Rabbit Test: Chapter Ten

Story by Dasher Cheetah on SoFurry

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#12 of Rabbit Test

Rabbit Test: Chapter Ten

They were awakened the next morning by Ben and Chrissy crawling into bed with them. Since Sue didn't look like she had had sex, she had to tell them that Richard had been very good to her. The family spent the day together with Rich and since they could see he was feeling better, which he confirmed, they decided he could attend the last day of the festival but would remain at the apartment tonight. All the Lapine family would go out that night together, while Pete and Molly would stay home with Rich and their babies.

They went out at 5 in the evening and Molly made supper for her husband and Rich. After they had eaten, Molly sat down to nurse her babies. Pete held one and Rich the other until Molly took them in turns to nurse. It was interesting to watch for Rich. He had not seen any human mothers do that where he could see, so he watched curiously.

Any of the little rabbit children he held seemed quite happy to be with him and they gnawed and played with his fingers, cooing with delight. After Molly and Pete got them cleaned up, they were put to bed and went to sleep quickly. All cuddled together, Rich thought how similar to feral rabbits they looked. At the same time, they looked like little babies and Rich considered the differences. Most were superficial but they still needed what any little baby needed. They were so very cute!

Soon the adults and Rich left the room and went into the living room, so the babies could sleep. This was their night with Rich and they were eager to get started.

Rich hadn't thought more than idly about the couple and didn't know he was going to be asked to play with them. Molly walked up to Rich and put her arms around his neck. She was tawny golden-brown furred, lighter colored along her breast and belly, to her inner thighs. Her ears were shorter but slender and graceful as well as tipped in black fur. Light brown eyes over a petite cute muzzle, twitching her nose and whiskers as she looked eagerly into his eyes. She gave him her winningly cute and happy smile.

Surprised, Rich put his arms around her waist and asked, "To what do I owe this, Molly?" Peter leaned against the door frame, relaxed and arms crossed as he chuckled and watched. Molly flicked her ear at the soft chuckle but smiled and took a deep breath. It pushed her enlarged lactating breasts up against the young man and she said, "With all that has happened, we never got a chance to know you better, Rich. We were shocked and saddened when we heard. We are happy you are doing better now. Peter and I would like to have you share our bed tonight, at least until the others come back. Uhm, we would be very happy if you want to share sex with us too but you don't have to, if you don't want to. We don't want to upset you, Rich."

His cock was already pressing a bulge against his shorts. He was nervous about Peter and what the male Rabbit might be wanting to do. He didn't know these two Lapines but Peter was Don's brother and they had made room in their home for him to stay during the festival. Rich leaned his head down and whispered into Molly's ear, "Will Peter be mad if I don't want to have tail sex from him? It hasn't healed fully yet."

Molly molded her body against his and looked up with surprise and concern. She told him sincerely, "Not at all, Rich! We know and he wouldn't even ask. If you ever want to take a male that way again, it should be when you are ready and for no other reason. Peter will just watch, if you want, or he will only touch you pleasantly. He wouldn't do anything you don't ask for . . . okay? You are safe with us Rich. After all, Don and Sue are trusting us with you."

Rich glanced at Peter, then down at the cleavage pressed against him and licked his lips nervously. Molly laughed lightly and told him, "Now I know you are male. They all look at my breasts and lick their lips! Not many get the chance to see them in the fur and fewer have got to touch them. Tee-hee! You can even see how Rabbit milk tastes, if you want to?"

Rich felt a shiver of thrill run down his spine and he asked, "Really? I-uhm, I'd like that!" Molly took his hand and pulled him along to their bedroom as she said, "Sure! I love having them sucked on because it feels so good. Relax and let us undress you? Peter will help and touch your soft skin, if you will let him? He will get hard but you don't need to worry. I will take care of him, when he needs it. You don't have to do anything, see? Both Don and Sue speak very highly of you, you know?"

She stopped beside their bed and pressed up against the young man, hugging him to herself as she breathed in his intoxicating scent. Peter came quietly up behind and placed his paws on Rich's shoulders. Rich tensed up and gasped softly but relaxed as Peter began massaging his shoulders gently. Molly giggled and smiled up a little shyly before she leaned up and her eyes closed.

