The Voyage chapter 9

Story by shetland on SoFurry

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#9 of The Voyage

The Voyage 9 by Raven Fox and Shetland. (Last chapter): William and Naomi go to Australia to get the ship refueled. Riku and the other canines work on the hyper drive with their guests. But one of them is pretending to be gay.

Canines' ship at Yorkshire Moors England. The morning after the events of chapter 8.

William walks around the shuttle inspecting it for the flight tonight. He looks over to the sleek fighter parked in a corner of the hanger bay. "I rather be taking that, but Riku isn't allowing anybody to fly it anymore. She is giving to the military of her world." The human thought to himself seeing Trish wearing sunglasses, the female wolf looking at him, then she looked at the fighter parked and she studied it for a minute and looked back at him giving him a wave. "I think she's something else than a gay female wolf." William whispered to himself.

"I think you're right, better tell Riku." Said Naomi near him. The mink watched as the wolf looked at the hanger bay as if she's memorizing the details. "I'll go tell Riku." She said to William.

"Wait, we'll both go tell her, due to your homophobia. She'll think you're picking on her. I got to report to her in a minute anyway." The human said to the mink and finished inspecting the shuttle.

Control room, a few minutes later.

Sera is talking to Riku when William walked in with Naomi. She smiled at the sight of the human. "How's the shuttle?"

William grinned at the collie replying. "The cells are at ninety percent, enough to fly here and back operating the cloaking device for days. I am wondering, why is the ship and shuttle using the minerals at a voracious rate?"

The collie let out a breath. "It's the quality of the ore we've been getting. One thing is that the stuff isn't pure and there's a lot of junk mixed in with it. The ship is designed to run on impure ore for only in an emergency for a short time. We've been operating it for almost a half year and I am surprise that we haven't had more severe problems."

"I had this ship go thru an overhaul before this fiasco started." Riku interrupted. "When we use the more refined stuff at my world, the fuel lasts longer along with the shuttle. Sera had to reprogram the computers on the shuttle to compensate for the poor quality ore we've been getting. This impure stuff is really screwing up the ships mechanicals."

"Like the part to the hyper drive, I half to remove that flow regulator clean it out hoping that I don't half to overhaul it. This ore is like firing black powder in a newer firearm, the ore we've been getting is gumming up and wreaking the components." The collie turned to the artic vixen. "We're going to half to redo the engineering space with the shuttle when we get back home. The ship and shuttle will be spending at least one month in the yard, plus putting back in the regular computer for the jump engine."

The vixen nodded looking over to William. "So, it will take one month before I visit Rodger. I didn't forget him, me and him have some unfinished business. You Rodger me lad and I are going to have a little talk in how to treat a stepson. William has an appointment with the academy and Rodger has an appointment with me. I just hate it when an adult abuses a kit, make that a Todd."

William saw Riku looking at him. "Riku, I saw Trish wandering around the hanger bay like she's studying it along with the fighter. I think we might need to keep an eye on our guests."

Riku nodded in agreement, she knew that the human is looking out for everyone. "Alright, I'll have a talk with them." The vixen knew that William smelled something to. He did spend time on a military unit and he knew a spy when he saw one. "Also, that wolf didn't act like a lesbian last night in bed." She thought to herself.

Later at night, heading to Australia.

William worked the controls of the shuttle looking at the landscape going by. He noticed a few things different from what he heard from his friend who went to Europe before school started last year. The human remained quiet thinking to himself wondering if the female canines are in danger.

Naomi watched her lover think to himself. The mink felt relieved that she's going with William instead of being on that ship. She tolerated the canines, but their new guests rubbed her fur the wrong way. "I am not bashing, but there's something about that wolf." The mink said to William.

The human remained quiet. "I've been thinking, since England is the world superpower, I think I know who she's working for. A few guys talked to me while I was waiting for those electronic parts. They happen to tell me what a clerk at a library makes and they don't make enough to keep a pre-1975 MGB maintained in mint condition. I knew a few guys that had those cars, you half to have another car. Don't get me wrong, I love older British cars, but they're temperamental machines and you half to be a good mechanic to keep one as old as the one our wolf has running."

