Kalderan Forest Part 11

Story by Dehner on SoFurry

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#11 of Kalderan Forest

The group of newly freed furs and the bulls that had helped in the operation traveled back to the village. As the hours passed, the discussion between the bulls, the recently freed captives and the villagers slowly grew.

Many of the captives had never seen anything but the pods they traveled in and the bulls that captured them. They stayed around Darkthorn as he spoke about the forest and went over the basics of what they needed to know, but was careful to keep the instruction to a minimum. There would be plenty of time later for them to learn more about the forest, and it would be best not to inundate them.

The bulls, however, were becoming much more friendly and playful with their hosts. This all started when Jeff, the fox who was first to open his house, was suddenly grabbed and picked up by Chad, the bull who had accepted his offer. He lifted him up in a sudden quick and sharp motion, causing him to 'yerf' out loud and then settled in atop the shoulders of the muscular bull. Jeff had gone so far as to grab the horns of his new friend and steer him around, which made more than a few people around them laugh and groan in humorous pain.

Sam, who was Jeff's mate, hadn't taken all too kindly to this to begin with. For a good few moments he actually stood with his arms folded, walking behind the bull and his passenger. His demeanor was obviously jealous until, in a quick motion, Chad had turned around and scooped up the bunny and carried him cradled in his arms. Chad even went so far as to push his nose into the rabbit's belly fur and snuffle around, making him burst out and giggle wildly.

"Dammit Jeff," he shouted between giggles, "You're going to get it when we get home!!" he growled, knowing that the actions had been prompted by a few well placed whispers.

Jeff replied, "Nah, I think you're going to get it, that and a load full of cum from our friend here!"

Sam giggled and tried to fend off the nose and the snuffles, but his weakness was being tickled. He soon had his hands flopped down as Chad carried him, quite thrilled now to have a ride home.

Sometime just before dusk, they had all made it back to the village. The huts soon emptied of everyone around. Even those who were enjoying some pleasure stopped to come out and express their joy at having everyone back.

A great bonfire was started as the sun's light slowly dimmed, a great feast being prepared in a short amount of time. Great heaping piles of cooked meat, roasted vegetables and sweet fruit desserts were laid down around the fire.

The bulls were very quickly acclimated to the village with the help of those who had opened their homes. They were forcibly (if one could forcibly yank along a big hulking bull) pulled into conversations.

Just as the feasting was over, two equines brought out a huge tray filled with a towering red-white creamy mound with dark sprinkles atop.

Bunker grabbed Darkthorn when he saw this plate coming and said, "Is that firefruit?"

Darkthorn grinned and nodded, "Yes, our years supply."

There was a sudden buzz about the fire, people moving out of the way as the tray was brought to Darkthorn and placed at his feet. The tall wolf could have easily lain himself down in the dessert and completely covered himself in it, which was a tempting thought.

Randolf grabbed Falroth's arm and tugged him, "What is that?"

"That's firefruit dessert. Sweetest fruit in the entire forest, only grows on one tree, and bears one fruit a week. That treat is our entire stock for the year."

Darkthorn raised his hands and everyone hushed to listen to his words. "My friends, we are happy to have you all here, both those that we could free from the imprisonment of those who would follow anarchy, and those who reject anarchy. We are thankful for all of you for helping us, and to show you our appreciation, we have brought out our most precious commodity.

"But we must also not forget those who have lost their lives. Though we are thankful none of our village was hurt, we still mourn those who were. Without understanding, compassion, and forgiveness, we cannot thrive ourselves. Let us take a moment to remember those who we have lost, both now and in ages past."

Everyone took a moment near the flickering bonfire in silence.

"And now, may we retire for the night with our desserts." Darkthorn looked to Jeff, Sam and Chad. Jeff stepped forward pulling the bull along by his hand, who seemed quite overwhelmed. Jeff reached in with his paw and pulled out a small handful of cream and red fruit, as did Sam and Chad. The three ate off their hands greedily; the fruit tasted much like strawberries in pure sugar syrup while the creamy topping helped cut the sweetness. The fruit had a very high concentration of the forest's special pollen, and before the three were done, their cocks had already sprung to life and their bodies flushed with heat. Chad's hands were gripped by Sam and Jeff, and they disappeared into their hut for an extended round of lovemaking.

Couples and threesomes did the same, slowly eating away at the dessert, and each in turn disappearing into the huts. Before long the sounds of sex began to filter out, each new group adding to the hushed music of sex.

Randolf was lead to the treat by Falroth and Devras. The equine grabbed a bit of the treat first, followed by Devras. Randolf took some as well, the sticky and goopy fruit threatening to ooze out around his hand. He looked to the other two and let them eat some first before he took a small bite.

There was definitely something powerful in this fruit, for the moment it touched the young husky's lips, he felt a flush of raw pleasure race across his tongue. If he could have had an oral orgasm, he would have described this brief and instant reaction as such. There was a strong sweet flavor, that was for sure, but inside was something else, something besides the pollen of the forest. There was lust inside this fruit, and it spread through his body quickly as if his throat was directly connected to his sexual centers.

He felt a hand on his back; the lion's paw hugging him and helping to lead him towards their hut. Randolf could barely stifle a moan from this touch, for though the paw was a few feet away from his sheath; it felt like it was almost atop it as well.