Rich met her mouth with his in the kiss she had been aiming for. Molly was shorter than Sue but her breasts were larger, being full of milk for her babies. She was younger too and this was her first human! With the controlled eagerness and enthusiasm of Chrissy, rather than the calm, sure manner of Sue, Molly progressed to french kissing and her paw slipped between their bodies to gently stroke along the rigid shaft of Rich's penis.

His hands on her hips already, Rich scritched lightly thru the fabric of her dress and felt her fur underneath it shifting. Molly pulled back, eyes shining with her excitement and grinning as she asked, "Isn't it getting cramped for you, in those shorts? Can I help you by taking them off for you?" Rich nodded and Molly dropped to her knees before him, barely containing her excitement as she reached out for the waistband. Taking hold, she pulled the shorts down around his ankles and tugged them to the side. Taking the hint, Rich stepped out of the shorts and they were quickly tossed aside.

Peter rubbed his finger and palm pads against Rich's back as he said, "Raise your arms Rich." Rich's breath sped up as he grew more nervous but lifted his arms. Peter pulled his shirt up and over Rich's head, then along his arms. The shirt joined his pants on the floor. Peter again rubbed Rich's back but this time against the young human's bare skin and the buck shivered slightly. His nose pulled in the hypnotic scent and the Rabbit's erection throbbed in his shorts. A little spot of pre-cum wet the fabric and he wanted so badly to be able to sheath it inside this handsome male. Peter took a deeper breath and called on his training to stay in control of himself. He reminded himself, this male did not want that and to even ask might cause him harm.

Peter patted Rich's shoulder and said soothingly, "Molly has been driving me crazy with wondering if she would get a chance to see you. *chuckle* Gently Molly! You have as much time as Rich will allow."

Molly looked up as her ears drooped and she said, "I'm sorry Rich and embarrassed. I'm just so excited! You must tell me if I make you uncomfortable. You are in all ways in control here. Free to say no or stop at any time. I will do anything for you, Rich. Any attentions you care to show me, I will gladly accept."

Peter told him gently, "She means it, Rich. Molly do anything you want to do, for as long or as much as you want. You could tie her to the bed, ask her to play any fantasy you have . . . She would lay back and play with her sex while she tells you exactly what she is thinking about as she does it . . . not as a slave to you but as one who wants to please you in anyway she can while you enjoy her. That goes for me too, Rich... I will leave if you want. Like my mate, I want to please you in any way I can. We both want to serve you in any way we can, as much or as little as you will allow."

Suddenly, what Sharon had said to him at the hospital, clicked in Rich's head. He looked at them both and said, "I want to talk with both of you first. Come in front of me, where I can see you both, please?" When they had, both sat on their knees before him, looking up with bright eyes and focused stare. Rich said, "I want to try something strange. I had a thought I want to test. Dr. Sharon said my scent is attractive and excites Recombs. I want you to smell me and tell me what you feel, alright?"

Peter and Molly were fighting the urge to tell Rich about the underground. They knew of course, all about his pheromones but had to act innocent. After glancing at each other, the Rabbits stood and moved up to Rich. One on each side, they took their time smelling his chest, under his arms and along his neck. Both purred with delight and Rich moved back a couple steps, then looked closely at them. Buck and doe stood in front of him. Peter was hard and leaking. Molly, wet along the indent of her slit, her nipples hard and leaking milk.

Peter saw what Rich was looking at, trying very hard to resist the allure of the human's smell, calling him to be obedient to this human. So close and with the young man all hot and stimulated as he was, the smell kept telling him how happy he would be if only he gave in. It whispered like a siren in his ears, 'He might even tell you to bend forward and take you under your tail . . . Just like you so very badly want him to!'

Molly was alert and ready. She had already known she would be getting to try to entice this human to have sex with her. Maybe even getting to suck him off and drink his seed! She dripped as her muscles tensed and a shiver ran thru her. Rich said with wonder, "Gosh . . . I guess it is true. You both look as excited as I have ever seen anyone..." Both nodded slowly, staring at him and waiting to hear what he would tell them next. Rich asked a little nervously, "Peter? Tho you would accept service from Molly, is that what you really want?