"Who do you think she works for?" Asked the mink.

The human looked at Naomi's' bluish gray colored eyes. "The U.S.A. had the C.I.A., but the British has MI6. I think our wolf guest works for her Majesty's secret service. Trish must have been monitoring that human female for a reason, but then we land a high tech advanced spaceship near her and now we're her current assignment."

The mink laughed. "Rikus' ship is one hundred years out of date." But she stopped at Williams' look.

"On my planet there is no hyper drive or a device that makes a ship jump across the galaxy in hours. Back before I was born, we had a spacecraft that took three days to go to the moon. Rikus' ship did the same distance in hours, plus those fighters of yours did it in less than an hour. I know you think Rikus' ship is a museum display, but to the British it's high tech. If Trish manages to get a copy of the data of how to make a ship like Rikus' and manage to make a copy of the data all the places we been. Let's say, the British might be expanding their empire to include a feline planet and Joans' home world." William said to the mink.

"They don't stand a chance against my world and the other rodents." Naomi replied.

"If I was them, I'll leave your worlds alone because Riku logged the strengths of the military of those planets. They will try to make friends with your people and the others." The human said to the mink.

Naomi stayed quiet for the rest of the flight.

Canines ship at the same moment.

Trish walked to the computer room taking in the sight of the room. Unknown to the canines and Trina, the wolf is recording the ship inside and outside. Her recording device is in her sunglasses and Ipod. The sunglasses have a couple of micro cameras in the frames and the recording device is the Ipod. If Trina or one of the canines happen to look at the Ipod, all what they see is hundreds of albums listed in the device.

The wolf knew that the collie is in the dorsal space working on the hyper drive with Trina and Joan assisting her. Riku is taking a nap due to a sleep drug being introduced to her cup of tea. "Leaving me to check out this computer." She thought to herself hooking a cable from her Ipod to the ships computer. "Open your mind to me; I just love that Total Recall movie staring Sean Connery (The original version from the eighties). Wouldn't say it around Trina, but dam that guy is sexy for an older man." Trish thought for a moment and grinned. "I wish my masters had me act bi instead of gay. That William is one sexy human; I came close of having my way with him on that drive."

A few minutes later, data scrolled on the screen giving the wolfess the data holding the secrets of interstellar travel and the ships' log. A minute later, the device flashed DOWN LOAD COMPLETE. Trish put back on her sunglasses and continued recording the canines' ship.

Australia penal colony, daytime.

The human male with light brown hair looked at desolate landscape with brown eyes. He took a drink of water from the water skin wiping his mouth. "Day 387 of my life exile of this desert. I would love to get my hands on Arkin saying it was me that hacked the company computer when it was him. I was given a choice, the moon or this place, but I have a better chance in escaping this place than the moon." A loud whine with a wind storm got his attention. "What the hell?!" As a vortex formed in the middle of the desert three hundred yards from him.

Inside the shuttle William shut down the systems leaving the cloaking device on. He looked over to Naomi watching her put on hot weather clothing. The human grinned at her liking the sight of the minks' body.

The mink caressed the humans' chin doing that chirring sound. "Later, after we get the stuff we need. I brought your favorite drink so we can have fun later on, but don't worry, just in case, I can fly this shuttle. I did fly the one at the weasels' home world before that war started." She said in a sultry tone moving one of Williams' hands to her breasts. "That ought to hold you over till later." Naomi replied finishing putting on the different clothing.

William walked to the back of the shuttle and lowered the rear ramp feeling the hot dry air blow on his face. He turned to Naomi watching the mink follow him and her face change to the expression of shock and she did a pointing gesture to the ramp of the shuttle. The human turned to the boarding ramp. "Oh shit!"

Lee didn't know what he's looking at, one second there was desert and all of a sudden there's an area that has a male human and a female gray colored mink. The human and the other one just stared at each other not saying a word.

