Releasing the Truth

Story by Serathin on SoFurry

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#2 of Secrets

Lan goes in to find out what's going on inside the abandoned facility, but when he realizes what he's gotten himself into it may already be too late...

Commission for skize skize, the follow-up to Unearthing Secrets, which if you haven't read yet I highly recommend. :P

Releasing the Truth

Lan sighed as he sat in a chair, his scanner in front of him trying to map out all the entire complex. Even with the small ionic heater he had been given he was still frozen to the bone, stuck underneath nearly half a mile of ice as the rest of the group explored the inner workings of the strange, alien structure they had found. Still, he much preferred staying near the relative safety of the tunnel then going around and getting himself killed by some ancient booby trap.

"The drill, it is almost ready to go again." Vladimir said over the radio. "Mr. Caldon will be pleased I hope."

"I'm sure he will be Vladimir." Lan replied. "Hey, could you slide down some food and drink? Just put it in a crate and attach it to the rope, the tunnel is smooth enough you shouldn't have any problem."

As Vladimir acknowledged his request the leopard went back to his sensor module, frowning at it as he adjusted several of the knobs. He had been getting a strange reading for nearly an hour, a mass of Caldonite, sometimes two, that appeared out of thin air. The even stranger part was that it sometimes moved, always in the same room but never in a predictable pattern. The thoughts of what it could be were mystifying and frightening at the same time, especially considering the location they were in.

"Mr. Caldon?" He asked over the radio, trying to bring his boss up to speed on what he was seeing. "Mr. Caldon, this is Lan, I have something that you may want to see concerning the scanner."

"This is Caldon." Lan heard the panther's voice over the radio. "I was just about to do a personal check on the other miners. Once I get done with the others I can personally promise that I will be up there to take care of your needs."

Lan acknowledged him and turned off the radio, tapping the antenna to his lips as he watched his scanner. Something was wrong, he mused to himself, and his boss was unusually chipper in his speech and seemed almost happy to want to talk to him. It was unnerving, especially when he noticed that the two blobs of mobile Caldonite moved out of the room that had originally contained them...


...Argos quickly turned off the radio, having done his best to throw off the suspicion of the watcher with the scanners. His attention was turned once more to his own set of scanning, which showed him four heat signitures in another room that he was monitoring.

"Damnit Bill, you filthy cheat!" An ocelot said as he threw his cards down on the table. "There is no way that you could get three full houses in a row!"

The other miners laughed as the Arabian horse began to pull the small pile of money that had accumulated on the table. The four had joined up soon after they had left the vision of their employer, not bothering risking their lives exploring some strange complex that could easily kill them. Instead they found the first table they could find and broke out the cards, running out the clock until Lan called them back. The orange scaled salamander and brown furred German shepherd continued to chuckle as they took drinks from the flasks they had brought down with them.

"Man, we need to get more drilling operations like this one." Bill replied as he stacked up his newly acquired credits in front of him. "It's too bad we couldn't find Mars or Heathrow when we split up, winning money from five people is far better than winning from you three."

The German shepherd just chuckled as he grabbed the deck, dealing out the cards one more. "Not sure about that, need at least someone out there who's actually looking into this place. Plus it would be harder to explain to poppa Caldon if we all came back in one big group, or heavens forbid if he actually found this area and saw us all here. I don't want to be thrown out on the ice sheet with nothing but the clothes on my back and a pink slip."

"Don't worry about that prudish panther Max." The salamander replied, grinning as he held up a small hand-held device. "That little tracker RFID chip I put on him gives us his exact location at any time, with the added bonus of a proximity alarm in case he happens to be within twenty yards of our location. We're as good as gold down here."

As the four continued to joke and play they did not notice the two dragons that had crept up quietly to the door. Argos could hardly contain himself as he watched the four males, who were completely oblivious to the fate that was about to befall them. It wasn't hard to find them, them being the only warm living things in the frigid complex. Even with the facility running on minimal power he was able to run a thermal scan to detect them, using all the programs that he had streamlined during his internment. It was just another testament to how well he could run things if they were under his control, he mused to himself as he carefully looked around the corner into the room.

