Massive Rape Police Gangbang

Story by Havik on SoFurry

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This was a roleplay I did with a friend of mine named Cosmosis, Took about two months, and it was rather fun, made it into a story and here it is! The tags arn't all there, feel free to tell me which one's I'm missing.

It's an interrogation room, of the somewhat larger sort, but pretty typical. It's something like 10 feet by 17. There's a stainless steel table in the center with a few sturdy chairs, and of course one wall is mirrored. Cos pushes open the door and steps inside, smirking proudly as he holds it open. He's a Komodo Dragon, about 6 feet tall, with a medium muscular build. Faint cheers and hollers can be heard from the rest of the station, until Bruce, his partner, comes to the door and shoves the perp inside "Get in there you sack o' garbage!" He shoves him hard enough that, with his hands cuffed behind his back, he'll likely get the wind knocked out of him by the table top. Bruce is a beefy Black Bear, about 6'5". He closes the door behind him, cutting off the cheering.

Havik Wolfs was wearing black baggy cargo jeans, that were rather baggy on him. He had a simple tight black shirt on, clinging to his body, he had a black hoodie on top of it, he had a few bruises and some dried blood on his nose from the resistance to the cops, but they finally had him down and cuffed. Once he was in the station, he just kept his head down, glaring at everyone, cursing at them under his breath. Once he saw that door, he grunted as he was shoved, not able to catch himself, he hit that table, gasping loudly as he fell to his knees his head laying up against the table, coughing out harshly, panting as he tried to recover his breath.

Bruce 'hehs' with satisfaction and crosses his arms over his chest as Cos clears his throat "Sooo many charges the sheet would hit the floor. So many counts of Obstruction of Justice, Contaminating a Crime Scene..."

Bruce: "Destruction of Evidence, Defacing of Government Property--/police/ property."

Cos: "Endangering Officers, and more, I'm sure." He steps over to Havik and grabs him by the front of his hoodie, lifting the youth off the ground before shoving his back onto the table, and getting in his face "Did you think it was FUNNY throwing water balloons at a crime scene?! Did you and your boys get a GOOD LAUGH out of sticking potatoes into tailpipes of patrol cars at stoplights?!"

Havik Wolfs coughed some more, before getting his lungs inflated full of air again. He heard all those charges, he was thinking in his head about what he was going to get, he probably get life. He soon grunted as he was lifted up and slammed back onto the table, he was a smart ass so he just grinned and chuckled "I got a good laugh FUCKING YOUR WIFE!" He soon spat on the officer's face, he hardly cared about what he did anymore, it's not like his charges get much worse. He just kept his grin at the officer.

Cos rolls his eyes and sighs as he wipes the spit off his charcoal grey snout "Aaand we can add assaulting an officer to that list. Lovely." He strolls aside as Bruce calmly takes off his hat, sets it aside, and then walks over to Havik, grabbing him by the neck and lifting him off the table. His voice is steady, almost monotone, but clearly dripping with rage "You and your boys have been more than just a pain in the ass these past few months. We've had to throw out evidence, testimonies--entire, cases, have been thrown out because of what you and your crew have done." He drops Havik back onto the table "You've been such a pain in the ass, that we've decided to be a pain in /your/ ass." You might notice that suddenly Cos isn't wearing a shirt anymore.

Havik Wolfs could only chuckle as he watched Cos just step aside, before seeing that bear, that was the same height as him, he just grinned at him, before his eyes opened up wide as he was grabbed by the neck, he choked and gagged a bit, he squirmed weakly without the use of his arms, it was rather hard for him to try and fight back, he soon felt himself get dropped back onto the table with a low groan "Fuck, isn't this police brutality.." He groaned, that steel table rather hard on his back, though, he heard that, and looking over, seeing Cos shirtless, before putting two and two together. "You got to be fucking kidding me, can't do that!" He snarled, snapping full of rage.

Bruce flips the wolf over onto his stomach and holds him down, enabling Cos to uncuff him and get his shirt and hoodie off before cuffing him again. Cos snickers "We're actually off-duty right now. We punched out." Bruce nods as he starts unbuttoning his shirt "And soon we won't be in uniform, either." Cos whips off his belt, smirking.

Havik Wolfs grunted once he was flipped over, he felt him get uncuff and struggled hard, trying to break free, giving the officers as much trouble as he could for them to take off that shirt and hoodie, though it was worthless, his paws cuffed again. He grunted, his eyes shooting glares like 'I'm going to fucking kill you' up at the cops, all hoping it would be a joke. "You won't dare fucking touch me, I'll kill all of you."

Both officers laughed loudly, Bruce commenting "What a fuckin comedian, man." as he starts unbuttoning his shirt, revealing his massive chest. "I know, right?" Cos pulls down his pants and underwear, exposing his tight, moderately muscled physique. He has a slit sitting over a pair of hefty balls.

Havik Wolfs growled loudly "It took almost three officers to take me down, do you think I'm fucking joking bitch, you even get near my fucking muzzle, and I will make you even less of a man than you already are.." He saw the dragon naked, his sensitive nose picking up the male's musk, growling lowly at the smell.

Bruce lets his shirt fall off, grinning as Cos grabs his belt and his own, spinning them in the air, lashing them against the floor with a pair of loud snaps. "Of course you would. But we weren't born yesterday." Bruce lets his own pants hit the floor, revealing an impressive set of equipment on him "We'd also taze your balls if you tried it."

Havik Wolfs heard the snap of those belts, they weren't going to scare him. Havik just growled as he looked up at them with glares, those threat's didn't scare him "I fucking doubt you would." He growled, snarling, exposing his fangs as he looked over at Bruce, seeing those massive fuzzy orbs and growled.

Bruce chuckles and grabs his own balls "Jealous?" His long uncut dick drapes over them. He starts swinging his hips from side to side, when Cos, who got very close while the wolf was distracted, pushes Havik onto his back again, holding him down as he undoes the fly of his cargo pants, pulling them down to Havik's ankles, making it a loose but effective restraint.

Havik Wolfs laughed "Jealous?! Ha! More like pity!" He chuckled though smelling both of those male's musky groins, he soon yelped in surprise, getting forced on his back, he struggled at those cuff's, trying to break free "Don't you fucking touch my shit!" He snarled loudly, his eyes glaring at those two males, his boxers showing a bulge from his massive sac and sheath.

Both of them ignore the wolf, not even looking at him as Bruce steps over with seemingly clinical interest. They each grab a side and yank the boxers down into the cargo pants "We need to search you for contraband." They exchange a glance and smirk.

Havik Wolfs tried thrashing his legs, growling loudly, his balls and sheath exposed to the cool air inside the room, his whole body void of clothing, he snarled, obviously not liking this a single bit.

Bruce smirks "Well, I knew it would take balls to bring this much grief on the police." Cos groans and shakes his head "I admit, they are impressive. They remind me of Frank, or Dave, or Rick." Bruce nods. They both reach down, each grabbing a leg before lifting them straight up into the air.

Cos: "Well, so much for the pattern. He's a huge asshole, but his actual one isn't."

Bruce: "That won't be the case by night's end."

Havik was a rather straight male, so being in this position, really made him uneasy, he tried to fight off the two males with his legs though with them both being held straight up, it was rather hard. He had to stop as he was panting, working so hard to fight against the two males, it was hard, including about an hour earlier he was just in a harsh fight too, so he was already a bit tired. Hearing that, he shot a glare over at that. "The fuck that suppose to mean?"

Both men look at him, nonplussed. Cos says "We already told you; this time we're gonna be a pain in your ass." He hands off Havik's one leg to Bruce, as well as one of the belts, and walks over to Havik's head at the other end of the table. He quickly grabs Havik's snout and tightens the belt around it, holding his mouth shut "You're already fucked. You just don't know it yet." He straddles the table over Havik's face, and drapes his low-hanging, hairless balls over his nose as Bruce takes his first swing at the wolf's ass with the belt in his hand.

Havik Wolfs struggled, thoughts running through his head as he growled, he tried to roughly kick, but it ended up failing, though his growls didn't last long as that belt gets tightened around his snout. All that came out were quiet mumbles as he tried using his jaws to break the belt, but it was just too tight, he panted hard through his nose till he shut his eyes tightly, those hot balls resting right on his only air way, so all he was breathing was hot musk. He tried shaking his head away, off those balls, but since he was so busy trying to get those balls off, he wasn't expecting that smack, and he soon lets out a loud muffled cry of pain as it hit.

Cos chuckles at Havik's muffled cry. He reaches down to the belt, loosening it a notch, enabling you to open it only a little bit. Cos grins with satisfaction "Lick 'em!"

Bruce, meanwhile, has bent the belt double, and smacks the wolf's upturned ass hard. He waits a while before striking again, milking the suspense. He smacks that ass again. And again. Then he adjusts his aim a little higher, impacting both Havik's ass and balls.

Havik felt the belt loosening around his muzzle, but just a bit to where his tongue could slip out, he could still only smell that hot musk, it burned his nose as he just shot a glare up at Cos. He soon felt that bear smack his ass once more, he couldn't see so it was hard to know when it would happen again, letting out a series of yelps of pain, feeling his ass just burn and sting, though once that belt hit his ass and his balls, he almost shrieked in pain, his eyes shutting tightly, tears flooding them once those balls were struck.

The Komodo mmms lewdly "Your hot breath feels nice on my balls. Go ahead and gimme a lick. Unless of course you want me to turn around and replace my balls with my ass..."

Bruce chuckles darkly and gives the hefty balls another one... two smacks, before moving back to Havik's regular ass. But then he pushes the wolf's thighs against his stomach, holding them down with elbow, using his now free hand to grab Havik's tail and yank it down, completely exposing his hole. And then he swings the belt, bringing it down directly across the young wolf's virgin pucker.

Havik Wolfs growled as loud as he could with that belt as he tried to breathe as soft and low as he could to hope to not please that Komodo. Soon, he lets out those shrieks again, his balls throbbing hard, aching in pain as he squirmed weakly, his breaths, pantings picking up again as soon felt his thighs getting pushed to his stomach, yelping as his tail got yanked down, and soon felt cool air brush over his exposed pucker, before his eyes went wide, crying out in pain. He was shaking a bit from the pain, his breathing was heavy as he tried to ease the pain, but it was quite a bit for him to try and recover.

The two of them chuckle, Bruce quipping "Not such a tough guy now, are ya?" Cos drags his balls off of Havik's face, revealing his now hard cock. It's about 8 inches long, pointed at the end with a taper, thickening toward the base, with thick ridges forming ribbing around the slick purple organ. He smacks it against the side of Havik's snout as Bruce lands a couple more thwacks, before you can hear the door open "Hey guys, I brought some of the stuff we're gonna need." The both of them turn and look "Hey Jim." He's a lynx, slightly shorter than Cos, with practical muscles. He wears only a white wife-beater and a pair of blue pants. He steps over, stroking the tuft of fur at his chin "So this is the guy, huh?"

Havik Wolfs felt those scalie nuts get dragged off his face, he was still raging full of anger, he wasn't going to break, no way. He looked up, seeing that rather unique cock, seeing those thick ridges around the purple organ. Soon he grunted as it was smacked across his face. About to snarl at him, though those snarls came out as yelps, feeling his ass get whipped, his cheeks were turning red, even after he stopped, his ass still burned and stung badly from the belt, he looked over at the lynx, glaring at him as he panted heavily through his nose. His nostrils flaring each time he breathed.

Jim puts a large brown paper bag on a small side table and pulls out a large squeeze tube of something. Bruce snickers "Is that what I think it is?" Jim nods, smiling, which prompts Bruce to laugh and Cos to snicker "Brilliant, man." He pulls the belt roughly off of Havik's face, handing it off to Bruce as the two of them trade places. "Enjoy closing your mouth while you can. It'll be a while." the bear says with a smirk as he starts folding the ends of a belt over on itself a couple times, before wrenching Havik's mouth open, wedging the chunk of leather between his back teeth "And now for the other side..."

Havik Wolfs could hear the sound of a bag getting dug in. He looked at it, he had no idea what it was, he had never really seen one. But he knew it couldn't be good. He heard the bear laugh and the other snicker, now he really didn't like what it was. Havik grunted, feeling that belt just get yanked off his face, he shut his jaws as tightly as he could, but that bear was rather strong, he had to give up because it felt like his jaw was going to snap, soon letting out a gag at that chunk of leather between his back teeth. It was highly uncomfortable for him as he could only look around at the three males, dreading what is going to happen next.

As Bruce inserts the second belt, Jim walks over to Havik's side. He's not wearing any pants anymore, just the wife beater, with his fuzzy balls and sheath plainly visible. He leans over "Thanks to you and your boys, we have a whoooole bunch of fun stuff to use on you. We raided an illegal brothel, but because of a few of your stunts, most of our evidence is inadmissable. But we'd rather not let it just go to waste..." Havik's hole suddenly feels cold and wet as Cos squirts a big dollop of lube on it. He grins widely, and the other two chuckle sinisterly.

Havik Wolfs felt the second belt get inserted, he tried to use his tongue, but the belts were so thick, that his tongue was pinned, and his jaw's were just open wide. His jaw muscles already started to ache from the stress. He looked over at the feline, he didn't like the sound of that, he just muffled growled, though soon he stopped, eyes going wide as shivers shot up his spine, looking over at the Komodo, shaking his head back and forth. His eyes were filled full of anger, but also with worry as he was gagged, bound on a steel table with a bunch of naked guys around him. Realization started to slowly sink in as he couldn't fight back against these males, he just clenched up his rear as tightly as he could, hopefully to tight enough where they won't be able to enter.

Bruce laughed and smacked Havik's snout with his now hard cock, a good 12 inches long, but a little on the thin side. "This is gonna go in that mouth o' yours, but first I want to hear the noises you make as my partner works your ass over." He holds the wolf's shoulders down, and Jim holds down his hips, and Cos pushes a lubed up finger against his hole "Heheheh, clenching will only make it worse..." It must be a very good lube, because his finger starts advancing despite Havik's efforts, slowly sinking into his sphincter.

Havik Wolfs grunted at that smack from that hard cock, he looked up at him, his pants getting louder as anger rose in him, he just muffled a whole bunch of curse words over the belts, soon feeling his shoulders get pinned down, then his hips. His eyes went wide and soon shut tightly as he lets out a loud groan of pain, his ass getting stretched around that finger as he tried to push him out, if a finger hurt him this badly, how would one of their cocks be? The officers could really feel his muscles thrashing around in him as his toes curl up tightly, howling into the belts full of pain.

Cos snickers as he starts to shove in harder "Franky says /relax/, bitch."

Jim: "If Frank were here it wouldn't help much."

Cos: "Heh."

Bruce just smiles darkly as the fancy lube does its job, and soon, in spite of the wolf's efforts, he passes both sphincters, and soon he can slip it in all the way "Ha ha, it's like hot velvet. And tighter than hell."

Havik Wolfs panted, his ass hurt, he was at least thankful for the lube, but he still didn't like it at all. He looked at all of then, confused on who this Franky person is, but he did try and relax, but just the thought of this happening, he was still clenched up, his ass was just tightly wrapped around that finger as if it was trying to squeeze the life out of it.

Cos hmmms as he starts to slide the finger back and forth a little, but then he stops and his face lights up with a demonic grin "I'm gonna push his fun button."

Jim: "Ha! Yeah, make the punk show all his cards."

Bruce: "Yes, let's see if he's got anything halfway decent." At that Jim sticks a finger inside Havik's sheath, as Cos flexes his finger, wiggling it around a little before he bends it and stabs at the wolf's prostate. He starts poking and prodding and rubbing at it aggressively.

Havik Wolfs groaned and grunted in pain as that finger slid back and forth, though he was confused thinking to himself 'Fun button?' but before he could think about it, he felt a finger get stuck in his sheath, yelping a bit, before the finger in his rear bends and stabs at his prostate. He squirmed violently, surges of unwanted pleasure flooded him, his sheath started to swell, he shook his head, yelping and forced moans coming from his muzzle. He did not want to get hard in front of all these cops, though it was hard to resist as his tip started to try and push it's way out of its home.

Cos slides his finger back and forth again, stabbing hard at Havik's prostate on every thrust, slowly gaining speed as his hole relents. Jim pulls his finger out of the wolf's sheath, using that hand to grip and squeeze at it. He and Bruce laugh at Havik's struggles and yelps, the lynx adding "Come on, don't be shy. There's no shame in enjoying another man's finger up your ass. It just means you're a homo." He and Bruce laugh again.

Each time that finger jabs Havik's prostate, it made him cry out as his cock throbbed each time, forcing a bit more out of it's cozy home. His eyes went wide as that paw grabbed and squeezed at him, yelping loudly "Let Go of my cock!" His voice speaking with a lisp as well from his tongue being pinned. He heard that word and snarled "I'm no homo! F...Fuck off you ffffaagest!"

Cos's finger starts gaining real speed, but then without pause he adds a second finger, having to driiiiiiiive it through that hole's stubborn resistance before it slides inside. He grinds both fingers hard against Havik's gland, rubbing it in circles. Bruce snickers and continues to hold the wolf's shoulders. He swings his hips, swatting his erect dick into the side of Havik's snout. Jim smirks at Havik "Well, I guess I'll grab something else." He reaches over and clamps two fingers over one of the wolf's nipples, and starts to twist it. He doesn't let go of his sheath, though.

Havik Wolfs could feel that finger pick up speed and soon he lets out a loud cry, a mix of pleasure and pain as that second finger just drove inside without any warning. It was too hard to fight it, his cock just sprung out to it's full size, throbbing out hard in the air, he panted hotly through his nose, those hands working him up so quickly. He yelped at the swat from that cock, Grunting loudly from those fingers twisting his nipple. His cock throbbed hard in his paw. "Ffffuuck..Ssssssstooop!" He growled out weakly.

Cos slows down the pace of his prodding "He's right, actually. We can't let him have too much fun here." Jim replies "You're right. I think I've got something for that." He walks over to his pants and pulls out one of those zip-ties cops will use for quick cuffs, only this one is a good 2 inches wide, clearly designed for use on larger species. He loops it over Havik's erect, throbbing cock, and lowers it down to the lumps that will swell into his knot. He then tightens it snugly over them--not so tight as to endanger the member, but tight enough to deny his knot. "There we go; no knot, no orgasms." Cos chuckles "Oooh, devious man. I like it."

Havik Wolfs was wondering what they were going to do as those proddings slowed down. He watched one cop go over to his pant's digging out one of those zip-ties, he was worried what that male was going to use them for, before he followed him back, and his eyes went wide as he felt it loop over his erect, throbbing meat, soon letting out a low groan of pain, feeling it get locked around his member where the knot was. He really started to thrash around, not liking this at all as he tried kicking his legs, trying to squirm and fight his way out somehow "Letsh me go!!" He yelled out loud as he could.

All three of them laugh mockingly, Jim even flicks Havik's cock with a finger. Cos doesn't hold back as he starts ramming his fingers in and out, twisting them now and then, working up to speed. Jim looks the wolf in the eye "Your nipples seem pretty sensitive. I wonder how you'll feel when I do this..." He leans down, and licks across one of them, slooooooowly dragging his long rough cat's tongue across it. Bruce waits a moment to see the reaction, then grabs his chin, pulls it back so he'd be looking straight up relative to his body, and shoves his cock into Havik's mouth.

Havik Wolfs heard all three laugh, grunting out at the flick, the laughs only pissed him off even more, before those fingers went back to work. He cried out through the gag, squirming around weakly as he was pounded by those two fingers. He soon felt that rough, feline tongue dragging across his nipple, making his cries increase, his cock throbbed violently, twitching, no doubt he'd be oozing pre right now, but with that damn zip-tie, it was rough on him. But before he had too much time to think of it, he yelped as he was forced to look up, all he saw was just horror before letting out a loud gurgle, that cock shoving in his mouth, gagging out from it pushing in.

Bruce mmmms warmly as he fucks Havik's mouth "Nice hot mouth ya got here, bitch." He hilts it into the wolf's face and holds it there a moment, enjoying the feel and sound of his gagging, his balls nestled over his nose, before he pulls it back out and resumes thrusting. Jim chuckles "It seems you really like and dislike this at the same time. This will be fun." He leans down and licks Havik's nipple again. Cos yanks his fingers from the wolf's hole, pushes the pointed tip of his lubed cock against his pucker, and starts to push inside.

Havik Wolfs shut his eyes tightly as that cock fucked his muzzle, his nightmare was coming true as he feared this would happen, he felt that massive cock hilt inside of him and held there, he squirmed for air, gagging and choking on it, before it started thrusting once more. He took short breaths when he could, but it was of hot musk. He soon felt another lick against his nipple, forcing him to groan out painfully and pleasurably against that shaft, vibrating it. He wasn't expecting that male to mount him, yet once he felt that lubed cock, his eyes went wide. His screams of pain got muffled, only sending powerful vibrations up that cock as he was stretched by that other thick cock that was shoving into his virgin rear.

Bruce groans and thrusts a little faster, his balls hitting Havik's nose "Yeah, give it to 'im, partner!" Jim keeps licking that nipple, then reaches over and starts to pinch and twist the other one. Cos moans and shudders a bit "God fucking damn this ass is tight. Whew, this whorehouse lube is amazing..." He's managed to work the first three inches in, then pushes a bit harder as he reaches the first ridge, which eventually pops inside.

Havik Wolfs felt those balls tapping his face as he grunted, he could smell him every time they did. His body shivered as that tongue kept licking over his nipple, feeling his other pinched, god damn it, he growled in his head, even though he was being raped, he wanted to have his fun, and they shut all that off. He swore these males were going to pay, though he soon lets out a loud yelp against that bear's cock as his hole stretched around the first ridge. His cock now just oozing pre down from the tip to finally relieve some pressure.

Bruce pauses in his thrusting, about halfway in, and rubs Havik's neck and throat "Yeah Cos, split this jizz stain open." Cos takes it to heart, and starts using small thrusts to work himself in deeper, rocking back and forth between ridges, with about 1 every inch, pushing hard to get over the next one, and the next. He growls dominantly, soon getting 6 *pop* 7 inches inside.

Havik Wolfs felt that cock in his muzzle just about halfway out. He could finally get a normal pace of breathing going on insted of just short little breaths between those thrusts. Though he lets out a yelp as he felt that cock work deeper inside, stretching his ass wider with each ridge, he didn't know he was supposed to stretch that wide as his cock throbbed violently up top, getting all this attention, god did he hate it.

