The De Sade

Story by Kalan on SoFurry

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#10 of GenderShifting

"I'm not sure if I want to do this..." Alex spoke up softly while he tried not to fidget too much with the edge of the leather vest that was far too tight on him.

"Oh for.. Just relax, alright? It's not like you're going to walk in and get sodomized or some shit." His friend, a pretty girl with short spiky brown hair, grinned up at him. "I told you, it's a bondage club, nothing more."

"Yeah and I look like a freak." He stared down at the tight leather of his vest and squirmed as he felt the zipper pinching against his bare skin. "Seriously, Liz, I'm just gonna head home. This is SO not my thing."

"No you don't! You were the one asking me where I went on the weekends so you're going to see. It's just a club, it's not stupid or anything. No one can do anything to you that you don't want them to do." Liz gripped his forearm and gave a tug that pulled him back into a line of people that was rapidly moving forward.

Her words didn't give Alex any sort of comfort. It was cool and the fall air chilled his bare skin as he stood outside of a club near the fringes of town. One of several that had been bought up for being little more then moldering buildings in bad parts of town. They were all owned by the same corporation, or at least that's what the people picketing the headquarters seemed to believe. Each one had been turned into a club of some sort or another and they each had themes. The Den was designed with gay men involved, mostly ones that were somewhat into fetish life styles. The Underground was a place that most people went to enjoy rave style scenes or the goth scene. And the one he stood in front of, The De Sade, was themed towards S&M and other sordid activities. And as if the themes weren't enough to get the right wingers up in arms, they were also owned and operated by furries.

The half-human, half-animal subculture that was barely tolerated and still hovered in limbo where rights were concerned. Even as Alex shifted in line as it continued towards the main door he could see the massive black and white bull that was acting as a bouncer. It was impossible to miss the sweeping horns and bulk that put him at nearly eight feet tall. He'd seen canines, felines, and even a few birds filtering through a separate entrance, but the bulk of the crowd was comprised of humans who were curious. Liz had been coming here for months and her constant absences from work that had forced him to cover for her had finally got him to ask where she went. Now he wasn't quite sure he wanted to know. There was something vaguely immoral about being in the midst of these creatures and the leather and latex clad crowd.

The only reason the damn places hadn't folded was because they brought more money into the cities pockets in taxes and tourism. On the weekends they were still picketed by people wanting to save souls, but those voices went largely unheard when people were spending so freely. He'd have never thought of his coworker as the sort of person that would be in to the scene, but once he'd been invited he didn't want to back down. Liz seemed perfectly at home in the tight latex corset and tight pants that left nothing to the imagination. She even wore a thin leather collar with a D ring for a collar or tag to be affixed to it. He'd gotten away with just a leather vest and pants, but that was enough for him. He'd go in and see what the big deal was and leave. He had no interest in sitting around a club like this.

As they passed by the bull he was stopped briefly and a wand passed over him in a cursory way and his belt checked out before he was waved through with a stamp to show he was of legal age. Liz hadn't been scanned, she'd simply waited with a grin on her face as they pushed into the pounding music of the club.

"They check newbies here. Too many people want to show up with a knife or something to try and cause trouble." She all but yelled in his ear as she tugged him into the building.

He almost stumbled at the pulsing music that hammered over the crowd. It was pounding through his chest and head, it was so loud that he felt deafened and panicked as they slipped through a press of people into the openness that formed the edge of the dance club. Alex's eyes flicked around ready for the worse, and was disappointed with the fact the club looked rather mundane. There was a large smooth dance-floor spread out in the biggest open space and tables that circled the area. Booths lined the walls and a few cages were set on the wall, but they looked more like dancing cages then for anything kinky. A bar lined the entire back wall and was manned by three bartenders that all seemed to be doing brisk business. If it hadn't been for the clothing and the dozens of furries, he would have assumed it was any dance club.

"This doesn't seem that bad." He yelled into Liz's ear as she gestured for him to follow her towards the bar.

"What? Did you think people would be fucking and spanking each other?" Liz wrinkled her nose in amusement and his cheeks darkened. That's what he had been thinking. "There's the basement level for public shows and the upper levels for private stuff if you want to rent a room."

"I don't think I'm going to be renting a room." He tried for dignity, but failed completely since his cheeks were burning bright red. "Let's just get a drink, okay?"

"Sure," She gave him a tug and all but bounced towards the bar. "Don't worry, I'm not going to leave you stranded. We'll just have a drink or two, maybe I'll take you downstairs and then we'll head out. It's not like I can drink much anyway since I drove."

"Alright." He sighed a little bit and straightened his back. They wouldn't be here for long and he wouldn't be trapped in the outfit he'd been rigged in. The night was looking up.

