Brazen Endeavors Part 1

Story by killenor on SoFurry

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#1 of Brazen Endeavors

An example story for my Buy My NaNoWriMo sale.

See my journal for details!

Want part 2? The part with all the sex? Well luckily it's a freebie!

Gnarl fidgeted beneath the dubious protection of her white robes as the desert wind whipped sand past her head. Kinj had been gone far too long and, given the likelihood of a full-blown sandstorm, she was probably dead or soon to be. Despite herself, Gnarl chuckled to herself at the through of her tiny kobold companion stripped to the bone by the blasting sands. The edges of her cowl fluttered around her snout, tickling her long, pointed muzzle even despite the layers of cloth wrapped there. For now, all she could do was wait in the relative safety of the hastily constructed lean-to. The creak of bone-dry wood straining against the mounting pressure of sand gave her pause and made her considering looking for her wayward servant. Just as she made to leave did Kinj tumble into the shelter, gasping and panting with effort.

"Did you find it?" Gnarl demanded shrilly, though her face wrappings still muffled her words.

"Three short runs that way," Kinj barked, pointing to the back of the lean-to, "Big sand cloud coming too, so we best do fast runs. And if you want my help, YOU carry your OWN packs!"

Gnarl laughed her high-pitched hyena laugh at the impertinence of the stupid kobold. Sometimes the foul little lizard-dogs could really get their hackles up, a great contrast to their typically cowering selves. It was times like this that if Kinj could have grown the four feet it took to look Gnarl in the eyes and stare her down, she would in a heartbeat. Of course, should she truly throw her weight around... no single kobold could outmatch a gnoll.

"Fine. You're too slow with my stuff anyways." Gnarl conceded, "As soon as you're done panting like a child, we run for it."

Gnarl and Kinj collapsed as they rounded the corner of the cave. Trust the sandstorm to pick up just moments after we catch sight of the cave, Gnarl thought bitterly to herself. The howling of wind and the clatter of sand filled the cave with noise, but thanks to the twists and curves at the mouth, the pair were as safe as they could be. Grateful for the respite, both peeled off the layers of cloth from around their faces let their eyes adjust to the darkness. Kinj was forced to pull off her goggles, as the protection they offered from the harsh daylight sun was overkill in a lightless cave.

After recovering their breath, Gnarl and Kinj made their way deeper on, marking the twists and turns as best they could. Anticipation grew between them at the prospect of what they might find within. At great expense had they acquired even the hint of where this cave might be, a cave in which dwelt a great and powerful dragon. Fraught with danger, but also rich with reward, the pair could not say no to what many would call a foolhardy task.

Their light sensitive eyes picked up a glow, and only minutes of trekking further brought them through to a huge cavern, lit all around with braziers large enough to bathe in. The firelight reflected all across the room, which had been plated in brass sheets that bore intricate etchings of all manner of scenes. More light reflected from the pile of coins in the center of this dazzling room, a bed fit for a dragon. Four greedy eyes sparkled at the sight of the hoard. More riches than they had ever dared dream lie before them, and without their guardian they were there for the taking!

Not even taking time to retrieve the sacks they had brought, Gnarl and Kinj threw themselves upon the piles of treasure, wallowing in the hard bits of gold and silver as a child might play in a gravel pit. Their high-pitched, ecstatic laughter echoed off the metal sheets plating the room. They threw coins about, stuffed every nook in their clothing with gems, and adorned themselves with strings of pearls, crowns, and rich clothing. Both lost complete track of time as they basked in the magnificent piles of wealth.

"Now... I understand how you can appreciate all that," boomed a sudden voice that seemed to come from everywhere at once, "But if you want to take any, I'm afraid we will have a problem."

Instantly Gnarl and Kinj were alert, eyes scanning both for the danger and for a good place to hide.

"As I see it," continued the voice, "We can either be civil about this... or I can simply include you in my next meal."

"We... We just wants to serve you, Master!" cried the kobold, reverting to her cowardly self.

"Says you," snarled Gnarl in a whisper before adding, "pathetic."

