Dead Upon the Battlefield

Story by Vlad Drago on SoFurry

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This is part three in my Battlefield series, I suggest reading the other two before this one but in any case hope you like it and comments and criticism are welcomed and appriciated, Thanks, Vlad Drago.

The man walked up to him, lightly placing the Beretta .45 to his temple. His accent was heavy and his voice was deep.

"Are you ready for your salvation?"

The wolf didn't acknowledge the man standing next to him, nor did he beg for his life from the many men surrounding him. He sat there, unmoving, and as emotionless as stone. One of the men spat at him and the wolf growled. The man stepped forward, yelling at him in an unknown language. He pulled out a knife and walked towards the canine a sinister laugh escaping his lips. He placed the knife at the wolf's ear and stared into the deep green eyes. He smiled as he drew the knife through the cartilage. The wolf yelped and softly whimpered, the man walked back into the group of men, holding the ear and laughing. The gunman pressed the pistol into his temple and smiled. The wolf's blood stained his uniform, the wolf chuckled to himself

"The colonel's gonna kill me,"

He thought about the southern horse, he was big and brawny and he was very strict about his soldier's uniforms.He heard the cock of the pistol and he was lost in his final memory.

Glasses clinked as the fox and wolf were congratulated by the many onlookers. The new bands glistened on their paws, and the pentagram sparkled around the fox's neck. it had been a small ceremony but it was more than enough for the two. Carlos had chosen his younger brother, Vlad as his best man. The young drake had quickly accepted when his brother asked him. Vladimir smiled as his canine brother kissed his new husband. Thomas had chosen Damien as his best man, the two becoming close friends as they shared a creative writing class. Christine, of course, had her paws in everything. From the band, to the clothes, to the flowers that adorned everything. Throughout the whole reception the pair couldn't be separated, they would sit at their table and just looked into each other's eyes. Not speaking, but enjoying the close intamacy they shared. After the party was over, and the guests gone, Carlos realized one seat was left untaken, the seat saved for his father. He watched Thomas help the cleaning staff ad he walked up to him.

"He didn't come," sighed the wolf as he wrapped his arms around the vulpine's waist.

Thomas groaned and sat down with the wolf, "I told you not to invest in that idea,"

The wolf looked up at him, "I know you did, I should have listened to you,"

"Well they said we didn't need to be here for the breakdown, wanna go home?"

The wolf nodded and together they walked towards Carlos' truck. The only thing left in the parking lot was the Dodge ram, and a smoke grey wolf.

"You're a little late for the wedding Mr.Vasquez,"

The older wolf looked up at the tall, bright fox. His years of smoking had drained the color from his fur and the air from his lungs.

"I am not here for your wedding Thomas," The older wolf hobbled over to the fox and extended a paw. "No, I am here to gift you with something,"

Thomas shook the paw nervously and Carlos just looked at the ground.

The elder wolf looked up at the fox and smiled, "Thomas, to you i give my blessing and a small sum of money so you and my son may live out your lives," The wolf handed Thomas a check and turned to his offspring.

"Son, what I have for you is something I have been to ignorant to give you, something that I should have been able to give since you told me the truth, son I give you my acceptance, I know that after all these years it may not be significant but you deserve it,"

The older wolf kissed his son on the forehead and walked off to his car.

"Dad wait please," but he was already gone.

As they approached their new appartment Thomas winked at Carlos.

"Aren't you supposed to carry me over the threshold?"

Carlos laughed, "I guess so,"

The wolf opened up the truck door for the fox and picked him up and out of the seat. Thomas giggled and wrapped his arms around the wolf's neck. Thomas opened the door and Carlos stepped inside, carefull not to hit the fox's head. Carlos carried him up the stairs and layed him on the bed. The wolf softly kissed the fox and began to unbutton his coat. Thomas murred and looked into the eyes of his wolf. In them he saw many things, Lust and pleasure mostly, but he could see doubt, guilt, and sadness.

Thomas held the shaggy head in his paws, "what's wrong hun?"

the wolf turned away "It's nothing,"

"I know there is something wrong, I can see it in your eyes,"

The wolf put his into his paws and cried, "They called me back,"

The fox sat up and pulled Carlos into him, he lightly brushed his fur.

The sobs grew harder, "I don't want to leave you,"

The fox smiled, "you don't have too hun because I am always with you, in here," Thomas pointed to the wolf's heart and kissed him.

