The Morning after the night before part two: Metamorphosis

Story by Helix on SoFurry

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#2 of The morning after the night before

Highly recommend reading the first part if you don't want to be lost.

Well i don't want to give to much away but i would like to say this.

I originally created the wolf in this story to be a generic bad guy that people would love to see get his comeuppance but as i got writing this down i found myself thinking more and more about the kind of life that could drive a person to become something darker that what they wanted.

And so as you read this part you may find that the word Metamorphosis applies to a few things.

For those who have been awaiting this next part i hope you like it

As always comments are welcome as well as criticisms, also let me know of any mistakes i have made.

My thanks



Part 2: Metamorphosis

How would you react, how would anyone even begin to contemplate the future after experiencing something a crazy as what had just happened to the exhausted fox that knelt upon the floor of his own bedroom beside the sodden form of the one who he had devoured hours before pressing against his body.

I mean what can anyone say to something like that, not to mention that the older male wolf that was currently being held against the the soft warm body of the one who had eaten him was only about three feet tall and covered in quickly cooling drool.

Not to mention that the wolf that was wrapped snugly in the foxes arms had all but beaten and raped the other guy the night before, Lares should be feeling any number of things right now, anger, shame, betrayal but not acceptance and certainly not the desire to protect the one who had so hurt him.

Lares didn't even know this guys name and yet exhausted as he was after the ordeal of forcing the smaller wolfs form back up and out of his body he still found the energy to lift a paw to the back of the guys head and softly stroke and scratch the furry hide there, that little area at the nape of the neck was a spot that all people from Helias got comfort from when touched.

The touch certainly seemed to work on this little one because although the wolf in his arms wasn't even truly conscious he still sighed deeply and snuggled into the embrace of the fox as Lares felt the wolfs small paws grasp lightly at his fur as he slowly came around and looked upwards into the face of the the one who held him.

Lares didn't know what he had expected to see in this guys features, despite what the wolf had done to Lares, how he had stuck him when the fox had resisted his more than rough treatment last night, he had endured something that no one should really have to, so as he saw the wolf shake his head and blink rapidly to try and focus on the foxes face, Lares was surprised to see the wolfs face turn to one of shock and then panic as he began to struggle out of the enclosing arms that were wrapped around him.

Lares for his part didn't try to stop him from pulling away even, if he had the energy to stop the guy from escaping he wouldn't have, after enduring what had happened to him he most likely needed a little time and space.

Of course Lares had questions that needed answers, that was one of the reason he had forced the wolf out of his body, but he was more than prepared to wait for them as the wary wolf scrambled away from his devourer along the floor wincing as his rapid movement caused the carpet to grind painfully against his tender hide.

That pain was perhaps what reminded the wolf that he was completely naked as he looked down at his body and reaching out a shaking paw snagged the corner of the rumpled white bed sheet that trail along the floor nearby and giving a yank dragged it around himself as he stood shakily up to his full height.

Of course at three feet tall the top of the wolfs head still only just came in line with the kneeling foxes ears, a fact that made Lares smile slightly.

Lares knew he should be trying to ease the guys mind but he couldn't get passed how cute the black furred wolf looked, despite the matted drool soaked fur that was plastered to his body he still looked just as alluring as he had when they had first met at the charity gala the night before and as he stood there trying to tie the massive sheet around his waist to hide his nudity Lares felt a growing urge to draw the wolf up against his own body once again.

Perhaps he may have, after all there was little the wolf could really do to stop him at his current size, Lares could have just use his greater mass and strength to subdue the wolf but that wasn't the sort of person he was, that is unless he was given a reason to act that way.

But that's not what happened as the wolf finally managed to tie the sheet in a way that stopped it from bunching up around his feet before looking up at Lares and stuttering out the words...

"wh...where am I, what have you done to me"

To say that the younger fox was taken aback would be an understatement as he stared at the wolf wondering what was going on, it was obvious where he was, the wolf had been the one to suggest coming back to the foxes place and yet as the small male took another breath to speak Lares could only listen in bemusement.

"look, I don't know what you want, just please let me go, I won't tell anyone, about this I promise just make me normal again ok"

Lares didn't understand what was going on, maybe the bitter stuff that he had been forced to drink had still been in his stomach when the wolf had been swallowed, it had affected Lares's memories of what happened last night, Lares had to accept the possibility that it had done the same to this guy, that he had been a victim of his own concoction.

As the wolf spoke Lares saw genuine confusion and fear in his eyes, genuine except for the fact that the guy wouldn't make eye contact for longer than the time it took him to take in his surroundings as his dark eye flicked about the room.

Warning bells began to chime in the back of Lares's mind as the wolf continued to talk rapidly.