Jim stops licking and pinching Havik's nipples, and moves over to his cock, looking it over "Not bad. But it looks like it could use some attention... from my tongue." He lets that sink in as he presses his thumb to the side, and slowly rubs it downward. Cos gives one more thrust and then hilts, his 8 inch cock throbbing inside the wolf's ass "You are one tight fucker. Let me fix that." He starts pulling backwards, working hard once more to get his ridges through. *pop* One...

Havik Wolfs felt that attention to his nipples stop, thank god, it was almost too much, but soon, he heard that, and his eyes went wide, feeling that feline paw rub down it slowly, he soon lets out a loud groan against the cock in his muzzle, causing it to vibrate from the head to the hilt as his ass ached, even with the lube it was a bit painful, his tailhole stretched rather wide around each thick ridge, before he lets out another loud muffled cry as one of the ridges popped out. At least the other two officers wouldn't be as bad.

Jim and Bruce chuckle at Havik's panic, and Bruce starts thrusting into his mouth again, slowly this time "Keep making pretty noises like that and I may dump a load down your throat." Jim snickers and leans in close to Havik's dick, opening his mouth and breathing on it, teasing him with what will come next, milking the suspense. Cos isn't milking anything, as the next few ridges pop out more easily, but then he pushes 'em all back in again, faster this time as he lets out a tight groan.

Those slow thrusts in his mouth were just dragging on his dread. He felt that hot breath breathing over his sensitive cock, worry flooded him as he could barely see Jim from the large bear that was ontop of him. He groaned at each ridge, but soon felt them all push back in a lot quicker. He lets out a loud cry of pain, but it was all muffled, only sending more and more strong vibrations to that cock, which only made it worse on him. He hated his position that he was in as his tailhole was forced open once more for that komodo dragon's cock. His own throbbing and twitching.

Cos starts really picking up steam, starting to pound harder and faster, with a sound like a fleshy zipper opening and closing, the ridges racing past Havik's hole, and his prostate. Jim licks his lips and reaches for the wolf's cock, squeezing it hard below the zip-tie, milking the backed up pre from him. Bruce leans forward a little and pinches both of Havik's nipples at once "Yeah Cos, breed that bitch cunt, blow it all the way in!"

Havik Wolfs could feel that cock just started to pound in him, causing his muffled cries to get louder and more continuous, only pleasing that cock in his mouth more. He felt that lick, which just sent powerful shivers up his spine, before he clenched up once that feline gripped it and squeezed hard below the zip-tie, he gushed out a massive glob of pre, letting out a satisfied sigh as you'd think someone just came from the volume of it. And with the male pinching his nipples, it didn't help his poor, cum-denied cock as it throbbed, the balls twitching.

Cos hisses and rumbles, then plunges all the way inside as his balls draw up close, his cock flexing and jerking as it shoots his seed into Havik's ass. Bruce grins and withdraws his cock from Havik's mouth, leaving a couple strings of pre as he smacks the wolf's muzzle with it "That'll be me, soon, boy." Jim pipes up "I'll go next, I won't last long, and I LOVE sloppy seconds." A new voice adds "No wonder your girlfriends keep getting knocked up." The door clicks shut as a 7 foot tall grey Great Dane steps in, already stripped down to a pair of blue boxer briefs. His build is lean, lanky, but muscular, like a swimmer who's started lifting weights. "It's good to see you here, Ross. Thought you might miss it." "Like hell!" he replies.

Havik Wolfs shut his eyes tightly, feeling that load flooding his ass, he just lost his virginity in his ass to someone he hated so badly. He panted heavily as that cock finally left his muzzle, though he yelped out, more audibly now that the meat was pulled out, he felt pre and saliva stick to it this time. He could just look at the two others as they were just climbing in line on who was next, till he saw a massive great dane, even bigger than him. More dread filled him, they couldn't be serious as he could only lay there, a load of cum in his ass, his jaw sore and his throat felt a bit raw from that bear cock.

Cos grunts and groans, then grabs Havik's hips as he rips himself out of that ass, opening the zipper one last time. He nods and throws a casual salute to Ross as he walks over to lean against a wall, his tongue hanging from the side of his long mouth. Jim snickers at Ross "Nah, that's because I cum in 'em so many times. I'll be dumping cum in or on this punk all night." He steps over by Havik's face and holds up his cock "And this is what I'll be using." It's only 6 inches long, and shaped like a pointed cone, but it's covered with quarter inch, rubbery, flesh spikes. It's gonna be like getting rimmed out by a cactus. He walks back to Havik's ass, and starts pushing into the popped cherry pie. "Yer one mean sunuvabitch, Jim." Of course, Ross says this as he takes a couple spring-loaded clothespins from the evidence bag and clips them onto the wolf's nipples.

Havik Wolfs lets out just a loud cry of pain as he almost feels like his ass just got ripped open. A few tears formed in his eyes when the male did that, he felt cum leak down his rear and thigh. He looked over at the feline, already tired from getting raped once. He looked at that cock, it was short, but my god it looked like a medieval weapon, how did cat's even have sex?! They were filled with so many painful devices, from what he heard, at least the cat had a short fuse, but apparently he could keep going, which scared him, though he saw the new dane walk up to him with those clothspins, he shook his head before letting out a loud yelp, his nipples hurt, soon feeling another cock starting to slip inside of him.

Whereas Cos's dick made a sound like a fleshy zipper, Jim's makes a sound like wet, fleshy velcro "OOOOH! Oh fuck, he's still pretty tight. Tryin' to close back up on us." He gives Havik's ass a hard spank, then angles to work his spikes against his prostate "Killed by kindness, punished by pleasure..." He chuckles darkly as he leans in and starts to lick along the wolf's shaft with the full breadth of his tongue. Ross pulls off his boxer briefs, revealing a few inches of his emerging lipstick, and hefty balls like lemons. He stands close, letting his scent wash over Havik's nose and mouth.

Tears flooded Havik's eyes as it ~Hurt~ when that feline cock pulled out, he cried out in pain, he wanted so bad the feline to stop, but he shook his head out of it, he wasn't going to break, yelping at the harsh smack, his abuse on his ass earlier only reminded him of the painful stings. That lick didn't help his pain either. Oh the pain he was in, his dick would be limp, but that damn knot device on him kept him harder than a rock. He laid his head limp against the table, panting hotly in pain as he couldn't help it but he drooled, his jaws ached badly from being forced open so long as his eyes looked up at that new Dane, a new, strong musk hitting his nose as he turned his head to the other side, trying to avoid smelling him.

Unfortunately for Havik, Bruce is still standing there at the other side, and drops his cock on the wolf's nose, snickering a moment before exchanging a look with Jim and stepping back as the lynx hits full speed "Oh! Here it is!" But instead of coming inside him, he pulls out, rushes over to Havik's face, and starts squirting his cum into his held open mouth. Ross and bruce hold it in place so he can't turn away, and can't just let it drip out. He'll have to swallow it.

Havik Wolfs didn't expect the other male to be on that side, and felt the bear's shaft drop on his nose. He could only breathe it in as he yelped and cried in pain once feeling the Lynx hit full speed, it was more painful than Cos as he felt him pull out, rushing over his face, and he knew what to expect. He tried tugging away, but those two males held his muzzle in place and just felt it gush in, he coughed and choked, gagging on it, but was forced to gulp it down, it was so salty, so warm and thick. He hated it as he was used like a damn sex toy for these lust filled fiends.

The guys all laugh as Bruce walks over to Havik's ass "My turn now, punk." and slides his thinnish, foot-long cock easily inside, moaning softly. Ross's dick has fully emerged now, a solid 11 inches of dog cock, with decent girth. He grips the sides of the wolf's head, about to slide it in, when the door opens and a voice speaks up "Are these boys being mean to you?" A German Shepard woman strolls over within view, wearing nothing below her shapely waist, and a blue button-up uniform shirt that struggles to contain her chest. She leans over and smiles.

Havik Wolfs looked at Bruce, letting out a low groan as he was sliding in, it was longer than it was thick, and he was rather glad for it, but it still made him groan out. He yelped as his muzzle was gripped, looking at that Great dane's cock, his musk stronger than what it was earlier, and it scared him, it was a bit shorter then Bruce's cock, but thicker, and before he felt it, he heard a soft, female voice. He opened his eyes. For some reason, seeing a woman, it eased him. He was rather hoping she was being serious, but seeing her pantless, with a nice snatch, he dreaded that she was here for the same reason, to torture him even further.

Bruce snickers quietly as Ross steps aside for the Shepard. She leans down, gently holding Havik's chin as she removes the bunched up belts, setting them aside "There there, I want you to eat out my snatch. I bet you'd like that, wouldn't you?" A few of the guys automatically answer "Yes." but she shoots them a dirty look. Bruce moans softly as he thrusts in and out, warming up new depths of Havik's ass.

Once those belts were removed from Havik's jaw, he shut it tightly. God did it feel good to finally be able to shut his aching jaw. He kept his eyes on her, but didn't do anything just yet. He only let out soft groans as that cock was thrusting in and out of his ass, though after the pain in his jaw subsided, he softly nodded, "I would like to.." his voice was soft, though you could hear the pain in it.

The shepard smiles warmly and steps forward, standing over and straddling the wolf's face "Well then, have at it." Ross stands by, his cock bobbing in the air as he idly, and so far gently, plays with the clothespins on Havik's nipples. Bruce hilts himself and grinds around inside him, grabbing one of Havik's balls and giving it a fairly gentle squeeze.

Havik Wolfs looked up, seeing what he normally sees, maybe he could just block everything else out. His tongue slipped out and started grinding against those folds, groaning in pain as those clothespins are played with. He started slipping that tongue inside, feeling that bear cock hilt himself and just start grinding, feeling it deeper than anyone has been, his cock throbbing and twitching painfully. Some more backed up pre was forced to ooze out down the side as he felt one of his balls squeezed, he let out a small whimper, they ached from not being able to release his pent up seed. He just shut his eyes and forced his tongue deeper inside those wet folds, trying to just concentrate on that woman.

The shepard, Ginny, moaned lowly and squirmed a little "Oh yeah baby, work that tongue, uhhhhh." Bruce starts thrusting slowly, almost softly, but his cock is throbbing more. I guess he likes the show. Ginny grinds over Havik's snout a bit, letting the smell from her sex wash over him, before she pants softly and steps back "Wait, I wanna try something, this is one of my favorites." She pulls out a strip of black silk and ties it over the wolf's eyes, before resuming her position over his mouth "Oh yeah, tongue my box good and hard."

Havik Wolfs worked that tongue in her, grinding against her walls as he heard her above. He felt that cock thrust in him, he was at least happy he went slower than the other two before him, but still, he hated it and it was rather uncomfortable. He smelled her sex, a lot better smelling than the males, and he didn't mind it, till she pulled off, arching his head back to watch her, before his vision was blinded. Now this made him highly uneasy. He was rather worried now that he was blinded, before feeling that familiar warmth, and his tongue went back to work.

Ginny moans and coos, her voice dipping into its lower ranges "Yes, YES, oooh, yes..." She pants softly and steps off "Mrrr, now, tongue my ass, eat it out for me." She backs into position, and it feels like she has quite the badonkadonk as she maneuvers her backdoor over Havik's mouth.

Havik Wolfs could tell he was doing a good job as he once more felt her pull off, before hearing her speak that. He waited till she was back in position, as his tongue grinded along the outside of that musky ass, her ass felt huge as he soon squirmed his tongue inside, his tongue swirling around, coating her inner walls with his warm saliva.

Ginny groaned and grunted deeply; Havik can feel her ass twitch and squirm on his tongue "Oh fuck, FUCK, yes, oh yeah, ERF..." Bruce starts thrusting faster again, his moans and grunts sounding a little muffled, as if he's biting his lip. His speed picks up as Ginny starts to squirm "Oh god, oh YES, god, yer gonna make me cum, boy. UGH." she stands off him again "Open your mouth, I want you to taste my juices when I cream!"

Havik Wolfs could feel that cock thrust inside of his tight ass faster, groans rumbled up his throat as it vibrated his tongue, he lashed his tongue back and forth, he was rather skilled with it, so he knew what he was doing. He could feel that girl just squirm around, before pulling off. He opened his mouth, his tongue reaching to tickle around her folds as he held his mouth open.

Bruce starts thrusting faster still as Ginny moans and squeaks a little, before her juices fly out in thick clumps, running and falling down Havik's tongue. Wait, that's not the right texture for pussy juice... "Thanks kid, you can toss my salad any time." says a deep voice. Bruce growls deeply, cumming inside the wolf with another hilt and grind as the blindfold is pulled off. Standing over Havik, next to ginny, is a rather chubby Badger holding his dick, both of them grinning brightly. They high-five as the rest of the room breaks out into raucous laughter "HA! Now you know the Desk Seargent better than any of us!"

Havik Wolfs grunted louder as that cock thrusted faster, soon tasting salty, thick clumps running and falling down his tongue. Something was off, it tasted nothing like normal pussy juice. He knew something was wrong as he groaned loudly, another load of cum flooding inside of him as he soon felt the blindfold pulled off. He saw the Badger holding his dick, he felt so fucking humiliated as he growled loudly "Fuck off!" He struggled hard against the handcuff's, the steel chaffing his fur around his wrist from all his struggling.

Everyone continues to laugh at Havik's expense. The badger leaves the room, returning to his duties. Cos calls out "Gin Rummy, you are one cold, clever bitch." She winks at the komodo as she strolls over to the evidence bag "And don't you forget it." You might suddenly notice Ross, the dane, standing over Havik, his 11 inch dog cock hefted like a club in one hand "Do I need to wedge your mouth open again, or will you be a good boy?" Ginny pulls a couple hefty dildos from the bag and walks back over to the wolf "Hey Jim, lend me a hand. Or rather... a tongue..." She grins wickedly.

Havik Wolfs thought the female was nice at first, but now his anger just burned deeper. His jaws were glued shut and he wasn't going to let anyone open them. He just shot a glare up at that dane. His eyes filled with anger, seeing such a massive slab of meat right in front of his face. His eye looks over, and sees those rather hefty dildo's from the bag. He was wondering what those were used for as he noticed that female's wicked grin.

Ross casually takes hold of the folded up belts as Jim walks over from the wall, releasing his once more hard dick. He and Ginny whisper to themselves a moment, and then both walk over to Havik's other end, both smiling. She holds a dildo of sorts in each hand. The one is about 8 inches long, of average guy girth, but the other is a -massive- white butt-plug. She puts both below the wolf's legs, out of sight, pauses a moment, and then unceremoniosuly shoves the dildo inside him, nudging it against his prostate. Then she adjusts something on the dildo, and it begins to vibrate as she pushes it harder against his gland. After a moment of gauging Havik's reaction to that, she turns on the butt-plug, which also vibrates, rubbing it along his shaft. And then finally, Jim leans in, dragging his rough cat's tongue across the wolf's dick like he was painting it.

Havik Wolfs kept his eyes on that whispering couple, having no idea what they were doing. He couldn't look back at them, but he just knew something was going to happen, and before he even had any time to think about it, a yelp was forced out of his clenched muzzle, that 8 inch dildo shoving inside so roughly, feeling his prostate getting nudged against, before that vibration came on, letting out a gasp as it made his cock throb violently, his balls throb and an aching pain filled his lower parts as he lets out a low cry of pain as his knot was kept deflated. Soon, a new senstation hit him, every inch of his thick, long shaft started vibrating, which only sent him into squirming as violently as he could, soon feeling that rough cat tongue against it, he howled in pain with a mix of pleasure, god his cock was getting over worked, his balls now showing a small bit of swelling as more and more pre gushed free, but not near enough to relieve him of what he wanted.

Jim and Ginny keep it up, showing no mercy. She turns up the strength of the vibration in the dildo, starting to press it rhythmically against Havik's prostate as she continues to stroke his dick with the butt-plug. Jim works his tongue over the futilely throbbing cock in counterpoint to the butt-plug, licking at the wolf's oozing tip as the plug moves against where his knot would be. Ross watches a bit, smiling, before he waits for one of Havik's vocalizations and re-inserts the belts, leaving his mouth open. He takes a moment to flip the clothespins on the wolf's nipples over, gravity twisting them in the opposite direction.

Havik Wolfs' muscles spazzed, the inability to release was really hitting him, feeling the vibration turned up as it pressed against his prostate over and over, that plug stroking over his aching length, he couldn't help but to force a few bucks out of his hips, trying to knot a bitch and cum, but it wasn't working, his balls swelling a bit more as the cum built up more and more in his sac. That rough tongue licking over one of the most sensitive parts of his cock, causing him to let out a sheer cry, before letting out a rough gag and cough as those belts were forced back in, his muzzle forced open. The massive amounts of pain and pleasure were all washing around in his body like a violent storm, feeling those clothespins get played with, twisting his nipples making him let out a cry of pain as he was sweating now, his body really getting worked over and over, it was almost too much for him to take.

Ross inserts his cock into Havik's mouth, stroking it steadily back and forth, mmming softly. Jim grunts and pulls off his cock "God damn that's hot." He stands up, grabs his dick, and quickly squeezes out another cumshot, blowing it onto Havik's chest. Ginny licks her lips as she sets down the butt-plug, turning it off when the door opens again "Someone call for some beef?" "Mmm, hello Rick." Ross pulls his dick out, squirting a blast of pre, so Havik can see the new arrival. Beefy is a good word to describe the 7 foot tall Bison. He's shirtless, showing off his sculpted physique, and thick furry mane, which goes down his chest, tapering till it narrows into a treasure trail.

Havik Wolfs' cries were silenced as he took that thick, long canine cock in his mouth, feeling it thrust in and out of his muzzle. He shut his eyes, feeling a load of cum getting blasted on his chest as he felt the thick liquid stick to his fur, feeling that butt-plug get pulled away, it eased some of his suffering, yet that dildo was still deep inside, before he felt a hot squirt of pre shoot on his face. He tried to shake it off before he heard a new voice, looking up, seeing a massive bison walk in the room, he groaned weakly, how long is he going to get used? When will they ever stop?

Ginny withdraws the dildo and sets it down, stepping aside as she gestures toward Havik's vulnerable body "Ah, I see he's been warmed up for me." Rick bends down, starting to take off his pants when the door opens again, a large Elk stepping inside. Slightly taller than Rick, and a bit thinner. He throws his shirt aside as he makes his entrance, revealing his own mane-like fur, only his is less wooly and doesn't go below his shoulders. "Hey, I thought I was going next." "Heh heh, I know Hank, how about we both go at 'im. At the same time." Hank quickly starts taking off his pants too "I LIKE this plan."

Havik Wolfs lets out a loud sigh, feeling that dildo pulled out, it was finally a time for a breather. He looks up and sees the bovine taking off his pants. He groaned, he knew what was happening, before his eyes looked over to the door, seeing a large Elk stepping inside, watching him strip off his own shirt, and saw his chest. Though as he listened, his eyes shot wide open, both cocks, taking him at the same time, he really started to try and scoot away and to try to just cover his legs up, shaking his head as there was no way that those males were shoving two cocks up his ass at the same time.

Ross grabs Havik's head and shoulders, shoving his cock back into the wolf's mouth for a few more thrusts. Other hands return to help hold him down and keep from squirming too much. Then suddenly all the hands let go and Ross withdraws his precum-happy wang, just in time for Rick to grab Havik by the chest scruff and pull him further upright. He grins, his balls are about as big as the wolf's own, and his ebony shaft is only 10 inches long, but THICK. At least 4 inches. Hank's pink shaft is 14 inches long, but tapered and thin, his balls being above average in size, but hanging very low. Rick picks Havik up off the table, handing him to Hank and Bruce as he hops up on the table himself. He lies on his back as the wolf is positioned over his shaft. He lets gravity do the initial work, the penetration making a sleazy *shplurch* sound from the cum already inside there.

Havik Wolfs lets out another gag and chokes against that thick dog shaft as it was shoved in so quickly and thrusted, feeling several males move to hold him down as he was soon pinned, not able to do anything, only to service that cock, before feeling it pull out. Havik gasped for air as he saw that precum covered cock, only to let out a surprised yelp as he was grabbed, yanking him upright, he saw that monster cock, the thickness scared him, that shaft alone is going to split him in half! He shook his head, trying to fight off the male, but being raped several times already today, it was rather hard to fight back so much. He only grunted as he was forced to sit on that male, that shaft pressing against his cum covered and filled anus. Before his eyes went wide, letting out a loud groan as that cock was sinking inside of him, he was already stretching pretty wide, and with two massive cocks in him, he didn't know if he would live after this!

Rick groans and moos softly as Havik slides down his shaft. He grabs the wolf's hips and forces him down a bit faster, the thick cock griiiinding against his prostate without even trying. He stops just short of hilting Havik, but at that point lays his back against his burly chest, biting one of the wolf's ears with his flat teeth. Hank squeezes some more of that fancy lube against Havik's hole and Rick's dick, before lining up the tip of his shaft, insinuating it between that hole and the bison's cock.

Havik Wolfs could just feel his ass getting ~stretched~ the firey pain flooded his lower side as he cries out in pain. It was rough on his poor ass as he lets out a higher pitch of whines as his prostate feels like it just got crushed by that massive meat. The pressure made his cock throb violently as it was yet denied another chance to shoot out his seed, and only ended up making his balls throb and ache badly. He felt quite a bit of it shoved inside, and needless to say, he felt full, like he just had a large dinner. He whimpered quietly once he was force to lay back, only to feel more cool lube shot at his hole. Which actually felt nice to ease the pain, but only to feel that second cock, he groaned, whimpering as he tried to pull his twitching ear free and out of that muzzle "Noo...sssssssstooooop." Those belt's in his mouth making him talk rather odd as he could barely say the word stop, yet he knew that the others would know what he said.

Rick snickers "Mmmm, such a hot, tight ass... Oh? Heh heh, you actually like when I do this, don't you?" He bites further down on Havik's ear, gnawing it gently as Ross reaches down to give his other ear a pinch. Which reminds him of something else. He reaches down, unclamps one of the clothespins from the wolf's nipples, turns it 90 degrees, and then re-clamps it. Hank is groaning hard as he forces his shaft deeper inside, his thin length sliding directly between Havik's prostate and Rick's cock, then pushing past. "YOU think it's tight? You didn't stick it in while this hole was already occupied. Urrrgh, fuckin-a..."

Havik Wolfs felt more of his sensitive ear get further gnawed on, it felt amazing, yet he couldn't enjoy it as his cock was knotted off. He soon felt his other ear get a pinch, shivers shot up his spine from it, soon feeling that clothespin get unclamped off his nipple which was rather sore before yelping once it re clamped around it, a few tears filled his eyes as he shut them tightly feeling a second cock get forced in him, stretching him out to a whole new level as it sunk past Rick's cock, his balls swelling more as that pressure pushed more on his prostate, forcing more pre cum to shoot out of his cock that was throbbing violently.

