The Moon\'s Mark

Story by Raver Bunny on SoFurry

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#1 of The Moon's Mark

"Please sir's, don't hurt this girl! Please this one begs the strange masters!" A small female bunny girl with white fur dyed pink for purpose was a slave fresh from training. She was thrown onto the middle of the floor of a local tavern. She looked tired and whip marks stretched across her back, where spots of her soft fur was missing.

"Quiet slave! You will obey, now spread your legs!" yelled the cruel human.

The small slave bunny whimpered and backed up slightly holding her legs as tears stream down her face. "No please masters, this girl is a fresh slave, she is a new clean slave. This girl wants to save herself for her first real master. Please sir's don't hurt this girl."

She crawled to her knees begging, bent forward, her paws together in a well done slave pose. In a flash the man that was forcing himself upon the girl slapped her cheek, knocking the girl back to the floor. She whined unable to get up as a trickle of blood dropped down from her muzzle.

"Who do you think you are Pig?"

A tall figure from the shadows arose, wearing a deep, dark blue cape. A hood hid his face though his bright piercing star like eyes glowed from under the hood.

"Are you this girls Master? Do you own her? Where is your mark upon her body?" The cruel man said coolly then smacked the slave smirking at the stranger in the shadow.

The stranger replied smoothly, "She is not my slave, but she is an un-owned slave, that gives any man" ("or beast") he mumbled, "a right to her!" The shadowed figure grunted and kneeled down by the slave girl and gently lifted her muzzle to bring her soft green eyes to meet his glowing ones. "Are you okay girl?"

The slave looked up and held tightly to the cloaked man. She could sense the aura about him was non-threatening. "Oh! Kind master please help this girl, protect her, she will be in your debt!"

The cloaked figure smirked as the other man yelled out.

"Stay out of this stranger! This is between the slave and me! She is not yours!" The man was huge, with fat grubby hands a formidable foe for any normal being.

"You are worse than a pig because you are human." The shadow figure whispered. He reached for his sword and pulled it from its sheath. The cloaked figure smiled as he pulled back his hood, revealing a very handsome, seeming young face of a black anthro fox his right eye had a white spot around it, a perfect circle. His eyes so blue they seemed lifeless, his hair was as silver as the blade of a sword.

The cloaked fox ignored the big brute and stroked the slave's cheek. "She's mine now." The cloaked fox slapped his paw upon the naked girls right ass cheek. The girl screamed out for just a moment as he removed his paw, there was a paw-print left in its place burned in her fur. "There now girl, no one can touch you without going through me first, and by the way, my name is Moon."

Moon stood up and reached his paw out for the girl, when the brute behind him lunged forward, "You bastard!" The man screamed and swung his sword aiming for Moon's head. Moon's eyes glowed as white as the moon in the sky, as if drawing from its celestial power. Moon grabbed the blade of the sword with his bare paw.

"You will never touch her again." Moon said, his voice barely rising slightly louder that it was before. Moon in his calm rage walked forward. His paw glowed in a blue aura as the blade bent back in his grasp. Moon looked the man in the eyes. "And if you don't leave now, I'll make sure you will never be able to touch another girl again." The man in fear dropped his sword and ran from the tower in a cowardly sprint. The patrons around the tavern seemed to back up a few steps as Moon bent down and scooped the bunny in his arms. "You are safe now my pet. Let's leave this place."

Moon walked from the tavern, people giving him space as he left, and continued to walk with the bunny girl still clinging tightly to his neck until he reached the edge of the town. He turned into what looked like an old hotel at the end of the street, though for a hotel it was rather strange. It wasn't lit, and a few windows were broken. Moon owned the hotel and it hadn't been open for business for a few years. Moon unlocked the door and stepped inside. The girl looked around, a small tavern was the first floor, but the bar was covered in various potions and huge books. Moon set the girl on the couch and smiled at her, his white fangs shined in the dim light. He took off his cloak and wrapped it around her naked body.

"Now please my girl, tell me your name." asked Moon with soft pale eyes.

The girl looked up at Moon, her own eyes tired, scared and weary as she replied. "Master Moon? This girl has no name."

Moon looked at the girl in shock, but this look turned soft again. "Then I shall call you, " Moon thought for a moment as he looked the girl over, seeing her adorable ears and fluffy tail, he nodded, "I know it's not original but I'm not good at naming. I shall just call you Bunny for now."

Bunny smiled sweetly "I love my new name Master." she said almost in a whisper.

Moon was still angry, "Lay down sweet Bunny. You're safe now I'll be back very soon." Bunny felt like protesting but she knew not to and laid down, she was very tired and she was safe. So she laid on the couch and quickly fell asleep.

Moon had other plans though. He took his sword in his paw, bent over to kiss Bunny on her forehead and left out the back door. He didn't return for a few hours, and when he did his sword was covered in blood. Bunny was awake then and didn't have to ask what he did, she could tell. She knew that the man in the bar wouldn't touch her again. But she also wondered, if anyone would ever see her again. She was a bunny, with a fox as a master. A strange mysterious master. One that didn't yell or hit her or treat her like property. Bunny was very confused indeed, but she was owned now and didn't complain. Untill the next night when Moon asked Bunny to come to bed...

-=- To Be Continued in Chapter 2 -=-