"I don't know why you took me, why you made me this size but if its a question of money I can pay you what ever you want"

Lares was starting to feel like he was in a street market haggling about a product with a clever and eager stall owner, that was the sense that the young fox got as he listened to the guy ramble on, as if the wolf were trying to sell him a story.

Maybe if it had been someone else who this had happened to and not Lares then he would have been convincing, with he paws raised and wringing themselves together he certainly gave off the feel and look of someone that was scared and worried who didn't know what was going on but to someone like Lares, someone who had made it his job to sell ideas to clients it was a wasted effort.

Narrowing his eyes, Lares began to see the wolf in a new light, he started to judge every movement the wolf made with a critical eye and saw that while he had been speaking the wolf had been gradually inching himself backwards slightly till he was in line with the side of the bed.

Lares had thought that the wolf just wanted to put the bed between himself and his supposed kidnapper and wanting to put him at ease had been happy to allow that, of course the guy would want to have a barrier between himself and the person he though had attacked him but now he remembered what he had seen when he had first looked over the side of his bed just after he had awoken.

The jeans that the wine bottle had fallen upon, but why would he want them, then it clicked, the moment Lares had entered his home with this attractive wolf he had started to feel odd, had begun to feel his head becoming fuzzy, did he have another drug aside from the bitter liquid he had forced down his throat, something easily hidden and usable, something in his jeans.

In a move that caused the wolf to snarl Lares used the grace and speed that was one of the advantages of his kind to leap to his feet in a crouch and dive across the bed as his arm flew out and down to the floor on the other side.

Snatching up the discarded garment just as the wolfs own paws had been inches from grasping it he threw it behind him onto the bed and raising to all fours grasped the other males outstretched wrist.

The black furred wolf let out a low growl as his lunge for the jeans caused him to over balance and in a fluid movement he found himself dragged forward and slammed down prone onto his front on the bed with a force that knocked the wind out of him.

In the same moment Lares flipped the smaller male over and taking advantage of the size difference he grasped both of the scheming wolfs paws in his own and forced them down against the wolfs sides as the fox straddled his length.

Grinning down at the wolf he settled his whole weight down upon the wolfs body, with his thighs holding the wolfs paws snugly at his sides he watched as the wolf struggled as best he could to get free, his entire demeanour changed from scared and vulnerable victim to enraged beast as he fought to escape from beneath the fox that was now casually sitting atop him.

Trying to ignore the feeling of power that coursed through his body not to mention the rather nice stimulation of the wolfs belly grinding against the foxes groin Lares reached behind his own back and snagging the discarded jeans before rummaging around in the pockets.

There were only three things in them, the first was a simple black expensive looking leather wallet, the second was a circular band of metal, just the guys own mobile phone but the third..... the third was a tiny inch long vial with a plastic cap over one end, frowning he carefully pulled the cap off to reveal a small needle underneath.

Putting the cap back on he grasped the vile little thing in one paw before opening the wallet reading the name on the citizens license inside.

Warren Lasran,

Being a point man for a large company himself Lares of course made it his business to know the primary and secondary players on the corporate level, those who's decisions shaped the stock markets.

The name was of course familiar to the fox, how could it not be, Lasran Enterprises had been a tiny firm a year ago but when the International Solar System Development Agency had seized the assets of another massive but corrupt company and had actioned off many of those assets to reputable business's who could make use of them the best.

The dark glances of the other players at the gala made sense now, Lasran had taken a gamble, while all the larger more established companies got first dibs on anything of value simply because they ahd the capital to make those bids, some of which went into the billions, Warren Lasran's company simply couldn't match that so he had bid on the leftovers, particularly a series of warehouses that had been listed as abandoned and therefore ignored, he had mentioned in an interview later that he had intended to sell off the land while keeping one of the sites for his own much smaller company to expand into.

The company that had been broken up, a Terran based conglomerate called the Central research and security alliance or Cenrasa as it came to be known was initially formed by several dozen smaller human firms who had chosen to pool their resources together decades before in order to help people and firms that had been affected by the Apostles Requiem disaster which had directly preceded first contact with earth in 2032.

The exemplary work that Cenrasa performed to help its community gained it massive public backing and government approval, in time it went on to become one of the primary developers and suppliers of advanced technology based on shared Helias knowledge.

However, as noble as its goals were at first, in time the people at its core began to worry about the continued spread of alien influence across Earth, in order protect the Terran people if it was ever necessary to do so they began funding and developing various defensive and offensive technologies in secret, in time, while the bulk of the company did a huge amount of good at its core was a group of extremely powerful people that were gradually becoming more paranoid.

It had only been when the ISSDA and the Helias Embassy had begun a joint investigation into Cenrasa that such matters came to light and after years of gathering enough evidence to shut down the influential company Cenrasa was finally been toppled, however, some assets had been missing.

