Too Much Fun

Story by dish-master fong on SoFurry

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***Author's note: This story involves Ian and Brom, two characters from a previous story of mine, "Home Again." Feedback on any of my stuff is great and welcome!

Too Much Fun

Brom stumbled out the stage-access door to the parking lot of the Orion, wanting to catch his breath. His drumsticks clattered to the ground as he sat down. Brom stared at the asphalt, panting like he'd just run a marathon. He heard footsteps approaching, and looked up.

Ian ran his hand through the dark dog's mohawk. "Nice job in there."

Brom gave his lover an exhausted half-grin. "Did they have as much fun as I did?"

The blonde dog smiled and held Brom's hand. "I think so."

Brom leaned his head back and chuckled. "That was awesome."

"Let's get back inside," Ian suggested. "I'll buy you a drink."

"Oh," said Brom. "How generous of you." He pulled on Ian's arm and got to his feet. He planted a quick kiss. "I'm going to get my shirt from the truck, then I'll meet you inside."

Ian frowned. "Aww. I like it when you aren't wearing a shirt. Especially now that you're all grimy."

"I'm not going to ask to get felt up by every little chickie in there," Brom said. "If I'm wearing a shirt, at least there's some kind of barrier."

Ian patted his love on the arm and walked back to the front. Brom went back to his Bronco and put on a plain, black T-shirt, and returned to the club.

The outside was very drab: a simple concrete building, a plain-looking door, a lit sign outside bearing the club's name and its logo. The interior, however, was very different. The lighting was dim, except for the flashing lights near the DJ's booth, on the stage, and over the dance floor.

The DJ that night was good, especially for a generic Goth/industrial club. Brom liked these places, above all else, for the music. The dark-wave techno and grinding industrial music got his blood going, and he liked it. He walked across the floor to where Ian and the band were sitting.

The group, called Credible Eyewitness, was comprised of five members: Hank handled vocals, Miles worked the lead guitar, Paul played bass, Ronnie worked the synthesized backbeats and sound, and, of course, Brom played the drums.

He sat down with them and Ian slid him a Heineken.

"Fuckin' amazing, guys," Hank said. "Kudos." He raised his beer, as did the rest. Paul, who didn't have one, saluted with his cigarette. He passed one over to Brom, along with a lighter. The dark-furred dog lit it and sat there, chatting with everybody, getting excited when a song they knew came up, and singing along to a few. Ian, who wasn't particularly into the scene, still knew the words to some of the more famous ones, and even lit up his own cigarette, something he rarely did, expect when he was really drunk.

Out of curiosity, he checked his watch. He tapped Brom on the shoulder and whispered, "It's after one." Brom laughed.

"No shit." He put out his current smoke and pushed away from the table. "Sorry, guys, but there's a bunch of stuff I have to do in the morning, so I'll go ahead and say good night." He shook hands and patted backs and was ready to go.

"I had Bobby load your drums, bra," Hank said. "Figured you wouldn't want to."

"Great," said Brom. "Tell him I said thanks."

"And remember," Paul reminded him, "we're practicing on Wednesday. I've got some new material I think you'll all like."

"Sounds great," Brom said. "See you later." He walked toward the main door, shaking hands and giving hugs as fans came up to him. Ian followed close behind him, and finally they were outside. They went over to the Bronco and Ian made for the driver's door.

Brom suddenly appeared in front of him and pushed him against the car. He pressed his lips against the blonde's and started kissing, air hissing in and out of his nose. Ian wrapped his arms around Brom's chest and kissed back. The dark dog was always an aggressive kisser, especially when he was aroused. Ian could always tell how bad he wanted it when they kissed, and he wanted it really bad that night.

Playing good gigs put him in the mood more than anything else did.

Brom peeled his shirt off and tossed it through the open window, and started feeling up Ian's stomach and chest. He reached down, into Ian's jeans and started massaging.

