Story by Janus Oberoth on SoFurry

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#5 of RETURN

Second part of the story

Three nights later Penny fondles Pongo's balls, she hears the breathing of her father who has his snout resting on Penny's shoulder. Penny had enjoyed the last nights that she had fun with the balls of Pongo.

Penny hopes feel Pongo's erection begin to grow again as on previous occasions.

"Penny, please stop this" says the voice of Pongo in Penny's ear, she jumps because she gets scared to listen to her father.

Penny gets up and looks at her father, he is watching at her. Penny did not know where to look more than her father; she sees the tip of the penis of Pongo. He sits in front of his daughter who even looks at him.

"Why did you do that?" Pongo asks looking directly to Penny, she avoid look to her father.

Penny thinks in a lie, but she knows that any lie would not be good enough to explain what she was doing.

"I wanted to do it" Penny answers looking at her father, he gets surprised.

"I ... I want to do it with you, Dad" Penny says quickly as she feels that she still has the courage to tell her true desires to Pongo.

"Penny ... we cannot do that" Pongo says with awe while he is watching at Penny.

The past few days Pongo had felt uncomfortable to wake up and see that the back of his daughter was stained with his semen. He had felt guilty at the thought that he had fantasized about Penny in her sleep, but after having two more incidents he was thinking that something weird was happening.

"Why not? I am a female and you are a male" Penny says looking at her father.

"I'm a virgin, all men want a virgin female" Penny says looking at Pongo.

"You're my daughter" Pongo says looking at Penny, she feels that tears are forming on her eyes.

"I would like not be it" Penny says as tears begin to fall down her cheeks.

"I love you, Dad" Penny says looking at Pongo.

"I know; I love you too" Pongo says as he approaches Penny and tries to embrace her, but she moves.

"You do not understand me" Penny says as her tears fall on the floor of the barn.

"You are the only man who deserves to take my virginity, I have admired you since I was a pup, and I want you to be the first one" Penny says looking at Pongo, he gets surprised.

"In the old silo under the planks near the old packing machine, there is a loose plank where is a diary that I have since I was little, if you want to know me, read it" Penny says as she runs towards the barn door while she is crying.

Pongo looks with surprise as his daughter leaves the barn, the Dalmatian dog stays in the same place not knowing what to do.

The next day Pongo wakes up, he had barely slept a couple of hours after the incident. The Dalmatian dog yawns while he gets out of the barn, he is feeling tired; he walks around the farm looking for Penny.

Pongo sees that Penny is with Roger, she gladly accepts baby hands pulling Penny's ears. Pongo walks to the far part of farm, where he sees the old silo.

The Dalmatian dog reaches the old silo and enters in it; he sees the old packaging machine.

Pongo perceives Penny's smell on the place, the dog goes to the old machine and begins to inspect the floorboards; he quickly found the loose plank.

Pongo moves the plank away and see a wooden box; the Dalmatian extracts the wooden box and opens it.

Pongo sees a blue diary. The Dalmatian dog opens the diary and start reading it.

Pongo sees entries date back more than two years ago, when Penny was a puppy like his brothers.

The Dalmatian dog reads the first entry of a page.

"We played hide and seek on the farm when the storm began, I was very scared as the lightning fell nearby, and dad suddenly appeared. The water was dripping from his fur when he took me by my collar and charged me to find a refuge. Dad put me in the hollow of a tree where the rain never came. Dad leaned against the entrance for cover me from the rain and wind, the dad's fur was wet and muddy while he stayed in the same place to take care of me, I love him so much ..." Pongo reads as he remembers that day.

Pongo turns the page and read another entry.

"Dad bravely faced the three dogs that scared us in the alley, no matter what they think my brothers, dad is the best dog in the world" Pongo reads while he is smiling gently.

Pongo reads other entries while he feels his heart racing, he Dalmatian cannot believe that her daughter admired him so much. Pongo knows that his relationship with Penny was very close, more than with other puppies.

Pongo turns the pages until he sees recently entries; the first one was done the first day of Penny's return to the farm.

"Today I saw dad, he had not changed, and he is still very handsome ..." says the note on the page.

