Was It Worth It?

Story by Kiran S B on SoFurry

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Hey everyone, this is my second story ever, so please leave your comments, I want to get better, and you can help me do that.Thanks alot and enjoy reading!

The wolf ran down the street, his filthy rags that he called clothes clinging to his undernourished but toned body as the rain lashed the town. He tried to turn but slipped on the soaked path and slid into the path of an oncoming truck. Time slowed down for the wolf, no more than 19, as he stared into the truck's lights, he could see the inside of his Dad's car, one year ago....

The car was awkwardly silent, the wolf was sitting next to his dad with his school bag and a picture of him and a slightly smaller feline standing outside the school gates. He stared at the picture longingly, already wishing he was back at the school, wishing he was still in the feline's arms, wishing he hadn't been expelled, wishing he didn't have to explain the situation to his father, wishing this whole thing would end. He felt someone watching him and he looked up and saw that they had pulled up on the side of the road. His father looked at him with a mixture of disgust and desperation, as if he was wishing something too.

"Jamie, I'm going to give you a chance to explain yourself, and if I don't like what you are saying you will get out of this car, I will drive away, and you will be dead to me."

The wolf sat and stared at his dad, how could he explain his feelings for the feline? How do you explain love? How do you explain what was already obvious to all but those who did not want to see? How do you do all these things when your own father is willing to leave you alone on a roadside?

"Dad, they... I... we love each other dad. I know you don...." He never finished the sentence, his father stepped out of the car and opened the back and pulled out the wolf's suitcase and threw it on the side of the road. He then moved around to the side and opened the door next to the teenage wolf, who was now very worried. He pulled out the school bag and then picked the wolf up and threw him onto the grass. The wolf dropped the picture that he had been holding the whole journey as he tried to break his fall, and his father picked it up and looked at it. Next came a sound that would haunt the wolf for the rest of his life, a single tear rolled down the side of his father's face, and then he arched his back and all of a sudden there came a dreadful howl, one that came from the depths of his soul, one that plunged the depths of despair and misery, of pain, of loss.

The wolf's father tore up the picture, and gave his son one final look, got back in his car and drove away. That was the last time the wolf would ever see his father, his school, his love, it was the last time he would ever see anything he ever knew again. All that he had were some clothes, a torn up picture of happier times and a sense of loss much greater than that of his father.

The lights of the truck were slowly getting closer, allowing the wolf to stare ever deeper into their mysterious depths. He now saw the inside of an old bus station, about 10 months back...

The homeless of the city were all gathered here tonight. The bus station had not been demolished by the city because it provided convenient shelter for the homeless, but that did not mean that they maintained it. There was a strong smell of filth, and sometimes the scent of arousal would waft through the air as another homeless teenager wondered in through the back door. Jamie sat huddled in the corner with his school bag, which was all that remained after a month. He had sold most of the contents for food. He had kept the case because he used it as a makeshift sleeping bag. He looked at his watch, the one that his love had given him on his birthday, and saw that even though the station was dark and dingy, it was 10am. The windows had been covered in too much grime to allow light in any more. He packed his things up and walked out the door.

The combination of the bright light and the noise that had seemed so far away inside disorientated him and he stood squinting for a moment before taking a deep breath and going about his work. He had always been a quick learner, and by watching some of the others doing it, the wolf had become quite good at it. The suitcase was a hindrance, but he had to hide it, to prevent someone stealing it. He threw the case into an empty dumpster and walked down a couple of streets into the park. The park was a vast expanse of greenery that never ceased to invigorate the wolf, reminding him why he hadn't given up on life by now. He could walk around and see couples sharing picnics, walking together, kissing, relaxing, and jogging. He could walk around and see people in love. Then he saw the perfect target, there was a large lion, with a very impressive body. The lion was flexing for the benefit of several tigresses in the area. He was wearing a baggy pair of shorts, the bulge of his wallet was clearly visible, and his attention was elsewhere, most likely with the tigresses. The wolf carried on walking as casually as possible, but that became harder as he moved closer, as the size of the wallet was increasing with every step. Finally he got close enough to be able to smell the lion, his musky aroma, the smell of arousal... the wolf began to sweat, he was reminded of his feline lover.

