Access All Areas - Commission for Furiousfur
Duke the wolf is the lead singer and bassist of one of the biggest up-and-coming bands around. Find out what happens when a certain goat gets exclusive backstage access to the band's frontman.
This Short Story Commission was written for Duke, aka furiousfur (
For Duke
Access All Areas
Right here, right now, all that he lived for was the music, a world within itself. His paws flew over the bass guitar, up and down its neck, claws working furiously at strings and fret. The rhythm and fingering were second nature to him now, years and years of dedication and practice culminating in the final few moments of this final riff. And with the noise of the crowd and the thunder of drums and the beat of the music pulsing through his body and through every fibre in his fur, all of them willing him on further and further, he dared to shut his eyes and just feel. Feel the rhythm, feel the grip of his paws around the bass, feel the deep thrum of the strings beneath his pawtips. Hundreds of watts of energy setting his body alight. This is what he was born to do. And then, just as he was wishing this moment could go on forever, the song reached its cadence, another piece of magic reaching its conclusion all too soon. Three final chords to play, decisive, definitive, ultimate.
The briefest of pauses. And then...
The roar of twenty thousand animals filled the arena, old and young and predator and prey and stalls and mosh pit focused in their adulation of the four furs high up on that stage as the second encore of the night came to a close. The zebra with his Mohawk, drummer, hollering at the sky with his drumsticks held aloft. The coyote and the black panther, both on guitar, coming downstage and shouting out their thanks to the fans. And centre stage, opening his eyes to acknowledge the enraptured masses gathered at his paws, stood the wolf. The wolf, whose face now graced magazine covers and bedroom walls all over the world. His fur was fire-red, interspersed with black and gold. He wore a pair of ripped jeans and his trademark leather jacket, and his prize Precision bass hung around his neck. Taking in deep breaths as he stood in front of the stand mike, he finally let himself smile now that his hard work was done for the night. Here, under the inferno of stadium lights, the young lupine was in heaven.
Three years ago, they were just four guys from the south coast, spending their weekends playing local clubs and the odd open-air gig in the summer. Then, they landed a set at one of the big festivals. Everything just went right at that gig, and a couple of days afterwards, a record producer phoned and offered the band a piece of gold dust: a record contract. Album one turned into photoshoots, then magazine interviews, then TV interviews, not to mention record sales beyond anything they could have ever imagined. Now, two studio albums and countless gigs later, there was hardly a person in the music industry who hadn't heard of Furious F, or indeed of the band's frontman, the talented young wolf known simply as Duke.
Taking his microphone one last time, the wolf shouted his own thanks to the crowd, and they cheered all the louder in appreciation. The band unplugged their guitars and headed for the wings, as the stadium announcer addressed the crowd: "Alright folks, make some noise for Furious F!" The cheers of the crowd were still ringing in Duke's ears as a skinny lemur boy ushered the band through to the stage door. Duke was practically bounding along, somehow managing to keep quiet until they were all through the door and out of the crowd's earshot. Then backstage, the zebra once again led the whooping, all four animals slapping each other's backs and punching the air. Another fantastic gig and another great tour date in the bag.
They cut through the backstage area, cold and dimly lit like the inside of a warehouse. Several members of crew were darting about, the stage striking already well underway. Some furs were chattering into earpieces, others were carrying ladders or toolboxes or amps or whatever else needed moving. Over by the outside door stood a burly Doberman, talking into a two-way radio. Occasionally they met a crew member, who would pat them on the back or shout out, 'Great gig, guys!' Panting heavily and lost for words, but still abuzz from the evening's set, they headed sideways down a brighter corridor and made a beeline for the arena's green room. There, they were going to unwind for a while, before heading back to their dressing rooms to pack up and move out of their home for the past three nights, back to their hotel and then tomorrow, on to the next stop of their tour.
They reached a door halfway down the corridor, marked with a brass plaque reading 'Green Room'. The zebra pushed the door open, and started whooping and cheering all over again at the sight that greeted him.
"Man, they sure know how to throw an after party around here!"