The following note was the night in which he had acted affectionately with Perdita.

"I envy much to mom, she has a great mate; I would like to have a relationship like it ..." says another paragraph.

Pongo gets to the last entry of three days ago.

"I touched them... I touched dad's balls, they are big and soft, I could feel his penis on my back as he began to mate in a dream, it was great" paragraph says before Pongo finishes reading.

Pongo closes the diary and looks at it for a few moments before placing it back in the hiding place. Pongo gets out of the silo feeling himself more confused than before.

Pongo is constantly moving breathing excitedly into a restless sleep.

The Dalmatian dog is inside the barn, he is mounting on Perdita, they are mating while they are moaning and grunting with pleasure. Pongo opens his eyes with surprised to see Penny sitting near, she is looking at them.

She is a puppy looking at them with some tears on her eyes; she looks at Pongo and Perdita with sadness. Pongo is stopped while the girl looks at him intently, the Dalmatian feels terrible to see the tears of his daughter.

"Do it, Pongo; do it with our girl" Perdita says as she looks at Pongo above his shoulder.

"I cannot, she's a puppy" Pongo says while he continues looking at Penny.

"She's not a puppy" says a voice coming from the shadows.

Pongo is surprised to see that Perdita was gone; he turns to look at where the voice came. The dog was surprised to see a figure emerges from the shadows; Pongo is surprised to see himself standing in front of him.

"She is a young female" the other Pongo says moving. Pongo sees that Penny was now again an adult dog.

Pongo sees like his reflection gets close to Penny and kisses her. Pongo sees himself and Penny begin to make love in front of him. Penny is lying on the hay while he is on her, both moan while they are copulating.

Pongo sees as he moves on his daughter, she looks at him and moans of pleasure as the first Pongo looks everything without moving, he is completely taken aback by the scene.

"Dad ... do it .... make me pregnant" Penny says as she closes her forelegs around Pongo neck. He kisses her daughter.

Penny with a big smile on her face sees to the other Pongo standing a few feet away from her.

Pongo sees his knot entering in the body of his daughter, the other Pongo increases is thrusts until he stops and growls when he is shooting his semen into the body of Penny who howls of pleasure while she is watching to Pongo, he is watching her completely surprised.

Pongo sees like his daughter and his other I are kissing passionately.

Then suddenly Pongo wakes up, he breathes excitedly watching around. Pongo sees that is completely alone in the barn.

"Again" Pongo thinks as gives a weary sigh. This was the sixth time that he dreamed the same thing.

Pongo thinks about his dreams, he felt that his alter ego was his deepest desires; he knows he needs to decide what to do. Pongo sees the barn's window; he notices that the sun was just rising.

Pongo gets up and goes to the barn's door; he opens the door and leaves the barn while he is yawning. The Dalmatian dog walks towards the main entrance of the farm. Pongo starts walking to the south feeling like the sun is warming his fur.

Pongo walks for ten minutes, he passes near another farm. The Dalmatian dog stops by a voice calling him, he looks toward the direction from which comes the voice.

Pongo sees a German Sheppard runs to him.

"Hi Jack" Pongo says seeing to the dog, he stops in front of him.

"Hello Pongo" says the German shepherd. Both dogs begin to walk together.

"How are Esmeralda and your children?" Pongo asks looking at his friend smiling.

"They are well, luckily they are asleep" Jack responds watching Pongo.

"I went to inspect everything before starting work" Jack says looking at Pongo, he smiles.

"Jack, I'm in trouble and need some advice" Pongo says looking at his friend, he is staring at him with surprise and laughs softly.

"I giving you advice, I thought you were the one who gave me advice on parenting" Jack says looking at Pongo who laughs softly.

"I'm not the world's expert" Pongo says watching his friend who still smiles.

"Really? I do not think anyone else would have had 99 puppies and survived "Jack says looking at Pongo who laughs as his friend.

"What is your problem?" Jack asks looking at Pongo.

"A female" Pongo responds watching Jack that is surprised.

"Uh ... Pongo a conqueror" Jack says watching to Pongo, he is smiling uncomfortably.