Peter slowly shook his head and tried to keep his eyes off the swollen member of the young human. Rich could easily figure out what the buck wanted. Rich swallowed a lump in his throat and said, "Uh, I s-see. Uhm, what about a three way deal then? I will suck you while you lick Molly and she can suck me. If that is alright with you both? That way no one has to be left waiting."

Molly smiled as she got onto the bed, ready and eager to begin. Peter climbed on and made the top of a triangle, waiting for Rich to complete the third side. He said as he looked at Rich, "Are you sure you want to do this, Rich? After what happened, I don't want you to feel you have to play with me, if you don't want to."

Sounding much like Don to his ears and being white furred too, helped Rich relax. As he laid down, getting nearer to the hard Rabbit cock, Rich said, "I did it with Ben yesterday. Just . . . don't push it down my throat, please? I don't think I am ready for that yet."

Peter patted Rich's shoulder and answered, "Of course, I promise. If you want or need to, you can stop at any time. Just take it easy and play with me in any way you want to. There's no hurry on my account. I'm sure I'll like what ever you do, friend Rich." Once more it was almost like being with Don and Rich became more comfortable. Molly had waited as long as she was able. The smell coming off of his pubic area was making her salivate and her head spin. She surrendered to her desire and reached out to take hold of Rich's satin skinned penis. She explored it, seeing how hard it was and hot warm it was with his blood swelling it. It looked different to her, lacking a sheath to pull back into but since it was hard, a sheath would have been bunched around the base anyway.

Rich gave a soft gasp and froze a couple seconds before reaching out and taking hold of Peter's pink Rabbit-hood. He gently stroked and leaned nearer to smell it. The scent of excited Recomb had it's effect, making the young human more excited too. Pre-cum had dripped down the side, making it slippery in his bare hand. It smelled like Don and he remembered how it had felt, tasted and smelled, the times he had sucked off the adult buck.

Peter sighed happily and could not help but purr. The desired young male was touching him at last and it was even better than he had expected it would be! He then turned to his wet and sexy mate, her smell exciting too but helping cover Rich's scent a bit. He pushed her upper leg up and buried his nose between her legs. He started with what Molly loved best, knowing his mate well after so long. He knew just what to do to make her rise to orgasm and the smell of Rich made it even easier!

Soon, Molly was cumming on her mate's tongue but she wasn't letting it keep her from what she wanted most. She had been licking the top third of Rich's cock when she felt Peter's tongue part her lips. She opened her mouth and took it in to begin sucking as her left hand slowly stroked the shaft. Rich grasped Peter's cock a little tighter and moaned. It felt so good! She was petting his thighs and balls with her other hand, trying her best for this young male.

Rich gave a sigh of satisfaction at the sensation. He steadied his nerves, opened his mouth and took Peter's cock in. Upon closing around it, he tasted Rabbit cock and semen. Somehow, it was comforting to him. Rich began sucking, stroking as he did and tasting more pre, which he swallowed along with his saliva that had built up.

He didn't gag, like he had with Ben the first time he had tried oral sex after the rape. Rich went to work applying more active motions of hand and mouth to Peter. He already knew what Ben and Don liked, so he applied that practice on Peter. Rich thought that he tasted very much like Don and that made it even easier!

Peter had refrained from cumming for a couple of days already, knowing this might be happening and wanting to be ready if it did. He had begun to think it wouldn't, with what Rich had gone thru but here it was and it was too good! His balls kept up a steady flow of pre-cum from his cockhead and Rich had to swallow every minute or so to keep up with it. Rich moaned, then moaned louder as Molly brought him close. He pulled off and swallowed once more to give out another moaning groan and went rigid as he began spurting his semen into Molly's eager mouth.

Peter thoughtfully pulled back from his mate's sex, to let her pay attention to her muzzle work and gather up the treat she had worked for. He reached down and stroked Rich's hair as he softly said, "Good! Cum hard and give Molly lots of it to drink! She will drain all she can from you, before she is done. . . Yes! Let her suck gently, Rich. She will help you get ready to mate her."

Rich panted a moment before looking up to Peter. He half smiled and looked down, then smiled wider and looked up again. Peter returned the smile and Rich said, "Thanks Peter. Sorry I had to stop but it was too good to do anything else when I came. If you crawled over me, you could watch her as I suck you off."