Naomi looked at a human male that looked like William staring at her lover. She saw that he has a leaner build than William with a lighter shade of brown hair, plus his skin has a darker tan than him. "Who are you blokes?" The strange human asked them.

William sighed looking up at the sky. "You won't believe me." He replied to the human standing at the base of the ramp.

"Try me, I just might believe you." Lee answered William and grinned.

Sitting at a chair, William took a breath and released it. "I have a tale to tell you, it will take a while to tell. My name is William and the minks' name is Naomi and we..."

"Are not from this planet, I can tell by your accent. The mink has a different body structure, plus her eye color, I never seen a mink with that eye color. I know the technology level of the empire and they don't have invisible ships. So my extraterrestrial friends tell me your tale. I am being rude, my name is Lee. Been on this prison colony for little over a year, I was wrongly accused of computer hacking a company computer. Serving a life sentence for that offense." Lee replied, watching the minks' muzzle curl for a second showing her teeth.

Two hours later, inside the shuttle.

Lee stretched himself on a chair and looked at the ceiling examining the ceiling. He looked at the human and mink grinning. "I'll help you get those minerals, but I want a favor. Get me to the Yorkshire Moors so I can have my revenge on the guy who framed me. I had a good job working on computers and building them."

"Wait, we can use him William. I admit, I am not good working on computers. We can use him in getting that new jump computer on the ship working. In my opinion, I don't think the ship will make back to Rikus' home world. The ship has to be traveling hyper space for another two full weeks. Sera is exhausted keeping the ship together." Naomi replied to William with a concerned look. "I been thinking of our problem with the new jump engine computer, plus I turned it on while on watch a couple of times to check it. It's acting like it's not getting a signal from the jump engine."

"Alright, but I think we will take him with us. If we let him have his revenge, Lee here will have a one way trip to the moon." He looks at the human sitting near them. "I'll take you away from this place, but I have this feeling you'll be more useful on Rikus' ship than mining some unknown minerals on the moon. If you go with us, you have a chance for a new life on a different world." William looks Lee in the eye. "You better be telling the truth about being innocent or I'll have Riku drop you off at the moon."

Lee nodded in agreement. "I am innocent, just like your United States; the Empire does have some corruption by sending good people to prison." He saw the mink nod to.

William stood up stretching. "Let's get to work, the sooner we're done doing some mining. The sooner you're out of prison Lee."

The next day, the canine ship.

Riku walked on the top of the ship thinking to herself. The vixen is a little upset at William telling her that there is going to be an addition to the crew roster. She calmed herself down knowing that the human is a computer repair tech and he might be able to repair the jump engine computer. "Be able to be home with Xander my mate as soon as Sera has the ship fixed. Naomi is right, the ship needs yard time and I have this feeling things will get worse if we don't get home soon." Riku thought to herself as she lowered herself in to the space. "How's it going Sera?"

The collie turned to Riku holding a tool and grinned at the vixen. "Yard goof up, the control valve has a pinched seal. I should have us fixed by tonight, so we didn't need to get those minerals. Call William back, soon as he lands, we're out of here."

Grinning, the vixen feels like a lot of weight is taken off her. "We'll he does have the amount we need, plus he's on his way back."

Sera place the tool down and look at the vixen. "It would have taken him two days to get that amount. What's going on here?"

Riku sits down on a coolant pipe. "They been spotted by an inmate and he helped them mine the mineral, plus our newest crewmember is a computer repairman. If he's pulling our chain, we drop him off on the moon while we pass it."

The collie looks at the wrench thinking. "I am glad that I'll have the ship fixed by tonight, something a bout that wolf rubs my pelt the wrong way. So we got to find a way to let them leave the ship tonight before William returns. By the way, I need some stuff for the ship tonight." Sera grins at Riku.

The vixen chuckles. "I see what you mean; we need to have our guests run an errand. They leave a minute before William arrives and we leave this planet tonight." She looks around in the space. "Where's Joan?"

"She went sleepy and went to her stateroom. It was unusual; it happen after Trish gave her something to drink." Sera said grabbing a container of water.

