The Gate-Way Revisited: Chapter 4 A lie Uncovered

Story by Grey Knight on SoFurry

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#4 of The Gate-Way Revisited

Chapter 4 - A Lie Uncovered

Shawn woke with a start; his eyes flew open only to be shut tight as the light streaming in the window of the barracks blinded him. He let out a slow breath as he felt his mattress beneath him. It had all be another horrible dream, nothing more. Smiling, he rolled over onto his side; he yelled as pain shot through his leg.

Looking down at his throbbing leg, he saw with horror that it hadn't been a dream after all. His chest and arms were singed; his left pant leg was shredded and bloody. Someone had wrapped it in a crude splint, and after taking out some of the shrapnel had wrapped what looked like part of his shirt around his leg.

Gasping as fresh blood soaked the shirt, his gaze drifted around what he realized was a small cave. He glanced over as he felt something shift on the cot. Next to him a small fox lay curled up, and behind it a large grey wolf lay snoozing, its muzzle resting on its chest. As he watched the fox it slowly stretched its arms, and its maw opened in a great yawn. Its razor sharp canines gleamed in the early morning sun.

Its eyes fluttered open, looking up the fox realized it was being watched.

"He...Hello," it said in a timid voice.

With a scream Shawn toppled off the cot, screaming again as fresh stabs of pain shot through his leg. Desperately he dragged himself away from the animals.

"What's wrong?" said the wolf, yawning as it wiped the sleep from its eyes.

Looking around Shawn looked for some kind weapon he could use to defend himself. Not seeing any he tried to drag himself to his feet, but his leg collapsed under him. Rolling onto his side he grasped his leg, teeth gritted in pain.

His breath came in ragged pained gasps as he dragged himself from the cave to save himself from the animals laying on the cot. The smaller arctic fox watched him nervously, not sure what the strange creature before them would do if they approached. While the wolf gazed at him with a stern sombre look in his eyes, strangely there seemed to be a glimmer of recognition.

"Please come back here before you hurt yourself anymore." said the arctic fox, its voice a mixture of fear and concern. "We just want to help you."

"What are you?" Shawn asked between gasps of pain

"Haven't you ever seen a wolf before? Or arctic fox for that matter?" the fox said. A bemused expression painted its features.

"Not ones that could talk, or walk upright!"

"Well at least you've seen a wolf before...what are you for that matter?"

"I'm Human."

"Is that a new species? I've never heard of humans before..." said the fox, propping himself up on his elbow to get a better look at the human.

"No, humans have been around for millions of years." Shawn stammered, looking around utterly confused.

"What planet are you from?"

"Earth... What planet is this?"

"This is Earth..." the fox said quietly.

"That's not possible! What happened to the rest of my squadron? What happened to the Germans?" Shawn moaned as the metal in his leg shifted, he lay back panting through gritted teeth "I must be hallucinating, I hit my head when I crashed, this is just shock."

"Um, we don't know. We've never seen anything like you before...There are a few German Shepherds back in town but that's probably not what you're talking about is it..." the fox said its voice trailing off. "And this is all real. We saw you crash."

"What...what year is this? Don't you realize there is a war going on?! This can't be real! Maybe I got drunk and this is all a dream"

"It's 2010... Why? What year did you think it was? And what war?" Matt's curiosity overcoming his fear of this strange animal.

" can't be," Shawn said in shock. "It was 1941 when I took off last night. And what do you mean what war? The Second World War, we have been fighting it for two years now. That settles it, this is a dream."

Shawn rolled onto his front and began to drag himself towards the wreckage of his plane.

"My grandfather fought in that's over. We won...The allies won. That was sixty-five years ago," said the wolf.

"We...We won...?" Shawn paused, how was that possible, how was any of this possible?

"Well the allied countries won...What country are you from?"


"This is Canada," said the young fox, confused.

"This doesn't make any sense. I was flying over Great Britain when the storm hit. How did I end up here? Prove to me this isn't a dream or that I'm not hallucinating!"

"I don't know. But we need to get you to a doctor and have that leg of yours looked at," said the fox.

