One Night Stand

Story by WhiteLupine on SoFurry

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This story contains scenes of an explicit nature which are not suitable for individuals under the age of 18.

All of the characters in this story are anthropomorphic ("furry") characters and thus have certain animal anatomical features which some may find distasteful. Additionally, this story contains various themes, fetishes and/or scenes which some may find distasteful such as promiscuous behaviour and alcohol-induced sexual activity. If you are not comfortable with these, you are encouraged not to continue reading.

[M/F] A lone vixen is drinking, dancing and generally having fun in a nightclub, when a fox takes an interest in her. They spend the night together, inevitably resulting in the pair leaving together, eventually having sex.

All characters are fictional, and any similarities between them and any person/people/characters living or dead, real or fictional, are coincidence.

This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-SA 3.0) licence. See for specific licence details. Please feel free to contact me if you require any additional information about the licensing of this work.

Deafening rhythms boomed outwards from the speakers lining the walls of the nightclub, pointing inwards towards the wildly dancing crowd, who were illuminated only by the dazzling multicoloured flashes of light from above them. Although composed of many differing species and body shapes, the group appeared to move as one, leaping energetically, occasionally clapping or shouting along with the music. Every now and then someone new would join them, and another would fight their way out, half-falling towards a seat or to the bar.

One such individual was Claire. She was a vixen, just above average height and with short, but particularly thick fur, which she kept well groomed from head to toe. She sat herself on a tall stool at the bar, crossing her legs and edging herself forwards on it so that the leather did not stick to the backs of her thighs - she was wearing a short skirt, and while it showed off her long, slender legs beautifully, it made sitting down a little awkward at times.

Gazing with soft blue eyes along the assorted spirits behind the bar, she made her choice, and watched the tiger behind the bar pour her measure. As she started reaching for her purse, the palm of a dark grey and orange paw firmly pushed her paw aside. Looking up in surprise, she saw the owner of that paw flick his eyes quickly away from her top (which was tight enough to leave very little guessing about her her slim figure), and lean across the bar, cash in hand and saying with a smile "Make it two of those - both on me".

He was a fox, dressed in a smart white shirt and black trousers. Around his neck as a loosened tie, the same shade of dark grey as the fur on his eartips and paws. The tiger behind the bar looked to her, and she gave a nod, smiling in spite of herself as the noticed the fox grin and wink at her as he looked to her also.

Claire sipped at her drink as the fox pulled up a stool of his own. There was something about his manner and clothing that suggested he was a professional of some sort, though he looked too young to be one, and had a certain charm to him which she rarely associated with businessmen. He took his own drink, raising it between them - she stopped drinking to bring their glasses together with a clink, smiling back at him as she spoke. "Cheers. Thanks for the drink"

"No problem", he replied. He drank himself, then half-turned around to look over at the dancing crowd, the back at her, giving a chuckle.

"You don't have a mate over there who'll be kicking my ass if he sees us do you?"

Claire smiled teasingly - it was a blindingly obvious attempt at finding out if she was alone, but she played along. "So what if I do... you don't seem too worried"

She was forced to hide a gasp as she felt his large bushy tail brush against, then curl around her sleek smooth one. Looking back up to him, she saw him flick his ears at her playfully.

"Guess I'll have to risk a beating". He smiled, then downed the rest of his drink, quickly ordering their second round of drinks before she had got halfway through her first.

* * *

Several drinks later, the pair's stools were as close as they could be to one another, their tails in each other's laps, the two joking as they teased and stroked one another, the sharp contrast between his fuzzy, long-furred tail and her soft, silky one being the subject of their amusement.

After a brief pause in conversation, Claire felt the fox press closer, and his paw brush against her leg. She gave a flick of her tail in his lap as he murmured in her ear. "Is the rest of your fur as soft as your tail... as nice to stroke?"

Blushing, she placed her paw on his and guided it up along her leg, letting his digits brush her inner thigh before she pulled it away.