The company had kept their main publicized research in plain view to the world but there was other cutting edge research and technology that was hidden along with other data and financial information, that is until Mr Lasran had stumbled upon it in those buildings.

No wonder he was viewed with jealous eyes, in the space of a year he had been catapulted into fame and riches, gaining a place in the top one thousand wealthiest companies on earth.

What others had viewed as worthless and beneath their notice he had thought to make something of

and had surpassed many of his peers by doing so.

Tossing the wallet away Lares began to wonder how he could use such information against Warren but right now he had to deal with something else.

With a disgusted snort he began he gazed down at the still struggling wolf who right now seemed do refuse to look at the one who held him down and began reach across to his bedside table, with deliberate care he allowed his full weight to rest across the guy that was dwarfed beneath him.

Taking his time and enjoying the perverse pleasure he got from effectively smothering the struggling wolf Lares took up his bedside lamp and putting the vial beneath it slammed the lamp downwards crushing the vial.

Feeling the wolf grow still as both of them heard the crunch of glass as the vial was crushed Lares rose once more to a sitting position and gave a little bark of laughter as he saw the wolfs features once more take on the look of a trapped and scared victim as he said.

"please...please don't"

Raising one eyebrow, Lares gazed down at the wolf and said "Did you stop when I pleaded with you to do the same last night?

This time the look of shock and surprise that passed over Warrens face was completely genuine and believable.

Because of the sudden change in the smaller male Lares was startled as he realized the wolfs intent.

With his paws balled into fists Lares felt the fur on the back of his neck stand up as he realized why the wolf seemed so uneasy all of a sudden and with a low growl Lares felt the last bit of sympathy for this guy vanish as he said in a low dangerous voice..

"that stuff you used, that you forced down my gullet....i wasn't supposed to remember anything was I, you were just going to use me and make up some cock and bull story, or were you even going to wait around that long"

All trace of the vulnerable little victim that Warren had been playing was gone from his face as he smirked up at the large fox and with a confident voice that held no trace of apology said:

"its worked well enough with my other toys, i was fairly bored last night at that ridiculous gala, I couldn't help watching you working so hard, that tight little ass, your sweet little rear, heck, I just couldn't wait to spread those cheeks and pound into your ass, and after a little scratch of that needle you were practically gagging for it"

Feeling his skin crawl Lares glared down at him and asked " just how many have you done this to"

"does it really matter,i needed a little stress releif and you were the lucky guy, besides, I rather enjoy the power it gives me over others"

Grinning seductivly up at the younger male Warren began to speak again as his eye roamed up and down the foxes front..

"its exciting isn't it, that control, that simple power over others.... i know you know what I mean, there's nothing quite like it is there"

Feeling uneasy and uncomfortable Lares found himself unable to meet the others eye as he looked away mumbling out the words

"I don't know what you me..."

The young fox gave a little gasp and bit down on his lower lip as Warren began to lift his waist off the bed, bit by bit he began to grind his belly against the foxes groin.

"You can lie to yourself if you want my dear fox but you cannot lie to me, I know how intoxicating it is to have power over another, its additive, ever since you straddled me i've felt you trembling with the effort to keep yourself in check, I bet you have thought about it already, imagined forcing me onto my front, of sliding yourself in and out of me"

"let me teach you how good it feels, how similar we are"

As Warren spoke, using both his sultry voice and sensual body to seduce the young fox once more, Lares had indeed been thinking about what it would be like, his mind drifted to thoughts of how amazingly tight this small wolf would be around his shaft, his body yearned to experience it but as the wolfs last words passed into the air the large fox grew still and Warren stopped as well as he felt a change come over the guy that was straddling his body.

"Warren, please, your embarrassing yourself, and I think you have taught me enough already don't you"

As if the use of his real name had been the key to breaking the spell that the wolf had been winding around Lares, the fox grinned down at Warren as the wolf narrowed his eyes and look upon Lares with an appraising look before saying.

"i think I may have misjudged you, I never expected one of my toys to be such a freak"

Growling under his breath Lares realized just what the wolf had been trying to do,he had chosen what to say, chosen the right words to try and excite the young inexperienced fox, why?, so he could try to escape again but Lares wasn't having any of it as he lifted his knees a little and smiled as he felt the wolf between his thighs starting to struggle again as he allowed more of his weight to settle upon the wolfs middle compressing him painfully beneath the foxes body.

Hearing the wolfs little gasps of pain, Lares eased up the pressure a little and said

"oh, I don't think you have misjudged me at all but as for being a freak, well, as outdated as it is all I can say to that is it takes one to know one doesn't it"

Baring his teeth in an effort to look threatening the wolf almost spat out the next words as he said

"I'm nothing like you"

Grinning with his success Lares slipped his own paws down to the wolfs chest and gently rubbed his thumbs over the little nubs of skin that were the wolf's erect nipples.

