Half/Off Books

Story by theowl on SoFurry

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This is something I wrote a while back. It falls in with a few things that I like, I have more ideas along this line if anyone is interested. I am also in the market for illustrations, or even a comic adaption, so any artists take note. I am open for commissions myself, though I will reject any content I think is

objectionable. I'll leave more info later. Thanks for reading, leave comments, I'm open to feedback.

Copyright 2011 The Owl

do not use or reprint without permission

Half/Off Books

It was a warm Tuesday. The bookstore was in a large, old two story building that had been recently renovated. As I got closer, I noticed that the large windows outside were mirrored which at the time I thought was a little unusual, seeing as how the owner couldn't hang posters and advertise the latest books, I didn't linger on it too long however, who am I to question the management's prerogative? I watched my reflection get larger as I approached the front door which was mirrored as well. There was printing on the glass with the store's name and business hours, beneath this was taped a piece of paper which read in large, bold letters: "No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service"...

I opened the door and walked inside, the store was nice and cool but not too cold. It was a trendy looking place with a nondescript jazz theme playing over the speakers and with books from the floor to the rafters. I could spend hours, maybe even days going over everything. The only other person in the store was the clerk, a nice looking well built blonde stallion with a black mane in a blue turtleneck and purple button-down smock behind the counter. He was on the phone when I came in but he smiled a pleasant little smile at me and I nodded hello as I made my way to the back.

The modern art section was very well stocked, three shelves in all. I must have been there for about five minutes and I was starting to get a crick in my neck for having my head cocked for so long. I noticed an interesting looking volume on post modern impressionism and I made for it. The books were wedged in there very tightly and as I pulled this one out I accidentally sent a smaller similar volume crashing to the floor. I kneeled down to inspect it for any damage. I heard the clerk finish the conversation and approach me from behind. "Everything alright?" he asked. "Do you need any help?" I rose and turned to reply.

He was tall, with a great smile and beautiful blue eyes that were complimented by that turtleneck. I only focused on these details for a split second however as there was something very unusual that quickly grabbed my attention.

Beneath that smock there was nothing, he was completely nude from the waist down, well except for the black socks and shoes.

His penis hung a little to the side and pointed down to the floor. I tried not to stare too long, or at least not too obviously, and I managed to stammer a "No, thanks." What kind of place was this? "Well o.k. If you need me, just ask. I'm Kevin." He turned and walked away. His ass was simply gorgeous, very tight and firm with a slight jiggle with each step of those powerful legs. There were these cute dimples on the sides and his silky black tail swished from side to side leaving an unobstructed view of the delight behind it. The effect was mesmerizing; it felt as if it were all happening in slow motion.

He rounded the corner and disappeared in the back of the store, I just stood there motionless for a few seconds. My mouth was gaping open like I was some silly fool; I must have pinched myself just to see if it was all real, I don't remember. There was a numbness around my entire body, I even forgot about the book that I had pressed against my breasts. I remember thinking that this was just another bookstore, new in town yes, but otherwise nothing in the advertisements or display that would suggest that it would be run in such an unorthodox fashion. And then there was Kevin's attitude, he was so nonchalant, so ordinary it never phased him. It was almost as if he simply wasn't aware that he was in such a condition. It made him more enticing and the whole situation more exciting.

I heard him returning from the back room, I quickly turned to my side in an effort not to "notice" him. He strode by in front of the aisles with a large cardboard box pressed against his bare crotch. He left my sight and went to the other side of the store where I could hear him taking things out of the box. It goes without saying that my curiosity was certainly piqued and I was not going to let such a unique opportunity pass me by. I wanted another look, but I needed to be discrete about it. I know how that sounds, trying not to draw too much attention to myself when there is a bottomless man pacing about the store but I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable *giggle*. The floors were hardwood and I was wearing some pretty heavy heels, and with all the stealth that unabashed exhibitionism can generate, I slowly and quietly made my way to the front of the aisles. Using sound as my guide I began to make my way to him when the counter caught my eye and another idea entered my head. What if Kevin wasn't taking advantage of a very lax dress code? What if it was a spur of the moment act of weirdness brought upon by an instant infatuation with this pretty girl who just walked in? What if this were just Kevin's unique way of saying, 'I like you'? I tiptoed behind the counter and made one last check to make sure that he was out of sight. I could still hear him and I could catch occasional flashes of him between the books but fortunately a wall and a few displays blocked his view. When the coast was clear, I began my impromptu investigation; I checked for any signs of discarded pants or shorts and found nothing. There was a wastepaper basket, a few magazines, bags, various sheets and rolls of paper of various sizes and few stray pencils and pens and other miscellanea. There was also a stool with a distinctive imprint on the seat, it was still warm. My question was answered. This wasn't an isolated incident of wonderful indecent exposure. This man comes to work and spends his eight hours in a state of gratuitous nudity.

