Motherly Love, chapter 01

Story by Zinzoline Velvetpelt on SoFurry

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#1 of Motherly Love

The week had passed without any noticable events, and here it was; Friday night. And it was quite a dull Friday night... the weather sure didn't help. The sky had been overcast with thick grey clouds all day already, and towards the end of the afternoon, it had started raining. And it still was. So therefore, the nightlife was a bit quieter than usual. In one of the larger, more popular bars, a young wolfess was sitting, fidgeting a bit as she was waiting for the appearance of someone special; her mother, whom she hadn't seen since had left the pack she grew up in. They had gotten back in touch, and had agreed to meet in this specific bar for a reunion.

Her name was Crystal Snowpaw. She lightly tapped her paws on the counter, idly, as she sat there, waiting for her mother to show up. As she looked around, she suddenly blinked, a light gasp escaping her muzzle as her eyes fell upon a wolfess of stunning beauty stepping into the bar. Feeling her fur stand on end and a blush of excitement creeping onto her cheeks, Crystal gazed at the wolfess, her ears flickering as in a nervous twitch, the thought of being reunited with her mother almost completely wiped from her mind as she stared at the wolfess who had just stepped into the bar.

The wolfess who stepped into the bar drew in a deep breath and shook herself a bit, happy to get out of the bad weather. Even though she was quite used to something, the cold rain and high wind made her shiver. As she shook the drops of rain out of her fur and wiped a few wet locks of hair behind her perky ears, she halted in her steps for a moment when she felt a pair of eyes being set upon her. One of her eyebrows quirked, as at the same time she felt the stare, a faint trace of a scent that seemed to bear a slight familiarity filled her nostrils. Thinking on where she knew that scent from, the wolfess looked around, drawing in another deep breath when her eyes met those of a younger arctic wolfette, one who looked remarkably like herself. Without even being able to explain why, the older wolfees felt herself being almost immediately captivated by the younger lupine. For a few moments, she stood there gazing, almost forgetting the initial reason why she had come to the bar tonight.

Crystal's lips curled into a soft, almost shy smile as she looked at the older wolfess, her nose filled with the scent of wet fur. Her ears gave another cute flicker as she found herself captivated by the mature lupine's eyes, gazing straight at them, almost into them, as she watche dthe older wolfess stepping into the bar. Her tail began to softly and excitedly thump against the back of the chair she was sitting in, gazing at the glistening drops of rain in the other female's wet fur. She tried to say something, anything, but was, at the moment, too twitterpated to speak up.

Still standing motionless on the spot where she halted in her steps, the older arctice wolfess, whose name was Alue Snowpaw, gazed at the younger lupine, taking in the looks and the scent of the girl gazing at her and feeling a wave of warm tingles run down her spine which cause her damp tail to wag slowly. Being rather damp and chilly from the rainy weather outside, she decided to sit in a chair near the fireplace the bar had as one of its cozy assets, to warm herself a bit. In a coincidence, or maybe no coincidence at all, the chair was right next to the chair the younger wolfess was sitting in. once more wiping a few wet locks of hair behind her ears, she did a brave attempt to not stare at the younger girl, instead concentrating on her wet hair, while she searched for something to say, a greeting to offer, a word to break the ice and maybe start a conversation... anything, really, to fill the silence between them which was beginning to grow slightly awkward as their eyes continued to gaze into one another's. But for some strange reason, she couldn't find anything at all to say, so she just kept fussing with her wet hair for a bit, an eyebrow quirking as her soaked locks seemed to be having a mind of their own and kept falling over her face eacht ime she wiped them behind her ears.

Crystal's eyes followed each motion as the older wolfess stepped through the bar and headed for the chair close to her, blushing almost feverishly. She looked over to her side, averting her head for a moment and trying not to stare at the glistening furred beauty. Something seemed so familiar about her, yet Crystal couldn't put her finger on it. Slowly, she turned her head back and looked at Alue, breathing in deeply and managing to find her voice, or at least a part of it, breaking the silence for the first time.

"H-hi..." she said with a cute little stutter, blushing deeply as her ears lowered down shyly, feeling embarrassed about her stumbled speech.