"I am so scared,"

Thomas wrapped his tails arround the shaking canine, "It's okay hun you'll go and come back, and i'll be here waiting."

Carlos sniffled, "what if I don't come back?"

Thomas laughed "you're too mean to die," he hesitated, "Captain,"

Carlos heard the slight hesitation but didn't question it.

"I love you,"

"And I you Carlos," together they sat wrapped up until sleep envolped them.

Thomas was first to wake in the morning, he looked down at the wolf still wrapped in his tails. He looked down at Carlos. The wolf looked different when asleep, the stress gone, the worry gone, he appeared younger. Tears silently fell from Thomas' eyes, he barely got any sleep through the night. The thought of Carlos never coming home always worried him but this time it had hit harder than before. Heran his paws through the grey fur, he heard a small murr and he smiled. He was gonna miss that sound. Carlos turned and buried himself deeper into the golden fur. Thomas giggled, the wolf was always acting socute and submissive, he thought his size had something to do with it. As far as canines went Carlos was short. But what many furs didn't understand was that short and gay didn't mean "doesn't know how to fight," a sterotype carlos had proved false many times to the furs who decided to make fun of him or talk shit about Thomas. Carlos leaned up and licked the muzzle of his lover.

"Good morning mi amor,"

Thomas blushed he loved when carlos spoke in spanish "Morning to you as well pup,"

Carlos stretched and yawned "who's got breakfast?"

Thomas wrapped his arms around the wolf's waist and kissed him neck, "I think breakfast can wait,"

The fox slipped a paw into Carlos' boxers and began to rub his sheath. Carlos murred and leaned back into the furry chest, listening the the vulpine's heart beat. Thomas gently kneaded the fuzzy orbs, gently biting at the wolf's neck. There was a knock at the door and they both groaned,they opened the door and saw a small Jehova's Witness.

"Hello, do you two have a moment for the great wisdom of..." The human looked down and noticed the tents in the fur's boxers.

"You two look busy, let me get out of your hair." The man covered his eyes with his bible and fled as fast as he could. The two giggled, they doubted he would be coming back anytime soon. Carlos picked up the fox and kissed him.

"Where were we?" The wolf asked, lust in his voice.

The fox giggled and nibbled his neck.

Carlos laughed "I remember now,"

Carlos carried Thomas back up to their bedroom and threw him on the bed. The fox looked up him confused and silently meeped. Carlos pulled out a pair of leather handcuffs and smiled at the fox.

"No more talking, I just want to hear you moan,"

Thomas blushed and gave a soft whimper. The wolf trapped the fox to the bed and gave him a kiss, loving the different emotions playing on Thomas' face. Carlos walked over to the edge of the bed and rubbed the fox's footpaws causing the vulpine to murr and softly moan. Carlos stopped his foot massage and began to rub and squeeze the fox's sheath. Thomas' tip pointed out and the wolf smiled, he kneeled down and began to lick at the tip and the furry orbs. The fox sighed closed his eyes. More of the fox's musky shaft slipped out of his sheath and slid into the wolf's awaiting maw. Thopmas began to hump up into carlos' muzzle, loving the feeling of fucking into the wet, and warm tunnel. Carlos choked as Thomas pushed up not expecting it but he relaxed his throat muscles and let the fox have fun. he licked the underside of the member as he went back to the tip, tasting the fox's pre, Carlos loved the flavor, musky, sweet, and just a little salty. Carlos went back down and gave a soft lick to the fox's slowly growing knot, Thomas shuddered as pleasure rushed through him wanting more.

Carlos pulled of the shaft and Thomas whimpered but Carlos simply smiled. Thomas gasped as he felt carlos take a deep breath at his tailhole, a shudder ran through his body. The wolf gave a soft lick to his tailhole and Thomas moane, he tried to push back onto the tongue but carlos would just pull away. Carlos giggled,

"Enthusiastic are we?"

Thomas whimpered and nodded. Carlos smiled and began to softly lick the fox's tailhole and he slowly sunk his tongue in. He felt the walls squeeze around his tongue and he pushed deeper trying to get to the fox's sweet spot. Thomas moaned as he felt the tongue explore deeper trying to relax. Finnaly carlos felt his tongue brush against the fox's prostate, producing a long and loud moan. Again and agian the wolf licked and prodded Thomas' prostate, Thomas could feel his climax about to hit when the wolf pulled his tongue out. He whimpered when the tongue was removed.