Having settled that problem, I continued with my original task. I followed my ears to Kevin. It was business as usual, just unloading the new inventory. He was on the last aisle, next to the wall. He was standing on a rolling ladder doing his job; I entered on the opposite side, facing him. (I didn't want to scare him off remember) The shelves were durable it not entirely pretty which didn't really bother me in the end. There was a foot wide gap in between them and they sat about six or so inches deep. To my great delight, he was positioned in front of a wide gap of books so that I was at eye level with his crotch which was framed first by the ladder then the shelf, and the books. There, less than a foot away, was the beautiful object that just made my Tuesday. It was long and thick but not gigantic and it was wrapped in a dark black sheath from the top to the middle and a beautiful pink shaft the rest of the way. Aside from a few creases and the slightest impression of veins, it was very smooth with a light sheen from top to bottom. There was a slight tuft of pubic hair giving the impression of careful grooming. His testicles were noticeable but were not distracting, they complimented the ensemble nicely. His thighs were large and powerful and they had a beautiful golden shimmer which only added to the overall effect. His body obviously was in motion and each movement caused his member to bob and bounce in most interesting ways. When he would step down to collect more books I would avert my gaze and feign interest in something else so as to at least attempt not to cause suspicion. But when he would step back up, I would resume my gazing. Occasionally, it would graze or touch the cold metal shelf which would lead to a quick flinch. And in one instance, while adjusting his footing, it softly rapped against one of the books.

After several minutes of 'stargazing' I felt more emboldened and demanded an even closer look. I continued 'browsing' to the far end of the aisle and rounded the corner. There he was on his ladder, still immersed in his work. And still I worked my way down. I was standing right next to him 'perusing' all the while glancing at the side view of his dimpled hips and dangling joy. Desiring an opposite angle I slowly made my way around him, drinking in his beautiful golden ass. I reached the other side and moved his box aside for better access to the shelves. However, I was so distracted by my activities that I completely failed to hear the phone ring. Suddenly he turned toward me and mere inches from my face were his amazing genitals. So close were they that I could feel their heat against my cheek. I looked up and he was staring down at me, I made way and he descended and made toward the phone. I reprimanded myself for losing focus and turned towards him. He was facing away from me and had adopted a slightly wide stance; I could barely make out the tip of his penis below his balls. I bent down to adjust the strap on my shoe and glanced him walking back to his now empty box, his cock slowly swinging from side, he bent over and grabbed the box without bending his knees and took it back to the back. In a few seconds he returned and stopped in front of me, I lost my footing and landed on my backside staring directly up at his member. The tip seemed to be studying me. He smiled his wonderful smile and helped me up. I tried to start a conversation.

"This is a wonderful store, Kevin. I really enjoy it."


I glanced down at it and back up at him without moving my head. I then just decided to abandon the subtle attitude I tried in vain to maintain throughout the day. So much for discretion!

"You know, I think that's a pretty nice dick you've got there."

"Well", he chuckled, "thanks again."

"You're welcome," I said with a chuckle. "But it's kind of hard to avoid when you're... well dressed like that. What exactly brought this on, if you don't mind me asking?"

"Don't mind me asking?" I couldn't believe this. He's got his privates out and I'm the one trying to be ... delicate about it?

He nonchalantly cupped his penis with his hand and let it flop. It made a pleasing 'fapping' noise as it smacked his thigh.

"Well," grinning, "I guess it's kind of a lifestyle."


He continued. "I started doing it when I was in high school. I just came home one day when the house was empty and, well, just tried it. After a while, it began to feel good you know, it felt natural. I started to do it more and more often and within a few weeks I was spending more time like this than dressed."

"What did your family think?"

"I didn't do it around them; it was more of a private thing. I mostly stayed in my room and read a lot. My sister caught me once, though."

"What happened?"

"I just forgot to lock the door to my room and she came in, I made like I had just gotten out of the shower and was getting dressed. I never told about it because, you know I didn't want things to get weird. Since I couldn't do this all of the time, I just took to not wearing underwear under my pants. And during graduation, I just wore my shirt under my gown."

He crossed his arms and cocked his hip.

"One spring break, my folks went on vacation and sis went to the beach with her friends. A soon as the door was closed, off came the pants and I spent the next seven days completely bottomless. It was great. One night, I had ordered a pizza and when the guy came to the door, I forgot I was well you know. He must have thought that I was nuts, but it didn't even dawn on me until after he had gone. And you know, it didn't bother me at all."

"You get off on this?"

"Oh no, although I am more than aware of how much women enjoy looking at naked men, believe me. And I won't lie; there is a certain rush to it. Actually, this is one of the best things that ever happened. I'm more confident and I've got a drive. This is what put me through college and ultimately got me to open this store. I also feel great, doing this forces you to stay in shape."

"I can imagine, I mean you certainly don't look sick. So college huh? I bet that was interesting. And you kept doing this?"

"I had an apartment then so it was much easier."

"Did anyone ever find out?"

"Let's just say that it made for some interesting parties."

"I'll bet that you received you fair share of attention."

"I made a few friends," he said.

"I'll bet. So it really doesn't affect you, letting people see your ... business?"