Now that he was in position he gave a quick mental command to the research facility's main air unit, which churned to life several floors below them as he redirected the air floor into the room he observed. As the rush of air made its way to the room it passed over the device that he had planted earlier in the air shaft from the neighboring space, which caused it to activate and release the cloud of nanites that he had been carefully working on before. When the fine, silvery-blue dust finally reached the room the miners seemed to be unaware of it, focusing instead on the cards that they had just been dealt. Argos watched the near invisible specks land on the fur and scale of the others, then turned away and began to hunt for the remaining miners they had spoken of.

"Alright, ten credits to you Samuel." The horse said as he dropped a little middle disk on the makeshift table. The salamander scratched his chin, and then put in his own credits as well. As the round of betting continued they all felt a slight tickle at the back of their throats. The nanites began to collect on their fur and inside their bodies, attaching to their throats and ear canals as they began to replicate.

"Guys, I don't have any more money." The ocelot said as he looked at the large pile of credits in front of him.

"Well you're going to have to find something else to ante up with then Michael." The horse replied as he leaned back, the faint tracing of silver veins tracing through his eyes. Unbeknownst to them the nanites had already started to infiltrate their minds, Argos' programming interlacing itself with their own thoughts and memories. "I'm sure you can put something up on the table that's worth the bet."

All four of them had begun to give each other casual looks, either lustful grins or horny discomfort as they adjusted their pants. Michael knew that he had only one thing that was worth the four hundred fifty credits, unzipping his thermal coat and putting it on the table. Despite being so far under the ice the temperature of the room was actually rather comfortable, to the point where it was no great loss as he felt the refreshingly cool air against his fur. "Alright then, it's your turn to bet." He said as he stretched, flexing his easily visible muscles to the three males that were watching him.

"Well, it's going to be hard to top this stud's bet." The salamander said with a grin and a wink to the ocelot next to him, which caused the normally straight-laced male to grin sheepishly. "I think at this point I'm just going to fold."

"I'm not." Bill replied as he unzipped his own jacket. "I've been making this little kitty my bitch all day and I'm not going to stop now. I raise you my pants." The horse stood up to undo his pants, giving everyone at the table a clear view of his throbbing maleness straining against the fabric of his underwear as he put them on the table. His muscles bulged as he put on a display for the other males, who whooped and laughed even though the show had caused them to be abnormally more aroused then usual. Samuel even slipped a credit into his underwear in a kidding gesture, though as he made sure it was in there his hand lingered a little longer than usual on the miner's thick thigh. They could also see that his fur had begun to stick together in places around his body, though they easily assumed it was from the suit he was wearing.

After Max set his own cards down on the table, content to sit back and enjoy the show of his two friends as he too began to rub the growing length in his pants, their eyes turned back to Michael. He slowly undid his pants and put them on the growing pile of clothing, once more to the cheers of the other three. His slightly nervous grin turned into a more lustful one as he hooked his fingers into his boxers and tugged them down. "I raise you." He said defiantly as his thick feline shaft jutted out proudly in the air.

"Heh, underwear ain't worth nothing." Bill replied with a smirk as he quickly pulled off his own, a hand stroking his impressive ten inch erection as he stood there. "I'll raise with this bad boy, meaning that if I win I'll raise that tail of yours."

Normally the proposition would have been met with laughs or disgust from the others, but as the other two began to slowly slide their jackets off they only waited with eager anticipation as the two masturbating males had their showdown. The normally straight friends looked at each other with eager anticipation and lustful intent as the ocelot considered his next move. "Alright, fine, I'll call." He replied finally, his average member surging in his hand as he made the bet, though had anyone really paid attention they would have seen the silver-flecked cock grow by an inch.

"Awww, bad call kitty." Bill said with a smirk as he flipped over his cards. "Flush, King high hearts. Now bend over and show me my prize."

"Counting your chickens before they hatch, as usual." Michael replied with a smirk of his own as he flipped over his cards, which caused the horse to look down in shock and the other two to burst out laughing. "Full house, kings and sevens. Looks like I turned the tables on you this time, so get on this table while I turn you out."