Peter asked with happy hopefulness, "Really? You still want to?" Rich looked at the still hard penis and nodded, then looked back up at Peter. Rich rolled onto his back, Molly following as she kept her hungry mouth on the young man's penis. Peter got up and crawled over Rich, watching to see if he would show any reluctance.

Looking up, Rich saw the Rabbit cock swinging stiffly, darker red with the blood swelling it. Thinking it looked as tho it must hurt from being so hard, Rich reached up and took hold of the base. He guided it down to his mouth and began sucking it with a will. Rich slid his mouth up and down a few times, then put his other hand on Peter's lower back to encourage him to help move it in his mouth.

Peter was eager to cooperate with Rich and he took over sliding his cock in and out of the young man's mouth. Molly was lovingly sucking and licking Rich's cock, right before Peter's face! She had watched as Peter moved into place and Rich began sucking her mate's penis. She looked up and smiled around the cock in her mouth, to her mate. He winked and grinned back, then nuzzled the back of her neck. It took only a minute of Rich's oral attentions to bring Peter to orgasm.

Rich had half the length in his mouth and his hand was stroking the bottom part faster when Peter let go! Rich suddenly had to swallow quick or he would have had his sinus' flooded! Peter came in long multiple spurts, shouting his pleasure at cumming for the first time in three whole days of waiting for this. Molly rose up and kissed her mate hard, adding to the joy of the moment for him. As soon as the surges slowed, he kissed back, his hand coming up behind to caress her head and neck. Peter also lifted up, so Rich could have more freedom but Rich kept a hold and raised his head as needed to continue milking any leftover semen, as well as further aftershocks of pleasure. He knew after-play was as important as foreplay and besides, he had enjoyed it with Peter. His gentle and patient behavior had helped overcome the lingering revulsion from the rape.

Rich finally pulled off with a noisy slurp, swallowed and laid his head back as his hand let go of Peter but came up to give his furry rump a pat. Rich said quietly, "Thank you sir, uh, Peter! Sorry. Anyway, thanks Peter, for letting me take my time. It was, kinda fun again!"

Peter exchanged surprised but happy looks with Molly, then both moved around to cuddle up against his sides. Peter chuckled and said, "Tho you are most welcome Rich, I am the one who owes you thanks for sucking me off. It was very nice. You could hear and even swallowed the results of the pleasure you gave me." Peter leaned over and he rubbed his cheek against Rich's as he stroked his paw over the human's bare chest. Softly into Rich's ear he said, "I'll always remember it and the young man who gave of himself to give me such pleasure."

Rich felt very good upon hearing that. Sandwiched between the two Lapines, he gave Peter's cheek a kiss and then turned to smile at Molly on his other side. Rich's hand on the arm she was laying on, came up and lightly scratched above her tail puff. He said gently, "I didn't forget you Molly. Than-mph! Mmmm . . . "

Molly had driven forward and kissed Rich long and deep. Her right paw still holding his penis and she played with it as she wriggled against him, showing how hot she was. Her mate's tongue had only stoked the fire between her legs. Peter knew his mate and knew he had to help her or she would rape Rich to get his cock into her. Peter said gently, "Slowly, Molly my love. Pleasure waited for, is pleasure increased. Rich? My mate hopes very much that you will have sex with her. Would you mind if she mounted you and took your cock, to relieve the itch she is feeling?"

The eager look she gave him confirmed what Peter had said and the way Peter had asked, reassured Rich that he would not mind at all if Rich had sex with his wife. While smiling at her, Rich said, "I'd be happy to!" Molly squealed with excited delight as she scrambled to get to her hands and knees. She then leaned closer over him and exclaimed, "Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!", then kissed him hard. Molly quickly shifted over and knelt astraddle him. Reaching down between her legs, she grasped him and rubbed it against her soaked slit while rubbing herself as much against him. It excited them both but the look Molly was giving Rich made him shiver. It was kind of a hunger and desire in her, barely under control.

