? You deserve to be stuck with a fucking stubby tail the rest of your life. Its only too bad Lucas didn't make it something more appropriate like the tail of a jack ass!" Greg was still yelling.

"Ok Greg, that's enough. What's done is done. But you just better watch yourself Chad, if anybody finds out about your...umm situation, and you let slip anything about us or Lucas and I will personally make sure you jaw is wired shut so you can never tell anybody else." Brian all but growled.

"Jesus guys I said I was sorry," Chad whined, "and I'm not that dumb ('All evidence to the contrary,' Greg mumbled), I would never tell anybody about Lucas."

"Anyway, we need to get ready for the game, if you think you haven't had too much excitement for today Chad." Brian said derisively as he started to take off his clothes.

Greg looked aghast that they were going to let Chad stay with him but he too was quickly ditching his shirt and shorts. Eric pulled out the mane and tail as the other guys started to growl and work themselves up into a half lion form, Chad taking the least amount of time to fully re-grow his tail and bulk up. The three guys' bodies became larger and even more ripped than they already were and their animalistic features only heightened the raw sexual appeal that they exuded. Eric was still not quite used to standing in the middle of such magnificent specimens and felt his pulse race with excitement.

The three larger guys continued to growl closing in around Erick's smaller form. For Eric's part he couldn't stop smiling when he looked into Brian's handsome face, he kept edging closer and they soon found themselves kissing deeply and forcefully. The other two were also standing so close he could feel their breath on his skin even though Greg was being very careful to still stay as far away from Chad as was possible. Soon Erick's body started to respond, the mane and jockstrap melting into his skin while the tail started to flick about as he gained control over the appendage. His body continued to change, adding layer after layer of muscle until he passed the other guys for most mass of the group. As usual all of these changes seemed to intensify the sensations coming from his groin and the lust he felt in his mind. He pushed Brian back slightly and got down on his hands and knees so he could lunge at the quarterback's large dripping tool.

While Eric busied himself on the throbbing shaft of flesh in front of him Greg ran his hands down along his sides until his proto paws were caressing the globes of Eric's ass and fondling his tail. It wasn't long before Greg's own massive erection was grinding across the cleft of Eric's rear, nestling itself snugly in his crack as it lubricated it with copious amounts of pre. Greg was finding it hard to concentrate though. He was still horny as hell but it was somehow tinged with anger. If it had been up to him he would have told Chad to piss off after what he pulled. Greg understood the longing to be Lucas again, even if it was just one more time. But he did his part and he passed it on to Chad himself, the ungrateful little shit. Greg had to set that aside for now though, he had to do his part for Lucas now. He thrust harder against Eric and his thick cock started to slip its way into his tight hole.

Thoroughly enjoying the humping sensation rocking his body, Eric had redoubled his efforts to cram every inch of Brian's cock deep into his throat. Meanwhile Chad had managed to crawl underneath the others to find himself face to face the swollen cock jutting out of the sheath created by Lucas' jock strap. It seemed as though he meant to start to atone for his actions by being so zealous in the attention he lavished on Eric's swollen and rapidly changing lionhood. His muzzled face stretched up and buried itself in the frosh's crotch, lapping at every inch of his skin with his long tongue. He kept up a steady nuzzling on the throbbing length even as it poured a deluge of pre over his face. He gently cradled his balls between his lips, massaging them, sucking on them through the fur that grew in rapidly over the remaining jockstrap. Eventually he moved on to the cock itself, running his tongue from the base to the tip and back swirling around the head as it morphed into Lucas' dark black python. Chad dove down on the cock with intense passion, determined to ignore his own throbbing member for as long as possible.

Eric once again delighted in finding himself at the center of all of this sexual energy. His entire body down to the last cell seemed to be primed for the transformation. His muscles continued to swell stretching his skin taut and forcing out the rich chocolate brown fur that would make up his coat. He could feel the two cocks that penetrated him from either end become even more massive as their energy intensified and became focused. Deep inside his brain Eric could start to feel Lucas' presence, like a slumbering beast waking up, it's roaring yawns echoing in the back of his mind. Greg was the first to let fly. His prick ballooned outward in size as the modifications to his body melted away and he was soon adding his essence to Lucas by thrusting wad after wad of thick seed into Eric. Eric could feel his hips and torso swell with the additional muscle mass added in mere seconds. Brian was next to follow, his own tool stretching Eric's throat and jaw into a proper muzzle before firing a torrent of jizz into the nearly completed lion's maw.