Green sofas stood around three sides of the room, a window on the opposite side, with band and theatre posters covering the walls. They had seen all of this at the interval. But during the second half, a table had been set up in the middle of the room which was full of snacks, sweet and savoury, crisps, sandwiches, cakes, biscuits, cans of soda and bottles of water and wine. With murmurs of approval the band hovered around the table, muzzles watering, spoilt for choice of what to pick first. Duke eventually picked up a can of coke, cracking it open and taking a sip. Drink in paw, he stepped back and looked around at the tour posters plastered over the green room wall. Suddenly he paused and smiled as he caught sight of one poster, featuring four familiar furs: zebra, coyote, panther, and of course red-furred wolf; along with the band's logo, the words 'Furious F' in bold, jagged silver lettering.
The zebra in the meantime had wasted no time in grabbing a bottle of red wine and a couple of glasses, scanning the table for a corkscrew as he clutched the wine in one hoof. But Jez the panther quickly came over.
"Just thinking Gabe, maybe we ought to hold up on the drink for now. We've got that VIP thing now, remember?"
"Hmm, guess so." He put the bottle back unopened, grabbing a muffin instead and flopping onto one of the sofas. "This bit should be interesting, anyway."
Duke took a seat too, nursing his coke can. "Yeah, it should be." In truth Duke was a little apprehensive about this 'Meet the Band' idea now. But he couldn't show it in front of the guys: it was his idea after all. Everyone who came to the gig tonight had been put into a draw, and one lucky fur was about to come backstage with their mates, to meet the band and hang out with them. They'd get a load of signed goods, and maybe even jam with the band if they played themselves. No doubt they'd be nervous. The band were nervous enough themselves. But, this was the fans they were talking about. Without the fans supporting them, buying their music and turning out to their gigs, they wouldn't have got where they were today. They owed this much to their supporters. The question was, what kind of supporter would they be getting?
"I bet we get some fanboy in through that door," Gabe suggested. "You know, some creepy guy who knows everything about us. What time we wake up, what we had for lunch today..."
"No, no," Carlos the coyote cut him off. "It'll probably be some teenage girl."
"Oh God yes, and I bet she spends the first five minutes just screaming at us."
Carlos broke into laughter. "Yeah, and I bet she brings her dad backstage with her. And you know they guy's just gonna be stood here the whole time, with nothing to say."
Jez joined in the discussion as well, all three talking over each other. The speculation carried on for some time, broken up by the odd snort of laughter, until Duke held up his paw. "Hey guys, guys, seriously."
They quietened down.
"I'm sure whatever they're like, this'll turn out fine."
A knock at the door, and the skinny lemur poked his nose around. "Sorry to interrupt guys," he said in a hushed tone. "I've got your guest right here."
He pushed the door open a little further, revealing one other fur. And thankfully, the band's fears about fanboys and teenage girls had proven to be unfounded. He was a goat, his fur pure-white except for a patch of black around his right eye. His fur was wild and askew, but whether that was his natural look or because he'd been moshing was up for debate. Broad muzzle with a classic little goatee underneath, long pink-tinged ears, sharp back-curving horns, and his tail was long and tufted, almost horse-like. He wore a black T-shirt, along with a pair of baggy black jeans, boots and a thick well-worn belt. And around his neck hung an orange badge with the letters 'AAA', for 'Access All Areas', printed on it in black.
As the lemur made himself scarce, the goat stepped into the room, blinking and flicking his gaze from panther to coyote to zebra to wolf. No doubt the poor guy was nervous, so Duke resolved to make him welcome from the start. Jumping to his feet, he headed over to the door, his paw outstretched.
"Hey there, congratulations on winning the draw! I'm Duke, although you probably knew that already." The goat smiled politely and nodded, shaking Duke's paw before stepping into the room. Duke pointed out the rest of the band. "Right, that's Carlos over there, and Jez, and that's..."
"I'm Gabe. Not Gabriel though." He pointed above his head. "No halo."
"Sure. And I'm Ziegenbock, Zieg for short."
"Zieg! Great to meet you, Zieg," said Carlos. "Thanks for coming to the gig tonight."
"Wouldn't have missed it. Great set, guys."
"Thanks. So, it's just you tonight? You came here on your own?"
