The Rose of Midnight

Story by techfistWolfguy on SoFurry

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#5 of Poetry

The dancing moons

A drape of darkness

City lights,gleaming gems

Wandering eyes

Quieting sighs


Warm smiles

Interlocked fingers


An exchange of words

Simple and few

Sweet,sweet ambrosia

A ring

Our love




My Love and I

Two halves

Hearts and minds

Our very souls

Time may pass

And my memories might fade

But my love for you,is eternal

My life's treasure

Beauty unparalleled

The Rose of Midnight

A Lover's Lament

Cool Damp A drape of gray The setting sun Painting the heavens Beauty refined A path Weathered Familiar A figure Wandering As if to forget Brown eyes Glistening Woeful Trotting along the path Worn as he The lament of his love...

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If Only You Knew The Rain

Salutations Greetings Welcome A poet,I am A spinner of tales One of a time long since passed A young gentleman Stoic and cold Stern and unmoving An intellectual A poet,like I A pianist Without a family A lover without A man of few...

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Snow's Journal (Entry Three)

11th Rain's Hand 4E 203 So much has happened! Khajiit is overjoyed! He can hardly contain how happy he is! \*Small symbol that looks like a smile\* Where does Khajiit begin? \*Random ink splotches\* Oh! Yes! Traveling with Urjora and Kharjo was...

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