Pet's-R-Us (Part 1)
''s not known how long the young coon was int there but-,' click. 'Let's play...Wheel!of!Misfortune!'click.'are you lonely?'
Hearing this, Neiko figured it was just another phone dating service. The stupid things never worked. Half the time it was hormanally chanllenged teenagers on the other line who knew nothing about anything.He'd been about ready to change it when he heard something that caught his attention.
'Here at Pet's-R-Us we can help you overcome your lonliness with several different forms of pleasure. Whether your a vouyer or prefer a challenging threesome, the highly trained perfessionals at Pet's-R-Us can meet your needs. So call this number and one of our highly trained perfessionals will be there to give you the time of your life.' A pretty young vixen was speaking as she showcased over a dozen good looking men and women. '-that's right, just call 1-800-488-xxx and we'll be seeing you.'
As the rather unusal infomercial went of Neiko took all of a second to decide to call the number. Snagging the phone from it's cradle, he punched in the number before his mind could forget it. The voice of a woman answered after a few rings, her voice was what Neiko considered the perfect bedroom voice:breathy and deep, like she had just had a good time or something.
unfortuneately, it was a recording.'Hello. You have reached Pet's-R-Us.If you would like to speak to one of our pet's, press one. If you are inquiring about our infomercial, press two. If-,'
Neiko jabbed at the two button and the voice of the vixen from the infomercial came on the line.'obviously you are lonely and we at Pet's-R-Us can help. Here at Pet's-R-Us we offer a wide array of selection. From wolf to mouse.Vixen to ferret.Male or Female, whatever your choice.We offer services for vouyer's, feitish lover's and the occasionl threesomes. stay online and one of our operators will be right with you.'
Much to Neiko's dismay some cheesy porn music began to play. He'd been about ready to hang up when a man's voice came on the line.'Hello!Welcome to Pet's-R-Us.How may i help you tonight?'
Neiko swallowed, gaining the courage to speak. 'Um, yeah. i saw your informercial on T.V. and-,'
'Congardulations sir. You are our first order of the night. Just give me your phone number and address and your prize will be there shortly.' stunned, Neiko mumbled the need information without meaning to.'Thank you sir. Your pet's will be there within the hour.'
'But-Wait! What do you mean!'it was too late. The line was already empty.
Several hours had passed and there was no sign of Neiko's so called prize. Sometime during his wait, he had fallen to sleep. Somewhere between dreams of giant sratching posts and his ex-girlfriend in a thong playing jump rope, two young panda twins had come in and sat obediantly waiting for their new master to wake up.
Upon hearing one sneeze, Neiko woke up to two sets of pale violet eyes staring up at him.'WHAT THE-!!!'startled, Neiko fell out of his chair and somehow ended up behind the giant wingback, heart racing and sweat beading at his forhead.
'Master?Are you alright?' He looked up to see a set of violet eyes looking down at him. Curly black hair framed a face that was somewhere between a childs and a grown woman's.
'Master?' he was confused until he remembered his phone call.'wait, your from that place. um, pet's something...'
'Pet's-R-Us?'He nearly jumped out of his coat when he heard the tiny voice in his ear. He blinked at the panda sitting next to him and then looked up at the one above him.It took a few seconds for him to realize that they were twins.
He nodded, blinking a few times at them.'Yeah, that place. Who are you two anyways?'
'we're Sasha-,' the one above him said, the one to his side finished for her.'And Tasha.
Tasha continued speaking while Sasha continued to stare down at him.'We're your permanant pet's from-,'
'Pet's-R-Us, yes i know that.Wait, what do you mean permanant?'Neiko was looking a little stressed.
Sasha shrugged.'All we know is that we're supposed to live with you now.'
Neiko jumped up and looked at the two pandas.'Oh, no no no no. I cant have you live here. Hell, how am i going to explain you to my friends? Forget them, what about mom?'
Tasha giggled and walked over to him.'Why dont you let us worry about that Master. Right now, how about we get to know each other?'
Shakeing his head wildly, Neiko backed out of the room.'The only thing i'm getting to know tonight is my bed. We'll figure this out in the morning.'With that he fled the room.
Tasha gave her sister a confussed look as she watched her follow their Master out of the room. Shurgging she followed.
Poor Neiko was both confused and put into a half-aroused state when the two scantly clad panda's crawled into the bed and spooned against him on either side. He was suddenly attacked by many seemily accidently crotch rubs and a case of a knees between his legs rubbing just ever so slightly against his sack. Somehow those to innocent looking violet eyed panda's had proceeded to tourture him.
'stop...' was all he could manage to breath out to get their attention.
The one spooned against his chest looked up at him.'yes Master?Do you want something?'
He nodded, swallowing a little.'Show me what you can do...please.'
The girl exchanged a smile with her twin.'No need to ask so nicely Master.'
With that, the girl proceeded to pull down his P.J. pants leaving his rock hard cock exposed to whatever she might do. He felt the other girl get of the bed and heard her leave the room but was distracted when the other one let her wet neather lips brush against the tip of his throbing cock.
'Sasha will be right back, for right now though let's play a little game if thats ok with you?' She smiled when he nodded frantically. Shifting her hips slightly, she took the head of his cock just inside her pussy. 'Good. Now I'm going to do something and i want you to tell me if it feels good or bad, ok?'
(dammit! I have to cut it off her*shakes fist at Cyber God's* I'll be back though. I wont leave you hangging.)
To Be Continued...