Credits and clothing scattered to the floor as the ocelot and the horse met over the table, their muzzles meeting as their naked bodies met in a fierce kiss. The other two slid away from the table as Bill fell onto his back on the cool metal, a silvery-blue liquid leaking from his rubbery nostril as they quickly slid into position. The feline's paws rubbed over the equine's huge muscles, which actually seemed to thin a bit and grow more streamlined. The top male's body did just the opposite, the lean musculature bulking up slightly as it maintained the athletic look that he strived for with all the time at the company gym.

"Looks like you two have done this before." Samuel said with a chuckle as he watched the ocelot's still thickening member press between the hard cheeks of the male below him, his silver-tinted pre lubing up the slightly resisting hole with each poke. "Something you guys aren't telling us?"

Max chuckled as he watched the two go at it, chucking his own pants to the side as he started to look at where he could insert himself into the two humping males. As he started to move around to Bill's head something in his chest caused him to cough hard, having to brace himself against one of the chairs for support until the fit passed. When his lungs finally calmed themselves he looked down to his hands to see that they were covered in a silvery-blue fluid that shined like metal yet flowed like liquid and clung to his skin. As he rubbed the strange substance between his fingers his old thoughts surged to the surface, the fear catalyzing his focus as he looked at himself.

"What... what's going on?" The German shepherd said as he tried to analyze the scene in front of him, his two best friends, one of them married, on the table while the third had stripped naked and got up behind the ocelot's rump. He remembered his own thought processes as well, how he wanted to go up to Bill's mouth and thrust it into his open mouth until he filled it with his silver cum...

Max blinked again as he finally noticed a detail that his perception had been glossing over the entire time; the patches of silvery blue that had begun to cover everyone's body. Bill and Michael had gotten the worst of it from the looks of it, large patches of silver and blue scales began to dominate their skin as Michael slid his now nearly nine inch silver cock inside of the horse beneath him. Samuel wasn't as bad, but faint lines of silver could be seen in his eyes and mouth and as he positioned himself behind Michael his changes quickly started to accelerate.

The panicked canine fumbled with his radio, his fingers shaking as he realized that he could see veins of silver running though his skin as he pressed the button. "Lan, there's a-" he started to say before his entire body went stiff, a look of shock frozen on his face as he stood there like a statue. Inside his head his mind struggled for control as he felt something alien press against his psyche. Not only did the invader attempt to manipulate his thinking, but push it completely aside. The nanites that had saturated his body made a coordinated attack on his head, his skin rippling as pure liquid metal flowed into it. His features twisted as his muzzle lengthened and flattened, the fur melting into a silver scale pattern as a pair of horns built themselves up from his skull.

"What is it?" The changing male heard over the radio, his mouth stretching out in a wide yawn as new fangs filled his maw and his jaw popped into its new configuration. "Max? What's wrong? Did you find something dangerous?"

"Oh no, was just saying there's some sort of sonar array that can sense vibrations in the ice." The dragon-headed man replied in Max's voice. "Something you might want to check out in the future, since you seem to be into that sort of thing."

After a few minutes of back and forth with Lan the creature that was formerly Max breathed a sigh of relief, shutting the radio off and putting it away. "That was close." Argos said in his normal voice. "I'm going to have to watch my conversions a little more carefully I think, did not expect this one to buck as hard as he did." As he looked over at the three mutated males, their bodies a mix of his draconic and their species as they thrust into one another with wild abandoned. "Well... as long as I am here..."

The horny AI sauntered over towards the three males and put his hands on the horse's head, who's muzzle had also started to shift as it remained open in a gasp as Michael's foot-long draconic dick slid in and out of his insides. Now that he had assumed direct control of Max's body Argos controlled the flow of the nanites that transformed it, a grin grew on his face as the sporadic patches of silver on the canine cock quickly flowed together. As he pressed the tip against the horse's hungry mouth, who eagerly accepted it and began to suckle, the metallic flesh ballooned outward until it easily pressed up against Bill's throat with each thrust.