"Yes. I was going to come with a friend, but he told me this afternoon he couldn't make it, and I couldn't find anyone else at short notice. But I thought, 'I've got tickets to Furious F, I might as well go anyway.' Met a couple of nice people in the audience anyway."
"Oh, we could've invited them back here as well," Jez said. "Did you get their names? We could put out an announcement or something."
"It's alright. They had to be back for their last train, anyway."
"Too bad," Gabe replied. "Or maybe not: more wine for us!"
The five of them spent a good while talking, the wine kept flowing, and they made short work of the food table. Zieg was certainly on the quiet side to start with, so Duke went easy with the questions. Being on his own, backstage with one of the biggest up-and-coming bands around, he could probably be forgiven for being a bit reserved. And anyway, after a couple of glasses, everyone loosened up. It turned out that Zieg had been a big Furious F fan from the start, although he didn't play a great deal himself aside from a bit of keys. However, he was into singing. So they did have a bit of a jam, even if his rendition of To The Streets was, in Jez's words, 'a bit West End theatre'. The goat spent a good while chatting with Duke in particular, and as they both went up for more snacks, the lupine turned to the goat with a welcoming smile.
"Hey, Zieg. Fancy coming back to my dressing room? I can get you some signed stuff while we're back there."
"Um... sure, that sounds good," he answered straightaway, much to Duke's surprise. Duke grabbed his bass and headed for the door. With a nod in the direction of the zebra, coyote and panther, Zieg turned tail and followed the wolf, back out of the room and into the corridor. In the corner of his eye, he thought he saw Carlos shaking his head, but he didn't say anything about it.
Outside, furs were still rushing around. Duke cut through them all at a quick step, with the goat skipping by his side. "Sorry, things are a bit hectic around here tonight. There's loads to get packed up, last night here and all that. And there's some theatre group coming in here next week apparently, so the arena guys are getting everything changed around for them. So, sorry."
"Hey, that's alright," Zieg replied as he skipped around a cardboard box that someone had left in the corridor for some reason. As he caught up with Duke, the lemur from earlier scuttled past him, a clipboard now clutched in his paw, and Zieg looked over his shoulder to see the primate standing by the box, paws thrown up in exasperation. No business like show business.
Duke pointed at a door, and they both headed over. He pushed it open, holding it back for the goat. The room was small and plain-walled, but with plenty of furniture. A long dressing-room took one side, with a mirror running the full length above and a leather chair in front. On the table were a few glasses and bottles, and a vase of dried-up flowers. By the far wall stood a few boxes and rolled-up posters, and on the other side wall stood a clothes rail and a black leather bench. The wolf slipped into the room behind Zieg, closing the door with two clicks and taking a seat on the bench, bass in paw. With the door closed, all of the backstage noise was blotted out.
"Ah, that's much better. It's a nightmare out there tonight."
"Yeah, but you're probably used to it."
"Getting used to it, at least. But it has been great meeting you tonight, and spending a bit of time in your company. So, let's just sit back, and relax. There's more wine on the table over there."
"Not right now, thank you."
"No worries. Come on then, take a seat." As Zieg crept over to the bench, Duke idly strummed out a few notes. Even without the benefit of a studio sound system or even an amp, Zieg couldn't help but admire Duke as he played this little improvisation so effortlessly. It had been a long time since Zieg tried to play guitar, and of course hooves were a bit of hindrance. Clearly that sort of thing was much easier for a nimble-pawed wolf like Duke. Oh well, stick to singing and mountain climbing.
Duke finished his piece, giving a little sigh. He looked up, and froze as he saw the goat's bright amber eyes gazing intently into his own. For a moment, wolf and goat sat in silence, alone in the dressing room. Neither of them spoke and neither moved, each of them just watching the other. The goat's ears were perked, his breath gently snuffling. Prey drive was kicking in, Duke could tell, no doubt as a result of being so close to a wolf. But there was more at work here than simple fight-or-flight.
"How are you feeling, goat boy? Relaxed?"
Duke leaned over his guitar, smiling sharp-toothed at the goat. "Tell me what's up."
The goat swallowed hard. "Um... sorry for asking Duke, but did you lock the door when we came in?"
