The road trip 1

Story by Sixclaws on SoFurry

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#1 of The road trip

Road Trip

By GrayLocke


[email protected]

Proofread and contributions by Papa Werebear

Warning this story contains material that it might not be suitable for people under 18 if you're underage PLEASE STOP READING NOW.

Well, this was supposed to be an uneventful bus trip; that is if you count that this was a werebears only bus. Finn was my grandfather and had done this trip to Canada many, many times, so it was natural for that old bear to take me with him.

As usual I was the odd man out, being the only one with a tee shirt and bermudas, whereas the rest looked straight out of a bear bar in winter, all of them in plaid flannel shirts, jeans, boots and the assorted leather accessories.

Another thing that left me sleeping in next to the window and apart from the noisy crowd was the fabled fierceness of my mother Morrigan; it was no surprise that my other grandfather gave her the name of the goddess of war and destruction; she was the goddess of sex, the one you do for fun not to make babies, but mum is not exactly the horny type.

Not that some of them were intent on trying to approach me since the lure of a cub was something they loved; there were plenty of them dirty ol' werebears and when your life was measured in centuries anyone under 35 is considered young for them.

So I was sleeping soundly against the window while the cacophony of drunken animals were singing songs of old times when they repelled the English (yes, they are that old.) While some others were very busy in the back of the bus adding the funky spicy "scent" of animal musk to the mixed smells of hard liquor and tobacco.

One thing about this trip for sure was it was meant for me to meet other werebears with which I hadn't grown up. I had this feeling that these old beastmen were uncomfortable with the fact that they saw me grow before their eyes and they felt quite uneasy when it came to someone this close.

As I said before the trip was the usual until the bus stopped in front of a couple buildings; one being a blend of a 24 hour caf辿, convenience store and cheap motel and the other one a vintage looking Texaco gas station.

The bus jiggled a little as the heavy passengers left it in search of food and a place to clean up after getting messy. Perhaps it was because the movement woke me up a little that Finn didn't speak to me or maybe he was thinking with his other head, that he left me all alone on the bus.

I didn't mind being left though, it was a fall night and cold and inside the bus was still warm; the heat of that many large furry bodies had added to the ambient warmth. So I kept dozing for a while until a hand shook my left shoulder.

"Hey." came a long, distant voice as I was brought back from slumberland.

As I opened my eyes came one of the most beautiful visions I've ever had: the chauffer of the bus was standing before me, the tanned skin and the wiry black pelt that crawled out of his blue shirt spoke of his Hispanic roots. Well, that and the name tag that said "Rodrigo Fernandez" sewed on the upper right breast above the pocket of his shirt. He smiled at me, his heavy bushy black moustache turning up at the corners. I noticed the dense dark stubble that wasn't there when the bus started the trip earlier that day.

He leaned forward with that beautiful smile and said, "You better hurry or there will be no food for you."

To be honest my mind was not on the food because when he close leaned I could see the perfectly dense mat of black fur covering his chest; it was too obvious for him not to notice so he spoke to me in a low voice, "Are you sure you're a werebear? You're the first one that I've seen that wears glasses." He said, his breath hinting the scent of tobacco.

"And how many have you seen?" I asked.

"I've seen many hundreds in the fifty or so years since my forty-fifth birthday when I was changed by a beautiful silver haired papa bear from Norway." He said.

I smiled and decided to shift. The sound of bones slowly reshaping and rearranging echoed inside the bus and with a fanged smile Rod and I started kissing, his tongue tracing my growing fangs just as I fumbled with the buttons of his shirt exposing the dense forest of thick and wiry hair that carpeted his barreled chest and small but taut belly.

I was really enjoying the moment when all of a sudden I jumped.

"What's wrong?" he asked me as I curled and whined.

I looked at him and said, "This clothing is not shifting friendly and my briefs just choked a nut," my eyes squinted a bit as my half werebear shifting moment slid back to humanity.

He laughed out loud and just stood there, wearing only his driver's cap, his broad smile and his unbuttoned shirt. He was a sight to behold; gone was the stubble on his face, he now sported a dense, full black beard. There were two streaks of silver hair on his chin; the dense beard connected to the equally thick chest fur as his beard now covered his neck. His beard, neck and chest fur was peppered with silver hairs; his crotch sported a generous erection outlined by the fabric of his pants and there already was a growing damp spot where the tip of his cockhead was.