Hank finally sinks in as far as he can, shuddering as he lets out a moan "Ho fuck, ungh, ok Rick, I'm ready. Start 'im up!" The Bison nods, having to release Havik's ear as he grabs around his shoulders, and pulls the wolf towards his head, pulling him a few inches off of both cocks, before pushing Havik down again, his back getting rubbed by Rick's thick chest hair. He bites Havik's other ear this time, once it comes within range, before he starts to move him again. Both of them grunt and moan loudly.

Havik Wolfs felt both of them just as deep as they can go. He panted hotly, he was already tired out from them just forcing those in. He knew this would take a lot out of him as he heard those words. His ear gets released, wet in the bison's warm saliva as he felt a few inches of both cocks get pulled out, before getting pushed back down, letting out a loud groan, letting out a small yelp as his other ear was bit before he was shoved back down on the cock, groaning loudly in pain. It was so much to take at once.

Rick's massive arms flex and heave as he begins to establish a steady pace, pistoning the wolf back and forth on their cocks, alternate ears getting chewed on at one end of the thrusts. Hank taunts, "Ooooh, I think the punk is enjoying this as much as we are." "Mmmm, rrg, I think yer right. He -really- likes, UNH, having his ears played with..." Of course, the bodily thrusting means that the clothespins are starting to bounce around.

Havik Wolfs prostate was getting mashed, his nipples getting tugged on each time those clothespins bounce, he shut his eyes tightly, his muzzle was leaned all the way back, grunting and groaning in mixed emotions, more and more pre was forced out as all this attention was really making his balls ache badly as he gritted his teeth, he felt another orgasm get held back as his body tensed up, his balls showing a bit of bruising as he grunted "F...Fuck..."

"Hey now, it seems like that dick of his is getting awfully neglected." You hear the door close again behind a fully nude, athletically built female rabbit. Her fur is caramel colored, her breasts modest but perky, and her hips wide. Rick's pistoning pauses, though he keeps gnawing on Havik's ear "And I take it yer gonna correct that, Lisa?" "Hell yes!" She gets a hand from Ross and steps up onto the table, straddling the wolf's torso. She grips his cock gently with both hands as she smirks predatorily down at him "I know I'm gonna enjoy this, and you'll probably like it, but i doubt you'll enjoy it."

Havik Wolfs heard a new voice as those pistons stop, though he still shivered and groaned out from his ear getting gnawed on. He whimpered seeing the female rabbit, hearing her words struck fear and dread in his heart. He shook his head as much as he could. Feeling the heat from that rabbit's pussy right near his throbbing, aching cock. This was going to be hell for him as he felt those paws wrap around his throbbing length, eyes full of pleading as he looked up at the female.

Lisa smiles grimly back at Havik, nodding in reply to his headshakes. She dabs the wolf's point in and along the lips of her wet slot, before she starts to squat down, slowly descending, letting out a gasp as he spreads her open. Hank, Rick, and Ross snicker harshly.

Havik Wolfs lets out a forced moan once that tip was pushed in, god he would've just blasted gallons in her right now, but that damn knot blocker was holding down his load. He moaned out a long one too as those tight, wet lips swallowed his aching, throbbing cock. He panted out "G...Get that fucking thing off me!" Despite his situation, he still argued with those cops.

Lisa GLARES as a hush falls over the room from the cops around the walls. She grits her teeth "You arrogant misogynist son of a BITCH!" She kicks Havik in the kidney, hard. "I -was- gonna be one of the nice cops, but FUCK you. I'm gonna treat /you/ like a thing then. I'm just using a fancy dildo." At that she relaxes her legs, letting herself -drop- down to the halfway point of his shaft, letting out a whimpery hiss as she slows herself.

Even Havik knew he said something bad, though he glared back. He was about to reply to her, before he lets out a loud painful yelp as pain flooded him. He grits his teeth and clenches up from the pain as his body shivered from it. He soon felt his cock just get shoved in, letting out another yelp of pleasure, though pain still roamed in it as he tried to recover his breath, that kick did quite a toll...

Ross stuffs his cock back into Havik's mouth, perhaps for his own good, as Lisa lets herself a bit lower, moaning as she gets a bit lower still, and then sighs as she stops just above the zip-tie over his knot. "Hank, Rick... keep going..." She starts to slide herself back up Havik's length, flexing her thighs as Rick gently chomps one of the wolf's ears, before he starts to pull his cock out from underneath Hank's. He gets a couple inches free, but as he starts to thrust back inside, Hank starts pulling out.

Havik Wolfs lets out a loud choke and gag as that massive canine shaft shoved back down his throat. His throat showing that bulge as he shut his eyes tightly. Feeling those hot folds sink further down his aching, throbbing shaft as he shot out a thick glob of pre inside her. He panted hotly as his cock throbbed violently inside. His balls clenching and hugging his body closely. Wanting release. But his cum never left. He whimpered as he hears those words. Ears flickering before soon being swallowed by that hot muzzle. Making him shudder as he soon lets out a painful groan. Feeling that thick slab of meat pull out. Before thrusting in. Only to feel the other cock starting to pull from his rear. His ass was sore as his groans, whimpers, grunts were all muffled and only vibrated that thick canine's cock.

Hank and Rick begin to moan deeply, Rick's deep rumbling vibrating through the wolf's back. Their alternating thrusts start to pick up a decent pace once they get used to it, the gaps creatingly loud, sucking, squelching sounds from Havik's ass. Ross grins wickedly as he thrusts a little faster into that mouth, firing a few more squirts of his salty pre, while Lisa lets out a deep throaty groan as she impales herself on Havik's cock once more. She wiggles around on it a little, and he can feel the point lodge against her cervix, but then she starts to rise again, whimpering softly as she brings a hand to her clit.

Havik Wolfs felt those alternate thrusts, his sore ass never empty, he panted heavily through his nose as he was just used as a sex object. God was he getting sore, his poor over worked body needed a break, and he knew he wasn't going to get one. He gagged a bit more as that cock fucked his muzzle faster. Tasting that salty, musky pre just made him shut his eyes at the taste. He lets out a loud, painful and pleasurable moan against that thick cock as his own got impaled on. His ass aching at those two cocks, being stretched so far, he felt some older, still warm cum leak around those shafts and around his overly stretched pucker.

Lisa starts bouncing up and down faster, letting out little squeaks and shouts, her cottontail quivering. Hank and Rick also steadily increase their pace, though clearly not able to go too much faster. "Urgh, ungh, AH! AHHH! oh -FUCK-. Fuckin' shit I'm cummin, oh, AW, AHHHH!" Hank jumps up a little, getting just enough more room to hilt as his cock begins to spasm and squirt his load into Havik's ass. Rick is rumbling and mooing deeply, snorting hard as he continues to chew on the wolf's ear. As his noises become more desperate, he reaches up, removes a clothespin from one of Havik's nipples, and clamps it onto his own thick bovine tit, bellowing and lowing as that pushes him over the edge. His cock throbs hard, and fires a massive load with each squirt, making Hank's cumshot seem almost insignificant. Soon it starts backing out of Havik's ass through the gaps between the two cocks and his hole.

Havik Wolfs could feel his cock getting ridden much much faster, his muffled cries of pain as he was denied such pleasure, though he started to grunt, groaned as those cocks were thrusting inside him, even if it wasn't fast, it was still rather rough, as he soon shot open his eyes, and felt that cock start squirting that load deep in his ass. He felt his back rumble and vibrate from that desperate bovine. He eeped softly as one of those clothespins was removed from his sore nipple, before he heard that moo, and he felt such a more, massive load, both cocks gushing inside of him, flooding his bowls to the brim as he yelped, feeling it gush out his back side, coating both those cocks and their groins as he was sore. His legs almost felt numb, hardly able to use them from that rough pounding.

Lisa shouts suddenly, her pussy squeezing down on Havik hard, the muscles trying to milk him of his seed, her own juices dribbling from her nether lips. She sits there a moment, panting, before gently easing herself up off of the wolf's cock. Bruce helps her off the table, actually catching her as she stumbles a little. Hank and Rick both stay inside Havik a moment, catching their breaths. Hank pulls out first, his 14 inches making a long slurp before springing free. Rick releases Havik's ear and gives it a lick, whispering "Call me." as he starts to pull him off of his cock. It's hard work, and generates a lot of suction, and sucking noises, until he finally manages to pull his entire member free with a grunt.

Havik Wolfs' balls swelled even more as he wanted to cum so very badly, his cock spazzed badly, like he was shooting a massive load, yet only a few dribbles of pre escaped his poor length, which made his balls ache, swelling a bit more as he felt her pull off his soaked cock, before feeling both of those massive cocks start to pull out. First he felt one slip out, those slurping noises as he soon felt Rick pull out, quite a bit of seed followed, as a gush of thick, hot cum came rushing out, only to make his ass look more like a wreck, he heard those words and only tried to glare at him. He was beat, his ass was gaping open, covered and filled with many loads, his cock was slicked and covered in hot pussy juices, he had a bruise on his side from that kick.

You can hear a faint, clapping sound "This is quite the show." Ross pulls his cock from Havik's mouth and walks over "Ha! I'm glad to see you here, Dave. I was just thinking it was time to teach this bitch a real lesson in 'doggy style'." The new arrival is a 6'5" Rottweiller, broad and muscular like a wrestler. He grins hungrily, already naked, his dog shaft similar to Ross's, 11 inches and average girth.

Havik Wolfs tried his best to spit out some of the saliva in his muzzle as that dog pulled out of his mouth. He caught breaths of fresh air as he heard a new voice, he looked over and saw a new dog, he groaned weakly, seeing both of their cocks, almost as if their cocks were twins. He shook his head weakly. He wanted no more, he tried to scoot himself off the table, but he was so weak and worn down, that he was hardly moving anywhere.

Dave cracks his knuckles, and then his neck "Doggy style sounds excellent to me. Hey Bruce, stop fingering Ginny and give me a hand, here." The bear walks over, wearing an expression of feigned annoyance as he grabs Havik's shoulders and Dave grabs his legs, before the two of them unceremoniously flip him over onto his chest. Havik's allowed to put his feet on the floor for the first time in quite a while, though now the spooge oozing from his ruined ass will be running over his balls and onto his pants now. The two dogs walk around to the wolf's face, laughing as they each start cockslapping him at the same time.

Havik Wolfs groaned as he soon felt his shoulders grabbed, and soon his legs, yelping in surprise once he was flipped onto his chest, his feet touching the floor. He felt something hot and thick ooze down his swollen balls, thighs and legs, and he knew exactly what it was. And it wasn't helping that he was laying on his stomach, only helping more of it to gush out. He looked up as the two dogs walked around, seeing their rather thick, and long members, before he yelped as they started cockslapping him, both at the same time, he shut his eyes tightly and tried to pull his head away.

Ross whispers something quickly to Dave, who nods, and then they grab Havik's head, holding it in place as they both shove their cocks in his mouth. Not very far obviously, but it's still unpleasant. Then they both bend over and each one bites one of his ears, gently for now.

Havik Wolfs looks up at them as they whispered, he was confused before his eyes went wide as both cocks shoved in his muzzle, his jaw stretched to it's limit. It hurt rather badly, groaning against them, feeling each of them biting at those ears, shivering and groaning, his cock pinned against his chest as it oozed pre against the table.

Both dogs growl softly before releasing his ears and standing up, pulling their slick shafts from Havik's mouth and beating him about the face once more, leaving pre and spit smeared over his muzzle. Ross removes the bunched up belts "If someone wants your mouth they can always put them back. For now..." "We wanna hear you beg." They walk around to the wolf's backside and you can hear words being exchanged. One of them gives Havik's swollen balls a good, hearty, two-handed squeeze before Ross pulls the wolf back off the table, far enough to let his cock hang down, before taking something from the evidence bag and tying it around Havik's waist, including his tail, locking the end against his back.

Havik Wolfs heard those growls vibrating over his ears before feeling those slick shafts get yanked from his muzzle, quickly shutting his eyes as he started to get beat with those massive cocks, feeling humilated, pre and his own spit splattering over his muzzle. Though once those belts were removed, he shut his muzzle tightly once more, the muscles ached badly as his jaw was so sore. He looked up at the dog "I will never fucking beg for you fucking PIGS!" He snarled, catching his breath. Though he lets out a painful yelp, eyes flooding full of tears as quite a bit of pre shoots out all over the floor, his cock twitching, bobbing in the air violently. He tried looking back, soon feeling his tail tied back to his waist, his tail not able to cover himself. He squirmed "Let me fucking go!"

Ross guides Havik back onto the table, making sure his dick stays clear, hanging underneath. The dane gives one of Havik's ass cheeks a smack "No!" and then laughs. He grabs the wolf's cock, pointing it down at his pants "Hey Dave, wring 'im out some more." The rottweiller grins and gives those balls another good, two-handed squeeze, putting his shoulders into it.

Havik Wolfs feels him pulled back to where his dick was hanging off the table, throbbing and aching for release. He lets out a yelp as his already sore ass got another slap. He eeped as his cock was grabbed and pointed straight down. He could feel it just throb violently in those paws, before he lets out another, loud painful groan as another large volume of pre shot out of his cock.

Ross laughs loudly "I hope you realize you just gave your shorts, pants, and shoes a nice soaking, boy." Dave snickers "Bet yer gonna feel it between your toes in a couple minutes." Ross gives Havik's cock a final squeeze before releasing it as he stands up behind him with the other dog. The wolf feels an arm prop itself on the table by both of his sides, legs moving against his thighs and then... two legs swinging over across his hips?! Dave and Ross chuckle as the points of both their dicks poke teasingly at Havik's loose, sloppy hole.

Not soon after, Havik did feel it between his toes as he grumbled and groaned as even more came out, despite all that he just released, his balls felt worse from the squeezing's they received. He panted hotly, trying to recover, before he felt that arm, then legs, then two more swinging over across his hips. His eyes went wide as he knew what they were doing, looking back as he saw both dogs straddling him, both of their cocks teasing at his loose, cum covered hole. He closed his eyes, dread filling him as he knew what was next.

Dave smirks "I think he's on to us." "Good; let him anticipate it. I've been waiting a while to tap this bitch's ass..." One slides in, quickly followed by the other, gliding steadily inside of the wolf, pushing out a little more cum at first, but then mostly pushing it back inside. Dave moans as Ross growls lowly, the two dog cocks stretching Havik back out to at least where he was, or just slightly wider.

Havik Wolfs soon felt one cock quickly slipping inside, followed by another, he was stretched out the farthest he's ever even dreamed of being, he lets out a painful yelp as he felt cum force it's way back inside, he growled weakly out in pain. It was rather uncomfortable for him as well as he just wanted it to end. He could feel his hole stretched open from those two cocks, his prostate getting crushed once more.

Both of them slide inside, deeper and deeper, until Havik can feel the bumps from where both knots will be slow them down a moment before *bunkbunk* both of them are hilted, eliciting a pair of throaty moans as they both grind inside him a bit, their balls bouncing against his "Unf, such a hot, smooth ass." "You're hole is a mess, bitch. And to think there's still more left to do to your mancunt."

Havik Wolfs could only let out harsh, rough groans of pain as they slide deeper, deeper, and deeper, he thought they would never end, till he felt both of them hilted inside of him. He felt completely stretched, full to the brim. Both of their sacs laying against his as they started grinding. His toes clawed at the ground as those cocks violated him. And those words echoed in his head, there's still more? There was no way he could last much longer.

Both dogs begin to thrust, gently for now, and mostly in sync, their proto-knots popping in and out, eliciting throaty moans in stereo "Mmm, I'm glad I waited. Now I don't have to warm you up first." Dave snickers as they start picking up a little speed "What happened to that defiant attitude of yours? Put it away when you're faced by a real man, who has real respect for authority?"

Havik Wolfs felt the thrusting started, pain rumbles in his throat as he panted, trying to just take it, but it was rough as he growled. "Fuck you, you ain't no real men, your a fucking panzy ass filthy fucking Pig, who think's he's all tough, but inside he's just a coward, a fucking filthy ass pig who think's he's all high and mighty, when in reality your nothing but Girls!" He snarled lowly, in the most meanest voice he could work out in his current state.

The dogs pause and look at each other, one of them letting out a whistle "Damn, kid. For a punk, asshole bitch, you've got balls." "Heh, but -we- have knots. Or will, soon." They begin thrusting faster, their balls smacking into Havik's harder, and sure enough, he can feel their knots beginning to grow.

Havik Wolfs started feeling them thrust in faster, both their balls smacking harder into his sore ones, groaning out each time they did, he started feeling their knots begining to grow. There was no way they could force both of those in there, could they? He was hoping they weren't serious, that would definitely hurt him, badly too. He growled lowly between his fangs as he struggled to hold himself through it, his cock under him squirted and gushed more of his trapped pre.

Ross leans down, biting the scruff of Havik's neck as they have to start putting effort into getting their knots in and out, growling softly. Dave pinches the tip of the wolf's ear "Don't be such a hypocrite. The two of us are probably about as thick together as that red rocket of yours throbbing under the table, and certainly not as long. I have no idea how big your knot is..." He leans down, nipping Havik's ear in his teeth, grunting as he pushes his thickening knot inside him again "And we won't be done until you can take your own cock. And thensome."

Havik Wolfs tensed up once he felt those teeth around the scruff of his neck, which cause his ass to clench up, which when those knots start pushing in and pulling out, it sent shocks up his spine each time those knot's popped in and out. He felt the tip of his ear pinched, toes clawing at the ground. He panted, heaving as his ass was being worked overtime. He felt that ear get nipped, causing him to fold it down to his scalp to try and avoid it, yelping loudly as that thick knot was pushed inside his ruined ass, the knots thickening. He knew he was rather gifted, but for him to take his length, and thensome. There was no way. He shut his eyes tightly. "F...Fuck!"

Dave and Ross looked at each other and grinned, both of them panting softly from being so close to cumming "Rick, could ya hand me the fancy lube? Or better yet, just squirt a whole bunch over this bitch's man pussy and our knots. He's gonna want it..." Rick saunters over, smiling at Havik as he walks by, smacking him across the snout with his revived cock--like getting punched by a gradeschooler. He moves out of sight, and obliges, squeezing out a generous portion of the lube, before joining the others back on the walls. Ross and Dave start pulling back on their knots at the same, both moaning deeply, before they decide to go one at a time. Ross pulls back hard, the Dane finally managing to slip free with a wet *pop* as he pants hard "Here's what you've been waiting for, teasing you with my pre all night... well HERE'S, the MAIN..." He forces himself inside "COURSE!" He howls as his cock throbs, beginning to add his load to all the others.

Havik Wolfs opened up, he was sweating, his ass was aching, badly, he looked up at Rick, shutting his eyes tightly once that cock smacked him across the snout. He could only open his eyes in fear, on what was going to happen to his poor body. Fear flooded him as he felt that cool lubricant flood his bowls and those large knots. He braced himself as he felt them pull out. He soon felt Ross pull out, before just forcing himself inside, feeling that knot pop in, his eyes flood with tears as he could feel that familiar hot sensation flood his bowels, forcing the older cum deeper and deeper inside his guts, cum crammed so far back, he wouldn't be surprised if some of it was in his stomach.

Dave groans as he pulls back against Havik's hole, grunting tightly as he pulls his knot free. Some spooge starts leaking around the gap left by the hesitant-to-close hole. He pants hard "And here's yer next dose of breeding batter, BITCH!" He bites Havik's ear hard, not quite breaking the skin, but close, as he rams back inside, giving him two throbbing cocks inside him, both pumping the wolf full of seed.

Havik Wolfs could feel that other thick dog cock pull back, his knot popping out as hot cum started to leak out slowly down his legs and thighs. Before he yelped loudly as his ear was bit, tears rushed down his cheeks a bit once that second knot popped in, his poor tailhole just stretched out so wide, both cocks cumming in him as he laid on the table, he groaned, he felt so full from both their loads, his firm stomach showing a slight bulge as if he was bloated. His tongue was out as he panted hotly, eyes having a bit of trouble staying open.

Both of them groan and growl steadily as they fire their big canine loads inside of the wolf. But then Ross growls harder and pulls back against Havik's hole again, yanking it out, and then forcing it right back in, as Dave starts tugging against his ring now too, soon pulling free, only to shove it right back in. And they keep doing it! They're fucking him with their knots, like taking sweet potatoes sideways!

Havik Wolfs shut his eyes as they kept cumming, and cumming, he didn't think they would ever end, before his eyes open wide, he yelped loudly in pain as that swollen knot was yanked free, only to feel it ram back in with a low painful groan, soon feeling the other dog do it too, before they both keep doing it, a few more tears leaked from his eyes, his legs weakly squirm under those two massive dogs as they knot fuck him. "F...Fuc-" He could hardly speak, the pain was a bit too much for the poor canine, squirming around weakly.

Dave and Ross keep knot fucking Havik in alternation for what seems like minutes, making low, growly moans, starting to sound like an engine. They nod to each other, then both are inside of him at once again, and they seem to have stopped. There's a tug at the wolf's ass. Then harder, on his whole ass. They're both starting to pull out together, grunting hard, both of them starting to drool a little on Havik's neck, before both knots come free with a loud *SPLOP*, cum bursting from his ass and spilling down his balls before they close the plug again, grinding against the wolf's hole until they both disappear inside of him again. Oh shit, they're pulling on his ass again!

Havik Wolfs thought it was all over, thought they were finally finished. They kept knot fucking him, to him it seemed like hours, his poor ass was bruised, sore, throbbing in pain as once they finally stopped. He growled in pain, as they both started tugging out of his ass, both at the same time, he soon yelped in pain, he panted hotly, just a wave of cum started bursting out, spilling all down his balls, his legs, his pants, boxers and shoes were just ruined by now, before he yelped as those knots shoved in him once more. He growled in pain and anger "Fucking..s...Stop it!" He snarled, though his snarl was weak, his anger fading.

But neither of them stop. In fact, they each bite one of Havik's ears, and drag themselves back out of his ass, before plowing back inside. They keep up this direct assault on his asshole up for at least two more full repetitions.

Havik Wolfs yelps as his ears were bit, he didn't know how much more torture he could take from these two cruel dogs. He was weak, his limbs were aching full of pain, those knots ramming in him was doing some massive damage on his poor rear as more tears escaped his eyes, shutting his eyes tightly. Shaking his head weakly, trying to pull those ears away.