"oh, hit a nerve did I and only a few minutes ago you said how alike we were, you may be able to hide the truth from the rest of the world but in here behind these closed doors you don't stand a chance, I know what you are, your a talent aren't you".

"what's more I think your more like me than I am like you, your an adaptive just like me, that's the only way to explain why your size is different, we all have a trade off for using our gifts mine is that I can use all my energy in one massive burst to adapt to whatever situation I 'm in but it leaves me tired afterwards, with you, your body does it over time sacrificing body mass to fuel your talent while reconfiguring itself into a smaller and smaller form"

The fox didn't need Warren to say anything, the truth was written all over his face and from the anger that caused his features to twist in a snarl he hated every moment of it.

Warren was right, power was intoxicating in its own right and so was control, right now he felt the need to show his power over the wolf just a little bit more as he slipped a paw along his own back, down passed his huge orange and white tail before cupping and stroking the wolfs semi hard shaft as Lares said teasingly:

"speaking of small packages, I remember yours being so much more impressive than it is now, why, it can hardly fill my paw, I bet I wouldn't even feel it inside me now"

Sure it was mean and a little in bad taste but the look of impotent outrage that passed across Warrens face was too good to pass up as the small wolf fought to keep from moaning at the foxes touch.

Slipping his tongue out to moisten his lips Lares kept his gaze on Warrens face enjoying the way his eyes fluttered and is chest heaved in response to the foxes caressing paw, With each firm squeeze Lares felt Warrens breath quicken, despite the anger that clouded the small wolfs face Lares had to admit that he was a handsome guy, even at this size, no especially at this size the young fox found it hard to keep from being attracted to him.

Beneath his rear Lares could feel the smaller males body tensing as he tried to gain enough leverage to break free and Lares simply adjusted his position slightly to maintain his hold over him.

Tilting his head back and closing his eyes the fox allowed the wolf a respite from his teasing as he pulled his playful paw away from the males groin and lifting it up in front of his own muzzle sniffed deeply at his fingers to sample the musky scent of Warrens wolfhood before dipping his head forwards to give the wolfs cheek a quick lick that left a trail of saliva over his face.

Even as he felt Warrens teeth graze over his fur as the smaller male tried to bite at him Lares grinned before rubbing and massaging the wolfs chest as the smaller male growled low and dangerously in his throat as growl that caused the fox to painfully flick the others hard nipple in punishment as the fox held up three fingers and spoke once more.

"now we come to the crux of our little issue, what we are going to do to resolve our mutual problems, the way I see if, we have three choices we can explore, but you only get to choose one so listen carefu...."

Lares didn't get to finish his sentence as the Warren began to chuckle before grinning maliciously at the fox that was straddling him.

"you think you get to dictate choices to me, you really think this little play date matters at all, you cannot keep me here forever, you don't mean anything, I'll see you destroyed, you'll be chased out of this city, both you and whatever filthy excuse for a family that you have, I'll ruin you for this I swear it"

Even as the wolfs he felt a flicker of something akin to fear ripple through him as his outburst caused a change to come over the one who was pinning him down.

As he had spoken he saw Lares began to shake his head as a saddened look passed over his face before he gently lowered himself down once more atop the wolf, not to lick him or to smother him this time but to tenderly press his lips against the others in a kiss that left Warren surprised and confused as the foxes tongue flicked gently inside his mouth to slide along the others tongue, it was a kiss that held a honest note of passion in the way the foxes lips pressed down over Warrens.

The kiss lasted only a handful of seconds but for the wolf it seemed longer and left him speechless.

He was so taken aback by the sudden change in the foxes demeanour that he didn't even notice the shift in weight upon his middle until the Lares had begun speak again perhaps if hadn't been so startled he may have taken the chance to try and escape but by then the fox had already slid down along the others body to kneel near his feet.

For a moment the fox and the wolfs eyes met and Warren felt a bout of unease, despite his confidence in himself there was something subtly different about the younger male something that made him pause and reconsider his opinion of him, for just a moment the fox truly did remind the wolf of himself and that was rather worrying.

It was that feeling more than anything that did the most to convince him that this fox might be worth investing his time in but by then it was already to late as the fox said..

"I truly wish you had chosen one of the other options"

Before Warren could even question what the other meant by that curious statement the foxes firm paws had already closed around his waist and in a single movement he was flipped over onto his front and an odd gust of moist feeling air passed across the pads of his lower paws making him squirm and look back over his shoulder as the Lares's own paws took up a vice like grip upon the wolfs ankles and began to lift the wolfs hindpaws upwards off the bed to the foxes awaiting maw, the gust of moist air came once again and now he knew what the source of it was as the foxes breath issued out of his throat to warm the wolfs feet.