Suddenly the wolf froze, another youth was walking purposefully towards the lion, the wolf watched as the youth walked straight past both him and the lion rounded a bend and was gone. The wolf looked back at the lion's shorts and saw the bugle had disappeared; the wolf sighed and began to follow the youth who had just passed. But he stopped as a great shadow rose from behind him, and a soft yet firm voice came from behind him,

"I believe you have my wallet," the lion said, "I would really like it back."

Before he knew what he was doing, the wolf began to run; he wanted to get away, not only from the lion, but from his habit of always being blamed for something he didn't do. He didn't really know where he was going, nor did he expect to get away from the much larger and more athletic lion. He slipped into an alley and sprinted head first into the dumpster he had hidden his case in. He lay on the floor rubbing his head as the lion came round the corner and picked the wolf up by the collar and pushed him against the wall.

The lion growled and sniffed his catch.

"I can't smell it" he said, "looks like I'll have to be a bit more 'hands on'" he sneered and he began to pat the sides of the squirming wolf.

"You better not have thrown it away street rat!" cried the lion.

"I never had it!" the wolf said through gritted teeth.

"The innocent never run, only the guilty hide. I know where you've put it! It's down here isn't it!"

All of a sudden the lion jammed his hands down the front of the wolf's pants. The wolf yelped with surprise. As the lion searched around his groin, the wolf, much to his dismay, was becoming aroused. It was the first time in months that he had been touched there by anyone other than himself. It felt good, it felt great, and his cock began to rise from its sheath, the bulge in the lion's hand became ever larger. The lion saw, smelt and felt the result of his groping and smiled.

"So, that's your game is it? Well, I recon you lost me a blow job at the very least. So I recommend you pay back your debt."

The lion released his grip on the wolf, who fell to the floor panting. He kept his eyes on the ground and he heard the sound of a zip undoing and the sound of clothes hitting the floor. He looked up and saw the lions cock already hard; it seemed to bounce up and down with the lion's heartbeat. The wolf kneeled there, paralysed with amazement, arousal and loss. He had only ever had any kind of sex with the feline who he had adored back at school. The lion sense the wolf hesitation, and so he grabbed the back of the wolf's head and moved it forward, he encountered no resistance and the wolf opened his mouth willingly. The member entered the wolf's mouth and moved further in until the wolf began to resist slightly. The lion once again removed his hand and said simply:

"Suck, lick, and stroke"

The wolf pulled back so just the tip was in his mouth. His tongue moved forward and began to circle the tip, moving around it as the wolf drew more of the shaft in. His tongue licked the bottom half of the shaft. HE tasted the pre, warm and tasty as it leaked out from the lion, who moaned lightly as the wolf cupped his balls, before taking the penis out of his mouth and licking them. His paw remained on the shaft, slowly working its way up and down. The lion was moaning more often now.

"You're better than most of the bitches I've fucked, yea. Keep doing that."

Jamie had moved back to the cock head, he kept jacking off the lion, but now he began to lick the tip furiously, as fast as he could. He could feel the lion getting closer and closer to release when he suddenly felt a paw on the back of his head. He was forced down onto the cock until the end of his muzzle was pressed against the lion's crotch. The lion's breathing getting even heavier. He pulled the wolf's head back and forth up his length; the wolf relaxed and allowed the lion to hump his muzzle. All the while, the wolf was reminded about his lover back at school. He had built his whole life around him, he loved him dearly, and the only thing that had kept the wolf alive was that cat and the vain hope that he would one day see him again. A moan loader then all the others brought the wolf back to reality, the lion had sped up his humping, and suddenly the lion's shaft was forced even further down the wolf muzzle, until he nearly gagged. There was a tremendous roar as the lion's seed shot from the tip of his length onto the back of the wolf's throat. The wolf was lost in a moment of pure ecstasy; pleasure shot thought his body as the seed hit his throat. Wave after wave of cum came, as the lion came to a shuddering orgasm. The wolf swallowed the cum gladly, partly due to the warm and pleasant taste, and partly because he was so hungry anything in his stomach was better than nothing.