Finally it was down to just Eric and Chad again. Brief glances around showed the exhausted but still malevolent looks on the faces of Brian and Greg as they looked on at the remaining two. Eric had wasted no time in pulling off of Brian's spasming dick and down onto Chad's in one fluid motion. Engaged in a lustful sixty-nine Eric felt himself slipping further into the passenger seat of his own body as Lucas became more in control. Soon it was only Lucas as he hungrily pulled as Chad's cock with his tongue. Within moments the changes in Chad's body had receded though he was still left with a slight muzzle, pointed ears, and the vestiges of his tail as he came quickly followed by Lucas' roaring climax.

Three guys and one Lion stood apart, panting for breath as their bodies cooled, the euphoric high of the transformation fading slightly. Lucas smiled at each in turn before noting the two older boy's disdainful looks.

"You guys need to relax a little. I've told Chad how I feel about his actions and Chad will have to deal with those consequences himself." His deep voice rumbled out even as he flashed a slight wink at Chad.

"Yeah I suppose you're right, anyway I've got a game to think about winning." Brian said, his scowl softening a bit.

All Greg did was make a little non-committal grunt and moved away to head for the showers, while Chad just kept his mouth shut and tried to remain as inconspicuous as guy with half a tail could possibly be.

Brian and Chad stuck around long enough to help Lucas get into uniform, his baby blue football pants glistened in the light as they laced up the fly over his straining bulge. After he donned his number eleven jersey he was pretty much set for the game. Greg returned just as Chad headed into the showers himself and after all three guys were dressed Brian took off to meet up with the football team and Lucas left to find the spirit squad, leaving Greg and Chad alone in an uncomfortable silence.

Chad tried to make a little eye contact and when he did all he could do was mutter, "Sorry."

"Go fuck yourself, it seems to be what you're best at." Greg sneered and stalked away.

The matchup at the game was proving to be a tougher one than anybody had expected. With perfect weather conditions on a cool crisp autumn night the opposition was putting up a spirited fight despite being vastly thinner in depth at every position. Brian was playing lights out though and on course to set a league record for pass completions. If it weren't for several key fumbles lost by the running back, there was no way they would have only been up by a measly seven points at halftime. Lucas was certainly doing his part in keeping the crowd in it. His new appearance seemed to have energized the fan base even more than usual and they had all spent the first half screaming out like maniacs. His acrobatics during the halftime performance were all spot on perfection and left the crowd in awe of his abilities and shouting for more. Even Chad managed to forget his troubles for a while as he cheered in the bleachers along with everybody else.

The refreshing breezes and cheering masses soothed Lucas and he felt more content than he had in quite a while. It was always exciting when the year started fresh and he fed off the thrill of it. Eric was also an immensely suitable partner, his willingness and eager spirit could make Lucas smile when he felt the young man's emotions like a shadow in the back of his mind. He was taking a break after halftime when a sound reached his ears over the noise of the night. Nobody else was likely to have heard it but to him it was unmistakable. It was a sound he knew all too well and one that resonated not in his head but in his groin and he made his way towards its source. He strode silently into the visiting team's locker room, his large paws making virtually no noise on the concrete floor. He confidently strolled around a row of lockers and found the source of the intriguing sound.

Two football players from the Hayes High Hawks were rather busy groping each other roughly as they kissed, the larger of the two boys pressing the other against the cool steel of the lockers behind him. Lucas stood silently for a moment letting the sight properly fill his brain and stir his cock to life. Each guy's bright yellow gold pants were half laced and their black jerseys with gold numbers were hefted up to their armpits. The smaller of the two must have been a kicker of some sort since he wore significantly fewer pads than the larger boy, his short, buzzed, blond hair practically hidden beneath the unruly mop of brown hair that fell over him as the bigger lad kissed him. Each had a hand down the other's pants.

Lucas felt himself growl in approval and even though he wouldn't normally go this route with a couple of unknown guys he somehow knew this would be ok. His audible growl finally drew the attention of the two boys away from each other and the both flew away from each other as if hit by an electric shock.

"Shouldn't you two be out on the field? And if you continue to do what you were doing I would greatly appreciate it, the lighting is so much better out there."

'Oh fuck," the smaller one mumbled.

"I quite agree," Lucas said with a grin.

"It's just their frickin mascot, what are you doing in here?" the larger guy challenged.

Lucas kept smiling and just shrugged, "Right now I'm just waiting for you guys to keep doing what you were doing in here. But don't you think your team will notice your absence?"

"Not likely, I'm like the sixth string wide receiver and my ass has been getting splinters from riding the bench so far this season. He's just the back-up punter and coach already told him the only way he's going in is if the starter breaks his leg."

"So you won't be missed then. Excellent, which gives me time to show you guys what you were doing wrong."

"What?" the smaller one blurted out stepping up out of the corner he had originally jumped back into. "This guys is yanking our chain, come on Toby let's get the fuck out of here."