~ ~ * ~ ~

The night had been looking up, until Liz had gigglingly accepted a rather large looking wolf's offer to take her upstairs to try out a new room. Alex had gaped at her as the large lupine hooked a claw in the D ring of her collar and forced her in close. He'd barely been able to stammer a protest as the alien amber eyes had locked on him and his friend had brushed off his protests in a breathy voice. Her eyes had looked a bit unfocused, though not from the drink. She just assured him that she'd be back in half an hour, just enough time for him to have another drink and enjoy the band that had taken the stage. And he'd let her go.

The half hour had turned into over an hour as he slumped at the table he'd picked out and stared at the band who was playing a mixture of music that wasn't to his tastes. He nursed his jack and coke while trying to bury his resentment. He couldn't even leave since she had been his ride. He should have asked for her keys and told her to call him when she was done doing whatever the hell she was doing with the furry upstairs. He didn't want to think about it, it made his skin crawl to imagine the sorts of things she'd find appealing about a wolf and being tied up. It was just creepy, that's what it was. Creepy and seriously fucking weird.

"You look like you're lost in thought, human. And the thoughts aren't lovely enough to match your body." A voice murmured softly in one of his ears. It was barely a whisper, but it was loud enough to be heard over the pounding bass.

"What? Huh?" A shiver rand down his spine and he scooted his chair forward before he turned to see the person that was watching him with a drink in one hand. Person? It wasn't a person. "I'm just waiting on my friend."

It was a horse carved of purest white. Like a sugar sculpture that had been made into flesh with a slanted muzzle that tapered down to graceful lips and a jaunty beard that curled along the underside of the chin. The eyes were a dark blue, nearly black and watched him brightly as the stranger hooked a stool out and settled down next to him. The furry was almost lovely looking if it hadn't been for the fact that he only wore two things. A large leather harness that was wrapped around a central O ring at the chest with a strategically placed band that covered up his nudity. And an opal the size of his palm settled on a silver wire that rested right between the eyes.

"Your friend? Or a friend?" The horse all but purred and the sound of the voice sent a shiver down his spine. It was as if the voice was stroking him.

"My friend." He bobbed his head and watched the stallion take a sip of his drink. The mobile lips had little problem with the strange shape of the glass.

"Ahhh.. And you are left without anyone here to protect or guide you through my world. Such a neglectful guardian to leave you alone." The horse moved a hand out to touch just beneath the curve of Alex's chin and he froze. The touch shocked him and he swallowed roughly as the silver colored nail grazed towards his throat.

"I don't need a guardian. She's just a friend, we came here together. She drove." He was proud his voice didn't tremble too much.

"I am Llywellyn and I am pleased to hear you have no need of one." The mobile pink lips twitched upwards. "I've been watching you drinking here. You've been so quiet, so still, so alone. Why do you not join in our dance? It is a place to enjoy the sweetness of life after all."

"I'm not a dancer." He mumbled and felt like a mouse beneath a snake's gaze. The stallion was strangely persistent as the finger trailed over the curve of his throat lightly. "I just came to see the club."

"Ahhh that is the reason then," Llywellyn licked his lips with a flick of a dark pink tongue. The color was almost shocking against the whiteness. "Then you should see it all. This part of the club isn't nearly as interesting as the rest. You could go to any club on the strip to see it. What makes this club unique is found in other places."

"I don't think.. I'm waiting for my ride.." He stammered as the thick finger hooked into the top of his shirt and gave him a pull so he had no choice but to stand or have the zipper spread to show his chest.

"You have found your ride, human. Why are you fighting?" The equine tilted his head to one side so that the edge of his braided mane slipped along one shoulder. "Come. You came here to find out about this place, so I shall show it to you. In all it's terrible beauty."

Alex wanted to fight back and say no, but the voice was almost hypnotic as it pierced through the music. The club and its dancers faded into the background as the stallion turned and showed the glistening white back that was only marred by the black straps of the outfit. He could see the muscles rippling beneath the fur as Llywellyn stepped forward and he stumbled behind him. It was as if a cord had been drawn between them and he didn't want to fight it. It wasn't a painful bond, but a pleasurable one that promised further pleasure as long as he was willing to follow where the stallion led. And he was eager to follow. So eager...

He didn't quite know when he had turned to move up the stairs or understand that he was following the banner like spill of the stallion's tail as they walked up into a hall way that blocked out the music from below. All he knew was that the rich voice that murmured to him to follow, to turn this way or that was guiding him. The heavy sounds of Llywellyn's hooves clicked against the polished wooden floor as the stallion paused at a door with an elegant placard on it and pushed it open before Alex could read it. Alarm bells sang in his head, but the sapphire eyes watched him calmly, expectantly. The alarm bells receded under that gaze and his body relaxed as he passed through the door and the private room.

"I rarely go below anymore." The stallion closed the door and turned his head on the unnaturally long neck with the smile still in place. "I have little need of it, you see. But now and again I go down to find something of interest."