It couldn't last long tho. Molly was ready and in position. Rich was watching between their bodies as he felt the heat enfold the head of his cock. Molly's wet sex opened before the tip of his penis and she sat down in one, long, slow motion. Rich groaned appreciatively, his hands pressed on top of her thighs. He panted and looked up to see Molly stretch upwards, then shimmy in slow motion with a very happy smile on her face. He grinned, enjoying the movements around his cock, inside her pussy. He looked over to Peter, who was watching Molly and slowly stroking his renewed erection. They both thought she looked so sexy!

Rich looked back at Molly and saw wet fur around her erect nipples. That reminded him that she had milk in her breasts and he had been invited to taste it. Reaching up, he took them in his hands, noticing how heavy and full they felt, his thumb rubbed across a nipple. He felt the wetness of her milk and he squeezed them softly.

Drops of milk appeared at the tips and he squeezed a little harder. Milk shot out in twin streams, splashing across his face and chest! Rich was surprised and released them, then looked down at the white drops over his chest. Peter chuckled and leaned down to lick them up as he said, "It's alright, Rich. They do that if you squeeze, even lightly when they are full. I'll clean this up, then Molly can lean down to let you try it fresh and warm." The soft licks felt nice and Rich licked his hand, getting a first taste of Rabbit breast milk. Cool, it was rather sweet and quite good.

Rich was surprised again and more eager to try it. Molly cupped her breasts and leaned forward teasingly as she said, "Do you like them, Rich? Do you want to suckle from them, my big hard man?"

Rich licked his lips, staring at them and answered, "They are beautiful, Molly! Watching you feed the babies made me even more in awe of them! Please? May I please suck on them, Molly?" She relented and leaned down, holding the left breast out for him. Rich raised his head and he puckered his lips in anticipation, then felt a wet warmth against his lips. Rich pressed his mouth against it and began to gently suck. He was rewarded with a flow of milk. It was still good and he suckled harder as Molly encouraged him to do so. She cradled his head with her left arm as her right hand stroked thru his hair. She purred to him, "That's it . . . yes-s-s . . . suck my breast . . . . mmm-hmm, that's my good boy . . . mama has enough for you..." She pulled back and let him switch sides, where he continued to nurse at her.

After a bit, Rich pulled back and smiled up at her, his hands stroking her sides. He told her with a smile, "I thought one side would be chocolate flavored!" He gave a soft snicker and Molly laughed at the joke, ruffled his hair and sat up. A deliberate squeeze of her internal muscles around him drew a groan that she laughed at and Molly teased him, "Be good or mama will spank! It is my turn now and I want to be fucked good and hard!"

Peter interrupted by saying, "I thought I would take your sexy ass my sweet, while Rich has your pussy. Remember how good it was with my brother and I together? Would you mind sharing my mate with me, Rich?" Rich didn't mind at all and he felt a little relief in fact. Molly looked so hot that he knew he could not satisfy her alone.

Molly laid down on Rich, his arms coming up around her and she looked back as she raised her hips and tail. Molly was ready for him and called for her mate to mount her quickly. Peter crawled forward and gave her tan tail hole a licking. He shifted lower, licking along her spread vulva and Rich's cock base and balls for a moment before moving up over the two. He grinned down at Rich and winked, then maneuvered as he said, "So much female deserves two males to please her . . . *Murrr* It's tight! Hold her Rich and I'll finish, uhh, pushing, uhh, it in! Uhh, ahhh! There! You are pinned in place, my love. Thanks to Rich, you are so wonderfully tight! What do you think, Rich? Want to help me screw Molly senseless?"

Rich had felt it as Peter slid in, pressing upwards against the hardness and helping to maintain the pressure. He could see and hear how wild Molly was about it and as he tried to answer Peter, Molly began to squeeze her internal muscles in pulses. Rich's eyes rolled up as he gasped and groaned over how good it felt. Peter moaned too but he tickled Molly's ribs and she couldn't keep up her efforts while laughing. Peter let up and said, "No cheating dear. I know you can make us cum without us moving in you, my sexy hot doe. But do you really want to make us cum before we have had the chance to fuck you?"

Molly looked abashed and said, "You know how I get, when I'm really excited Peter... Do it! Fuck me now! I need it!" Peter purred, "We will, love. Ready Rich? This is your show, you know? You start."

