Old Sorrows, New Love

Story by lunar wolf on SoFurry

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Disclaimer: I don't really see the need for a disclaimer but people steal others stuff or copy so I got to say my peace, I only own my two characters Soul and another you are about to meet by the name of Nikkoli they are both wolves and mine other than that hell ya there are going to be similarities but I made this for those who are curious i didnt like the name "Shattered" anymore it seemed that there were 4 other entries with that name, for those of you who are frustrated with my change in names constantly this is the last one i swear, my good kitsune friend gave me this title so foxy thanks alot

Nothing seems the same anymore, nothing seems to care.

**"Get up you lazy bastard" his father yelled as he kicked him across the room "Just because your mother doesn't care about you sleeping all day doesn't mean I don't" he said finally wakening his son up, it was new years day again his father was normally kind when he wasn't drunk, and under his worst judgment he stayed at the apartment with his father that night.

"Dad it's four in the morning" a startled Nikkoli said but his dad was hearing none of this "go back to sleep you don't got to be up" he pleaded

"It is not you just want to sleep more you lazy piece of shit" his father said

"Dad really it's...." but young Nikkoli was dragged up for another kind of beating. His father threw him into the mirror on his wall shattering it imbedding small pieces of glass into his back, he yelped in pain as his father came at him again

People knocked down the door, the cops, it all happened so fast before he could act he was already on his stomach on a hospital gurney with people moving him into an ambulance, and his father was helped into the back of a squad car. **

He was twelve then, now he was eighteen.

Moving was the most difficult thing in his life, his mother split up with his dad and they were on the run from an angry man who couldn't take any blame so he was out to punish the ones that he thought placed him in jail.

Leaving all his friends and family behind they moved to a small state out by the mountains creating a new life and new hopes.

He woke each morning like usual brushing his teeth and getting ready for school then it all changed. His step father was lying on the couch watching TV "hey kid what you doing up?" he asked amused, like he thought that Nikkoli didn't know the secrets he had. The things that he did to his mother behind his back, like he thought his mother magically got all those bruises.

Life was looking up for the young wolf pup though; he started work at the police station down the road. "Going to go to work Jake" he said, our hero said confidently smiling as he pulled on his favorite hat and sunglasses

"You know kid I hate it when you call me by my name" his stepfather said standing

"And I hate it when you think you are my father" Nikkoli said "your not even married to mom" he said

At this Jake was at a loss, the kid was right... for now. Jake mulled over a response and cursed under his breath "good luck at your job" he said dismissing Nikkoli. The drive was pleasant, the radio played just the right songs and the world seemed to be a better place.

He arrived at work and walked to the shower room seeing some other furs walking around either naked or close to it in the showers. His friend, Ryan, walked up to greet him "hey Nick how's it going?" Ryan asked pulling the shocked Nikkoli into a hug. "Um you do realize we are both naked right?" he asked

Ryan shrugged his shoulders "yes but your gay so I didn't think it mattered" he said not letting go

"Look. Jake can't keep his hands off mom she is hurt pretty bad this time" he said watching the light in his friends eyes fade

"Dude I'm sorry" Ryan said letting the wolf go. The truth was Nikkoli liked the feel of his friend against his fur. The simple way the dog held him momentarily let the feelings go. Ryan was his only friend the only one that he told everything to even about his like for men. Everyone else didn't know the police force would fire him instantly and he would never get a job as a cop ever again anywhere. But Ryan kept his secret.

Nikkoli backed up "its ok don't worry about it" he said starting to get dressed not feeling like taking a shower anymore. And with that he donned his uniform covering over the black fur and he walked up to greet the chief of police. The thought of what he may come home to haunting the back of his mind.

The day droned on Nikkoli not being allowed to go on patrol he waited for Ryan to come up and take him out. There they would be alone and there Ryan could help heal his hurt friend.