"There are many down there who would be interested." Alex's voice sounded small to his own ears as his eyes flickered over the room. The panic that had been forced to calm started to rise again. "I'm not into this sort of thing."

The room was everything he had expected the club to be and more. The walls were painted a muted dark grey color, neutral enough, but what they held wasn't neutral. There were pegs set into the wall that held heavy thick stripped whips, except he'd never seen a whip with so many tails to it. Riding crops of all sizes, carriage whips, bull whips. And that didn't mention the size and variety of paddles that he felt dizzy even realizing that someone had actually put so much thought into such a simple item. Gags were set on another section of the wall, from simple balls to bits to entire hoods with strange empty eyes that stared out at him. And he barely had the courage to look over at the door they had walked through and the set of restraints that hung from the wall.

"Ahhh now the truth comes out. You do not think this world is for you?" Llywellyn all but purred those words and the white hand moved to brush along the line of Alex's back. "You think that this perverted past time should be left into the hands of others and you will not have it stain your perfect skin with the welts of affection."

"I know it isn't." He looked up and swallowed as the horse's head was so close now. The opal caught the lights of the room and refracted them back like fire.

"Not yet, but each of us has a foot in both sides. The dark and the light. The sin and the sainthood. You merely turn your head away from that part of you in an attempt to ignore what's behind it." Llywellyn brushed his hand upwards until the thick fingers brushed the edges of Alex's hair. "There is a point in the pain that becomes pleasure, there is a time where ones body gives itself over to the desires that are far greater than anything you bother imagining. I can smell the potential of you and I am very seldom wrong, boy."

"Alex." He stammered and the fingers curled into his hair before giving a rough yank backwards.

The movement was quick and harsh, his head pulled backwards to expose the line of his throat as the stallion came so close he could feel the press against his side. He started to breathe faster in a rush of fear that mingled with something the purring voice called up in him.

"Alex. Tonight you will find out exactly what you are. And you shall learn you were born for the harness, but you are, sadly, trapped in the naïve expectation that you are supposed to be civilized." The stallion's lips peeled back in a feral grin. "You weren't meant to be tamed, boy. Not by humanity, at least. You were meant for me."

"I'm not meant for...MMPH!" The words were stopped as Llwellyn's thick nailed hand gripped the back of his neck and tugged him backwards.

"Do not doubt or correct me. For in this room I am your all knowing merciless god and master and you will behave as such. I will bring you to me with the lash or the silk, but come you will." The stallion's voice deepened and a shiver ran down Alex's spine. "On your knees!"

The barked command startled him enough that Alex's legs dropped. He felt a shiver of fear run through him as he glanced down to see the massive hooves that thudded against the ground so close to him. The stallion was large, no, not just large, he was well built and muscled as well as large. He was made for hard work and it showed in the rippling muscles that ran beneath the hide and the powerful legs. Even the arms. That was part of the cause of his fear, but the emotion beneath it was a thread of anticipation that made the fear a spice for something else. The emotions and feelings conflicted with each other as Llwellyn moved to one side of the room and picked up a heavy leather wrapped bar that boasted something that looked like boxing gloves on the end. Oddly shaped gloves at that.

The stallion didn't say anything as he brought the device over and stepped behind Alex. He only felt the brush of the legs before one of the hands captured his wrist and yanked his arm up so that the leather glove slipped over his hand. His fingers sought for an opening he could slip them into, thinking that it would be like a mitten, but instead he was forced to curl them into a fist. His other hand was snagged and forced into the glove as well, and, just like the first, it was forced into a fist within the glove. When his arm was released the leather wrapped bar was heavier then he expected. He dropped his hands down in front of him and stared down in shock at the gloves. They weren't gloves, they were hooves! They were shaped like a set of horse's hooves!

"What are you going to do with me?" He hated that his voice sounded small and unsure, but it did, staring down at his hoof gloved hands, it sounded small.

"I'm going to bring you into your own, mare. And for that, you require... some specialized help." The stallion flashed his teeth in a feral looking smile before he reached down to grip the middle of the bar and heaved it upwards.

Alex stumbled to his feet as he was hauled upwards and barely caught himself from falling. The stallion lifted up the bar to the point that his arms were stretched painfully high and he was nearly standing on the tips of his toes. He looked up to see the bar lifted over two sets of hooks before it gave him a little give and let him drop nearly down to the flats of his feet. He swallowed, and his mouth felt dry, as he hung there and he could quite push himself high enough to lift the heavy bar up and over the hooks. He felt helpless and even as the fear increased he felt strangely excited by the sensation. He tried to push away the sense of excitement, but the stallion who had captured him seemed immune to his internal struggle.

"I'm not a mare.." He finally spoke and was proud to hear his voice not tremble the way he half expected it to. "I'm a human and I'm a man."