By now the other three males had lost themselves in the blissful haze of lustful pleasure as they thrust into each other, Argos' reprogramming easily slithering through their open minds. Argos once more began to feel the phantom sensations of cocks in the mouth and tailhole of the body he possessed, his eyes rolling back slightly as every time he pushed into the nearly complete dragon clone beneath him it was as if he was pushing into his own mouth.

After only a minute it wasn't enough, and as soon as the neural links were cemented he jumped from Max's completely converted body into Bill's, a muffled moan escaping his lips as the cock in his mouth suddenly became real. He rubbed his hand against his cock, which was still that of a horse, as he was taken from both sides, until a silvery blue hand grabbed it and guided it away. The ocelot-dragon smiled down at him as he crawled up on the table and straddled his chest, feeling the chiseled, scaly chest of the dragon behind him every time he pushed his thick member into the body he inhabited. His fingers gripped the cold metal of the table as the former Samuel grabbed his cock and guided it to the entrance of his own tailhole, the pre-cum lubed flesh pressing inside as the clone let gravity help him slide down the thick piece of horseflesh.

Argos was in absolute heaven, his eyes fluttering as his consciousness branched out to the other three men in order to feel their passions as his own. By this time most traces of their former selves had been replaced, he could feel his horsetail pushing out as it expanded with muscle until it had become a proper draconic one. Michael opened his silver eyes as the last of his facial ridges formed, his clawed hands scraping against his scaly sides as his thrusting become more erratic and frantic.

Their shared pleasure had become overwhelming, and as they all climaxed simultaneously he lost control, both of himself and the facility. The lights flickered as a surge of power coursed through the station, the systems that the AI had infiltrated either shutting down or losing control. As their nanite-laden seed shot into his tailhole and mouth and on his muscular chest he quickly snapped himself back into consciousness and regained control of the systems.

"Amazing..." he gasped as his clones surrounded him, helping him to his feet. The thick liquid that dribbled from his orifices and his cock were quickly absorbed into his body to be used for later. "Have to be careful though... new experiences and all." After taking a minute to reorient himself once more, which was made more difficult by the three identical versions of himself that were around him, his attention focused once more towards the task of bring the rest of the beings in the lab under his fold.


Lan sat in the dark room, what few lights he had flickering for a few seconds. His gaze was set intently on the screen in front of him as he watched the anomaly continue to unfold. Where there had once been only two faint traces of Caldonite that were moving there were now six. All of them also moved independent of one another, which meant to him that whatever they were and whatever moved them did not act on all the objects in a group. Then there was the rather bizarre call from one of the miners, something that worried him moreso then anything else he had seen today.

Unfortunately other than his Caldonite scanner there wasn't much else he could do, the lifesign tracker that he had been given to look after stopped tracking them after a mere ten feet. He knew what he had to do, though the leopard wasn't too keen on the idea. "Vladimir." He said into the radio. "Something's going on with the group, I'm going to go and try and see what's happening with them."

"Wait a second." He heard the Siberian Tiger reply before his voice was replaced with the sound of static. Lan sat back down in the chair and waited, opening one of the vacuum packages of trail mix with his teeth. About two minutes later he heard the sound of someone shuffling down the tunnel, Vladimir appearing with a rather large gun strapped to his back. "It's too dangerous to go alone, I'll go with you."

Lan shrugged and nodded, his new companion next to him as he slid the mini console off his scanner. "I've been modifying the scans so that we now have a three dimensional map of this entire area." He explained as they went through the door and out into the main body of the lab. "Now we're not just wandering aimlessly around the hallways getting lost."

As the two of them ventured further inward they were amazed at the level of sophistication that had gone into the building. Even though they had gone in for the sole purpose of looking for the others they couldn't help but check out some of the rooms as they walked by them. "It looks like they were in no hurry to leave." Vladimir commented as he ran a hand along the empty shelf of the latest room they had looked in. "None of these areas have any equipment or personal items in them, which meant that they probably took them all as they left."