The ride was short the two officers were staking out a field, simple, just a good warm up for the new officer, Nikkoli. The two friends sat in silence for what seemed like forever listening to the radio and not saying much until Ryan spoke up.

"You know we should bust Jake hitting your mom, it would solve everything" Ryan said softly

"And how we supposed to do that?" he asked the only subject he didn't want on his mind and the only person that talks to him was pressing the issue

"I don't know quite yet but I will work on it" he said starting to think

"Ooo you thinking, that's like me only liking women" Nikkoli said smiling trying to change the subject

"And that means what?" Ryan asked clearly taking too long to get the joke. But finally the lights went on in his head "hey wait a second"

But Nikkoli had succeeded he was laughing at his friend "or you liking men" Nikkoli added, but at this Ryan stopped laughing

"when did I say I didn't?" he asked, Nikkoli looking bewildered "I told you I understood what you were going thru hiding your sexuality from others I never said I wasn't doing the same thing" Ryan said back grinning at Nikkoli who was clearly startled

"You mean...you" he asked stammering but Ryan moved over cupping Nikkoli's muzzle in his paw stroking it softly

"That answer your question?" he asked licking his lips

Nikkoli was confused now his friend was telling him that he wasn't straight, and attracted to him. This was too much he moved his head into his hands trying to make since of it all

"Nick" Ryan asked softly stroking the wolfs shoulder "hey nick what's wrong?" he asked

But Nikkoli was off in his own world now thinking of how screwed up his life had become. The years flashed by all the conversations he had with Ryan, the court hearings with his dad and mom everything piling into one mass and suddenly it exploded, Nikkoli started to sob into Ryan's arms "it's not fair" he said sobbing

"Its ok pup, its ok" Ryan said not knowing what's going on but something clicked and he knew what to do "hey Nick talk to me" he said

And nick looked up "everything doesn't make sense why does everyone have to try and hurt mom?" he asked still sobbing not caring anymore of what happens or the consequences, years of bottling now finally blew the lid off.

Ryan still held him softly calming the torn soul inside starting to piece together the life that should have been happy and the soul that should shine.

The moment was over too soon, like everything else it had to end. They returned to the station and in the shower room making sure the doors were locked they turned the water on.

They smiled looking at each other as they stripped. This was another moment they would share, a moment of acceptance, a moment of healing, and a moment of love.

It didn't take long for the two canines to worm out of their cloths. They hugged licking and kissing each other. Pulling and feeling one another's bodies they parted and Ryan walked off

Nick wondered what his friend was getting specially when that friend came back holding what appeared to be a collar and leash

"What the?" Nick asked but he was pressed against the lockers another kiss wiping away reason

Ryan smiled looking at Nick's trimmed body the collar locked around his neck the leash leading to his wrist made his cock poke out from his sheath.

"Pup" Ryan asked softly and Nick wasn't a dummy he knew that Ryan meant business. "Knees pup" Ryan ordered

Nikkoli obeyed and Ryan moved to hand cuff his legs together along with his wrists making a makeshift hogtie.

"Don't you look so cute" he said starting to walk over to nick's front feeling his sheath

Nikkoli whimpered softly watching his friend massage his wolf meat in his paws like this was something they had planned or even rehearsed. Suddenly it didn't matter nothing did just the dog standing in front of him. He was brought from his dream world when he felt Ryan's sheath hit his nose "you want a taste?" his friend teased watching Nikkoli open his mouth and accept his canine friends sheath. Growling Ryan took Nikkoli's head and gripped it steadying himself "that's it pup" Ryan said leaning against the wall nearing his climax.

Nikkoli smiled working his friend's shaft in his mouth nothing seemed to register nothing accepted him the way his friend did and for once in his life things made sense. As he occupied himself sucking on the twitching dog mass he took the time to examine his friends tan body, the retriever stared down at him smiling, and it wasn't fake it wasn't out of pity, it was out of love.