"Mmm, serve me you say," mused the dragon, "well, it so happens that I do have a service you could render. I'll even let you have a few things from my hoard should you... 'serve' me well."

"I ain't no servant!" shrieked Gnarl, kicking Kinj as she said it.

The next moment sent Gnarl sprawling away as the dragon suddenly appeared in their midst. Both were certain he hadn't been standing before them just a second ago. Kinj, cowed by the enormous presence, immediately sank to her knees and prostrated herself before it. Gnarl, wide-eyed in terror, backed herself away into the nearest corner.

"My proposition is this," began the dragon, "I have been without a mate these last two centuries... you can imagine how bothersome that is..."

"US?!" the pair shouted in unison, his meaning taking hold in their minds immediately.

"If you would render me this service... I would let you have all you could carry from my bed. You already have played in my hoard and you know that I have plenty."

"I'm in!" shouted Kinj, leaping up from her prostrate supplication, "Take me master!"

"Are you insane you stupid kobold?!" shrieked Gnarl, "He'd rip you in half! One of his toenails could rip you in half! He's probably packing something that's as tall as I am!"

Amused, the great brass dragon leaned in, baring his teeth in a wide, shining grin. The heat from his firey nature rolled over both of them with every breath.

"I suppose I could just kill you both now if you like," he rumbled through gritted teeth, "I have given you the chance to live. All you need do is set aside your pride and please me. Now... do you accept, or do I have gnoll and kobold kebab tonight?"

"Eeeeh... when you put it that way..." Gnarl said tentatively, "I... I'll go for the gold every time."

"Of course... now come this way. I have a special bathing chamber for you. I won't have this experience ruined by filth.

Water, enough to fill a dozen oases, cascaded from carved fountains and sculpted metal statues. Jewels adorned the statues and mosaics that covered the walls. Richly colored tiles, carved from semi-precious stones, showed great scenes of cavorting dragons in a dozen situations. The ever-present fires lit the whole of the cavern with dancing light that harbored no shadows and put a shine to every surface.

The pool of water was immense, large enough for two dragons the size of their captor. To Gnarl and Kinj, it was more on scale with a large pond. The water was clear and clean, devoid of any of the ever-present sand of the region. At the bottom sparkled a scattering of coins and gemstones, obviously those that had fallen off as the dragon bathed. Even this relatively small amount caught the greedy gaze of the pair as they stripped off their layers of protective clothes. Unnoticed by their avaricious eyes, their discarded clothing only remained a few seconds upon the floor before they raised up into the air as if picked up by invisible hands and floated away. Both entered the cool water, surprised to find that it was at a comfortable and refreshing temperature.

Somehow after only a few minutes of splashing about, rubbing away the built-up grime of their desert trek, Kinj and Gnarl forgot their daunting predicament and took to playing like children at a watering hole. They entertained themselves by diving down into the crystal-clear water to scoop up a handful of treasure and bring it to the surface. They competed to see who could grab the most expensive pieces and then laugh, throwing them up into the air and letting them splash back into the pool to be found again.

As the game grew tired, they moved on to talk about what sex with a dragon might be like. They joked and teased, light-hearted in the face of such an impossible proposal, imagining with great humor what a dragon-cock might look like and making up stories and legends about what power a dragon's semen might impart if a dragon's blood granted invulnerability. Kinj was most entertained by Gnarl's lascivious sense of humor, having had very little in the way of sexual experience in her warren. For kobold, she explained, sex was simply something that made more kobolds.

Despite herself, Gnarl could feel her body becoming aroused at the prospect of being dominated by a creature of such power. For gnolls, sex was more than a means of reproduction. It represented power, status, and potency. The strongest and richest took great pleasure in forcing inferior gnolls into degrading and demeaning situations. Of course, a lesser gnoll could always brag about the power of the one fucking them, speaking with reverence of the acts they had been forced to commit. And what greater creature was there than a dragon?!

Above it all, they talked of what they would do with the riches and prestige they would carry away. Of course, they would lie and tell all that they had stolen the treasure... but really it didn't matter.

Looming above Pahroudrasius kept himself invisible, mind wandering with lustful expectations.

"I hope you two are ready for me," he said, slipping into visibility.