"Come dance"

Pulling him along by the paw, Claire headed for the dance floor, a little unsteadily at first due to their drinking, but she soon regained her sense of balance. As they moved with the music, they drew closer once more - she smiled as the fox reached to her, his paws slinking around her bare waist and squeezing at the fur beneath them. He pulled her close, their hips bumping together, moving in time with one another. As Claire reached up to his chest with her paws, everything around her seemed to become dulled - she barely heard the music, and they may as well have been alone for all the attention she paid to the crowd, who were at best a dark blur at the edge of her vision. Her sense of touch however seemed to be in overdrive - she felt every stroke of his paws, every brush of his body against her, every flick of his tailtip against her legs. Beneath her own paws she could feel the contours of his chest beneath his shirt, and his heart beating rapidly as she explored over his frame. The fox didn't feel muscular as such, but he had a certain strength to his form which she couldn't quite place. Whatever it was, it was sexy.

Looking up at him, she smiled warmly, and their eyes locked. His were almost the same shade or blue as her own, and were staring onto hers with an intimate gaze. The fox began to speak. "I don't even know your nam-".

Claire cut him off, a paw pulling on his shirt, dragging him into a hard, but passionate kiss. After taking a second to process what had just happened, the fox pulled her into a tight embrace, tilting his head and kissing back with equal lust. After what seemed to be simultaneously an age and no time at all, they broke apart. A husky whisper in her ear followed as he leant in close to it. "No names, no strings?"

Rubbing her muzzle against his, she murred deeply, then nodded with a more seductive smile than before. "My place. It's not far."

The journey to her apartment was a blur - they practically danced through the night's empty streets, exchanging suggestive looks, stopping here and there for another kiss - both sneaking in gropes where they could. Bursting through the door of her building, she headed straight for the lift, pushing the button to call it down, then turning and grabbing at the fox's shirt. Pulling it open (it was a small miracle that no buttons came flying off it), she darted her nose forwards and kissed his bare chestfur. The lift doors opened, and she pushed him away when she backed through it - when he followed, she took him by the shoulders, turned him around, and pushed him out again, giggling and slapping his rear cheekily as she did so. The fox turned back to her and raised his eyebrows, his voice still playful as he spoke. "Don't make me come in there and spank you!"

Claire bit her lower lip and gave her hips a seductive wiggle from side to side. "I'm not sure I've been naughty enough for that... yet". As the doors started closing, she licked her lips and pointed towards the staircase. "Apartment 27, handsome"

Heart pounding in her chest, Claire giggled hysterically to herself at the thought of the fox bounding up the staircase to meet her, unable to contain a playful excitement which had been building all night. She used her time alone to slip her paws beneath her skirt and hook them around her panties, sliding them down her legs. Next she reached up under her top, pulling away her bra from beneath it - her nipples were now clearly visible beneath the tight fabric. Tossing her undergarments into a corner, she leant back against the cool metal side of the lift, breathing deeply and forcing herself to calm a little, though not quite enough to get rid of her devious grin.

Scurrying out of the lift the moment the doors opened, she found the fox already waiting for her, leaning against her door, panting slightly, but with a proud expression on his face for having beaten her there.

"Hey sexy"

"Hey handsome"

The fox slid to one side, and he raised a paw to gesture towards the door.

"After you..."

Claire smiled and walked towards it, swaying her hips seductively as she moved. She found that she had to make a little effort to unlock the door, her were paws trembling slightly with excitement, causing her to fumble with the keys. An involuntary yip escaped her as all of a sudden she felt the fox's warm paws pressing against her rear, lifting the back of her skirt, and touching her bare fur. As the male gave a lustful growl and a sudden warm press against her, she knew that he hadn't expected to find her underwear absent, and that she had probably just sent his arousal sky high.

Stumbling inside, Claire barely had time to swing the door closed behind them before the fox was on her, paws wrapping around her waist, pulling her rump against his lap. The vixen had half a thought about grinding her back rear against him, but this proved wholly unnecessary, the handsome stranger grinding hard at her instead, rubbing the large, warm bulge in his trousers up against the underside of her tail. Leaning forwards, sliding her paws down the fronts of her legs and raising her tail high, Claire exposed herself to him fully. She felt a paw slide off her hip in order to move her skirt up with that silky tail of hers, the fox getting a good look at what lay beneath it - a tight, pink tailhole... and lower still, her soft, wet, waiting pussy.