It was then, as he watched the foxes long slick tongue coming towards his paws and felt his lower legs begin to be covered in warm slick drool that he knew what the fox was going to do.

Shaking his head in denial he began to fight against the paws that had wrapped around his ankles, he kicked and yanked as hard as he could but to little avail as he felt them shift only the barest of amounts in the others grip.

Growing still so that he could catch his breath he twisted his body so that he could look the fox in the eye "you can't do it, your not that sort of person"

At the last words Warren smiled inwardly as the foxes tongue retracted and his jaws closed as he gazed sadly at him before saying "you've left me with no choice, I never have given a dam about myself but I won't let anyone threaten my family"

As he heard those words the hope that had blossomed inside Warren turned to dust as he felt a wave of sick fear flood his body as the fox opened his maw once again.

The night before he had not been able to see this view, the fox, lost in instinct from the drug Warren had used was little more than an animal and with the lights turned off the wolf had only gotten an impression of darkness before his head had been wrapped in thick, hot and slick flesh.

It hadn't seemed to have taken any time at all for the fox to devour him when he had been full sized.

Now as he gazed down along his body to his feet he saw his fate waiting for him, inside a mouth framed by pearly white teeth that dripped ribbon of drool and he felt bile rise in his own throat as he saw the foxes tongue swaying from side to side excitedly in the partial morning light as if waiting to help ease the passage of the meal that it would shortly be tasting.

Warren didn't truly believe that the fox had it in him, it was one thing to harm another when he didn't have control of his body but quite another to do it consciously, knowing full well what it would mean, did the fox know what would happen to him, sure the wolf had survived for a long time inside the other thanks to his bodies talent but like all abilities it wasn't infinite, It obeyed laws, just like Lares getting so worn out because of his there was a maximum amount of time in which the wolfs body could cannibalize itself to keep him alive.

And that time had already come to an end, As he felt his back paws settling onto the soft wet surface of the foxes tongue, felt its tip wriggling up between his calves he knew what would happen to him if he couldn't escape, no, if the fox didn't let him go, he would be dissolved, digested into a nutritious sludge, every thing that he was would be forced through this whelps digestive tract and the wolf would become a part of him.

He wouldn't beg, he would fight, this worthless little fox was exactly that , worthless, he was a nobody, he wasn't even close to being a player in the grand scheming between corporations, a little plaything that Warren had picked up from a gala that his PR rep had forced him to go to, he had been so bored, having to keep his face twisted into a false smile, a smile that was matched by those other influential people around him.

And the worst part was that everyone else had known that the others didn't give a dam about charity, heck he'd doubted they could even remember which one this gala was being held for this time.

Warren hated that falseness more than anything, the lie of it all, a year ago he had only wanted to turn enough profit to keep the small amount of staff he had in their jobs, he cared more about their livelihood than money or power but that had changed so quickly that he hadn't had time to pause and really think about the consequences, it had seemed like a blessing when he had stumbled upon the servers that he'd found in those warehouses.

He'd had to change to stay afloat, almost over night his little company had been catapulted into the public eye and into the gaze of the longer standing powers among the corporations, not a day went by that another crisis didn't come his way and as much as he hated to admit it, those worries had changed him.

He'd begun to become someone he didn't want to be, it hadn't been something he had chosen but a responsibility that had been thrust upon him, so what if he used his power for a little stress relief now and then, didn't he deserve it after all the shit he had been through to make sure his staffs futures were safe.

And what a guy he had found to relieve that stress upon, in a room full of conniving greedy CEO's and puling suck ups he had spotted this one little fox who was trying his best for the company he represented, he'd reminded Warren a little of himself once upon a time, a time when he had been a better person than he was now.

But that person was long since gone, Warren had tasted what success and power was like and it had changed him into something ugly, if his past and future self ever met he would never be able to look himself in the eye.

He had become arrogant and prideful and it was those things that stopped him from pleading for the other to stop, he was Warren Lasran and this boy, this pup was nothing but a passing interest, a plaything for his own amusement.

At least that's what he told himself, but as he felt himself being dragged toward the other and he scrambled for something solid to grab onto he frantically twisted his head in time to see that tiny dark hole at the back of the foxes mouth widening to accept his toes and paws, something deep inside himself, some forgotten part of him thought, "you deserve this for what you have done".

As Lares felt that first little part of his meal passing into his throat he felt something inside his mind snap, up till now he had been gazing along this wolfs bare naked form, he'd been unable to keep from admiring the subtle strength in his legs or the firm pert shape of his rear, or the way his back rippled as he fought to escape his fate.