"Hold on," Ian said, separating himself from his lover for a moment. "Let's hold off for just ten minutes, then we can go ahead as soon as we get home. I'll even bring your drums back in for you, afterwards, but let's get home. Please?"

"Fine," Brom said, playfully rolling his eyes. Ian took the driver's seat, and Brom sat beside him. "But we're going to see how well you drive under stress." As they started driving, Brom reached over and undid the button and zipper on Ian's pants.

"Brom, what the hell-" his words were cut short when Brom bent down and put the limp piece of meat into his mouth. He focused on the road, and his dick didn't stay limp for long. Brom sat up again, slowly pumping Ian's cock.

"Focus on the road, Jack," Brom said. "See how long this lasts."

Between gritted teeth, Ian said, "I'd really like you to stop."

Brom chuckled. "Liar. You've never been jacked off in a car?"

"You've never done it while I'm driving!" Ian cried. His stomach flexed for a second and his grip on the steering wheel tightened. "Aw, fuck."

The came to a stoplight and there were cars all around. Brom kept at it, stroking the slick piece of red dog-cock more aggressively. He didn't care if anyone else saw.

"I'm going to beat you senseless when we get back," Ian said, relaxing until the light went green. He pressed the accelerator and they started going again. "Oh, come on, Brom. Stop."

Brom chuckled again. "You could do something, but you're not."

"Duh." Ian kept driving, and his breathing became deeper. Brom was ruthlessly jacking the blonde dog's cock, rubbing the slick precum around, keeping his own gaze fixed through the windshield.

"All right," Ian said. "I'm gonna cum, and I don't want it all over my clothes and the car." He annunciated the enxt tow words very carefully. "Please... stop. We can play again when we get home. We're almost there."

Brom took his hand off and sat back, a pleased grin on his face.

"Well, are you going to put it back?"

Brom looked over. "Nope. And good luck doing it yourself. That thing ain't going anywhere."

Ian grinned as he glanced over to his lover. "Except in your ass."

Brom laughed a little. "That's a given." Ian's cock was still hard, standing straight as an arrow, just under the steering wheel, when they pulled into the parking lot a minute later. Ian opened his door and got out. He faced inside, trying to get his swollen meat to get back in his pants. It only had to work for a few seconds, just so they could get inside without anyone seeing. He managed to pull his boxers over it, and fastened his jeans, pinning it to his belly.

Brom got out and patted Ian on the back. "I'll race you upstairs." Ian slammed his door and pelted towards the steps. Brom roared and chased after him. The blonde dog managed to get his key in the lock and turn it before Brom was on top of him. He ducked to the side, and Brom hit the door. Ian quickly turned the knob and planted both fists on his lover's chest. He stumbled back and fell flat on his ass. He was laughing hysterically, but Ian didn't seem to think it was quite as funny. He closed the door behind him and stripped his shirt off.

The dark-haired dog got up, still laughing.

"The fuck are you doing?" Ian asked, narrowing his eyes. "Get back down." Brom grinned, and Ian landed another soft punch on his chest, pushing him back slightly, into the couch.

"Feeling a little rough tonight?" Brom said, taking a step forward.

Ian shrugged and pushed him again. His lover hit the couch again, but didn't go over. Brom darted forward and caught Ian's arm, swinging him up and over, landing him on the cushions. He ran around the sofa to pin Ian, but the other dog was already up. As Brom charged him, he was tossed onto the couch and mounted.

"I win," Ian hissed, fire burning in his eyes. Brom grabbed his head and pulled him towards him, reaching his tongue down his lover's throat. Ian moaned and unbuttoned his pants. Brom stood them up and dropped his own. Without any grace, he kicked his shoes off, along with his jeans. As they sucked on each other's tongues, Brom lightly struck under Ian's ribcage, making him exhale sharply. His eyes went wide for a second, and he pushed Brom onto the couch, holding him down by his wrists.

"I don't think you're as horny as me," Ian stated, his forehead touching his lover's.

Brom quickly shook his head, his gold eyes smiling. "Hurry up before I decide to do try some crazy shit."