"Not anymore, mare. Tonight, you are mine. Tonight you called to me, oh so sweetly. I could feel your disgust and how disturbed you were. I could taste it like wine on the tongue to swallow and warm the stomach. I knew that with a little...effort I could make you something more. " The stallion's fingers moved and caught against the zippered vest before dragging it down to bare Alex's chest. "You shall call me Master or you will not speak, do you understand? One more slip up and I will still your voice."

Alex swallowed unsteadily and nodded his head as his cheeks flushed a hot red as the leather vest opened up entirely to show his chest and even down towards his belly. It must have not been enough for Llwellyn. The stallion moved up and unsnapped the hidden buttons that connected the front and back at the shoulders. The heavy leather material fell to the ground leaving him bare and almost shivering. He looked down at the ground instead of up and fought the urge to protest. He didn't want to know how his voice would be stopped. He could well imagine that it would involve the stallion's shaft and that was the last thing he wanted at this point. The white hands moved down and caught his pants and hooked against the laces.

He muffled out a whimper and jerked a bit as the trappings were undone with a strangely deft hand. The laces were loosened and spread open so that the edge of the pants dropped down around his waist and showed the edge of his blue underwear. The underwear showing embarrassed the hell out of him. His friend had been very specific in the fact that he couldn't wear boxers and she'd forced him to wear what was barely above a thong. He squirmed and twisted as the stallion dragged the pants down so that the dark blue material showed where it was drawn tight over his cock. A shaft that wasn't just flaccid, he could stare down himself and see the plumpness of it pressed against the fabric and the blush spread all the way down towards his collar bone. He was not getting hard at this.

"Oh my, such ways you protest, but your body is excited and growing more so by the moment. Is that it, mare? Did you come looking for a stallion and you did not know how to ask?" Llwellyn murmured in one of his ears and the big stallion hooked a finger on the edge of the underwear before tugging downwards. "You have but to ask me to stop, tell me that you do not want me to work my will on you. To touch your body and rouse you to a fever pitch you have never dreamed of and I will stop. Tell me to go, tell me to leave you alone, to leave you here where you can gather your things and leave.."

Alex swallowed roughly, for as the stallion spoke the fingers spread to either side of his hips and the large white form slipped against his back. He could feel the uncomfortable press of the leathers digging against his back and skin. It made him squirm, but not as badly as the feel of the fingers dancing against his hips. The nails grazed either side and pulled downwards so that the underwear spilled out his plump cock and orbs. It made him suck in a breath at being exposed while the stallion's lips brushed against his neck. The thick silken muzzle brushed upwards with a hot rush of breath that only made his body tighten and react. His cock hardened and thickened as a mute accusation of just how he felt with that furred warmth pressed against him and the feel of his underwear slipping down.

"You do not answer, mare. Tell me, do you want me to leave you be? To walk away and leave you untouched, unslaked, unhandled?" The stallion's voice almost purred in Alex's ear and he swallowed harder. God it was so hard to think.

"No.. no don't leave me.." He managed to get the words out just as the covered sheath pushed up against his bare ass. The leather was hard as he pushed against him in a grinding shove.

"Bad, bad, wicked mare. You did not remember what to call me.." Llwellyn spoke in an almost sing song voice. "What shall I do with my bad mare?"

"I'm sorry, M-Master.. I'm sorry.." He knew he was babbling, but he stammered the words out as he let out a soft whimpering noise at the harsh grind.

"It is too late for apologies, my dear, you shall have to be silenced..." The thick hoof tipped fingers grazed against his hips and pulled away as the powerful body stepped away.

Alex didn't try to stop his whimper of protest as the stallion walked away from him, but it made his cheeks burn to feel his body pulsing with a rush of strange desire that he had no control over. Llwellyn didn't look back, instead the gleaming white horse moved to the wall of gags and masks and plucked one, off the rack before turning back to him. The black leather caught the light and gleamed in molded perfection as the human gaped at it. It wasn't the mask with the ball gag or even one of the blank featureless masks. It was carefully molded leather that made a dainty looking horse head complete with latex tapered ears and a curved muzzle. A metal bit was pushed between the molded lips and glittered in the light while a set of reins were tied behind the back of the mask. The bridle was latex and wrapped over the dainty seeming head. The only part that wasn't horse like was a gleaming latex horn that jutted up like a parody of a unicorn.

It was strangely erotic looking as well as terrifying as the stallion advanced on him and moved a hand up to cup just beneath his chin. Alex whimpered a bit, but couldn't fight, not with his arms raised over his head. The hood was pushed up and over his head so he caught the mingled scents of leather and latex before it was shoved over his forehead and blocked out the light. He had a moment of panic as the too tight material was forced over his head and scraped his cheeks. It pinched his hair and pinned it in place before it was popped on completely. He sucked in a breath and it was too hot as he breathed out. The interior of the mask fit loosely over him and a metal bar bumped against his lips as the stallion tugged and jerked the hood more forcibly onto him. It wasn't until it was straightened that he found himself peering out of a set of slit eye holes, but the world limited by the mask.

