Seasons and Leaves

Story by Ephemeral_Dreams on SoFurry

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Seasons and Leaves


Just as the time ticks by, each second an eternity.

Must we part this way, each sound a calamity.

Past haunts us as norm, reminders of the untouchable.

Hurt hunts us undeterred, regardless of the ensemble.

We try to look up, at the falling leaves.

So much like our hopes, cherished dreams.

I cry to no end, down towards the sheets.

No more tears to cope, hated treats.

Alas people leave as seasons change,

how much like the colorful leaves where they are forgotten.

After a satisfying crunch underneath our feet, They become no more

Only to return every year, to be crushed once again.

Determined to last, as before.

Detrimental desires, wishing for the stars.

Undermined to fast, in hope for a shore.

Cynical fires, licking for the core.

Hope is a trap, Set by myself.

To bring us forward, a single step.

Nope is the crap, that I always hear.

To take us backward, another wrenching stab.

Purpose unknown, reason to be alive.

Fear of the unknown, cowardly reason to be alive.

Death to be welcomed, alas I lack the courage.

Sheathe my blades, world class entourage.

What meaning would each year have: immutable, unchanging years.

Why would we struggle daily: wading through the whirling blades.

Who could we lean on: Family, friends, ex-mates-Traitors.

Where should we go: Heaven, hell, purgatory-all the same.

When might we escape, to the eternal peace if happiness be denied.

Thank you for reading again.

It' amalgam of my thoughts after the late events consisting of unemployment, acquiring many friends to have them leave and ignore me, as well as hopeful mates that fell through the gap that I'd created. Along with the military jargon of "Army Strong," that I am not, Just...a ramble. Not sure what I should be doing, even as i know exactly what i should be doing.


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