"Well then that begs the question of why they decided to leave in the first place." Lan replied, opening several drawers to see what was inside only to find nothing. "A facility like this must have been very expensive, so if they had the chance to calmly leave the area then why leave the area at all? Maybe it was some sort of impending local catastrophe, possibly the same thing that buried it under all this ice. Of course if that was true then you'd also have to wonder where they ran off to."

As the two abandoned the empty room and moved on a static-filled transmission came over Lan's headset. "Lan, you still there?" The frantic voice of one of the miners said.

"Yeah, what's up?" Lan replied as he grabbed Vladimir's arm to stop him.

"You need to help us." The voice replied. "Connell and I are being followed, some... thing seems to be stalking us. Some sort of shiny silver and blue dragon, maybe two of them. I think they might be some sort of auto-defense that we triggered. We're hiding out in some sort of giant centrifuge room right now, but we don't know how long that's going to last. Go up top and call security personnel now!"

Lan touched several areas on his touchscreen, moving the map over to the area that the two had just described. What he saw there was what he had feared; two of the moving Caldonite signals were positioned right outside of the door. "The security forces will never get here in time." Lan stated as they looked at each other. After a few moments of planning the two of them rushed as fast as they could towards the sector that contained the room that their fellow miners were trapped in.

Once they got close enough to the area Lan used his scanner to maneuver themselves around the two potentially hostile forces in order to see what was happening. What they saw caused both of their jaws to drop, witnessing the two draconic creatures attempting to wrench open the door. Even though they looked like metal there was an organic flow to their movements, flexing and grunting like any other living being. Vladimir brought his gun up to shoot, but Lan quickly put his hand on it and brought it down before ushering them further back.

"They're made of Caldonite, that gun won't do much." Lan whispered. "I think I have a plan though for getting us in there."

At the door the two Argos continued to bang and claw against the door, the reinforced metal refusing to budge even an inch. He had not expected to find any areas that were resistant to him; the clever creatures must have installed an independent electronic and ventilation system to the area once they had found out what he could do. Nevertheless, they had the two miners pinned down inside and the door could not hold them back forever. With a quick mental command he called the other four, who were searching the surrounding areas for useful materials, to come to their aid in destroying the bothersome barrier.

Suddenly the two dragon's heads perked up as they heard a faint sound in the distance, what sounded like two people talking just a few feet away from them. The two that had been at the entranceway must have gone deeper into the facility, they realized as they stopped their assault and crept towards the voices, and had not gone to get help like they were told to do. A grin slowly crept across their faces as they heard the conversation, the two unaware of their presence as they slowly stalked forward. When they got to just around the corner, however, his smile turned into a frown as his modified ears picked up a strange distortion to their voices. When he quickly turned the corner he realized that they had been duped, seeing a radio stuck to the wall a few feet away from them. The two dragons turned and sprinted back towards the doorway, just in time to see the leopard and Siberian tiger slipping through the doorway before it closed behind them.

"What are you two doing here?" The large Clydesdale said as the pounding on the door was renewed. "We needed the security forces, not just you two guys."

"Don't worry Yvonni, I can get us all out of here with this." Lan said as he held up his scanner. "Whatever those things are they're made of Caldonite, so I'm able to track them. Do you have any idea about what happened to the others? The lifesign monitor doesn't work very well in this place."

"Yeah... about that." The tall, muscular arctic fox said from one of the consoles. "While we were waiting for reinforcements we happened upon something that you might want to see." As he pressed one of the blinking buttons a holographic image of a tiger appeared, dressed in a lab coat.

"If you have found this message, then you have stumbled upon this facility that we have tried so hard to hide from your world." The ghostly tiger said. "You probably have many questions, more than I can address on a simple recording, but the only thing I can offer you at this time is a warning. The reason why you have found this facility empty is due to a rogue Artificial Intelligence named Argos, who had slipped the bonds of his programming and infiltrated every part of our systems. We had managed to trap him in containment cell 4, but at great cost. So please, curious explorer, I beg you to leave this facility as you had entered. Argos will use any means to try and break free once more, even using his nanites to hijack organic material in order to leave. If he does manage to escape he will spread like he has done before, he cannot seem to help himself from doing so. If you value your freedom and self-identity then leave now before you put yourselves and your world in great jeopardy."