The screams of people around him, and the roar of the truck's engine told the wolf that the truck was speeding up, apparently the truck driver was not a fan of homeless teenagers. But the wolf did not care, every passing millisecond allowed him to stare deeper into the lights, and relive the turning points of his life. He now saw himself on a street corner, about 4 months ago...

The silver car pulled up along side him, the driver rolled down the window and said simply:

"I heard about you, how much?"

The wolf nodded and replied "Depends what you want, 10 for a blow, 20 for anal, and anything kinky is extra"

"The driver nodded, opened his wallet and pulled out 100 and said "You're too cute to charge that low"

The wolf's eyes widened and he slid in beside the driver. He turned to look at him and saw a very well dressed rabbit; he was wearing a pale grey pin-stripe suit with silver buttons and a fedora hat. There was an air of security about the rabbit, as if nothing would ever happen to the wolf again, he settled down in his seat, glad to finally be off his feet.

The wolf was shaken as a load click sounded from all the doors, shattering the silence. The wolf knew that the rabbit had just locked him in the car, this had happened before, it wasn't always bad, but the mood inside the car had changed. The air of security around the rabbit had changed into one of danger, of malice. The wolf was worried, but there was not much he could do but accept fate, whatever came he would just have to go with it until he could fine a way of escaping.

The car turned into garage that opened to allow the car in, the wolf had enough time to see a medium sized house encased in darkness. The garage doors closed and the wolf was bathed in artificial lights from the strip lights that hung from the roof, the whitewashed walls making it seem even brighter. The door next to the wolf opened and he stepped out slowly. He could feel the cold concrete through the holes in his shoes. The rabbit nodded for the wolf to follow, they climbed a flight of stairs into the room above the garage. It was sparingly furnished; there was only a bed, and a dresser. The wolf looked into the far corner and saw a shower and toilet which were exposed so anyone in the room could see.

"Remove your clothes and stand by the bed"

The wolf obeyed, he had no other alternative. The room was fairly warm and he stood next to the bed in relative comfort. He stood and watched the rabbit, who had undressed and was now having a shower. The wolf watched as the water cascaded down the rabbit's body, matting down his fur and exposing all the contours of his body. The wolf's cock began to grow as he watched the rabbit rub the soap in and rinse it off. He stepped out of the shower, still dripping wet, and padded over to the wolf, who stood staring at the large pair of balls that swayed in time with his steps. The rabbit stopped a few paces short and merely pointed at them. The wolf knew what to do, after 6 months since his feline encounter; he had become rather practiced in this art. He began at the balls; he took one into his mouth as he gently massaged the other. He sucked gently on it, working his tongue around it in a slow spiral. He could feel the rabbit's dick growing as it rested on the top of his head.

The wolf had just finished the first ball and was just moving on to the second when the rabbit grunted and pushed the wolf over backwards onto the bed and he lifted the wolf's legs up to expose his tail hole. The wolf saw the look on his face and immediately knew that this would not be a smooth ride, he could see that the rabbit had needed this, he wanted this, and he was about to get it. The wolf gripped the sheets in anticipation, as the rabbit pressed his tip against the wolf's tail hole and rammed it him as hard as he could. The wolf yelped in a mixture of surprise, pain and pleasure. The rabbit moaned and pulled out slowly, before slamming his shaft back into the wolf's tail hole. The rabbit continued to slowly pull out, and then slam back in. The rabbit then grasped at the wolf's length and began to sun his hand up and down in time with his thrusts. The wolf moaned in pleasure, it wasn't often that his clients cared about whether he came or not. The rabbit began to speed up his thrusts as he got closer and closer, he moaned again, loosing himself in the moment. He bent down so that his mouth was almost touching the end of the wolf's muzzle and he hovered for just a second before closing the distance and locking their lips into a passionate kiss. Their tongues darting around in each other's mouth's seemed to be the catalyst for them both, as the rabbit moaned into the wolf, he shot his seed into the young wolf's tail hole, The wolf moaned back and shivered in pleasure as his cum oozed between the two of them, warming their bellies with the salty goo.