Ryan again brought him again from his gazing as he bucked slightly forcing his meat out of Nick's mouth then back in spraying the inside of his mouth with sticky salty fluid.

"That's a good pup" Ryan said releasing the handcuffs and letting nick stand

"What now you think you walk away?" nick said taking the leash off but pinning his friend to the floor

"of course not" Ryan said licking up nicks sheath causing him to whimper slowly ebbing him out of his sheath and into his friends warm mouth

Nick moved his friend into his view looking down at him as he worked his cock in his mouth easily and seemingly effortlessly making Nikkoli whine as he filled his friend's mouth watching him smile as he drank down his wolf seed

Nick wasn't sure how his friend moved so fast but soon they were embracing each other walking towards the shower separately, here was to risky for their first time they would have to meet up later.

The showers were welcoming the warm water cascaded over the two as they washed silently at first resisting the urge to rip them into frenzy. Nick looked over to Ryan and caught a glimpse of that well packed dog sheath get tucked away for now. They kissed silently wanting nothing more than to keep each other in the kiss forever.

The drive home left nick with new hope little did he know he was in for the worst night of his life, and the best morning of his life would never happen again. He caught the scent of blood as he walked into the house

It happened again... Jake was sitting on the couch looking at him horrified as he came in "she is dead" Jake said as he saw his mom laying in a pool of blood "little bitch shouldn't have done the things she did" he continued watching Jake move

Soon the gun from jakes holster was pointed at his step father "hello this is Officer Nikkoli Jensten" he said on his radio still slung over his shoulder "we need an ambulance" he said wanting to pull the trigger so bad but something held him back something kept him from unloading the magazine into him. Officers flooded the place and EMT personnel wrapped up his mother in a body bag. Ryan walked in the dog saw them staring at Jake hollowly like a caged animal waiting to strike, or die

"Its over nick" he said wrapping his arms around the wolf

"The last thing I told her is I love you" he said smiling "the last thing she told me was I love you too" he said

The gun hit the floor softly and someone snatched it up "and now she is in peace no one can hurt her anymore" Ryan said starting to lead him out of the house, there were reports to fill out but that would wait for later

Silently he ushered nick into his car his friend staring out the dash smiling slightly "no one will harm her anymore" he said "now god will protect her"

Ryan moved like a ghost thru the house the other officers trying to ask for info but he packed some of the cloths and things into a bag and they disappeared into the night together

The night didn't end there his father was safely packed away waiting his court hearing, his mother was dead, finally safe from anymore harm, his friend was looking over to him every now and then, and that stupid smile never left his face

"Ryan? Do you think she is watching me now?" Nick asked

His friend moved pulling into a restaurant and threw his arms around Nick "she is watching you and she will be in your heart from now on"

There was a nock at the window and a man greeted them with a gun, Nick moved grabbing his but keeping it hidden, somehow it being placed back into his holster after he dropped it, someone must have put it back, but that didn't matter, survival did. "Keep him talking" Nick said softly and Ryan nodded

The man looked oddly familiar; Nick was going to get to the bottom of this "he has been following us since my mother was killed" Nikkoli said making his friends blood run cold, the window went down and a familiar laugh crept into the car "officers of the law huh?" the man asked

"Better talk with out the booze on your breath" Nick said watching his friend more than the man

"Out of the car boy" the man said "You took 20 years off my life, and now I am going to take yours"

Silently Nick moved out of the car "drive off and tell the others call the cops now" he said softly watching Ryan as soon as he shut the door the car sped off leaving the man startled, and now vulnerable. Nikkoli moved like a cat taking his drunken, disgruntled father to the ground

"You are going back to jail dad....." Nick said but the gun went off in his father's hand. It went all wrong he felt the bullet enter his arm leaving him weakened his father moved standing up ready to finish the job.

The hospital was the next place he was at the cops had taken his father again this time for the rest of his life he hoped. The bullet was extracted and he was alright save the sling his arm was in he would be completely normal in a few days.