Riku grabbed the container and threw it out of the space. "I'll get you something to drink; I think Joan was drugged by our wolf guest. Naomi was right, I should have listened to her, but I thought she was being homophobic towards our guests."

Sera touched Rikus' muzzle gently. "Be calm old friend, we have been through a lot in the last six months. You been under the most stress because you're the captain of this ship and you are responsible for everyone on this ship. I've been repairing the damage that the crappy fuel we've been putting in the reactor has done to it. If this new crewmember can repair the jump computer, we should be home in less than twenty-four hours." The collie kisses the vixen. "Check on Joan, but don't do anything to our guests. When William is less than twenty minutes away, send them on an errand let the shuttle land and we're out of here."

The vixen nodded and left the space.

A few hours later, Riku is looking around the ship cussing. She checked the control room again when a hand touched her arm. The vixen turned exclaiming. "They're gone!"

"Relax, the hyper drive is fixed. William is five minutes away, I checked Joan. She's been given a sleep drug; she'll be out for hours. If I would have drunk that water, I'll would have been out for hours to. I am glad that you checked on me when you did." Sera shivers and regain her composure. "I have a bad feeling Riku."

The vixen nodded in agreement and looked around the control room. "You have five minutes to check any component for sabotage. Just check the system that makes the ship achieve orbit, then check the hyper drive and the jump engine. I'll help William, Naomi and our newest crewmember get the ship ready for lift off." She watches as the collie sit at a terminal typing on the keyboard. Riku left the control room and walked to the hanger.

Minutes later, the hanger bay.

William grinned shutting down the shuttle systems. The human looked at the mink sitting near him and turned his head to the other human. "Welcome aboard the Macon, she's a sweet ship, but the jump computer is acting funny. Lets head to the control room and get ready for lift off." He said to Lee.

Lee nodded and followed the human and mink thru a cramped passageway. "This bloody ship looks like a submarine." He said going thru a hatch, a minute later he is in a room with seats. The human saw a tall female sable colored collie talking to an artic fox vixen.

The vixen turned to the people who just walked in the control room. Riku studied the newest member of her crew. "We're in a rush in taking off, the long range sensors just picked of a convoy of military vehicles heading here. I just hope our wolf guest didn't tamper with any of our systems." She said looking over to the collie who is typing on a keyboard.

Sera looked at the display and flipped some controls near the keyboard. The ship made a thrumming sound and shuddered. "We have lift off, the lift off engines are operating at normal parameters. I am getting a stand by message from the hyper drive; jump engine is still flashing an error message."

William nodded and turned to Riku. "From what you told me on the com. I think Trish was hoping for the hyper drive to be disabled after Sera had a drink of that water making her go to sleep. She didn't tamper with the lift off engines because she wanted the ship be in operating condition so that her bosses can move the ship to a military base for study."

Riku looked at William knowing that the human is right. She turned to Sera. "Check our water supply after we get in to orbit." She looks at Lee doing a canine grin. "Time to earn you passage, I'll take you to the computer room so you can take a look at the jump computer."

A few minutes later, Lee was looking at the ship computers studying them. He went over to the smaller one and typed on the keypad near it. "I am glad that those ferrets gave Riku a manual to this computer. Ok, according to the read out, the plug from the jump engine is not getting power." The human said to himself as he removed the top panel. Lee just stared at the inside of the computer seeing wires glowing a light blue color and once in a while a few flashed. He knew what he was looking at, because the empire was experimenting with fiber optics to replace copper wiring in computers. Letting out a breath, the human directed his gaze to the plug from the jump engine and saw one fiber being unlit. Lee looked closer and saw that the fiber wasn't plugged in its socket. He grasped the dark fiber and plugged it back in the socket and grinned as the fiber lit up.

At the control room Riku was talking to Naomi when her console beeped. The vixen grinned when she saw the screen showing a message: JUMP ENGINE READY PLEASE ENTER JUMP COORDINATES. She looked at the over head. "Thanks Lee, I'll help you get a job of your choosing when we get home." Riku typed in the coordinates with glee. "Stand by for jump." The vixen said in a mike and flipped the lever to engage the jump engine.