"Damn you look hot" I said between breaths, my hands clumsily working to get my bermudas off when I looked back up at him. "That was fast!" I said noticing that his pants were already on the floor. Rod stood there wearing only his unbuttoned blue shirt, his driver's hat and nothing else. I had to take some short breaths and tried to avoid cumming right at the moment just by staring at that mountain of black fur and muscle.

Rod was goddamn hung; his cock bobbed fiercely as his one eyed monster pointed furiously at me, already a thin crystal clear strand of pre-cum was oozing from his uncut werebear meat.

"Let me do the changing then" he growled as he and I swapped spit again; I was having trouble with my zipper but he just flicked it and it was open. His hand tugged my briefs and my pale cock jutted upward, his rough fingers pulling down the foreskin with so much strength I felt like he was going to rip the frenum.

His black beard and my blond face fur mingled as his tongue got longer and broader, the tip flicking between my tonsils. My hand roamed his chest, feeling the soft human hair giving way to thick and wiry black bear fur and when they found the purplish nipples, I squeezed them between my thumbs and the index fingers. My right hand trailed down to fondle his thick cock; listening to the moist sound of his wet uncut cock as I stroked it.

My head vibrated a bit as he growled in pleasure and I felt his strong hips starting to thrust into my hand when he pulled his muzzle off my lips; I stared at this magnificent specimen of a werebear. At first I thought that he was a black bear but the goggle like pattern around his eyes and the black muzzle reminded me of a spectacled bear. He just stood there letting me bask at the sight of his enormous beastly body, naked in all his glory save for the driver's hat that sat on his head.

I tried to stand but Rod prevented that by gently pushing me against the wall next to the seat. He lowered himself, his meaty left paw-hand's fingers wrapped around my cock and I shuddered at the sensation of his warm padded hand stroking again my cock. Rod looked approvingly at my size and girth. I was just average sized for a werebear but my eight inches of Irish werebear cock were meaty at three inches of thickness. Most of the time it was a bother for those not used to it.

"Ahhh..." I moaned as he engulfed my cock with his dark muzzle, my right hand scritching around the edges of the hat that touched his head. My other hand was pinching my pink nipples, getting them hard and swollen. His muzzle bobbed at intervals but his tongue, that wonderful long bruin appendage, was wrapped around my cock massaging it as he pursed his lips around the base of my cock.

My breath grew ragged as my legs spread a bit, one of his hands played with my nipples, the thick nails pinching and squeezing them; his other hand tugging and squeezing my heavy balls, pulling them down and squeezing them with an increasing strength mixing pain and pleasure.

Rod nursed me like a pro, even making the suckling sound of a happy bear. The first time I made the sound was after my first change when I was suckling an elder male's impressive cock; at the time, I was a teenager and the pitch was higher. Adults make this sound with a deeper voice and Rod's chuckling sound was deep, resonant and so sexy as he nursed on my hard tool.

The usual tingling you feel on your cock-head when you're nearing orgasm was becoming more and more evident when I rested my hands behind his head.

"Wait, wait." I said as I unwillingly pulled him off my cock, "I don't want to cum yet."

He looked at me with his beady brown eyes with a fake hurt expression. "But why?" He growled in a low coarse voice.

"Because..." and he interrupted me by swirling his tongue around the edges of my cockhead, making me shudder, "first I need to get a taste of you." I finally said.

Rod grinned, baring his fangs and we kissed again; I decided then that the next time I should bathe before leaving for a long trip. He crawled upwards and I held him just long enough to press my face against his right armpit, tongue darting to lick it clean. God I love it when they don't use that chalky deodorant bar! My tongue got it thoroughly clean; then he leaned the other way for me to get his other musky pit licked clean.

My face was wet with my sweat and the spit after licking his funky smelling armpits but I still I held him long enough to get a nibble on his big, purplish nipples.