"Relax Ian, besides I wanna know what a dork in a costume has to say about it."

"More than you can imagine," Lucas said grasping the rapidly growing bulge in his own pants.

Toby the wide receiver seemed intrigued by this, he was obviously the more experienced of the two boys in these matters, while the smaller Ian still looked a bit confused as his gaze shifted between Lucas and the door.

"Really? So what are we doing wrong?" Toby asked.

"Well for starters you should be trying to kiss your friend over there, not swallow his face. Here watch."

Without any warning Lucas stepped right up next to Ian and grabbed him by the waistband of his gold spandex pants. He pressed in gently and leaned in ever closer until lips met muzzle. Though shocked by this, his eyes quickly widening in surprise, the punter quickly gave in and let the lion take charge. They held together in the embrace for several minutes, though somewhat the aggressor, Lucas was caring and sweet, their lips at times barely grazing as the tender kiss went on. Toby could only stand back, his mouth hanging open tongue running across his own lips with longing. Eventually they broke apart; Ian left with his eyes closed his chin raised as if he still expected more.

"See. Like that. Why don't you give it a try now."

Toby was at something of a loss he wasn't exactly sure who he wanted to kiss more at the moment. While he loved Ian there was something about this lion guy, a palpable sense of power and sexuality that he found startlingly attractive. In the end he chose the former over the latter and stepped in front of the mascot to hold Ian again. The difference between this kiss and the one the lion had initially interrupted was amazing, that kiss was lust, this one was passion.

Lucas growled in approval as he watched the two football players melt into one another. He carefully stepped up behind Toby and ran his paws down along his sides. This guy was certainly built enough for football and Lucas wondered if maybe his team status had more to do with his off the field talents than his on the field abilities. His paws stopped at his waist, resting on his hip pads as he admired the nicely rounded butt covered by the shiny gold lycra pants. He stepped in closer and rubbed his bulging crotch against it, enjoying the sensation of the twin layers of fabric sliding across one another as he thrust into him. Leaning in with his muzzle close to his neck, Lucas breathed in the combination of sweat, musk, and soap that rose off of him, even the smell of the uniform he wore was intoxicating. His tongue lapped out and swept across his neck, up along his check pausing to nibble at his ear. When they finally broke the kiss both boys turned and faced Lucas.

"See, now wasn't that much better?"

"Shit yeah it was!" Ian blurted out. "So uhhh..."


"So Lucas, what else were we doing wrong?" Ian's hungry gaze dropped down along the lion's body until it rested on his mounded crotch.

"I'll tell you what, why don't you two just pick it up from here and I'll give you some coaching as we go along."

Ian didn't need to be told twice. He grinned widely as he dropped down to his knees in front of both Lucas and Toby. First he reached out to the wide receiver whose pants were already half undone. He further loosened the laces on his fly and pulled the pants down below his knees, pads and all. Toby was left with just his jockstrap which was seated at an awkward angle resulting from the large cock struggling to force its way out from beneath his cup. Slowly, Ian pulled the waist band of the jock lower until Toby's seven inch cock popped free , slapping upward against the bottom hem of his jersey. The punter eagerly stroked his friend's dick a few times before turning to Lucas standing by his side. He similarly unfastened the lion's pants and tugged them downward and gasped at what he saw.

Instead of finding another layer of costume fur or pulling away the costume and revealing the person underneath Ian found himself staring at a large black spire of flesh rising from a brown furred sheath, glistening as it released a steady stream of pre. For some reason the sight of this incredible cock only turned him on more and he reached out to see if it was in fact real. The slick skin slid beneath his fingertips and the lion growled its approval. Ian smiled as his face edged closer to the beast and drank in his strong masculine scent. In one swift motion that black maleness was plunged deep into Ian's throat as he quickly swallowed as much as he could. Just as quickly he pulled back off again only to dive down upon his friend's cock similarly hilting it in his mouth. In rapid succession he moved back and forth between the two massive pricks sucking and massaging them, alternating between them until he made a bold move to have them both at once.

Toby wasn't paying as close attention to Lucas' cock. Though he took note of its somewhat strange appearance he was less concerned by that than how horny he felt at the moment. There was definitely something about this guy, mascot or otherwise, that was driving his libido wild. Ian seemed to be out doing himself at the moment as well. While the punter was usually a pretty good cock sucker, today he was going all out. The feel of his hot hand gliding up and down his shaft in between periods where it resided in his mouth kept intensifying and he soon found himself thrusting back into the sensation. Toby slowly edged closer to Lucas as well, leaning into him and running his hands through his soft brown fur. He was actually surprised to feel so much muscle underneath the hair instead of padded costume. This minor distraction was only a temporary condition though as he suddenly felt his own prick come into direct contact with the lion's. Ian was holding both members in his hands, the larger lion's steadily oozing pre as is slid over the top of Toby's. He looked up into Lucas face and watched the mascot laughed softly when Ian stretched his mouth wide and managed to suck on the heads of both guys at once.