The sound of hoof beats made him try to turn his head, but the stallion jerked his gaze forward again as the lacings at the back of the mask were suddenly tightened. The bar inside of the mask shoved against his lips with enough force that they bruised against his teeth. He opened his lips out of self preservation and shock so that the bit suddenly slid in place over his tongue. A bit like the one the mask had been wearing. A bit to gag him as the horse mask was tied into place and he was left listening to his own too loud breathing. Each breath spilled hot air back against him making the mask feel warm and moist against his cheeks as he swallowed roughly. The leather wrapped around his throat, almost touching his collar bone.

"My lovely little black mare.." The horse purred out in a voice that was almost touchable. Alex trembled and swallowed as he twisted his hooded head about to stare at Llwellyn. Even the fear didn't stop the fact his cock was curved and hard against his belly, it pulsed and drooled a bit of precum while the stallion paused in front of him.

"Do you know, my new mare, that it has been quite a long time since I have bothered myself with the pleasures of the flesh with a human?" As the stallion spoke his thick fingers unhooked the leather straps that created his outfit. They dark bands slithered and dropped away revealing the unblemished white of his chest and the pink nipples. "Perhaps I am so old fashioned that I need one to look like.. mmm a mare, for me to truly be moved. After all, it would be quite perverted to do this with a human being, wouldn't it, Alex?"

Alex whimpered a bit within the mask and gave his head a shake. He felt the tied reins brushing against his back as he did so. He wanted to try and make a denial, but his attention was caught as the stallion gave a shrug and shiver. The outfit he had been wearing dropped down to the ground in a loose pile of straps and bands at his hooves. The bare white flesh caught the human's eyes, but it was the sight of the pink sheath and heavy orbs that made him pause and stare. No, he gaped. The horse's glans already spilled over the edge, as large as a fist and drooling downwards in a pale pink spill of flesh that wasn't remotely shaped like a human. It was enough that he only watched as another hot inch disgorged itself before he realized that the stallion had moved to one side and his hands were busy. It took him longer to hear the voice. Shit, what was wrong with him?!

"You'll have to forgive me, then, for my little quirks. I'm sure that you've known others that have had their fair share of problems and I'll find you quite fetching with something a bit more... equine about you." The stallion drawled out and Alex finally realized what the stallion was doing.

He held a thick black horse tail in one hand and with the other he was apply thick gobs of lubricant onto a wedge shaped plug that formed the base. It made him clench his ass cheeks in reaction and he tried to ask a question, but it came out muffled. The stallion ignored it as he coated the entire latex toy from base to tip. Thick rivulets of the lubricant decorated the black plug before the beast stepped forward again and the swelling member bobbed in time with the dropping horse hooves. The first question in Alex's mind was the one that made him realize how far he was falling. How on earth was the horse going to fuck him if his ass was plugged? That thought helped clear him, but it was too little too late. Llwellyn moved a thick hand down and gripped one of his ass cheeks and something wet and narrow pushed up against his pucker.

He squealed out and tightened up, but the horse pushed forward even as he tried to evade it. The plug pushed and forced itself against his anal ring. It pried and spread the lubricant over the area as inch by inch was forced to stretch open. His passage quivered slightly while he sucked in short hard breaths and felt a slight stab of pain as the toy was wedged into his body. No matter how he squeezed his muscles, no matter how he struggled, the horse forced the toy into him. The tip wasn't that bad, it was relatively narrow and slipped in without too much discomfort, but it rapidly grew wider. It forced his walls to stretch to lewd lengths as he bit off another cry and arched his back slightly. The hand on his ass moved to press against his belly and he was forcibly dragged backwards to impale himself on the toy. The edge of the long hairs brushed against the back of his legs while he bucked and arched in place.

He might have been able to stop it, or at least gotten the horse to realize he didn't want any part of this, if it hadn't been for the massive equine shaft that rested against the curve of his thigh. A thick viscous dribble of precum oozed along his skin and it distracted his protests. He wanted it, he wanted to feel it like nothing else in the world. It made his heart pound against his chest until the stallion suddenly gave a shove forward that forced a scream from Alex's throat. The plug popped into him as the widest point passed through the anal ring and popped into his passage. His walls closed down around the thinner base of the toy so that the tail was left bobbing behind him. It swished and shifted as his walls contracted and rippled around the invasive plug.

"That's my good mare." The stallion slapped one hand against Alex's ass cheek and he jerked forward with a hissing groan. "Ahh my sweet, you are confused, and oh so eager..." A finger brushed against his cock and he squirmed in place. God it felt too good.