"Si... Si... Muerdelas..." he whispered and I complied, suckling and chewing hard on them, "Oh... Si... Que rico..." He whispered again as I got the black fur surrounding them, all wet and pulled away to expose the areolas as big as silver dollars.

Just as I left them that way he rose, my face rubbed against the dense belly fur when he pulled back a bit to let me admire his throbbing bearhood. His thick meat was not as thick as mine but, damn, that was one big choker. Unlike mine the foreskin was covered in black fur up to the middle, the upper part was bare and it was the area of the foreskin that was wrapped against the foreskin when his cock was soft.

That flesh pole tilted slightly against the left and so was the curve of it. It made my mouth water as I wrapped my fingers around the hirsute foreskin and gave it a few strokes, making it's owner growl lustfully and his hips thrust a bit. My lips kissed the drooling tip tasting the salty liquor that oozed like a broken faucet leaking a sweet sap. I slowly took his length in my hungry mouth; I looked up at him and his eyes closed tightly, his muzzle agape, drool dripped from it as he played with his nipples, his nail pinching on them hard as I bobbed my mouth back and forth, sucking on his long fuck-tool.

I closed my eyes too, relishing on the flavour of his pre-cum as I nursed on this old werebear; one hand keeping the foreskin rolled back and the other wrapped around the base of his furry scrotum. We both breathed raggedly, letting the moment flow on forever until I pulled back, my hand now stroking his heavy meat and I pressed my face against his ballsac, licking the musky sweat from them.

It was then spoke, "I'm gonna fuck your mouth."

He rearranged a bit, his muscular left leg supporting his weight while placing his right foot on the top of the seat; his right paw between my head and the window glass protected my head and kept it from banging against the glass. The rugged palm of his left paw holding my neck; his drooling bearhood aiming again at my hungry cocksucker mouth and the heavy ballsac, dark and covered by bristly hair swung pendulous because of the pulsing of his throbbing bearhood.

Then, as I held his vicious looking member between my lips our eyes met, yet he pushed forward and the plum shaped cockhead kissed me; parting my lips and filling my mouth with his pulsing cock, my tongue pressed against his throbbing urethra as he entered my mouth.

Rod and I kept our gaze locked on each other until I couldn't see his face because his black furred belly blocked my vision. I inhaled the overwhelming musk emanating from his crotch until his fat cockhead plugged my throat and I couldn't breathe, even then I pushed forward; feeling the hirsute part of the foreskin plunge into my mouth, the rough hairs brushing my throat.

I was in heaven; his cock fully sheathed in my throat, the heavy ballsac resting against my chin. I could feel the beat of his heart through the thumping of the swollen stem against my tonsils; then he pulled back, allowing me to take the much needed air briefly as he plunged his bear cock again and again into my throat.

Not willing to be just an inflatable doll, I used my left hand to tug and play with his wrinkled scrotum; Rod's balls were so big, like goose eggs, and covered with a dense soft black pelt. I used my fingers to caress them, to juggle them gently with my fingers, making him moan as he fucked my mouth.

"Fuck yeah..." Rod moaned as my right hand found the base of his tail, the stubby appendage hiding the wrinkled hole that I touched and he paused a bit with his cock halfway inside my oral cavity; the tail, his anal ring and the throbbing flesh pulsed in unison as my fingers played with his rear entry.

It was then when Rod increased the speed of his thrusts, I used my left hand to fondle the swinging scrotum; my right arm raised and wrapped around his left leg to help me get a good hold as he long dicked my maw.

I felt something warm and sticky on my forehead, it was his drool. Rod's left paw-hand was pressed hard against the roof of the bus; his eyes were narrowed and his muzzle was agape which explained the drool on my forehead.

His thrusting became more and more frantic and at that moment I was grateful for that paw-hand behind my neck; keeping me from being slammed against the tempered window glass.

Rod thrust into my throat like... well... A bear in rut; so fast I couldn't breathe and the blend of my spit, his pre-cum and the constant whipping of his cock turned the drool coming out of my mouth into a thick foam that oozed down into my beard and fell onto my shirt.