Both of them roughly grab the base of Havik's tail, using it as a handle as they plow inside one last time, panting hard before Dave, and then Ross pull all the way out, the jism draining from the wolf's ass like an unplugged tub. One of them grabs Havik's cock, pulling it under the thick gooey stream before they both walk around him to his face, spraying the thin watery ending of their climaxes over him.

Havik Wolfs screamed out in pain as his tail was yanked up roughly, before feeling them plow in one last time, his eyes were hard to keep open as he panted harshly, he was in so much pain, feeling his cock pulled back once they pull out and just felt it get coated. He soon felt their climaxes finish on his face, he shut his eyes. He laid there limp "No more..." He panted out weakly, his chest rising and falling quickly.

"Well, looks like you've done a good job warming him up for me." The voice is deep, but slightly hollow sounding. Something grabs one of Havik's calves and flips him onto his back again. Standing at the foot of the table is a massive man, 6'8", and almost as wide, with enormous arms and legs. It's wearing black SWAT armor. You might register that one of the other cops just called him "Greg" as he reaches up to his helmet, tossing it aside on the floor, revealing himself to be a sandy colored Ankylosaur.

Havik Wolfs' ears dropped, hearing a new voice, he soon lets out a loud yelp as he was grabbed at his calves and flipped onto his back. He looked at the massive man, fear struck him as the male was just enormous. He tried weakly using his legs to kick away, but his legs were so weak, they only twitched. He shook his head " don't.." He lets out a small whimper, his cock just standing out, throbbing, his balls were swollen rather large now, more bruises showing on his sac as he could only look up at the massive male.

Greg snickers as he begins undressing himself, pulling off his chest armor and shirt, first. 'Brick House' would be an understatement. "Aww, what's wrong? Little miss big-for-his-britches didn't actually think he could throw firecrackers and smokebombs into a search & rescue zone and think there wouldn't be consquences, did she?" He drops his pants. Based on the bulge in his green-blue boxer-briefs, his balls seem to be about the size that Havik's have swollen to be. He puts one massive hand around the wolf's balls, almost able to cup both at once, and grabs the base of his cock, below the zip-tie, with the other "You seem to have some blockage. Let me see if I can 'help'." And then he starts milking off Havik's pre.

Havik Wolfs just watched Greg strip off his armor, though the armor didn't do much to change his size, he was still fucking massive. He watched those pants drop, and that's when he really got worried, he saw the bulge of those balls and he panted, they were massive, he felt one paw able to cup both of his balls and soon lets out a low groan, he felt his base gripped below the zip-tie and he shut his eyes, he lets out a painful howl, tons of precum shot out, high in the air, too. Hitting his chest, some landing on the floor, the table, even hitting his face a bit as he blushed humiliated.

Impressed and surprised sounds pass around the room, there are a couple claps, someone makes a crack about hitting the lights. Greg just stands back up, brushing off his hands casually "That should relieve some of the swelling. Well, your swelling." He looks expectantly Havik, waiting a moment "What? No gratitude?" He pulls off his underwear, freeing his heavy balls, and releasing his emerging dick, the pale yellow shaft swelling steadily "Guess I'll have to teach you some manners."

Havik Wolfs panted hotly as his eyes opened, staring up at the ceiling, his head was spinning, he did feel some of the swelling start to go down as he groaned. It took him a few moments, but he looked up and saw him strip off his last piece of clothing, seeing the emerging dick, that was already huge from the looks of it, and it was still swelling, those massive balls. He folds his ears back as his head laid its self back down, pain still ached around his tailhole.

Greg mmms as his cock finishes growing. And 'erection' is very appropriate for such a tower of flesh. It's mostly cylindrical, but tapers very slightly at a straight angle reminiscent of a typical Rook chess-piece. His cockhead is dome-like and somewhat lumpy, like a cupcake. It's 16 inches long, and is the same girth as Havik's--6 inches--getting even slightly wider at the base. He grins and swings it back and forth. It seems he's met his match.

Havik Wolfs looked up and watched it grow. He was hung, he's never seen someone as big as him, and now that it's on another male, it looked a lot more fierce, he even thought he could feel his own hole quiver in fear as he shook his head "''s too big!" He whimpered out as he weakly tried to scoot away again, though to no avail as those two dogs did quite the toll on his strength. He was sapped of all of it as he could only barely move his legs around anymore.

You can hear Dave and Ross shout out "Hypocrite!" nearly in unison as Greg steps forward, a swagger in his step, clubbed tail swinging side to side "I'm surprised to see a piece almost as big as mine on such a scrawny mutt." He pauses as he spots one of the clothespins "Hm, I wonder where this went. Here?" He holds it to the point of Havik's dick, relaxing his grip on it ever so slightly, keeping it there for an agonizingly long time "Eh, this looks better." He clips it back onto one of the wolf's nipples, then flicks it side to side a bit, before he grabs the fancy lube, and even starts whistling as he greases up his pole.

Havik Wolfs growled weakly at Dave and Ross, before hearing Greg step forward, he could tell he was one of the big boys around, he remembered seeing him in action, he was quite the tank. Though he glared at Greg, he was about to say something, before he felt a clothespin start squeezing the tip of his dick, he just howled in pain as it was agonizing, his howls of pain echoed the room, before feeling it pull off and yelp as it was clamped back on his nipple. His cock throbbed violently, laying his head back, he was tired, he wanted and needed a break, but the thought of actually getting one, was a zero percent chance.

Greg just smiles as he takes hold of Havik's hips and starts pressing inside of him with a truly unwholesome squelching sound "Mmmm, you've got one niiice messy puss here." The first 4 inches slide in easily, but things slow down at the 5th "Oooh, I found some tight parts left. Heh, let me fix that for ya..." He takes a heavy step forward, using gravity and his immense legs to force his manhood steadily, unflinchingly deeper inside of Havik.

Havik Wolfs, even with those two dog cocks in him, he wasn't prepared for this, he lets out a howl of pain that echoed throughout the room feeling that massive slab of meat just force inside of his ass, he knew he'd be gaping after this. He shut his eyes tightly, clenching his teeth as that meat just pushed it's way inside like a tank, forcing him to stretch open wide.

Nine inches, ten, eleven... Greg takes another step, keeping up the pressure. There are faint gurgling sounds as the cum still inside Havik is plunged and pushed deeper. He grips the wolf's legs firmly, allowing him to struggle, but not enough for inconvenience "Oh yeah, you'e doing a great job you fucking whore." He completely ignores the screaming and howling. 12, 13... Once again, sheer girth is grinding a dick hard against his prostate, feeling every inch of length as it drives by.

Havik Wolfs thought he was going to get ripped in half, that cock was just stretching him far beyond anything he had ever seen, all that cum that was inside was getting pushed straight into his intestines and even further, he was in pain after 13 inches, it was far too much for his poor body to take. He squirmed weakly against the table, tears streaming out of his eyes as he was forced to take that beast. He whimpered, he was showing a bloated stomach, just a bit from that cock acting as a plunger and forced every drop of cum so deep inside, his poor prostate was almost getting constantly crushed, making sparks of harsh pleasure and pain shock up inside of him.

Greg finally hilts with a groan, giving the wolf's ass an unsympathetic smack. He leans in, grinning "Anyone ever tell you to go fuck yourself? This is what they wanted you to feel." He grabs Havik's hips hard and begins pulling his cock back out, causing all the pressure he added to reverse itself, causing his gut to make louder gurgling sounds as the semen gets sucked back the other way. Greg lets out a shuddering moan, stopping at the 8 inch mark, halfway, before he starts to push right back inside.

Havik Wolfs couldn't believe he fit it all in, yelping at the slap causing his walls to tightly tense around the cock. He panted hotly, giving a low growl once Greg leaned in, only to spit as much as he could on Greg's face, soon feeling that massive cock starting to pull out, his stomach queezing and gurgling as all that pressure gets pulled out, before it started to push back in with a whine, his whole body shuddered as he was fucked by such a huge massive beast.

Greg stops short of hilting again to sniff at the spit on his nose, and then laughs "Hah! Guys, you won't believe this, he just spat cum." Laughter spreads through the room as Greg pulls back out, and then in, forcibly picking up speed, churning the spooge inside Havik into obscene butter.

Havik Wolfs licked over his lips, and his eyes went wide, he did, that salty taste, he couldn't believe it as he groaned out loudly in pain as that cock really started picking up speed, his walls forcibly caving in each time that cock pushed in, his cock throbbed and forced out more and more pre as his prostate was crushed over and over, making the poor wolf squirm in a load of pleasure and pain.

Greg laughs harshly, having established a steady, casual pace "Sounds like that feels good, huh? Bet you wish you could cum. But this is your punishment." He reaches up, grabbing one of Havik's nipples, twisting it in time with harder thrusts he matches to his words "This is why you DON'T, FUCK, with, THE, PO-LICE." He releases the nipple to spank Havik's ass, and then his balls.

Havik Wolfs groaned, grunting and made noises he never thought he could from that massive slab of meat that was just wrecking his insides. Each time that cock would hilt him, a small bulge on his stomach would form. He cries out loudly as his nipple is grabbed, and twisted, in time with those harder thrusts. He could hardly breathe when that massive male would slam in, it actually drew breath out of him. Yet he soon yelped as his already very sore ass gets spanked, then soon just howled so loudly in pain as his balls were smacked, a massive pent up load shot out like a river for just a few seconds.

Greg snickers and some laughs pass around the room "Oooh, that felt nice; and based on all that pre, looks like you -like- having your nuts abused. Ain't that right, bitch-boy?" He gives the tender, swollen orbs the back of his hand this time "Just sprayin' it all over yerself like a messy little whore."

Havik Wolfs' eyes were clenched up, tears streaming out of them from the pain. Soon he felt the back hand, and a lot more shot out, spraying it all over himself once more. His Navel is just soaked in pre as he heaved heavily, trying to catch his breath as that smack sent all the air out of his lungs.

Greg groans and rolls his head around "Ooooooh yeah, work my dick over with your ass. Rrrrrr, fuck, one more o' those oughta do it." His thrusts speed up, though he's stopped hilting every time so he can get more speed "Beg me to finish, ask me to smack your balls one more time, tell me how you love it!"

Havik Wolfs had to recover, feeling those thrusts speed up, which only made it harder for him to get air in his lungs, but after a few minutes, he could finally talk...somewhat at least. His eyes open weakly as he just weakly growled "F...Fuck o..o-off" His voice weak, flooded with pain, one eye shut from precum that he shot just a few moments ago.

Greg sneers, thrusting slower, but harder again, hilting every time "Say it, cumdump! I'm not takin' my dick out until I hear you ask me, BEG me, to smack your balls again so this will finally end." He starts pausing on the out-thrusts, giving Havik chances to catch his breath and speak before hilting again.

Havik Wolfs could only lay there, his head against the table, his face practically painted with pre, his whole body a mess as he groaned loudly each time that cock would slam inside, before it finally stopped. He panted hotly, his head was spinning, his poor balls were swollen badly once more from their abuse. He felt them throb by his heart beat. He, was ruined, he laid there, helplessly. That massive cock did a toll on his insides as he himself, was rather broken. He didn't say a word for quite a while, before croaking out lowly, almost inaudible, but Greg knew what he said "P...p...p-please....s-s-ssspank my balls again..."

Greg had started building up a low steady grunting, forcing himself to hold back his climax, but he smiles broadly as soon as he hears Havik's remark. He thrusts inside, an inch or two short of hilting, smacks the wolf's balls again, groans hard, then harder, and finally bellows as his massive dick erupts with cum, pumping his seed deep inside of Havik.

Havik Wolfs lets out another loud cry of pain, pre blasted all over his body, before being followed by a low groan as another load flooded him. His stomach was really getting swollen by this load, he was just a mess, so much cum in him, all his pre coated his entire body. His head was spinning as he whimpered quietly, he still couldn't believe he broke, then again hopefully being good brought him to release.

Greg moans deeply, rumbling in his wide chest as he slowly withdraws, while still continuing to dump the spooge from his heavy balls into Havik's ass. The door opens and closes, allowing a new voice to speak "Ah, glad to see there's still plenty left." A topless, well-sculpted Bull Shark has arrived. Greg pants as he's pulled out 3 quarters of the way, then stays there a bit. He smiles "Hoo, good to see ya, Roger."

Havik Wolfs couldn't believe how much this male was pumping inside of him, even as he slowly started pulling out, that cock pumped inside of him like a hose, and from him being so deep, it shot straight inside his stomach. He opened his eyes weakly, seeing another male, a well-sculpted Bull shark. He just panted heavily, cum flooding his ass, that cock made sure every inch inside of him was painted with that male's seed.

Roger walks around to Havik's face and grins toothily as he begins to undo his pants "Hello there. I see the size of your asshole is almost accurate to yourself." He drops his pants, revealing... a pair of dicks, basically pointed, but with some curved texture establishing a head. Greg catches his breath, and finally pops his cock free of Havik's ass, the door opening again just in time to catch the sight of the jizz spilling from his demolished passage onto the floor "Holy fuck! Dayum that's hot, Greg." "Heh, thanks Ben." Ben is an already naked Zebra, his dick dropping from his sheath almost immediately after entering.

Havik Wolfs looked up at Roger, his head was spinning, his response time was lagging badly, Greg's cock really fucked him up as his legs were ruined. His eyes lowered down and it took him a few seconds to realize, that shark had two cocks, which made him flood with dread, when is this going to be over with, he felt sick to his stomach, bloated, he hated himself, he would much rather have been shot and killed, instead of this. He heard another male walk in, he groaned lowly as he saw that Zebra. He shut his eyes, whimpering quietly. He wanted all this to end, a few streams of tears left his eyes "Please...j...just let me go." He spoke, but only Roger would be able to hear him. He felt a torrent of seed start leaking out of his ass.

Ben steps forward, his beginning-to-harden cock swinging back and forth "Man oh man. It's like the aftermath of a herd breeding a single mare." He presses gently down on Havik's stomach, letting out a shuddering moan, letting his tongue hang out. Roger, meanwhile, has started cockslapping the wolf, with both dicks, at once. They're about 9 inches, and of average girth, but it's still a single guy hitting both sides of your face at once with his dicks.

Havik Wolfs couldn't see Ben too well as he was too weak to lift his head up to look, before groaning loudly as he pressed on his stomach, more and more cum just shot out like a river, his whole backside was painted in many mixtures of cum. Though he soon yelped, closing his eyes tightly, his muzzle getting slapped with both dicks at once, whimpering helplessly as he tried to pull away from those twin cocks.

Ben keeps oggling the fluid show, playing with Havik's hole and pushing out more cum as his long dick hardens. Roger pushes the pointed tip of a dick up against the wolf's lips "Suck on it, bitch. Bite me and I'll rip your throat out." He grins. With teeth like that in his slightly blunted face, he could do it easily.

Havik Wolfs kept groaning as more and more cum oozed out, his whole bottom half was soaked and covered with thick, hot cum. He could feel it sticking to his fur. He soon saw a pointed tip against his lips, he looked up at the shark, and with a threat like that, he wasn't going to argue. He whimpered and opened his lips just a bit to take it in his muzzle that's been used far more then it should be.

Ben nickers and grins, whinnying a little as his cock solidifies to full hardness. It's the same size as Greg, 16 inches, but a good deal thinner, aside from the blunt head. He moans heavily "God fucking damn is this hot. The sloppiest seconds I've ever seen..." He smirks and squeezes one of Havik's nipples "Or whatever I am on the list." Roger thrusts forward gently, sliding his subtly rippling cock about halfway inside "Yeah, that's nice, bitch. Now suck on it, lick it with your tongue, show it some love."

Havik Wolfs' eyes shot open wide as he lets out a painful whimper against that shark's cock as he rammed inside of him so violently and without warning. He whined as his sore nipple gets pinched. He was heaving heavily as he just whimpered against that cock, not doing what he was told. He was just too ashamed, too humiliated, he still felt some cum in his stomach swoosh around from the cock that violently entered his mouth.

Ben chuckles and releases the wolf's nipple as the zebra swaggers back to Havik's ass. He fondles the wolf's balls a moment before he says "Hey Roger, come down here and gimme a hand with this." The shark gives a bemused expression and pulls his cock from that warm, unwilling muzzle "I'm not through with you yet, punk." He walks down to the other end of the table, yanking off the one clothespin along the way. The bull shark and zebra exchange some words, and then Roger grabs Havik's hips, lifting them up off the table, as Ben slides underneathe, insinuating himself under the wolf. Not unlike that Bison, Rick, had. The zebra nips at Havik's shoulder and whinnies in excitement "I wanted to feel all that spooge dribble down my horse cock as I slid inside your big sloppy man cunt." He puts a hand on Havik's shoulder, reaching down to guide his cock with the other, and starts to slide him down his chest, the broad end of his cock sliding inside with an obscene *plop* sound, as he slowly, steadily pushes Havik down onto his tool.

Havik Wolfs felt that cock slip from his muzzle, his swollen balls throb and ached, making him whine and moan in pain. He looked up at the shark hearing his words, letting out a painful yelp as one of the clothespin's get yanked off, leaving his nipple to throb and ache. He weakly lifted up his head, to see both the males talking, and dread filled him, not knowing what was going to happen to him made him worry and get scared. He soon could feel his soaked, cum-covered legs get lifted up and soon, that zebra slid under him. He was rather glad to get his back off that cold, metal table, though in his position, he'd rather be anywhere else than here. He wondered if both of them were going to fuck his sore ass, and that's what worried him. He looked down, seeing that massive, long zebra shaft before he yelped with that *Pop* Soon feeling it starting to sink into him. It was painful for him, despite all the males he took, he still hated getting fucked in the rear. He started to feel it get pushed deeper. He whimpered and whined "F....Stop it!" He would manage to work out of his muzzle weakly, his head laying against the zebra's chest, panting heavily.

Ben moans deeply, snorting into the back of Havik's head "No, oh no... It feels far too nice in here to stop..." He can feel jism seep onto his stomach, and around his cock as he presses the wolf about halfway down his shaft. Roger puts his hand on the side of Havik's face and turns his head back over, grinning toothily down at him "I'm back." He nudges a cock at Havik's lips "Do the other one now. Suck it into your mouth."

Havik Wolfs would've kept his eyes shut, but soon felt his head turned, opening his eyes to find that cock at his lips, he sealed his lips tightly and turned away from it, he wasn't going to do it as he whimpered muffled through those lips from the cock that kept pressing inside of his ass. He felt so full, even after most of that cum drained out of him.

Ben sighs and shudders, twitching a little, feeling the cum flow down his cock and over his own heavy black balls as he hilts inside of Havik. He lets out a triumphant whinny "Oh hell yeah. I love how wet and loose your pussy is, boy." He nuzzles the back of Havik's head, before gently biting and nibbling on one of his ears. Roger, meanwhile, frowns firmly as he grabs Havik's jaw, turning his mouth back to face him "Open that mouth and suck on my other cock, or I -will- make things even worse for you. And yes, they CAN get worse than this."

Havik Wolfs felt that cock cause more cum to flow out of his ass, he made it look like the horse had already finished inside of him, yet he knew the zebra was far from it. He soon finally felt it hilt inside of him, it was so deep, he hated it as he felt his ears getting bit and nibbled on, he groaned 'not again' to himself as he felt shocks of pleasure shoot to his cock, which only caused his balls to ached badly. He yelped as his jaw was grabbed, he heard that and whimpered, he didn't want things to get worse, so he just barely opened his lips. Still whimpering.

Roger nods approvingly "That's a good boy. Now, be a good little doggy and suck it into your mouth." His expression is still dour, his eyes promising punishment for disobedience. Ben gnaws gently on the ear in his mouth, licking the tip as he starts to make small, slow thrusts, emitting a deep moan that rumbles against the wolf's back.

Havik Wolfs didn't want to please the shark, especially getting called that. His ears flicker around from the zebra, soon feeling one getting gnawed on. He shut his mouth once more, he didn't want to do it, he shut his eyes, not wanting to know what that shark was going to do to him, if his throat was going to get ripped out, so be it, he'd rather be dead than serve these pigs any longer.

Roger growls. He reaches out, initially to grab Havik's throat, but reconsiders his strategy, and grabs one of his nipples, pinching it as hard as he possibly can "I SAID do it, boy!"

Havik Wolfs' eyes open wide as he lets out a loud howl of pain, tears flood his eyes. He knew that the Shark could get much more violent as he felt like his nipple was just going to get squished. He opened his muzzle and took that cock inside his muzzle, tears streaming down his eyes as he took it to the hilt.

Roger gasps with surprise and moans, releasing the wolf's nipple "Oh yes, oooh, yes, that's the stuff..." He mmms and licks his lips, before he starts to slowly, gently this time, thrust in and out of the wolf's snout. Ben snorts and moans, continuing his short thrusts as he nibbles on Havik's ear.

Havik Wolfs could feel the bullshark start thrusting, he shut his eyes, finally his aching nipple got released, he panted, at least he was going slow. He felt that massive, zebra cock thrusting inside of him, those nibbles sent shivers down his spine, which the zebra could feel, causing more pre to gush out of his tip.

Roger gives a few more soft thrusts before a new voice speaks up "Ok Roger, help out Ben. I'll take over from here." Roger chuckles "Sure thing, Frank." He pulls out of Havik's mouth, both cocks dribbling and wet now, as he walks toward that ass. Standing behind him, and stepping forward now, is a very large, broadly built rhinoceros, about 7'5". His hard, throbbing cock is a good 13 inches long, but it still has some of his gray foreskin bunched past the head. He grins down at the wolf "Hello boy. This should be a treat for ya. I only want your tongue." Suddenly Havik's ass is spread wide again as another cock enters. No, wait, Roger is using both cocks, at once! "Time for both barrels, punk!" Ben moans "Oh yeah Roge, come on in, the water's great..."

Havik Wolfs heard a new voice and he groaned, he knew what that meant, he heard the word 'frank' noting it down in his massive list of guys that used and abused him. He saw him step forward, and his eyes went wide, he was massive, and broadly built. He looked down and could smell a new scent, and he soon saw that massive, throbbing cock. He whimpered quietly as he heard that he only wanted his tongue, though, his whimpers soon got much louder and he howled in pain, his ass getting stretched farther than ever before and he cried out in pain as he felt both of those cocks start pushing inside of him.

Frank chuckles down at the wolf, stroking his neck "I think 3 dicks is a new personal best for ya. Heh heh..." Roger and Ben both groan as soon the shark has both cocks all the way inside Havik, nudging against his tender, swollen balls. Frank gently puts a large hand over Havik's throat and moves his cock against the wolf's lips "Now, stick out your tongue, and lick at my cock."