Hearing the fox groan out a sound of pure desire, and feeling him undoing his belt, Claire straightened up, and pulled away. Waving for him to follow (knowing he would, nothing was going to stop him now), she walked straight towards the open door to her bedroom, stripping off her top, pausing for a moment to let her skirt fall around her feet. The room, and indeed the bed itself was small, but was more than adequate space for what she had planned. Claire glanced behind her, and saw that the fox had emulated her, his clothes strewn over the floor behind him - though she wasn't looking at them at all. The male was indeed as handsome beneath his suit as she had hoped, his body not too bulky, but certainly firm... between his legs was the even firmer-looking meat of his cock, rock-hard with arousal, the tip already glistening slightly with leaked precum. Behind it lay his bulging sheath, large, heavy sack, and rather powerful looking hips, which swayed back and forth very slightly, as though he was literally raring to fuck her the instant he was allowed to.

Throwing herself forwards onto the bed Claire landed with a loud thump, flat against it... though she didn't stay there. The vixen pulled her kneed up below her, then stretched back, cat-like. Lifting her tail, brushing it firmly over the fox's body as he clambered into position behind her, she then moved herself forwards again - raising her soft rump high, arching her back, then lowering her breast until it was pressed into the bed down while letting her legs slide apart.

Paws grasped Claire's hips, and she turned her head to speak, to give the fox some husky, lustful words of encouragement. The vixen got a far as opening her maw - her words hadn't even formed properly in her own mind when all thought of speaking was replaced by the sudden plunging of the male's hot, thick foxcock into her. Barely hearing her own gasping moan, Claire's mind exploded with a rush of excitement and desire, her soft snatch burning with a deep pleasure as the invading shaft penetrated deeply into her. Behind her the fox was in a similar state, able to feel her tight tunnel squeezing around him securely as he hilted inside the willing vixen before him.

Taking a little more control of the situation, the fox gripped her more strongly, and Claire felt his clawtips pressing into her hips, each point of pressure felt clearly as her senses kicked into overdrive. The fox's thrusts were not particularly fast, but each thrust at her was strong, slapping her rear loudly against his hips as he rammed himself inside, though the sound was nothing compared to the noise emanating from the pair themselves. He was panting and growling earnestly as he rammed his hips at the vixen, in turn leading to loud groans - the vixen herself was moaning out with a primal yearning for him to continue taking her, to continue driving her wild, sending intense waves of pleasure through her.

Raking up along her slides, roughing up her smooth fur, Claire felt the fox's paws sliding further along her, wrapping under and around her. Hot breath tickled the back of the vixen's neck as the fox leant over her, his strong chest pressing and rubbing along her back as he moved. Paws grasped rather suddenly at her breasts, kneading them feverishly - he was a little rougher with them than she would have liked at first, but after his initial few squeezes he seemed content with merely holding... focusing his efforts on humping at the vixen beneath him.

Raising her head and giving a drawn out moan, Claire felt the thick lump of the fox's knot stretching her entrance, bumping against her sensitive clit over the course of several rapid thrusts before it was pushed into her with a lewd, sticky sound. She leant down again, and bit hard into her pillow, piercing it almost immediately with her small fangs as she squeezed her eyes tightly closed and bit into it, senses exploding as her body shook with waves of orgasmic pleasure. The vixen's insides clamped down around the thick foxcock within her, which she could feel pulsing, and pumping her full of thick, hot cum.

One by one, senses began returning to her. The fox was murrrling warmly, his head resting over her shoulder, muzzle rubbing against hers between kisses. Claire lifted her head again and nuzzled back dimly, opening her and taking a look at the male she was now tied with. He was slumped over her, and looked as exhausted as she felt - and probably looked too for that matter. She shifted, and lowered herself (giving a soft groan as the fox's shaft shifted within her), then leaned to one side, falling sideways with him. Feeling the fox's paws curled more tightly around her, the vixen gave a contented sigh and strained to reach over the edge of the bed for the covers, which she pulled up over them. The vixen could feel her lover deep inside her, strong and warm, knot plugging her tightly (though her rear and thighs were soaked regardless, the scent of their mixed fluids strong in the air), holding them close together.

A whisper in her ear - "That was wonderful baby..." - made her smile as she closed her eyes, and let herself relax...