Consciousness was leaving me in rhythm with his thrusts and I couldn't care less when suddenly I tasted something bitter in my mouth and two thrusts of his cock later he stopped; Rod's fat cock pulsed violently sending pearly ropes of viscous werebear cum down my throat. Rod pulled back a bit, then rocked his still pulsing cock very slowly as he fed me his seed until he stood very still. That gave me the chance to wrap my fingers around his foreskin pulling it back again and I bobbed back and forth in an unhurried manner, nursing on his pulsing semi hard man teat.

The bus was very quiet except for Rod's heavy breathing and the sound of his bones rearranging his frame back into his tall, dark, hirsute human form. As his cock left my mouth I looked at him a bit puzzled; Rod smiled at me and kissed me, giving him a taste of his own seed in the process.

"I want to feel every inch of you in me" he paused as he fondled my cock, coated in my precum like syrup to a snow cone. His touch made me shiver, "and you know that by riding me in this shape it always will be bigger than if the two of us were in bearman shape."

He was right, I was so busy with his dick that I forgot mine and the moment he touched it I just wanted to use it in his warm hole.

At this point I was thinking with my dick and didn't care that I tore my shirt off. The bermudas landed onto the floor, sticky and wet with sweat, drool and other bodily fluids; not necessarily all of them mine or Rod's.

"Damn!" He said as he rubbed his hands over my chest; tweaking the pink nipples under the dense mat of strawberry blond fur. We kissed again as I started to shift. Rod lowered down following the trail of spit, pre-come and his semen; licking my beard and the chest fur clean.

My nipples sent jolts all over my body as he played with them; he chewed on one making me squirm when I pulled him off it.

"No, no, no." I whispered and Rod looked at me confused, "Nibble on them and you'll get me hard, chew on them and you'll make me cum." Oh yeah, my nipples are that sensitive; like a direct link between them and my pleasure nut.

Rod continued his trail down until he was inches from my cocktip, he looked so hungry but I kept him from licking my cock.

"Look but don't touch," I said.

One thing that makes shifting easy is arousal, it's as if your body went on autopilot. I was going to give Rod a show; you see, unlike him I was born a werebear; my father is a Werebear. He knocked up my mother so that means that I have something Rod did not have and I was sure it would please him.

My body changed; my muscles grew thicker and so didthe fur covering my body. I love it when the muscles bulge that way, it's even better than going to the gym when it comes to muscle building. It still annoys me that the muzzle makes it a bit harder to literally look under my nose, but I suspect I'll get used to it in a hundred years or so. Short claws replaced my nails; teeth grew longer, sharper.

But for Rod the best part was coming; his eyes went wide as he saw my dick change. I was sure he'd seen other natural werebears before, but I was thicker than most. The lower half of my foreskin was beginning to cover with dense blond fur and slowly evolve into a sheath. Gone was the mushroom shaped human cock, the glans was now tapered and more shaped like an tulip bud than a plum; I could tell that behind the glans the cock was thin but my strength relies on thickness and Rod was already delighted to see that my cock was as thick as it was when human. Even better, the vestigial knot that linked us with the canids (my grandfather hates that fact but his lovers don't seem to mind) and that is present among grizzlies was obviously there. Inside my penis a bone formed, my baculum, making me harder than most humans and changed humans could be.

It was my time to growl, "Turn around man and show me that purple hole," I ordered.

Rod stood, turned around and laid his hands on the back of the opposite chairs. Damn his ass was hairy, even as a human his cleft was hidden by a dense line of fur. My paw- hands parted those hairy cheeks exposing that purplish hole and I rubbed the tip of my swollen bear meat, eliciting a moan from him.

I could tell you that I teased him for hours; made him beg for my cock and then fucked him for more hours; but I would be lying. I was very hot and I knew that instinct was taking over, so I pressed my grizzly cockhead against his hole.

"Oh fuck... Oh fuck..." I growled as his pucker took my cock. Unlike me, Rod was an expert bottom too and took me to the hilt, even part of my sheath plunged in.