"You're kidding right? We can't take it to a doctor; you want it to end up dissected in some government lab somewhere?" the wolf said as he gazed down at the fox laying next to him his tone solemn. "Does the pain in your leg feel like a hallucination?"

"Well we can't just leave it like that. What else can we do?" said the fox staring up at the wolf that towered over him.

"We can take it to the mansion, one of the butlers there used to be a doctor," said the wolf as he watched the human before him, stern as ever.

"You mean where you work? You don't think he will freak out when he sees it?"

"You realize I have a name and it's not 'it'," said Shawn, frustrated at being referred to as it. "I can't believe I'm arguing with my imagination, I can't believe I've been talking to my imagination!"

"Sorry," said the fox blushing beneath its fur. "What is your name?"

"It's Shawn; I suppose you guys must have names as well."

"I'm Matt, and this, is Jake." Matt cocked his head, "If we're from your imagination shouldn't you have known our names?"

"I must have suffered a concussion, animals don't talk."

"If we are going to get to the mansion today we had better leave now," said Jake with a frown, heading off from an awkward silence he could sense coming. Becoming quickly frustrated with the creature before them. "That bleeding isn't too serious but it could become infected, you're going to have to trust us and let us help you if you want to live."

Matt nodded, getting up he and Jake walked cautiously towards Shawn. The human groaned as he saw them coming but the pain in his leg made him pause.

"I promise this isn't a dream, and we're really, I promise we aren't going to hurt you."

Standing to either side of him they gently helped the human to his feet. Matt's ears droop as the human shook in fear and pain.

Slowly the three of them made their way out into the clearing. Looking up Shawn noticed them passing the remains of his plane smashed up against a large rock sitting in the clearing. Walking towards the wreck, Shawn sighed as his eyes drifted over the damage to his faithful plane.

When it had come down the planes impact had dug a great trench from the point of impact to where it had come to rest against the rock. The engine of the plane was a blackened and twisted mess. The fire had melted some of it and had cooled into lumps of metal; the fire had charred and blackened the entire forward section of the plane.

Shawn sighed as he caressed the fuselage as one would caress the face of a lover. Beneath the soot the iron crosses still shone in the early morning light, each one representing a German shot down during one of countless dogfights, where life and death was either prolonged or cut short by split second decisions and actions.

Hobbling up the wing, Shawn rested against the fuselage as he peered inside the cockpit. The interior was singed in places but his flight suit had caught the brunt of the burning fuel and most of the instruments were still intact. Looking around the cockpit he let out a low moan of despair.

"What's wrong?" asked Matt climbing up the wing to stand next Shawn.

"The picture, it's gone!"

"What picture?"

"It was a picture of my brother Andrew and me," Shawn said swallowing the lump in his throat.

"You mean this picture?" asked Jake, holding out a wrinkled black and white photo of Shawn and his twin brother Andrew.

"Yes that's it," Shawn cried, snatching the picture from Jake's paw. "We had this taken right after we graduated from flight school and were about to be shipped out. We fought so hard to make sure we were placed in the same squadron."

He gazed at it with a dazed look in his eye, wiping a tear from his eye Shawn folded up the picture of his brother and slipped it into one of the few pockets of his flight suit that wasn't torn. With a shuddering sigh he reached in the plane and pulled out a small kit bag from under the seat. Throwing it over his shoulder he made his way down off the wing.

Once again Matt and Jake placed an arm around Shawn, who in turn placed his arms around their necks. Their fur felt strange against his arms but it was quite soft and eased some of the pain from his burns. The very idea of them terrified him, part of him wished it was a dream and he would wake. The pain of his injuries forced him to accept otherwise.

Matt blushed as Shawn's large hand brushed against his muzzle, he was glad he had opted to wear baggy pants, otherwise Shawn or Jake might have seen his sheath tighten. He didn't understand how this strange creature could be having this effect on him. But its strangeness and aroma was interesting and exciting. He just wished it didn't reek of fear, though as he considered it, he couldn't blame the creature as he doubted he would be any less frightened.

Slowly the three made their way across the clearing; it would take them over two long hours to make it to the mansion where Jake worked. Matt had been surprised when Jake had suggested they take the human there. He rarely let anyone come visit him at the mansion. For not only did he work there, but his family lived in the magnificent servants quarters built on the huge property. Matt was both excited to get to see the amazing property again, and worried about whether or not they would be able to trust the butler. Sighing, he idly caressed Shawn's hand as they made their way down the trail, it would be a long, painful walk back.


