Code Drop: Rinse and Repeat - An Official Novel Promo

Story by Tempo on SoFurry

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#19 of Code Drop

After a long, cold day, Tess just wants to unwind at home.

Code Drop: Rinse and Repeat Tempe O'Kun

Tess dashed in from the car, huddled against the wind. Sleet whipped by in icy curtains, leaving every surface slick and slicing the heat from thin jackal fur. She trudged up the stairs, trying to shake off the cold. Muddy slush trailed her every step, shoes squishing, half a puddle clinging to the fur of her calves. A long, stressful day clung to her tight muscles, miserable autumn weather wrung her taut. Stiff fingers fumbled her keys at the door until the lock clicked. She opened the door.

Warmth rolled past her, and, on its heels, a woof of greeting. Hurling a game controller to the sofa, her retriever boyfriend bounded over, clad in nothing but a towel. A whirl of wagging golden fur wrapped her up. His nose nuzzled hers, followed by a kiss that made her forget the cold for a moment. She bumped the door shut, kissing him hello. Her paw pads slid through his pelt, almost frictionless.

She came up for air from the kiss. "You're silkier than when I left."

"Grooming day." A quick kiss. "Oh, and we need a new drum of conditioner."

"You need a new drum of conditioner." Another.

Erik had two modes of greeting her at the door: happy smooches and happy smooches with an agenda. Over the course of the next dozen seconds, the situation shifted to the latter. His weight pressed her against the door. His swishing tail stirred floral scents around the room.

She moaned. The jackal never imagined having a boyfriend with a three-hour, twice-a-month maintenance cycle. She'd object, but the result was like having sex with a shampoo ad.

His wide paws swept under her shirt, dancing up her pelt to toy with her bra. "You know you think I'm sexy when I'm all soft like this."

"You are absolutely not all soft." She shifted against his growing bulge. Warmth stirred in certain parts of her anatomy, even as most of her remained numb from the cold.

"At least you know where my towel's at." His eyebrows waggled, tail wagging.

A smirk snuck up on her. "Couldn't miss it..."

His smile met her neck, kisses ensuing.

Though overwhelmed by affection by a moment, she managed to ease him back, her paw lingering on his chest. "Honey, I'm cold and gross and really want a bath."

"Okay..." His ears drooped, blue eyes downcast. "I guess I have more brushing to do anyway."

She licked his cheek. "Love you, dear."

"Love you back." A quick nuzzle, then the towel-clad canine pranced back to the sofa. "Now go make yourself feel as silky-smooth-sexy as I do."

"That'd better not be from the conditioner label..."

He just grinned as she shut the door.

Alone with the quiet, she ran a bath, disrobing as the mirror fogged. For all his grooming, Erik always seemed to leave plenty of hot water. The retriever liked his showers so cold--not that it ever seemed to have the proverbial effect.

She grabbed a few candles from the cupboard and lit them. Their flickering light banished the grey chill that had followed her from outside. She dipped a foot into the bath, wincing only a little. Temperature: just right.

Tess sank back into the steaming water, sighing as it soaked through her fur. As always, that brief delay between her fur hitting the water and the water reaching her skin. Strain seeped from her body. Eyes closing, her mind drifted away on waves of warmth. Her ears dropped to dip in the heat, hearing only the slosh of the bath and the slowing rush of her breathing. Time slipped by on humid breaths; unhurried heartbeats drumming away her anxiety.

At long last, she emerged from the tub, weaker than expected, but oh so relaxed. The towel swept her body like loving licks, stirring thoughts in her mind and heat in her loins. The fabric's texture teased through her fur, over her flesh. She giggled, giddy, and had to try twice to hang up the towel. One paw braced against the wall, she ambled out to her bedroom in a delicious haze of heat. Smooth cotton sheets sang against her fur as she sprawled out on the mattress. Sleep crept in on the edges of her world, an instant away from total relaxation. Maybe a nap would rejuvenate her...

A distant thumping sound. Her eyes fluttered open a crack, just in time to see a naked retriever sailing down the hall toward her. His towel fluttered off, leaving his bare pelt rippling as he launched himself toward the bed. "Hiiiiiiiiiiiiii!"

Tess and Erik

"Aaaahhhh!" Tess strangled the blankets.

The golden bounced onto the bed beside her.

She yelped in shock, flung several inches into the air, then laughed as he landed and swept her into his satin-furred embrace. "You lunatic! I was just about to go to sleep!"

He settled on top of her, a paw gliding up her thigh as his tail swished. "I know! I didn't have a moment to lose!" With a playful yap, he buried his nose in the fur of her breasts. "You smell nice."

"I smell like a wet dog!" She giggled. "Get off me, you big doofus."

His gleaming pelt flowed over her. "You know you want to touch my silkiness."

"Oh Erik--" Muscles loose, heart racing from surprise, her arms found their way around him. "Wow, that is actually really soft."

