The True Arbiter Story: Part 1

Story by Methados on SoFurry

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#1 of The True Arbiter Story

(FYI in this story the Arbiter is a female)

Note: This is my first story, so please go easy on me, thanks, and I hope you all like it.

The True Arbiter Story

Chapter 1

I am the Arbiter, a rank of great importance in the Covenant, a rank that is handed to great warriors and leaders. I was nether, I was a heretic, a failure. I let the humans destroy the holy ring and impaled our great journey.

It all started when my fleet returned from the ring war to High Charity, my welcome was a trial for my life.

"YOU FOOL!" Shouted one of the prophets. "Do you know what you have done?"

I just looked up at the three godly forms in front of me; I could hardly say a word. "I..I, we did all we could, the humans and flood were too much for us... and the ..."

"Spartan?" said The prophet in the center, "You speak of the demon, the one lone human that was able to destroy an entire Covenant fleet."

"Yes..." I said as I lowered my head.

"Why could you not be one of the hundreds lost to that monster?" Yelled the hologram of the third prophet.

I just stood there, waiting for the judgment to be cast, then I looked up to the three, "But, I will continue my campaign against the humans."

The center prophet just raised his hand had said, " will not, and when we begin the great journey the weight of your heresy will stay your feet, and you will be left behind." And with that I was taking out of the court room but two brute guards.

I was taking into a dark small room by the 2 brutes and a third, larger brute with white fur walked in after. "Leave us!" he said and the 2 guards left right away. "So, you're the commander that failed to stop one human ship from destroying the most important thing there is to the Covenant hu?"

"Just do what you have to and then leave me be, I don't want to take with you brutes"

"O, really now, well what I have planned for you is going to make you wish you were killed by that green armoured human." And with those words four energy cuffs floated towards me locking both my arms and legs still. The large brute then walked over to me and whispered in my ear, "My name is Tartarus, just thought you would like to know the name of the one that's going tear you insides out."

I had no idea what he was talking about until I felt him grab a hold of move lower armour piece and removing it reviling my sexual areas. I jumped as much as I could in the cuffs when I felt his hand run down my back and stopping on my buttocks.

"This will be fun, but not for you Sangheili"

I turned my head as my head as I could to see what he was doing, and that's when I saw it, his large exposed brute penis with his hand gripping it and stocking while looking me up and down, my eyes widened and I tried my best to brake free but it was no good. That's when it happened, Tartarus grabbed me by waist and pushed up against my back, his manhood pushing against the hole of my butt, he pulled back a little and then plunged his way in, I screamed in pain as the brute cock forced its way in me, the pain was unbearable, tears ran down my face as he's continues thrusts just kept getting faster and faster. He then reached his hand around to my front and put two of his fat brute fingers into my vagina. His cock was now almost completely inside me.

"You're starting to like this, I can tell" said Tartarus,

"O God no, please stop, it hurts"

"Ha! That only makes me want to go even harder, the more you pain the more pleaser I get."

Tartarus then reached up and pushed a button on the energy cuffs on my wrists and they started to move to the floor, now both my hands and feet were touching the ground. "This will make it better." He said as he laughed. His thrusts became stronger and much faster now, he was now pushing his entire cock into my hole, and I could feel his fur pushing against my skin.

He began to laugh and said, "Well, you elites may be useless in battle, but your female sure do make good sex slaves." With this he started to move so fast my arms almost got ripped completely off by the energy cuffs. He then moved his head down, opened his mouth, and took the area of skin between my shoulder and neck into his monstrous jaws, it hurt but was nothing compared to the pain I was already enduring.

This must have gone on for at least an hour, but the pain made it feel like days. Finally he started to jerk forward in his climax, I could tell he was almost ready and the suffering will stop, he then let out a loud growl and he exploded inside me, his sperm dipping past his cock and down my leg, he took a few breaths and then slowly pulled out, as it came completely out I could feel the cum pouring out of my hole and dropping to the floor. I closed my eyes and started to wimpier, but the joy of it finally stopping made me almost happy, until I heard the noise of a door opening behind me, I turned to see a large wooding staff floating next to Tartarus, the end red hot with markings on it. My arm cuffs rose to make me stand again as he walked in front of me with the staff in hand. "Now, for the mark of shame." And without any warning he stabbed me in my left breast, burning the mark into my skin.

"Now you must go speak with the prophets, and if you know what's good for you I say you shouldn't tell them about what happened here, of I might have to have another good, and I want be so genital next time." Said the monster as he gave me my lower armour and pushed me out the door. I just stood there crying for a while then I put my armour on and went to the Arbiter chamber to meet with the prophets.