The stallion's touch didn't linger and for that Alex was left trembling, panting and squirming as he wanted nothing more than to thrust into the hand. His cock was so hard it nearly ached and he was losing the parts of him that were afraid of his reactions and what was happening. All he knew was that he wanted more, he wanted to be touched, rubbed, pulled and teased. Even the feel of the plug forcing him open embarrassingly wide stopped bothering him. His breath came in rough harsh pants and they were loud in the hood as he tilted his head to watch the stallion move to the wall of the restraints to pluck up another leather wrapped bar like the one that had been used on his wrists. It was similar in that it had restraints and hooves, but these ones were strangely elongated, almost like a boot.

It wasn't until Llwellyn had knelt down and the material was tugged upwards that he realized what they were. The hooves were designed like a set of high heels, but instead of a heel, the front of the shoe formed a hoof and the back just wrapped around his ankle and heel of his foot. It wasn't made to have those parts of his feet touch the ground. His feet were forced into the hooves and the bar forced his legs apart almost to the point it was painful. The position made him hang from his arms rather then being able to touch the ground. His shoulders burned as he tried to squirm, but couldn't, if he tried his shoulders just ached more. The spreader bar didn't have enough give to even let the heavy feeling hooves touch the ground.

"One last thing, my sweet mare.." The stallion rolled his eyes up and looked at Alex. It was an intimate look as the white muzzle was nearly brushing against his hardened shaft. "One last thing and you shall truly be perfect."

"Mmmph?!" Alex tried to ask what that was, he tried to get the word out, but the sound of his own attempt rang in his ears as the stallion turned his head to one side.

He saw where the lips were going before they actually brushed against the side of his cock. The velvety softness caressed the skin of the aching shaft, but it was only a moment of pleasure before the world around him seemed to give a great thudding beat. As if the heart of the world had pulsed loud enough to ring in his ears. Alex let out a cry and jerked his head away from the stallion as six points flared to heat and near pain. His hands, his feet, his head and his ass pulsed in time with the world about him before he screamed out. A ragged sound before the world flashed with light so bright he couldn't see past it. It even illuminated the mask and he was only aware of pressure spilling over his body and the distant feel of things bending, popping, splitting, and spilling over. The light took the pain away, if there was pain, he only could feel the pressure in what was both an eternity of fear and a heartbeat of pleasure.

Alex came to breathing hard enough that his entire body was shaking and the feel of the soft muzzle along his loins was almost painful to feel. His entire body felt almost too sensitive as he was left hanging and dazed with his head dropped down and his lips spread open. He gulped in deep breaths as fast as he could get them and swallowed roughly as he heard the bars rattling faintly as he shivered. He steadied his legs beneath him and planted the hoof boots firmly on the ground... and that was what made him open his eyes as he had little problem keeping his hooves on the ground in that position where as before they had been lifted too far from it. His parted eyes were met with the gleaming white head pressed in the same place and were dazzled by a moonstone colored whorled horn that rose up into the air. The needle sharp tip nearly brushed against the dark smooth furred curve of his belly.

He stared and his mind refused to recognize what he was seeing and feeling. The stallion gave a lazy smile and drew one of his hands up to tease along the curve of Alex's stomach, but he didn't care about the touch or sparks that came from it. He stared down at himself, god no, no no no no.... Breasts, dark tipped nipples and breasts on a chest that had been flat and bare.

"Wha' haf you done?" She spoke and her teeth clattered against the metal bit that no longer fit awkwardly against her teeth, but fit in a gape that had formed in her muzzle. Oh god above, a muzzle, her muzzle that she stared down and watched the lips moving with her attempt to speak. The line was only marred by the latex bridle that still wrapped over her head.

"Ahh my poor confused mare.." Llwellyn's voice sounded thick as he drawled the words out. "Let me show you what you are, and you will find the joy of being exactly what you should be. Mine.."

The stallion stood slowly, and his hands moved to grip the curve of her hips. The feel of his fingers biting against her made her muffle out a soft whimper and squirm, but it was half hearted as he twisted her body. The hooks that held the metal rod above her turned easily, as if they had been designed to be moved in such a way. She was forced towards a dressing mirror set on one of the walls and stared with a rush of despair, fear, horror, and confusion at the lithe dark mare that stared back at her. The body was taller then her human one had been, longer in the leg and her neck was all wrong. She stared out of dark brown eyes set above a long ebony muzzle. A black spiraled horn rose up between her eyes and parted a thick forelock that tumbled from between her ears.

"This is who you are, my sweet mare, what brought me to you. That hint of scent, that aura of one who could be changed, who could be coaxed into allowing my magic past all barriers.." The horse, no damnit, he was a fucking unicorn. A real live unicorn! "Are you so displeased?"

His fingers moved and danced like white splashes against her belly and smoothed his way upwards towards the curve of her breasts. She sucked in a breath as he caught the heavy weight of them and gave a squeeze as she looked over her body. The hoof like boots were gone, in place a ring of leather looped around her 'ankles' and held her legs still spread open. That allowed her to look down to see the tear shaped folds between her legs. The puffy lips stood exactly where she had once boasted an aroused shaft, and even glistened with a hint of wetness. The stallion's tongue licked along her neck and his blunt teeth bit down so she gasped out and jerked against the restraints. As she drew in a deeper breath she smelled him, not just smelled horse, but smelled him!