Rich asked, "Why don't we alternate for a little bit first? Help hold her up and I will fuck her for a bit, then when I stop, you take over. That way we might last a little longer." Peter agreed and shortly, Molly was cumming at a furious pace. They didn't last a long time either. Tho each might rest a bit, the others motions and Molly's squeezing every time she orgasmed, soon had Rich ready to pop. As his turn to move came up, Rich said, "Hold her! I'm gonna shoot!" Rich pumped harder and faster, so that in seconds, he slammed up into her hot sex and began to spurt into her.

The pulses of his penis and the feeling of his seed spraying against her cervix set Molly off! As she came yet again, Peter was brought nearer his turn. As soon as Rich sank back panting from his orgasm, Peter took over. His hands on her hips held Molly still as Peter rode her sexy ass. Molly came twice more before Peter let his cum flood her bowels.

As the pair of Rabbits calmed down, Molly laid atop Rich, panting and moaning happily. Peter on his hands and knees over them both panted as he shrank until he slipped free and then he moved over to lay beside his mate and Rich. Now that the stimulation had stopped, Rich softened slowly until he slipped out.

When Molly finally sat up, she found her breasts had leaked copiously, wetting Rich's chest and soaking her fur with her milk. Rich gave a tired grin and he patted her hip as he said, "I know sex can get wet but this is the first time I ever got a milk bath at the same time!" All three laughed at that and Peter sat up to collect a kiss from his mate and said, "We can all shower in a little while but I think we have time for a little more play before then. Dear? Why don't you lick lick his chest clean? I will lick Rich's cock and balls clean, that is if you don't mind Rich?"

Rich didn't, so Molly moved to the side where she knelt and crouched to begin licking the smooth skin of Rich's chest. She told him how sensual it felt to her and how her milk added to the taste treat. Peter meanwhile was licking up the mixture of Molly's wetness and Rich's leaked cum from the human's pubic hair. He intended to tease and excite the young male enough for Rich to want to cum again. The young man enjoyed all the attention, their tongues feeling great! He stroked Molly's head and back, watching her helping to get him hard once more.

His knees had risen and his legs spread apart to let Peter lick where he wanted to. Peter's tongue ran over his balls and Rich moaned softly, his toes curling. A drop of pre gathered at the tip and slowly ran down the side. Molly had finished and laid down alongside to snuggle with Rich, Nuzzling his throat and pulling in his intoxicating scent.

Peter looked up with a slight grin and said, "This looks mighty tasty too but I'm not sure I could lick it and not resist sucking it off." Rich was almost achingly hard and he asked, "Would you? Suck it, I mean. Molly will I think, if you don't want to." Peter sighed and smiled, Molly giving a giggle as he said, "I was only waiting for you to ask, so I could. Thank you Rich and I'll do my best for you."

Rich blinked, then sat up and put his hand on Peter's shoulder. Looking serious, Rich told him, "I don't need your best, Peter. What I would like tho is for you to have fun. I'll enjoy that more than the best techniques you know of. You already have shown that you know how to make me feel good . . . so just do what you want to and I'm sure I will have fun too. You are both good people that I feel I can trust, so just be yourselves. Truth is more beautiful than any thing else you could do for me."

Peter rose to crawl forward till he was nose to nose with Rich. His right hand came up and brushed along Rich's cheek. Peter moved closer slowly, taking time to see if the human would move back from him, until their lips met and they kissed. It went on and Rich pressed harder into it and put an arm up over the male Rabbit's back. He opened his mouth and touched his tongue to Peter's lips.

Peter shivered, then more aggressively attacked Rich's mouth with his own. Molly watched quietly, tho Rich's words had melted her heart and it seemed to be flowing out thru her pussy. Peter pulled back and said in a husky voice, "Don was right . . . He said you see thru the fur, to the soul inside. I believe it now. You are what I would call a 'good person' too. May I ask if you are up to doing me a favor?"

Rich panted after Peter pulled back. The scent of him and Molly hung heavy in the air, along with the smell of their sex. He was reacting to it and tho he felt a flash of fear go thru him, he answered breathlessly, "Yes . . . I'll do anything!"

Got this chapter up quicker than the last. Hope you enjoy it and remember comments are the pay artists and authors prize here, so feel free to comment or critique!