Alue canted her head a little, blinking her clear blue eyes for a moment when a drop of rainwater dripped from her hair into her face. She shook her head a bit, once again wiping her obstinate wet locks behind her ears, using both paws this time. Her mind raced. There was something about this pretty girl... but she didn't know what. Still, she couldn't help feeling very attracted to her. The girl was young, but oh so beautiful. Another shiver ran down her spine to the tip of her tail as the girl spoke up with an adorable stutter, and Alue found herself fighting to get her voice to give an answer back.

"Uh... hello..."

Crystal blushed a little as she nibbled her lower lip, trying to make conversation. She wasn't sure what it was, but she felt her heart racing. She had never been so attrached to such a wonderous female before... Watching the little flick of the older wolfette's hair made her unable to stifle a small giggle, and she shyly smiled before she blushed again. She couldn't help it, but there was something so cute, and rather funny, about how the wet locks of hair kept falling back over the older wolfette's face almost as if they were deliberately teasing her. Crystal's ears lowered again shyly, her tail starting to make a thumping sound against the couch as it wagged a bit more excitedly. She was young and... she thought she was in love.

With a twitch of her ears, Alue cast her eyes upward for a moment with just the slightest flicker of annoyance as a few wet bangs of hair again fell down in front of her face. That was really beginning to get a nuisance... and the older wolfess smirked as she realized her struggle with her hair also must make her look like a fidgeting schoolgirl. Using both paws, she pulled her hair back over her head into a ponytail, in the process squeezing some more water from her hair. Looking back at the girl in the chair near her, one of her ears flicked to the giggle Crystal let out, her heart almost melting at the sight of the blush on the younger wolfette's cheeks. She felt her heart thumping in her chest, and she could even feel a slight blush creeping onto her own cheeks as she couldn't help but think that the beating of her heart would be clearly audible at that point.

"So, uhm... do you come here often?" she offered, trying to at least start a casual conversation, hoping she sounded casual enough.

Unable to stop herself giggling softly once more to the cute look of the older wolfette's obvious annoyance to her wet hair, Crystal looked at Alue desperately trying to fix her hair. She nibbled her lower lip again as she noticed Alue looking towards her, only causing her blush to deepen. Looking up at Alue's eyes cutely, Crystal suddenly blushed even that much deeper as she realized the older wolfess had spoken to her. Struggling with her voice, she softly nodded, offering a shy smile.

"Y-yes... well, I did... I used to. I... haven't been here... for about a year," she said, a bit nervously, her left ear giving a nervous twitch Crystal did not notice herself doing.

Alue now held the pawfull of hair behind her head with one paw while she tried to search for something like an elastic band or something to hold it into the ponytail, but not finding any, leaving her in a kinda awkward position. She nodded softly to Crystal's words, a slow expression of desperation creeping onto her face as her paw can't find anything to hold her hair back in any of her pockets.

"I see..." she said softly, wrestling with her hair and her pockets at the same time. "Well, I've only been here once or twice myself." She shook her head just a little as she realized how useless that sounded.

Crystal was still looking at Alue, captivated by her beauty. She could feel she was also still blushing, her tail flopping back and forth excitedly as she continued to stare, almost zoning out. After a few moments, however, she once again realized the older wolfess had spoken to her, and she looked up with almost a startle, speaking up aloud.

"Oh!" she said, a tad embarrassed, trying to hide her blush by lowering her head and digging in her pockets. Soon her pulled out something and held out her paw to Alue, blushing as she handed the older lupine a scrunkie.

"S-sorry, I... wasn't... paying attention... Uhm... could you... use this?" she said shyly.

With one paw still behind her head, holding her wet hair, and her other paw digging through her pockets, Alue slowly lifted her head and looked up sideways. For a moment, she stared in silence, almost melting from the sight of the blush on Crystal's face. Then she quickly squeezed her eyes and snapped out of it, sending the younger wolfess a grateful look while taking the scrunkie with her free paw.

"Oh, thank you very much, girl, I don't seem to have anything with me myself."

She finally tied her wet hair in a ponytail, then shook her head a little, sending a few drops of water flying, meanwhile running both paws over her still moist face. Looking back at Crystal, she couldn't help but thinking to herself. 'Goddess, she's so cute...' She didn't even realize she did not only think that, but even said it loud enough for Crystal to hear...