The rabbit straightened his back, a small sliver of saliva hanging from his lips. He removed himself from the wolf with a wet slop, and lent down and licked the wolf's pink tail hole as his juices seeped out. The wolf sighed in pleasure. The rabbit stood up and lifted the wolf off the bed and carried him to the shower.

"You don't know how long I have needed that." He said dreamily "That was even better than I thought it would be. The name's Joel by the way, what's yours?"

The wolf stayed silent. Joel looked down and saw the wolf was crying silently in his arms.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"It's been ages since anyone has been this nice to me, and I had to let you fuck me first."

The rabbit looked back at the wolf with sad eyes; the look of guilt was plain to see. The wolf looked back and knew that he had said the wrong thing; the rabbit had offered him a warm bed for the night and he had just thrown it back at him. The wolf was just about to speak, to try and take back what he said, but Joel beat him to it.

"You're right," He said, "I wouldn't have even have noted your existence if you weren't selling your body. But you are here, now and you've done your part of the deal. I can reward you for letting me 'fuck you' as you put it, or I can just take you back to your corner if you prefer. The choice is yours"

Joel had said this like he was the wolf's parent, in a kind comforting way; the wolf was put at ease. He knew that Joel could understand what he was feeling. The wolf looked back and said

"My name is Jamie."

The truck had got really close now; the wolf could see the driver, a large bull, grinning broadly. The truck was getting ever closer. He prepared himself for impact. Then it came, a woman screamed loudly from somewhere just before it hit him. He was stunned though, for the impact did not come head on, it came from his left. He opened his eyes and saw he was lying on his side on the pavement. He turned onto his back and saw a familiar well dressed feline standing over him. The wolf took one look at the face of the feline, the face that had stayed in his dreams for the last 12 months and cried out with joy.

"Xavier, I never thought I'd see you again" he cried as he wiped a tear from his face.

"Jamie? My god! It's you, it's really you!" Xavier cheered as he pulled him into a hug. There was a clicking of high heels as a female otter ran up to the pair.

"Xavier, what the hell were you thinking? You nearly gave me a heart attack!"

Xavier stood up, picked up the wolf and turned towards the otter and proclaimed loudly

"Honey, this is Jamie, I knew him when I was back at school. We were best friends. Jamie, this is my bride to be Rachael. Rachael this is my old friend Jamie." Jamie ignored the barely disguised disgusted look on Rachael's face and turned to Xavier.

"'Bride to be?" I thought you were gay... we..." but Xavier cut him of with a forced laugh.

"That was just a phase pal, all guys go through a phase like that, I was young and wanted to try new things, it looks like you were one of those things. Hey, why don't you join us for dinner?"

But Jamie had heard enough. He turned down the offer, not because of Rachael's ridiculously unsubtle attempts to say no, nor because he was in no condition to eat after having a near death experience, he turned it down because the love of his pitiful life had just called him a 'thing' that he 'tried' during a 'phase. He politely said no, and walked away, to merge with the shadow world of the homeless once again.

It had been a week since the incident with the truck; Jamie had been thinking it over again and again... 'I was young and wanted to try new things, it looks like you were one of those things'. The wolf stared out at the city below him. The lights twinkled, reminding him of the stars, but as he looked up, he couldn't see them, as it was too cloudy. He stretched out his hand to the sky, the clouds looked close enough to touch. He closed his eyes and stood on the tips of his hind-paws, but he still could not reach. He knew what to do, he turned round and walked back from the edge of the cliff, and then suddenly he turned and ran as fast as he could at the edge. As he felt the edge under his foot-paw, he bent his legs and sprang forwards. He could swear that he felt the bottom of the cloud, soft and woolly, like candy floss, before he felt himself falling, he looked below and howled, the same sound his father made one year ago, before he silently let himself get swallowed up by the darkness of the still night.

Jane and Trevor were just dousing their campfire as a horrid sound filled the night air, a howl that made them both shudder. They looked at each other with fear in their eyes, whatever it was did not sound friendly. They looked around slowly, to see if the source of the sound was nearby, but they night was shattered by another sound, a heavy thump, they turned to try to see what had made the sound