Well these guys are nothing if not enthusiastic, Lucas thought to himself. Most of the time it took the jocks he seduced a little longer to get into the swing of things and come to grips with the reality of the lion, especially the straight ones. These two, however, were jumping in with both feet. Perhaps it was because he had interrupted them in the middle of what they were doing and they were already horny so his pheromones didn't have to work that hard on them. Whatever the reason was, Lucas was completely enjoying it. The punter, Ian, was straining to swallow Lucas' massive cock along with his friend's equally impressive tool, if he wasn't carefully he was going to hurt himself. Toby was leaning into his side and stroking his fur, which Lucas actually really liked. His strong hands kneaded his muscles as they ran up and down his back and over his chest and stomach. Every now and then he would reach up and play with his ears or tousle his mane before inching closer and kissing him on the muzzle. In all Lucas usually only got this much attention from his brothers at St. Luke's. It wasn't long until he felt his pulse quicken and his balls tense ready to explode.

Despite feeling really ashamed and actually kinda mad at himself, Chad decided to stay for the football game. He understood why the other guys might have been mad at him but it still hurt and it still felt like he let them down, especially Greg. He and Greg had been really close but now he may have ruined that. But at least at the game he could blend in and disappear into the crowd. He sat up in the stands with a hoodie up over his pointy ears and didn't even cheer all that much. Mostly he stared at Lucas or some of the football players on the sidelines, not even aware of what was going on in the game. A couple of the guys from the wrestling team stopped by in the stands to say hi but Chad didn't feel much like talking.

After half-time he felt hungry so he left his seat to get in line at the concession stand for a slice of pizza. Without even realizing it he found himself standing in line right behind Tommy. Chad still felt weird about the way the other wrestler had been watching him after what had happened in practice so he just pulled his hood down tighter and tried to keep from being noticed. Just staring downward wasn't a great option though as he suddenly found himself staring right at Tommy's firm round ass and thy way it formed a perfectly shaped bubble in his too tight blue jeans. Chad was just standing there staring at that hot piece of ass when it suddenly happened again. His cock surged to life thickening rapidly and growing down the leg of his jeans. He had only managed to grab himself, the obscene bulge inflating his pant leg, before his orgasm hit. He felt himself jerk physically as his prick unloaded, a scalding hot rush of fluid burning its way down his leg. His jeans quickly became darker as the spunk soaked in and the wetness expanded around his thigh and down past his knee. It passed in seconds leaving him standing there flushed and embarrassed. Chad quickly edged his way out of line bumping into Tommy's shoulder as he moved away. He was just trying to slip through the crowd without drawing any more attention to himself but he could feel Tommy's eyes on him again and he wasn't sure if the shouts or laughter he heard mingled in the crowd were directed at him.

He hid back under the bleachers for a minute, trying to catch his breath. This situation was becoming desperate. How was he going to get through life if he kept coming at random moments throughout the day. For now Chad had get cleaned up at least. The entire right leg of his jeans was soaked and plastered to his skin as the fluid cooled in the night air. He could even feel some of the spunk dripping down his sock and into his shoe. He quickly jogged in the direction of the locker room and was passing by the visitor's facility when he heard an unmistakable sound. It was Lucas and he was growling. It was a lustful growl though; one Chad remembered well, an expression that usually followed his activities with the other guys. He quietly slipped in inside and made his way around the rows of lockers until he found the source of the growls. Lucas had one of the visiting football players in front of him, his cock buried deep in his ass as he fucked him, while another smaller football player stood on a bench allowing Lucas to take his entire manhood into his muzzle. Just as Chad took all of this in Lucas thrust into the guy in front of him and roared around the cock in his mouth as he started to cum. The roar seemed to echo off the walls and reverberated though Chad, resonating in the pit of his stomach and he suddenly felt his own dick transform to rock hard as another round of cum pulsed out into his jeans. In that moment, even as his mind swam in the glorious feeling of another spontaneous ejaculation, he realized what had been happening to him. What was it that Lucas had told him earlier, 'The two of us now share a connection that goes deeper than you can possibly know.' Apparently this was what he meant.

In the next exciting edition of School Pride: Just how deep does Chad's new connection with Lucas go? Eric is proving more than capable of handling his new responsibilities as the school's mascot, can he handle them just as well at an away game? What happens when you have too much of a good thing? Find out right back here... Next Time!