Character Data: Daniel D. Yote

Story by Daniel Yote on SoFurry

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#3 of Background Info

Not sure if I uploaded this here or not, but I figured you all would want to know a bit more about Yote, aside from his misadventures with the females he encounters




Name: Daniel D. Yote

Species: Mountain Coyote (canis latrans lestes) Ethnicity: Latranian Profession: Military contractor Age: 32 Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Gender: Male Weight: 200lbs Height: 5'9" Blood Type: A+ Distinguishing Physical Features: Green eyes, sometimes limps from a gunshot wound sustained in battle.

Psychological Profile: Suffers from post traumatic stress disorder. Somewhat anti-social and neurotic, especially in large crowds.

Piercings: None Weapon Of Choice: AK47 or similar varient

Car: Jeep Wrangler

Bio: Daniel Yote had the unfortunate luck of being born in an area rife with violence and civil unrest during the Third Lupine-Latranian War (llwIII). His father, a soldier, was killed in action when Daniel was very young. When Yote was five, a renegade squad of Lupine soldiers stormed into his house and murdered his mother and siblings. Yote survived only because his mother shielded him from the bullets with her own body. With no surviving relatives to take care of him, Yote was placed into the custody of the State, and adopted by foster parents.

Yote's foster father took him in as his own son. What the records didn't show was that Yote's foster parents were lieutenants in the Coyote Liberation Front, or CLF, a strong anti-lupine terrorist group seeking to drive the Lupines from the lands Latranians used to hold.

As he grew up, Yote was trained in the use of weapons, explosives, and insurgent tactics. He showed a particular talent with the application of improvised explosive devices and ambushes against Lupine Federation

Soldiers, until one day he was captured and sent to the infamous Kravenwulf Prison. He was incarcerated for 5 years, wherein he was tortured on an almost daily basis. His life term was cut short when Yote was convinced to work "off his sentence" by working for the Federation on several missions overseas.

Yote was sent on a mission to Central Siberia, where he was again captured, thanks to information leaked by his employer. The Federation sent in an operative from the elite Iron Wolf Brigade to retrieve or eliminate him to prevent information from being leaked. The operative, Natalya Pavlichenko, brought Yote back, and the two began a relationship.

This severely angered Natalya's father, who was a very powerful political figure. An arrest order was issued on Daniel Yote, despite the protests from Natalya, and he once again found himself in the hellhole that was Kravenwulf. His time here was decidedly much shorter, as a sadistic guard tortured him to the point where intensive care was required. Natalya petioned the Supreme Alpha for Yote's release, and he was formally pardoned a month later on the condition that he be available to render services if required by the Commonwealth. (The guard responsible for Yote's hospitalization was never heard from again.)

Yote, who had never been truly loved by anyone in his life, (after his mother's death) broke down and vowed to love Natalya with every fiber of his being until the day he died.

Personality: Yote is introverted and some would say shy around strangers, sometimes this is mistaken as him having a bad attitude. He has a hard time forming attachments to people or objects due to the losses he has suffered in the past, he is also very calculating and almost cold when it comes to the work he is often assigned.

Yote tends to display a "live for the moment" attitude towards life and sometimes acts recklessly or impulsively, though Natalya tends to temper this tendency.

Despite his shortcomings, Yote is a very loyal friend and likes nothing more than to spend time with those few lucky enough to earn his trust.

Likes: Whiskey, Natalya, explosives, the mountains

Dislikes: Hurting people he cares about, sudden, loud noises, violence (ironically enough)

Talents: Quite knowledgeable in explosives and their applications. Accomplished helicopter pilot.

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