MI6 headquarters, London England an hour later.

Trish sat on a chair looking at the middle age man who is in charge of MI6. The female wolf watched as her superior looked at the data and video footage of Rikus' ship. She stayed quiet for the last couple hours except that she had to go to the loo.

The male at the desk watched the footage studying the ship in question and looked at the agent sitting near his desk. He was told that Trish has a very clean record and nobody had any issues of her performance. M looked at Trish sighing. "The ship took off when the military arrived at the Moors. We should have sent a single van with ten agents; they would have taken the ship from two vixens and a collie."

"One of the vixens was disabled by a sleep drug along with the collie. I am surprised that Riku got the ship going. The collie was put out so that the hyper drive will still be disabled, plus the jump engine is useless due to the computer being inoperable. We can still intercept the ship and the shuttle should be at the prison colony." The wolf said to the human male.

M gazed at the wolf. "I just got a report from the space station; they observed a white flash over England. The prison colony reported the disappearance of the inmate known as Lee. He was there serving a life sentence of computer hacking. So you get the idea of what happened."

Trish is quiet for a minute. "I thought that I'll have that ship sitting there for us to collect and study."

"Don't worry 009; we still have the data to study. It will just take us a couple of years to make a ship like the one you were on. You did her majesty a great service of getting the data and trying to keep the ship here for us to take. You are reassigned to another assignment, this time you can be yourself. We already have another female agent befriending Trina, to her concern; you were involved in a fatal car crash. We already have fake stories on the internet and the papers, report to medical to have your pelt dyed back to its original gray color and pick up your new identity. Good work agent." The male said to Trish.

The wolf walked out of the office grinning. She hated to pretend to be gay; right now she can go back in being a heterosexual. A minute later looking at the night sky, Trish wondered if she will see the human male named William again.

Rikus' home world, a station orbiting the planet.

The all white colored male fox looked out of the portal gazing at the ships moving around. He is hoping to see a certain one of the Bane class. "An older class of ship, but my mate refuses to take command of a new ship. I hope this fiasco makes her to assume command of a newer one, plus it will be another month before I see my mate again." Xander thought to himself as a white field appears near the station.

Alarms go off in the station as a black colored ship of the Bane class appears from the jump field. Personal watched as the ship turns and started to head toward the station. A female voice comes on the loudspeakers. "Station 895, this is the zz..sshhd, request permission to dock."

Inside the control room, Riku heard a reply. "Permission granted, dock at docking port H4. Glad to have you back Captain Riku, some personal will be waiting for you at the docking port." Said a male voice from the com set.

Minutes later, hanger bay.

William watched as Riku talked to a couple of male foxes, a white colored one and a red colored wearing a military uniform. The fox in uniform is looking at the Ares fighter parked in the corner of the bay. "And right now, a couple of computer personal are now looking at the jump computer." The human thought to himself as the fox in uniform walked towards him.

"What's it like flying that fighter?" Asked the fox looking William over.

The human grinned and replied. "It's indescribable, the seat is comfortable and she packs a wallop. Twenty four missiles on two rotary launchers and six plasma cannons. I flew one of them for the mink space corps, have twenty kills, sir." William saw the fox change his demeanor towards him.

"Well, I've been talking to Captain Riku and she told me what you been thru. We have a position for someone to fly our fighters." The fox looks at the Ares fighter with a smirk. "I admit, they're not as nice as this one, but in a year we'll have some. I am General Clement in charge of our defense force. If you're interested, report to my office in five hours, Riku knows where my office is at."

William gave Clement a salute as the fox walked away. He turned to go to his stateroom when a strong body hugged him. "Joan, I was about to check on you. How are you feeling?"

The feral vixen grinned and gave him a kiss. "I am fine, still a little woozy. The last thing I remembered was drinking a cup of tea given to me by Trish. Then I wake up a few minutes ago in medical." She looks at the hanger seeing a few different personal walking around the hanger. "I take it we got the jump engine to work and now we're at Rikus' home world."