"God you are adorable," said the wolf as the whimpering became louder

Thomas giggled as he watched the shaggy grey form rise, "Not as much as you are,"

Carlos pounced on top of the chained up vulpine. "No, you are so much more you are beautiful in every way, from your paws to your soul, I love you Thomas,"

The fox looked up into the deep green eyes, "I love you too Carlos,"

Carlos nuzzled the fox and pressed his tip to the wet tailhole. Thomas gasped as he felt the sudden heat and pressure. He nodded swiftly and yelped as he felt the wolf push in. Carlos kissed the fox as he pushed all the way in. Thomas felt the wolf tongue enter his maw and he tasted himself. Carlos broke the kiss when he was all the way in. Carlos pulled out with a moan and he could feel the fox trying to pull him back in. when only his tip remained in the fox he looked down and grinned. The fox's eyes burned into his own, carlos saw pain, passion, lust, but mostly he saw love. He pushed back in but his mind was elsewhere. He didn't want to leave again but he had to. Thomas looked up at the wolf, his eyes were different, they had shifted color, they went from the usual sea-green to a storm-cloud grey. Thomas had a puzzled look on his face so carlos incresed his thrusts drawing out a moan from the fox. carlos moaned as the mating became harder, more playful. he murred as he felt the fox tighten around his shaft. The wolf began to pant as did the fox.Thomas pushed back into the thrusts and whimpered his climax approaching fast. With a howl Carlos slammed his hips forward and the knot slipped in. Thomas moaned as he felt the warm flood of seed fill him, he came, catching carlos' muzzle. They panted, tied together,Carlos laid his head on the fox's shoulder and thomas wrapped his tails around the small wolf.

"That was amazing,"

Carlos nodded as he unlocked the cuffs, "Indeed it was," Thomas pet the wolf and his eyes drooped closed. Together they slept the rings glistening on their fingers. Carlos was the first to wake in the morning, he pulled out, causing a soft moan from the ever-sleeping fox. He got up and placed a kiss on his lover's forhead and headed for the shower. As he brushed the dried cum ot of his fur, the warm water helping get some of it out. Thomas jumped in and kissed the wolf.

"Hey pup,"

"hello to you as well kit, sleep well?"

Thomas helped carlos brush his fur while washing his own. "Yes with you by my side," Together they stood under the steady stream of warter and held each other.

"Do you have to go?" Carlos nodded and buried his head in the golden fur. "Why must he leave?" thought Thomas, he knew the answer. Thomas looked down at Carlos, he was shaking. Thomas looked into his eyes and saw a fear, and sadness he had never seen before. As they got out of the shower and dried themselves Carlos stomach growled.


Carlos nodded,

"Want to go to that new sushi restuarant?" Carlos grinned and kissed him

"Sure let me get dressed,"

Twenty minutes later they headed out the door, carlos was in uniform and Thomas was in a pair of jeans and a black t-shirt. They pulled up to the building and looked at the sign. It was a fox tail with a california roll at the tip, Miyuki's Japanese Sushi Bar and Grill, it proclamied to all those who were interested. They walked in and they gloom took them over, the restuarant was very dark the only sources of light seemed to be little ornamentle lantterns. There were furs and humans scattered everywhere, but it seemed the waiting staff was all human. Everyone looked up at them, carlos assumed it was because he was in an Army uniform and had his arm around another man but he didn't care. Whatever species you were it seemed people didn't like same sex couples, Carlos simply bared his teeth and growled. Everyone turned away, "Pompous assholes," thought the wolf as a woman came up to seat them. They were seated at the bar and were given their order cards. as they waited they discussed his ever neering deployment.

"So when do you leave?"

The sixth,"

"Of october?"

Carlos nodded "Your birthday,"

They handed the waitress the cards, she gave them to a tall tiger, whose arms seemed to be a blur a he prepared the rolls. Th two furs didn't talk they just sat there looking into each other's eyes, tails wrapped together. A few minutes later fox with seven tails delievered their rolls, Her nametag read, Miyuki, she smiled as she left the plate and left. "I think she was a kitsune," carlos said to thomas

"Possibly I don't think a regular fox has that many tails,"

carlos' paws could never seem to be able to use chopsticks so he opted for silverware.

"You're so adorable," said thomas as he watched carlos try to use chopsticks and fail.