As they walked slowly down the wooded trail the silence was broken suddenly. Off in the distance they could see three tiny specks racing towards them: helicopters. Ducking beneath the tree canopy they waited as the helicopters drew nearer. The rumble of their rotors deafened them. As they looked on with confusion, military Blackhawk helicopters headed towards the clearing. Matt and Shawn glanced at one another, each mirroring the fear of the other. They waited until they were sure the helicopters were gone. Looking over at Jake, Matt saw a strange look of recognition and anger painted across Jake's features.

"What do you think they're doing out here?" Matt wondered aloud, staring up from under the tree branches after the retreating crafts.

"Looks like they are heading towards the crash site," said Shawn as he peered over Matt's head, shivering at the strange creatures proximity.

"Come on we have to go now. We can't stay here any longer, it isn't safe," said Jake. What are they doing here, he thought to himself. They shouldn't be here. What's going on, Jake wondered with a snarl, his lips curled back over his fangs.

"Why? What's wrong? What were those helicopters doing out here?" asked Matt, concerned by Jake's strange attitude.

"I can't say...I mean I don't know. I'll tell you later, come on we have to hurry"

Matt nodded slowly before turning to Shawn who had been resting against the tree. His eyes were closed in pain and the smell of fresh blood was strong. Watching the creature he felt his sheath tighten again. He didn't understand why this was happening; Jake had always been the only one to have that effect on him. But staring at Shawn he felt something strange, he recognized it as the same butterflies he felt when he was around Jake.

Looking at Jake he felt himself blush and his heart began to pump harder, he felt giddy just being this close to his best friend especially now that his secret was out. As his gaze shifted to Shawn however, the giddiness left him only to be replaced with butterflies. Shaking the thoughts from his head he took a deep shuddering breath.

"You ready to keep going? We're almost there," Jake asked, gazing at Shawn with apathy, his mood returning to normal.

Shawn nodded, teeth clenched he pushed himself off the tree and hobbled towards them. Jake grunted as Shawn wrapped one of his arms around the wolf's neck, transferring some of his weight from his bloody leg to the wolf. Matt stayed silent, blushing as he staggered under the human's weight. Together they slowly continued down the trail.

A few minutes later Jake led them off the trail and into the woods, it was even slower going through the dense trees. Eventually the trees began to thin. Breaking through the last of the trees they were stopped by a huge stone wall. The old wall stretched off into the distance in either direction. It was cracked and crumbling in places but the massive ten foot, moss covered barrier was no less menacing and imposing. At ten feet high none of them could see anything over the wall, save for the very top of a massive structure. The wall was topped by an intimidating row of razor sharp; wrought iron stakes each at least two feet high.

Jake led them along the wall as the sun slowly marched across the sky, before they stopped in front of an immense wrought iron gate. The two inch thick bars were ancient and beautifully handcrafted, split in two; the gate was as much a mural as a barrier to entry. On its ancient moss covered surface two warriors stood facing the companions. Each warrior was dressed in an ancient suit of armour and held a master crafted sword, head bowed low their faces could not be distinguished behind their armoured visors. It was easy to tell however, from their large thick bushy tails that they were grey wolves.

Standing out against this ancient backdrop was a biometric scanner set into the surface of the wall. Jake stepped forward and pressed his thumb to the scanner, they heard a click and saw Jake wince as a needle sprang out to sample his DNA. There was a flash as it scanned his thumb pad, then the light on the scanner turned green and the gate swung open with a silent hiss.

Movement up on the wall caught their eye, looking up they saw a camera had swivelled around to point at them. Suddenly a voice with a heavy British accent crackled from the intercom above the scanner.

"Ah good, we have been waiting for your return Master Jake. You will find your morning tea and breakfast in the breakfast hall as usual... Oh bother, I am sorry Jake. I did not realize you had company..."

"It's fine Wilfred," Jake said with an irritated growl. "They were bound to find out sooner or later."

There was a slight pause then Wilfred continued.