"Is she beautiful?" Jack asks looking at Pongo.

"Yes, she is a virgin and has made clear it wants to do with me" Pongo says watching his friend who is surprised by the words of his friend.

"Wow, you're a lucky dog, but Perdita would not be very happy" Jack said looking at his friend that is smiling uncomfortably.

"Perdita is not the big problem, the female in question is ... my daughter, Penny" Pongo says softly looking at his friend who opens his mouth in surprise.

"Does your daughter ...?" Jack asks while looking at Pongo, he nods.

"Penny had very harsh disappointments with males" Pongo says watching to his friend who listens.

"I discovered her touching me the last nights" Pongo says while he is thinking about the last events of his life.

"She and I have always had a close relationship, her diary reveals all" Pongo says and smiles gently reminding Penny's words written in the diary.

"Are you snooping in the diary of your daughter?" Jack asks with disapproval in his voice.

"Penny told me to read it so I can understand what she feels for me" Pongo says looking at his friend.

"Jack, I do not know what to do, my mind betrays me, in my dreams I have sex with Penny, I do not want to, but ... other me do it with her while I watch, I see her moaning of pleasure and happiness while she that begs me impregnate her" Pongo says as he sits like Jack.

"I want not to see her suffer, but I do not know if I have the courage to do it, I know very well the consequences that will follow" Pongo says with dismay in his voice.

"Pongo, you're being very honest with me about something that other dogs do not count, so I have to be honest with you too" Jack looking says at Pongo, he listens intently.

"The first time that you saw Esmeralda, you told me she was young for me" Jack said with a grimace to Pongo, he smiles and nods.

"She's ... well my daughter" Jack says looking at Pongo who are surprised to hear Jack.

"I never knew Esmeralda's mother very well, our meeting was arranged by our masters" Jack said looking at his friend. Pongo nods slightly to understand the words of his friend.

"It was an amazing time, it was beautiful and I liked her but I did not feel something strong with her, I will call it friendship ..." Jack says as he continues his story.

"As time passed, Esmeralda came to the farm as a puppy, my masters agreed they could keep one of my puppies, so they chose to Esmeralda" Jack says.

"Our relationship was amazing like a father with his daughter usually" Jack says looking at Pongo that nods.

"She grew up and had her first heat, I tried to restrain myself, but you know it is impossible" Jack says looking at Pongo.

"After the time of lust, I felt shattered, in my head was the idea that an unfortunate and a poor dog that had succumbed to my instincts and had raped my daughter" Jack says remembering those bad memories.

"Esmeralda noticed this, she took me away and told me that not only was her heat, she had wanted to do it too, she kissed me and we did out of the farm. It was incredible because it was not instinct; it was demonstrate what we felt" Jack said looking at his friend.

"From that day we do not hide what we feel and we enjoyed our puppies and what we feel for each other" Jack says looking at Pongo, he has a big surprise to learn that his friend had been in a similar situation.

"Do your puppies know this?" Pongo asks with great interest.

"They know it, Esmeralda can try, but she will never stop calling me dad, so we thought it was useless to try to hide the truth from the puppies; it do not matter at them because it does not change what Esmeralda and I feel for them "Jack said looking at his friend.

"I think I came to see the right dog for advice" Pongo says smiling weakly as he sees to his friend.

"Your situation is more complicated, there is Perdita in the middle" Jack says looking at Pongo, he lowers his gaze and he thinks about Perdita, he want not do to hurt to his mate or Penny.

"Pongo, I think it is best to make a decision as soon as possible, because it will be much worse if you try to put it off, Penny is also suffering, if you refuse, it is better that she knows it before she even excite more and everything gets out of control "says Jack looking at Pongo.

Pongo knows that his friend's words are true, he must make a very important decision, no matter what path he chooses, many things will change.

Pongo achieves with great difficulty that Penny again sleep in the barn. Pongo sees that she sleeps very tired; Pongo closes his eyes while he meditates for a moment on what he is going to do.

Pongo, Penny, Roger, Anita, Perdita are © Disney

Ace, Esmeralda, Jack are my Characters

Written by Janus Oberoth