A thick hot male musk that clung to her muzzle and made her body start to tremble in the restraints. The hand on her breast moved upwards and flicked against her nipple while the other hand gave a sudden tug against the reins. Her head was forced backwards to stare at him as his lips moved up to brush against her cheek. She drew in another breath and the male scent made places in her heat up and she let out a muted whimpering noise. Why did how he smell matter to her? But it did, her body reacted to that scent and she squirmed as his fingers ran downwards along her belly. Her eyes snapped open wide as they dropped lower and lower until they curled right against her newly formed sex. The feel of them brushing over them startled a feminine squeal from her throat and her hips jerked backwards and bumped against him.

"So sweet, so new, so virginal, so terribly fertile..." The stallion murmured. "My sweet mare, I will break you in, I will train you, fuck you, breed you, mark you, master you and.. you shall never think of your humanity again."

"No...pleashe.." She lisped out around the bit and the fingers curled against her sex making her groan out as they grazed her clit.

The stallion pulled his hand away after that teasing touch, and instead moved to join his other hand in gripping the reins on her bridle. The tug forced her head forward again roughly and the metal bit dug against the corners of her mouth as she stared at her own reflection in the mirror. Her lips were parted and her nostrils flared as the white stallion shifted behind her. He was like a bit of moonlight against her darkness, but nothing so innocent as moonlight. He had one purpose in mind and the shift of the hips made that clear. The heavy weight of the cock brushed against her ass, her unviolated ass. She tensed up as she realized the plug was gone, instead the touch of the slimy tip made her muscles jerk and her tail flagged up high. Her tail, not the plug, her tail. God, she had a tail of her own.

The thought distracted her enough that only the flash of pink and the sudden bump between her legs made her come back to herself. She stared at the massive pink cock tip in the mirror as it brushed against her sensitive folds. It rubbed back and forth in such a way that her stomach almost cramped, not with fear, but desire. The scent of the male was still thick in her nose and the brush against the sensitive outer lips made her entire body react. She swallowed and fought against the bit, but Llwellyn jerked the reins back harder as he gave a rolling push of his hips. He shoved against her outer lips so she could see them being pushed in on themselves and she couldn't even pull her legs together to protect herself. Not that she would, not that her body would let her, her body was throbbing and starting to grow hotter as she reacted to the dominant male.

It wasn't until the bare unprotected tip caught against her opening and the stallion let out a hot snort that she realized what he'd told her. Fertile. Breed her. Oh gods no, he wasn't going to try to impregnate her? Could he? Was it even possible? Was this even real? The questions stopped as the powerful hips gave a slow grinding shove upwards and her passage was forced open wider and wider. The walls yawned open and a short cry burst free from her lips as a bubbling dribble of precum splashed into her virginal passage. Her walls were spreading open so wide, so painfully wide, that she wanted to cry, but her body didn't feel the pain. Not really. A spasm of pleasure rocked through her and her tail jerked up higher as she tried to present to the stallion as the next thrust shoved up harder against her and a lewd wet popping noise echoed in the room as his cock tip sank into her body.

She squeezed around him and choked out a moan as he claimed her. Her body wanted this, her body needed this. Instincts she'd never had flared to life as she pushed her hips backwards and watched the thick pink cock sinking into her dark folds. The wetness that was forced out around him wasn't just his precum drooling into her, but her own lingering arousal. She trembled under his grip and the stallion lunged upwards again forcing the tip deeper into her body. The grip on the reins forced her head down so her chin nearly touched her breasts, but she couldn't look away from the mirror. She couldn't look away from what was happening to her. She wanted the stallion, she needed him, she wanted him to fuck her and drive himself in deep until she was swollen with his foal. Her body ached and itched with a need so primal she only realized one name for it. Heat.

The burning heat that flared through her stomach as the medial ring hammered up against her outer lips before the stallion dragged his hips back. Her folds clamped down tightly around him and tried to stop him from pulling out, but there was no worry of that. Llwellyn bucked upwards with a lewd wet noise before the medial ring popped in and his breath snorted out against the back of her neck. The tip was plunging so deep inside of her she felt like she should be able to taste it. Nothing, nothing was mattering in her mind except pushing her hips back against him. She tried to push back as a thick viscous spill of precum drooled onto her passage and oozed deep. Already laden with virile sperm to plunge into the heart of her body.