Crystal smiled warmly as she listened to the words of thanks, not even thinking about introducing herself. For some reason, her own name just flew from her, as if she couldn't even remember who she was. Her mind was just filled with the beauty of this arctic wolfess, the attraction Crystal felt for her, all the feleings she had never felt before swirling through her body and her brain, obliterating all logical thoughts. When the second sentence was muttered by Alue, Crystal's eyes went wide, and her cheeks turned red as if they were set ablaze, paws landing on her own cheeks as she looked down shyly, her heart pounding as her tail thumped hard against the back of the chair behind her.

"Th-th-th-thank... y-y-you," she stuttered horribly, the swirl of feelings whirling through her picking up another notch, leaving the younger wolfess at a loss of what to do, or even say.

With a little shock, Alue suddenly realized she must have said the thing about Crystal being cute out loud when she heard the younger wolfess stuttering, and saw her turning about as red as the setting sun. A deep blush also flew to her own cheeks. She tried to look away, feeling a bit embarrassed, but for some reason she couldn't tear her gaze away from Crystal's face.

"I... I-I'm sorry, girl..." she mumbled. "I-I didn't know I... said that out l-loud..."

The warmth she was already feeling inside from looking at Crystal now was fortified by a rush of heat from her embarrassment, and she tried to look away again, pretending nothing's the matter. Goddess, she felt like a silly schoolgirl having her first crush... And her tail couldn't lie like her face was trying to, wagging wildly in excitement over Crystal's looks.

Crystal blushed deeply at the words, her ears lowering to the older lupine's voice. Slowly looking back up, she noticed Alue blushing as well now, her heart pounding almost loud enough to hear.

"I-I-it's... al-right..." she slowly smiled, though her cheeks were still lit aflame. "I... I... think... you're... m-more b-beaut-t-tiful than... than me..."

She looked down again, embarrassed at her own words and how bad her speeh was coming out. But despite that... soon her body started to let a strong scent fill the room. A tell-tale scent... Noticing it herself, Crystal went even more crimson; her body was showing her feelings more than her facial expressions, making the situation even more awkward than it already was. In a feeble attempt to cover things up, Crystal crossed her legs a little... but the attempt to cover wasn't nearly enough.

And as the younger wolfette's scent began drifting up, Alue couldn't help but sniffing deeply. Her cheeks turned to a deeper shade of red when she smelled the alluring scent, thinking for a moment that it was coming from herself, since it smelled so strangely familiar. Odd... why was that? Why was it that the regular body-scent of this younger wolfess, and now the scent of her excitement as well, had that vague tinge of something she knew from somewhere before? And even more importantly... why couldn't she for the life of her remember just -where- she knew that scent from? Trying to look anywhere but at Crystal's face, Alue twisted her head a bit to look down her own back, finding that she was indeed beginning to release an excited scent of her own, but not as strongly yet as the one she was smelling. Her ears flickered to the words she heard Crystal stuttering out, a small smile curling the ends of her lips.

"Thank you, that's... sweet of you to say," she mumbled under her breath. She wriggled a bit to get into a more neutral position, but she was unable to hide the fact the scent she was smelling was turning her on; her tail wagging even harder to indicate that and a slight shiver coursing through her body. Almost in exasperation, Alue closed her eyes for a moment and drew a deep breath.

"Goddess, don't tell me I'm getting so hot I wanna pounce her..." she whispered to herself, hoping Crystal hadn't heard that.

Crystal's nose caught her own scent, but another in the air as well, knowing almost immediately where it was coming from. It caused her tail to almost go through a tantrum, swaying back and forth wildly. Once again, the younger wolfess covered her face with her paws in embarrassment, nibbling her lip and flicking her ears. Even though Alue's whisper was very soft, almost inaudible, Crystal caught a 'so hot' and a 'pounce her', causing her ears to perk and the fur on her tail and ears to stand on end. By now, the younger wolfess was blushing so deeply she was almost glowing, though as embarrassed as she was, she was definitely thinking about the same thing, her scent only increasing as more moments passed and her legs trying to cross more in an attempt to cover it up. She was thinking about the same thing Alue was apparently thinking of, but young as she was, Crystal was too shy to...