Just for show, Duke glanced at the door. "Looks like I did." Standing his bass up against the wall, he slid up closer to the goat. For most other furs this would have been far enough, before they started a new conversation, or started making excuses to get back to the green room, or even just left. But Zieg sat still. In fact the goat looked more relaxed, locked in here away from all the noise and snack tables and effeminate little lemurs. Just as Duke expected.
"I can tell how you're feeling, Ziegenbock." Duke leaned forward further, stretching out his lithe body. "I'm a predator, a wolf, and I can read prey like a book. Your scent gives you away more than anything."
"My... my scent?"
"Yes goat boy, your scent. It's all around you, all musky and male. And aroused."
Zieg paused. But again, he didn't look overly surprised. If anything he looked proud that another fur had noticed his... goaty scent.
"And you hardly need a wolf's senses to tell that something's going on down there. Oh don't worry." He shifted a little in his seat. "It's the same for me."
Duke let his last comment hang, his eyes locked with those of the goat seated just a matter of inches away. Even with the loose-fitting jeans that the buck was wearing, a rather noticeable bulge had formed around the crotch. Duke bit his bottom lip. The goat was pretty well-endowed, by the looks of things.
"Lost for words, huh, big guy? Don't worry about me by the way: it's hardly a big secret how I feel. I've always been pretty upfront about it, anyway. And you're comfortable, aren't you?"
He nodded.
"Alright. So it's up to you. Whatever you want, we'll go with. But as for me... I do want this."
It only took Zieg a second to respond. With his amber eyes aglow, he smiled at the wolf and nodded slowly once more.
"Thank you," Duke whispered. He let out a long low breath, inflected with just the hint of a growl. "Mrrr... you handsome goat." Zieg gave a little murmur of pleasure himself, blushing a little under his fur at the compliment, and moved in to embrace the wolf.
First contact was tentative. Each animal felt for the distance as much as they judged it by sight. Duke opened his arms, and soon he could feel soft fur brushing against his muzzle and chest. Very gently he gave a murr, leaning his head down, nestling his muzzle into the mountain goat's neck and smiling as he felt sturdy hooves closing over his back. Hot breath streamed from his muzzle as the goat began to knead, tension drifting from his body like dry ice. His own paws worked, nimble and strong from years of music, and just then Duke must have slipped over a particularly tense spot, because Zieg pressed his horned head to Duke's, fixing the lupine with those devilish goaty eyes and letting out a proud ferocious growl. Duke's eyes widened. He certainly didn't expect to hear such a dominant sound from the lean caprine.
"Ohh..." The wolf's voice was uncharacteristically wavering. "Deep growl."
Zieg snuffled gruffly, drawing the wolf in tighter and keeping up the steady pressure with his hooves. Slowly his hands migrated northwards, plucking the wolf's leather jacket off his shoulders. With a shrug from Duke, he slipped the jacket down the wolf's arms and away with a rustle, before reaffirming his grip. Feeling those cloven hooves resting on his bare back for the first time sent a spark straight through the young wolf. Now he could feel every contour and texture of those cloven digits, stroking and smoothing over his shoulder blades, pressing so tenderly and weaving through his fur, making him practically squirm in pleasure before the two animals slowly pulled apart. Duke sat bare-chested, that toned chest which had featured in countless posters and celebrity magazines now in full view for the goat, all covered in Duke's signature fire-red fur.
"Okay, goaty boy. Now's it's your turn."
Zieg took his backstage pass and started to pull it off his neck, but Duke darted forward. "No no no. Keep the tag on," he whispered with a wink. Zieg nodded and practically tore off his T-shirt, tugging and grunting before lifting it over his horns and tossing it to the floor. He sat facing the wolf and panting, horns lowered, tongue protruding from his muzzle, and the backstage pass still slung around his neck.