My claws raked his back as I pounded his ass; the claws hiding the blood I drew as I clawed under that thick forest of black back fur. He moaned in pleasure, wounds like this were superficial for a werebear and healed almost as soon as they were made. I didn't care about anything else in the world except for the moist cavern engulfing my grizzly cock and the urge that it gave me to empty my balls inside him. I gripped his neck with my right paw, pining him and in my head preventing my sow from escaping; the left paw grabbing his back hair and pausing my thrusts just to spread my legs a bit and then resumed the rough breeding I was giving Rod . I was breeding him, he was mated to me even if only for this moment. What mattered was that he had submitted to me and now the grizzly had come out and was in charge. I was completely on instinct.

I closed my eyes, giving short thrusts into him since I was thick enough that my vestigial knot was actually tying him and me together; he gasped and clamped his anal muscles hard enough to make me feel so fucking close. Suddenly, Rod's hole pulsed like mad triggering my orgasm and I was unable to choke a roar, making the bus tremble.

My grip on his neck loosened and with my eyes still closed I rubbed my paws on his back, loving the feel of my pulsing cock inside him as his anus pulsed erratically. "Did you come again?" I growled.

Rod just panted a, "Yes."

I had one of those shit eating smiles as I basked in the afterglow. I felt a meaty hand on my shoulder; I opened my eyes; my grandfather was a curled forward and trembling. The scent of his semen indicated to me that he had just come. Behind him the group of werebears were either finished coming or reaching climax. I was just coming down from that wonderful sensation I felt after giving Rod a good shag; I felt the flush of sheer embarrassment on my face and realized under the receding fur that I must be blushing. After Finn finished he straightened up and between panting breaths he offered the semen on the back of his hairy hand to lick.

I'm going to be honest with you, I was raised Catholic and the thought of licking off my grandfather's semen freaked me out so I turned it down. He shrugged, licking it off his hand as if it were some delicious candy. Below Rod was the reason he came; Karl, my grandpa's husbear was busy sucking the remnants of Rod's second ejaculation and from the look of it he wanted Rod's third load.

Right then Finn patted me on the back, "That's my grandson!" His chest swelled with pride. Then he eyed my cock still locked inside Rod and he rubbed my back in a way that made me feel very uncomfortable "You have proven that the Ardal clan still has it," And then he drew his face closer to me, "These friends of mine agreed with your mother that you shouldn't come with us but you proved them wrong."


Cheers came from the half-drunken mass of fur.

I was actually bathing in their joy when Karl pulled himself off Rod's cock and stood up, he gave me bear hug and said, "We all,"

"Did he said all?", I wondered.

"can't wait to get a taste of that sweet cub cum of yours,"

That offended me; I was 24, not a minor,

"and most importantly, to ride you from both ends,"

"Oh shit!" I thought,

"Because any one werebear who can fuck that hard has got to love to be fucked even harder."

And after that Karl headed for the group who greeted him with booze.

My penis bone dissolved as I changed and the cock finally deflated enough to pull out of Rod with a wet slurp. This was followed by cheers from the crowd. I had a hard time turning down offers to continue the ride, alleging some nausea because of the long trip. One huge Norse looking werebear with even a braided blond bear stood and shouted "To the bedrooms!" He paused. "But first a decent shower!" And the crowd disappeared from view leaving only my grandfather who handed me some wet towels so I could clean my dick.

"Grab your pack Miles," He said with pride, "Tonight is going to be a long night." He grinned, his package tenting again in his pants.

"Um... Gramps. ?"

"Uh... Yeah?"

"Can I tell you something?"

"Sure." He said

I then began to whisper in his right ear. His face shocked.

"No way!" He shouted.

"Uh, yes way."

"Not even a finger?"

"Nope, not even that. I was never interested in it."

"Damn" he cursed, his stance a bit pensive; then he was all smiles, "You, Karl and I are going to have a long chat tonight." He left the bus, leaving me immersed in his thoughts.

He popped back in the bus, "And don't tell anyone that you're brand new there; they will start squabbling on who is going to break that seal of freshness if you know what I'm talking about." Then he left again.

Then he popped back into the bus again, "When I told you about a long chat you know what I'm talking about because once I had that talk with your father he couldn't get enough of..."

"Oh God!" I felt how that sandwich and Rod's load started to crawl upwards.

"Oh relax!" He grinned and showed me a bottle of tequila, "One of these babies and you won't care at all." He said, in leaving.

"Oh God," I spoke aloud, "and this was just the first day..."