"While at Australia, I picked up an inmate and he fixed the jump engine computer. So, in less than four hours, our voyage has ended. Riku is talking to her mate and a few personal to get the ship fixed, I bet most of it is going to be warranty work." Said William with a grin. "A senior officer just spoken to me a bout joining their space corps, I am thinking a bout it."

Joan gently grabbed his shoulders and gazed at him. "Do it, we're mates along with Naomi. Riku just offered me a position on her ship, but you'll have me for a month before we go on our next assignment."

William nodded and knew where Riku is going to first. The vixen managed to get the location of his old home in Snohomish Washington when she was making love to him on the planet Minsk. He knew from living with Riku and Joan that vixens have a revenge streak in them. Two vixens against his stepfather, William is glad that he will be here at this system enjoying his new life with Naomi and Joan when she's here.

"So, who is Sera is seeing?" Asked Joan with a sulk.

The human knew that Joan liked Sera for her own personal reasons. "She told me a while back that she has eyes for Lee, but we're still friends. I have no hard feelings, you and that mink is more than enough for me."

Joan giggled and hugged William giving him another kiss. She knew that when the ship is on a voyage, there will be the three some they have fun doing. The vixen released William and the couple walked to the stateroom to pack up.

Lee used an unused stateroom to clean himself off by using the shower. He was offered a position as a crewmember on this ship and he took it. Riku gave him this stateroom for his use. "This sure beats the prison colony." The human muttered to himself as he walked out of the small bathroom.

"Yes its way better than prison, now come in to bed so that we can get to know each other. Thank you for fixing the jump engine computer, you and me will be working together from now on." Said Sera lying on the bed with no cloths on exposing her lean body with large white long furred breasts.

Lee looked at the naked collie giving him a come over gesture. He let go of the towel and climbed in to bed with Sera. "Just to let you know, I never did an anthropomorphic being before."

Sera grinned and stroked Lees' cheek. "Just like doing a human female, but with fur and a different shaped head with a large canine odor. Joan, is a little different, she more like a wild fox vixen." The collie lowers herself on the humans' member taking in his length.

Epilogue, one month later, Snohomish Washington. Rodgers' home, night time.

Rodger sat watching the news with hardly any interest. It's been seven months since William ran away stealing his car. He got the car back, but he had to pay some money to get it back. Reliving the memory cause his anger to surface. "You better stay hidden from me or I'll teach you a painful lesson."

"You won't have that pleasure fiend; he's millions of miles from here. In simpleton terms for you to understand, he's on the third planet from the Gnosis sun. He's out of your reach, but right now, you won't want to try to abuse him again." Riku stepped in view along with Joan. "I am here to give you a lesson of how to treat a stepson. You don't use a spiked belt on their back and you don't stick their hands in a doorframe and slam the door shut."

"Plus you don't kill their younger brother." Joan said in a menacing tone and steps forward, but she's stopped by Riku.

The human looked at the white vixen and the other one who seem different from the white colored one. He leered at the vixens. "Get the fuck out of my house bitches or I'll throw you bitches out like I did to that worthless wife of mine."

Riku grinned showing her teeth and stepped forward. "I am so happy that William isn't here and you threw his mother out of here. Because ever since I first saw William, I wanted to do this to you." The vixen kicks Rodger in the stomach so hard, that the human vomited on the floor.

Joan put on a set of brass knuckles and punched the human at the side of the head and another in the stomach. "Lesson one Rodger, don't fuck with a vixens' mate. You end up regretting it." She punches him a third time as he goes down.

Riku noticed a closet nearby, dragging Rodger to the doorway. She opened it and stuck the humans' hand between the door and the frame.

"Don't please, please don't do this." The human wailed.

"I bet William said the same thing." Riku said, but Joan kicked the door shut.

The feral vixen looked at the older human male looking at his ruined fingers. She looked at the man who abused her mate. "I meet your stepson on my world when he was getting some minerals to refuel the ship he's living on. William was captured because the thugs who caught him thought he was a runaway slave due to the scars on his back. Their leader was urinating on him, so I snuck in and killed all five of them. A human doesn't stand a chance against me in a fight. I would like to kill you for what you did to William and his brother, but I promised Riku that I won't kill you." She steps away.