"It's a little too late to worry about that now." He laughed as he said this and his penis begin to sway with the laughter. "It was a little awkward at first, and it took a while to get used to the staring. But you get used to it, you've got to know going in that people are going to stare and ask questions, but you have got to just get over it. I mean you've really got to commit especially after they see you. Believe me, they'll never forget it. I'm not crazy though, I know how strange this seems, that's why I have the one way glass outside, and when it gets dark, I close the curtains. And I absolutely allow no one under 17 to enter the store, I'm sure you noticed the sign on the door."

"No, I missed that."

"You're like the second or third person who told me that, I guess I'll have to move it."

"So you just come in and take your pants off."

"I live upstairs, they're always off. I've got three pairs for going out, and hundreds of shirts. It really saves on laundry and electricity as well. You're never too hot and you're never too cold."

I stared into his eyes while he was saying this, they were so beautiful and his voice was so calm and gentle. He really came across as being genuinely sweet and caring. I loved to hear him talk; it was so casual, like he was telling you what he buys at the grocery store. For a few moments I forgot all about his nudity and was entirely focused on him. It was a nice feeling, very special.

"And you run this place all by yourself?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's a little hard; I'm considering advertising for additional help."

"Oh... Kevin, can I ask you some personal questions."

"We're as well acquainted know as we'll ever be. That's another good thing, you meet new people and you learn about them very quickly."

"What does it feel like, having a penis?"

He blushed a little; he glanced down quickly and then turned back to me.

"I can't really describe it. It's always there, you just never notice it."

"Does it hurt when it slaps your thigh?"

"No. but you do have to be careful. When you sit down the wrong way or hit something you will feel it, I know. And you've got to be very careful when you cook, but I do wear an apron sometimes, just in case.

"Do you ever get, erections?"

"Of course, we all get them. That's one of the strange things about having one is that sometimes they have a mind of their own, and it can make certain situations very embarrassing. It used to happen a lot when I first started doing this, but after a while your body adjusts. It still happens sometimes when I'm at work and I usually don't like that because it can make doing your job a little difficult. My boy is behaving himself now because like I said, I don't get off on this. But I'm sure that if you were to touch it, it might do something."

"Can I touch it?'

"I'd rather you didn't, it kind of makes me uncomfortable."

"Oh, I'm sorry."

"Don't worry about it. You know, I just realized, you know my name but I don't know yours. I feel so bad, I'm sorry"

"Oh don't be. It's Donna by the way."

He reached out and shook my hand.

"Well it's a pleasure to meat you Donna. Tell me, can I ask you a personal question?"

"I honestly don't see why not."

"Have you ever seen a penis before?'

What a question! I began to turn a little red.

"No," I said softly. "I mean I saw them in anatomy books when I was in school, and one of my friends had one of those calendars with the naked men, but I've never seen one up close before."

"First time?"


"How was it?"

I copped another look.

"I think it just made my day."

Just then my phone began to go off; I reached inside my purse and pulled it out. It was a message from one of my friends. Fucking killjoy.

"Oh, shit. I've got to go." I handed him the book I had. "I'll take this."

"Good choice." He said after I handed him the book. I followed his sweet ass and watched it disappear behind his counter. I was feeling more tan a little disappointed as he rang me up. When he finished, he carefully put the book in a bag and handed it to me.

"Thanks a lot, come back anytime."

"Count on it," I said. "You've got a terrific place."

The walk out the door and back to the car was the longest minute of my life.

Wednesday morning was a little chilly but not too bad, I didn't need a jacket or anything. I got out of my car and began walking towards the front door of the bookstore. Traffic was surprisingly light that day; the only cars were on the highway down the road. I stopped at the front door and checked my reflection in the glass. I finally saw that 'no minors allowed' sign. After adjusting the collar of my baby blue blouse, I knocked on the door. It was a few minutes till opening and of course I couldn't see inside so I hoped that he could hear me. After a minute or so, I heard a noise inside that sounded like the curtains in front of the windows were being pulled back. Then I heard footsteps at the door and a bolt being turned. When he opened the door I saw that he was 'wearing' the same clothes as yesterday (some uniform!) except that his smock wasn't buttoned to the top.

"Hi Donna, I'm not quite open yet but you're welcome to come inside if you wa...."

I watched his penis begin to stiffen and grow, as his eyes trailed downward and a look of surprise came to his face.

There I stood in my blouse and navy blue sneakers, and nothing else...

My purse was draped over my shoulder and my arms were draped to my sides. I watched his cock continue to grow and harden. I felt the air on my uncovered privates and felt his eyes too. The wind began to blow, it brushed against by butt, between my legs and against my pussy, and it felt good. His cock had grown; it was massive and had turned a light purple. My cotton tail began to tingle with the thought that at any moment, someone could drive by and see me. But It didn't matter, I was proud. He was right, this was liberating. I widened my stance, slid my hands up my thighs and placed them on my hips, puffed out my chest and slightly thrust my nudity forward. We both stared at his bulging erection, and then raised our heads. He stared at me with those beautiful eyes and gave me a shy smile. I returned the gaze and gave a large grin.

"You said you needed help?" I asked proudly.

"Why yes I did as a matter of fact didn't I?"

"I'm here for a job."

He glanced down and then looked back up at me as his smile grew.

"You'll need to fill out an application." he said.

And that's how I got the job.