"Very good sir, I shall inform the chef to make more for your..." there was another pause as the camera focused on Shawn. "Guests... sir. Will there be anything else you require?"

"No, it's fine Wilfred that will be all...oh and happy birthday Wilfred, I thought I told you to take a couple days off to celebrate."

"You did sir; I was just about to head down to the pool when I noticed you on the monitor."

"Well have fun and remind me to give you your bonus later," Jake said quietly, his face burning, not daring to look at his companions.

"What did he mean by 'Master Jake'?" asked Shawn, a suspicious look on his face showing through his unease. "I thought you said you worked here..."

"I..." Jake began, he sighed angrily.

Looking up he stopped when he saw the pained, betrayed look on Matt's muzzle.

"Why would you lie to me about owning this place? You always said you just worked here, and that your parents had worked here before you. Didn't you trust me to keep it a secret?" Matt asked, his ears drooped as he blinked away tears that he could feel forming. "Did I do something that made you think I couldn't be trusted? I thought I was your best friend."

Jake lowered his head in shame, unable to look at Matt whose lip was trembling, his own ears drooping. Jake knew he had betrayed his friend's trust by not revealing his secret.

"I didn't want people befriending me because of my money," He mumbled looking away, trying to keep his voice monotone in the face of the hurt he could so plainly see in Matt's eyes.

"I don't care how much money you have! I've known you all my life! I can't believe you didn't even trust me...I trusted you with my secret! Didn't you think you could trust me with yours?" Matt asked quietly, the hurt plain in his eyes.

"I'm sorry Matt...I'm sorry I didn't tell you," Jake said. He regretted lying to Matt. "I'm sorry I lied to you and said I only worked here. But it was all for your own protection. You couldn't be allowed to find out how my family got the money for this place."

"Let's just get Shawn inside; we can talk about it later." Matt said, not looking at Jake, his voice cracking as he held back his tears. It hurt so much to have Jake lie to him about something so simple, what else had Jake lied to him about he wondered sadly. Maybe he had been lying when he said he understood, maybe he didn't care, maybe... 'No' Matt said to himself 'He's your best friend he had a good reason just give him time to tell you'

Sighing Jake put his arm around the human and slowly they walked up the massive lawn towards the even larger mansion. Stretching out before them the lawn was a perfect field of green dotted with statues and gardens. The path they walked up from the side gate was ringed with flowers of every shape and colour.

The Mansion was huge; the ten story tall structure towered over them, with massive windows and balconies looking out over the magnificent lawn. It was easily as large as two football fields; both Shawn and Matt were forced to pause as they drank in the sight of it. The sheer size of it caused them to stumble as they walked towards it, mouth and maw agape. Giant white pillars held up a massive balcony that took up a great portion of the second floor.

Walking beneath the balcony they reached the front door. Just like the house itself the door was colossal in size. Well over twenty feet high and easily fifteen across the massive slab of solid oak was decorated much like the wrought iron gate had been. Upon its surface stood the same two massive figures this time painted in gold leaf on the back drop of varnished oak.

As they drew near it the enormous doors swung open, each was well over three feet thick. Stepping into the hall whose dimensions should not have been possible. Pillars of pure white marble lined the sides of the hall like the legs of giants, holding up a balcony three stories above that ran around the circumference of the great hall. Between the pillars stood empty suits of armour, silent guardians, sworn to watch over the hall and all those who passed through it. They slowly made their way down the fifty foot hall which was almost half that in width. A grand staircase spiralled lazily up at the far end of the hall leading to the upper levels of the mansion.

They stared upwards at the murals and pictures that covered the walls, along with hundreds of tapestries and status. To one side of the great hall a large door opened, hearing the echo of soft soled shoes the companions glanced over. Matt felt Shawn stiffen as he stifled a yell at the sight of the massive grizzly bear dressed in a duck-tail suit and tie with white gloves.

Easily six and a half feet tall the grizzly towered over all of them, its brow raised in surprise as it spotted Shawn but from a glance at Jake said nothing. Bowing slightly it grinned and flashed its teeth when it noted the fearful look painted across Shawn's face.

Jake pressed his arm more firmly against Shawn's back as the human attempted to take an instinctive step backwards.