Riku looked at Rodger. "We're leaving; we just wanted to teach you a lesson. Don't bother calling the cops; I heard that the medicines at the insane asylums come in vanilla or chocolate flavoring." The two vixens walked out of the house in the cover of darkness.

Riku turned to Joan letting out a sigh. "I wanted to do that to him since I first saw William..."

Joan nodded in agreement. "It wasn't easy getting him to trust me when we first meet. I am glad he wasn't here with us."

"He's been thru a lot, there are some things you don't want your mate to see what you're doing. It's best for him not to see what we just did to his stepfather; he's kind of like Sera personality wise." Riku said to the feral vixen.

"He's more like his real father who was killed. William told me a bout his real father when we were in the decontamination chamber after you picked me and him up. His real father had balance, a nice guy most of the time, but when he had to do his job... you know what I mean." Joan said to Riku who nodded in agreement.

The two vixens walked another mile to a field where they boarded a cloaked shuttle. Minutes later they were streaking to another cloaked ship, Riku smiled at the sight of her ship. The month in the yard did wonders; a new jump computer was installed. Lee had ideas how to improve the cooling of the memory chips which lead to a slight design change. It would take a couple of years for computer manufactures to completely study the computer the ferrets installed.

William should be done with his training to serve in the defense forces in a couple of weeks. In a few months, they would be going back to the rodents' area to work out relations with Naomis' people and the other planets. Right now, the mink is working at the shipyards in designing new ships.

Riku remained quiet while walking to the control room. Lee told her during the yard repairs, he found out the computers were hacked not long ago. The vixen bristled knowing who hacked the computers because they gotten all the information to build an exact copy of her ship. "We better keep an eye on those British, who knows what they might do with a ship like mine." She thought to herself as she sat on her chair looking at the male human sitting at a terminal. "Lee, program a jump to our next assignment."

Lee nodded and typed in the jump coordinates. He looked over to the vixen who nodded. Picking up a mike, the human said. "All hands get ready for space jump." Lee threw the lever.

The black colored ship that looked like a squashed Virginia class attack sub, vanished in a white field generated by its jump engine.

Two years later, a yard in Great Britain.

Trish looked at the black colored ship taking shape under a camouflaged covering. The wolf looked at the Union Jack painted on the side of the space craft being built. She looked over to a second one that just started construction a couple of months ago. "Hmm, the two being built in the colonies should be ready in six months for testing. After testing, the first assignment is to make friends with those rodents. Then we do a first contact with those felines, glad that we have feline citizens to be part of that group. Just got to watch out for Riku, I have a feeling she won't be pleased to see me again, but I look different than I use to, but foxes have a good sense of smell." Trish thought to herself looking at the spacecraft being built and she grinned. "Oh William you sexy human, you slipped thru my clutches, but we will be seeing each other soon." The wolf walks to a pre-1975 MGB painted British racing green and drove away.

THE END for now. If any writers want to do any short stories based on an Earth where England rules most of the world and part of the moon. Send me a p.m. with your plot, there are humans, canines and all types of felines. The technology level is like ours but space travel is a little better than we have at the moment. Eighteen months in the future, there will be hyper space travel with the ships jumping across the universe, plus you can have your stories taking place at the feline's world and the rodent worlds. There can be an anthro doing a spying mission on Rikus' home world. RAVEN FOX and Shetland

A sneak peak of my next project Lost flight. This is a story of a fully loaded Airbus A-380 going thru a storm and landing on another world. The transition to the other world is like the book series called Destroyer men written by Taylor Anderson.

Dec 9, 2012, the day after MiDFur at Melbourne Australia. Branif flight L4523, an Airbus A-380 over the Pacific Ocean.

