Danny the werewolf chapter 1

Story by XxlucarioxX on SoFurry

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Danny the werewolf chapter 1 Author's notes: this is my first ever story sorry if there is an errors. A long time ago, there was a city that was destroyed by a pack of werewolfs.The pack leader named James took this lady named Angel and she was a fox. " you see you have a choice you can stay and die by my men or you can come with me and be my sex slave" the giant wolf said. "I will go with you to be your sex slave "Angel said crying. By the first month she was pregnant. James renamed the city to wolf city. (Six months later) After being six months pregnant she said "I got to get out of this city ". One day James and his pack was out hunting. Angel said to herself that she has to get out of this city so she left the city. She ran to a city called clear waters were ther motto is " forget the past, look to the future. That sounded like a clean start in a new place so she stayed low there. James sent his pack to find her but could not. There angel met a wolf named jack colts. Jack was fine about her having a baby, he always wanted to have a son. (Two months later) In there house Angel gave birth to a baby boy werewolf. Angel died giving life to a werewolf. His name was going to be called Danny paws, just like his father. Jack could not raise a werewolf, so he put Danny up for adoption. (Six years later Danny is six years old) All the kids at the orphanage was afraid of Danny, but there was one tiger that wanted to be friends. " hi my name is rex and I would like to be your friend " the nice tiger said to me. " well ...... your not afraid of me ?". "We no, you see not many people like me because I am gay, so you and me are alike in away." rex said with a smile. "Ok .... You are my first friend I am glad that's it's a tiger there so cute" I said with a big smile. " you are not talking about all tigers are you ?" "Are you saying that I am cute or all tigers are cute?" rex said. " ok you got me I was talking about you" " your so cute " I said hugging him.