"Calm down Shawn, this is just Jason one of my butlers here and head of security," Jake said impatiently. "He's just a big teddy bear, wouldn't hurt a fly...unless it was on one of his jelly donuts in which case he might eat it."

"Indeed Master...Shawn was it? I promise you I don't bite," Jason said with a grin, flashing his massive teeth.

Bowing again the old bear raised one of his massive paws in the direction of the door that he had entered through, being sure to flex his claws in the process. He grinned again as a flash of fear flickered across Shawn's face.

"Breakfast has been served sir and awaits you in the breakfast hall as usual; the chef was kind enough to send up extra for your guests."

"Thanks Jason. Are you going to eat with us?" asked Jake.

"I would like to sir, but Wilfred has requested that I and much of the other staff members join him in celebration of his fiftieth birthday."

"Alright that's fine. He's having it out on the observation deck up on the ninth floor isn't he?" Jake enquired.

"Yes sir, then later he shall be taking over the supper hall for dinner later tonight."

"Ok, tell him I'll be up later to wish him a happy birthday in person. Have fun."

"Thank you sir I shall."

With that the grizzly bear set off at a quick pace up the huge marble staircase. As he disappeared Jake led them into the morning hall. Before them a massive oak table took up the middle of the large room. Around the table sat twenty identical chairs each master crafted from ancient oak trees. The back of each had a wolf's head carved into it.

Sunlight streamed through huge windows that lined the far wall. Each towering pane of glass stretched from floor to ceiling from which a massive crystal chandelier hung. On the table a feast awaited them. Fresh fruit, both whole and sliced sat on gleaming silver platters. Slices of roast beef and roast duck lay in a magnificent spread on yet more silver platters. Freshly baked bread, buns and rolls filled half a dozen beautifully hand crafted baskets.

Four places had been set at the table. Before each silver plate a golden goblet stood. All awaiting their user to fill them with one of many crystalline juices freshly squeezed that morning, set out in beautiful silver pitchers each covered in scenes of orchards, and fruit groves.

Slowly they made their way to the table and sat down; Shawn and Matt sat still unsure what to do, never having seen such a feast for so few individuals before. Shawn rubbed his leg gingerly, willing the pain to go away, gasping as his hand hit a sliver of metal still imbedded in his leg.

Jake felt self-conscious as he began serving himself from the mountain of food before them. Hearing a door open the three of them looked up. At the end of the room a young tiger walked out dressed in a chef's uniform; his hat sat lopsided between his long pointed ears. Walking up he sat down at the fourth place at the table right beside Shawn, who nearly fell out of his chair in his desperate attempt to get away from the tiger.

Jake sighed as he pushed Shawn back into his chair before he hurt himself. The tiger grinned and winked at the frightened human. Helping himself to some of the fresh meat he had just finished preparing a few minutes before, he gazed with interest at the human. Noticing the young arctic fox sitting across from him, he gave a seductive smile and wink. The tiger laughed as the fox looked away, his blush visible through his snow white fur.

"How is it that you always find the cute ones and I get stuck with the pool boy?" the tiger said pouting. "Worst part is you don't even do anything with them."

"That's because I'm not into males," said Jake, rolling his eyes, his voice deadpan. "I'm just lucky I guess...that and I go out of my way to bring the cute ones home just to bug you."

Jake began buttering up a freshly baked bun as the tiger stuck his large pink tongue out at him in mock anger.

"Besides I don't think the pool boy would be too happy if he found out you were hooking up with every cute stray that followed me home, or that you referred to yourself as being "stuck" with him."

"Well...he has mentioned he wouldn't mind if you felt like joining in," the tiger said with a sly grin as Jake choked on the bread roll.

"How many times do I have to tell you two I'm not interested in males?" said Jake coughing.

"Well what about your cute little foxy friend there? Would he be up for some late night fun?"

"Leave him alone, it's bad enough I had to send the maid to therapy after she saw the two of you making a mess in the kitchen. I don't need you scarring any more of my friends. Now shut up and eat... thanks for it by the way."

"No problem. Though you sure you don't want to fix the human's leg first?"