Havik Wolfs was in pain, and once that shark was hilted inside of him, he whined, it was far too much than what he thought he could even handle, his balls throbbing painfully from his prostate just getting crushed, always under constant pressure, his cock shot out a large jet of hot pre rather high in the air. He soon choked and gagged from that large hand, feeling that massive rhino cock against his lips, he found him much worse than the shark and did not want to piss him off, he slowly stuck out his tongue and gave a single, simple lick across the head, the salty taste made him stick his tongue back in, he hated it.

Frank chuckles, relaxing the pressure on your throat "Not bad, a touch literal. Now, take my foreskin between your lips, tug on it, lick at the end a few times with your tongue." Roger and Ben decide Havik's had enough time to adjust, and begin to make small thrusts, but in alternating rhythm. They both moan, and Ben nickers, giving the wolf's other ear some appreciative nibbles.

Havik Wolfs could feel both of them start thrusting inside of him. He heard the large rhino talk above him, his voice crashing done on him like stones. He grunted in pain everytime those cocks thrusted into him. He slowly leaned forward, taking the foreskin between his lips, and started to slowly tug on it, giving it a few licks, though he was not going rather too hard at it.

Frank moans softly "There ya go. Mmm, yes..." His pre is sweet, with just a little salt to it. He pulls his foreskin back, exposing the fat purple head "Stick your tongue against my cockhead, and hold it there." Roger starts getting really into it, thrusting faster and harder into the wolf's demolished ass. Ben keeps thrusting as well, but is limted by his position with how hard he can thrust. He still continues to gently chew on Havik's ear.

Havik Wolfs was rather surprised at the taste of that pre. From how sweet it was despite the others he'd tasted. He softly placed his tongue up against that cockhead and held it here. Not knowing what was going to happen. Though he lets out muffled cries of pain as those cocks were just ramming inside of him faster and harder. He shut his eyes, a few more tears flooded them, his cock shooting out thicker, massive globs of more and more pre. Easing up the swelling in his sac.

Frank pushes his foreskin forward, the flesh enveloping the wolf's tongue. The sweet taste continues to slowly flow from his slit, gathering inside his fleshy hood "Good, good... Now, lick along the sides of my cockhead, swirl your tongue around, use a circular motion." He leans down "And -don't- stop until I tell you." Roger is grunting hard as he starts to thrust a bit faster "Oh! Ah! Here's comes number 1!" "Yeah, blow it Roge!" One of his cocks throbs inside the wolf, shooting a comparatively modest load. Though now he thrusts a bit more desperately, trying to get the other to catch up, letting out low-pitched little whimpers.

Havik Wolfs heard frank, his ears droop. He whimpered as he could constantly taste that sweet precum, but he listened, his tongue licked around the sides, using that circular motion, licking all around it as he wasn't stopping. Though hearing Roger, he knew what was coming, feeling him thrust faster, he groaned out loudly and soon yelped as he felt one of those cocks just shoot its load, pooling up deep inside of him like all the others did.

Frank let out a low, shuddering moan "Oh fuck yeah boy, just like that. Fuckin-a you've got a nice tongue..." Roger throws his head back and moans, his tongue lolling out the side "Ah! AGH -FUCK-!" He lets out a snarl as his other load blows, prompting some shivers and moans as both cocks throb softly inside Havik's ass, pinned between it and the horsecock. Speaking of, Ben is starting to moan more intensely "Oooh, I can feel your loads slidin' around my cock... Fuck that's hot Roge, I'm close now..."

Havik Wolfs soon felt another load get blown inside, flooding his bowels as he panted hotly, it was rather a good amount of cum, and soon, he heard that that zebra was getting close. He dreaded it as he just kept up his work, not wanting to make that large rhino angry, his tongue kept slowly going in circles, licking around that purple cock tip, tasting that very sweet pre each time he would rub over that slit.

Frank coos warmly, nudging the end of his cock into the wolf's mouth "That, that should be a bit easier on your tongue..." He pants as his cock spits out another dollop of precum. Ben snorts hard, and groans, thrusting his cock up into the wolf and against the shark's pair of organs "Oh fuck, oh fuck, OHHHHHH" He whinnies loudly as his cock begins to explode with his hot horse seed, pumping it far inside Havik's guts. It quickly flows back as well, flowing out Havik's ass and onto the floor. Roger moans and laughs "Whoa man, yeah, wash 'im out with your spunk!"

Havik Wolfs felt his jaws spread apart as that thick cock pushed inside his mouth, stretching it open, and soon forced him to swallow another dollop of precum, feeling it go down his throat. Soon he heard Ben get near and he felt it, his eyes open wide as he groaned, that semen flooding him farther than anyone has ever shot inside of him, pumping him so full, it gets flooded back out. He groaned and cried a few tears against that massive cock, the amount of semen causing him to cramp up, only squeezing that zebra cock tightly, milking it for more.

Frank moans tightly and grabs Havik's head with both hands "Oh, good boy, such a good boy, here's, yer, treat!" Now his cock throbs and starts to squirt his load into Havik's mouth, and a sizable one at that. Though like his pre, his spunk somehow tastes more appealing than others' have. Ben groans and gives that ear another bite as his orgasm begins to subside, the huge load evacuated from his balls into that troublesome wolf's bowels.

Havik Wolfs felt semen being pumped in from both ends, he had no choice but to swallow that hot, rhino load, which was about two mouthfuls, possibly a little more. He groaned as his ear gets bit once more as that zebra's orgasm finally subsided inside of his ass, he only panted heavily, his cock still twitching, throbbing violently, he didn't say a word as he just closed his mouth and looked up at the rhino with pleading eyes. Was it finally over for him? Was he now going to get let go?

Roger groans as he pulls both cocks free of Havik's ass, letting more cum fall out "Oh yeah. Ohhhh, what a sight..." Frank sighs heavily and looks down at Havik, pausing a moment before he chuckles and strokes the boy's head "Aww, talk about puppy-dog eyes. You did a good job, so I'm gonna let you have your mouth to yourself now." He pulls his cum messy dick out, and gives Havik a whack on the chin with it. Ben is still panting and moaning softly, wallowing in his afterglow.

Havik Wolfs could feel Roger pulling out, grunting around that thick Rhino cock, feeling the familiar hot liquid leak out of his overly stretched, abused ass. Soon feeling that Rhino cock slip out, before it hit on his chin, splattering precum on his face, he gave a small whimper, his head falling limp. He was weak, sore, full of pain as he shut his mouth, closing his eyes, he felt like he could just pass out any moment.

Frank rubs the wolf's chin gently and looks to the door "Whaddya think, chief? He had enough yet? Learned his lesson?" Standing in the doorway is a tall boar, with a bit of gut. His chest and arms are well-muscled, though. He's wearing a pair of pants with suspenders, but no shirt, showing his brown fur and well-built physique. He adjusts his glasses, revealing his eyes set in a dour, stoney expression "After all his additional /pig/ comments..." he spits the word "...I say definitely not. Everything is ready, bring him to the garage." He turns and walks down the hall. Dark chuckling ripples through the room as Frank looks down at Havik "Guess it just isn't your night, bitch."

Havik Wolfs could feel his chin being rubbed. His eyes open once the Rhino started talking, he looked over to the tall boar, he wanted that boar to say yes, he was filled with hope that all this might finally be over, but soon dread just flooded him. Garage? There's more? He looked up at the Rhino in a worried expression, shaking his head weakly "No...No please, I learned my lesson, please!" He begged out as he started to squirm around.

Arms tug at Havik's shoulders and legs, pulling him up a little, as someone pulls Ben's softening member from the wolf's ass, prompting a disappointed moan and a final nip at his ear. The horse's cock is quickly replaced, however, with the giant white butt-plug from earlier. It goes in pretty easily, but is thick enough to stay lodged inside his newly loose ass. Greg walks over and hoists Havik over his broad, armored shoulder. Hands remove the wolf's pants, finally, as everyone starts exiting the interrogation room, none of them bothering to get dressed. The German Shepard, Ginny, strolls past Havik with a wicked smile. She reaches over and turns on the butt-plug, twisting the dial up high. Meanwhile Rick, the Bison walks up behind Greg, picks up Havik's face by the chin, gripping his cheeks just in case, and plants a deep, aggressive french kiss on the wolf. His broad tongue swirls around all over the place, it feels like it lasts for minutes, before he finally pulls his mouth away, smiling broadly "Mmmm, tastes like slut. So many flavors."

Havik Wolfs could just lay there as all the men picked him up. He didn't fight back, he was far too weak, and he was outnumbered. He grunted as that horse shaft pulled out of his ruined ass, that once used to be a virgin, now just torn, gaping, stretched far past anything he expected it to be, and soon after a few fresh globs of cum escape. He lets out a painful groan, feeling that plug get shoved in, even though it went in easy, it stayed snug. He looked at Greg, before groaning as he got hoisted over that broad, armored shoulder. His soaked pants are now removed, making his body void of any clothing. He was just limp, like a doll he was carried. Though he soon saw Ginny, before feeling her paw near his ass, soon a vibration flooded his rear end, sending him spasming a bit, his cock throbbing violently, oozing thick globs of precum against Greg's chest. Though his whines were soon forced quiet as he is kissed deeply, feeling that tongue just force inside his lips, that thick tongue violating his maw. He shut his eyes as he weakly tried to break the kiss, yet it wasn't working, after minutes it felt like, the kiss broke, he panted hotly, he was weak, quiet whimpers filled his throat as he just wanted to go home.

Bruce gives Havik's ass a swat "Heh, yer ass is starting to close around the plug. I guess it likes having a pacifier." There are some snickers in response. Greg licks his lips at the spasming and dribbling cock on his chest. It gets his flaccid member to start waking up, as he reaches over and starts kneading below the zip-tie, milking the wolf of his pre like he did before. This doesn't last long though as soon everyone walks through a large door, into what is basically a very large auto shop. This must be the space where all the cop cars get serviced and suped up. All around the room, along the walls and garage doors, but especially around one station in particular, are cheering police. It looks like everyone not on active patrol, or undercover, could be here. Killing a cop is bad, but pissing in the face of the very institution seems to have been a much worse decision.

The station where folks are gathered has the lift lowered, and the tracks in the ceiling used to haul heavy parts around, like engine blocks, are fitted with chains. Four of them. Each ending in padded leather cuffs.

Havik Wolfs could feel that strong hand smacking against his sore ass, making him yelp out, his ass was closing around that plug as he groaned, the vibrations getting stronger. His head was spinning as bright, orange eyes staring down at the tile as they moved. Before he soon felt that familiar hand on his member, his eyes shut, his teeth grit as he lets out a loud howl, his cock unleashing loads of built up precum all over Grg. He was panting heavily, his hips forcefully bucked quickly and roughly as he wanted to cum so badly, the feeling was so close, yet once all the cum rushed forward, that zip stopped it and forced it straight back down to his swollen balls, sending a painful wave up through him. He groaned, letting out a small sob. He soon opened his eyes, looking around, seeing he finally had arrived at the garage. His eyes went wide, he about threw up, his eyes were filled with terror, looking at every single last policeman, he was sick to his stomach, there could be no way he was going to service all of them. His ears folded back as he saw the chains with padding.

A large gorilla in overalls leaves the chains as he salutes the arriving group. The chief is standing by, arms crossed over his bare chest, a dour expression still on his face. The crowd continues to loudly jeer, leer, and cheer at the sight: the entire department's nemesis, about to be utterly demolished. Greg, Bruce, and Rick pick the wolf up, spreading him out as they put his wrists and ankles in the cuffs. The chains hang from points that are spread out enough for it to be pretty comfortable hanging from them. Comfortable aside from being naked, jizz-stained, and painfully erect in front of a hundred strangers. The chains currently hold Havik in a 'stirrups' position, like if he was in a sling, with his legs up and back angled just a bit upward.

All Havik could hear was the roar of the crowd, what was about to happen to him feared him, he didn't want this. He knew that every single one of them hated him, he ruined tons of cases, he caused so much trouble, so much havoc, and now Karma was being a bitch. His eyes looked up and saw the chief, he knew him very well, he knew the shit he caused for the department, he would be usually grinning at him, laughing at him from across the street, but now, he was looking at him, with sorrow, tiredness, almost like a long lost puppy would. Yet he soon felt his body lifted up, grunting as he was slung up to the chains, he was a complete mess, his fur was in knots, stained with jizz. All he could do was look around at what the people, at the fear of what they were going to do to his poor body.

Ginny walks over, strutting for everyone, as she turns off the butt plug, waits a moment, and then starts to pull it from Havik's foolishly optimistic ass. It spreads back open smoothly, giving little resistance at this point. The crowd cheers some more as spooge starts to seep from the open hole again. The chief hands his glasses off to a female iguana as he steps over between Havik's legs "I bet you thought we'd never catch you. Or that we'd "get over it" or "let it slide" or that you'd be able to see the heat rising and skip town. A few of your boys aren't as clever, or as loyal, as you thought. They never are." he starts to warm up his shoulder "Justice is not just the letter of the law, but also intent. And sometimes, when violations of the law have their own, powerful enough intent, Justice takes it personally." He balls his hand into a tight fist, and suddenly punches Havik's ass hard, his fist slipping inside. He's had bigger dicks already, but none of them had that kind of force "This is from her!"

Havik Wolfs saw Ginny walking over, watching her strut. He felt those strong vibrations stop, before that plug was removed, he panted, grunting as it slipped free so easily. He felt some of the plugged up semen just leak down on the floor, hearing the crowd cheer. He felt humiliated. This was inhuman for this to be done to him! Despite what he had done, this seemed like it was far worse. He saw the chief step up, he was listening, worried about what he was going to do, he'd figure he was going to get raped again, but at the end of the speech, he wanted to protest "But s-" He throws his head back and lets out a loud, painful howl, his toes curl up so tightly as he was forced into so roughly, so harshly, a few tears forced out and escaped from his eyes.

The chief holds his fist still a moment, then twists it to the side, then back the other way, and then he yanks it free just as roughly as it entered. He gives Havik's swollen balls a squeeze with his other hand "You were saying, bitch?"

Havik Wolfs lets out groans of pain as it was twisted to the side, then back, before letting out a yelp as it was pulled out. His head was laid back limp, panting heavily as he was in burning pain for a moment, he leaned his head up, he looked at that chief, grunting as his balls were squeezed with that other hand. "I'm not wasting my breath on you pigs anymore.." He still had a little bit of fight in him, even though most of it was beaten to the ground and demolished. He laid his head back, shutting his eyes, panting as he just tried to ignore his environment, hoping it would just all go away.

The crowd gasps quietly. The chief narrows his eyes, his nostrils flare, the grip on Havik's balls tiiiighten... and then he backhands them, hard, and turns away, spitting on the floor "Everyone... teach this piece of garbage a lesson. I'll be watching the video feed..." The crowd surges forward, many of them holding elaborate dildos. It seems someone's been passing around that evidence bag. As some folks jockey for position a lithe brown monkey jumps onto Havik's stomach, throwing up his hands "Hey hey hey, we aren't a mob 'ere. We're all pissed, but get in a line and we'll all have a go at 'im." There is muttering and agreement. Apparently the monkey's name is Jeff, based on crowd exchanges. His tail wraps around Havik's neck as he glares at him over his shoulder "We ain't through with you yet."

Havik Wolfs knew he said the worst possible thing, at the worst time, but he hardly cared anymore. And soon, he lets out a loud cry of pain, before feeling that slap, his eyes flood with tears, his balls swell from the pain, his cock twitching violently, he was in so much pain, he hardly noticed everyone surging forward. He soon felt someone ontop of him, he opens his eyes, noticing a monkey ontop of him, his pain seeming to go down as he felt that tail wrap around his neck, grunting as he noticed everyone was a lot closer than last time.

Jeff talks quietly to someone in the crowd, specifying a toy to hand him. He finally gets it. It's orange, and shaped vaguely like a green onion, with a bulb at one end and a long stalk that tapers to a thin point. The bulb has buttons on it, too. "Alright, everyone in line gets a minute with his ass." The other officers go to it, shoving in toys of various shapes and sizes, some vibrating, some not. Sometimes 2 or 3 will go at once. Some go for depth, some for the prostate. But as that process starts Jeff turns around to face the wolf, grinning wickedly, his dick beginning to emerge from a short sheath as he examines the bulb toy "Here we are." He flips up a thin, shiny chrome antenna or something, about 8 inches long, with a blunt teardrop shape on the end. He grins and looks to Havik "Here's a hole I -know- you haven't had fucked yet, and you just keep lubing it yourself." He turns back around, grabbing the end of the wolf's dick with one hand, lining up the wand with the other, and then he sliiiides it smoothly inside, pushing some pre out around it.

Havik Wolfs looked over the crowd, trying to see what Jeff was whispering about, though once he gets it, he was confused on what it was, it looked odd, and couldn't think of what it could be used for, though he knew it couldn't be anything good. He heard those words, before he lets out a loud howl, feeling toys getting shoved inside of him, some were painful, some shook him to the core with pleasure, his cock was gushing out pre, feeling sometimes three toys stretching his ass as wide as it went when those three cocks were in him. He heaved, panting heavily, it was too much. He looked at Jeff, trying to listen to what he was saying, but with all those toys getting yanked out and shoved inside his rear, it was hard to. Though once he felt it at the tip of his cock, his eyes went wide, before letting out a painful howl as it started pushing inside his sensitive, sore, rock hard cock. Pre instantly gushing around it, his body squirming weakly.

Jeff holds up a hand to the next person in line "Wait a minute. This should be good..." He starts to slowly thrust the rod back and forth, almost all the way out, then all the way inside, gradually getting a little faster. Then he hilts it, stops, looks over his shoulder at Havik, grinning wickedly as he pushes a button on the bulb. The rod begins to vibrate intensely. And then Jeff starts stroking it again...

Havik Wolfs could feel that rod in him start slowly thrusting, his eyes widen and shutting as his body started to weakly thrash around, the pleasure was far too great for him to handle, his balls swollen even more than they'd ever been. He lets out a cry of pain and pleasure, feeling it go faster, before it hilted inside, he looked at Jeff, before it started to vibrate his shaft, even though it was only eight inches, he felt every inch of his shaft vibrate, he screamed out in pleasure, gushing out load after load of pre, it was like a volcano.

Jeff laughs sadistically and continues to thrust the vibrating sound in and out. The crowd makes pleased, chuckling, and a few impressed sounds. Some folks even step out of the line, satisfied at this sight, eager to get a better view. Jeff keeps going a bit longer, until he yanks the whole thing free of Havik's shaft. He turns off the vibration and folds the rod back into the tapered shaft. The thin, tapered shaft, widening near the bulb to about an inch. Jeff holds the toy up high and turns it over "I see you like getting yer cock fucked. Let's get ya ready for the real deal." He begins to insert the shaft of the toy into Havik's piss hole, spreading it wider as he slowly works it inside.

Havik Wolfs moaned and groaned in pain, his head shaking back and forth as it was too much for him to take. His head was spinning, he felt dizzy, his balls throbbed and swelled full of semen as more and more pre just gushed out, his whole shaft was covered in his own pre by the time Jeff pulled out, Havik's head laid limp, panting heavily, trying to recover from the painful bliss he was in, but before he realized it, he felt a thicker part being pushed against his tip. His eyes shooting wide as he lets out a painful howl, it was so much wider than the other, he grunted and whimpered out in a bit of pain.

Jeff keeps working it in slooowly deeper, pushing a bit further, pulling back a little, then working it deeper on the next go. Jeff chuckles "There's still so much pre splashing out on each thrust. Heheh, whoever thought to suppress your knot was a genius." He starts to twist it side to side, corkscrewing, drilling it in deeper, until the thicker 8 inches are finally all the way inside. He steps to the side, showing Havik his own distended shaft. He lets go of the bulb, letting the cock fall against the wolf's chest. "Oops." He picks it back up, holding it straight up as he grins back to Havik. His own erection is visible now; 10 inches and quite thin, about the same girth as the base of the toy's shaft, but along his entire length. "Hmm. Should I turn on the vibration setting?"

Havik Wolfs could just feel it going deeper, his groans got louder each time it did, feeling it pull out, before pushing back in, his chest was rising and falling quickly as it felt like his brain was getting overloaded. He started to feel it corkscrewing in deeper, drilling inside of him, forcing his urethra to stretch and spread as if it was a cock in his ass. He weakly looked up, seeing his cock distended around that sounding device, before feeling his cock hit against his chest, causing him to let out a yelp, a shock running up his spine from it. He shook his head, pleading for him to stop "P...Please!"

Jeff smirks "Well, since you asked so nicely..." he pushes the button, and starts the vibration going. He idly twists the toy from one side, then slowly back the other way, before he turns the vibration off "Mmmm, I think it's time to fuck you myself." He pulls the toy roughly from the wolf's dick and tilts it back toward himself, nudging the head of his dick around the freshly stretched rim of Havik's dick.

Havik Wolfs cried out in pleasure and pain, his balls tensing, clenching as they started to swell once more from another load denied access to leave. He panted, his own balls past twice their original size now. The bottom half were nice and blue, showing signs of their abuse. His eyes went wide, shaking his head, feeling that dick pressing against the tip of his own, "no...No please!"

Jeff makes a pondering face "Well, you did ask nicely again... Buuuut that dick is too inviting to pass up." He turns around and pushes his cock inside, groaning deeply "Oooh, it's so slick and tight..." The first inch and a half plugs in easily, but after that it's slow going that gets steadily slower, as his cylindrical dick has to stretch that dick out the rest of the way on its own. His tail lashes back and forth as he pants, working in slowly deeper. He looks over his shoulder, tongue hanging out "Hey, punk! Tongue my ass while I fuck your cock. If you do a good job, I won't hilt it."

Havik Wolfs pleaded, hopefully to stop it, but he soon felt that cock plunging inside of his own cock, tears well up in his eyes, he never thought a cock would be pushing itself down his dick. The sensation at first was beyond any words of pleasure, but soon, he clenched up, feeling it starting to stretch out the insides of his cock, his cock bulging from the outside as that other one forced room to push deeper. Even his pre started to get denied to leave from that cock that pushed forward. He heard Jeff speak, yet he didn't do anything yet.

Jeff reaches down, squeezing Havik's cock ahead of his penetration, forcing pre to seep around his dick to emerge from the end, prompting a soft moan. He looks over his shoulder again "I'm about halfway in and going deeper. Better stick out that tongue, boy, or else I'm gonna get into the unstretched territory." He starts pushing in again, forcing Havik's cock wider still.