Duke had to take a moment to admire the goat's body as it was revealed to him for the first time, every bit as lean and powerful as he'd anticipated. He leant in close, chuckling as he covered the pass with his paw. For a second or two did he stayed there, muzzle to muzzle with the goat, with his paw placed squarely on the goat's slender body. Tail wagging excitedly. His closest yet. And Zieg hadn't flinched one bit. Keeping his focus upwards, he flicked the pass to one side with his claws, resting his palm directly onto the goat's furry white chest, feeling the animal's rapid heartbeat just under his paw. With a sniff, he bumped his nose up, nudging the goat's bearded muzzle and smiling as he was bumped back ever so gently. These little nudges turned to gentle nuzzles, lupine and caprine each drawing little circles on the other's muzzle. Ziegenbock kissed the side of Duke's face, gently as he dared, and Duke let out a soft sigh. Straightaway Zieg planted a few more kisses on Duke's gold-tipped muzzle. The smaller wolf shivered, despite the heat of the dressing-room, and his tail thumped the leather seat. He took a deep breath, before reaching his muzzle right up, letting out a long deep murr into the goat's long fluffy ear. The goat flicked his ear, rumbling low in his throat, before drawing back to press his nose to Duke's. One final glance passed between the pair, before Zieg tilted ever so slightly, his eyes narrowed and his ears flattened. Duke was ready, and with his eyes closed tight he parted his muzzle, just waiting for the goat. Their lips met, and instantly Ziegenbock surged, his strong bovine tongue lashing forward, thick and wet, snaking around Duke's own tongue and muzzle. Duke soon matched the goat, twisting his maw to get a better purchase and laying his claws behind the caprine's head. He murred loud and long into his muzzleful of goat, and felt a powerful growl in response. Then he broke from the embrace, tipping his head back as he felt some hard licks right across his throat which made him shudder even harder and fall onto his back. With a little shuffling from both parties, Duke ended up lying on the bench, chest to chest with the big buck. Both animals stayed still, Duke on bottom, Zieg on top. The bench was narrow, but Zieg never lost his purchase, his hooves gripping the sides as he used all of his skill to keep perfectly in balance. Meanwhile the wolf panted hoarsely, paws lifted, smiling and gazing into the goat's liquid gold eyes. His trademark ripped jeans were straining formidably, his sheath almost uncomfortably tight, the shortest of distances away from the animal above. He wriggled his hips to meet the goat, to tease him a little, and the goat ground him straight back down, two hard animal erections rubbing against each other.
"Ohh, big buck..." Duke breathed. "I can only imagine what must be going through that mind of yours. And you must be aching to get out of these." His paw gripped at the goat's belt, making the animal above him jerk hard. "Because right now, they aren't much use to anyone, are they?" Duke stifled a little chuckle, keeping his gaze squarely on the goat's eyes, fixing him with a hungry, predatory stare. Licking his lips, he loosened the goat's belt, feeding it all the way through the buckle before unzipping the jeans. Then with quivering paws, he peeled the goat's boxers over the fierce bulge. And as it became apparent to Duke what he was working with, he just couldn't hold back his wide-eyed whimpers. The goat's erection sprang forth, long and meaty, a string of goat pre drooling onto the wolf's fur. And underneath, twitching in a furry sac were the goat's testicles, each one of them a sizeable pawful.
Just then, a deep and earthy and undeniably male scent reached his nose. The effect on the young wolf was instant: a clear audible moan, and a trickle of wetness in the confines of his jeans. If Zieg's hircine musk had been enticing before, the aroma now permeating the air was simply overwhelming. Duke could have swum in it all evening, but with two very excited animals to attend to, time was of the essence. Duke unfastened his own belt, and Zieg pulled them away to leave the young wolf similarly bereft of clothing. Pressing noses together, the shaggy-haired goat gave a long low growl as he wrapped his hoof around both erections, stroking and squeezing them together. For Duke, everything from here on in was new. This was his first time with a buck goat, and the first time he had seen one up this close. However everything he could see, and feel, and smell, was just so enthralling. He reached up to scritch the goat's ear, murring softly before suddenly giving a sharp moan. Zieg pulled his hoof away, grinning as he admired his now-messy hoof. In an instant Duke grabbed it, grinning as he slowly licked the edge, before whispering to the buck.
"Oh Ziegenbock... your hooves are wonderful. Your lovely big goaty hooves. Not solid like a zebra's, but lovely and cloven, pliable and dextrous."