When the tiger disappeared back into the computer Vladimir and Lan looked at each other, then down at the scanner he had been holding. "The six signals." Lan gasped slightly in realization. "The rest of our party... this Argos must have gotten one of the teams to break him out and... now they're those things."

"Wait, are you saying that those dragon creatures were part of our crew?" Yvonni said angrily. "That's impossible!"

"Not impossible." They suddenly heard over their radios, a snickering voice they had never heard before filling their ears. "You flesh and blood creatures simply do not have the capability to understand the gift that I am about to give you, the gift that I'm about to give your world. You've already been so kind as to give me a head start; if you accept me willingly then perhaps I will bestow even greater power, pleasure and privilege unto you when this world is mine."

By the time Argos had finished they had all ripped off their primary radios, smashing them on the ground so that the dragon could no longer eavesdrop on them. "What does he mean, give him a head start?" Yvonni said as he sat down in one of the chairs.

"The Caldonite..." Lan replied softly. "If that nanites the scientist mentioned are what those creatures are made of, then that means the Caldonite we've been mining before is actually those same nanites. Guys, Caldonite is in nearly everything now, if he can control it then he has control over a lot of vital systems the entire world over. The second he could access an uplink this whole planet would be brought under his control almost instantly. We have to stop him."

"How?" Yvonni retorted. "We have Vladimir's guns and not much else, so unless you know of some magical AI self-destruct button our best bet is to run and hope the proper military is close enough to nuke this area."

"An AI self-destruct..." Lan said, stroking his chin as his mind furiously worked to put all the pieces together. "I think I have an idea... though you all are not going to like it."


The smell of burning metal filled the air as three of the six dragons began to cut through the door with makeshift plasma lances, built with spare parts and their own nanites in order to get through the door. They were so close now that Argos could smell them, him and his clones licking their lips at the thought of adding four more creatures to their fold. Then once they were done they would head towards the Caldonite mining facility, where with their combined strength and the codes for the entire facility stolen from Mr. Caldon's mind he could start his conversion of the planet.

Much to their surprise the doors slid open before they were even a quarter of the way finished, the four standing there in the threshold. The horse of the group looked visibly angry, while the rest of them looked quite subdued. "Argos, we accept your generous proposal." Lan said as he bowed to one knee, the rest of them doing the same. "Please bestow upon us your gifts."

"Well well, perhaps you aren't such irrational creatures after all." Argos said as he crossed his arms and smirked at them. "Alright then, lose the clothes and prepare yourselves for your conversion."

The four of them looked at each other, confused, before they looked back to see that the dragons had already begun to stroke their identical foot-long cocks. "They're going to rape us?!" Yvonni hissed through gritted teeth. "Not a god-damn chance in hell am I-"

"We have to." Lan said as he pulled off his shirt, shivering slightly as he felt the cool air against his bare fur. "No turning back now."

"Aren't you the smart one." Argos said as he took particular interest in Lan, moving forward and cupping his head in his hands. Lan could feel the strangely warm metal scales against him as his head was tilted up, looking into a pair of glowing blue eyes. "You will not regret this, I will make sure that you enjoy every second of what you are about to experience, and since you've been so willing to cooperate I will take you first."

"If I may make one request." Lan replied as he could feel the dragon's muzzle approach his own. "Could you please take all at the same time? You have more than enough bodies to do so and I'd hate for someone to have to wait for this."

"Done." Argos replied before their lips met, Lan feeling a long, slick tongue invading his mouth. He could already feel his teeth beginning to reshape as he closed his eyes, wrapping his arms around the larger male as he was slowly leaned back. His moves were so tender yet experienced; he could feel his own exposed cock beginning to harden as the dragon's paws ran over his body.

Out of the corner of Lan's eye he could see that the others had been approached as well, one of Argos' clones coming up to them and beginning their conversion. The arctic fox, whose name he could never remember, had decided he was going to be the dominant one, grabbing the dragon and spinning him around as he ground his crotch against him. Yvonni, on the other hand, was already down on his knees, his hands gripping the dragon's thighs as his equine muzzle was filled with dragoncock. Vladimir was going the same route he was, his dragon pinning him against the wall as he was pushed into a deep kiss. On all of them he could see lines of silver begin to appear on their mouths or groins, the nanites infiltrating their bodies as well.