Havik Wolfs lets out a loud groan, pre oozing out around that cock that was pushing into his own shaft. Hearing Jeff, he groaned at the thought, his eyes looking up, seeing that anus. He yelped as that cock started to push deeper, it was true. That cock was about ready to get into some un-stretched parts. He bit the bottom of his lip, before quickly leaning in, giving a pathetic lick across that pucker, but that was it.

Jeff looks over his shoulder, glaring "I said if you did a GOOD JOB. I'm about 7 inches in. Once I get past 8 there's no goin' back, bitch tits." He blinks "Oh yeah, how could I forget." using one of his feet, he pinches one of Havik's nipples. "Last chance!"

Havik Wolfs felt that foot on his nipple, groaning as those words rang in his ears, he just turned his head away, he wasn't going to show any signs of submitting in front of all these people, there was no way he was going to lick that male's anus.

Jeff glowers and kicks the wolf's nose "Suit yerself." Suddenly he throws his weight against the larger cock, ramming his dick almost all the way inside. Just a little bit more pushing and wriggling, and he's in all the way. He groans, curling his toes into Havik's chest, grabbing a nipple in the process. He reaches down below his dick, just above the ziptie, and squeezes rhytmically, milking pre out along his shaft once more, moaning with a shudder "Now that's a nice hole." He pulls back a few inches, and then plunges in again, beginning to fuck Havik's cock in earnest.

Havik Wolfs could feel that kick against his nose, giving out a grunt, but nothing prepared him for what was next. He soon howled out in pain as that cock just slammed in, almost to the hilt, before feeling it drill in, till he could feel Jeff's groin against his cock. His own shaft was throbbing badly, only squeezing that cock each time as he just oozed pre all around it, feeling his cock getting milked, groaning out as he did. He panted hotly, a few tears leaving his eyes, the pain and pleasure was far too much for him, before feeling it pull out, and thrust back in, making him let out a groan and a cry of pain.

Jeff growls softly and licks his lips sloppily "Mmrrrrrrm, yeah, you don't know how to feel, do you? Never, UNGH, thought someone would ever be fuckin' yer cock, huh?" He growls hard, pulling his cock all the way out, the head slipping free, before he shoves it all right back in with a jagged moan, splashing pre out all over himself and Havik "Mmm, if you licked my ass, I'd finish sooner. Maybe your cock won't gape as much after I'm done, then?" He laughs before pulling all the way out then in again, once more with a growling moan.

Havik Wolfs could feel his dick just throb from the rough invasion, but it was about to get much worse. Havik could feel that dick slipping free before the head popped free, some pre oozing out before he lets out another loud howl of pain as that cock rammed inside so quickly and hard, tears leak from his eyes as he let out a sob, his dick throbbing painfully as he threw his head back, panting heavily in pain. His body squirming, before soon, he felt it again, mixture of pre shoot out from the sides each time he did it.

The monkey chuckles darkly as he fucks Havik's dick a bit slower now "Aww, the wolfy doesn't like it when I go all the way? Heheh, well then, since we've been torturing you with pleasure, I'll just keep it in." Pre still squirts out around each thrust, though not as much as when he went all the way. Jeff hilts the wolf's cock and lets out a moan, grinding into it, moving his hips around to change his dick's angle, working the wolf's urethra over, before he spanks the side of it once "I bet you WISH you could spank THIS monkey, eh bitch!?" He starts pounding it again, using short but hard thrusts, pausing a moment to grind with each hilt.

Havik Wolfs could feel that dick working his own shaft, he knew that his urethra would be a bit gaping after this as he could feel that cock wiggling and working around inside of his cock. He whined out in pain, feeling it go all the way inside; his own shaft was gushing out pre around it, keeping it nice and lubed. Before he soon felt the spank against the side yelping. His eyes shut, the pain was terrible each time that monkey rammed in, feeling that cock grind inside of him each time. His balls were swelling rather nicely as shook his head, trying to make it stop.

Jeff switches back to steady medium strokes, skipping the grinding for now "This is a hot cock, but I feel like something's missing... I need something else to put me over the edge..." "I might be able to help with that, Jeff." The new voice is deep and resonant. A very large, smooth hand grips the back of Havik's head, pointing his snout forward as it pushes the wolf's face forward toward his chest, lodging his nose under the monkey's tail, causing Jeff to moan "Oh yeah... Eat me out cockslut..."

Havik Wolfs could feel the strokes slow down, but it was still highly uncomfortable. Though his ears perk up, hearing that new voice, till he lets out a yelp as a very large, smooth hand grips his head and yelps as his nose is lodged right under that tail. His eyes shot open and could only inhale that hot, monkey musk. He tried pulling away , but was pinned up against that tail, after his attempts seemed helpless, his tongue softly touches that tailhole.

Jeff moans a bit louder "Ohhhh fuck yeah. Toss my salad bitch boy! Lick my balls, or just hold your tongue out so it goes up my simian ass while I give your dick the plowing it deserves!!" He starts growling as his thrusts grow faster. Clearly he likes the rimming.

Havik Wolfs could only feel humiliated and in pain as he was stuck in that position, forced to rim that monkey as his tongue was just shoved up that rear, every inch of his tongue, his cock ached, throbbing. He panted hotly as all his groans and whines came out muffled and sloppy.

You can hear a deep, rumbling sound of approval from behind Havik "Fuck yeah. Give it to 'im little buddy. Punish that dick, show it who's boss!" Jeff begins thrusting faster, grunting tightly and almost whimpering, his hole beginning to throb around the wolf's tongue "Fuckin' A man! I'M da boss!" His balls start swinging into the end of Havik's dick "RRRF. I know you've been, wantin' cum in here all night! ARGH! Pity it won't be, oooh, YOURRRRRRS!!!" The monkey snarls and shrieks with ecstasy, his ass clamping down on Havik's tongue as his cock spasms, blowing a load deep up the wolf's cock.

Havik Wolfs started to know the monkey was getting close as he could feel those thrusts getting faster, he grunted in pain as that cock pounded his cock as if it was a tight tailhole. He felt those balls hitting the head of his dick, he panted hotly, before his eyes open wide, that monkey was going to cum inside of him?! He felt that ass clench around his tongue, crying out in pain as that monkey cum flooded him, forcing his seed down in his shaft, some of it forcing itself into his own balls, causing him to groan.

Jeff pants hard, giving a few more small thrusts, his own spunk squirting out around his dick, before he heaves a deep sigh. The hand gripping Havik's head relaxes and lets go, soon followed by that deep voice again "Good one little buddy! Ha! Need a hand?" Jeff shakes his head and pants "Nah man, I'm good... Jus', gimme a sec." He tightens his foot grip on Havik's soaked stomach and starts to move backwards, walking his dick slowly out of Havik's member. The process releases occasionally small *glugs* of cum and pre, until Jeff finally comes free, heaving a triumphant sigh. He turns around to face Havik, hitting his nose with his softening member as he grins and gestures to the wolf's cock. His slit is now a hole, an open tube, a passage about an inch wide. Monkey cum flows back out under the influence of just gravity. Jeff smiles "Don't worry, it'll go back to normal. In a day or two."

Havik Wolfs was panting heavily, quivering in pain and shock from what just happened. His cock was just raped and came in. He finally felt the large hand let go and his head fell back, quickly recovering his tongue back to where it belonged. He still looked up at that monkey, panting as he could feel that cock slip free, his stomach soaked in cum, feeling more pump into him as that cock pulled out, before it was finally free. That monkey shaft hitting him on his nose as he looked over his own cock in horror, seeing the cum just flow back out, his cock twitching, throbbing it out as well. He whimpered quietly, someone else's semen leaking from his cock.

The deep voice chuckles deeply and starts to move to the side, a large, red, muscular arm extends over Havik's chest, Jeff scampering up it as the figure walks around to between Havik's legs. It's a dragon. He's a red dragon, easily 8 and half feet tall, maybe a couple inches more. His body is taut with muscle, chiseled like a greek statue, if such things had depicted winged dragons. His chest and stomach have slightly paler lateral scales, and between his legs is a very large cock indeed. Triangular in cross section, ridged like Cos's was, and 18 inches long. But the most unusual thing about it is that the slit gapes like Havik's.

Jeff sighs and reclines on one of the dragon's shoulders, tail draping around his long neck for stability. The dragon holds up a fist to Jeff "Way to go partner." Jeff returns the fist bump "Thanks partner." The dragon smiles and looks down at Havik as the monkey on his shoulder begins to doze "I'm Drake."

Havik Wolfs couldn't see the other male that was going to violate him in some way that he knew he would hate. All he saw was a large, red, scalie arm, knowing it has to belong to some tall, reptilian creature. And once he saw that male step around, he knew he was right. But he was much bigger than what he thought, he was massive. A beast of a man. He didn't know what to say as his eyes looked at every scale, before he even got more scared once his eyes laid down on that slab of meat that would soon be plowing him.

Drake grins and cocks an eyebrow as he leans in closer "What, nothing to say?" He takes hold of the wolf's cock and points it toward himself, letting his slender tongue slip out and poke into Havik's gaping slit "Mmm, my partner worked you over good." He stands back up, holding his own member "It was true what he said, it -will- close back up in a few days." He starts hitting his dick against Havik's, strings of pre flying from his open urthra "He works me every night to keep me niiiiice and wide, though..." He turns his head to the side, giving the dozing monkey's stomach a lick.

Havik Wolfs could feel him lean closer, and soon felt his cock getting grabbed. He whimpered, his cock so sore and sensitive at the moment, he felt that slender tongue slip inside letting out a yelp as that tongue invaded his cock. He soon felt that dick slapping up against his own; it was so heavy, so big, it caused whatever precum and cum still left from the monkey to fly out, landing on his own stomach. It just made him sick that someone fucked his cock as he heard the dragon, seeing that wide open urethra. "Please...just...stop, I...I can't take it anymore."

Drake stops the dick slapping and looks back to the wolf "No can do, bitch boy. You'll know when we're done with you, because then we'll let your knot form so you can orgasm." He grips Havik's balls with one hand and then prods a finger against the wolf's optimistic asshole, stopped only a moment before it slipped inside "Heh, it closed up, but is too worn out to give much resistance. Sweet." He pulls the finger back out with a slerrrrrp, a dollop of cum leaking out.

Havik Wolfs wasn't having much he could do as he felt pressure pushing up against his rear. It has been a while since someone was in there, so it did tighten up, but not very much. His ass was so worn down that it just opened up to the finger, making him groan, before feeling it pull out, feeling old, still warm cum dribble out. He flushed, embarrassed from his state. Tied up, with a rock hard dick, swollen heavy balls and coated in seed. He heard that, was he really going to be able to cum? God he almost forgot how it feels to release he's been denied so long. He lets out a grunt, those swollen balls getting fondled, his hips forced to try and buck to knot something to cum. He started panting again "Fuck...please...just let me cum, hurts so bad..."

Drake snickers harshly "Now you're just -beginning- to understand what it was like trying to do our work with all the "pranks" you and your guys were pulling. Doing all that work, trying to help all those people, only for some smug little BASTARD to come along and throw wrench after wrench into the works." He gives the wolf's orbs a squeeze "You gave all of us blue balls for a couple MONTHS."

Havik Wolfs lets out a loud groan as those orbs were squeezed. His body tensing up as he lets out a cry of pain. The balls throbbed hard in that paw, the dragon would be able to feel the growth as it continued to swell. He shook his head back and forth groaning, whimpering "Oh god please, let go...let go!"

Drake smirks and waits a long second or two, feeling the swelling in his hand. He glances up to Havik "Well, you said 'please'..." he lets them go, snickering "Guess you must really like getting 'em fondled if just that made you want to cum again." He grabs a tube of whorehouse lube, drizzling it liberally over his ridged member "I can't wait to see you squirm from this." He steps forward, pushing his pointed cockhead against and into Havik's ass, the smooth 4 inches of head sliding in easily, pushing a little cum out around it, before he pauses at the first ridge, then pops it in, moving to the next.

Havik Wolfs could feel them released, panting as he groaned, the balls aching once more, before the pain slowly went away. He looked up and could see the dragon getting ready, seeing how much of that lube he was using, at least he was using lube now. He soon could feel that thick cockhead pushing against his ass and it didn't take long before it was inside. He lets out a loud groan, squirming a bit once it was inside. Feeling that ridge, before it popped in, grunting at the first ridge. He panted, that first ridge made his cock throb and flex hard, shooting precum out of it.

Drake chuckles warmly "Yeah, look at that shot. Was like a squirt gun, but with your hole stretched out it becomes a hose!" He grins as he rocks his hips a bit, popping in more ridges and more inches each time, almost to the 10 inch mark now. "Your bitch box is so sloppy and juicy, I love it."

Havik Wolfs could feel that cock stretching his hole out. He groaned, more and more ridges, each time a ridge popped in, a hose of pre shot from his cock. He grunted. His tailhole was clenching around that massive cock. Cum oozing all down it as he panted heavily. His cock flexing, throbbing.

Drake mrrrrs and snickers at the reactions of Havik's cock "Your asshole has really taken to enjoying this stimulation." He pops in another ridge, and another "Mmm, it loves my ridges..." He pops another in, pulls it back out, then pops it in again, reaching the 15 inch mark "Things are getting tighter." He chuckles and leans down, holding Havik's cock upright so it shoots in an arc, sliding his slender tongue along its underside "Tell me how much the ridges pleasure you..."

Havik Wolfs' head was spinning, there were so many ridges. His cock was spasming, shooting more pre, jet after jet as each ridge popped inside of him. Feeling one get pulled out before pushed back in, sending him out into a groan, he could feel his own chest getting painted with his own pre. His balls swelling, aching for release, this dragon was going to really make his sac swell. He shook his head at the dragon's words, he wouldn't do it.

The dragon snickers again at the wolf's resistance, popping in two more ridges, pulling one back out, then pushes the last two inside, Havik's balls nestled against Drake's lower stomach, his cockhead throbbing and squirting pre into fresh new depths as he groans, rumbling deeply. He flicks his tongue along Havik's cock once more "Tell me how good my cock feels..." He reaches his hand forward, gripping the wolf's messy chest "Or else I'll drive you crazy..." He pinches one of the wolf's nipples, then twists it at the same time "With this, -and- with this..." He leans down, letting his long, slender tongue hang out, licking at the tip of Havik's overflowing cock, before he starts to slip his tongue inside of that stretched urethra.

Havik Wolfs could feel things get a lot harder as his hole got tighter, groaning out loudly as the dragon was reaching virgin territory in his rear. Feeling two pop in, his cock squirting like crazy, before one got pulled out, then finally the last two were pushed in. He felt like a needy bitch in heat, all he wanted to do was to cum, that was the only goal on his mind, but there was no possible way. Feeling that hot pre squirting into him, covering his walls. He shot thick globs of pre as that tongue flicked at his cock. He panted heavily, hearing those words and he weakly shook his head; he wasn't going to break, he wasn't going to let it, before he lets out a loud groan, his sensitive nipples getting pinched, and soon that tongue, his eyes shot open wide, his cock just dumping pre out, his balls throbbing violently as they swelled a lot more, and a lot quicker, a wave of pain crashing into his balls. He yelped quietly as they flooded with a new load, one of very many that he is going to share with this dragon.

Drake mmms, making small shifts of his hips to change the angle of his cock, grinding it around a little as his other hand joins the first, pinching the other nipple and twisting it in the opposite direction. He plunges his tongue deeper into Havik's widened cock, wriggling it around amid the torrent of preseminal fluid, working it deep enough for the forked end to start tickling the unstretched portion. And -then- he starts to thrust his tongue back and forth a couple inches at a time, licking it from the inside. He has a lisp, but you can understand him to mean "You are still awfully quiet, punk."

Havik Wolfs had no idea that the dragon's tongue was that long, feeling it dig deep into his cock as it got to the unstretched portion of it, it made his head spin like crazy, the pleasure was far too much for him not to orgasm. He grunted in pleasure and pain as his cock throbbed violently, as if he was shooting another load, yet it was a simple few globs of hot pre. He could hardly take it, his balls were looking pretty badly swollen, bruising was showing all around it as he could just barely take it. "Please, just....just let me release! I....I can hardly take it!"

Drake releases Havik's nipples, only to grab his hips again as he pulls his cock back, pulling against the wolf's hole as he slurps his tongue abruptly out of Havik's cock, licking his lips, dripping and slinging that sticky pre all over "Why is that, bitch? What can you hardly take?" He quickly dips a couple inches of tongue into the wolf's dick, then back out, and in and out again "Does it feel good? Does it feel too good?" He chuckles darkly, popping a ridge free with a sigh, then pushes it in again with a moan, before he pulls out 1, 2, 3, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 5 6 5 6 5... 4 ridges.

Havik Wolfs' eyes were clenched shut tightly, his mouth was clenched too as the pleasure was wracking his poor abused body. He could feel that cock starting to get pulled back, another thick load of pre shooting up against that tongue as it dipped back inside. It almost looked like he came, from the mess he is making with that pre; who knows how much actual cum is in those hefty balls as he cried out from that tongue slipping in and out of his cock. Before those ridges started pulling out and get pushed back in, it drove him insane as his body weakly trashed around in those slings. Even tears formed at his eyes from just the pleasure. He just couldn't take the teasing much more so he finally cried out "Your dick is amazing!"

Drake chuckles, pulling another ridge free before he thrusts, pushing them in in quick succession, or as quick as Havik's ass will yet allow. It's pretty permissive at this point. "Thank you. I bet you thought a knot was as good as it got." He pulls back, ripping a half-dozen ridges free with that familiar 'zipping' sound, only deeper, and much messier sounding than it was at the beginning of all this. He pauses a moment, smirking, milking the suspense, before he thrusts back in, hilting again.

Havik Wolfs felt one more ridge get pulled out, before all of them get thrusted in at once, sending him out in a loud howl. He was panting heavily, his tongue lolled out of his muzzle as that thick, dragon cock was ravaging his rear. Feeling six getting ripped out from him, his cock throbbing rather violently, shooting out thick globs of pre high in the air, raining down against Havik's chest and stomach, coating himself in his own seed, only to feel that dragon hilt him again. His balls throbbing violently, aching for release as he whimpered and whined out in between his loud moans. He needed and wanted to release so badly.

Drake groaned and rumbled as he started to establish a slow thrusting rhythm. He reaches up to stroke the wolf's stomach, damp though it is "Tell me how good it feels, what it feels like, how much you love my cock, and maybe, just maybe, I can get permission to let your knot out." He licks his lips "By the way, you have a fuckin HOT ass, boy... I love how sloppy it is in here. You might be able to hear how sloppy each time I pull out."

Havik Wolfs could feel that cock start slowly thrusting inside of him, each time a ridge would pull out or push in, his cock would flex and throb, leaking out more pre each time. He heard those words, and as much as he hated to do that, he wanted to cum, he needed to, his balls were swollen way past where they started out when he woke up this morning. "I...It feels amazing, I...It feels perfect. I...I love your cock, I want every inch of it inside of me! I want it spewing it's hot load all inside of me!" He cried out.

Some chuckles ripple through the crowd. He volunteered a bit more than he was asked. Drake grinned, and pushed in deeper, thrusting faster, working just three ridges at a time. "Mmmm, keep talkin' bitch, UNH, and it'll be doing that very soon..." He moves his hand from the wolf's stomach to his chest and starts to play with one of his nipples.

Havik Wolfs groaned out when he pushed deeper, feeling those faster thrusts. His body was just limp, his head hanging freely as he was drooling onto the floor, he still let out loud cries of pleasure as that cock fucked him. He felt one of his nipples start to get teased with, his balls swelling more as his cock just shot out more of his pre, jet after jet of thick pre shot from his cock. Even some making it to Havik's face. He felt his hole squeeze around that cock as another massive climax was denied.

Drake begins to grunt hard, growling low. He pauses a moment to reach under Havik's sac, picking it up and flipping it over, the weight of his swollen nuts pinning his dick down against his stomach. Now he can thrust even harder, without smacking into Havik's balls. He starts to pound away, rattling the chains that hold the wolf "RRRRRG, tell me what you want, bitch! NGH, fuck! Beg for my load!"

Havik Wolfs looked up to soon feel his balls pin down his thick cock, blasting himself in the face with a few loads of hot pre as he grunted, feeling that dragon thrusting harder, pounding aaway, feeling himself swing in those binds. He cried out loudly in pleasure, crying out. "Oh please! G...give me your load please! I need it!" He felt his cock throbbing against his swollen, massive furry sac as his cock just shoots and leaks his hot pre all over himself now.

Drake hilts Havik hard, roaring and unfurling his wings as his climax overtakes him. His cock throbs as it begins to fire its load deep inside the wolf. With his widened slit, his squirts have a more concussive edge, almost feeling like he's poking with a finger, rather than ejaculating.

Havik Wolfs knew that dragon's climax was hard as he could just feel it flooding his insides, it being so deep, so powerful, it wasn't going to be very easy for it to leak out. He cried out, feeling that warmth that washed over his backside as he grunted a bit.

Drake grunts and pants, letting his tongue slide out as his orgasm winds down. He looks back to Havik, grinning "Mmmm, yeah, your ass felt great." He reaches under to swat at the wolf's ass, letting out a chuckle "It's a shame my dick's going to pull some of my spunk back out. Some..." He closes his eyes, taking a deep breath as he starts to pull the first ridge out. He pauses, panting a little, before the next, each coming with a *splurt* and a dribbling sound.

Havik Wolfs was panting rather heavily. It was quite a rough ride for him, his balls swollen massive from just that dragon, grunting at the swat. He was speechless, his tongue was out, panting heavily, trying to catch his breath as he lets out another groan after each ridge was coming out, feeling that hot dragon cum start leaking out after each ridge, but it was nothing compared to what was still inside of him.

Drake shook out his head and braced himself "Fuck it..." He suddenly rips the rest of his cock free, letting out an almost pained shout from the intense sensation. The cum dribbles and slides off his cock as he staggers a bit, before a large hand helps steady him "Hey, catch your breath first, man." Drake chuckles softly and pats the helping hand "Thanks, Chuck. He's yours, now." The dragon nuzzles the monkey sleeping on his shoulder as he walks off, leaving just the newcomer.

He's at least 9 feet tall, a massive, broadly built cat; his fur a washed out or bleached looking orange, with faint darker stripes along his sides and back, his chin to his crotch off-white. He has a short scruffy mane, styled into a pair of big, bushy, unruly 70's style sideburns, the kind that are almost muttonchops. He grins "Hey doggy."

Havik Wolfs eyes shoot open wide as he let out a painful howl from the sudden pull out, his cock gushing a rather large load of pre from it, before slowly dying down. It almost left him breathless as his vision went a bit fuzzy, before it started to return to normal, his eyes soon focusing on the newcomer. He saw it was a massive cat, much much taller than him, he groaned out weakly as he knew this one might be even worse. He couldn't respond back because of the dragon's rough session with him as he was still trying to recover his thoughts from that as all he could do is give that massive feline a dumb, silly look.