"I'll be alright," Shawn stammered, still unsure about being around the large beast. "How did you know I'm human?"

"What, did you hear human? I said huge man!" the tiger said quickly, casting a fearful glance at Jake.

"Once we're done eating I'll take him to see Doc," said Jake not looking up from his plate of steaming meats.

The tiger nodded then suddenly looked up.

"Oh by the way I'm Brad," he said reaching across to shake Matt's paw. Then he shook Shawn's hand, who Jake had to keep a paw on lest he fall out of his chair.

"I'm Matt,"

"I'm Shawn," the human managed to stammer out, terrified at the idea he was surrounded by wild talking animals.

"Pleasure to meet two new cuties," said Brad with a grin.

They spent the rest of the meal in silence. When each had eaten his fill, Jake got up, motioning for Matt and Shawn to do the same. Brad gave them a smile and a nod as they headed out the door. Unable to restrain himself, he took a good long look at their tail ends; he closed his eyes and sighed. As they rounded the corner and the doors closed behind them his paw slowly drifted down his chest, shuddering as the sight of the young arctic fox's tail end swaying as it left the room. He felt his sheath tighten as his paw slowly disappeared beneath the waistband of his boxers.


Their heads moved as if on a swivel as Matt and Shawn made their way down the long hallway next to Jake. The hall was bedecked with tapestries and paintings of long dead ancestors. Busts and vases sat on marble pedestals between the portraits and tapestries. Each had been moulded by the paws of a master craftsman, so lifelike that none of them would have been at all surprised if one had opened its eyes and turned to speak with them.

The red carpet that graced the center of the hall was yet another masterpiece, born of the mind and paws of a genius. The golden thread worked into the silk smooth red carpet told as much a story as the tapestries on the walls. In swirling patterns it danced and weaved its way along the floor in a ceaseless and beautiful pattern.

Finally after passing dozens of large ash doors Jake stopped them before one that had a strange carving in it. A serpent entwined around a staff. They recognized it as the Rod of Asclepius, the symbol of healing. Pushing the door open they walked into the large room. It looked just like any hospital ward they had seen before. A dozen beds lined one wall, each separated by a curtain. Next to each a monitor hung from the ceiling ready to be hooked up to a patient in order to monitor their breathing and heart rate.

The bright white fluorescent lights that illuminated the room from above shone off the equally white floor and walls. At the far end of the room three emergency operating rooms lay fully stocked behind glass windows. Two more doors led to check up rooms while a third led to the doctor's office and staff rest area. Shawn gazed around the room; it was nothing like the field hospital that had been set up on the airstrip. The technology in it alone far out stripped anything he could ever have hoped to see in one of the civilian hospitals.

Jake led them to the first check up room, disappearing once he had helped get Shawn settled. Matt watched him leave the room still hurt by the fact that his best friend had lied to him about what seemed to be such a simple matter.

"What's wrong?" Shawn asked nervously, as he heard Matt sigh.

"It's nothing. I'm fine, don't worry about it," Matt said quickly.

"You don't sound fine." Shawn said, looking the fox over.

Matt cautiously hopped up next to Shawn.

"What's wrong?" Shawn said again, swallowing nervously still unsure about being near the creature.

Taking a shuddering breath Matt said "I just can't believe he would lie to me about not owning this incredible mansion. Why wouldn't he trust me? I'm his best friend, I always have been and I always will be."

Thinking a moment Shawn said "If he is your best friend then you need to trust him. I'm sure he had a reason for why he didn't or couldn't tell you. Talk to him later, he's your best friend you can't keep giving him the silent treatment."

"Thanks, I'll talk to him while the doctor checks out that leg of yours," said Matt.

"No problem," Shawn said, looking up at the sound of the door opening.

Matt felt Shawn tense up next to him, looking up he watched as an old timber wolf walked in dressed in a doctor's uniform. A pair of wireframe glasses sat perched on his muzzle. Jake followed the doctor in.

"So this is the patient you were telling me about. Ah yes, that leg of his is in pretty bad shape," said the timber wolf as he stepped close to Shawn who tried to push himself away from this new beast. "Am I going to have to restrain you, or are you going to calm down so I can complete my examination?"