Ernst looked to his right to his best friend who goes by the furry name Raven Fox. Right now the thirty something year old human male dark brown hair is sleeping with the seat back. He looked over Raven to a young guy named Thomas. The youngest of the trio occasionally writes on a series called Tales of a changed Earth. Right now the twenty something male is looking out the wing gazing at the large Rolls Royce engine under the wing. "We had to beg Raven to go with us to MiDFur; his excuse was that he had no money to fly. So Thomas had to finance the trip for him, I am glad he came with us, at least he had a good time." Ernst thought to himself noticing the darkening sky change to a greenish color.


The pilot looked at the storm ahead and checked his weather radar. A dark red area is in his path. At the current moment, the airliner is in a radio dead zone making contacting an ATC impossible. Ninety degrees to his right id a yellow area meaning light storm system. "Have a choice of flying thru a severe storm risk damaging the plane or sending dispatch a request to slightly change course to avoid this storm." He thought to himself looking over to his co-pilot who is staring at the storm ahead. "Send a request to dispatch to change course to avoid this storm system."

The co-pilot nodded typing on the data link. A moment later, the request was granted.

"Turning to the right. " The pilot replied turning the small knob on the console to make the autopilot turn the airliner.

Skip, to the passenger section.

Ernst felt the airliner drop and the large jet engines race. He looked out the window seeing the dark green glow with the felling being on an elevator dropping fast. The passengers screamed and the oxygen masks dropped and Raven is still sleeping, over at the window seat Thomas was looking out the window and he turned back with a look of horror on his face that looked green from the outside glow.

Later in the story, the woods.

"Don't like this crap, even on an alien world with anthropomorphic beings the super wealthy still screw with us." Said Raven tying a red fabric on his forehead to keep the sweat out of his eyes.

"You look like Rambo Raven. " Chuckled Thomas earning a glare from the older guy with his medium green eyes flecked with brown and yellow.

Wearing only a dark blue T-shirt, the human flexed his right arm and kissed his bicep. "I am better looking than Stallone, but he's a million more times wealthier than me. I just can't believe that those wealthy businessmen convinced our hosts to stage this hunt."

"They gave us a choice, marry those rich skanks or allow unmated female wolves to hunt us. I prefer getting hunted by a female anthropomorphic wolf than marry that one blonde female human. Her face was stretched so tight by many plastic surgeries; it looked like a snare drum. I almost had gotten poked by her implanted breasts. Don't get me wrong, I do like women, but one hundred percent natural women." Thomas replied looking around for signs of the wolves.

Raven chuckled. "Don't get me started on very skinny women. I used to work for a guy who watched that TV show called Ally Mcbeal. He had a crush on the main actress, man she was thin a board. If I wanted to have sex with something skinny like one of those anorexic females, I'll drill a hole on a board and pack it with cooking grease. No, I prefer a female with meat on her bones. That brunette gal they wanted me to marry was skin and bones, that ruin a good hard on." The older guy said earning a chuckle from the other two guys.

Unknown to the three men, three sets of canine eyes watched them walk thru the woods. Each one of the female wolves was different; there is one female maned wolf. With her were two different regular female anthropomorphic wolves. One is a gray and brown colored with long brown head hair. The other is a gray colored wolf and the difference is that she didn't have head hair; the hair at the neck area is a long brown and gray giving her the appearance of a mane.

"So these are the human were allowed to catch. After hearing them talk, it seems that don't like the human females they given to." The maned wolf inquired.

"Well, I saw them, can't say I blame those men in rejecting them. So do we capture or kill them?" Asked the gray wolf running a hand thru the long hair at her neck.

"Capture, why waste good males. I have this feeling that they might prefer to live with us. Uma, witch one do you want?" Asked the maned wolf.

She looked at the three guys and directs her gaze to Thomas. "I'll take the young one, he's mine Maya."

Maya looked at the group and directed her gaze at Raven. "I'll take the older one which leaves the last to you Taila. He did say he prefers females with meat on her." The female maned wolf said looking at her full figure. She wasn't fat, but her body will be counted as full figure on Earth. Maya looked at the Raven and licked her nose pad. "Let the hunt begin."

Will post this story when I am done with it. RAVEN FOX:)