The tails of two cities chapter 1

Story by superfolf on SoFurry

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Lee has just had the most painful outing of all, his parents. Jamie, His new found love and inspiration tries to help him through this to the best of his abilities... but is it enough

The tails of two cities

A romantic novel by SuperFolf

Chapter one

Walking in the rain I finally started to realise that my life wasn't so bad. That my life wasn't going to have to change. My mom didn't take too well to the news, she thought I was going to get married to a beutifull woman, have children and everything else. At first I felt I let her down, all the crying and all those questions like "What went wrong?" and "Why did this have to happen to you?".

Truth be told, my mom upset me more than I upset her, I just wish she could see this from my point of view, and how difficult it is. As I was walking my phone vibrated in my pocket... It's was a text from Jamie, "I heard what happed, you need to talk?". I didn't know what to send back, a lot was going through my head so I pulled my coat further over my shoulders, and made my way there. I tried to clear my head of all the things said back at home, how upset everyone was and how angry I was. When I got to Jamie's appartment, he was at the door before I could knock. He looked into my eyes, and I started to cry. He let out a sigh and held me in his arms and when he wrapped his tail around us both, I felt better then than I had all day.

"Rough day?", I looked up at him "Yeah". He let me in and I hung my coat up on the rack near the door, his apartment smelt like fresh bread and coffe. It wasn't a huge apartment, but it wasn't a small one, he had a 3 piece sofa and a TV in his lounge and everything else was on shelves, "You should really take a shower, warm yourself up a little". I smile and make my to the bathroom. I quickly get out of my jeans and t-shirt and turn on the taps, I can't help but look at myself in the mirror and then walk back to the taps. As I step in the shower I hear Jamie whistling, I liked it when he did that, it meant he was chilled and in turn, it chilled everybody else. I gave my self a quick wash just to warm myself up enough that i'm not shivering anymore. I decided that while i'm there I might as well shampoo myself, I used my bottle of mango fresh I left there a week ago. Twenty minutes pass and I get out, I dry myself with my cute little pink towel and borrow his bath robe, I don't smell so he won't mind.

I barely get out of the bathroom door and we're locked in a kiss that seems to last for hours. It wasn't a romantic kiss, it was more of a deep, warm familiar kiss. He leans toward my ears and whispers "I love you Lee" and with that, I kissed him, deeper and more passionate. This kiss warmed me more that the water and with our tails intertwined, I couldn't think of a better place to be in the world