Taking a deep breath Shawn forced himself to sit still as the wolf ran its paws over his leg. Finally the Doctor stood up nodding he said "Yes, we will definitely have to operate to remove all of that shrapnel and clean out your wounds to ensure that there is no infection. It should take no more than a few hours."

"I will inform you when the operation is over," he said looking at Matt and Jake, he handed Shawn a paper gown. "Please put this on. I shall be waiting for you in the operation room. Matt, would you be kind enough to help our friend here with his clothes, and then help him get to the operating room?"

Matt nodded, hoping his blush didn't show through his fur. With a smile the doctor and Jake left the room. Turning to Shawn he blushed again, unable to look the human in the eye and focusing instead on his broad chest. His blush worsened as he felt his sheath tighten and he was forced to avert his gaze from Shawn's chest. The human stood there nervously, unsure of being left alone with the young arctic fox.

"So are you going to help me with what's left of my flight suit or not?" Shawn asked apprehensively, hopping down on his good leg to stand beside the table. Having noticed the fox seemed distracted, he began unzipping his flight suit hoping to get this over with quickly. As Shawn's white undershirt was revealed, Matt snapped back to reality.

Walking up, Matt carefully helped Shawn pull his arms free from the suit. Shawn was visibly shaking from nerves, or perhaps from fear of being so close to him. Matt helped him back onto the table, and removed the human's boots. His breathing quickened as Matt realised what must come next. Shawn stared blankly into space, trying to keep calm as he felt the gentle touch of Matt's paws at his waist. The blush on Matt's face couldn't have been more obvious as he gingerly slipped off Shawn's pants, leaving the human in nothing more than his white t-shirt and boxers.

Matt felt his boxers grow tighter at the sight of the slight bulge between the human's legs. Shawn shifted slightly, unsure of his arousal at the young fur's touch. The fox standing between his thighs was clearly unperturbed by the strangeness of the situation, and was now staring longingly at his groin, making Shawn uneasy. He gave a slight cough, snapping Matt out of his day dream. The fox blushed redder still, realizing his fascination had been easily noticed.

"Well go on then. Those need to come off too, right?" Shawn asked, taking some pleasure in the fact that he had just made his "nurse" squirm.

Matt nodded, ignoring the throbbing sensation from within his own pants, and worked his fingers under the edges of the human's shirt. The fabric slowly peeled away, revealing Shawn's well muscled chest. It was so strange seeing a creature with so little fur. Shawn felt his own face flush as the fox's fingers wriggled under the waistband of his boxers, forgetting momentarily that Matt was not human. A slight chill told him his boxers were now gone, and that he sat completely exposed before this strange creature.

Matt stared, wide-eyed, at the large shaft now in front of him. To his surprise, it was already partially hard. The length of flesh appeared much different than his own; where his was long and tapered, Shawn's had a large bulbous head and long smooth shaft. A large bush of fur surrounded the base and covered Shawn's balls in a thick covering of wiry hair.

Matt licked his lips noticeably, and looked up at Shawn. Shawn was nervous, but couldn't deny that he was quickly losing his fear of the fox.

"W-we should get you into that hospital gown," Matt muttered.

"Good idea," Shawna answered, not taking his eyes away from Matt.

The paper gown went on without much fuss compared to the tension of getting Shawn out of his clothes, and Matt found himself thoroughly embarrassed. Ducking his head once more to avoid eye contact, he exited the room to inform the doctor that Shawn was ready.

"He's all yours Doc!" Matt blurted, finding the floor much more interesting than either of the two wolves in the room.

Jake tilted his head, confused at the slight musk of arousal coming from Matt, but banished the thought.

"Matt, are you okay?" Jake asked.

"I...I want an explanation Jake. Why did you lie to me? Didn't you trust me? Why didn't you just tell me you owned this place?"

"I'm sorry I lied Matt. I really am, but it was for your own protection." Jake said his ears drooping, looking away to ensure Matt couldn't see the look of regret cracking his stern visage. "I'll tell you everything I promise, but not here. Let's go to the library it's nice and quiet, I'll explain everything there."

With a nod Matt followed Jake out the door and back into the hall. His mind buzzing, what possible reason Jake could have for not sharing this secret with him.