Lares had been wondering how he'd even thought he could fit all of Warren inside himself, sure he knew he had already done it but that knowledge didn't help, in fact the effort to throw him back up had been so unpleasant that he didn't think he could go through with this.

That feeling of choking, of running out of air as he got more and more tired had been a horrible experience, one that he didn't wish to repeat.

But as more of the struggling wolf was dragged toward him, the more he had felt his feet sliding across his tongue he realized that his body had wanted to be filled once again,and the sight of his prey fighting to escape had allowed something inside him to awaken.

He didn't want to enjoy this, he hated the necessity of it but he would not allow anyone to jeopardize his family.

But his body was another thing entirely, it wanted this, it had been cheated of its meal once already and was longing to feel this wolf struggling inside itself.

So as the wolfs back paws had started to push against the entrance of the foxes throat he had braced for the horrible sensation that he knew was coming but as those wriggling almost teasing little toes slipped inside his neck he found himself trembling, not in fear but in pleasure as his throat was stretched, the vile gagging reflex that he expected was hardly even felt.

Instinctively he gulped down as hard as he could upon the obstruction in his neck and instantly found himself overbalancing as the strength of his throat muscles contracting and the weight of the struggling wolf pitched the young foxes body forwards onto the bed and he felt something impact the inside of his stomach.

He had moved his hands from the wolfs ankles as he was pulled forwards so that he could break his fall and support them both but as he gazed ahead of him he found their grip was no longer needed as he felt something furry whipping him lightly in the face and in shock realized that it was Warren tail.

Finding his upper teeth grazing the wolfs buttocks and fearing that they would hurt him he opened his maw a little wider and felt the hinge of his jaws give way to allow his mouth to open further.

To say that both of them were a little surprised would be an understatement, neither had expected the pull of the foxes throat to be so strong and neither knew what to do next.

Of course there was one thing that did know what to do next and as the Lares felt Warren flexing his hind-paws experimentally inside the others belly they both heard a low gurgle coming from the foxes mid rift, a gurgle that only grew in volume until with an embarrassing noise that filled the room the excess air that the fox had swallowed along with Warrens legs was forced out of his body in a long "Uuurrp".

Perhaps Warren would have laughed at the ridiculousness of the situation, sort of a last little dig at the foxes pride had he not heard what came after as both of them heard a low churning grumbling coming from the foxes gut as it prepared itself to get to work upon the morsel of food it had been force to give up.

As if that noise had been signal to his trapped prey Lares tried to pull the both of them back into the position they had shared a moment before, he wanted to avoid exactly what he knew was about to happen as Warren frantically reached out his small paws and took a firm grip upon the headboard before digging his claws into the varnished wood.

It was a foolish action, one that Lares knew would give the wolf false hope and indeed as he caste his gaze up along the wolfs back he saw that he had twisted his upper body to gaze down at the fox with a look of triumph upon his face.

Lares knew the ultimate fate of the wolf but still, he didn't want to prolong this if he could avoid doing so, he wasn't cruel and didn't want the wolf to belief he could escape only to have that hope dashed to pieces sadly that was unavoidable now since the struggling wolf had not just grabbed the head board to try and stop himself being dragged backwards, he'd also locked his knees so that his legs were strait to make sure that no more of him could be fit inside his devourers awaiting stomach.

It was one of the problems that the fox had imagined could happen when claiming your prey feet first but Lares had accepted the risk, he had a reason for wanting the wolfs head to be the last thing that the light of day touched before he was forced into the foxes gullet and entombed inside him.

But first things first, there was another issue that needed taking care of before anything else and it was far more annoying that he had expected it would be as the fox was once more slapped in the face by the wolfs tails but it was something that could and would be dealt with.

The fox had wanted to let his drool soak in to the others fur over time as he worked on the rest of his legs but the suddenness of his limbs slipping so easily inside his body had spoilt that, Lares had no choice but to grab the tip of Warrens tail and feed it under his upper teeth wincing now and then as the dryness of the fur ground uncomfortably against the roof of his mouth, a tail of course wasn't meant to bend in the shape needed to get it inside his maw and the fox cast apologetic eyes up at the wolf as he saw the other bite his lip while his tail was forced to bend to get it into the narrow space between Warrens buttocks.

It would be take to long for that length of fur to absorb enough drool to be able to slide down the foxes throat without trouble but he couldn't wait for that and there were other considerations to address, namely what to do about the wolfs legs.

Swallowing someone head first was relativity easy, the shape of the body caused the prey to curl up into a ball within the belly whether they wanted to or not., in this case though another simple action was needed.

Groaning around the wolfs thigh, Lares tried to swallow but could make no headway with Warrens legs strait like this and he was running out of time, he needed to do something before he got too tired to continue.