Ryan was sitting next to him looking down "I shouldn't have left you" he said

"I didn't want you shot" Nick said "I needed you out of there"

And in an instant Ryan was sitting next to him "I wanted you to know that I love you" Ryan said

"And I love you too" Nikkoli said

They kissed and for a moment everything seemed to melt away.

A few weeks went by Nikkoli slowly regaining his arm's mobility. Ryan smiled as he walked into the hospital room watching Nick dress for a second before startling him "hey I was thinking..." he said watching his friend jump "you would want to live with me?" he asked

Nick froze at those words not sure what he would do but finally the words he thought he wouldn't ever speak flew out of his heart and into the air "I would love to stay with you" he said

Ryan knelt beside him licking his muzzle "I only have one bed you know" he said

Nick looked up "I think we can make due" he said licking his friend's muzzle softly

And when they walked out both separate, starting as friends, and leaving as lovers. Paw in paw, heart in heart

The trip home was dull Ryan mostly filling him in on what went on with his mother's death, his fathers and step fathers jail time and his new life that would be unfolding shortly

"the chief asks that you be in uniform in a week" Ryan said "he understands about your loss and recent events but I told him you were stronger than he thought, he said if you need more time to let him know and he will pay you for an additional month"

Nikkoli nodded watching his friend's house appear in front of them. As they walked in Nick realized his stuff was already there, everything was incorporated into Ryan's home, like they were meant to be together

The door shut behind Nick and he was given the tour of the house, not that there was much to the two bedroom home it was still cozy and chock full of stuff. Finally they reached the bedroom Nick moved first smelling Ryan's musky scent first. This time he would be on top, he pushed his friend over licking up his chest nipping at the base of his neck still frantically trying to rip the garments free from their bodies.

In seconds the room seemed to bend bringing them together like magnets they were holding each other, kissing was first in their taboo ritual. They moved closer feeling their skin rub against themselves, paws roamed the bodies making them pant wanting more as their scent grew stronger. Ryan moved moaning as Nikkoli's tongue roamed the inside of his mouth.

Nikkoli smiled looking at his captive audience licking over his sheath making him whine and spread his legs offering himself to Nick's hungry mouth taking in all of his friend in one painfully slow pace. Ryan whined his head falling to the bed as Nick pumped him with his mouth, waiting for his friend to come close, then he slowed more lapping at the pre on Ryan's pulsing cock.

Nick moved off of his lover, lying on the floor, moving to all fours raising his tail watching Ryan move, his slim toned body cascading over him straddling his hips and pushing himself slowly into Nick. They waited, panting as they adjusted. Ryan smiled looking at his lover as he started to buck, slowly at first so not to hurt his friend. But as he neared climax he moved faster and harder digging his claws into his lovers flesh pulling their hips they panted waiting.

Ryan moved once more his knot buried deep into Nick and he howled filling his lover with his hot dog seed. They lay on the floor nick now on top of Ryan, the knot still engorged inside him sent little chills up his spine as they moved. Ryan smiled nipping at his friend's ear seeing his mates cock throbbing on his chest. Ryan reached up and started to massage his lover moving his meat thru his hands making his lover pant.

Soon Ryan's hands were sleek with pre and his lover was whining as he played faster and harder with his mates cock. He smiled holding nick in his paws stroking up his chest pinching at his nipples making him whimper and shiver as he slowly slipped closer to release himself.

Ryan whispered into his lover's ear "release pup" he said smiling watching his mate writhe on top of him. But as hard as Nick resisted he soon succumbed to his need and howled Ryan pumping his shaft as it spurted coating his chest with his own seed.

They lay panting for a second as Ryan pulled out Nick looked at him "how come I didn't take you?" he asked grinning

"Well pup I guess that's for round two..." he said laying down offering himself to his lover

Finished....for now