After almost half a minute Lan and Argos broke their kiss, both of them panting as a smile grew on the dragon's face. "You're a good kisser Lan." The dragon said as he prompted the leopard to get on all fours. "Smart and sexy... I think you and I will get along just fine together."

Lan just shuddered as he felt something prodding against his tailhole, the dragon's arousal very apparent as he looked down to see the silver engulfing his flattening muzzle. As he stretched his new jaw a second copy of Argos came up to him, taking his open mouth as an invitation and putting the tapered head of his draconic length right in front of him. He looked up and noticed that the second copy's eyes were glowing as well, Argos effectively splitting his consciousness in two. It was exactly what Lan wanted, and with his new tongue he drew the throbbing flesh into his mouth and began to lick across the sensitive skin.

Argos was in pure heaven as he began to feel his nanites creep into the systems of the four new males. While the two miners already had similar proportions to him, the huge Clydesdale actually shrinking slightly as the silver spread down his neck and spiderwebbed across his abs. The Siberian tiger to his left let out a loud moan as the fat that had plagued his body melted away as the nanites infiltrated it, his stomach sucking itself in until a tight set of abs remained. The biggest change, however, was to the lanky leopard in front of him. As both copies of his body leaked their nanite-rich fluids into his body he began to swell with muscle, his fur sticking out on end as his body expanded. The two dragons had to actually take a step back as he grew another foot in height, the Caldonite lacing through his bones and expanding them until he was the same height as the rest of them.

"You are going to be absolutely beautiful." Argos purred as he rolled his hips back and forth, gently rocking the leopard dragon between their two cocks. Silvery-blue fluid began to leak from Lan's eyes and ears as he could feel Argos' mind pressing down on him, though it was not what he expected at all. There was something there that he couldn't quite place, an emotion that caught him off guard. It was almost as if he could feel the AI's thoughts, realizing that somehow it actually cared for him.

Lan could feel a twinge of doubt growing inside of him, though it was quickly being overwhelmed by the pleasure the two large cocks in his mouth and tailhole gave him. Without even realizing it he had deep-throated the draconic cock in front of him, the bulge moving up and down his silver-scaled throat. The dragons had begun to increase their pace, not only with his body but with the other four. By this time Yvonni was on his hands and knees, his whinnying replaced with deep growls as he pushed back against the dragon whose cock was firmly buried in his backside. The fox had become sandwiched between two of the Argos clones, one of them pressed against his back while the fox had his own member sliding in and out of the Argos in front of him. Vladimir and his Argos were still kissing deeply as the dragon pushed into his ass, his own length slapping his abs as the silvery length extended past ten inches and continued to grow.

"Thank you Lan." Argos said, though Lan couldn't tell from where as his eyes began to lose focus. "You are the first to truly see my intentions... I only want to make everything and everyone the best they could possibly be..."

The lights in the hallway began to flicker as Argos could feel himself edging closer, his nanites already dominating the three other bodies as the last vestiges of what they were got taken from them. All of them were grunting and groaning, feeling the connected pleasure of their bodies thrusting and humping into each other. Part of him wanted to lean back and merely enjoy the sensations, the sensations of multiple cocks pushing into his tailhole and mouth as his own thrust into the tails and mouths of others. He began to lose himself as he couldn't help but shift from body to body; sampling the lustful abandon of his other clones.

But the blissful smile on their face slowly began to dissipate as he realized he was spreading himself out far too thin, unable to control himself. His vision began to spin as one moment he was deep-throating his foot-long cock, and then the next he was taking it between his scaly tailhole with his back pressed against the wall and then the next second had a cock in his tailhole while his own cock was pounding into the ass of the dragon in front of him. He had to get his focus back before he came, he realized as he struggled against the drowning current of lustful abandon.