Zieg blinked. "Well, you are a poetic wolf." He certainly didn't intend to leave the wolf speechless after that compliment, but it was a compliment he needed to give. "And it sounds as if you really like my hooves." Duke whimpered and nodded. "My big, solid, hooves," Zieg whispered slowly, emphasising the 'oo' of 'hooves'.
"What gave you that idea, might I ask?"
"Call it an inkling. And maybe, just maybe, the famous Duke wants to show how much he likes them?"
"Maybe," he whispered. "But tell me Zieg...what are your hind hooves like? Are they like a feral goat's, all solid and heavy?"
Zieg nodded.
"How about you show me?"
With another nod, Zieg crawled off Duke and waited while the wolf sat up. He swung his feet over, resting them on the wolf's lap. As he leaned back, Duke took one of the goat's steel-capped boots and unlaced it. He opened it wide and tugged it away to reveal a furry digitigrade leg, finished off with a solid black goat hoof, parted in two with two sharp little dewclaws behind. As Duke worked away on the other boot, Zieg took his free hoof and gave a heavy 'clop' on the hard floor, making the wolf grin.
With both boots thrown to the floor, Duke let slip a little whimper as he gripped one of the goat's feet with both paws, lifting it higher. While Zieg looked on, the little wolf brought the hoof to his face, turning it over in his paws to examine it, to feel it, the weight of it, the hard firm upper surface and the rough rubbery non-slip pads underneath, and how each digit would splay and pivot, all of the modifications that made Oreamnos such a formidable mountaineer. He ran a finger over the leathery pad, feeling the friction between paw and hoof. Closing his eyes, he ran his tongue up the side, into the split, then down to the point where hoof met fur. He moved in to nuzzle the hoof when suddenly he gave a sharp gasp as something rough grated on his wolf cock.
Zieg brushed his free hoofpad firmly down the wolf's length, then briskly up, spreading his cloven toes wide, gripping the wolf tightly with his snowshoe-like foot and drawing a desperate whimper from the lupine. As Duke's eyes snapped shut and his paws fell slack, Zieg moved his other hoof down, stroking the wolf with both hooves and squeezing the wolf's erection between his hard feet. Duke moaned and whined, head and shoulders rolled back, more of the lupine's pre running over the buck's feet.
"All the way?"
Duke was sorely tempted to say yes. But there was one final thing he wanted to try with the goat.
"Hooves are nice. But I wonder what your muzzle feels like?"
Zieg grinned, carefully pulling his hooves away and skipping onto the floor. As Duke sat upright with paws on the floor, Zieg pulled his knees apart crawled between his legs, his eyes glazed and his tongue hanging from his muzzle. He growled softly, his hot breath washing over the wolf.
"Mmmf... yes Zieg, just like that."
He knelt before the young wolf as he would worship an idol, and the wolf patted the top of his nose. He felt the heat of the wolf's arousal, letting it rub against the side of his white-furred muzzle, a bead of liquid pooling on his nose. Then, rising up, he opened wide and wrapped his muzzle and tongue right around, engulfing the thick wolfcock. Duke gave a hard gulp, shutting his eyes tight and baring his teeth with a shuddering moan as he felt the goat swallow the near entirety of his length, a comment about goats eating anything flashing through his mind. As if by instinct, his paws fell on the goat's solid black horns, clutching them tight and easing the goat back and forth, back and forth over his fearsome wolf meat. With a draining two-hour gig and a whole lot of warm-up behind him, there was no way that Duke was going to last long. Reaching his hand up, he pulled back on the wolf's sheath, the lupine's big knot popping free before the goat's nose. He kept his hand there, and with a cruel glint in his eye he squeezed, just under the wolf's knot. The reaction from Duke was instantaneous - his breath shortening, his body shuddering, his paws curling and rising off the ground. Duke gripped the underside on the bench, digging into it with his claws as his chest heaved and he gnashed the air, bucking and bucking until finally he gave a snarling bark, thick hot jets of wolf cum firing into the goat's eager muzzle. It took all of Duke's resolve not to howl there and then; the last thing he wanted was for Security to burst in on him. Grinding his teeth and riding out his climax, Duke pushed the goat down, smothering his nose with his crotch fur before releasing him again. Suddenly he pulled free of Zieg's muzzle, and he watched awestruck as the final few bursts of his cum struck the goat's nose, his shoulder and his chest, one stream even landing on his backstage pass.