Chuck snickers "What, never seen a liger before, kid?" He snickers a bit more, reaching below his waist "Then I'm sure you've never seen a liger's dick before." He hoists his massive member into view. It's conical at the end, easing into a steady cylindrical form after a few inches. 19 inches long, 5 inches thick, and remember Jim's dick from earlier? The soft spikes it was covered with? Chuck's cock is covered with similar, pyramidal, pointed mounds of flesh, each almost an inch long.

Havik Wolfs finally got his breathing back in order, but he sure thought he lost his breath once he saw that male's cock, it was more thick, and massive, and not to mention it looked hell of a lot more deadly than the dragon's. His ears folded back submissively as he didn't know how much longer he would be able to hold on from all these males; he was already weak as it is. All he could do was eye that dick, that would soon be raping him. His cock throbbing under its heavy ball sac.

Chuck steps forward, chuckling a bit, letting his cock drop back out of view. He leans down, his hot breath washing over Havik's swollen nuts "Mmm, poor bastard getting what he deserves. Heh, I can see almost every hair individually." He makes a long stroke of his rough tongue across the wolf's sac before standing up, laughing cruelly "Enough foreplay, I have my own massive balls to drain, and a drooling whore cunt winking at me."

Havik Wolfs could feel that hot breath over his sensitive sac, and even just that breath made his balls throb, before he lets out a mix of a painful and pleasured groan from that lick, panting out from it as his toes curled up tightly, till that tongue pulled away. He was panting hotly, like a bitch in heat that hasn't been fucked. Which was almost true, he hasn't cum in quite a long time.

Chuck licks his chops as he easily inserts the tip of his dick, the first few spurs barely grazing Havik's sphincter, but soon his girth makes the presence of the irregularly spaced nubs very well known. Chuck groans, wrapping his large paws almost entirely around the wolf's hips as he pushes his way in deeper, not really slowing down until the 7 inch mark, but he doesn't stop "Ooooh yeah, I'm gonna breed you so good..."

Havik Wolfs could feel that feline cock push inside, thought it wasn't as big of a deal, before the girth started to get thicker, and those nubs. His ass clenched up, squeezing that cock for a moment, making him let out a groan. He lets out a grunt, as he was fairly thick, stretching him up wider than anyone else has, feeling resistance in his rear, but that feline hardly cared for it and kept pushing in, making the canine squirm under him, his cock spewing out pre.

The liger growls deeply in approval, mouth hanging ajar with his eyes shut, ears held flat. He pauses at about the 12 inch mark, reaching down to grab Havik's cock below the zip-tie, and then his balls with the other hand "I know you probably have a bunch of pre backed up in here, too. Let's get that out, get ya down to just cum, see how much load you've /really/ built up." And then, like Greg before him, he starts to relieve some of Havik's swelling.

Havik Wolfs cock was spewing out a fairly good amount of pre as he kept pushing deeper, before he felt that familiar grip, then on his balls, he knew what was going to happen before he just lets loose a roar. Thick globs of pre shot out, one after another, it looked look a pretty fair size cum load, giving his stomach and chest a rather thick coating of his own pre as he panted quickly and heavily. His balls starting to shrink just a bit in size as his hips wildly bucked up against that paw.

Chuck mrrrs from the twitching and throbbing around his cock as he finally finishes "I'm impressed. Less pre than I thought." He flips Havik's balls back over on top of his cock as he grabs the wolf's hips again, resuming his inward plunge with a growl, quickly reaching the 15 inch mark.

Less pre was worse on Havik, as that means more real cum is stuck in his balls. He yelped softly, his balls pinning down his cock once more, before his hips get grabbed again, before groaning out loudly as that cock was pushing in deeper, feeling him almost as deep as the dragon.

Finally Chuck hilts with a final extra thrust and an excited snarl, having passed the dragon's mark by an inch. The liger moans, closing his eyes as he runs his hands all over his own body, before he bends over Havik, gripping the wolf's shoulders as he brings his chest close to Havik's, putting the wolf's face at his pecs. He tilts his head down to nuzzle and nip at the top of Havik's head "Let's get started." He begins to thrust hard, using fast, very short thrusts, only pulling out an inch or two at a time. Before a minute of this passes he hilts for about 30 seconds, his cock throbbing and firing three big, thick blasts of man-juice, and then he starts right back to thrusting.

Havik Wolfs could feel that cock finally hilted inside of him. He was groaning rather lowly, feeling how deep and thick he was, it made himself feel full as if he ate a huge meal. Though he soon opened his eyes, grunting as his face was pressed up against those thick pecs, hearing those words before his eyes shoot open wide, feeling him going hard, and fast so soon. The thrusting was very short, but those barbs sent shocks up his spine so powerful, it was worse than the ridges as he howled, his face was buried in those pecs, his body shaking from just the pleasure, yet it was over so soon, feeling that load burst inside of him, three big, thick loads of feline seed was pumped into him. Thinking it was all over, he howled again, feeling him keep going, his own cock was throbbing, flexing itself as it shot thick loads of his hot pre all over himself and the liger.

Chuck mrowls lowly, making his chest vibrate as he fires off his next load, scarcely pausing before he starts to thrust again. He licks the top of Havik's head "Mmmm, I can feel all that spooge up in you, and yer tight enough I'm already starting to feel my own load building... FUCK that's hot!" he grunts as he cums again, three more blasts, and then thrusting again. He keeps ahold of one of Havik's shoulders, but lets his other hand slide down to stroke at the wolf's mostly clean back.

Havik could feel that cock thrusting in him at that rough, quick pace, those barbs scraping all around on his insides, sending sparks and shocks of hot pleasure up his spine. His cock was throbbing hard, before he lets out a painful groan, his cock twitching, spurting thick globs of pre all over that feline as his balls swelled a bit more. He soon grunted, feeling the cat shoot another, three more blasts deep inside of him, before he started thrusting again, he groaned. The cat was just like the lynx earlier, but much, much worse.

Chuck groans deeply as he blows another load, rubbing his hand up and down the wolf's back, rubbing it through his fur. The liger pants softly as he resumes thrusting "It's been quite a while since I took someone your size... It's so FUCKIN HOT." He yells out as another climax seizes him. He gives the top of Havik's head another lick as he continues plowing him, but then starts to nip and nibble at one of his ears.

Havik was panting heavily, that male was working him over so much. He thought it would never end. He was actually starting to feel kinda full. Before he lets out another loud grunt--yet another load was flooding his bowels, only pushing the previous ones back further. He could feel the thrusting keep going, not a drop leaking out so far as his whole body shuddered, his long forgotten ears getting nibbled on once again, only making another climax of his denied, grunting in pain, his balls swelling a bit once more, followed by thick bursts of precum, before it finally ended.

Chuck rumbles as he cums again, grinding his cock inside, rubbing his stomach against Havik, not caring about all that pre. The liger resumes his thrusts once more, moving the other arm down around the wolf's back, embracing him almost tenderly as he growls softly "If you were a -real- bitch, you would be SO knocked up, by now! FUCK yeah, baby. Take another dose of my baby batter. Unh, giving you the breeding of your LIFE, SHIT!" He grunts hard, coming a bit sooner that time.

Havik could feel his cock getting ground in between the two massive males. The wolf could feel him thrusting again, he was truly getting dominated by this liger, his cock throbbing, leaking pre heavily in between the two of them as he was letting out moans and groans of pleasure as that cock was just pounding him. Feeling the liger embracing him, before he lets out a rather surprised yelp, feeling that cock burst once more inside of him, he really started to feel full, his once toned stomach now slowly turning soft. His balls swelling a bit once more with another load. He looked up at the liger, having no idea how much more cum the liger had to give him.

Chuck starts to moan with each panting breath, occassionally growling while he thrusts, holding the wolf tight against his body, fingers digging into his back (with his claws sheathed). He lets out a small roar with this climax, panting a moment, before he snarls and resumes pistoning his hips, a new desperation seeming to slowly build in the liger "Take my SEED, bitch! More! More! MORE!" he snarls as he cums again.

Havik was just under a pure breeding feline. He was under a massive beast as his body was just getting pumped full of more hot feline seed. Feeling another climax, those fingers digging into his back, he could feel that pistoning hips go once more, before another climax, his stomach now showing a small bulge as he lets out a loud howl, his balls swelling greatly now as he was panting heavily. He could hardly take this feline, all this without a proper break. It was quite rough.

Chuck is panting and snarling, going almost feral with lust as he continues his anal assault. Some of his cum has finally worked its way around his spikes to start seeping slowly back out of Havik's ass. He holds Havik tight in his arms, clutching him almost possessively as he thrusts and ruts and pounds away, releasing a medium roar with this orgasm. His renewed thrusts are somehow harder still, the liger snarling with each rapid breath, licking and nipping at the top of the wolf's head before he throws his head back, roaring loudly, triumphantly, as another load is fired off, this one 6 blasts. He reaches up to grip the chains with one hand as the climax of his climaces begins to recede, letting his upper body collapse against the wolf, but supporting himself enough to keep from crushing Havik or dislocating his limbs. He pants hard, drooling a little.

Havik was panting rather quickly and heavily, he could feel that cock just assaulting his ass as cum started to leak down that feline's cock. He could feel the feline's possessive grasp around him as he lets out a loud groan, feeling another load from that feline flood his bowls. His tongue lolls out, his head hanging loose. The top of his head now damp, part of his fur sticking up before he let out a matching howl with the feline, but his was overpowered from the feline's as he was rather weak so it wasn't nearly as loud, feeling that load blast inside of him. He was panting heavily, grunting as that large male finally fell on top of him. He weakly opened his eyes, trying to catch his breath, was the beast finally finished with him? He could feel all that cum he pumped in him swimming around deep in his bowels.

Chuck hangs there a while, panting, catching his breath. The crowd is cheering for him. After some time, he nuzzles the top of Havik's head and pulls his torso up off of him, strings of pre connecting the two males' chests. The liger smiles down at Havik, placing a hand over his chest "You did pretty good, for a dog." His hand runs lower, caressing the small bulge he's made in the smaller man's gut. He grips Havik's hips in both hands, getting a firm grip and bracing himself before he starts to pull his shaft slowly out of Havik's ass, the spikes springing free, sporadic bursts of cum squirting onto Chuck's stomach now and then.

Havik's head was spinning, his stomach felt just packed full of cum, he was worn out. He was surprised himself that he didn't pass out. He could feel that hand caressing the small bulge, grunting as his stomach made noises, sloshing could faintly be heard. Soon feeling that cock pulling out. Letting out a loud howl of pleasure, his cock spurting heavily all over himself once more a load of pre. His balls were swollen quite plump and nice now. Bigger than they ever have been before.

Chuck groans, working most of his cock out slowly, until he finally gets to where it tapers, at which point his dick just about falls out of Havik's much abused hole. He sighs and grins, watching the aftermath of his handy work as he grips the back of his own head with one arm "That's a nice job, there, heh heh..."

Havik could just feel those barbs grinding against his insides, before feeling just the tip inside, before it pulled out. He could feel his ass, gaping so wide, he never thought he would be tight anymore after this mess as he's been stretched far too wide than he ever thought was possible.

Chuck laughs quietly as he watches most of his loads start spilling out, even as the wolf's hole starts trying to close again. He sticks a finger inside, holding the hole partway open, to keep the spooge flowing. He looks up to smile at Havik, but then blinks and grins broadly, looking past and over the wolf "I think he's ready for ya, Tony."

A very deep voice replies "Good." But before Havik has a chance to look at the new arrival, his snout is lifted up and back, not uncomfortably, before it becomes rapidly enveloped in soft, warm, silky flesh, rolling up nearly to his eyes but not quite. The flesh is a cool gray color.

Havik could just feel all that hot, thick, gooey semen that was just pumped into him starting to ooze out. Feeling it drip down his ass and tail. Though he finally heard a new voice, he was about to look back, before his snout is lifted up and back, before he felt a silky, hot sensation hugging his muzzle, his voice was cut off, barely able to breath, as it was rather hard. Yet he tried making the most of it.

The one called Tony chuckled, a sound like boulders bouncing down a cliff "He's become quite a trooper. Either that or he's had all the fight fucked out of 'im." The liger chuckles, walking to the side as the flesh is withdrawn from the wolf's face "I think it's a little of both. Come on two-ton, walk over to his front so he gets the full effect." He does so.

He stands over 10 feet tall, an immense blue/gray brachiosaur with mossy green highlights. His body is thick, and bulky, and sturdy, large muscles softened by a layer of fat to rounder forms. His thighs and upper arms are almost literally like tree trunks, his torso carries a tight beer-gut, and between his thighs is an organ truly suited to such a man. About 20 inches long, over 6 inches thick, and covered in thick gray foreskin. He leans over a bit, bringing his head down on his long neck, smirking "Heh, yer balls are almost as big as mine, now, kid."

Havik Wolfs could hear that chuckle, and already, fear struck him, he knew he was huge, the one called Tony, just by the sound of his voice and laugh. He soon grunted as that foreskin was pulled from his face. Before his eyes recover and he finally focused on who's in front of him, his eyes went wide, it was the biggest male, he had ever seen in his life, ever. He was panting heavily as he just looked over that massive male. He felt puny, like a little ant because of this male. He soon lowered his eyes, and just saw that slab of meat. It was so thick, he had no idea if his eyes could take such a cock. He could only fold his ears back, and look up as that male said somthing to him. He lowered his eyes, and he was about right, he forgot about his balls, and he could see how swollen they really were now.

Tony takes a few steps forward, idly stroking his massive dick, pulling back the foreskin to reveal his vaguely conical olive-colored cockhead. He looks the wolf over dispassionately, before finally smiling "Two-ton Tony likes what he sees. However..." He turns his head to the side and raises his voice "Hey Kenny! I wanna do this bitch doggy style, can ya help me out?"

The gorilla from earlier, his overalls now over very little, throws a salute to the sauropod and turns to a nearby panel, gently adjusting some levers. Machinery hums as the attachment points for Havik's chains begin moving, the arm ones moving forward and getting a bit shorter, while the leg ones stay level as they move backward. About halfway through the motion Tony holds up his hand "Hold it there a minute, I wanna watch this bitch drain." The crowd is excited by the idea, and echoes his sentiment.

Havik would watch that massive shaft getting stroked, it worried him, he had no idea how he was going to fit that cock up his ass. He heard the Dinosaur yell out to the gorilla, before he started to feel himself move, he groaned, the massive amount of cum inside of him sloshing around before he was standing straight up. His eyes go wide, feeling the still hot semen traveling down his bowels, he grunted loudly, before he could feel it fall straight out his ass, yelping, thick globs of semen coming out, just draining out like a hose, splattering all over the ground. His whole body shuddering and shivering, the bulge in his stomach slowly going down as more and more of that hot seed kept slipping free, hitting his feet a bit, coating in between his toes. He whimpered out, the weight in his stomach slowly deflating as he finally felt the massive stream of hot semen drain down to just small droplets.

Tony nods in smug satisfaction, arms crossed in front of his chest, the rest of the crowd hooting and jeering and laughing and cheering. Once the deluge finally finishes, Tony turns back to the gorilla, nodding "Ok Ken, you can finish now." The gorilla chuckles, letting go of his own member as he turns back to the console, finishing the move. The arm chains move forward, lengthening again to let Havik down into a more horizontal position, the leg chains likewise moving back. Ken finishes the movement and looks over his shoulder "You probably want to adjust where the cuffs are so we don't dislocate his limbs or something." Tony nods and steps forward again, large hands handling the leather cuffs with clear experience. He unsnaps one of the ankles, puts it around Havik's upper thigh/hip, and snaps it shut again on a larger button point. He does the same with the other, the two positioned like the bottom straps of a climbing harness, but not impeding any access to the wolf's ass or now dangling cock and balls. He steps around to Havik's front, moving the cuffs from his ankles to his elbows, that big grey cock bobbing just below the wolf's face and chest.

Havik felt humiliated, and embarrassed as he just released all of that cum that was in his bowels all over the floor for everyone to see. Though he soon started to feel himself moving again. He looked down at the floor, just seeing that massive pool of semen he made, he could hardly believe all of that was just inside of him, he whimpered a bit, feeling his limbs were rather uncomfortable, and it hurt just a bit, before he looked back feeling the large Dinosaur fixing the problem as now most of his leg's hung straight out, besides at his thighs. Before he saw a massive shadow cast over him, he looked up only to be greeted by such a monstrous length, he just kept his head turned and down, trying to avoid it at all cost as he could feel how thick, its power, the pure heat coming off such a massive length. His cock now just pointed straight down, still hard as a rock, his balls throbbing, swollen quite badly, and it showed from hanging quite low.

Tony lets out another one of his avalanche chuckles as he cockslaps the wolf on his sticky, pre-covered chest. He takes a step back and holds his dick up to Havik's face, a part of the end sticky with his own juices. He swings it up again, splatting either his chin or nose with pre, depending on how he'd reacted. But then he brings it up to his own chest, lowering his head on his long neck to suck and nibble a bit at his own foreskin, stopping with a satisfied smile. He walks around the captive again, letting his hand trail along the wolf's back as he returned to his loose, battered ass. "Someone toss me a fresh tube of the whorehouse lube. The boy's gonna need it!"

Havik ended up looking at that large male as he chuckled, but it was a mistake, as he got hit with the pillar of thick flesh; it actually kind of hurt from just the pure girth of it. He groaned from it, feeling those hot juices leaking against his cheek, before looking up weakly, seeing that massive dinosaur sucking himself off, before walking around him, those powerful digits trailing down his back. He shivered before he heard the male call out for lube, his eyes shut tight, he knew what to brace himself for, and it was going to be one of a hell rough ride.

Tony starts smearing large amounts of lube over his dino-sausage, rubbing it in. He puts the nozzle up against Havik's slightly open hole, his anus doing its darnedest not to gape much or for very long, and starts to squirt some of the cool lube up in there directly "Hey Drake, you recovered? I wanna get an assist from ya here." The red dragon, his balance and composure restored, steps back over, Jeff curled up sleeping on his shoulder "Heh, really Tony? Thanks. What do you want?" "I'll tell ya when it's time."

Havik Wolfs could feel that nozzle pressed up against his rear, he soon lets out a loud groan, the cooling actually felt nice, soothing his well over-worked rear with some cool lube. He could feel it slicken up his rear. He turned his head around to see those two males talking, he whimpered, not really wanting to know what those two are going to do to him. He turned his head back, whimpering softly as he felt the lube slowly ease itself deeper, coating his walls.

Drake nods and stays to the side, his cock beginning to peek from his slit. Tony rumbles and strokes his cock quickly, satisfied with his lube levels at last. He pulls his foreskin back to expose about half his head, taking the base of Havik's tail in his other hand, holding it up and out of the way, using it to help line up his cock, before he pushes the head inside with a *ploonk* as Havik's hole immediately surrenders. It seems his cock has some subtle taper to it, as the first few inches sink inside snugly, but it's not until the 6 inch mark that Havik will start to feel a new stretch. Tony moans "Oh yeah, oh hell yeah that's a nice ass..."

Havik panted softly. Soon he felt that massive Dinosaur start to press that thick tip against his rear, before letting out a loud groan, hearing that ploonking sound. It wasn't as bad as he thought it was, but soon, he started to feel that girth. He grunted out, even with all the lube, he still grunted in pain a bit, his ass stretching to a whole new level, he was panting heavily, his eyes shut as he moved his head back and forth, "F....Fuck.." He grunted under his breath. He had no idea his rear would be forced out this much, it was more than he ever thought. He thought his rear would be wrecked forever after they were finished with him.

Tony grips Havik's sides with his huge hands, holding him in place as he slides in further, groaning steadily "Ah hot fucking damn, your ass feels delicious, boy." His long tail lashes around, laying a smack across one of the wolf's ass cheeks. Tony pauses at the halfway point, 10 inches, but then starts to push Havik forward off his dick an inch or so, but then slide him back. He starts driving back and forth like this, working him looser.

Havik Wolfs felt those hands could almost reach around his entire waist as he could feel that cock sinking deeper, and deeper, it felt like a tree was getting rammed up his ass. He panted hotly, head was laid limp, eyes fuzzy as he stared at the ground, before feeling it pull out, only to thrust in deeper. Grunting out loudly, he drooled on the floor, he was panting hotly, barely able to take such a size, his cock shot thick loads of pre all over the floor.

Tony grunts and groans as he fucks the much smaller man "Damn I like yer ass, boy, mmm, Oh, I can feel it every time you squirt, fuckin a..." He starts to sneak his dick in deeper every few thrusts, using the wolf like a giant suspended fleshlight as he slowly works his way in, deeper and deeper, until finally, before you know it, his hips nudge under the wolf's tail, his massive balls knock into Havik's as he holds him there, cock throbbing softly, hilted. He moans deeply and sighs, panting a little before he says "Alright, Drake? I want you to sound this boy with yer tongue while I fuck 'im."

Havik could only grunt as that thick slab of meat was just forcing his hole wider, forcing inside his tight anus. He kept shooting thick globs of pre onto the floor when that cock would ram in deeper. He thought it would never end, just feeling it cram in deeper, and deeper, till he lets out one last grunt, feeling those hips up against his tail. He was panting heavily, cock was throbbing, begging for release, every now and then his cock would throb and flex, making it shoot up and hit against his own chest, slobbering pre all across it, his balls swelling a bit more till he heard those words. He weakly shook his head, whimpering. That would drive him insane.

Tony puts his hands behind his head, standing still for bit, letting his cock throb inside of Havik's begrudgingly adapting ass. Drake raises his brows and smiles "Ooooh, you a mean one, Tony..." He walks around to Havik's front and kneels down, looking the wolf in the eye with a smirk "I think I like you better in this position..." He leans in closer and closer, holding Havik's gaze, before he plants his lips against the wolf's, his long tongue sliding out to explore his mouth's every nook and cranny, finally licking into his throat a few times, tasting some of the remaining seed from previous intruders. The crowd hoots and whistles at the dragon's kiss, until he finally withdraws his tongue and pulls his lips from Havik's, smiling wickedly "Call that the preview..." before he crouches down, crawling under Havik to approach his captive cock. Tony laughs at the dragon's antics "Show off." And starts making tiny wiggles of his hips, or shifting his weight slightly, clearly eager to do more.

