It's Drooling...
With the flesh parted, the 'drooling' comparison was more apt, the slightly viscous substance connecting wall to wall like drool between the roof of a maw and its tongue.
School Drools
Pinksi would need after the last few years she'd been drooling over him. "bobby, are you alright?" bobby froze, and looked up to find ms. pinski standing over him, a worried expression on her chubby ursine face.
School Drools 2
Sequel to school drools the bell rang for lunch, and bobby began his normal routine. slip towards the door, start running to try and get as much lead as possible before the students began emerging in earnest.
Drool 2-4
Drool2-4.txt - mmmm - human/non - september 14, 2004 drool 2, map 4 by swamprat - with help from tredain (cl) 2004 gay furry association chapter 4 - administrations the marine woke up looking at an open door.
Drool 2-3
Drool2-3.txt - mmmm - human/non - september 14, 2004 drool 2, map 3 by swamprat - with help from tredain (cl) 2004 gay furry association chapter 3 - back at mars city the elevator door opened to a pistol-waving zombie..
Drool 2-2
Drool2-2.txt - mmmm - human/non - september 14, 2004 drool 2, map 2 by swamprat - with help from tredain (cl) 2004 gay furry association chapter 2 - underground the marine walked up to a window.
Day 26) Desire
Enjoy day 26 of voretober2022 sylvester © nommage nommage loquie © me/pizza tiger cw:s oral vore, drool, digestion, weight gain * * * slyvester perused the potion shop. the walls were lined with strangely labeled concoctions.
Conor's domination
Soon conor and kamkam both elicit a soft gasp, the two howling in pleasure as they orgasm simultainiously, bodies spasming against each other, sweat, cum and drool running off their bodies.
The wolfdragon had his tube, and the wolf had pawfuls of the drool which he was now rubbing himself in.
Day 21) Stalk
. ~ cws: hypno, m/m , oral vore, mawplay, endo, drool pizza © me big owl (drew) © drewburd * * * it was a pitch black night for the city. the sidewalks barely illuminated as the yellow-furred tiger traversed them.
A Husky and a Drool Fetish (pt. 1)
:dsoft vore, female feral husky, anthro prey, micro/shrunken prey, drool enjoy! :) hey. what's up? i'm gabe, a dingo fresh out of college. it's been going good the past few years.
Hypnotic Hold (Vignette)
?Judith and Smile had had a wonderful day out on the town. The possum and skunk were great friends, and they enjoyed the time they spent together and with a few others once they returned home. But, with Judith dropping quite a bit of teasing affection...