Bringing his knees forward to support part of his weight and give himself the space he needed, Lares began to bring his paws underneath himself to his belly and feeling around for a bit before finding the outline of the troublesome wolfs knees, moving each paw so that one was below them near his feet and the other was up above them he let out a massive grunt as he opened his mouth as wide as he could and pushed forwards even as he pushed against the wolfs thighs and calves causing his knees to bend.

As Warren felt the pressure upon his shins he let out sharp bark of a "no" as he felt his knees bending and his feet losing the grip against the bottom of the foxes belly, with that purchase gone he groaned as a massive gulp rippled up along his thighs to his ass and then over his pert butt to his own belly as the foxes maw advanced up around his waist.

He writhed and wriggled as over half his body was wrapped in the foxes tight, hot, slick, fleshy insides, even as he watched, the cute looking fox that he had only thought of as a toy started to crawl up the bed swallowing heavily as he went making the hold the wolf had on the headboard all the more worthless, but still he hung on not willing to give up the oddly reassuring grip on the solid wood.

He tried to fight of course, not just the inevitable that he knew was coming but also the sensations that were passing through him small frame as that enticing length of muscle that was the foxes tongue slipped and slid up over his groin to deposit his slick drool over every thing it could reach as it advanced up to his waist.

Lares for his part knew what was pressing up against his tongue but tried his best to ignore it, spreading his own drool to lubricate his meal was necessary for what came next, and the pressure that flowed across the wolfs hardening shaft was simply unavoidable,but still he tried to get this part of the wolf ready to slid inside himself as soon as possible.

Warren wanted to shout out, to stop the fox from moving his tongue but he couldn't bring himself to do so as that hot rough surface exited a certain part of his body, he wouldn't moan, he wouldn't give any sign that he was enjoying the feeling of his wolfhood being massaged, he only prayed and tried to keep his body under his control, to keep the building feeling of pressure inside his shaft at bay.

Warren could admit many things about himself but he would not allow Lares the satisfaction of knowing how much he was enjoying this part ofwhat was happening.

As if his prayer had been answer he was spared the indignity of orgasm as he felt Lares's throat grabbing hold of his ass and groin but even then he still found himself unable to keep from letting out a soft moan of pleasure that he hastily turned into a growl as the powerful throat muscles rippled over his shaft .

Oddly this time as his member slipped into the confines of the foxes neck Warren didn't feel the soft pressure of the foxes fingers , when he had been released from the foxes belly his touch had sent shivers of arousal up and down the wolf's body when Lares had rubbed explored shaft from the outside world.

A part of him had wanted to feel that again but it was not to be since this time Warren knew that Lares only wanted to have this business finished with but although that was true Warren still hardly felt any of the franticness that he'd expected in the touch of the foxes paws as they slipped almost caressingly up along Warren arms to remove take a firm hold upon his paws and pull them from the headboard.

Try as he might to resist, the strength that the fox exerted upon him was just to great, Warren knew he couldn't escape, already over half his form was inside the others body but his pride refused to let him surrender.

Warren did his best to pull his paws out of the hold of the other male but couldn't budge them even a centimetre as Lares slipped the wolfs paws to his sides forcing them passed his lip and teeth , he almost felt as if the fox was caressing them as he slipped his dark furred paws beyond the ring of flesh that now was sliding up over his mid rift.

It was almost effortless for Lares now, he could feel the wolfs paws clenching and unclenching inside his throat and with them gone he needn't worry about the wolf being able to stop him from finishing his meal, not that he could have but he hated giving false hope, it was cruel and Lares was many things but a monster he wasn't.

With his maw stretched so wide he could hardly see the wolf any more, his own dislocated jaws caused his muzzle to block any real view of him, he was just about to make out the top of his wolfen head and ears, not wanting to give the wolf any hope of escape no matter how slim he grabbed the headboard and gathering his legs beneath himself bought his body into a kneeling position and raised his head vertically into the air so that Warren had nothing but open air around him.

With gravity working for and not against him now the tired but resolute fox relaxed a bit to make ready for the final effort before letting the hold that his throat had on Warren go slack and felt the wolf's head start to sink inch by inch towards the opening that waited to seal him away forever.

Warren had felt his stomach give a little flip as Lares altered his position and the wolf found himself pointing towards the white expanse of the ceiling as the fox knelt upon the bed using the headboard to support himself.

"This was it" he thought, "this was the end", he looked around him hoping to spot anything that he could grab hold of but the only thing was the light fixture and even if he could have freed one of his arms, an impossible feat since they were already buried past the elbow in his fleshy prison, he wouldn't have been able to reach it.

He had prided himself upon the fact that he had been able to out manoeuvre all of his competitors, all of those that had sought to cripple his company, that pride in himself had allowed him and his company to survive, but now, as his eyes began to pass the threshold of Lares's lips and teeth and he felt the slimy length of the fox tongue sliding across his face he began to accept that there would be no way out of this.