Carlos blushed and looked at the pentagram, it cast a soft golden glow. A familiar owl sat at the bar, he ordered a Sake and looked at the two furs he remembered well. His feathers were ruffled and he looked like he crawled out of a sewer. he watched the two furs kiss and he scoffed, after his wife had left him for a female bear, he despised mateships, especaily same sex.

"Can I help you?" asked the wolf for a second time, the owl had been staring at them with the same look of disgust he had four years ago.

"Yeah, can you fucking fags make out somewhere else,"

The wolf got up and approached the drunken owl, "What did you say?"

"I said take that gay shit somewhere else, I am trying to enjoy my drink,"

the wolf could smell the alcohol on the avian's breath but he didn't care, he took a step closer, "Why don't you mind your own business old man,"

the owl's face flushed with anger, "I would but you and that big fucking faggot are bothering me,"

Thomas stood up and pulled carlos back, "Hun he's not worth it, just ignore him,"

carlos pushed Thomas' paw off his shoulder and got in the owl's face, "What did you call Thomas,"

The owl whispered in the wolf's ear, "I called that fucking fox a gaint..."

He didn't finish his sentence carlos bit his neck and punched him in the stomach. Thomas pulled Carlos off of the man who yelped and had fallen over. carlos spit the blood at the owl. "Leave now!" the owl got up muttered something and left. Thomas pulled the wolf to his seat and wiped his muzzle.

"You didn't have to do that,"

Carlos expression softened "Yes I did, I will never let anyone say anything bad about you."

They apologized to the staff and left the restaurant and went back home. On the morning of the sixth Carlos licked Thomas' ear, "Good morning hun," Thomas' eyes fluttered open and he smiled, "Morning pup," after a brief kiss the two rose and got dressed. They drove to the airport but neither talked. When they arrived all they new recruits moved aside and stood at attention as "The Captain and his husband" walked past. Carlos softly kissed thomas and whispered, "Happy birthday my love," From his uniform his pulled out a husky plush and a picture. the picture was of them at the dance, senior year, they looked happy, Thomas hugged the plush and kissed the picture as carlos walked off to board the plane.

"Thank you hun,"Thomas whispered as he walked back to his car, regretting returning home alone. when the reached Afghanistan Carlos had to attend many meetings to determine what to do about the fur executions. when it was decided his squad would go he sighed and prepared his gear. As they were about to depart on their mission carlos kissed thomas' picture.

The door burst open and Carlos grabbed the man with the pistol and used him as a sheild, choking the man with his hand restraints. Fire rang from around them and carlos was hit in the back he fell with the man on top of him. Christine pulled the man off carlos after the last terrorist wast killed.

"someone get a medic," she screamed frantically.

Carlos awoke in a hospital bed, he was very weak and there was a horrible pain in his chest,Thomas sat on a chair next to him, "You have been out for a week,"

"I have?" asked the wolf the words barely making a sound.

The fox nodded as the wolf began to black out again. Thomas walked out of the room and greeted the doctor coming to examine his husband.

The test results are back, Carlos' lungs were practically destroyed when i got to him, He also has severe lead poisoning, I am sorry to say this but it is very unlikly he will live." Said the Lion with sadness in his voice. tears flooded Thomas eyes and he went back to sit with carlos. He brushed his fur and watched his chest slowly rise and fal. Carlos' eyes opened once more and he grabbed Thomas' paw, "Hun I know i may not survive so listen to me,"

Thomas stammered, "Hun it's alright we'll make it through this,"

"No it's not please just listen to me, I love you, I will be with you always, after I am dead do not fret over me i will always be there for you, Yours in eternity," the last words were barely audible as carlos squeezed Thomas paw and passed into the abyss. Thomas looked down at Carlos and noticed the light had left his eyes, "Carlos, no please no come back to me, hun please don't do this," Thomas shook the dead body of his lover trying his best to bring his back. Finnaly he wrapped his tails around him and cried, he didn't know what to do know.

A few days passed and Thomas stood on the hill overlooking Orlando, Carlos' coffin was about to be put under and the funeral was over. Many people came, all of carlos' personal attachments said something about him, Thomas, his father, Christine, Damien, all except Vlad. The death had hit him hardest, He looked up to his older brother, and now with him gone he didn't know what to do. When everyone had left and the coffin was about to be laid under Thomas bent and placed the Picture on top of the coffin. He walked down to his car, a single tear streamed down his face.