As the lupine took some deep breaths, his mind drifting back into focus, he could see Zieg huffing gently, his golden eyes glinting in victory. The wolf's cum was almost camouflaged against the goat's snowy white fur. With a sloppy lick of the muzzle, the mountain goat drew up to full height, the horned animal looming snarling over Duke, his erection as fierce as ever. Then, he lunged forward to lock muzzles with the wolf once again, giving a heavy rut-growl as they shared a wind and wet kiss, Duke lapping like a whelp at the goat's muzzle. The taste of his own semen wasn't all that appealing, but the thought of how it ended plastered across his mate's face certainly was. One of his paws clutched weakly at the goat's horns as they wrestled tongues, and they broke free once the worst of Duke's cum was cleared away.
"Well, that was quite an autograph."
The wolf smiled. "I'll get you a more traditional one in a minute. Or another like that if you'd prefer, next time we're in town?"
"That's an idea. But right now... how are you going to deal with this goat?"
How the goat hadn't given in already was beyond the wolf. All the same, Duke rose from the bench, strolling past the goat and straight to the table across the room. Without saying a word, he planted both paws on the table and lifted his tail, focusing in the mirror at the goat behind him. Without any warning Zieg sprang up, sprightly as a springtime kid, gripping the wolf's sides and prodding his rear. Duke rolled his gaze upwards, whimpering.
"Don't worry Duke: this will be quick."
Just let it out and let it in. Hey Duke, begin.
Ziegenbock found his target, and slipped straight into the wolf with a frenzied bleat, wet and slick, spreading Duke open, making him moan louder and louder before he wisely muffled himself with a paw, just in time to drown out a soaring howl. Zieg did slow a little, but he never stopped, ploughing even more goat cock into the lupine, more and more of it, filling that taut wolfbutt all the way until Duke felt those powerful hips nestle against his rear. Duke was powerless, utterly helpless. Tears streamed from his eyes, while his lungs and muscles burned for oxygen. Meanwhile his knot had shown no signs of abating, and it looked to stay that way once the big mountain goat started to rut. Waves of pleasure roiled through him, and he whimpered unashamedly, feeling the pleasure grow very nearly to a second climax. However, the goat had said he would be quick, and he certainly kept his promise, suddenly launching into some vicious bucks and bleating under his breath as his orgasm quickly swept over him. Duke felt a tight warmness appearing and disappearing as he saw Zieg in the mirror, his whole body tense but his face a picture of ecstasy. Holding the wolf firm as he dismounted slowly, giving one final grunt as he slid free, his musky mountain goat semen running from the wolf's tail and down his thighs.
For a moment they collected their thoughts and their breath, Zieg propped up on the table, Duke sunk into the leather chair.
"Oh God, Zieg. What would I do without fans like you?"
"Glad to be of service. Who said it had to be lonely at the top?"
Duke nodded. "Right, we'd best be heading back now. Jez'll probably be worried sick. Oh, you'd better grab a couple of posters out of that box before you leave. There should be a marker pen over there too."
Taking the pen and posters, Duke scrawled the goat's name onto the posters before handing them back. Quickly they sorted out their clothes, and swapped phone numbers while they remembered. Duke was just about to take Zieg to the exit when there came a knock at the door.
"Er, excuse me Duke?" said a faint voice behind the door. It was the lemur. "Just to let you know, the rest of the band's heading for the bus in five minutes."
"Okay!" Duke responded, trying his hardest not to sound too breathy.
"Or, you know, I could tell them to wait. You sounded kind of busy in there."
Duke and Zieg looked at each other. Scrambling to his paws, Duke dashed over to the door, unlocking it, opening it and poking his nose around.
"Uh-huh. And how long have you been waiting around out here?"
"Long enough, it would appear." The lemur's phone beeped, and he checked it as he strolled away. "Good luck with the rest of the tour. Oh, and let me know when you're next in town, hun."
Zieg smiled as the wolf pulled his head inside. "Friend of yours?"
Duke shrugged. "What can I say? Lifestyles of the rich and famous."
By Ziegenbock