Havik could feel the Dinosaur's heartbeat through his massive slab of meat, feeling it just throb inside his overly stretch ass. He lifted up his head to look at that familar dragon. He stared into those eyes, his own eyes filled with pain, agony, lust.. Before feeling that kiss, he groaned into it. Soon feeling that snake of a tongue, not knowing his tongue was that long as he did return the kiss, though without his tongue, before feeling him withdraw that kiss. He looked up as he pulled away, hearing those words, his whole body shuddered at the single thought of such a long tongue that was going to be soon invading his cock. Soon groaning loudly as he could feel those wiggles, only making his cock throb harder, gushing out more and more pre, the floor below him just covered in his own precum.

Drake rumbles softly as he can very nearly slide across the floor from all the pre. He chuckles as Havik squirts on his face, licking it off, prompting his own cock to further emerge from its slit. He gets a squirt on his hand, then gently takes hold of the frustrated shaft "Alright Tony, you can start..." The dragon licks along and around the upper half of Havik's cock before he starts to dip the tip of his tongue inside his widened hole. Tony meanwhile grunts as even his massive arms struggle a moment to pull any of his length back from Havik's greedy ass; until with a long, thin *shluuuuuurp* his cock begins to move back ever so slowly. The sauropod lets out a low shuddering moan "Damn yer ass is good, boy..."

Havik could soon feel that hand grabbing his sensitive shaft. Groaning out loudly, his breaths picked up as he soon felt that dragon's tongue starting to lick along his thick shaft. His body was jolting with sparks of pleasure, he almost screamed when that tongue dipped into his cock as his hips tried to roughly buck forward, but in his position, it was hard as his balls swelled up rather greatly this time, a powerful orgasm being held back, but that dragon was greeted with a massive amount of precum, putting a man's cumshot to shame. His hole clenched up around that thick slab of meat, feeling it pulling out, only to slowly push back into his rear. His body was shivering in pleasure, his cock gushing out pre as he lets out every now and then pain-filled whimpers.

Tony moans deeply, shuddering again as he feels Havik's thrust and bodily effort at orgasm. The contraction even actually manages to force another inch of that massive cock from his ass. Tony's head rolls a bit atop his long, thick neck "Oh ho ho, yer a feisty one, boy..." He pulls back a bit further within his foreskin and then thrusts forward, grunting as his balls swing into Havik's, but is quietly surprised. Over an inch of his dick's outer flesh has bunched up outside the wolf's ass, which won't let it back in. The sauropod doesn't mind so much, after all, it feels fucking amazing getting himself inside of a bitch of this scale in the first place.

Drake swallows up Havik's pre, letting some splash on his face as he moans softly. He flicks his tongue quickly inside the wolf's slot about four inches, then withdraws it completely.

Havik was feeling quite pent up, he was hardly able to take all the pleasure that was flooding his poor, worn out, abused body. He could feel that massive cock pull back, before thrusting forward again, feeling those massive balls swing, tapping his, his balls having a bright shade of blue--signs of bruising--and were rather quite swollen. He could feel that thick, bunched up forskin pressing against his rear, just the thought of having that massive slab of meat in him made him shudder. Though he almost forgot about Drake under him, before feeling his tongue flick inside, sending him out into another loud moan, his cock busting out more thick globs of pre all over, more and more, releasing a bit of the swelling inside his heavy sac.

Drake mmmms deeply, his cock fully deployed now, the ridged shaft just below Havik's face. He chuckles as he lets the pre wash over his face "Oh hell yeah..." He darts his tongue in deeper, a good 8 inches, wriggling it around inside the wolf's shaft.

Tony reels his hips back for another mighty thrust, and delivers with a deep grunt. He slowly pulls back a bit more, and drives in hard again, chuckling as his balls spoon with the mammal's tender orbs. He opens his eyes again and blinks, seeing that another inch or so of skin has been denied re-entry. Interesting...

Havik Wolfs looked straight down before feeling some hot pre wash over his face, he was panting heavily, some flooding into his mouth as he tasted that familiar taste before, from earlier. He groaned loudly, feeling that tongue dig deeper, feeling it wiggle around, he gushed out more and more pre, almost a constant stream at times. Soon he feels that mighty cock slowly pull back, before driving in hard again, forcing quite some backed up pre to gush out all at once, and when those balls connected with his it was painful, but it added more to that large load of backed up pre, before he lets out a loud groan once more, his balls swelling just a bit more.

Tony keeps up his slow, hard plowing, rocking Havik's body on each thrust, the sauropod's dick spitting out big wads of his own hot pre. His tail arcs around again, smacking Havik's other ass cheek. Mmmm, that ass grips his dick so tight, it feels awesome, even if on his next check he's been forced out a good 5 inches. It feels like he's wearing a long cockring of his own dick, and he's enjoying the sensation.

Drake pulls his tongue from Havik's member, swallowing more of his pre, gasping out "You taste delicious, boy..." Before he shoves his tongue back inside, 10 inches deep this time, stroking it back and forth as he takes the first two inches of the wolf's organ in his lips, suckling the pre from it.

Havik Wolfs was actually glad Tony was going slow, he would have no idea how he could take him, even him going slow and hard. It rocked his entire body, those big wads of hot pre blew other normal loads out of the water. He lets out a loud yelp, feeling that tail smacking his ass, making him clench tighter around that treetrunk that was shoved inside of him.

Havik felt that tongue pull free from his member, only pulling out more and more pre with it, these two males were pushing him to his limit. He lets out a loud howl as that tongue shoved ten inches deep, his balls forcing out another orgasm, yet as usual, it was forced back in his balls, the balls swelling, his massive orbs hardly easing up much, even with the amount of pre he has been unloading.

Tony growls softly, a deep thunderous rumble. He doesn't care if this kid's ass is forcing him back out, it's driving him crazy. He starts thrusting faster, but almost just as hard, grunting with each thrust, rocking Havik's body under the chains. At this rate, soon his balls stop smacking into Havik's, now just tapping them. His breath is coming faster as well, gritting his teeth "So, fucking, TIGHT, god, FUCK..."

Drake moans deeply, his own dick squirting again as he downs more of the wolf's delectable pre, suckling earnestly as he tongues that slit, bringing the cock a few inches deeper into his mouth.

Havik Wolfs could feel that massive cock thrusting faster, the chains rattling as his body rocked, he was rather kind of happy that he wasn't able to go balls deep as it would be quite rough if that heavy set of balls smacked his this hard. Even when that dinosaur talked, he could just feel his heavy voice crashing into his body.

Havik was getting driven crazy by Drake, he could feel that dragon taking him deeper, that tongue against his slit. Oh it made his body shiver, his cock throbbing violently once more as he was on the edge again.

Tony groans heavily as he keeps pounding away. He looks down at his dick, finding it bunching up at the halfway point and staying there, not getting locked out any further. That realization put him over the edge "Oh you... Urgh, Drake, get clear!" The dragon whimpers softly and reluctantly obliges. Once he has, Tony tightens his grip on the wolf's hips and starts pounding him up and down onto his cock, using him like a giant, heavy, whimpering fleshlight "You TIGHT fucking bitch! Take my load! Take the WHOLE, THING." He grunts hard, thrusts in as far as Havik's ass is letting him, his cockhead throbs hard, and then begins to let loose the torrent. With such massive balls you knew a load like this would be coming. There's so much it starts squirting out back onto Tony's gut after the 2nd or 3rd blast.

Havik could just feel Tony pump into him, it felt like that dick was just going to rip his tailhole open, and it was only half way in. Though he heard that massive dinosaur groan, before watching the dragon get away, was this dinosaur really that bad? But soon his eyes went wide, he almost screamed from just the pleasure as he was getting used as a massive fucktoy, his body violently rocking on the chains, before he howled, feeling the torrent pump into him. His stomach swelled before it just wouldn't hold a single drop more, feeling it burst out of him, he was laying limp, panting heavily, his cock under him was throbbing violently, gushing out loads of pre, but nothing even nearly as massive.

Tony pushes the wolf's stomach back in with his fingers, making even more gush back out around his dick. After a 5th blast of cum, the sauropod heaves a mighty sigh and groans deeply, starting to step backwards and walk his dick out of the wolf's much abused ass. Drake, meanwhile, has been continuing to enjoy getting doused with Havik's pre as he watches the spooge dribble down the underside of his swollen gonads. With a long sucking *schluuuurp* Tony's cum-soaked dick flops free, letting more of his spooge free in the process "Hot fuckin damn, boy. That's one hell of an ass. Hooo!"

Havik lets out a loud groan, feeling all that cum gush out of his stomach, he was making a complete mess of himself, his ass was just a mess. He felt more getting pumped inside of him, over and over, before that dick pulled out of him, hearing that loud, sucking shlurping noise, before it flops free out of him, he heard a steady stream of cum follow, gushing down all over the floor. His legs were just covered in hot semen as he was panting hotly, his ass was just left gaping wide from that massive cock. He couldn't say a word.

Drake was still lying on the floor underneath Havik, enjoying the view of Tony's spunk drizzling down the wolf's body, as well as the last few bits of pre that run off his face. He chuckles "I must admit, you did a pretty good job taking Two-Ton Tony."

You'd be forgiven for not noticing it earlier, over the sounds of the chains, and the crowd, and Tony's footfalls as he walks away. But suddenly it registers, a dull *clop clop clop* sound behind. Drake's eyes widen and he jumps up from under Havik, giving him a final French Kiss as he goes "Good luck." A new voice speaks "Eh, I've seen better. But there's one more department with a score to settle with you... ours." Standing behind Havik is a Dalmatian in ass-less chaps, and nothing else, leading a very large feral stallion.

Havik was panting rather heavily. Tony took a lot out of him, especially near the end, and of course, Drake wasn't helping with the teasing to his cock. He could just feel his ass release all the seed that was in him earlier, making quite a large pool of semen all over the floor from that cock that was spurting, mixed with all the others from earlier. He wasn't really paying attention to who was around him, he was just recovering from himself, but soon he was french kissed, before hearing 'Good luck'. He had no idea what he meant by that, wasn't Tony the 'beast' they all talked about? Though after a few moments, he turned his head back at that new voice, before his eyes went wide, seeing that Feral stallion. No, it couldn't be, hasn't he been degraded enough? Now he was going to be forced to take some filthy barn animal?

The crowd murmurs with taboo fascination, a few jeers and taunts lobbed at the wolf before the horse whinnies again, rearing up and coming down again, forelegs hitting the ground on either side of Havik's waist. It's a good thing the beast won't need to put its weight on him. The horse's cock is just shy of Havik's rear, but the horse is acting a little fussy, shifting its weight "I gotcha boy. Hey Kenny, got any chocks, or blocks or jacks handy?" The gorilla slides over a large sturdy footlocker used as a toolbox, pushing it under Havik so there's some sticking out on both sides. The horse rears up a little, landing on the footlocker. It lets out a small satisfied whinny; this feels closer to a real mounting.

Havik could only look down, hearing the crowd lob taunts and jeers at him, before hearing the horse whinny again, soon feeling its warm, massive furry stomach just right above him. He could feel the heat coming off that cock, up against his stretched out, abused asshole. Hearing the horse whinny, rearing up, he groaned, he shut his eyes softly, he wanted this all to be over, his balls were swollen so badly, they ached and throbed. He could feel his poor tailhole, quivering, aching, sore from all the action it got tonight.

A few people in the crowd cheered as the stallion got into position, but most just watched in quiet fascination. The stallion snorted and grunted as it began to thrust at its intended, jabbing its dripping cock at an ass cheek, then Havik's balls, then higher on his balls, before it feels the give from Havik's aggressively optimistic sphincter, and pushes its blunt dick inside with a *bwob*. It snorts with approval as the first couple inches slide in, before it trots its rear legs forward, pushing its cock inside with no compassion at all, shoving all but the last 2 or 3 inches in in a single motion.

Havik Wolfs could hear the few cheers he was getting, dread just filled him as he could see the stallion mount over him, seeing the front legs past his head. He soon felt that hot, thick, massive cock jabbing around on his rear end, before it jabbed him in the balls twice, causing him to grunt and yelp out in pain, as his balls swung like wrecking balls before his eyes shot open wide, feeling that blunt cock getting shoved in, and before he could even recover from the rough insertion, he screamed, pleasure a pain as it took the breath out of him from that cock shoving in him so roughly. In one blast, a massive glob of precum shot out his cock, almost painfully from how much just shot out all at once.

The horse snorted once, giving an experimental, short, HARD thrust, before it adjusts its position, leaning its head down as it starts to pound Havik's ass in a slow, steady pace, but every thrust is fast and hard, ramming all the way inside and back out just an inch or two. The stallion gives a soft whinny of approval before it bites the scruff of the wolf's neck, hot breath washing over him with every merciless thrust.

Havik would feel the short, hard thrust, he could feel those powerful feral horse hips, just slamming it home each time, he wasn't even moaning anymore, he was just grunting out loudly in pain and pleasure as each time that horse rammed home, he would gush out what almost looked like a bucket load of pre each time. He even started to whimper, getting mounted like a bitch, feeling his scruff getting bit by those blunt teeth, the hot breath washing over his neck, sending his body into complete and utter submission.

The crowd watches with rapt, silent fascination, most of the sounds coming from the two engaged in their filthy act. The horse's breath, Havik's whimpers, the low plunging sound from each thrust, the bright *plap* of hips striking hips shortly thereafter. The stallion shifts its hooves on the floor before it starts to thrust faster, a small whinny emerging as drool begins to run down the back of Havik's neck.

Havik Wolfs could feel that hot drool damping down his fur, his cock swinging back and forth from his body getting rocked so hard by those thrusts, his cock would slap up against his stomach and just gush precum heavily all over himself. He shut his eyes tightly, grunting loudly, he could feel the horse going faster, whimpering underneath the powerful beast, his balls swelling up quite largely.

The beast snorts and nickers, pounding faster, gripping the wolf's scruff even harder between his teeth. And then it feels like something is growing inside of Havik. The horse's flare is going off, expanding from 4 inches to 7 as the stallion hilts, whinnies hard, and stands still, all the way inside, pumping its thick, hot, gooey load deep inside of the wolf's battered ass.

Havik Wolfs felt the beast go even harder and faster, it was driving him crazy as he lets out louder whimpers from his scruff getting bit harder, pushing him further over the edge. He then lets out a rather painful groan, feeling his walls getting stretched beyond anything they have before, before he could feel that hot, thick, gooey load get pumped up inside of him, warmth flooding his body as he was panting hotly.

The lusty beast stands there almost a full minute, offering one or two small thrusts, before it nickers and releases Havik's neck, abruptly deciding that it's done. It starts walking backwards, with just as much disregard for Havik as before, the flare still mostly extended, acting like a reverse plunger, sucking a large chunk of his hefty load back with it. With a final obscene *splop* followed by a splash, the stallion's cock falls free, rapidly softening and beginning to retract. The dalmatian meets the horse, praising it and leading it away.

Havik Wolfs grunted at each thrust, before panting heavily as he could feel that flare just dragging against his walls as he soon felt it pop out of him, hearing that *splop* sound, followed with him letting out a low groan as he could just feel his rear gushing out of him like a waterfall. He just laid down in those bindings, slumped, worn out, broken down into crumbs, his head was spinning, his whole torso was covered in his own seed, a massive pool of semen under him, all of mixed males' seed.

The gorilla from earlier, now entirely without his over-alls, walks forward, smiling. He walks up to Havik and whistles "You put on one hell of a show, kid. But I just got word from the chief, it's time to let you cum."

Havik Wolfs was panting heavily, eyes shut, as he hardly noticed the gorilla walking up, but he soon looked up, and heard his words, his whole body jolted to life. "Oh god please, please please!" He cried out, begging and pleading for him to release, he didn't even care anymore, all he wanted was to climax.

Kenny chuckled darkly "The chief had very specific directions. The man's a genius." He walks slowly, casually along Havik's side, and then to his back. He reaches around past Havik's swollen balls and firmly grips the base of his cock. He starts tugging on it, wiggling it around, working the flexible base that enables so much movement while still knotted. He pushes the sheath down as he swings it back between the wolf's balls and thigh, coaxing and stretching out a bit more length.

Havik Wolfs Tried to keep his eyes on the Gorilla, before he wasn't able to see him, all he could feel was the base of his cock gripped, soon feeling it tugging, and wiggling around. He grunted and whimpered, it forced more pent up pre to gush out of the tip and into the massive pool under him, he had no idea what the male was doing to him. His cock just getting manhandled, feeling it soon pushed and swung between his balls and thighs, a few more inches forced free from his sheath as he whimpered needily, wanting to release so badly, his massive, bruised and swollen sac showed it, and as he felt his cock pulled behind him, thoughts running through his head, and he lets out a soft whimper, thinking on what was going to happen to him.

Kenny keeps working the base of Havik's cock, getting it to angle right, and a little bit more room to work, as he bends it upward "There we are." He then starts poking at the wolf's 'not quite able to close yet' hole with it, the tip sliding inside easily. The gorilla mmms as he starts working more of that cock up Havik's own ass, sliding it back and forth, coaxing better angles out of it, working more inches into it.

Havik could feel his own cock getting angled around, and he just knew, damn his luck, he was finally able to cum, but it was going to be inside of himself, though he hardly cared anymore. His head hung low, ashamed and humilated as he grunted out, feeling his own cock getting forced into his ruined ass, slipping in so easily, shuddering and moaning as it felt amazing and strange, causing him to shoot a few globs of precum right up inside himself.

Kenny chuckles softly as he starts managing to work more inside, starting to really fuck Havik with his own cock as he works it in deeper, and deeper, until the zip-tie can reach just past his ring. The gorilla grins wickedly and shouts out loud "Fire in the hole!" as he grabs a pair of snips, cutting the zip-tie's 'valve', letting the thing spring free. He quickly shoves as much of the wolf's cock inside as he can, ensuring the knot is inside. He grins, certain of a tie. After all, they never fucked him with anything as big as his own knot.

Havik Wolfs couldn't believe he was fucking himself with his own cock. He grunted, gushing just loads of pre inside of himself. The sensation was almost too much, before his eyes just shot wide open, he felt his knot get slammed inside of him, his hole just clenched, and finally, after hours and hours of beyond teasing, all his seed shot up out of his cock like a hose. He lets out a silent scream as his hole body tensed up, crushing his knot, to ensure almost all of that seed would stay deep inside as he climaxed hard right inside of himself. His back arched, body locking up as his cock twitches violently, throbbing out massive, thick, hot globs of pent up semen. His whole world was spinning, the pleasure washing over his body in many powerful waves, his cock would pump out so much, before it would stop for just a split second, before more and more gushed out, his stomach starting to swell with the pool of hot semen that was pumping inside of him, blowing anyone else's climax straight out of the water as his cock just pumped up inside of himself, his balls slowly shrinking before, after a full two minutes, his balls were back to normal, maybe a bit smaller, the bruising stayed. Havik's body finally loosened up, his climax slowly coming to a end, only a few jets shot up inside of him. His head hung low, his eyes were barely closed, just enough to see the floor, he was tired, worn out, and sore. His hole loosened up a bit from him relaxing, causing a steady, thick stream of hot doggy spunk to leak out for a few seconds, slowly coming to an end, most of it staying planted deep in his gut.

The crowd cheers and roars and applauds, some of them just gasping and watching in awed silence, a handful who'd been pleasuring themselves even have sympathy orgasms. Kenny walks around the wolf, sizing up the results. He whistles, impressed. "That's a hell of a load, kid." he turns to the crowd "With that much spunk wouldn't be surprised if ya got yourself pregnant!" most of the crowd laughs. The gorilla walks back over to Havik's plugged-up hole. He snickers at how much knot is exposed despite the tie from how loose his asshole is.

The crowd's roars and cheers were a bit muffled to Havik from his state, he was just happy he was finally able to blow his load. His tongue was hanging out the side of his muzzle as he weakly opened his eyes, his body crashing back down into reality as he still coundn't see right, and rather surprised that he was still awake. He was panting rather heavily, trying to keep himself awake as he only let out a weak groan.

Kenny continues to look over the stopped-up wolf, when Ginny walks casually out from the crowd, hands clasped behind her back, still naked, and still exuding power. She walks over to Havik and flicks a finger against his swollen belly, then pushes against it experimentally "Hm." She returns to Havik's front, lifting his face up by the chin "Aw, you poor thing." There is no compassion in her voice as she looks over the wolf "Hrm, left or right?" She reaches under him, pinching and twisting one nipple, then the other "Left." She crouches down, twisting Havik's left nipple a moment before letting go of it. And then something cold bites it hard. She's pierced it, with a device she had in her other hand. The piercing has a half-circle ring, from which hangs a small metal tag that reads "Police Property".

Havik Wolfs was hanging there, weak as can be, but he soon felt a finger flick against his swollen belly, groaning before a lot more pressure was applied, letting out a louder, weak groan, more of his seed rushed out of his back end, landing on the floor. He panted hotly, whimpering as he was soon forced to look up at her, he remembered her from earlier, shivering each time she teased one of his nipples, before letting out a loud, surprised, pained yelp as his nipple was pierced. He looked down, noticing that half-circle ring, eyes focused on the tag, before whimpering at what it said.

Ginny grins and pats Havik's cheek, before walking away, to the crowd's applause. Kenny has returned to the chain controls, and is letting the wolf's feet down to the floor, and also adding gravity to the forces his ass has to fight against. The gorilla licks his lips a little at each little spurt and dribble as Havik's knot slowly deflates.

Havik Wolfs could start to feel himself get lowered down to the floor, and then felt the long forgotten floor as he lets out a grunt as his cock starts slipping from his rear. It popped out as it slowly started to shrink back into its home, where he wanted it to stay for a rather long time. More and more cum just gushed out, soaking his legs in his own seed, not like it made much difference.

The crowd snickers and laughs, some people even pointing. Once the wolf's spunk finally finishes draining from his own ass, a couple of large guys walk over, beginning to undo the leather cuffs. Ginny has returned "Alright boys. Take him to a cell to sleep it off. We'll let him go in the morning." And indeed they will. But they won't wash him, or his clothes. They'll put him back on the street tomorrow, to be greeted by his 'homies', his clothes and fur covered with the sexual effluence of dozens of people. And he'll have weekly visits from a Parole Officer, to keep an eye on him.

Havik Wolfs could only feel his body get picked up by the large males, his legs dragging limply across the floor, he knew by tomorrow he would hardly be able to walk. He just watched the cells pass him by, before those large males put him in one; he was just glad to have this all over with, to finally have it end. His body ached all over, he was filthy, his fur knotted up in places, he wreaked of semen. He just groaned as he climbed up on the bed, curling up with the simple blanket and pillow, before quickly passing out, drifting off to sleep.