He was going to vanish from the world, just another lump food, all of his scheming, all the plotting he'd had to do to survive, the ruthlessness he'd made his own had not prepared him for the idea that anyone would ever beat him and now his own!...... Lares, this intelligent resourceful young guy had done so.

But that wasn't true either was it, Warren knew the truth, he'd beaten himself, his own arrogance had caused him to underestimate someone he believe was below himself, instead of treating Lares like an equal he had tricked and abused him.

As he felt his shoulders being taken into Lares gullet he stopped struggling, stopped trying to slow his inevitable decent into Lares body and just accepted what was going to happen and as he let his body relax and go limp he noticed how calming it was inside there, how, now that he wasn't wasting energy on being angry, how strangely good it felt to give himself over to someone else.

When he'd been inside the foxes belly that first time he'd had no choice but to accept it, it had happened and no matter how much he had struggled he wasn't able to get out, he had gradually gotten tired and fallen asleep.

But he had awoken to find himself cold, covered in thick liquid that leached the heat from his body as it grew cold and he had hated that worst of all.

Feeling the ring of muscle that inched its way up his neck start to press against the bottom of his chin he tilted his head backwards to gaze along the softly undulating mass of the foxes tongue to the world beyond.

Thick slippery saliva oozed down over Lares tongue to pool around the Warrens neck, the Foxes jaws moved apart then back together just a little, the motion causing ribbons of drool to drip down from the tips of his teeth to coat his own face but found that he didn't mind overly much.

Seeing the foxes teeth beginning to interlock together as the larger male closed his jaws around the last little bit of his meal Warren thought back to the time he'd spent inside this foxes belly and found himself able to admit that after the year of stress and anguish caused by his work he had been able to sleep easily for the first time in a long while.

He'd been comfortable in there, oddly at peace for once, and he realized that he didn't mind going back, no, that wasn't right, now that he had accepted his fate he found himself wanting to be surrounded by the warmth and softness of this foxes body.

Smiling slightly the wolf thought to himself, "I guess what they say is true, pride really is the one sin that cannot be overcome".

As the last of the light began to fade and the foxes jaws closed shut completely the humbled wolf felt Lares's throat convulsing down along his body as the fox gave a few little gulps, each one making the ring of muscle at the back of his mouth slide up and around the wolfs head until with a soft sigh as the wolfs eyes were covered and the last of himself vanished from the world he uttered his last words

"for what its worth, I'm sorry"

As the last little syllable flowed out of the wolfs mouth he stopped trying to think, stopped wondering what the future held and just gave himself over to the feeling of being inside this amazing young guy as he was taken down the foxes gullet while all around him hot powerful muscles rippled luxuriously along his body as he was taken to his end.

Sighing softly Lares lifted his paws up to his neck to trace them gently over the bulge that Warrens head made beneath his hide as the remainder of the wolf sank down under his collar bone and into his waiting belly, Lares carefully eased himself around so that he was sitting against the headboard and gathered all the pillows that he could reach behind himself to support his body as he relaxed.

The last words of his meal echoed in Lares's mind for a few minutes after his neck had returned to its original shape and his jaws had clicked back into place, looking down at his distended belly before him he smiled, it was a strange experience indeed to see your own gut moving like that but somehow Lares felt contented as he felt the mass of the small wolf shifting inside his belly before settling into a ball.

Every so often he would see his belly fur tent out slightly in the shape of a paw that would trail down along the inside of his stomach and the sated fox would let out a soft murr of pleasure at the caress as he enjoyed the stroking sensation.

As tired as he was he refused to allow himself to fall into the deep slumber that his body desired, he knew that if he did, when he next awoke his belly would be flat once more and the one inside would be gone forever, Lares wouldn't allow the other to be alone, he would stay awake for him.

In the soft dawn light that filtered in through the curtains Lares gently used one paw to rub over his gut and the wolf inside while the other paw lazily played with his own shaft while in his mind he could still hear Warrens parting words.

Warren, cut off from the world outside by the layers of hide, fat and muscle of the foxes body gave himself over to the flesh that surrounded him on all sides, the gentle pulse of heat from the walls that were pressing tighter against him, the steady reassuring sounds of Lares's heart above the wolf and yes, even the strange little tingle that was creeping over his hide, all of it combined made him feel content, He could feel a wetness on his underside where his body touched the bottom of Lares' stomach and knew what it was but didn't care, it didn't matter, his body couldn't adapt to it anymore.

Sighing gently Warren inched his knees up closer to his muzzle as he worked himself into a tighter ball and gradually began to slip into unconsciousness..

End of part 2