The thick pouch of the husky swelled as the canine cock-head poked upwards into the air. Randolf's hands immediately began reaching for the lion, ready to tackle him to the ground now and hump against him wildly.

"Now now, a few more feet," Falroth's voice came, coaxing him from his heated and flushed stupor.

Inside the hut finally, Randolf saw the bed and hopped up onto it. Something had taken control of his mind, bringing about instincts he knew nothing of. Up on the bed, he crawled around on all fours and whimpered like a dog in heat before turning his ass to the other two in the room and presented his tailhole. All the puppy could think of was being filled with cock and the intense and undeniable need of being injected with someone's cum.

Golden hands gripped his ass cheeks and pulled them apart. A rasping, rough tongue licked up his cleft, eliciting a shamefully loud moan. The husky's paws gripped the sheets and pulled while his rump pressed back against the tongue. Randolf was too drowned in lust to notice that Falroth's cock was draped over his own neck. Amidst a few more licks against his backside, he finally turned his head to look up at the horse.

"Fuck me, please," Randolf pleaded, as if his life were at stake. His head nuzzled against the monster shaft and he cried as the power of the fruit gripped him.

"We will, my sweet puppy," Devras said from behind, giving a few more licks to soften up the burning muscular opening before leaning back. The pointed and barbed cock pressed forward, spreading the muscles like a hot knife through butter.

The husky's body readily accepted the leonine shaft; it was as if his ass had been awakened to its true purpose. His mind focused on the length inside him, feeling it push in and pull back, each pinpricking barb only enhancing the pleasure rather than causing pain.

"Harder, please, harder, breed me," Randolf cried back, tears streaking down his face as the pleasure ripped his mind to near insanity.

Devras plunged in and out, his hands firmly planted on the white-gray hips of the canine while his mouth was being filled with equine tongue. The tender ass around his member squeezing and pulling on it, forcing his barbs to swell quickly and lock him with only a few minutes of rough pounding.

Randolf howled out loudly, feeling the cock stabbing at his skin and keeping it from being pulled out while it pulsed and sprayed him with the fluids he so desperately needed. Underneath his own body, his knotted cock started ejaculating all on it's own, pumping out and squirting his fluids onto the mattress. A hand suddenly gripped his knot and he gasped, the sensation helping to ease his stimulation rather than encouraging it.

Thick lips came to his ear, whispering as a sudden gush of hot fluids deluged his back. Devras was milking Falroth as he filled the puppy.

"That's a sweet little bitch," the equine whispered harshly, "such a good little bitch."

Randolf's ears perked up, and he started growling happily as the words and cum washed over his body. He slumped down when he was finally released, the barbed cock pulling out of him while the two bodies with him pulled him down off the bed and onto the floor. He stayed there with Falroth holding him, rocking him as Devras changed the sheets.

With both the equine and lion's help, Randolf was lifted up and brought under the blankets, sandwiched between the two as the euphoria of their lovemaking eased him into a deep slumber.

Outside the huts, Darkthorn sat and watched the glowing embers of the bonfire fade. He did not partake of the fruit, but instead took his company with Bunker in a more plutonic fashion. There was nothing but the fading sounds of orgasms in the air and the crackling and spitting of burned logs.

Bunker looked to the wolf, feeling the urge within him growing slowly to ask why he had such a troubled look. It took a while, but the urge finally gave him enough courage to ask the question.

Darkthorn looked up, his face laced with worry, "My friend, years ago I made a deal with your tribe, a deal only known to me and your leader." He sighed deeply and looked back at the flames. "They would be able to take some of the newcomers for a while, to feed the provider plant they had, but would be released after a time. At the time it was a good deal, rather than causing a war between us, it was a sacrifice of freedom for a few that I was willing to give up for a greater good."

Darkthorn took a moment and breathed deeply. "But after they began to ignore the deal and keep those they captured, I didn't know what to do. By that time they had grown in numbers, and they kept all those they took."

Bunker grunted ashamedly, knowing that they had kept all their prisoners, but never having known of this deal. He suddenly felt a greater shame from his former tribe. So much so that Darkthorn could sense this emotion.

"I'm sorry Bunker, for not telling you this earlier. Not because I was afraid of what you might think, but of what you might have done on your own."

Bunker's feeling melted from shame into anger, though he couldn't figure out if he was upset at Darkthorn for not telling him, or for his tribe in doing what they did. The bull would certainly have taken more harsh actions if he had known the truth, and in the end focused his negative feeling against his old leader.

Darkthorn folded his ears down, watching the last of the embers die into charcoal dust. "I'm sorry."

Bunker grunted, closing his eyes and thinking. His mind sorted through his thoughts at a quick pace before coming to his own realizations and looking at Darkthorn. "You know, wuffy," he said, "you were right. I would have done something stupid. I have learned already that the reasons why you do what you do are grounded firmly in reality and fairness. So no more worries, OK?"

Darkthorn half smiled, still tainted with his regret. "Would you like some fruit?"

"Oh, no... no. I've already had my fill for a while. Though if you would like a body next to you in your bed, I'd be honored to warm it with you."

Darkthorn stood up, petting the bull's shoulder. "Let's sleep then. Tomorrow is going to be a rather busy day with all these new citizens. But, Bunker..."

The bull put his fingers up and touched the wolf's lips. "I know, I know."