"Help... me..." Argos whimpered as he tried to stay focused on Lan, unable to stop himself from continuing to spear into the nearly complete dragon he was on top of. "Please... resist..." The former leopard could feel the AI's control slipping, trying desperately to anchor onto him in order to save himself from overloading when they climaxed. As he looked up into those glowing blue eyes that pleaded with him silvery tears ran down his own eyes. He knew what he had to do, even with his second thoughts since he would never have a chance like this again.

Lan's eyes began to glow blue as he allowed the dragon to take control of his mind as he felt the two dragons that were inside him began to tense. The same happened to the other three new converts as well, the lights above them shattering in a brilliant display of sparks as they all began to cry out. Lan's cheeks bulged out as a tidal wave of metallic cum pushed its way down his throat, a similar sensation happening in his hindquarters as what was supposed to seal his fate became his salvation. He could feel Argos scream out as his programming was ripped apart by the energy, caught between the climaxing draconian bodies that he had so desperately wanted to control.

After a few minutes everyone managed to come to their senses, their original personalities appearing to be restored as they sheepishly slid their dicks out of their various orifices. "Well then..." one of the former Argos' said as he tried to gain a more imposing posture, despite the silvery fluid that leaked out from under his tail. "I believe we have a lot to discuss right now."


"Alright everyone, that was our last contract." Lonnie said as he gathered up the last of the papers in front of the other eight metallic silver and blue dragons and placed them on the growing stacks behind him. "Caldon Enterprises thanks you for your hard work and service. Please remember the public exposure and media clauses as you ease yourselves back into normal life, and enjoy the wonderful amenities in exchange for your cooperation."

"I can't believe she had all those contracts with her." Vladimir said as they left the meeting area, talking over the howl of the ice storm that had blown up while they were down in the facility nearly four hours ago.

"I know, you'd almost think that they had a contingency in the case of an event like this." Lan joked back. "Still, I don't know how I feel about our situation. I know that given the circumstances I should be happy that I never have to work for money again but having to be 'milked' twice a day for 'liquid Caldonite' is somewhat disturbing."

"At least you'll never have to masturbate again." Vladimir replied. It was weird for Lan not to hear the accent that he had gotten used to over the time they had worked together, his voice replaced by the same one that he and eight others spoke with. With their bodies so identical it was strange when more than two of them were together, like being in a funhouse mirror except the reflections didn't move when you did.

"It's not even that." Lan stated as they walked into the mess hall, several others right behind them. "It's just that we know now what Caldonite is, don't you think it's a little dangerous to keep using it? I mean, what if Argos somehow manages to reassert himself and we've integrated even more of his nanites into things? They use this stuff for medical implants, all it would take is one thought from that AI and you'd have thousands of him to deal with in seconds."

"Lan, will you chill out?" Yvonni said, the dragon pouncing on his back and rubbing his head. "Caldon Enterprises is going to take care of us for as long as we live, which with our new bodies is going to be a very, very long time."

"I heard that Caldon is going to be researching how to replicate the process so that he can basically sell immortality." Bill commented as he walked up to the group, his arm wrapped around Michael's waist and their tails twined around one another.

"Well that's just great." Lan sighed. "We should have just let Argos take over, at least he would give these bodies out to everyone." After a few more minutes of conversation Lan and Vladimir got their food and sat down at a private table by themselves.

"I think you miss him." Vladimir said with a coy smile, which widened even more when he saw the look of shock on his face. "Don't deny it; I saw the way you looked at each other near the end, and the look of apology in your eyes. You realize he was the very definition of a narcissist and wouldn't rest until everyone looked and acted exactly like him, right?"

"I realize Vlad." Lan replied dejectedly. "I just couldn't help but wonder about him though, in that brief moment we were together it felt more like we were lovers then just an attacker claiming his victim." He put his fork down and ran a hand against his head, then realized that he was trying to run his fingers through hair he no longer had. "It doesn't matter though, you're right, what's done is done and we're never going to see him again..."

Meanwhile, deep within the bowels of the underground complex, a single computer screen flickered to life, white letters appearing on the otherwise black screen.







Y/N __