The stallion gave a sharp grunt as he bucked upwards and finally nearly hilted himself inside of her. The thickness of his base yawned her open so wide and his tip slammed right up against a barrier inside of her before he pulled backwards again. A slow drag that showed the slimy inches of pale pink before he could buck back into her and jarred her against the restraints. Alex wanted to scream, she wanted to fight and try to pull him out, but her body was giving itself over to him. She pushed herself back and helped shove the tip up against her cervix before he pulled backwards again. He caressed and tugged along parts of her body that ached with need. There was little doubt in her mind why it was called being in heat. Her body was ripe with it, feverishly swollen with it, and she couldn't think past it. The scent of male only fueled her on as the grip on the reins made her jaws ache and suddenly a pair of blunt teeth caught her against the back of her neck.

The pale horn brushed along the curve of her cheek as he started to buck into her with rough powerful thrusts. The hips clapped up against her ass cheeks so that she felt the brush of his orbs against her inner thighs. The tip hammered up against her cervix, a pain that blended into the pleasure as she clenched down tightly around him. Her walls squeezed eagerly, she wanted him, needed him, she couldn't think beyond that fact. She clenched her eyes shut against the sensations that rolled through her as the too large shaft plunged into her time and again, her own wetness was forced out around his base and coated her outer lips and thighs. She could smell herself, the hot sweet mare scent that some part of her brain knew was fertile.

The teeth on her neck suddenly gave a painful twist, "WATCH! You will not close your eyes, mare!" The Master's voice was harsh and demanding. Stallion's were supposed to be demanding and dominant.

"Yes.. mashter.." The words were garbled by the bit, but she got them out as she stared at her own body and her breasts jostling against her upper body as he started to speed up.

Her dark fur showed a gleam of sweat as the hands on the reins tightened and relaxed, her head allowed to lean forward as the powerful movements only allowed a flash of pink cock flesh to slip free of her dark cunny before he buried back inside of her again. The tip oozed a constant stream of precum inside of her as it started to swell open wider and wider. The teeth that dug against her neck bruised against the skin there as the Master started to tense up against her back. She knew some part of her was screaming in terror, but instincts and the pleasure didn't care. She wanted this, she needed this, she wanted to put out the heat. Put out the ache and swollen need that consumed her. She pushed her hips back and let out a high pitched wild squeal, the equine voice rose up frantically high as her walls clamped down around every last veined inch and felt the medial ring thickening within her.

The cock doubled size and pushed hard up against her cervix and the spire bowed inside of her as the stallion pushed himself upwards to ensure every last inch of him that could be inside of her was buried there. She shrilled out her pleasure even as she felt the orbs heave up between the powerful white legs and what she dreaded, needed, feared, desired happened. A hot thick wave of sperm rich cum erupted against her cervix in thick hot goopy ropes. It splattered against the narrow opening that estrus had allowed to spread open and pushed it's way through into her newly formed womb. Her body pulsed and milked around him, she actively pulled the semen into herself as her legs gave out. She dropped her weight against the restraints so she hung by her arms and stirred the girth inside of her to help force another hot goopy wave deep into her loins.

The hot breath hit against the back of her neck as the stallion spent himself inside of her. Billions of sperm spread through her womb and more spilling inwards, there was no hope that he wouldn't claim her. No human hope that it wasn't her season. Her body knew and eagerly accepted it to slake her need. The Master only stopped with a rumble as something thicker and heavier bubbled up from the spread tip of his cock and drooled out to smear along her cervix. The gel plug rubbed along the opening to seal her and left little hope that the amount that had been pushed through to her uterus would find a way out.

As the mare dropped her head and parted her lips in short heavy pants her body trembled in her restraints. The bar above her rattled slightly as her teeth shook and she whimpered when she felt the shaft starting to soften and drag back along her violated channel. Violated? God no, bred channel. A thought that should have made her whimper in fear only made her feel the flow of relaxation as the stallion's flared cock popped out with a wet noise and she felt thick pearly seed drooling along her dark inner thighs. A white hand moved down to scoop up a fingerful of the semen and then smeared it along the pad of her muzzle.

"This is your master, your stallion, your stud. This is all you need to know, my mare, this is all you need concern yourself with. You are mine." The voice rumbled in her ear and as she sucked in the masculine scent she could only find one answer.

"Yes, Master."

~ ~ * ~ ~

The short manhunt for the young man that had gone missing at The De Sade made a few local papers and caused a bit of a stir. Llwellyn Co, the owner of The De Sade, had personally set up a $10,000 reward for information that would lead them to finding the young man. No one ever came forward. Many had seen him at the club, but no one could remember when he left or with who. After nearly three weeks a series of letters in his apartment had been found that had come from some place in Chicago and indicated he had moved in there with a woman he had met online. The train of e-mails were long and quite sordid about his relationship with the woman. While it wasn't the end of the case, most of his friends had admitted that he was quiet enough he might have just snuck off rather than cause an awkward fuss. It was a neat ending. A quiet ending for the young man and relieved some guilt. The case remained opened as he hadn't been found, but the manpower had been called off. They assumed he was happy with his new lover and that was that. At least, for the humans.