Ian grabbed the dark dog's legs and put them up on his shoulders. He knew where Brom's tailhole was and went for it. The other dog relaxed and closed his eyes. Ian's cock slid inside. Normally, he was a little gentler, but tonight, he wanted it hard, and he wanted it bad. His knot struck flesh, and he started slamming.

Brom cried out part surprise, part pain, part pleasure. That was why he loved it. He hadn't seen Ian so crazed in a long time. He liked to make love, not fuck like an animal. Tonight was a rare occasion, but a welcome one.

Ian threw his head back and started moaning, also unusual. He preferred being quiet, except for when he was about to cum, but at that moment, he was nowhere near it. Brom started going along with the steady, fast motion. Ian grunted and looked back down. Brom was panting, his eyes half-closed, his cock quivering, dripping precum onto his ripped belly.

The only thought in Ian's mind for the next few minutes was "Fuck." And they did. They both started making more noise, the volume increasing. Brom was about to cum, but he held it in and in the process, tightened his muscles around Ian's cock. The other dog howled in ecstasy, and slowed his attack down to a moderate level. They went for a little while longer, neither wanting to cum yet.

Brom couldn't hold it in any longer. He let his cum jet and he shouted, resting his head against the soft pillows. Ian finished his last few strokes and orgasmed harder than he had in a long time. A loud, feral howl escaped his throat.

Brom soaked his chest fur and Ian let his own seed fill Brom's bowels. He pulled out and fell to his knees, exhausted.

"Whoa, there, cowboy," Brom said, sitting up. "That was fuckin'..." he couldn't quite describe it.

Ian went forward and rested his face on Brom's thigh. His tongue hung out of his mouth as he panted. Foam bubbled in the corners of his lips. After they'd both finished cumming, Ian shook his head. "Fuck," he said. "I haven't let go like that for forever."

Brom patted Ian's head. "I'm gonna be sore in the morning, thanks to you." Ian just grinned.

"You asked for it, asshole," he said. "I told you to stop in the car, but you wouldn't listen to me."

Brom grinned. "But you said you'd beat me senseless, not fuck me senseless."

Ian chuckled. "I meant 'fuck.'"

Brom leaned back and sighed. "Let's hit the shower." Ian rocked back onto his haunches, and Brom helped him to his feet. As they walked down the short hall, the blonde held him around the waist. Brom hit the bathroom light and looked at their reflection in the mirror.

They contrasted well. Brom with his black fur, Ian with his light, almost platinum-tone. Brom had a two-inch mohawk, Ian had short, carefully styled hair. At least, he did when they left for the club. Now it was toussled, but it would soon be righted.

Brom had worked out since high school, and playing drums toned his arms really well. Other than that, he had a tight six-pack and toned-but not big-pecs. Ian was somewhat shorter, but also muscular. His arms had tone, and his pecs were evident, but his stomach was less pronounced. Hr had more of a gentle curve than individual panels. He didn't have the straight "V" pointing to his dick that Brom did.

Ian turned on the water and they let it run for a few minutes, just standing there, resting against the walls, both still somewhat dazed

Steam filled the room and Brom stepped into the tub, letting the water soak into his fur, rubbing out the cum, getting the gel out of his hair. He turned around and rested his chest against the cool tile. Ian did the same as his lover, getting the cum out of his fur, the gel from his hair. He put his arms around Brom and held him, kissing his neck.

The black dog smiled to himself as he received Ian's affections. He turned around and put his arms around Ian's neck. The smaller rested his head against Brom's shoulder and breathed the hot, humid air, taking in the other dog's smell.

"And to bed?" Brom asked.

"You go ahead," Ian said, his voice muffled. "I'll get your kit from the truck."

"A man of your word." Brom let go and turned the water off. He grabbed a towel for himself and for Ian and they dried off. Brom went to the bedroom, and Ian followed him to throw on a pair of boxers and a T-shirt. Brom passed out the second he hit the pillow.