"I know, right? Researching a new brushing technique where--"

She kissed him. Their tongues slid together with an easy familiarity they'd discovered over the past few months. Her thighs worked together, slick folds slipping on growing arousal. Smooth fur fluttered over her, brushing through the thin fur of her mons. Tess squirmed.

His paw traced her folds, a finger sinking in. Smooth fur glided along slick surfaces. "Seems I'm not the only one with extra-silky parts right now..."

"Mmmmmm..." Her lips touched his as she spoke. "You're sure you want to get your coat all messy?"

Another breathy kiss. "My coat is meant to be enjoyed." Drifting down, he mouthed affections into her pelt, until his soft mouth closed over one nipple. That wide tongue twirled around her areola, flicking, teasing as warm paws massaged her breasts. With a sense of justice as fair as his fur, the golden soon switched to the other nipple, giving it just as much attention.

Tender and ticklish, the jackal rolled to her stomach. Her boyfriend continued, an unrelenting flurry of licks and kisses seeking the back of her neck, finding her helpless to resist. The warm weight of a retriever atop her soothed her more than any blanket on this chilly autumn night. His emerging tip brushed her rump, spreading tiny traces of heat and coolness through her fur.

Tess, lazy and slightly overheated, lifted her toned rump for him. Her body hummed with anticipation as those big golden paws smoothed her drying fur. She whimpered, tail wagging against his chest. The bed creaked as his knees found their way between hers.

Hot fluids dribbled against her folds as his tip rubbed between her thighs. The heat and throb of stiff canine flesh parted her slit, entering her with steady assurance. The whine of a need fulfilled crossed her lips. She felt the soft press of his shaft unsheathing against her lips, gathering in tender folds against hers. Clutching her approval around his girth, she hugged her pillow tight, toes curling as he began working up a rhythm.

He gripped her hips, driving into her again and again. "Ugh! Ummf!"

"Hah... Oh honey...more..." Tongue lolling out, she panted, pounded into the pillows. Her breasts compressed on the bedspread, she gasped for more. And more came in the form of the plumping bulge of a dog cock, plumbing her depths with tender insistence. A wet squelch accompanied every instance of his knot popping in and out of her. Her body quaked, overwhelmed at the sensation of incredible fullness squeezing in and out of her. Relaxed muscles granted him slick access to her passage, stretching to accommodate each swell and squirt.

A lazy paw rose to her clit, rubbing her to even greater heights. Tingling warmth rushed through her body. She shuddered around his shaft, hitting a gentle peak, burying a squeak in her pillow. "Mmmmmmf!"

Erik stroked her back, her tail, slowing his thrusts as she tumbled through orgasm. When she'd recovered enough to breathe again, she reached back to cup his balls, tugging him with great care to ever greater speed.

Her limp and limber body shook under his. At last his knot bumped against her lips, catching on its own girth. With unexpected urgency, she rocked back against him, welcoming him deep inside.

He groaned, clutching her hips tight to his. Her eyelids fluttered as the hot surge filled her. The steady assurance of his grasp over her paw only drove her passion higher. Her fur stood on end, prickling in waves as pleasure washed through her.

Climaxes reached, they panted, gasping at the breath they lost along the way. He slumped atop her, breath washing by, tongue lolling against her shoulder. His weight sank her into the pillows, shifting how his knot lay inside her. With every twitch of her body, she felt their combined juices mix around his girth. A silky muzzle brushed along her cheek, whiskers tickling her no doubt very dopey grin. Her tail wagged itself to a more comfortable angle under his chest.

Erik roused from his afterglow enough to lean up to kiss the corner of her smile, a motion that ground him against her inner walls and made them both gasp in pleasure. The retriever offered a happy murmur and a lazy grin. "What'cha thinkin' about, pretty lady?"

She snuggled back against him getting her fur all mushed up with his, sleek fur intertwining with soft. "I'm just thinking about this goofy guy I'm dating. Turns out he's kind of a stud."

He kissed the curve of her shoulder, following the sinew under her pelt up the curve of her neck, his paw slipping down across her belly to the slick mess of their joining. "You sound surprised."

The bulge of their tie pulsed along her stretched walls, making her gasp. Her nearest ear bopped him in the forehead as it pinned back in pleasure. She caressed his wrist, gently urging him onward. Her voice was warm and faraway. "He seems like such a dork most of the time that you don't even think he knows what sex is, but then he gets you into bed and makes you feel like the only girl in the world." She shifted, one leg rising to give him better access as his paw pads caressed slick, naked flesh. "Plus he's got a knot the size of a croquet ball. It's kind of amazing."

"Mmm." His hips wiggled, just a little, knot tugging at her insides in all the right places. "You're going to need another bath."

The jackal smirked into her pillow. "We're going to need another bath."

This story was inspired by the marvelous pic by Slate. You should all go check out his work!

Art: :iconSlatedragon: Edits: Anakuro, Sillyneko345 Proofs: Thefunkyone

Comments welcome! :D
